How to program yourself for happiness? Work on your body, thoughts and environment. Psychology of a happy life




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Thoughts are material and program our lives. We think you've heard about this more than once. The logic is simple: the way we think affects what we do. And actions, in turn, change your reality.

And, for example, if you consider yourself a failure, it is not surprising that unworthy men or bad events are attracted to you like a magnet.

In addition, the expectation of something bad creates fear. As a result, your negative scenario migrates from thoughts to reality. Expectations are always met, so your task is to drive bad thoughts away.

Positive affirmations for self-confidence from the best psychologists

People only attract into their lives what is in their head. If thoughts constantly revolve around undesirable scenarios of events, then they will definitely manifest themselves.

A positive attitude switches life to other, happy lines of fate.

The best affirmations from the best psychologists contribute to a woman’s personal growth, prosperity and development. Each statement has a deep meaning. The main thing is to read them regularly, at least three times each, on an emotional upsurge, preferably in front of a mirror.

American writer, author of books on popular psychology, Louise Hay, devoted many years of her life to studying positive thinking and its impact on human health. She found out that women who lack self-confidence are often overweight and suffer from colitis and spinal diseases.

The following affirmations from Louise Hay will help a woman gain self-confidence, take a strong position in life and improve her health:

  1. I believe that life was made for me.
  2. I express myself freely and joyfully.
  3. The power in my own world is myself.
  4. I relax and recognize my self-worth. I am at the right level.
  5. I love and approve of myself.

Luule Viilma, a psychologist, gynecologist and esotericist from Estonia, often talks about women's happiness and health in her books. Her simple affirmations for women are read throughout the day as many times as you want:

  1. I enjoy looking at my life. I live in pleasure.
  2. I love life.
  3. I am worthy of respect.
  4. I live in harmony with myself.

Psychologists give a lot of useful advice for women; their strong affirmations inspire success, prosperity and love:

  1. All my dreams are coming true. All intentions are fulfilled.
  2. I am the master of my destiny.
  3. I am a unique person. I respect my uniqueness.
  4. I choose the best for myself.
  5. I am success.

The author of books on personal development, Shakti Gawain, has developed powerful affirmations that are suitable for both women and men:

  1. God works through me.
  2. I am full of divine light and creative energy.
  3. The light in me works wonders in my life.

Accumulating optimism

Positive emotions are especially important for us: we need them most of all, so people, even in the most difficult circumstances, even on the verge of life and death, can see and perceive something beautiful, even small. In fact, every person can learn to see and accumulate positive moments that will help him develop a positive attitude towards life. Of course, a convinced pessimist can hardly be turned into an optimist, but everyone can learn to pay attention to the positive moments and positive aspects of life. This will help fill everyday life with bright, joyful colors and thereby improve the quality of life in general.

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The main positive emotions are interest and joy. Interest is the main stimulus for a person’s development as an individual, so lack of interest is a very alarming sign: it means that not everything is all right with the person. Without interest, depression and other mental problems arise. Joy is a state of satisfaction with the world around us and the feeling that a person can cope with any difficulties and fully enjoy life. But joy has nothing to do with material or mercantile interests - it is rather a feeling: for some, the glass is half full, and this causes joy, but for others, it is half empty. If a person does not experience joy in his activities or in communicating with others, he tries to experience it in overcoming fear, hence the passion for extreme sports or hobbies associated with danger.

Repeated joy increases resistance to stress and makes our lives more complete: the more positive emotions a person has in his life, the better he feels. But there is also the “prediction concept”: events happen because we expect them to happen. That is, if a person expects something bad, then this bad thing will most likely happen. And if we are positive, then with a high probability everything will be fine. The following tips will help you learn a positive attitude towards life.

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Tip one : develop a positive perception. To set yourself in a positive mood, you need to learn to enjoy insignificant things - good weather outside the window, the aroma of hot coffee in the morning, the smile of a child you meet on the street. Such little things that we rarely pay attention to set us up for positivity, so it is important to learn to notice them.

