Test “What is my character” - who are you: a leader, a crybaby, an angry person, a good-natured person?

Sometimes it can be difficult for a person to communicate with others...

“We got it!” - you think, ignoring the thought that it might not be about them at all. How well do you know yourself? Can you provide yourself with help and support when you need it?

If you find it difficult to answer, take the “What is my character” test. He will tell you who you really are! The test will allow you to see yourself from the outside!

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What does character consist of?

Character is a set of several elements

For many, character is some kind of abstract concept. Let's figure out what it consists of! 

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InterestsInterests have the most direct influence on our character and vice versa. As a rule, if you are calm, you are unlikely to enjoy racing bikes across the field
Circle of friendsHave you heard the saying, “Whoever you mess with, you’ll get rich from”? This is true. So try to surround yourself with good positive people.
MentalityBy “mentality” we mean area of ​​residence and spiritual values. There's no escape from this
UpbringingIt is our parents who invest in us what later becomes an integral part of our character. The fruits of parental education, fortunately or unfortunately, are difficult to somehow change

Pay attention! To change your character, you need to change some of its components. Just keep in mind that not all of them are subject to adjustment.

In this video you have to choose a person and find out your character!

Test “What is your character?” test

What is your character?

Each of us has certain character traits. Some of them are good and some are not so good. It also happens that what we consider natural and taken for granted irritates others. Try to look at yourself objectively and answer truthfully (“yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”) to the following 10 questions.

Instructions: The questions below can be answered “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”.

1. When sending a letter to someone you know, do you consider it obligatory to write a return address on the envelope? 2. Do you only use one specific brand of toothpaste and cologne? 3. During a visit to friends, do you pay attention to various minor shortcomings or imperfections in someone else’s house (for example, a crookedly hung picture or a too dim light bulb in the hallway)? 4. Do you maintain such perfect order in your personal library that you can easily quickly find the book you need? 5. Do you keep various “relics” such as your first school notebook or a theater program from ten years ago? 6. Do you prepare clothes, shoes, a briefcase, a bag for tomorrow in the evening? 7. When you leave the house, you begin to remember whether everything was left in order (turned off, closed, etc.)? 8. Do you check the buttons on your clothes before putting them on? 9. When you hear an exact time signal on the radio, do you look at your watch? 10. Do you make comments to your friends and acquaintances about their tastes, manner of dressing, etc.?

Key to the test

If you answer the question in the affirmative, score yourself 2 points; if you answer the question negatively, score 0; if you hesitate, score 1 point.

0-6 points. You belong to people who don't care about anything. In case of any failure, you expect that there will always be someone who will help you get out of a difficult situation. However, most often such hopes are not justified. It is difficult for friends to rely on you - you can easily let them down. Think about your character.

7-10 points. At first glance, it seems that you are a supporter of order and harmony. But this is most likely just an appearance. In reality, you are quite frivolous and often present what you want as reality. We wish you more constancy and willpower.

11-16 points. Frankly speaking, you have a good, even character. Appreciate order in your home and where you go (and most importantly, contribute to this order!). Love accuracy and always try to keep your word. When assessing a situation, you always weigh the pros and cons.

17 points and above. You are perhaps an overly impressionable person. Any little thing can make you angry. You often complain that everything is worse than you would like. You can turn this or that view or opinion (be it cleanliness in the house, neatness in clothing, intolerance towards anything, etc.) into a cult. With such a character it is difficult to get along with people. We must be well aware of which issues require iron-fisted intransigence, and which ones require gentleness and condescension.

If you saw the crooked cross first, your best qualities are generosity and loyalty.

It's hard for you to give your heart to someone else, but when you're really attracted to someone, you try your best.
Extremely loyal and intelligent, you are an artist at heart. You have learned self-control and you are now the master of yourself, something others fight for. Your feelings can never overcome you. Tip: Although in some cases it is better to tell people the truth than to let them believe sweet lies, this should not always be your weapon. Everyone needs to know the truth, but for some the pain can be unbearable. Maintain a neutral tone and speak in a way that does not alert others.

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If you saw the lion first, your best qualities are courage and determination.

Like the lion you see, courage and determination are your defining traits.
You have a lot of confidence, but you are also honest with yourself. You are not blind to your shortcomings, but you accept them just as you accept your good qualities. Advice: Many people think that you are unavailable because you only allow those you consider worthy to enter your circle. It's important to draw the line. But don't let yourself get to the point where you find yourself alone.

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If you saw the heart first, your best qualities are kindness and a loving nature.

Finding love is your main goal in life.
Your natural kindness ensures that you will never favor anyone for long. You want all people to be happy, and you lead the way by developing effective treatments. People come to you because you are compassionate, forgiving and always ready to love, because you are incredibly empathic. Advice: many of the wounded flock to you, but more often than not, you suffer alone. You spend so much time caring for them that you don’t even take a minute for yourself. Take time to do what makes you happy, otherwise you will soon have very few resources to help those who truly need you.

