If a man examines a woman. What does a man look at when he sees a woman?

Various non-verbal signs of a man's sympathy for a woman help make life easier. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to understand these signals from representatives of the opposite sex.

Most often, sympathy can be determined by a glance; it never deceives

What are the signs of sympathy? How to identify a young man in love, and what are the characteristics of his behavior?

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We tried to answer all these questions that interest millions of women in our article.

So where does a man look when he sees a woman?

Or the male gaze, in the summer on the terrace, facing the next table at which a beautiful lady is sitting? Maybe on the beach a man is looking for spiritual beauty in women, without attaching any importance to naked bodies?

Most likely no. And this is understandable, libido comes first at some point. And resisting the call of the sexual herald is simply unnatural.

What do we look at first, what is our gaze focused on, even if we don’t want to show it so clearly?

Women feel it

Regardless of how this attraction is valued in society, there are two words that perfectly characterize it - teasing and mockery. One respondent gave an invaluable interview: “Women’s legs can be either open or closed. Nude or clothed, it doesn’t matter. This makes the part of the body unique, because the fair sex is able to tease a man, seduce him and ignite his imagination. Even the shortest legs can be stretched, and then again and again. It all depends on how ready a woman is to play with the stronger sex and believe me, she knows how to do it. Sometimes the girl wears a short skirt and high heels, and sometimes she wraps her sexy leg in wide silk trousers. And all this creates a unique picture in the mind of a receptive person, where the girl is accessible (intimately), hot and passionate.”

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In simple terms, a woman’s legs can please, sadden, and tease a man’s imagination. Often, representatives of the fair sex go all-in, adding beautiful contours of a sexy waist or chest to the exhibition. Therefore, it is undeniable why for many men even one slender leg has powerful strength.

Women's legs

Women's legs. No matter what happens, no matter how much the sky crashes to the ground and no matter how much American astronomers threaten us with the planet Nibiru and giant asteroids that will destroy the Earth in 2 billion years, we still look immediately and always at women’s legs.

This is a song, this is our dawn, our “Sapsan emergency stop.” Long, slender, in tights, stockings, naked, with or without heels, women’s legs always stop us, attract our gaze, make our heads spin around our necks like a top.

Mass propaganda

Our highly materialistic culture seems to demand that women “enhance” their natural femininity in order to make it more attractive. To meet social standards, women largely expect when using a razor or epilator that it will make their legs not only smooth, but also erotically attractive. Propaganda also affected moisturizing creams that improve tactile sensations. Undoubtedly, men, after watching this advertisement, will want to touch the legs, from which the silk fabric glides easily. To make the female part of the body even more spectacular, advertising suggests using nylon or nylon tights, high-heeled shoes or self-tanning.

One of the participants on the forum said that he is a true admirer of women’s legs, and such “glamorous” coverings can hide unevenness, spots or even scars, making this part of the body even more perfect and sophisticated. Other respondents note that a beautiful woman is attracted to absolutely everything, from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.

So what is the true appeal of legs? Perhaps in their openness, symmetrical shapes and charm.

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Breast. The gaze smoothly rises, and we are fascinated and ready to look without stopping at the woman’s breasts. I won’t even think about bringing into this our subconscious desire for feeding, and everything connected with the mother.

Let's leave this to the psychologists who make money from it. We have our own, men's truth. Well, tell me, how not to admire a woman’s breasts?

Show me someone who is not interested, does not excite and does not attract attention, and I will send him to Mars, Jupiter or Tatooine! Let it not spoil the feeling of beauty for us men! and yes, in this case it’s not entirely clear, but still, or is it?!


It's surprising how many of the debaters on this topic seem to have an aesthetic appreciation for a woman's legs. They consider this part of the body not just a sexual zone, but a work of art. Surveys have proven that the legs of the fair sex are almost the same as a beautiful monument that can be enjoyed not by touching, but by observing. And the conclusions of the participants are quite logical, because more than a century ago, Freud made a bold statement when he connected aesthetics with sublimated sexual desire.

Moreover, the very word “sublimation” in this context is perceived as the fact that a man focuses his attention on a woman’s legs because he is sexually interested or even ready for sexual intercourse. At the same time, psychologist Selzer told another reason for observing the lower body: “Perhaps this is due to a person’s innate attraction to the sensual, rather than the more overtly sexual. That’s why a man looks at his feet and doesn’t look under his underwear.”

