For what reasons can a man humiliate a woman?

Insults differ from constructive criticism and accidentally spoken offensive words in one important quality - hostility.

. The offender wants to hurt his opponent, cause him psychological pain, and humiliate him.

Thinking about how to respond intelligently to insults

, you need to take into account the specifics of the situation, the gender and age of the offender.

How to Smartly Respond to an Insult

A hero must be able to respond to an insult with a joke and thereby turn it into nothing.
Truly strong is he who cannot be hurt. Maria Semenova. Gray wolf

  • 1.How to respond to insults funny and sarcastically
  • 2.It’s easiest to answer with obscenities
  • 3. Without swearing in smart words
  • 4.Reply to the man
  • 5.Reply to the woman
  • 6.Examples of phrases
  • 7. When to refuse retaliatory insults
  • How to stop loving someone you love very much?
  • What to do if your husband constantly insults and humiliates you? Let's fight back!
  • A game of four hands: when a husband does not respect and value his wife
  • How to forget a loved one: advice from a psychologist
  • How to stop being jealous and suspicious of your husband: advice from a family psychologist

How to respond to insults funny and sarcastically

The goal of the insulter is to touch a person’s heartstrings, provoke him to negative emotions, and make him feel humiliated and depressed.
But if the interlocutor does not take the offensive words personally and responds to his opponent with humor, he will be confused. The easiest way to laugh it off is with those whom a person knows personally and is well acquainted with the character and individual characteristics of the aggressor. When his verbal attack encounters a humorous tone and sarcasm, the tension subsides and the offender will be forced to switch his attention to another object.

It will not be possible to prepare in advance to respond funny to an insult. You always need to be guided by the situation.

But examples of funny phrases will inspire a person to create his own comic improvisation


  • “Looks like a bee stung you on the tongue today. That explains why you say such nonsense."
  • “Your point of view is very strange, but it’s understandable, instead of the brain, think with the fifth point...”
  • “I look at you and understand that your head is just a decorative addition to your body.”
  • “Yes, I fell, I just saw how stunning you are.”
  • “I thought I’d offend you back, but why? The mirror does this to you every day for me.”
  • “Laughter for no reason is a sign of blondes and idiots. To convince me of the first, first shave off your stubble and beard.”

On a note!

Humor is a delicate matter. You won't be able to put down outright rude people with jokes. Some individuals only understand rudeness and retaliatory rudeness.

What insults are the most offensive?

Our ancestors used to brand livestock. So, if an animal flinched when a hot brand touched its body, the peasants said: “They hit a nerve.”

The most offensive insults are those that touch our fears and complexes. Please note that the harsh words of our loved ones and friends hurt the most. Why is this happening?

Firstly, because we trust them and hope for support. And, secondly, because our relatives know all our secret fears and desires, all the reasons for dissatisfaction with ourselves. The easiest way for them is to find our “live meat” and poke it with a hot iron.

Even a stranger can hit the mark. For example, if a very plump girl is proud of her body, has a lot of men, and perhaps even shoots for “size+” magazines, then she will accept the word “cow” addressed to her with a smile. But a completely slender girl who is constantly on diets and has complexes about her weight can be offended to the point of a neurotic disorder.


A mature person with high self-esteem always treats insults adequately, without unnecessary emotions and does not react to them.

If a loved one struck a painful point, you should think about whether you should continue to be with him.

The easiest way to answer is with obscenities

Surely everyone has encountered people who are rude, use foul language or even threaten for no reason.
Such aggressors retreat only if they hear harsh words and threats in response. But it is also possible that the offender will become even more angry and the verbal conflict will transfer to the physical plane. The easiest way is to answer the insulter with obscenities. But before that, you need to objectively assess the environment


  1. Are there two or three more of his friends nearby with the aggressor?
  2. The conflict occurred in a busy place or in a deserted wasteland.
  3. What are the physical parameters of the offender (perhaps he is a beefy big guy, and you are a fragile programmer about sixty meters tall).

Stooping to obscene language is the last thing, but in some cases you can’t do without swearing; this is the simplest and only effective method.
How to Insult a Person Smartly

List of obscenities against girls

On July 1, 2014, amendments to the Federal Law “On the State Language” come into force in Russia. The innovations are intended to prohibit or limit the use of profanity in works of art. Books and CDs must now be sold in special packaging with a warning about the use of obscene language. Films that use swear words after July 1 risk not receiving a distribution certificate in Russia, and their public screening will be subject to a fine of 50,000 to 100,000 rubles.

