Do you need to pay a lot of attention to a girl? Standard signs of attention from a man to a girl. Be her support

  • Attention-hungry women
  • What does it mean to “pay attention”?
  • How often does a woman need attention?
  • Let's talk a little about quarrels
  • Why do women need a lot of attention?
  • Bottom line

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Almost every man faces such a problem as a woman’s reproach that he pays little attention to her. In fact, if the reader of the men's magazine does not close his eyes and deny the obvious, then over time he actually begins to pay less attention to the woman. Undoubtedly, there are many excuses here, and quite compelling ones, which should help a man rehabilitate his behavior. But the fact remains: the woman is unhappy, which creates another problem in the relationship.

Many men don’t understand why women make a problem and a tragedy out of such a small thing. In fact, we are talking about a rather important aspect of the relationship, as if a woman stopped sleeping with a man. The problem of lack of sex in relationships is of great concern to men; for women, the problem is just as worrying when men do not pay attention to them. And while each side considers the discontent and indignation of its other half to be petty, the problems only get worse.

So, a woman reproaches a man for paying little attention to her. In fact, this is a problem that needs to be solved, because otherwise there may be not very pleasant consequences, which may include:

  1. Treason. A woman will simply start dating a man who pays attention to her.
  2. Parting. Women are ready to break up with men only because they do not pay attention to them.
  3. Sawing. Many people are familiar with this phenomenon. If you don’t want a woman to nag you, start paying more attention to her.
  4. Ignoring. Believe me, a woman can also begin to treat you like empty space. If you don’t want a woman to not notice you at all, then listen to her requests.

Signs of attention that every woman appreciates

Women need attention.
In fact, anyone needs attention, I'm serious! But women still need a little more, because, damn it, they are women! Even if you're an awesome boyfriend, you can always improve, right? And if you have a problem understanding women, this article should help you.

Welcome and goodbye kisses

Nothing helps us feel more at home than a kiss from a loved one in the morning and goodbye. Agree that this is nice for you, and how nice it is for a girl! When your lady leaves for work or when she returns home, greeting her with a kiss is one of the great ways to maintain a cordial relationship. The warm and friendly effect of these kisses reminds us of the time when our ancestors were apes, and showed their affection by examining them for small parasites. A welcome kiss means “I'm glad to see you,” and a farewell kiss means “I'll miss you.”

Snuggle up to each other

If you say something like “this is all calf tenderness, men do not lie in an embrace with their young ladies, wrapping them in a beard,” I will tell you that you are categorically wrong. Hugs are a key factor in a healthy relationship. If you find it unpleasant to hug more than once a day, your relationship cannot be called normal. Even the touchy one wants to hug and feel a loved one next to her more often. All this talk about how hugs prolong life is not a fairy tale.

Do nice little things

No girl will refuse a bouquet of flowers. The main thing, of course, is to choose those flowers that the girl really likes, so as not to make a mistake, otherwise the surprise may not be entirely pleasant.

Of course, not only flowers are the only joy for women’s eyes. Write her a note on paper and put it in her jacket, send her a couple of gentle messages on Skype, prepare breakfast, make her coffee, go for a walk with her in the park and draw something funny on the asphalt together with children’s crayons. Buy her her favorite chocolate bar, give her a funny hat, remember when her mom's birthday is. Lots of little things! The main thing is to have imagination, it strengthens relationships with girls.

Notice little things and give compliments

Girls spend a lot of time trying to look their best. They often do all this makeup, manicure, haircuts and other procedures so that people pay attention to them and admire them. Kindly notice this nonsense. Of course, there are women who do all these manipulations only for themselves (yes, man, they really do exist), and there are those who don’t take care of themselves at all.

Noticing a new haircut or that she's wearing a dress is important. The girl tries to look good, and if it really suits her well, you can and should praise her. It is not so difficult to notice that something has changed in a girl. If you don't notice this, there are two logical explanations. First: you don’t see the point in noticing such “little things”, because you are a man, this is not a man’s business, “women love it when everything is harsh and without tenderness” (underline what is appropriate). Second: you don't care about her. Small compliments will go a long way in any relationship.

Wash the dishes

Stop talking about how this is a woman's business. We live in a time when the border is blurring. Did she cook you a nice dinner? Why not wash the dishes afterward? This is a great sign that you truly appreciate all that she does for you, and the food was truly delicious. This is a subtle hint that “she is a woman, not a dishwasher” and stuff like that. After all, imagine she'll have to wash it all. She prepared the food, spent some effort on it, and now she will also have to wash the pots and plates while you sit in front of the computer, full and satisfied. Show some empathy, man!

Help her take off/put on outerwear

Nothing confuses women more than helping with a jacket or coat. You help her take off her jacket and hang it on the hanger. Obviously, she can cope without you, but this is a pleasant “knightly” little thing that will cheer up both you and her. This is from the same opera as opening the door for a lady.

Helping a girl get dressed is also a nice, embarrassing gesture on your part. If you imagine relationships in the form of a strip of the location of members of your squad from some computer game, helping with outerwear adds at least 10 points out of a possible 100.

Attention-hungry women

Someone else's attention to one's person is the desire of every woman. On the one hand, this is quite natural, since every person wants to be in demand, his life is empty and meaningless until he feels that someone needs him. On the other hand, a person who craves attention is highly dependent on the opinions of others about himself. If no one pays attention to him, he gets lost and looks for ways to renew what he has lost in any way. This includes crimes and an extravagant appearance, because this is another opportunity to become the center of attention of people around you.