Women's eyes

Eyes. Yes, even if they are third, they are on the list of our preferences, but they will tell us everything. After all, a woman feels our gaze, and knows that we have already appreciated her legs, already fallen in love with her breasts, and now we look into her eyes, hoping to see approval there.

After all, we admire and it is in her power to inform us of her decision, to give us preference today, to approve and allow us to enjoy. Eye color is not so important to us, but it can additionally excite us, interest us, intrigue us, in the end, but expression is more important to us!

After all, it can tell us a lot, tell us and push the timid to take the first step, and the confident to action.

We look at the buttocks, the hands and fingers, the color of the manicure, the neckline of the blouse and the length of the skirt. These are all minor points, they include our fetishes, sexual preferences, our “problems”, but first of all these are legs, breasts, eyes.

Gestures that show lack of interest

But there are nonverbal gestures that show lack of interest. One of them is crossing your arms over your chest. Such a gesture says that the man does not want to contact you, he is protecting himself, and feels awkward. In addition, crossed legs are also a sign of lack of sympathy.

Reluctance to communicate is expressed in hiding hands in pockets, hiding ears, and also bringing strangers into the conversation. Thus, the man turns on his defenses, builds a wall so as not to meet with you. In addition, signals that indicate a lack of interest are expressed in a boring look that a man looks away from you from time to time, a long face, and yawning.

With the help of other objects, he tries to entertain himself: he picks up objects at hand and spins them, sorts them out. This is evidence of apathy.

A little humor on the topic

And what makes us human, the most important and fundamental, always remains with us, but we learn its fundamentality later, over time, and not now, not immediately, not when our eyes are focused on...

PS At the University, a teacher on the subject of “advertising and PR” told an anecdote from the “I’m obsessed with Freud” series.

A young woman comes to Freud and speaks.

— I dreamed of a banana. Tell me, what could this mean?

Freud answered the woman.

“Sometimes a banana is just a banana.”

Sometimes a woman is just a woman, beautiful and desirable, everything else comes later...

Are men so mysterious that their thoughts cannot be understood? For an observant woman, much of what will remain a sealed secret for a frivolous woman will not be hidden.

. What are the signals that he likes you? Intuition alone is not enough, but the sciences of physiognomy and psychology are at your disposal.

What to remember

So, you've learned how to tell if a man is in love, even if he doesn't directly say so.

The following signs indicate this.

  1. He begins to take care of his appearance.
  2. Performs actions unusual for him before.
  3. He becomes the “life of the party” or, conversely, becomes embarrassed and quiet when you appear.
  4. He tries to stay close to you, touches you.
  5. Adopts poses that demonstrate superiority and sexuality.
  6. Gives some small gifts.
  7. He is interested in your affairs and tries to tell you about himself.
  8. Looks at you a certain way.
  9. Gestures a lot, taking open poses.

If most of these signs are present, we can say with a high degree of probability that the man is in love. What to do with this information - develop relationships or, conversely, avoid them - is up to you to decide.

Desire to be closer

If a guy is at a sufficient distance from you when communicating, then it is too early to talk about rapprochement, but if the distance between you is reduced to half a meter, it means that, consciously or not, he wants to invade your intimate zone. The most courageous representatives of the stronger sex strive to touch the object of desire as often as possible

: he hugs you with pleasure when meeting you, tries to shake your hand if you are not that close, touches you during a conversation, and so on.

Numerous polls

An interesting fact, but many survey participants compare women's legs with breasts and buttocks. These comparisons led the scientist to a new idea that for men, observing the limbs makes them think. Of course, surveys have proven that pretty legs seduce and excite the viewer, making them more sensual and liberated.

One of the discussion participants said that he watches not only women’s legs, but also their eyes. He imagines that this is the core of female sensuality, calling them “soft whispers”, but other intimate parts are “loud trumpets”.

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Looks expressing sympathy

Even the bravest man is timid in front of the one who struck him down on the spot. He can steal glances at you full of passion, enjoying your facial expressions, gestures, figure, hair. He looks you over from head to toe, imagining how he will feel you in his arms. Seeing such views is difficult, but real.

Sharply turn your eyes to him - if you see embarrassment or undisguised passion, then he is definitely attracted to you and he is not averse to starting a relationship with you.

Really intriguing topic

Psychologist L.V. Seltzer communicated for a long time with men around the world on forums to get an answer to this age-old and intriguing question. However, he had no idea that his work would bear much more fruit than he could have imagined. The specialist said that a person, paying so much attention to women, may receive some kind of visual “orgasm.” Seltzer also suggested that observing the beautiful parts of a woman’s body can be considered foreplay not only before sexual contact, but also before the development of a relationship.