They propose holding accountable social networks that do not remove xenophobic or racist speech and comments. Over the past year, the number of publications that incite ethnic hatred has sharply increased on social networks. Most often these are offensive statements addressed to refugees who came to Germany.

They plan to hold accountable not only social networks, but also the users who write these comments.

Indecent language exists in many languages ​​and cultures. These are the words that make up swear words.

This is a relatively small and closed group of words and expressions, the use of which is taboo in the cultural community.

This group includes the names of the human body, primarily the genitals (the so-called vocabulary of the “bottom of the body”), physiological functions, sexual intercourse, as well as words derived from them.

A teacher at one of the Krasnogorsk schools decided to educate 4th grade student Alexei in a very non-pedagogical way.

She forced the classmates of a troubled schoolboy, who called him names and swore, to insult the boy in response. But even verbal insults in front of the whole class seemed not enough to the teacher.

She put the child in front of the board and asked each classmate to hit him in the mouth for his rudeness.

Alyosha was put in front of the class, the children cursed at him.

During battles in Heroes of the Storm, you will meet a variety of people, completely different from each other in character and behavior.

Some people find that they play well in teams with others, socialize a lot, and make new friends. Some people prefer to focus on the game and not say a word until the enemy's stronghold falls. However, as in any other multiplayer game, there is a certain type of player who just can’t get along with others.

At first we are full of optimism, we like each other and want this to last forever. And at this point - so far everything is good - we need to develop. And in our age, standing still means the same degradation as going down.

The big mistake of people who get married is that they think that everything will work out and stay the same. If I don’t do anything terrible, then automatically everything will be fine.

Everyone in our country knows swearing. Many swear, some just “talk like that”, some “decorate” their speech with swear words for special piquancy. Experts are studying swearing as a phenomenon.

Even if a person is jarred by hearing a swear word, this only proves that he knows this word very well!

There are situations when swearing is not exactly natural, but let’s say: in acute, crisis moments, it plays the role of a valve through which accumulated irritation can be released.

Obscene language is a seemingly common phenomenon to which everyone is accustomed, and at the same time a paradox. We hear swearing every day - on the street, from people around us, and even on TV. Children easily adopt obscene words from parents and strangers. What to do if swear words appear in your child’s everyday life? It is not easy to wean a child from using bad words. In the article you will read about the reasons for the appearance of swear words in a child’s speech and ways to eradicate it.

Vladimir Solovyov spoke with respect about the director of Traktor Holding Company Ivan Senichev Photo: social networks

TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov, who visited the Southern Urals the day before. became a guest on a program on the Vesti FM Chelyabinsk radio station and, in a conversation with the presenters, stood up for former vice-governor Ivan Senichev, who made strong language in a private conversation that was later posted on the Internet.

One of the signs of the spiritual and cultural catastrophe that befell us was foul language. If earlier swearing was mainly the specific language of criminals, drunkards and other degenerate persons, now swearing is penetrating more and more deeply into all social and age strata of society, they are increasingly trying to impose on us that the Russian language is generally impossible without swearing.

We will try to show the historical roots of foul language and debunk some of the myths that have arisen around it.

We decided to become online trolls. But tourists are not accepted; only on a work visa. There are two vacancies: disrupting order on forums and social networks, as well as hidden advertising. It was an interesting and educational excursion, which also brought in some money.

There are trolls on the Internet. If we exclude malicious buffoonery, the main purpose of a troll's life is hidden (or not so hidden) economic and political advertising.

Mat has become such a part of our culture that sometimes it no longer causes either indignation or disapproving remarks. Mat simplifies the expression of emotions and argumentation. But is this expansion really invincible?

A word consists of sounds. And somehow it turns out that some sounds seem decent to us. kind and melodious, while others are disgusting, unpleasant and indecent. Passing by the bathroom, your child’s gentle voice may grate your ears, ringing out: fuck, fuck, fuck.

Prohibited: Sanctions for violation:

Moderators are people who monitor compliance with the rules. They are here only to make your stay on the site as comfortable as possible, so we urge you to respect them and help them if the need arises.

