What to do on the weekend? 15 examples of how to spend a weekend fun and usefully

Many people think about how to spend their weekends with benefit and pleasure from the beginning of the work week. And it is right. After all, it is certainly worth taking measures, carrying out preparatory procedures: go shopping, buy sports equipment, call friends (acquaintances), buy the necessary products if you decide to relax in nature outside the city. This way, you will be able to spend your planned weekend usefully, rather than going through the real agony of not knowing what to do for 2 whole days, and then regretting the lost time.

Of course, everyone has their own preferences. When choosing an idea, you should take into account your own psychotype. There are people who prefer to lie on the couch watching TV on the weekends, while others, on the contrary, cannot stand the routine and boredom within the walls of the house, and prefer to go on a hike outside the city, or go shopping in their free time from work. The main thing is that the chosen type of leisure brings a positive mood, pleasant emotions and memories, and energizes you for the next working week. Experts advise making a list of options for how to spend the weekend on a piece of paper, first writing down everything that comes to mind. Next, cross out items that are not feasible or previously used. The purpose of this article is to consider the best ideas for how to spend your weekend, based on which you can make your own choice.

What to do on a weekend in winter

Winter brings its own adjustments and options for weekend getaways. Let's look at some options.

  1. Take your kids to the skating rink and go ice skating together. Play in the snow, ride down the mountain, and it doesn’t matter what you have at hand for the ride: a lid from a plastic container, a piece of cardboard.
  2. Take a weekend trip to the suburbs. Visit previously unfamiliar places and it doesn’t matter at all what the weather is like outside: snow, slush, fog.
  3. Visit a massage parlour. By the evening, tell your friend, parents, and husband about your impressions.
  4. There is always something to do in a house or apartment. You can hang a garland and it doesn’t matter that the New Year is not soon, or you can rearrange it and update the interior. Explore your own wardrobe. Make a list if you have the opportunity to buy new things soon.
  5. Start making photographs, collages, and travel memos. Create a virtual and even real inspiration board. If you buy new wooden frames in advance, you can hang the photos on the bedroom wall in the evening.
  6. In winter, lovers of active recreation can go skiing from the mountains. Remember your childhood years, play snowballs with small household members, build a snowman.
  7. Photo session, for which you can go to the nearest river, park, square. You don’t even have to go outside to spend time. You can always get adrenaline within the walls of your home if you dress up, change clothes, joke, play with the children, take family photographs as a keepsake.
  8. Charity is a good cause that can be organized with friends, which means you can chip in 100-200 rubles, and on the weekend you can visit an orphanage or hostel, purchasing food and toys for kids. It's a good idea to donate blood by going to your local clinic to also help those in need.
  9. There are many dance floors in every city. Jumping until you drop to rhythmic pop music or a calm waltz will definitely bring you a good mood and relaxation.

Cheer for “ours”

You can choose any sporting event that the organizers plan to hold on Saturday evening: football, hockey, boxing, basketball. The main thing is to choose what the whole company likes. Next, all that remains is to choose “ours” (unless, of course, you have decided on your favorite team or athlete in advance) and root for them all evening.

Scientists claim that the active expression of emotions by fans at sporting events contributes to the active production of adrenaline, which is in little demand in ordinary life. Even if it happens just once a week - for example, on a Saturday evening - it helps reduce your daily stress levels.

Outdoor activities ideas

Let's consider options on how to spend a weekend for lovers of outdoor activities.

  1. Take part in extreme sports. Go skydiving and kayaking. Enjoy visiting a fair or amusement park located near your home.
  2. Take part in amateur competitions. For this purpose, it will not take much time to check the local newspaper the day before to find out where nearby in the city there will be volleyball, basketball, football, darts, bowling, disc golf games to participate in for the upcoming weekend.
  3. Visit an quest room, if there is one in your city, and get a lot of impressions.
  4. Visit the dance floor. Take a dance lesson, swing salsa for an unforgettable experience. Perhaps there will be a dance master class nearby, where it will always be interesting to take part. This is an excellent physical activity in the morning, and in the evening you can go to the bar, sit and relax with friends.
  5. If you are a man and you have your own car, spend time on it, because a car, like a woman, always requires attention.
  6. Learn new meditation techniques for relaxation right at home, and in the evening pamper yourself in a fragrant warm bath.

Plan a vacation

Even if the vacation is in a couple of months, planning it needs to be taken seriously. Dedicate one of your Saturday evenings to a detailed discussion of all the nuances of your trip. As a result, you can be sure that you will not waste time on vacation searching for acceptable accommodation, a competent tour guide, inexpensive food, etc. Also, during the planning process, you may realize that going to the place you originally wanted to go is not suitable for you, and find a better option.