Why is a woman included in the “attention-hungry” category? The reason is that she is not herself. Please note that not a single star, actress, or even a beautiful girl in your area is what they are, in the pose of photo and video cameras, or in the eyes of other people and fans. If you go to their house unexpectedly, they will appear before you in a completely different form: exhausted, wearing only shorts or with bruises under their eyes. These people live for the sake of others, but at the same time they do not know themselves. They know what other people expect from them, what they say and write about them, but they never express their own opinions about themselves. We can say that these are not individuals, but simply humanoid creatures who only fulfill the wishes of strangers.

Attention is the energy supply for the ego. Dependence on a false personality pushes people to be the center of everyone's attention. His ego is stroked and satisfied when people around him start talking about him, even if these are not entirely good and pleasant things. For many “stars” of cities and countries, it is not the importance of the attention that is paid to them, but simply its very presence, because this tells them that they attract eyes and thoughts. What else could be more beautiful for the human ego?

A girl demands attention: how to devote time to her and show her care?

The key to a strong, reliable relationship between a man and a woman is not only trust, but also care and spending time together.

A girl deprived of her partner’s attention begins to feel useless and abandoned .

The article gives advice on how to correct the situation, describes effective ways on the topic of how to pay attention to a girl.

How to communicate with a girl and what to do to make her fall in love with you? Find out about this from our article.

When your girlfriend needs attention. How much attention should a girl pay?

Many guys always ask the same question: how much attention should you pay to a girl, still not understanding the exact and correct answer. The problem lies not only in the lack of correct and necessary knowledge, but also in the elementary lack of courage, determination and desire.

After all, some guys experience fear of girls, which blocks everything from movement and reason, accordingly, even if they have enough knowledge of how much attention a girl needs, they still will not be able to put this knowledge into practice because of fear. Therefore, today we will discuss this issue with you, citing the most interesting and effective methods and methods, so that every guy can not only understand how much attention a girl needs, but can also overcome his fear of girls and apply all the knowledge gained in practice.

Do you need a lot of attention?

Some girls will answer this question and say that they need a lot of attention and even more. But should you trust these girls and follow their advice? Of course not, since a lot of attention to a girl is a sign of your affection and the fact that you simply cannot restrain yourself. Of course, there is no need to completely forget about the girl, since she will simply leave you, realizing that you don’t need her. Attention should be in moderation. Likewise, when dating girls, there should not be too much attention at all. Better read: what to talk about on a date, and you will understand the basic principles that will definitely help you understand how much attention a girl needs, and you will use the knowledge for your own purposes.

Do you call her often?

First, you need to assess the situation of all your relationships, since they are all different, and accordingly different methods for solving the problem. There is no one recipe for everyone, but thanks to the basics, you can build good relationships on your own. To do this, assess the situation and understand how often you call your girlfriend. If you are still in the early stages of a relationship, then you should call only when you are going to ask a girl out on a date.

Of course, you shouldn’t call every day and hear refusals. Call 2 days after the date and agree on the next one, then the girl will understand that you will not run after her, and will begin to try to win you over. Also, if your relationship has been developing for quite a long time, then you are also recommended to exclude continuous and daily calls to the girl. If a girl likes you, if she gets bored, she will call you back, even just to chat. It's all up to you, but if you want to understand how much attention a girl needs, you need to take action and experiment, otherwise you won't learn anything.

Girls appreciate your attention

Of course, girls love the attention that guys give them, but only in cases where this attention is in moderation. There is no need to run after a girl and ruin your reputation in front of others. There are already quite a lot of girls, if you don’t like one, then it’s better not to run after her, since there is one who will definitely like you. Well, how much attention should you pay to a girl?

The answer, of course, depends on the situation and the age of your relationship. But in any case, there should be attention, but it needs to be created as little as possible, so that the girl herself begins to show interest and attention to you. Then your life will change for the better, since the girl herself will endlessly call you and invite you on dates. And thus, you will understand how girls feel when other guys call them and are bothered by them. That's right, girls start running away from guys who feel great affection for them, which is completely unnecessary in order to understand how much attention a girl needs.

Give gifts

Of course, to develop good relationships with girls, you need to learn to give them moderate, but high-quality attention. And the gift will be what you need. By giving a gift to a girl, you seem to have paid a little attention to her, but she will be pleased and she will begin to respect you even more.

But the main thing here is not to make the mistake of many guys who just start showering the girl with expensive gifts. Then the girl begins to love not you, but your money. Therefore, it is enough for you to simply give gifts on holidays and on any other unexpected day, but if it is not so often and does not become a simple habit, then any gift loses its value. After all, the main thing is not the gift, but the attention, so it makes no sense to give expensive gifts, you will only worsen your relationship with her.


There are guys for whom their shyness greatly hinders them not only when communicating with girls, but also in life. Such guys are afraid that a girl might leave them, they begin to worry and get cocky. Remember one thing: fear is the main enemy in this whole matter. Therefore, first engage in self-development, and then start meeting and dating girls. After all, your shyness is a sign of various fears, in order to fight them you need to be a brave and decisive guy, and for this you need to constantly and regularly engage in self-development. It will also be useful for you to read: how to stop being shy, since such guys not only do not understand how much attention a girl needs, they generally cannot calm down when dating and girls accordingly leave them because they have not received any attention.