Signals in conversation

The ability to conduct a conversation is a rare gift that certainly attracts the opposite sex. If you see a man discussing some issues with you with interest

, consults with you and tries to take your side in the conversation, which means he is trying to please you, and this already says a lot.

According to psychologists, nonverbal means of communication can provide a lot of information about the interlocutor

, including about his attitude and feelings.

The stronger sex is most often inclined to remain silent and not express their attitude in words, so the fair sex has to guess by non-verbal signs.

If you carefully observe, the facial expressions and gestures of a man in love

will speak for themselves and you can guess what is going on inside him.

First experience

During his work, the scientist made two unexpected discoveries that fully answer the question of why men prefer women with long legs. The findings confirm that most men act intuitively. Research has shown: the first half of men prefer women with longer legs than those observed in the fair sex, whose height reaches 160-165 centimeters; the second half of men prefer those ladies who have a longer leg length in relation to their body.

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Interesting fact. Women also choose men according to the second principle, when the stronger sex has slightly longer legs than the body.

On the truthfulness of nonverbal signs

The facial expressions and gestures of a man in love will speak for themselves

They can be completely trusted. If a person’s speech is meaningful, he is able to control it, leave something out or lie, then nonverbal signals occur unconsciously and are beyond control

. It is thanks to these signals that you can learn about true feelings, since most of the information is transmitted by them, and not by words.

Recognizing a man in love is not always easy. Many of them, wanting to hide their real feelings, try to seem unapproachable and cold. And it also happens that a man simply acts out a passion that he does not feel. But in this way he tries to seduce the woman he likes.

The facial expressions and gestures of a man in love can help reveal true feelings.

How it works. Nonverbal cues

It happens that a man is quite harsh with you in words, but you subconsciously feel that he is showing a certain interest.

Or, on the contrary, he showers you with compliments, but for some reason these pleasant words do not find a response in your soul. The explanation for this is simple.

Man is still, to a certain extent, an animal, and his behavior cannot always be guessed only based on the spoken words.

There are other signals that a man transmits and a woman reads on a subconscious level. Such signals are transmitted without speech and are called non-verbal.

This explains, for example, cases when your boss scolds you, but you are not at all afraid. Or when a man with a reputation as a bully, who is shunned by others, does not cause you any fear.

Watch the video and learn 9 signs that will help you recognize a man's love.

Common signs of falling in love

Most psychologists are sure: in a conversation with the object of adoration, a man in love will give himself away with facial expressions and gestures. He will be energetic, agile, ready to accomplish great feats. Especially if the woman you love is nearby.

Many lovers can generally lose control of themselves, do stupid things, say something out of place, which makes them feel embarrassed and worried.

It is possible to convey true feelings with the help of:

  • Eye;
  • Movements;
  • Body position;
  • Appearance;
  • Mouth;
  • Vote.

What do gestures tell you?

Gestures are a very important part of any non-verbal communication. Observe the man whose feelings you are interested in as he begins to tell you something. If he is in love, his gestures will be richer than with other people.

He will start waving his arms, depicting something, illustrating his story. At the same time, his palms will be open in your direction, as if inviting you to come closer and enter into a conversation. A shy man may adjust his clothes or fidget with a button.

Another sign of openness that a man in love shows you is the desire in your presence to loosen his tie, take off his jacket, watch, or some jewelry. With such gestures, a man seems to invite you to come closer to him, to become his woman.

Mirror of the soul - eyes

If a man looks straight into a woman's eyes, it means that his feelings for her are deep.

When a man sees a woman he likes, his pupils begin to dilate

, there is a feeling that he is simply eating her with his eyes.
If a man raises his eyebrows or one of them for a split second
, then this is also a sign that he is attracted to a woman or that he is in love with her.

The gaze travels over the woman's body. First he will look you in the eye, and then he will go lower and lower

. This look is one of the most eloquent and tells a woman everything she needs.

It is also worth looking carefully into the eyes of a man caring for a woman. A cold and calm gaze is unlikely to be a sign of passion, despite fiery speeches. But if the eyes are wide open, the pupils are slightly dilated, the eyebrows are raised

, and love shines in the look itself - then one can hardly doubt the feelings of this person.