How to become a moderator

To become one of the moderators, you must be an active user of the site (write posts, comment on news, yell, be visible).

Who lit the fuse on your tampon? Nice perfume. You probably pickle cucumbers in it? You're so angry because your tampon went in too deep.

If I needed a bitch, I'd buy a dog! You need a tampon on your head, because if you're going to act like a cunt, you better look like one. You need to wear a condom on your head, if you act like a dick, then dress accordingly.

Shock me, say something smart. I don't know what makes you such a moron, but it really works!

I would hit you, but that would be animal abuse. Your ridiculous little opinion is noted.

Your house is so dirty, before you go outside you wipe your feet.

God made the mountains, God made the trees, God made you, but we all make mistakes.

If motherfuckers could fly, this place would be an airport.

You're good at everything you do, and all you do is make people hate you. I had a nightmare. I dreamed that I was you. We can always tell that you are lying if your lips move.

You have too low an opinion of people if you think they are your equal.

I could have been your father, but the guy in front of me had just the right amount of change.

Can I take your head for my rock garden?

God has a good sense of humor and you are proof of that. Your parents only got you because your mom couldn't afford an abortion. Do you need these glasses to see the size of your penis?

“We sincerely apologize,” the message said. An article on the website of the BBC Russian Service, timed to coincide with the release of the diary of Soviet officer Vladimir Gelfand, talks about the alleged mass rape of German women by Soviet soldiers during the Berlin operation.

All over the world, it is a word that denotes a stupid, naive person, in other words, a fool, a simpleton. Can also be used as a negative assessment, insult, social role and proper name of a character in folk tales. And with regards to the documents of the “dark” time of Rus', and considering that in those troubled times the Russian Princes ruined each other with the help of Mongol-Tatar “friends”, it is not surprising Here are some tips that, according to Business Insider - the central news portal for insider news in the world will help you not to offend the feelings of Europeans in any way.

Keep talking, someday you will manage to say something smart!

— When God created a real man, he decided to save money.

“You are not a woman, but a cheap utensil that was created for frequent rental.” - Anatoly, you insult a woman by swearing insignificantly and barking helplessly like a mongrel.

- If you were an intelligent and decent man, your wife would not be so unhappy. “Kolya, you weren’t formed yet in your mother’s womb, so you’re not given the opportunity to become a strong man.”

Watch your language, in case I decide that without teeth it’s better. Mmm, baby, you don’t need to be afraid, I’m not a mirror, you won’t see yourself!

Run and hide under the bathtub, otherwise if I find you, your face will resemble a chop! Where did you come from here, little bird?

Please make the world a better place. All you have to do is hang yourself! Cockerel, it’s too early to crow, it’s not dawn yet!

I’ll buy you a muzzle, you’ll start yapping in my direction again, Have you lost your list of who you should be afraid of?

Go herd hedgehogs, local peacock! Worm in a spacesuit.

You are awesome!

Only steel balls should be in your pants, not in your head. Moreover, they constantly come to you one after another.

What beautiful, white teeth you have. Perhaps you rented false teeth from your grandmother?

Girl, how much do you weigh? Well, at least tell me the first three numbers... And your girlfriend is beautiful.

Do you remember when you went to a dog show, all the judges awarded her first place. Everyone could not have made a mistake at once.

If only you were a little smarter, you would choose your interlocutor wisely. And now I would have a nice conversation with a garbage can.

Yeah... not everyone was spared by Chernobyl.


(for those who want to get rid of a guy) Let's go through male uncleanliness: 1.

Did someone die or did you take off your socks? 2. Of course, I understand: those who are too lazy to itch often wash themselves.

3. After you, spending half a day in the toilet without a gas mask is impossible!

4. Let's make love, just brush your teeth first.

According to the most expensive, as if it were a sore spot: 5. How small you are! But the shape is great! 6. Don't get upset. Surgery to remove a male organ is not that expensive.

7. Dear, if you were a watch, it would always stand at half past six. 8. Well, dear, isn’t it worth it again today? 9. Kiss me. Oh, something made me feel sick.

10. Tolik is the best of all the men I have ever had.

But you're okay too. 11. You already have a sofa-shaped ass!