That's all we were going to tell you about how much attention a girl needs. By applying all the acquired knowledge in practice, you yourself will be able to not only understand how much attention a girl needs, but also experience it all through mistakes and failures, and if you are weak in spirit, you will give up without ever building a normal relationship.

Why doesn't she get enough attention?

If a girl complains that a guy doesn’t pay attention , most likely the relationship has lasted for more than a month.

At the initial stage, a couple in love spends all their free time together.

When feelings and emotions decline a little, men tend to go into work or hobbies. Sometimes - forgetting about the interests of the other half .

The main problem observed in relationships related to attention is the lack of any contact during the day . A loving girl can calmly relate to a man’s workload at work.

But if in a day he hasn’t even sent an SMS, hasn’t spent even five minutes with her on a social network, the girl feels abandoned and unnecessary. And sometimes he even thinks out the reasons for such a disdainful attitude towards himself.

In addition to the lack of direct communication, a girl may notice coldness in her partner’s behavior.

When, when spending time together, a young man is emotionally closed , reluctantly or at length answers questions, does not initiate topics of conversation, does not hug or kiss his beloved.

The detachment of a person nearby raises suspicions ; a woman can think of reasons for such behavior, which does not correspond to the real state of affairs.

A woman needs care and attention. 1 Look at how he acts when you're not together


    Notice how often he wants to see you. Let him make plans together. Notice how much free time he devotes to you. The more often he strives to spend time with you, the more you mean to him.

  • Allow for some flexibility if your schedules are jammed or conflicting due to work, school, or family commitments. However, if he is completely single, but wants to meet with you once a week, consider that this may be a sign of a conflicted relationship.


Check how often he contacts you. Notice how often he calls, emails, or texts. If he contacts you regularly, take it as a sign that he wants to be a part of your life. Give him a short break if he's extremely busy, but notice how much effort he puts into staying on your radar even when he's busy.

  • On the other hand, beware if he calls too often. If he calls knowing you're busy with work, family, or school, and yet expects you to drop everything and talk to him, he's likely caring more about his own needs than yours.


Find out what he does. If you don't see him soon, ask him what he will do. Assess his readiness or desire to answer. If his reaction seems evasive and vague, consider it a sign that he doesn't care enough about you to want him to share every aspect of his life with you. If he is open and talks about his plans for a certain time, take this as a sign of honesty and trust.

  • Take his word for it when he talks about what he will do. Don't snoop around or spy on him to make sure he's not lying (unless you have a good reason to do so). If he cares about you and he catches you following you, he may perceive it as a lack of trust, which could harm your relationship.


Say that you need time for yourself. Periodically tell him that you need some time away from him (either alone or with your friends). See how well he takes it. If he respects the fact that we all need a little time away from each other every now and then, count that as a plus. However, if he demands to spend every free second with him, consider that he cares more about his happiness than about yours.

  • Remember: it works both ways. Don't be upset if sometimes he wants to be with other people or alone, especially if you've been together a lot lately.

What to do if a girl demands him?

The first step is to listen and take a closer look at your behavior.

Perhaps the man, without noticing it, lost interest in the girl or became closed to conversations, stopped showing feelings and caring.

A man may stop showing love due to difficulties at work or in relationships with friends or parents.

After the girl has expressed her concern about the current situation, you need to analyze the last month of the relationship. Search for the reasons that led to a decrease in time spent together.

In other words, understand yourself. There can be two main reasons:

    Problems that take a lot of time . This is an objective factor. In this case, you should tell the girl about them. If she sincerely loves a man, she will not only listen and motivate him to solve problems, but also offer her help.

And, of course, such a heart-to-heart conversation will eliminate the understatement, since it will reveal the real reasons for the man’s employment.

  • Lost interest in the girl. And “things” are just an excuse not to spend time together. In this case, the guy should decide whether he wants to continue dating or whether he should end the relationship. But first, understand why interest has disappeared and whether it is possible to return to the previous level, when hours in the company of your significant other flew by.
  • After stating your position and calmly explaining the reasons, you need to monitor the girl’s reaction.

    If she understands the man’s position and treats him with sincere care and respects him as a person, she will take part, at least emotionally.

    At this stage, you can recognize an unpleasant type of girl with a selfish character. Such ladies need not just attention, but daily presence nearby.

    They do not want to hear about the difficulties and failures of their partner; they treat him consumeristly in every sense . Including - they claim his main irreplaceable resource - time.

What kind of women do men care about?

For a woman, the main requirements for a relationship to feel complete peace of mind are the following: intimacy, security and gratitude. A man can express all three feelings through care.

At the same time, men want to take care of women who need it (or at least pretend to do so). Therefore, if a woman behaves masculine, dominates the relationship, considers herself strong and independent, the man loses all desire to care for such a woman.

To receive signs of attention and care from her man, a woman must sincerely want it. You must remember that the man is in charge, and care is his primary function in your couple.

By caring for a woman, a man wants to see that this is really important to her, that she blossoms and feels more desirable. Therefore, never give up caring, even in the moment of a quarrel. Perhaps it is through caring that a man is trying to show you how much he appreciates and loves you.

What does it mean to pay attention?

Basically, it’s about actions that demonstrate the importance of a loved one.

Compliments, going to the movies, car rides, even just spending time together on the couch are good ways to show continued interest in your partner.

But it’s worth warning men against that category of girls who demand attention to themselves as the main attribute of a relationship.

In fact, on their part, we are not talking about signs of affection at all, but about affection and dependence. The goal of such ladies is to suppress the will of a man and control him.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to understand whether the girl really feels the man’s reduced activity , fading feelings, or is she simply trying to manipulate him and play on feelings of guilt.