Let's sum it up

In an interview, founder Bill Gates said that 20 years ago he would have enjoyed spending the weekend at work. But now he has become wiser and devotes his free days to his family.

On the personal pages on social networks of many celebrities you can find happy family photos. If they manage to carve out a weekend for their family and loved ones, then it’s a sin to blame ordinary people for lack of time.

Family weekends start with the desire to spend time together. Each point in the schedule of Saturday and Sunday can become bright, unforgettable, and most importantly, a common memory.


What to do on the weekend at home?

I often want to stay at home for the weekend and spend it in a cozy homely atmosphere. What can you do at home on the weekend? Let's look at a few ideas.

  1. On weekdays, write down the names of books (magazines) that you want to read for a long time. Take time on Saturday and Sunday to read, which will definitely be beneficial.
  2. Start compiling a family tree, because how interesting it is to search for the stories of your grandparents and great-grandmothers. The compiled family tree will definitely interest your children and grandchildren in the future.
  3. Surely there are photographs in the house or an old photo album lying around that it’s time to update. It often happens that strangers and relatives are depicted. Sign who is who, clarifying the unknown circumstances of the family from grandparents in order to compile a more accurate album for the benefit of the business.
  4. Visit a hairdresser. Maybe it's time to change your image and hair color. A new hairstyle or manicure on your hands will definitely delight your everyday life in the coming days and improve your mood.
  5. Pay attention to your computer. Surely you need to clear your email of unnecessary letters and adjust your contact list. For important letters and ease of storage, it is worth creating a separate group.
  6. Start preparing birthday gifts for your acquaintances, friends, and family. Make a calendar with your own hands and list upcoming birthdays for the next few months.
  7. Take unique tests, of which there are many on the Internet today. Learn something new for yourself, discover potential talents in yourself.
  8. Make a craft with your own hands and it doesn’t matter what you have at hand: paper, knitting needles, threads, fabric, ingredients for soap making and candle making. Show off your artistic talent. Who knows? Perhaps in the future you will be able to make some good money on crafts.
  9. Organize a dinner party. Invite all family members and friends. On Saturday morning, you can distribute responsibilities among your household members, getting interested in preparing culinary delights. In the evening, have a great time or turn it into creativity: paint with watercolors with children, decorate ceramic pots with friends, create a picture, make decorations for the upcoming holidays.
  10. Learn to collect useful herbs that can definitely help out in winter, during a period of weakened immunity. Today there are many master classes on the Internet where you can learn to distinguish edible plants and mushrooms from inedible ones. The next weekend you can go to the forest and have a nice time.
  11. Handicrafts will be beneficial and will calm your nerves. New and free online courses for handicraftswomen are now published on the Internet in large quantities. Surely women have an old thing in their house from which they can create a new one and give it to loved ones for their birthday. Sewing and knitting are excellent leisure activities for obtaining peace of mind and stability until Monday.

Cultural holiday ideas

Some cultural weekend ideas:

  1. Visit a local history museum, sign up for a tour, or simply get to know your hometown better by taking an evening stroll along unknown streets.
  2. Compose a big crossword puzzle on Saturday on your own, which will be interesting for the whole family to tell fortunes on Sunday.
  3. Do something you love, if, for example, you are interested in blogs. Select the most interesting ones, read them to learn a lot of new things for yourself.
  4. Sign up for courses or master the skills of various tutorials yourself via the Internet.
  5. Go to the museum, because in many cities on Saturday or Sunday admission is free. Ask in advance whether you can get a ticket or reserve interesting seats.
  6. Organize a movie day on Saturday by asking friends to bring movies and a projector. Enjoy outdoor viewing together by hanging a white canvas in your backyard. In the evening hours it is always interesting to watch a movie right under the starry sky.
  7. Check in advance to see if there will be an art exhibition or performance or concert nearby this weekend. Today you can always find information of interest in your city in local newspapers and the Internet.

How to Spend Your Weekend Helping Others

If on the weekend you decide to think not about yourself, but about others, here are several options for how to spend the weekend:

  1. Surely in your city there is a free canteen, a shelter for those in need. Offer your services even on weekends.
  2. Go to a nearby park or square. Remove trash and clean sidewalks. Passers-by will definitely appreciate the work on weekdays, walking along the clean paths.
  3. Spend some time on your weekends with shelter animals. Thus, make your own contribution to a good cause. Contact breeders who will tell you how to walk and care for the animals. Hands are always needed, for example, to clean the stables or clean the farm.
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