12. Even the rats in the garbage dump died from your mother’s pie. 13. Fishing is a hobby for [. censorship.

]ov. 14. Yes, all your brains are in dumbbells! 15. I don’t understand why the hell a bunch of idiots are chasing a ball, but why the hell there are even more idiots who are watching it. 16. I’ve seen shit, but this is the first time I’ve seen it drive (about his car).

17. If our daughter is like you, we will splurge on hair removal products. 18. Did your mother, except you, have any abortions? 19. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror?

Monkeys are coming to kiss you. 20. Let’s save you money for plastic surgery, otherwise you’re tired of being scared every morning.

Without swearing in smart words

In most cases, swearing is not necessary to control the situation.
You can silence the offender with clever words. For example:

  • “I recognized you! You are the same actor who played Shrek!”
  • "I hope you're just trying to look worse than you really are."
  • “Your words fully reflect the level of your intelligence.”
  • “I’m allergic to idiots, please move away.”
  • “You don’t need to open your mouth and show me your dirty teeth - I’m not a dentist.”
  • “I would like to fight an intellectual duel with you, but I see that you are unarmed.”
  • “Just because you look terrible doesn’t give you the right to behave the same way.”
  • “Did you come up with this now, or have you been rehearsing it for a week?”
  • “Where did this clown come from in a public place?”
  • “Don’t rush, you don’t need to actively demonstrate to others your lack of brains.”
  • “Don’t worry so much, the day will come when you can still say something smart.”
  • “Today, thanks to you, my knowledge has expanded, listening to you, I learned what the highest degree of stupidity is.”

On a note!

If a work colleague constantly insults you, you need to make fun of his low professionalism several times in front of the whole team. You can also propose to the manager his candidacy for the execution of a task in which he understands nothing.

Problems of education

But why a man humiliates and insults a woman - the science of psychology in this regard identifies several main root causes. And the first thing he puts first is the costs of education, or rather the lack thereof. At the same time, the science of psychology itself places emphasis on theory - a future boyfriend, a man, learns to be rude and offend a girl at the stage of that age when he does not know how to recognize what is good or bad.

The decisive role here is played by the model of the father, who regularly offends the mother - the woman, they say, is not a person and this is how one should act. The boy is gradually growing up, but this standard of behavior is acceptable for him; his future girlfriend must not only love him, but at the same time steadfastly endure all humiliation.

At the same time, she should not have any questions about why a man is rude and humiliates her - female psychology also takes on the behavior of a submissive mother, who in the girl’s childhood got it from her husband. If you don’t believe me, just take a closer look at your own familiar couples, even older families.

We answer the man

Men rarely insult women, especially in public.
But if this happens, it means you are facing a real boor. He needs to be put down nicely so that next time he will think several times before being rude to girls. The following phrases can help with this:

  • “Man, are you behaving this way because of your period?”
  • “I would continue the conversation, but I prefer to talk with men, but now there are no such people next to me.”
  • “My excess weight is fixable, but your brain is underdeveloped muscle mass that will remain that way forever.”
  • “My stupidity is justified by the fact that I am a woman, and your rudeness is justified by the fact that you are not a man.”
  • “I hope your kids are like your neighbor.”
  • “I wanted to meet your wife, but she refused to meet, she is so ashamed of her choice of husband.”
  • “Do you hide your little complexes behind your long tongue?”
  • “I could be offended, but I’m not used to being angry with children. Judging by your intelligence level, you entered fifth grade yesterday.”


If a woman is being insulted by the man she lives with, then a completely different approach is required.
Insult in response to insult will only aggravate the conflict; the partner will remember every offensive word, since his male pride was hurt. If offensive words are spoken by a loved one, you need to stop communicating with him and go to another room.
After he calms down, you need to explain that this form of communication is unacceptable to you and that his emotions do not justify abusive behavior.

If a young man or husband regularly uses derogatory words, it is worth considering whether such a relationship is necessary. When disrespectful treatment of women in the family becomes the norm, it is possible that the partner will not begin to raise a hand against her.

How to teach your husband a lesson for disrespect?

Tips to ensure that the insult is right on target

The main thing for both the offender and the victim is not to be fooled by emotions and maintain composure. If you want to hit the target, then pay attention to your facial expressions and gestures. The more restrained they are, the more offensive the spoken words will be for the victim.

