Test: Does a man love me? plus Tips - how to make him fall in love!

A test to determine whether a man loves you. This questionnaire takes into account the most accurate signs of a man’s love and will help answer the question: “Does a man love me?” However, it also reveals your own psychological problems and illusions.

The exclusivity of the test lies in the fact that it not only scans a man’s interest and sympathy for you, but also analyzes your personal difficulties and psychological conflicts. Very often, we see something that is not there and imagine that a man is in love with us, although this is not the case. Answer the questions accurately and find out: is a man in love with you? Does he have sympathy and interest in you?

How to win a man's heart? Millions of girls ask themselves this question every day. In order to soberly assess your chances and efforts, you need to understand whether the guy has sympathy for you? This test will help you understand whether your chosen one likes you.

Some women, not knowing the answer to the question “Does a man love me?” spend a lot of time on dreams, fantasies and waste their time. They look for signs of hidden attention in simple everyday things, justify his inattention, inactivity, and even simply ignore him - just to remain with the hope that the man loves her. This test not only determines whether your chosen one likes you, but also diagnoses the presence of false illusions and self-deception!

How to understand if your husband loves you: a test of the strength of family relationships

Before I give you any food for thought, I must clarify that this time we are going to talk about your current significant other. Talking about previous relationships is the topic of my other article, “ How to understand if your ex-husband still loves you


  1. The most obvious proof of love is gifts for no reason. For a truly loving man, it won’t be difficult to come home with a bouquet of flowers after work or book a table for two in a restaurant on Saturday evening.
  2. But how can you tell whether your husband loves you or not if he is not particularly generous with gifts and compliments? Of course, according to the activity of your intimate life. In the “Happily Married” section, I periodically remind you that if your spouse actively takes the initiative when it comes to courtship and sex, then you can say that your couple is not in danger of breaking up.
  3. He is proud of your successes and boldly voices this in conversations with other people - both in front of you and in your absence.
  4. How else can you tell if a man truly loves you? Just look at how involved your partner is in your daily life. If he is sincerely interested in how your day went, asks questions and helps with advice, then this means that he is a truly loving spouse.

By the way, I would like to add that 80% of men express their love through actions, not words. Only a small number of representatives of the stronger sex are showered with generous compliments, pleasing to the ear of every woman. And it is to them that you should be especially attentive: sometimes indifference is hidden behind gentle words. I already talked about how to understand that words differ from intentions, and whether your husband loves you as much as before, in the article “He lies and blushes: how to catch a man in a lie.”

How to pass the test for women

To get an answer to the question: are you really loved or just being used, just follow these instructions:

· Read each question carefully.

· Do not be disingenuous or try to embellish when choosing answers in the test.

· Don’t try to choose the “correct” answer that will indicate the outcome you expect.

Be honest with yourself first and foremost and you may learn something new about your relationship. If you are not ready to hear information that is unpleasant for you, then it is better to refuse to take this psychological test altogether. If you are ready to understand yourself and your relationships, start going through it right now.

Do you love?

We found out how to understand whether a man loves his wife, and now let's figure out your own feelings. After all, it very often happens that the first months of life together pass under the auspices of raging hormones, and then there is a lull, during which it turns out that the feelings were not so strong. A small test will help answer the question of how to understand whether I love my husband:

  1. Do you support your spouse’s ideas and initiatives, even if they obviously fail?
  2. Are you interested in his life outside the home?
  3. Do you enjoy spending time together?
  4. Can you imagine your life without this person?

If you answered “yes” to all questions, then the survey can be considered successfully completed. But even if there is a negative answer somewhere, don’t be upset - there’s nothing critical about it. You can always catch up on what you missed in my course “Secrets of Women’s Happiness.”

Self-deception in the question: Does a man love me?

The main ways in which women unconsciously deceive themselves, entertain the illusion, hoping that the chosen one also has sympathy and wants to meet:

  1. The excuse for ignoring him is “the man’s hidden fears of relationships”;
  2. The feeling that the success of a relationship depends only on the woman’s desire: “I don’t really like him... But if I want, he will be mine”;
  3. Seeing a man’s desire for a meeting, even if he doesn’t want it;
  4. The feeling that you need to be more active in the relationship and then “certainly the man will be mine.”

