What is love - 7 steps of its birth and 10 facts about lovers

One word encyclopedia

It's better to look at one object from ten different sides,

than ten items on one side.

A. Diesterweg

There is a lot of beauty in the world, a lot of things to rejoice at and be surprised at. Therefore, I wanted to plunge into the world of colors, tenderness, and luck. Namely, I want to talk about “love”. The Russian language is the language of words: big and small, simple and complex, funny and sad, good and evil. I chose this word because it seemed warm, bright, and I wanted to unravel its secret. To do this, I set a goal

my work: to study the meaning, origin of the word “love” and understand its essence.
I set the following tasks
: to consider the interpretation and etymology of the word “love”; find out the understanding of this word among people of different generations; observe how the word lives in folklore, in the titles of works, songs, films, and in painting.

  1. Lexical meaning of the word LOVE

1. A feeling of attachment based on common interests, ideals, and a willingness to devote one’s strength to a common cause. Love to motherland. The same feeling, based on mutual disposition, sympathy, intimacy. Brotherly love. Love for people. The same feeling, based on instinct. Mother's love.

2. A feeling based on sexual desire; the relationship of two persons mutually connected by this feeling. Unhappy love. Happy love. Unrequited love. Platonic love. Sensual love. Burn with love. Suffer from love.

3. Transfer. decomposition the person who instills this feeling. She was my first love.

4. Inclination, disposition or attraction to something. Love for art. Love for work.

Dictionary of Nikolai Maksimovich Shansky Love

- a common Slavic word formed with the help of the suffix -ov (-y) from the same stem as to love, any. The noun lyuby (cf. gender p. lyub've) under the influence of indirect cases changed into love, like the nouns sparkle, carrot.

The word
love and its lexical meaning (in Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary)
Love is feminine.

1.Strong heart feeling. Declaration of love. Declare your love. Marriage for love, without love. Marry for love (to your loved one).

Love to the grave (eternal).

Love has passed, gone, faded away. Suffer, burn, die of love.

Mutual, unrequited, platonic, romantic love.

Love at first sight (which arose immediately from the first meeting). Love is no joke (last).

Love is not a potato (not a trifle, not without a small matter; simple joke).

Child of love (about a desired and beloved child).

Love is evil (about not choosing a loved one).

2. A feeling of deep affection, selfless and sincere affection.

Love for the Motherland, for parents, for children, for neighbor.

Treat your business with love (lovingly).

3. Constant, strong inclination, passion for something. Love for truth, for truth.

Love of ballet, reading, theater, sports. Love. to animals.

4. Predilection, taste for something. Love of alcohol, sweets, dressing, comfort.

May you live happily ever after! (colloquial) - wishes for well-being to those entering into marriage.

(in the etymological dictionary).

From an etymological point of view, the word comes from the Proto-Slavic *ljubъ, from which, among other things, Old Russian and Old Slavic originated. lyub, Russian lyubo, any, any “dear”. Hence the love.

Related words
(Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / Edited by
D. N. Ushakov

Lover, oh, oh; (short man. not used;) vna, exno. 1. Imbued with love, caused by love, expressing love. Love affair. Love note. Love lyrics.

To be nice, ay, ay, nesov., with someone (colloquial). Tell someone courtesy, treat someone kindly. L. with women. || To stand on ceremony with someone, to treat someone condescendingly.

Dear, oh, oh; -zen, I know, I know. 1. Considerate towards others, courteous. L. reception. L. answer. Kind meeting. We were greeted very kindly (adv.).

Favorite, mtsa, m. Favorite par excellence, the most beloved person. L. mother. L. public. Universal l...

Admiration, I, pl. no, cf. (bookish, with a tinge of disapproval). Action according to verb. admire. L. nature. Incessant l. yourself…

Loving, oh, oh; - flax, flax, flax (book). Capable of loving a lot, deeply. Loving heart...

The word love and words-relatives (same root) Love, love, beloved, loved, love, amorous (novel), love, any, lover, beloved, amiable, loving, admire, adultery, proud, love, lover, favorite, love.

Synonyms for LOVE

  • affection (feeling of closeness based on deep sympathy, devotion to someone or something)
  • affection, sympathy (a good, benevolent attitude, a good feeling felt towards someone)
  • romance (love relationship)
  • inclination (attraction to something, characterized by consistency; disposition towards someone or something)
  • addiction (strong inclination, attraction)
  • Mania
  • Loyalty
  • Friendship
  • Love
  • Loyalty
  • Impotence
  • Madness
  • Accuracy
  • Favor

Antonyms for the word LOVE
Hate is an intense, long-lasting, negatively colored feeling that reflects rejection, disgust and hostility towards the object of hatred (a person, a group of persons, an inanimate object, a phenomenon).