A face twisted with anger, twitching hands and other parts of the body will show your weakness and inability to control yourself. Therefore, offensive words will be perceived as an emotional outburst and nothing more.

The tone for offensive words should be calm, not shouting. A shrill voice will also not work in this case. The worst insults are said with a smile on the face and a quiet voice. All counter statements must be ignored, without commenting on them or getting involved in dialogue.

The same tactics will work for the victim. If you are being deliberately insulted, keep a calm face, smile and say something like: “Thank you, I really needed your opinion in order to become completely happy.” The aggressor's desire to continue further altercation may pass.

Answering a woman

You can react to women's insults in different ways.
It all depends on who allowed himself to speak impudently to you - wife, mother-in-law, boss, stranger, friend, colleague. Women who insult unknown men for no reason, in most cases suffer from an inferiority complex, and thus try to increase their importance.

Sometimes you shouldn’t pay attention to such people at all, but if the rudeness goes off scale, you can answer as follows


  • “When I need your advice, I will definitely seek you out. Now don’t waste your breath.”
  • “Keep talking, maybe in a year or two, you’ll get to smart phrases.”
  • “Next time, open your mouth when intelligent thoughts appear in your head.”
  • "I'm not impressed with your appearance, so don't waste my time with your stupid words."
  • “We’ll continue our conversation when your period ends.”

If offensive words are uttered by a wife, the correct way out of a conflict situation is silence.
You need to let her speak out, making a completely calm, but not indifferent face. Then, when her emotions subside, you need to convey to her that this style of communication is not acceptable. If something does not suit her or offends her, she must express herself correctly, without stooping to humiliating words.

Relationships with a married man - advice from a psychologist

Who should never be insulted?

It should be said that some insults are punishable by law in Russia and are administrative offenses or a criminal offense. There is even an article in the law for insulting a person.

You can be subject to administrative liability for any insult to another person.

But a criminal case will be opened in the following cases:

  • Insulting statements addressed to judges, law enforcement officials and authorities, if they are on duty.
  • If offensive insults are aimed at religious feelings.
  • When a person is humiliated based on his ethnicity, such an action can be qualified as inciting ethnic hatred.

In this regard, before commenting on other people's characteristics in a rude or derogatory manner, consider the consequences.

Example phrases

In different cases, insults need to be responded to differently.
When you are faced with a conflict situation, all examples of responses to rudeness are abruptly forgotten. A resourceful person with a subtle sense of humor will be able to quickly navigate any situation. But a shy person should adopt universal phrases:

  • “Thanks for the advice, but you need it more.”
  • “Are you sending me back to where you just came from?”
  • “You always make such bad jokes, or is today a bad day?”
  • “I don’t want to argue with you, because I can’t surpass you in stupidity.”
  • “I hope you don’t have children? The world doesn't need so many stupid people!
  • “I would like to answer you rudely, but I’m afraid I will be accused of mistreating animals.”
  • “Are you hiding your own inadequacy or bad mood behind rudeness?”

If your opponent pours out a whole stream of “dirty” words, there are two options left - threaten him or completely ignore him.

Severe obscene insults with obscene language 2021

wind1r, fuck, did you swallow a dick?

wind1r, COPY-PASTER YOU FUCKING FUCKER, SUCK IT AND TAKE IT IN YOUR MOUTH!!1 You cunty pipe-fucker, I’m about to fuck plus your cunning fucking dumbass asshole, you fucked-up asshole. Headhunter, Which swearing generator? This is mine, damn it! Jotun, It’s just that he gives out the same gems) At first it’s funny, then it gets boring.

Jotun, Damn, I didn’t see the post about the link at first.

Offensive phrases. Sometimes situations happen in life when you need to respond to rudeness or insult.

On our website we have collected for you censored, non-swearing responses to offensive phrases directed at us.

Offensive phrases

What fiery legs you have. Like matches!

An ugly person like you can safely cross the street at a red light!

You are a bull. Not because he’s healthy, but because he’s a beast.

Girl, are you dancing like that or did you get an electric shock?

You remind me of the ocean, huge, strong, assertive.

And you make me just as sick.

And you probably have a black belt in stupid questions and a gold medal in idiocy.