Even when dating a normal, adequate woman, you need to remember a sense of proportion. There shouldn’t be too much attention either - otherwise you can ruin relationships and get annoying with your importunity, simultaneously forgetting about work, friends and important matters.

Therefore, there is no need to rush headlong into the pool and spend 24 hours a day with your significant other.

How to show attention to a girl?

There are many ways to show a girl your love and affection .

It is important to pay attention to the little things - short correspondence, calls, SMS.

The main thing is regularity . When there is a rush at work, it is quite possible to spend five minutes on a telephone conversation. It's better to talk for five minutes at the end of the day than not call at all.

You can pay attention in several ways. For simplicity, they are divided by classification:

    Temporary . Spend time together. There are many ways - watching movies at home, walking in the fresh air. The main thing is to be nearby, communicate, exchange thoughts and ideas.

Non-verbal communication is equally important - touching, hugging, kissing.

  • Verbal. In addition to active actions, do not forget about words. The phrases “You are my smartest”, “I am proud of you”, “No one can ever cook better than you” - set the girl apart from the rest. The most effective way is to notice its unique features that truly distinguish it from others. Compliments should be based on real actions and character traits. Otherwise, the man’s words may be perceived as irony, mockery or groundless flattery. If a girl has a hobby, hobbies in which she reaches heights, do not forget to celebrate this and praise her beloved for small victories. By the way, you shouldn’t compare your girlfriend with others in a negative light. This not only makes your partner jealous, but can also significantly damage her self-esteem.
  • Material. Gifts are one of the most effective methods to show your girlfriend that she is important. Flowers for March 8 and birthdays are only twice a year and, naturally, not enough. This principle should not be taken as a call to shower your loved one with gifts every day. In sincere relationships, which are based on mutual love, and not on materialistic considerations, the price is not so important. The fact itself is important - a man is ready to please a girl with gifts.
    Even a sudden bouquet of three roses, accompanied by a chocolate bar or a box of chocolates, will delight your partner.

    Entertaining . Joint trips to cafes, theater, cinema. This also includes trips to nature, to the country, etc. It is important that the activity is interesting to both partners and equally captivating to each. Joint actions make relationships stronger because they reveal new facets of the partners’ characters and help to get to know your loved one better.

  • Sex . If there are problems in the intimate sphere, a woman feels them very subtly and can react sharply. The coldness shown by a man in his sexual life upsets the girl. Sometimes it leads to the thought of the appearance of a beloved lover in the life of a loved one. Therefore, regularity and variety in the sexual aspect of relationships is one of the central ones. This also includes light flirting and advances during simple communication. Sexual signs remind the fairer sex that they are desirable and important to a permanent partner.
  • Help with business .
    A man often lends his shoulder when his woman needs help and support. It can be expressed both in words and in real actions. Dealing with problems, giving practical advice, becoming mentors in those issues in which the guy is competent is a great way to pay attention. Moreover, such actions show reliability, responsibility and determination in a man - qualities especially valued by the weaker sex.
  • Attention to detail . Point regarding advice above. Gifts, compliments, words of approval and admiration should be personalized. Relate specifically to her. For example, a girl works out at the gym, and a guy comes home from work before her. Knowing that she will return home tired, he can take charge of preparing dinner. It is useful to write down (memorize - it will not work) memorable dates. For example, the date of the first date or kiss, the first trip to the cinema or a walk that was remembered for something special. Extraordinary cases that brought a lot of positive emotions. Women appreciate such moments and are very happy when a guy remembers this and arranges a surprise dedicated to the event.
  • The methods described in the article really work and can strengthen the connection between loved ones .

    In addition, it is important to maintain a balance and not go to extremes - constant presence nearby is just as destructive for a relationship as a lack of proper attention to your loved one.

    What to do if a woman manipulates and demands gifts? Anti-manipulation:

    Most often, the fairy tale about handsome princes and princesses ends with a wedding. Soon after this, a completely different fairy tale begins - about a fisherman and a fish, for example. Why is this happening? How to make wonderful feelings last long? Or at least how to avoid conflicts in the family?

    If you ask these questions in time, you can avoid a huge amount of troubles both within the family and the ensuing problems with others, at work, health problems, in creativity, and so on.

    About paying attention to each other

    It's one thing to date, another thing to live together. For some reason, people think that after a wedding they can relax and begin to pay less attention to each other. Of course, efforts to earn money and take care of the house take up the lion's share of energy and time. But it is the lack of attention that women explain the reason for their grievances.

    The fact is that men and women have different ideas about attention. And, most importantly, everything here is very individual - there are only some general signs of attention that everyone wants to receive: flowers, tender words, entertainment, gifts.

    Women will be very surprised, but men, in addition to sex, also need female attention. And above all, it's about communication. Unfortunately for women, for some reason men do not include cooking, cleaning and laundry in the concept of “female attention”. By the way, involving men in these matters is ineffective. Alas, but true! Therefore, try to automate your homework as much as possible and make this your top priority.

    Men making money is also not included in the concept of “male attention” by women. But their “non-earning” for a long time can be regarded as “male inattention.”

    As for the individual desires of each partner, they play a decisive role in family relationships. Here, please, be attentive to your partner and try to guess his desires. It's actually simple, no magic needed. Both he and she regularly express their desires, you just need to catch them, hear them, understand them.