Tip two : notice joyful and positive events in life. These can also be small or even insignificant events and moments - a meeting with a friend, a new haircut, a letter from an old acquaintance, praise from a boss, a good grade from a son. It is best to keep a diary and write down such events at the end of the day. It's a pity that not everyone is ready to do this. In this case, you can always look through your notes and remember what good happened yesterday, the day before yesterday, a week ago. Then you will feel that a lot of good things are happening to you and, in general, everything in life is not so bad.

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Tip three : sum up the results of the day. It is very helpful to write down every day what you were successful at that day. These may even be very insignificant successes at first glance, but thanks to them, a person’s self-esteem increases - and he begins to understand that he is doing well.

Tip four : keep a gratitude diary. Previously, religious people thanked the Almighty for food and shelter, but now few people offer such gratitude to heaven, which is a pity: this is a very useful ritual. It is not necessary to do this in writing; you can also thank verbally, for yourself. Instead of being upset that you don’t have many friends, tell yourself: how lucky it is that I have such a wonderful friend (even just one)!

Tip five : learn to calmly accept your mistakes and failures. We are all living people, and we all have the right to make mistakes. You should not reproach yourself for mistakes and prepare yourself for failure or failure in advance.

Tip six : watch your appearance. What we look like is very important to us, even on a subconscious level. Special things make us special in our own eyes and help us set the right accents. If you want to change something in your life or learn to have a more positive outlook on life, start changing your wardrobe. This will be a reason for positive emotions, and a new wardrobe will help you look at the world in a new way - more positively.

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Tip seven : encourage yourself from time to time. You need to not only learn to celebrate what you have succeeded in, but also reward yourself for it. In psychology this is called stroking. For example, if a woman is constantly preoccupied with work, family and everyday problems, she may develop a feeling of being trapped and hopeless. To prevent this from happening, it is very useful to periodically reward yourself for your efforts. You can, for example, sit alone in a cafe and eat a cake that you haven’t allowed yourself for a long time. This will support a positive attitude towards yourself.

Tip eight : do what you want to do for a long time. It is very important to ask yourself the question: what do I want? These can be basic things that, for various reasons, one cannot get around to. Have you been wanting to read a book, go to the pool, or visit a friend for a year now? So do it eventually! Very often the cycle of everyday affairs - work, family, children, parents - does not allow you to do what you want, but at the same time they create a certain “comfort zone” from which it is scary to leave. But when a person leaves this zone, he has new pleasant emotions that make life more complete and help him develop further.

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Tip nine : do good deeds. Charity, selfless deeds, helping those who need it will make you feel not alone, and your good deeds will return to you a hundredfold, because in this case, emotionally, you always receive more than you give.

Tip ten : SMILE! A positive attitude towards life starts with a smile. Smile at yourself when you look in the mirror, smile at those around you. A smile is the simplest and most powerful weapon in the fight against negativity and pessimism.

Examples of morning affirmations for a successful day

Morning is the beginning of a new page in life. It is important to get out of bed in a good mood, thank the Universe, God (as you like) for all the blessings that fate gives and wish yourself good luck. A sunny mood will make the whole next day clear.

It is better to start reading affirmations immediately after waking up.

It's a good idea to post handwritten positive affirmations where you can immediately see them: on the headboard of the bed, on the bathroom mirror, on the closet door where cookies and coffee are stored. Morning affirmations for women should be life-affirming and easy to remember:

  1. Today I meet only kind and sympathetic people.
  2. Today is my most successful and favorable day.
  3. Luck always accompanies me in everything.
  4. I consciously turn the coming day into a holiday.
  5. Today I open the doors to my happy life.