It is also worth paying attention to the direction of your gaze

If it is directed into a woman’s eyes
, then this will indicate that
the feelings experienced by the strong sex are sublime and deep

If your gaze is directed to your lips

, then the man clearly
dreams of kissing

How to understand that a man likes you? 10 signs of flirting

Pre-holiday parties at work always have a hint of flirtation, not to mention full-fledged corporate parties. Where else can you get to know a man better than at a celebration on February 14, February 23 or March 8 in an office or club? Maybe that’s why these holidays have taken root so much that for modern people they have become a kind of replacement for the Maslenitsa celebrations and the Italian carnival? So, the party is in full swing. How to understand that a man likes you?

The body does not lie, psychologists say, and the most interesting section in the body language dictionary is signs of erotic interest. Of course, we would all like to know how this or that man treats us - even before undoubted signs of attention appear. Here are 10 physical signs that he likes you.

1. When you first met, he looked at you three times.

Three quick glances at the first meeting indicate his interest. The first glance means nothing: you are just an object that came into his field of vision. The second, immediately following the first, means: he noted that you are a woman. And finally, the third glance: he realized that you are an interesting woman.

2. He pulls up his socks

It's terribly funny, but it's true.

Let's face it: it's not very common to find men who pay serious attention to their appearance. Moreover, a fair portion of those who do pay attention are not interested in women at all. So, men’s socks are often stretched out, sliding down to their ankles, and in order to somehow bring his image to the ideal, the man pulls them up.

So if a man in your company adjusts his socks, he wants to look good in your eyes, thereby showing interest in you.

3. He points at his genitals—literally.

You've probably seen this gesture, you just didn't necessarily pay attention to it. The man places his hands on his hips, with his fingers extended and pointing in a certain direction. Unconscious signal: look here!

In addition, men often sit in front of the woman they are interested in with their legs spread wide. They open, so to speak, a complete overview. It’s good that they usually wear pants.

4. His feet are pointing towards you.

If someone seems attractive to us, we unconsciously point in their direction: with our hands and feet.

Sometime, on occasion, pay attention to how men behave next to an objectively beautiful woman. They can pretend that they are not paying attention to her, that they are completely immersed in a conversation with their companion, but their feet give them away. They point towards the beauty.

5. He often touches his face while looking at you.

It can be such a sensual gesture when you stroke your own cheek with your knuckles. Or he touches his ears or strokes his chin.

The reason for this is a combination of nervous excitement from the presence of an attractive woman, the desire to “clean the feathers” (for example, smooth the eyebrows or check if the stubble is patchy) and autoeroticism. But we’ll talk about the last point in more detail below.

6. His gaze follows a triangular path.

When we communicate with a person who is not too close and interesting to us, we move our eyes in a zigzag manner: look into one eye, then into the other, occasionally lower our eyes and look lower, at the nose and mouth.

The more interesting the interlocutor, and in our case the interlocutor, the “wider” the eyes move - the person wants to take in the entire face with his gaze. And with an attractive woman, the triangular route extends to her breasts. Well, of course.

7. He looks at your lips

The more he is fascinated by you, the more often he looks at the way your lips move when you speak. It's very sexy because you know he's probably wondering what it would be like to kiss you.

Yes, that's exactly what he's thinking about. Among other things, of course.

8. He blinks more than usual

When a person looks at an object that is attractive to him, his pupils dilate, and therefore the person is forced to blink more often.

9. He pins you against the wall

This is called a “block”: the man uses his own body to create an intimate area for the two of you and prevent anyone else from entering that area.

The man may extend his arm against the wall next to the woman, and she becomes trapped between the wall and his armpit. If a womanizer neglects to apply deodorant in the morning, the trapped young lady begins to suffer seriously.

A nicer version of the block is to simply tilt the head in your direction, foreheads almost touching, to create space for quiet, intimate conversation.

10. He clutches his glass or beer bottle.

When a man likes a woman next to him, he starts playing with round objects.

Guess for yourself what these rounded objects symbolize. The female breast and that male part about which men think so much and with inspiration.

Well, yes, horror. But much knowledge means many sorrows; this has long been the custom.

Signs of obvious attention

In fact, it’s not difficult to understand whether a man wants you.
He won't hide it too much. It is important for women not to show their sympathy and to be modest, mysterious, intriguing and making men suffer in ignorance. But the stronger sex is structured differently - its representatives are usually very direct, open and persistent.