    Otherwise, the first contradiction appears when living together - he: “I am everything to her... and she...” She: “I am everything to him, but he doesn’t even bother me...” And they name such elementary things that never occurred to the partner that this “bullshit” is of paramount importance. While the efforts made and attentions went either unnoticed or unclaimed.

    All people are different. In addition to advantages, everyone also has their own shortcomings, weaknesses, complexes and “cockroaches in the head.” But during a period of ardent love, people either do not see each other’s shortcomings at all, or do not attach serious importance to them, believing that they can come to terms with something.

    But there is one bad pattern: bad character traits and properties manifest themselves more and more over time. Phenomena such as jealousy, greed, a penchant for gambling, alcohol and infatuation with the opposite sex, which may not have been so pronounced in youth, only grow over time and lead to truly insoluble contradictions and, as a consequence, divorce. Some people are deeply mistaken that they will be able to change these character traits of their partner over time.

    There is also such a thing as suppression and subordination of one partner to another. More often a man tries to subjugate a woman, less often the opposite happens. At first, some may even like it, some think that they can live with it. But further - more, and the screws begin to tighten more and more, until the submissive partner either breaks down as a person - starts drinking, for example - or runs away from a low start.

    Why is this happening? During a period of ardent love, few people attach importance to the shortcomings of their beloved, and even if they notice them, they ignore them. And so the flawed personality of the beloved demands “replenishment of his damage,” most often earned somewhere else, and from other people. Some were offended by their parents in childhood, some were “unlucky” in business, some were offended from birth. And such a lover begins to subjugate, and even mock, the woman in love with him in every possible way. When she runs out of patience, she naturally tries to break off the relationship.

    And then suddenly a miraculous transformation occurs - her offender and tyrant becomes meek and affectionate, begs for forgiveness, promises everything in the world, and asks her to return. Her heart melts, she returns. But here everything starts all over again, or even worse than before. Why did he return it so diligently? So that’s why he returned it, to return everything to normal! Firstly, where else will he find another one, at the expense of which he will increase his own self-esteem, on whom will he throw out his complexes, at whose expense will he make up for his inferiority? Secondly, how is it that his “subordinate” (often the only subordinate) is out of control - this is a blow to the most sensitive place in his self-esteem. And on this basis, it happens that such stories develop: if you want to write a drama, but if you want to write a detective story.

    Even in a normal, prosperous family, systematically swallowing small doses of resentment will eventually accumulate a critical mass for an explosion. Therefore, so-called periodic family crises occur. And the reluctance or inability to engage in them is formulated as “they didn’t get along.” It’s hard to think of a more stupid formulation. How is it possible that they passionately loved each other for two or three years, lived together for ten years, and suddenly found out that they didn’t get along!?

    A holy place is never empty. If you don’t pay enough attention to your wife, it means that soon there will be someone who will. Therefore, the purchase of clothes, cosmetics and other numerous expenses for a woman should be included not in the “losses” column, but in the “capital investment” column. If you don’t invest yourself, there will be someone who will do it for you. It’s interesting that while she was your girlfriend, you paid attention to her and “invested” in her. Her acquisition of the status of a wife still leaves her a woman, but more attention and resources are required. So the effect can be disproportionately greater! Those who do not understand this or are too lazy to do so will face retribution!

    Women, after getting married, begin to make mistakes of a different kind. They charge their man with responsibilities that he previously did himself, of his own free will, and begin to demand the same from him. It’s another matter to demand something that he hasn’t done before, but even here your “wishes” need to be presented correctly, that is, motivated so that, having fulfilled your request, he feels like a hero of your love, and not a slave of your grievances and not a hostage to scandals . This is exactly the case when, from rearranging the terms, the sum changes radically and either tends to zero or to infinity.

    Another common mistake is that women stop guarding their secrets, their riddles. They stop the game that was played during the period of active courtship. As a result, her actions and moods become predictable for men. He has nothing new to discover in his life partner, or at least nothing unexpected. As a result, he stops striving for this and stops his initiatives. If she even changes clothes in front of her husband, whether in home clothes or on a formal day off, and some even manage to use feminine hygiene products, then what kind of secret and riddle can we talk about?

    In addition, women sometimes take on too much in a relationship, and not what a man needs. One example is being too immersed in household chores. Having a constantly appropriate appearance, fatigue, and as a result - tediousness. Of course, order in the house is often a woman’s personal requirement for herself, but men are not so picky about order. However, if this gives rise to a loss of male interest in her, then you should reduce your zeal in household chores.

    Then you will have time and energy to keep yourself in shape, interesting both for yourself and for men. There is no need to free a man from the need to win a woman’s attention. Even if there are five children in a family, you still need to remain yourself - with your interests, opinions, hobbies, will. With your own personal “protected area”. Find something interesting to do. Learn something, get involved in something, in general, make your life interesting for yourself, regardless of your husband’s attention. Then you yourself will remain interesting to him.

    Another example, and also a very subtle point. Women are designed in such a way that when they fall in love, they seem to dissolve in their beloved man. His values ​​become her values, and thus she feels part of him. This is certainly wonderful! Men like it and they appreciate it. But even in this endeavor, a woman must observe moderation. After all, the family is based on a triple unity: a man, a woman, and them as a couple combined. Where a man and a woman are independent, self-sufficient and free individuals.

    If a woman overdoes it in her desire to dissolve in her beloved man, then she may cease to exist as an independent person, become dependent, attached to her husband, and cease to recognize herself separately from the man. All her thoughts are dedicated to her beloved. And although she still feels very comfortable, in fact, a serious imbalance begins in her own personality.