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If you saw the tie first, your best qualities are discipline and determination.

Extremely disciplined and hardworking, you never make promises you cannot keep.
When you take on a task, you put your all into it. You are not afraid of obstacles, and anything that challenges you also excites you. Tip: You have a value system and you always stick to it. But you tend to see everything as good or bad, with no gray areas in between. You must understand that each person has an experience that is very different from yours. Listen without judging and you will learn a lot.

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How to change your character?

You can change your character. You just need to start working hard on yourself. By following the algorithm of the actions described below, you can quickly eliminate negative traits from your character and acquire positive aspects.

Analysis of your own character

First you need to identify the character traits that you will need to get rid of. This can be done very simply - take a sheet of paper, draw a vertical stripe on it, write down negative traits in one column, and a way to get rid of them in the other.

For example, a person is unsociable. You need to become sociable and sociable. This will be possible to achieve if a person begins to communicate more often with pleasant people, participate in social events, make acquaintances and take initiative in conversations with colleagues or partners.

Another example is a person who is weak and cowardly. In this case, you will need a lot of work on yourself. You can conquer your fears only by “looking them in the eye.”

Awareness of the problem

Changing your character is not easy, and many people have a question: is it necessary to do this? If such thoughts appear in your head, then you need to urgently eliminate them.

A simple way: you need to find a person who has the same negative traits (for example, cowardice or indecisiveness). Then, from the outside, you need to observe how he lives, what his problems are, how his negative trait prevents him from achieving success in life. Only after the problem has been “deciphered” will you immediately want to get rid of it.

Search for an idol

It is very useful to find an image of a person you want to be like. For example, if a colleague is decisive and purposeful, then he earns respect from his superiors, and they, in turn, regularly reward him with good bonuses. Of course, you want to be like such an active colleague.


It will take time to get positive results. As psychologists say, it takes 21 days to change a habit. Throughout the entire period, you will have to carefully control your own emotions, behavior and state of mind.

It is important to maintain consistency. That is, you cannot radically change your character right away, you need to do it gradually - first we change one trait, and then we begin to change others.


Any work should be rewarded. Changing your character is a huge job, and you definitely need to get a worthy reward for it.

The best reward will be words of gratitude from your loved ones. To receive kind words addressed to you, you need to do something good and meaningful, for example, feed homeless puppies, help an old woman cross the road, open the door in a store for a young mother with a stroller.

If you saw the open book first, your best qualities are intelligence and intuition.

You are not only smart, but also gifted with intuition.
Most people are an open book to you, and you are often approached by those who need advice because they cannot make their own choices. You can handle most problems thrown at you with ease and grace. Tip: Your skills make people always come to you for something. This can make you feel tired and exhausted. Make sure you have a quiet place, whether at home or in the office. You'll need this space to just relax and refresh your mind, otherwise you'll just burn out.

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If you saw roses first, your best qualities are the ability to see beauty and peaceful nature in everything.

Love is your greatest weapon.
You see something beautiful in everything in front of you, even when that beauty is well hidden. You prefer to be calm and persistent, so as not to allow yourself unnecessary gossip, and the attention of the spotlight does not attract you. Gentleness comes easily to you and you always try to please others. Tip: While there is something beautiful in everyone and everything, not everyone can find that beauty and goodness as easily as you can. Many will try to use your kindness for their own gain, so be realistic and careful. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, stay away from them.

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If you initially saw balloons, your best qualities are optimism and foresight.

A free-spirited optimist, you are an incurable dreamer who has little control over where your mind and thoughts go.
When you decide that something is really important, no one can convince you or influence you. Even when you have the worst moments in your life, you are always confident that life will get better. You always have hope and, in your case, it will not die. Tip: A wandering mind can sometimes make you feel disconnected. You will quickly get bored and abandon any task if something more interesting comes along. It is important to stick to your goals and achieve them.

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Learn empathy and gratitude

Put yourself in the other person's shoes

The capacity for compassion lies at the core of strength of character. Try to imagine how other people feel. Maybe your friend recently lost a loved one and has become moody and irritable? Put yourself in his place, and you will be able to understand the motives for his actions. And then it will become clear to you that now he needs not criticism, but friendly support.

Fight prejudice

Most people have an established system of prejudices - conscious or unconscious, many of which have nothing to do with reality. For example, the idea that people without a college degree are not as smart as college graduates. Look around and you will find real examples that refute this belief.

Awareness of your bias is the first step towards overcoming it.

Learn to experience and express gratitude

Gratitude is an important step towards awareness of yourself and the world around you. Make it a part of your daily life and see how your character changes. Every day before you go to bed, think of three things you are grateful for. You can even keep a diary, recording your thoughts in it.

Also, don't forget to express gratitude to people who deserve it. A simple “thank you” or a detailed comment about how much you appreciate another person’s actions helps to see you as a strong person.

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