And you probably have a short penis, since your tongue is so long!

I beg you, I can remove 95% of your “beauty” with wet wipes.

Don't be upset. Many people have no talent either!

You make me feel so smart!

You have such amazingly long legs!

But with your face they are of no use...

How beautifully your horns flutter in the wind.

Oh, you seem to be thinking? This is something new. is the number one website with phrases. Only the best phrases, beautiful and funny, smart and popular sayings.

The most complete collection of phrases structured by topic and area. If you are looking for phrases, then you have already found them.

Be creative with what you say, but don't overdo it! )

5. At least have one positive thing about your body.

It's not as scary as your face! 6. The brain isn't everything. But in your case it’s nothing!

7. Be careful not to let your brain get into your head!08. I like you. They say I have disgusting taste, but I love you.

9. Have your parents ever asked you to run away from home? 10. If only I had a face like yours.

- I see you like to slow down and love without a car.

- What a pity that you are finally leaving. “I could offend you, but, unfortunately, it still won’t work out better than nature.”

- And you probably have a short penis, since your tongue is so long! - Yes, you are just the spitting image of Pushkin! I just want to shoot you... - Do you have many friends among bacteria?

- There is one good thing about you, it divides your ass in half.

Here are my best insults.

All similarities between you and a person are purely coincidental. No, what are you talking about! It is very pleasant and interesting to talk with you!

Aren't you afraid of getting bruises in the opposite direction? Or do scars now decorate a girl?

18. A flag in your hands, a drum on your neck, an ax in your back and an electric train towards you... 32.

∙ I still couldn’t understand your perfume... are they for attack or self-defense.

You will throw away the test tube from Chernobyl obtained using the scientific dildo method using a stick and a nail.

A body conceived with silicate glue in a telephone booth. Drive the shit through the pipes.

Have you lost your list of people to be afraid of?

Go herd hedgehogs, local peacock! Toilet on skis. Infected rhinoceros pussy.

Go, smell the swimming trunks! You're rustling out of season, huckster.

This is a relatively small (“dirty dozen”, as the English say) and closed group of words. This group includes names of parts of the human body, primarily genitals, physiological functions, sexual intercourse, and words derived from them. Bishop Varnava (Belyaev) writes that shaming is “a purely pagan heritage. It is entirely rooted in the phallic cults of the Ancient East, starting from the depths of Satan (see Rev. 2:24)

The goal has been achieved, attention has been attracted. If a child understands that he can manipulate adults in this way, bad words will appear in his speech again and again. Often the child does not even understand the meaning of what he is saying: the main thing is the reaction of the parents. "This is interesting. Mat can be affective (when a person expresses dissatisfaction) and parasitic (to bind words).

Parasitic swearing is a ridiculous attempt to increase vocabulary.

Let us remember these words of the saint; we will return to them later. What is the phenomenon of swearing? Why do words that mainly denote medical terms, when “translated” into obscene language, become obscene profanity? Why are they used at all, often not for their intended purpose? In all languages ​​and cultures, swear words mean the same thing. This is a relatively small (“dirty dozen”, as the English say) and closed group of words.

Small children, hearing their parents scolding, clog their tongues, not even understanding the meaning of the words spoken. Today, swearing has penetrated into literature, cinema and television. The “innocent” habit of using swear words has led to the fact that many people use it to connect words, inserting a swear word through every normal word. What is a mat? Is it part of the national language or is it a sign of a special degradation of our culture, a sign of our spiritual and moral decay? With a word, God created everything: “And God said: Let there be light” /Genesis 1, 3/.

When to refuse retaliatory insults

If a teenager or child is rude to you, you need to show wisdom and think about how to intelligently respond to an insult without derogatory phrases.
You shouldn’t remain silent in response to harsh words; you definitely need to have an intelligible conversation with the little rude person. In most cases, it will be enough to say that you understand him, since you yourself were at the same age. But his behavior is wrong and unacceptable. It is necessary to explain in detail why you cannot say or act this way.

Have you ever encountered outright rudeness in your life? Were you able to calm the aggressor with peaceful words?

In what cases do you think it is worth remaining silent in response to insults? Who do you think should be rude or threatened in response?

Sannikova Stela Apr 29, 2020

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