    A little later, any actions of her lover “wrong” begin to offend her inappropriately. And at one “wonderful” moment she is completely disappointed in him, but she cannot tear herself away from him, because he takes up too much space in her personality. Now all her speeches begin with the phrase: “My husband…”, or even “But Vanechka (or what’s his name?)…”, if they are not married. Quite naturally, she ceases to be interesting to her husband. After all, the woman whom he conquered and wooed was a separate, interesting person.

    To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to continue to remain an independent, self-sufficient, free person, to maintain your own interests, hobbies and aspirations, and in addition to have your own “reserved zone” in your personality.

    If you do not make the necessary adjustments, this can lead him to that woman in whose eyes he will be a hero, and his actions - great or small - will admire her just as they recently admired you. To the woman who needs to be pursued, who will be a mystery to him, and not a “read book.”

    Any feelings dull over time. When it comes to painful feelings, they say that time heals. However, time is absolutely impartial, and in the same way dulls and polishes even the most beautiful feelings. It polishes the sharpness of feelings, and does not kill them. Just as the sea grinds a stone, but does not destroy it, regardless of the size of the stone. And this is a very common mistake when people, having lost the intensity of their feelings, believe that love has gone away and the tomatoes have wilted. They evaluate the true state of things later, having already separated, and even having made a mess of things in the process.

    If there are no irreconcilable contradictions in the family and no really serious reasons for divorce, then you should not start it. By irreconcilable contradictions we mean those with which your inner essence does not want, cannot and will not put up with.

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    Why do you need male attention?

    Almost every woman dresses, puts on makeup, and does her hair for a reason, but for someone. After all, you want someone to like you, to be loved and desired. There is an opinion that the male gaze is necessary as a breath of fresh air. This is why women always want to keep themselves in shape.

    A man's gaze gives energy to the weaker sex. Scientists have proven that when a man shows signs of attention towards a girl, endorphin appears in her body, which is regarded as a hormone of happiness. This gives the weaker sex a lot of strength, vitality and good mood.

    Give gifts

    Of course, to develop good relationships with girls, you need to learn to give them moderate, but high-quality attention. And the gift will be what you need. By giving a gift to a girl, you seem to have paid a little attention to her, but she will be pleased and she will begin to respect you even more.

    But the main thing here is not to make the mistake of many guys who just start showering the girl with expensive gifts. Then the girl begins to love not you, but your money. Therefore, it is enough for you to simply give gifts on holidays and on any other unexpected day, but if it is not so often and does not become a simple habit, then any gift loses its value. After all, the main thing is not the gift, but the attention, so it makes no sense to give expensive gifts, you will only worsen your relationship with her.

    Standard signs of attention from a man to a girl

    Each person, be it a man or a woman, has his own individual character. One can show attention actively, speak everything directly and frankly. The other behaves more passively, fearing for the words spoken. However, all men are capable of giving compliments. Women love with their ears, and most representatives of the stronger sex know this.

    Men give flowers. This is standard courtship that will not leave any woman indifferent. However, before you give a bouquet, find out what flowers the girl likes.

    Many men give gifts, because it’s no secret that girls love surprises. This could be jewelry, soft toys, candy.

    Many men give perfumes or cosmetics. However, do not forget that it is better for a girl to choose these things herself. Before you give them, you must be sure that they are suitable for the lady.

    If you want a girl to remember you from time to time, give her an indoor flower. This is a great gift. When she waters it and takes care of it, she will always remember you. Beautiful paintings or figurines will regularly remind the girl of your relationship.

    It is not necessary to show your attention with expensive gifts, an invitation to a movie or a restaurant. Many women don't need this. Respect her and she will give you the same respect.

    Why do women need a lot of attention?

    Many men do not understand why women are so pathologically waiting for attention to their person. But here everything is very simple: attention = love! And here's how it can be explained.

    If you remember yourself, dear men, at the beginning of a relationship, then you pay a lot of attention to the women you like. We can say that women bask in your desire to be with them when you first met and want to conquer them.

    If a man pays a lot of attention to a woman, she thinks that he is interested in her and loves her. And this is true, since a man runs around and cares only for the woman he is in love with. Herein lies the answer to why women cannot receive less attention over time: if men do not spend time with them, they feel that they have stopped loving them.

    Attention = love. At the beginning of a relationship, a woman determines a man’s feelings by how much attention he pays to her. If over time the attention becomes less, then the woman begins to understand that the man is no longer interested in her. And, perhaps, this is also true: over time, a man really loses the interest and passion that he had at the beginning, when he was just getting to know and conquering a woman.

    Does a woman always need compliments?

    Girls like beautiful words. However, do not forget that they must be from the heart. A woman feels flattery immediately.

    For a girl, a person’s attitude towards her is very important. A woman loves compliments, but she must see sincerity in your eyes. Even in intonation, a lady is able to sense falsehood.

    Creativity in compliments is very important for a girl. Tell her about her hairstyle or dress. A girl will be pleased with such a compliment, because she tried to create her image for your sake.

    Attention is important for girls. What do girls pay attention to?