Most likely, the man will begin to show signs of attention, because he doesn’t just want a woman - he certainly thinks about how to get her. And to achieve this, you need to persistently look after her, give nice gifts and flowers, say beautiful compliments, and so on.

We recommend: The look of a man in love

The presence of sexual lust will make him choose special gifts and say special words. This will be different from romantic youthful impulses, and will certainly have subtle sexual overtones. This way you can reliably and accurately understand what’s on your gentleman’s mind.

If he presented you with sexy lingerie, a peignoir or a robe, this is already an open offer, and not even a hint. But this rarely happens, more often a man who wants a woman gives her very cute trinkets - soft bears, cute jewelry, bouquets and sweets.

Suddenly he became so beautiful...

Every man understands perfectly well that in order for you to fall into his strong arms, he must be attractive.
So he suddenly transforms - he puts on fresh shirts, he always starts to smell nice, and you can no longer remember when he was unshaven.

Appearance will give you a direct answer - if he always looks neat and fresh when going to meet you, it is likely that he is attracted and hopes to get you.

Hands reach out like a magnet...

For every man, the female body is an object of admiration. And if a man wants you, then first of all he will experience an irresistible desire to touch you. It is very easy to distinguish simple, friendly touches from those that carry sexual overtones.

If his touches are gentle, very light, often seemingly random, this is a clear sign of sexual desire.

It is also worth knowing the places to which men's hands are drawn. This place is slightly below the waist (a well-mannered man is unlikely to grab your buttocks, although he will certainly have such a desire), hair and neck, face, wrists, hips, knees, legs.

Also, men are always very aroused by the smell of women. Therefore, you will be able to notice that a man is trying to smell you - say something in your ear, while inhaling the smell of your hair, kiss you, inhale the aroma of perfume.

Looks into a woman's eyes, smiles, but does not approach

A fairly common scenario is when a man looks closely at a woman, sends various signs of attention, flirting at a distance, but does not approach or show any other initiative.

There are several reasons:

Elementary shyness

Especially if the lady is in a circle of girlfriends. Not every man will decide to “try his luck” in front of witnesses;

Man's employment

Perhaps the young man is currently solving personal problems, distracted for a minute, he can look at the woman he likes, but make no attempt to get acquainted;


Interest in a woman's initiative or a simple manifestation of male coquetry. Some “boyfriends” like to “tease” women by sending signs of attention, but are in no hurry to get to know each other. It is likely that the young man wants to see the girl’s reaction, how a potential new acquaintance behaves in situations of this kind. This is one of the types of a kind of provocation - “Do you dare to come up yourself?” In such a “game”, the winner is the one who is more skilled in flirting and making advances.

Women who find themselves in a similar situation can be given the following advice: play fair. Flirting is a game that is always enjoyable for both parties. Respond to attention by sending similar signs (smile, gaze, casual gestures). It is very important to avoid vulgarity and vulgarity.

It is unlikely that a provocative sexual pose or clumsy attempts to “seduce from a distance” will yield positive results, setting the partner up for decisive action. All men are hunters. The “prey” should be intriguing and enticing, not desperately begging for attention.

How should a woman behave in this situation?

Women's forums are full of advice on how to behave with men and what to do if you see a clear interest in yourself. But after reading these tips and listening to psychologists, the woman still acts, guided by her feminine nature and intuition. This is the only correct decision, because each person is individual, and not a single psychologist will give universal advice suitable for everyone.

Just respond with the same gaze and feel the atmosphere; your hearts will tell you how to proceed.

Think about what you saw in your companion's eyes

– a happy family life or several meetings? Based on this, it is up to you to decide whether to continue flirting with this man or send him on his way.

If you are absolutely sure of his genuine feelings and the look serves as direct confirmation of this, then it’s up to you to decide. If you are also sure of your feelings for this man and want to spend the rest of your life with him, then go ahead and don’t miss the chance. Well, if you are not on the way, immediately tell your companion about it and save him from empty hopes and illusions.

What does a man's gaze mean when breaking up?

A gaze when parting indicates the same interest, but the gesture should be interpreted taking into account the specifics of the situation. Perhaps the man is trying to unconsciously prolong the moments of such intimate communication. He may be looking for further evidence that his companion is attracted to him.

The lover closely examines the girl, hoping to read in her gaze a tender feeling of affection and reluctance to part at the moment. The last eye contact during a meeting should be positively reinforced.

Visual contact should be long, languid and sincere. Accompanied by a smile, a touch, a gentle, confident kiss.

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