How a man who truly loves behaves - the psychology of falling in love

The stronger sex prefers to keep their emotions under control, not showing them even when it comes to love. Sometimes this behavior makes girls doubt and draw the wrong conclusions, which leads to mistakes and disappointment. This article will discuss the concept of how a man truly loves, how he behaves, and psychology.

How a man loves

Psychology of a man's feelings

It is believed that, for the most part, men are not capable of showing love. This fact is not correct, since similar feelings arise in everyone, regardless of gender, age and social status.

How to understand that a man is in love? Women often have serious problems with this issue, since the male sex is not used to openly showing the emotions that overwhelm them. The intensity of the expression of feelings will depend on many factors, such as:

  • Social status;
  • Having a full-fledged family;
  • Features of the psychological state;
  • Intellectual level;
  • Upbringing.

Important! It is impossible with one hundred percent probability to derive a formula for the behavior of a man in love. Many may experience a range of emotions inside, but will keep it secret from others because they were raised that way.

Ten questions about sympathy

This test is quite simple in its structure, but it allows you to understand for sure how the boy feels about you. If you were able to answer yes to seven or eight of the above questions, the guy is probably in love. You can check the objectivity of the result with the help of a close friend, who also has the opportunity to analyze the guy’s behavior. Ask her to answer these questions and compare your conclusions about the young man’s feelings.

  • Does the boy often smile when he makes eye contact with you?
  • Do you notice imitation of your actions and gestures when communicating with you?
  • Does your teenager try to casually touch you?
  • Does he start a conversation on topics that interest you both?
  • Does a guy get annoyed if he notices you around boys? Is he trying to shift attention to himself?
  • Does the guy try to cheer you up if you're not in a good mood?
  • Has his style and appearance changed since you began to suspect he was in love?
  • Does he show concern? For example, does he treat you to sweets or inquire about your health and progress?
  • Do you hear sudden compliments from a boy?

How to understand what a man loves

Styles of pedagogical communication and their brief characteristics

In terms of the romantic component, it is impossible to simply understand when a man is in love. Many women rely on their “sixth sense” or consider gifts and compliments to be sincere expressions of love. However, you can try and put together the general signs of a man in love:

  • Jealousy on his part sometimes arises in the desire to evoke a reciprocal feeling on the part of the lady;
  • Care. An adult man shows this in everything, even in small things, for example, it could be a cup of morning coffee;
  • The desire to learn as much as possible about the object of one’s adoration;
  • Kindness. Aggression can only be aimed at protecting one’s woman;
  • A man rejoices at the achievements of his beloved, supports her, even if he is an introvert;
  • There is a desire to share your own interests and learn more about the girl’s hobbies.

Such emotions can be noticed already with closer and constant communication. If a work colleague is in love with a woman, most likely kindness and care will go unnoticed. The girl simply will not understand such hints. That is why it is worth paying attention to other signs that a man is in love.


The behavior of a man in love can vary dramatically depending on his upbringing and intellectual level. It is not at all necessary that the guy will give roses, jewelry or the latest model phone.

First of all, a person in love shows care and respect for his chosen one. After all, he wants a woman not only in the physical, but also in the spiritual sense.

Also, guys in love are quite active in relation to their chosen one: they start a conversation, write or call, correspondence occurs on online networks. They experience great joy when they are reciprocated (they also show interest in communication).

Body language (non-verbal cues)

If a man truly loves, how does he behave? Psychology says that the stronger sex, just like the weaker sex, exhibits a whole host of different signals in relation to the object of interest to them.

The main problem is that not everyone is able to catch them and understand them correctly. However, it is body language that you should first of all pay attention to, since an intelligent man can control his own speech, but body behavior is not always the case.

Some of the main physical signs are dilated pupils, rapid heartbeat, and breathing. However, such manifestations can sometimes be very difficult to compare with falling in love. How to recognize:

  • A sincere smile speaks of warm, tender feelings. If in a conversation a man smiles with pleasure, using the facial muscles of his entire face;
  • Touch, even casual or unobtrusive, speaks volumes. This is how he wants to show his emotions and attract a woman to him, even conquer her;
  • Adjusts his hair, clothes - such gestures indicate that the guy wants to make a positive impression;
  • The position of hands on the belt (in pockets or belt) indicates sexual interest.



It is worth observing not only behavior, but also listening to what and how a man says. Carefully monitor intonation, evaluate spoken words and wording.

If in a conversation a man tries to lead the conversation, set a topic, and be interested in the girl’s preferences, this indicates his interest. Driven by his own desires, he tries to learn as much as possible about his chosen one. He tries to charm the girl with his wit.

On the other hand, dry or businesslike dialogue indicates that he is not attracted to his partner. Talking only about yourself indicates that the guy is not too interested in the girl or that he simply values ​​his own opinion much more.

Physiological manifestations, look

The stronger sex can control their speech and facial expressions, but feelings can be recognized by their eyes. An interested man holds his gaze on a lady longer than expected.

Often the gaze may dwell on the décolleté area. But you shouldn’t immediately blame the young man for intemperance. This happens unconsciously. A close gaze eye to eye also indicates interest.



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What reveals a man hiding his feelings?

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How to understand that a man really loves you? The opinions of psychologists on this matter often differ. The stronger sex can hide their own feelings for various reasons. Perhaps the girl has a boyfriend, they are colleagues, or he simply thinks that they are not suitable for each other in terms of status.