    1) So, first of all, girls pay attention to the face.;) Therefore: a) Try to keep as little acne on your face as possible (wash your face more often; clean your skin with special cleansing lotions every time. Before going to bed, it is advisable to use a cream that cleanses the skin of acne and opens the pores); b) If you shave, shave at least once every three days. And if you see a girl every day (and especially if you kiss often), then every day! Still, it’s more pleasant for a girl. And don't forget about aftershave lotion. This will help avoid skin irritation; c) Brush your teeth more often. And not only so that they glow from ultraviolet radiation in the club. When cleaning, pay more attention to the inside, because... there is often more plaque there than in the front; d) Carry chewing gum or breath freshener in your pocket. So, just in case...; e) Clean your ears from wax with special cotton wool sticks; f) Now let’s talk more about the hairstyle. Girls always pay attention to someone who stands out from the crowd in some way. This is how it has always been and how it remains. I don’t want you to cut your hair like a punk, or go completely bald! No. It is enough that you constantly look after your head: wash it, prevent dandruff from appearing, etc. But it is still better if you have some kind of original hairstyle. Lately, many people have been loving highlighting. It is better to do it “under a hat”, and not under foil. This makes it more effective. As for the hairstyle itself, then choose at your own discretion. But I’ll say right away: the fashion for slicked hairstyles to one side and back has already passed; g) Sunglasses. In the summer, of course, you can’t go anywhere without them—they are with you all the time. But when communicating, it’s still better to take pictures, because it’s important for a girl to see your gaze.

    Original signs of attention

    If you want to give a gift to a girl, then make it unusual. Originality is the first thing you can do to surprise your loved one.

    Give her a surprise. If a girl likes practical gifts, then the present can be related to household appliances. Of course, first it is advisable to find out what exactly your beloved wants. Her friends will be happy to tell you.

    As a rule, many men invite the girl they like on a date to a cafe or restaurant. You can make the date unusual. For example, invite her to the theater or the circus. Perhaps your loved one will like an amusement park. Even adults love to have fun like children.

    Almost every person will enjoy boating or motorboating. Invite the girl to spend her leisure time on the water. Take provisions with you and set sail. After such a walk you feel tired, but it is very pleasant. Such entertainment will raise you in the eyes of your beloved.

    Serenades under the window used to be in fashion. Why not take advantage of the hint from the past? After all, at that time men knew how to surprise and conquer women! Come with a guitar and sing a heart-warming song under the window. Few will remain indifferent after the serenade.

    Write a poem for your beloved. Girls like such original signs of attention. After all, it’s not every day that poems are written in her honor.

    Remain attentive to your chosen one at any time. Try not to push her away, help her in everything, support her. Make your chosen one's life varied. A man who shows original signs of attention has a better chance of winning a lady.

    How to thank a man for caring

    There are several ways to express gratitude.

    You can tell a man how pleased you are with his care, how much you appreciate his attention. You can also express gratitude non-verbally: with a warm look, a tight hug. Men, like women, feel manifestations of warmth and love.

    You can also reciprocate with a sign of attention: cook a delicious breakfast or come to your next date in an irresistible look. After all, a man is very pleased to see his woman in dresses, with beautiful makeup and styled hair. Your well-groomed appearance and incredible appearance are also a gift for a man.

    A little about obsession

    Very often, signs of attention from a man are too intrusive. This can irritate a girl.

    This manifests itself when a man can call many times a day or write letters on social networks. Many ladies don't like this behavior. Therefore, the relationship that the young man dreams of does not work out.

    When a date doesn’t work out, try not to write or call that day, but give your loved one time. She must miss you. Only then will the lady understand how much she misses your attention and courtship.

    Obsession will not lead to good things. After all, every person should have his own personal life. Your chosen one also wants to have personal space.

    Lack of attention in women. Basic Concepts

    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a complex borderline problem located at the intersection of medicine, psychology and pedagogy. The pathology itself consists of a chronic behavior disorder manifested in childhood. Symptoms of the disorder that are not corrected in time make themselves felt in adulthood in at least 60% of patients.

    The specific clinical manifestations of the disease are quite varied. In this regard, initially attention deficit hyperactivity disorder had a number of synonyms reflecting the predominant clinical picture or pathogenesis of the disease - “deficit of moral control”, “minimal brain dysfunction”, “chronic hyperkinetic brain syndrome”, “mild brain dysfunction” and others. However, none of them fully reflected the essence of the disease. The term "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" was coined in 1980 and has proven to be the most commonly used term to describe behavioral disorders. Along with it, “attention deficit disorder without hyperactivity” and “residual type syndrome” were identified, diagnosed in individuals who suffered from ADHD at an earlier age.

    ADHD is a polyetiological disease manifested by behavioral disorders that manifest in children over 5 years of age and are accompanied by decreased attention and hyperactivity. Potentially, such changes provoke problems with learning and work, a decrease in the quality of life, and social maladaptation of a person.

    To have a good time in a long distance relationship

    1. Set the rules

    You both need to be clear about what you expect from each other during your virtual romance. Set ground rules to make communication comfortable for you.

    For example, what messenger will you use to communicate? By text or voice? What is the best time not to write? When do you sleep and is it better not to disturb? What is your relationship status? Are you a couple?

    This will ultimately save you from heartache and conflict.

    1. Avoid over-communication

    To captivate a girl in correspondence, you cannot devote all your free time to her. You DO NOT need to communicate 15 hours a day for a relationship to work. Many guys think that spending more time will compensate for the distance. It is not true. This approach devalues ​​your attention, tires you (and excessive communication tires everyone) and can even cause retaliatory rejection and distance.

    And you will exhaust yourself with this endless “spam”. Dose communication and correspondence.