To save your time and effectively build relationships, take this test. We also recommend reading the article “Who is a narcissist. Signs of narcissism" and "Fear of loneliness".

After passing the test, you will receive SPECIFIC EFFECTIVE recommendations on how to make a man fall in love with you or how to strengthen your relationship! Be sure to read to the end!

What to do when you understand everything?

By honestly answering your questions, you can begin the main thing—working on your mistakes. Highlight the points that don't suit you and think about what can be done. For example, if a man has stopped showing signs of attention, then the situation will be corrected by my course “The Art of Female Flirting”, where you will learn how to make your head spin and captivate not only your beloved spouse.

Don’t forget, my dears, that the test “How to understand if your husband loves you” is just the beginning: the rest is up to you. Inspire your other half, keep her interested and ignite her desire. This way you guarantee that in 10 years love and mutual understanding will reign in the relationship. Do you agree with me or do you think that your spouse will love you regardless of the time spent in marriage?

Test: Does my husband love me?

Love is one of the most beautiful and at the same time mysterious feelings to which we are subject.

Its influence on a person is limitless: it can change the perception of the surrounding world and events, worldview and attitude towards life - make you happy or, conversely, deeply unhappy.

It all depends on the reciprocity of the feelings experienced... And it doesn’t matter how many years you’ve been together, whether you’re married or just dating!

Any representative of the fair sex wants to know what is going on in the soul of her other half. Do they really love her or does the relationship “stick” only on habit.

If you doubt the sincerity of your spouse and dream of finding the answer to the question: “Does my husband love me?” – the test and tips presented below can help you.

This universal test is based on identifying patterns that appear in the absence or presence of love from your significant other.

Take the test

Try to answer the following questions as honestly as possible by choosing the appropriate answer option.

“Does my husband love me” test:

  • How often do you hear words of love from your spouse?
  1. Every day.
  2. Several times a week, probably.
  3. I do not remember exactly.
  • Does your significant other share their experiences and secrets with you?
  1. Yes, I know about everything that happens in my husband’s soul.
  2. Yes, but we very rarely have heart-to-heart conversations.
  3. No, my husband is a very secretive person.
  • What changes have occurred in your man over the past year?
  1. He remained the same as he was before.
  2. My husband became more irritable.
  3. He became more calm and sometimes indifferent to what was happening.
  • How does your loved one prefer to relieve tension and relax?
  1. We love family vacations: we go to nature, etc.
  2. Drinking beer with friends.
  3. Hard to tell.
  • Do you think your husband is happy in his marriage?
  1. Probably yes.
  2. I am not sure.
  3. Hard to tell. Sometimes you hear him regretting past decisions.
  • Do you often allow yourself to speak unflatteringly about your mother-in-law in the presence of your spouse?
  1. Rarely, I try to keep my opinion to myself.
  2. It happens sometimes.
  3. My husband knows how I feel about his mother.
  • What will you do if your husband’s friends suddenly come to visit you?
  1. Put aside all your business and invite them to have dinner together.
  2. You will not interfere with them and their spouse.
  3. You won't pay attention to them.
  • What is it about you that irritates your significant other the most?
  1. My specific look: too short skirt, heavy makeup, etc.
  2. Over-salted soup, burnt potatoes.
  3. Everything I do is criticized by him.
  • Do you have “household chores” - a list of things that each of you does?
  1. No, we can always agree on who does what and when around the house.
  2. Yes, we have everything strictly scheduled.
  3. I usually do everything around the house myself.
  • Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you were married to another man?
  1. No.
  2. Sometimes I think about it.
  3. I think about this very often.

If you have the most answers:

  • «1» – your relationship is built on trust and mutual love. You have no reason to worry, since you and your husband understand each other perfectly. Such relationships are rare in marriage, take care of them.
  • «2» – your relationship with your spouse is developing like in an average family, where the husband is always dissatisfied with his wife and vice versa. If you want more, try to destroy these prejudices by filling your marriage with new happy emotions and harmony.
  • « – your family is on the verge of destruction, because you do not understand and do not want to understand your spouse. Of course, you can stay together for a long time, but such a life is unlikely to bring you happiness.