However, even the most restrained and intelligent man will involuntarily or, on the contrary, deliberately express his own feelings. What symptom should you pay attention to:

  • Trusting relationship. Most men are not used to telling strangers about ex-girlfriends and failed relationships. However, if a close friend shares similar memories, it is worth thinking about the fact that he is experiencing far from friendly feelings;
  • The look of a lover. When a guy sneaks a glance at a girl and looks away every time she notices it;
  • Appearance. It is especially worth considering if before the guy did not attach much importance to his appearance, and at a certain point this changes.


Often guys are attracted to proud, unapproachable girls. Usually such young ladies have a beautiful appearance, take care of themselves, and wear expensive perfumes. They proudly walk past the man, demonstrating with all their appearance their own superiority and mystery, which attracts like a magnet.

The difference between love and infatuation

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At first, it is not at all easy to distinguish love from infatuation. With age comes experience, this will be much easier to do.

The main difference between love is that it is a strong, long-lasting feeling that does not burn out and can warm both of them for many years.

Love does not always flare up suddenly (rather, it is falling in love). It gradually matures, takes shape, and two people understand that they want to be together all their lives.

Life values

Usually, one is attracted to a woman who has similar character traits and outlook on life. A couple who knows how to trust, sympathize with each other, show openness and support in difficult life situations has a greater chance of building a strong relationship. Falsity, lies, mistrust quickly “kill” any union.

Signs that a married man is in love

A married man can also fall in love. Given the circumstances, he will hide it with even greater care, but changes in behavior can still be noticed. If a married man falls in love, the main signs are:

  • He shares his family problems with the girl. He talks about how his wife doesn’t understand him;
  • Signs of attention. They are hidden or appear in small ways, but are still present;
  • Again the look. The eyes look at the object of adoration with interest and a little detachment.

Important! If a girl realizes that a married man is interested in her, she should not rush into a relationship headlong. The role of a mistress is not suitable for everyone. If everything is really bad in his family, and the husband is no longer able to live with his wife, he should wait until they sort things out among themselves.


Mistakes of our time

Today's women have too much masculine energy. They have forgotten how to love! Due to the weakened energy necessary for procreation, representatives of the fair sex began not to inspire, but to give.

They have forgotten what love, women and men are!

For example, a woman’s destructive love for a man can manifest itself in excessive care for her son. In this case, the mother interferes with the proper development of masculinity. Or the wife, confusing her relationship with her husband, turns into a parting “mom”.

Such a manifestation of energy is the male version of creation. A woman should be a faithful wife and helper for her husband. Undoubtedly, the distortion of energies entails a violation of the correct interchange. This is actually why there are so many disagreements between women and men.

How to check whether a man loves you or not

If a girl still has doubts about whether a man really has strong feelings for her, it’s worth checking out. There are quite a few ways, the best way is to carefully observe his behavior in different situations. What directly speaks of a strong feeling:

  • A woman doesn't have to constantly earn a man's respect. Even without this, he considers her smart and equal to himself. A person in love will not assert himself at the expense of his partner;
  • A loving man is ready to come to terms with the shortcomings of his chosen one. He will like the girl even without makeup and in home pajamas;
  • Even if a girl refuses intimacy for a long time, a loving person is ready to wait as long as necessary. Physiological needs do not come first;
  • He is always ready to help and support in difficult times, regardless of the circumstances;
  • The main thing is that he will not allow the girl to doubt her own feelings. The thought will not even occur to her: “Does he love me?”

Signs of attention

As you can understand, the stronger sex is also capable of falling in love. Even if his actions do not always lend themselves to logic, his feelings are still sincere and truthful. Why is that? It's a matter of psychology and the peculiarities of thinking.

What is the main difficulty of relationships?

They know how to love everyone, their peculiarity is to express feelings in different ways, they have different needs. There are people who are deprived of the opportunity to love, but this is already a mental disorder or increased selfishness.

Women's psychology in love and relationships is simple - they expect love, affection, care, and responsibility for the family from a young man. The classics say: “A woman does not need to be understood, it is enough to love her.”

The main thing is that each partner must put an equal amount of effort into building the relationship. Any imbalance leads to a violation of harmony and a “paradox of passion” arises when one of the partners needs love more.

Male psychology in love and relationships has its main manifestations - men love women, but tend to fear their character. The ideal woman is loving, sexy, understanding, non-conflict, cheerful and cheerful. For the sake of such a fairy, men are ready for heroic deeds.

Tell me about yourself.

He bombards you with questions. Everything that concerns you is terribly interesting to him. Where were you born? Do you have brothers and sisters? What do you love and what can't you stand?

He wants to know your thoughts. Your intentions. He expects you to be as open with him as he was just with you.

He is interested in your personal life. He wants to know everything about you. Why, you ask? And he really likes you. And even more. However, you already understand this.

Take the test: Does he like me?

How to find out about your ex-boyfriend's attitude towards you

The reasons for this interest vary. If you really need to, then how do you know if your ex-boyfriend loves you?

A verbal response test is also suitable here. If he does not react to the appearance of his past lover with unconscious movements, does not hold his gaze on her and does not change in his voice, then, most likely, he is no longer interested in this story. If several of the above signs are present, then all is not lost.

A good way to find out about your ex-boyfriend's attitude towards you is to ask mutual friends about his current affairs. Some girls talk about their desires directly and sort out the issue without intermediaries. Psychologists consider this approach the most reliable. Any of these methods will help you find out about your ex-boyfriend’s feelings towards past love.

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