Variants of statements that set you up for a happy life

The most effective way to live in harmony with yourself is to realize that happiness does not depend on material wealth, but on your inner state: unconditional joy, love and peace of mind. Affirmations and moods for women for a happy life will help you feel the joy of being:

  1. Every day is filled with happy moments.
  2. I attract happy events into my life.
  3. My love, kindness and understanding make me a happy wife and mother.

Repeated repetition of affirmations for happiness gradually changes a woman’s attitude towards life, making it better:

  1. Happiness is my best choice.
  2. My life is filled with happiness, joy, success.
  3. I give happiness and warmth to loved ones. We have a harmonious relationship.

Golden time

This is considered the first hour of a new day. Do not turn on the “box” or the Internet, do not fill your head with negativity. At this time, our brain is most receptive to information. So, “charge yourself” with the morning news, and then the whole day you will wonder why the unpleasant agitation, or even aggression, arose.

Spend this golden hour thinking, journaling, meditating, reading something enjoyable. In short, what your soul is about and what inspires you. At this time, the so-called “search for your wave” occurs. Establish a connection with yourself, then you simply cannot “lose your temper.”

What to tell yourself at night before going to bed

Evening time is an important period of the day when the mood for the next day and even for the future life is laid. Two hours before bedtime, it is advisable to turn off the TV, not watch or listen to negative news, but calmly finish all household chores and read affirmations for women at night. If you add visualization, that is, imagine each statement as if it had already been fulfilled, then by the morning the information will be deposited “in the subconscious” and the effect will be stronger.

To read before bed, choose any affirmations that a woman likes most. The mood for a good sleep and a cheerful awakening in the morning is suitable:

  1. Everything works out easily and naturally for me.
  2. I have confidence in life and everything that happens to me.
  3. My thoughts are quiet and calm.
  4. I fall asleep quickly, sleep peacefully at night, and wake up in the morning rested and alert.
  5. At night I am filled with energy for the next day.

The power of the environment

Some people fall into the trap of self-improvement: they work on their body, income, relationships, but at some point they feel that an invisible hand is pulling them back into their usual way of life.

Don’t underestimate your surroundings: if you communicate with poor people, then you are a poor person. And don't be offended. It’s just that like attracts like, you always get what you match.

If you begin to change internally, your environment will inevitably change. And here two scenarios are possible: either you will completely change your environment, which is more likely, or old friends will begin to change (this happens less often).

Money Affirmations

The right money affirmations for women help to harmoniously enter the flow of wealth and prosperity and eliminate the virus of poverty.

For success in business

Women today, more than ever, strive for self-realization. In addition to knowledge and business qualities, you need the right attitude. The following business affirmations for women help achieve success in various fields of activity:

  1. My business partners are honest, respectable and responsible people.
  2. My business benefits people, which is why it is thriving and growing stronger every day.
  3. My business grows easily, without much effort.

For luck and luck

Affirmations for good luck and luck for women attract favorable circumstances and the right people into life:

  1. Luck itself comes into my hands.
  2. I'm always lucky.
  3. Luck and success accompany me every day.
  4. Good luck helps me in everything I do.

Powerful Affirmations to Help with Depression

Depression is a mental disorder accompanied by a depressed, depressed, anxious, melancholy state. Over time, concentration is disrupted, the level of vital energy decreases, appetite disappears, and sleep deteriorates. In severe cases, suicidal tendencies, inhibition of thinking and motor functions are observed.

First of all, it is necessary to understand the causes of depression and its severity. And then choose one of the healing methods:

  1. A professional psychologist will help you cope with the consequences of tragic events and the loss of loved ones.
  2. Side effects from taking potent drugs that affect the mental state, as well as symptoms of somatic diseases, will be treated by the attending physician.
  3. If depression is caused by unreasonable feelings of guilt, lack of self-love, innate pessimism, low self-esteem and dissatisfaction with oneself, positive attitudes will help.

The following affirmations for depression for women can reprogram negative attitudes and restore the joy of life:

  1. I create my own happy and harmonious world.
  2. Everything is in my hands.
  3. I am confident in myself, my strengths and my limitless possibilities.
  4. I already have everything for a happy life.
  5. I am a self-sufficient person.