Love does not love…

It is important to understand that no test can convince you of the sincerity of your loved one’s feelings.
If you really want to understand whether your husband loves you, pay attention to his actions.

Perhaps there is no reason to worry, but you simply stopped noticing his care and attention, and began to consider his gentle touches habitual.

Try to look at your relationships and communication from the outside. Maybe you didn’t even realize how much envy your “modest” hugs in public cause.

If you are lost in doubt about the sincerity of your personal happiness, you most likely need real evidence.

Check your feelings

The ideal way to test your soulmate is on your own initiative.

Yes, yes, you yourself must show attention to your spouse: arrange a romantic dinner, surround him with care and affection, show him how much you love him.

And if in such a situation a man does not come to meet you, moving away from you, this is a very bad sign. Perhaps he put an end to your relationship a long time ago.

You will have to make a lot of effort to convince him otherwise. (How to get your husband's love back?)

If a man really loves you, he will definitely show his feelings, for example, in response to a romantic surprise he will give you an unexpected gift, etc.

“Does a man love me?”, “Is my husband faithful to me?” – these are the questions every girl most wants to know the answers to.

And it’s not a matter of uncertainty or fear of loneliness - it’s common for any woman to worry about her relationships.

Therefore, hint to your spouse that it is very important for you to see his feelings every day in minor actions and manifestations of attention.

And it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a lush bouquet of roses or just a compliment. Just don’t forget that if you demand manifestations of love, nothing good will come of it!

Surround your husband with love and care, and he will do everything to make you happy with him!

Author: Ekaterina Volkova

Test questions

1. For what reason does a man call you most often?

2. Can you turn to your chosen one for help at any time without fear of being rejected?

3. Will your boyfriend be the first person you turn to if any problem arises?

4. Do you give your chosen one gifts more expensive than he gives you?

5. Can we say that sometimes they refuse to help you without a good reason, but simply come up with excuses?

6. Do they give you gifts for no reason, without expecting anything in return?

7. Do you often go to public places together?

8. Does he pay for cafe bills or shared trips?

9. Is your boyfriend often the first to kiss or hug you?

10. If you live together, who pays the apartment or utilities? If separately, then guess how these responsibilities will be distributed.

11. Do you call or meet more often...

12. Do you often hear from your chosen one that he has no time, he is tired, he is not in the mood?

13. If the question arises with whom to spend time better, he...

14. He willingly introduces you to his friends and relatives

15. Does he often listen to your advice?

16. Does he show genuine interest in your feelings and emotions?

17. If you ask him for help, does he often suggest turning to another person, citing being busy or incompetent in this matter?

18. Does a man ask you to borrow money?

19. Does he often reproach you for something or find fault with you over trifles in order to instill a feeling of guilt?

20. If you both get sick, who takes on the responsibilities for housekeeping and treatment?

21. Does he often tell you that his work is much more serious than yours, and that his problems are more global?

22. Does he often complain to you about his life: health, lack of money, bad mood?

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How to recognize a guy in love

Western doctors and psychologists have classified love as a special type of disease. Like any disease, it has symptoms that will help identify its carrier without any additional tests. Here are some sure signs:

  • Tries to behave like a man. A real man is a provider and protector, and this is exactly how your boyfriend will try to behave in your presence.
  • Gives you time and attention. He begins to clearly single you out from the crowd of girlfriends and friends, trying under any pretext to devote more of his time to you.
  • Notices your positive sides. A guy in love sees only positive qualities in his girlfriend, completely ignoring the negative ones.
  • I'm ready to do anything for you. The young man who has fallen in love with you perceives any of your wishes positively and makes every effort to fulfill it.
  • He's sad and bored without you. He cannot stay without you for a long time, strive to meet under any pretext.
  • Shares secrets. A guy who is in love with you will be open to communication on any topic in personal conversations. He will, of his own free will, tell you everything that is in his soul.
  • Planning for the future. He will try to show that he has everything under control and will definitely tell you how he plans to build his life over the next 5-10 years.
  • Meeting your friends. A truly in love person will try to enter your circle of acquaintances and interests. He will want to make friends with your friends, parents, and try to take up your hobby.

If you notice several of the described signs in your friend, this is a sure sign that the guy loves you.

Happy testing and love!

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