    Try to maintain intimacy:

    Since you will rarely see each other in person, it will be very important for you to establish a strong emotional connection with your girlfriend.

    The quality of the conversations is important here, it will show that you are investing time and effort into your relationship. That you are interested in a girl’s life and want to get to know her.

    If you communicate with her intermittently for several days, you won’t succeed in anything meaningful.

    On those days when you will be busy and will not be able to get in touch, warn her in advance. This will show you that you remember her. And that you’re sorry that you won’t be able to have a full conversation.

    Don't be too serious and discuss your plans for the future in every conversation. This will create tension in your relationship.

    It’s better to talk about some little things and insignificant things. About what couples who live together discuss.

    For example, you could tell them what you cooked for dinner or that you bought yourself a new wardrobe. Or that you have a spring cleaning planned for the weekend.

    Such conversations will give you the illusion of a common home, and this is exactly what you two are striving for. Such communication will help strengthen relationships and better learn about each other's habits.

    Try to visit your girlfriend as often as you can. Without this, you will not be able to build a relationship.

    Live communication, touching, sex are important things that should happen.

    Sometimes it will be very cool to meet in new cities. Why not? There will be more impressions, and you are not tied to the place in which one of you lives. It will be new for both of them.

    You can meet somewhere in the middle of the road, this way you will maintain romance in your relationship.

    Just like in any other relationship, you must learn to understand your girlfriend. And for this you need to learn as much as possible about it.

    When you talk to her, pay attention to her interests, interests, hobbies. What she likes to eat, what movies she watches, what books she reads, what music she listens to.

    Do you want to communicate with a girl in the same language? Do you want to understand her? Do you want to conquer her?

    - Reasons why you have difficulties with a girl; — The mindset of a successful man; — 7 critical mistakes you make when communicating with a girl.

    from which you will learn:

    1. The reasons for your problems with the girl; 2. Limiting beliefs that prevent you from conquering her; 3. How to win over a girl you really like.

    From all these little things, an ideal relationship then develops. If you know how to use this knowledge.

    Plus, you'll know exactly what to give because you'll do your research.

    It is clear that without trust no normal relationship is possible. Moreover, long distance relationships.

    You should try to earn the girl’s trust as much as possible and not let her down.

    You don't have to think that because she doesn't see you, you can do whatever you want. Be honest about your plans, even those she might not like.

    This is much better than a lie that will only increase.

    Your girlfriend should be sure that you are not cheating on her. And you, accordingly, should not give her a reason to think about it.

    You understand perfectly well how important loyalty and devotion are at a distance. When she can't just pick up and come.

    Try not to let the girl down, be as sincere as possible with her and not lie. In turn, demand the same behavior from her.

    How to strengthen your relationship with a girl at a distance

    Play online games together

    There are thousands of games you can play together online. These can be either paired games in virtual reality or simple ones like backgammon or puzzles. You can try to download World of Warcraft characters or play Heroes of Might and Magic. If you like intellectual games, you can compete in word games, monopoly, solve puzzles, crosswords, and sudoku.

    Ask questions about relatives

    It's a win-win because family is very personal. And by “letting” you into the family, they begin to trust you and consider you closer. Ask about brothers, sisters, godparents, parents. The main thing is, do not forget WHAT they tell you. Then, on occasion, remember or ask about the developments in the life of her relative. And that’s it - you too have become one of our own, dear.

    Make a shared playlist

    This is both entertainment, and a way to get to know her better, and to create something in common that will unite you. The songs you add there will always be associated with you, even if she hears them on the radio at the fitness center. Try to make it bright and positive music.

    Challenge her

    If a girl is a fan of healthy eating, then bet that she won’t eat sweets for a week. If you love sports, then after 10 days you will be able to hold a plank for 1.5 minutes (or spin a hula hoop for 10 minutes). These could be career achievements - writing a presentation within a specified time frame, learning something. The main thing is that the result must be demonstrated to you. If he fails to comply, there will be a fine. Figure it out for yourself. And if he does it, then reward, of course.

    Make a wish list

    Desires and goals can take hours of your communication. Dream together, ask her about her desires, share yours. Set goals for yourself, for her, and for everyone. Support each other in achieving them, praise, encourage. Boast, be sad or complain if things don't work out.

    Create a joint blog or website

    If you have common interests or you both love writing, why not start a blog together? Publish stories, photos, share experiences or knowledge.

    As for the technical part, creating a blog is very easy (even I could do it!). In just a couple of hours you’ll figure it out and you’ll already be an ace at it. Technology is on our side.

    Read the same book and discuss it

    Choose the genres most suitable for your couple and read! You can take those books that are now at the peak of popularity, you can turn to the classics or science fiction - psychology, self-development, etc. The main thing is that reading captivates both of you.

    Ask questions

    What kind of banality? - you ask. However, you are in a long distance relationship and communication is all you have. Learn to listen carefully to your girlfriend and ask good questions—questions that will make her think and help you understand her better. 3 of my publications will help you -

    • What to ask a girl in correspondence;
    • Examples: what to correspond with a girl about;
    • How to become an ideal conversationalist for a girl.

    Share news, interesting sites, photo collections

    This will give you many new topics to discuss and allow you to read and watch the same things. In other words, it is comfortable to communicate with a person in your circle.

    Take the online test and discuss your results

    Psychological tests, horoscopes, knowledge quizzes, surveys and so on - take them online and share the results. Find out your personality types, level of empathy, love language (by the way, it will come in handy in the future), build the Enneagram (I hope you spelled the word correctly).

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