A little about emotions

Human emotions are a certain mental process that reflects a person’s attitude both to himself and to the world around him. Emotions are divided into two poles: positive and negative, and both bring us certain benefits. In the absence of any emotions, a person becomes bored and irritation appears, which is also an emotion. A complete absence of emotions is a sign of a mental disorder, sometimes very deep. What is important is the intensity with which emotions are experienced by a person and how adequately he behaves at the moment of experiencing them.

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Scientists have identified three types of emotional stimuli: neutral, positive and negative.

Emotionally neutral stimuli are what makes us function: wash our face, brush our teeth, tidy up our appearance, fulfill our physiological needs. Normally, neutral stimuli occupy about 60% of our life and create the prosperous environment in which we live. If neutral stimuli in everyday life become excessive or emotionally significant (obsessive hand washing, etc.), then a state of neurasthenia develops, and the stimuli cease to be neutral.

Positive stimuli that cause positive emotions should normally be about 30%, and negative ones - 5%, maximum 7%. If there are more negative emotions, the human body ceases to cope with them, and in this case, to overcome the negativity, help may be required - either from the person himself, or the help of loved ones, or professional help from a psychologist or psychotherapist. But negative emotions are needed in small quantities - they help to better experience the beauty of life and the depth of positive emotions. If there are few negative emotions, they become a surmountable obstacle, and under their influence we begin to better concentrate on solving the problem, think faster, think, act and thereby improve. But if there is too much negativity, not everyone can cope with this flow.

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How to set yourself up to attract the person you love

Love is the state that makes a woman at any age attractive and self-confident. Often what prevents you from finding the one and only man are “blocks” in the subconscious that are laid down in childhood and adolescence. If the parents were strict with the girl and often criticized her, then in adulthood she will suffer from complexes, low self-esteem, and fear of relationships with the opposite sex.

It is important to understand that first of all, a girl, a woman needs to establish a relationship with herself, to love herself sincerely and unconditionally. Someone else cannot make her happy, joyful.

Like attracts like. A person who is unable to love himself will not be able to give this feeling to another.

To find self-love, the following are the best affirmations for women:

  1. I am the best thing in my life.
  2. I understand my needs and always know what I want.
  3. I love myself the way I am.

Affirmations for women to attract a loved one will help them find family happiness:

I, like a strong magnet, attract love relationships and the man of my dreams into my life.

Do the work

Principle No. 2: An optimist does not engage in wishful thinking; an optimist works consciously and hard.

The philosophy of an optimist is not based on wishful thinking. The optimist's philosophy is based on work.

Yes, you can choose to believe in a better future, and yes, you can see all the ways it can manifest itself, but the truth is that the wheels won't turn unless you stand up and push them. You may believe that one day you will succeed as a writer and can see yourself as an acclaimed author, but the truth is that this book will not write itself—you have to sit down in a chair and write.

What stops you from getting work done is resistance. This is something we all experience, especially when it comes to taking action to achieve an outcome we truly desire. Sometimes this manifests itself as fear, self-doubt, or procrastination. Other times it manifests as delusional wishful thinking.

After all, imagination will only take you so far. Yes, it excites you and gives you a mountain of motivation, but the only way to sustain it and channel it into fertile soil is to sit down and do the work.

How to preserve beauty and youth

A woman’s body reflects her thoughts and negative attitudes. Positively minded ladies radiate light, youth, and sexuality at any age. If you repeat daily affirmations for the beauty and youth of a woman, an inner strength will be revealed that will be difficult not to notice.

  1. I am delighted that I am a woman.
  2. I am young and beautiful at any age.
  3. I am blessed, feminine, sexy.
  4. My feminine strength and my wisdom guide me through life.
  5. I love my divine body. I take care of my women's health.
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