Indifference is a human state of indifference, lack of interest, and passive attitude towards the environment.

Indifference is a state of complete disinterest in the events happening around, an apathetic and indifferent attitude towards loved ones and close people, insensitivity. An indifferent person does not care what happens around him. He is not interested in the feelings and emotions of other people, current events and their social assessment.

Disgust is a negatively colored feeling, a strong form of rejection

Under the threat of a decisive battle

Frontiers for dear hearts

Give me the steel and courage of a hero,

Love and hate in the chest


(Vs. Rozhdestvensky, son of Mstislav, Princess Monomakh.)

6. The word Love in phraseological units

Burn with love, twist love, for the love of art, love has cooled down, blind love, crazy love, unrequited love, love at first sight, love to the grave.

Blind love

- excessive love, when they do not notice the shortcomings of a loved one or completely justify them (the image of Prostakova in D. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor”)


all ages are submissive.


comes to a person at any age

Expression-quote from “Eugene Onegin” (1823-1831) by A.S. Pushkin.

What is love between a man and a woman

Falling in love, love, love-passion or love-habit, consumer or giving love are types of love between different sexes. In order to establish a condition that has a great influence on the development of love, it is enough to determine the foundation on which this feeling is built. Most likely it will be a social stereotype, a physiological attraction, a person’s state of mind, something at the head of behavior: reason or feelings. The nature and type of love is determined by the subject’s attitude towards people or life, his perception of himself in society. This is a kind of reflection of the individual’s inner world.

Love is such a contradictory feeling that one chases after it, or from which one runs away, it is greatly valued or neglected. It elevates or destroys a person mentally and at the level of physical health. Stereotypes of intersex love are shouted about everywhere, be it TV, radio, books, advertising billboards. This is a certain social game, where everyone conducts their own hunt, and having obtained prey, they create successful alliances. Is this really true? Initially, a person is interested in how to get the attention of his other half, to understand whether he is loved or taken advantage of. In the future, some are looking for ways to develop feelings, others are looking for time to express them, and others are looking for how to preserve the feeling of love. Some individuals are really looking for an opportunity to escape from this feeling, extinguishing every manifestation of it. If not everything is smooth between a woman and her lover and the feeling has disappeared, a more difficult task arises - how to stop tormenting and tormenting the other, how to fall out of love or break up.

You can talk about love for as long as you like, in different vectors of direction. First of all, it is caring, selfless, bringing only satisfaction to the lives of both individuals. This is a kind of counterbalance to suffering for the individual. Everyone he met, at least once, once dreamed of connecting his life with an individual who could change his existence, add colors of emotions to it and create harmony. At the same time, people tend to reduce such a sublime feeling to intimate attraction. Yes, naturally, the traditional foundation of love is sexual attraction. Since neuroscientists have proven after studying the brain activity of people in love that sexual desire is a goal-setting dopaminergic motivation that promotes the formation of pair bonds. First of all, sexual desire appears as a fundamental factor in adolescence, when the values ​​and adequate worldview of the individual are not fully formed. Mature age is characterized by a more hidden manifestation of intimate intentions. The subject is mistaken when he perceives fleeting attraction or excitement as the source of love.

For a morally adult person, love is not an ordinary feeling, but a certain way of life with certain priorities such as: responsibility, respect, attention, mutual understanding.

Considering this feeling in the paradigm of psychology, it cannot be defined within the framework of a clear description of the actions or state of the individual. The manifestation of love is directly related to human perception. So there are several positions of perception of this feeling for an individual:

• Zero position is “just” love. This is a manifestation of physiological attraction to a partner: it suddenly hits the individual and also disappears, regardless of the will of the subject. A social template embedded in the consciousness of an individual. A quick and reckless stage in the formation of a feeling, which often ends in disappointment of the individual. One of the couple allows himself to play the role of a person in love, acting out the “standard” behavioral norms of love, often imposed by society.

• The first position is love and “I”. It acts as an individual’s life position to receive more, even immediately, than to give to the lover. One of the subjects of love lives at the expense of the needs, needs of a person and the interests of the lover (love-want). Sometimes it manifests itself as “love-giving”: an interest arises in giving something, and the gift must be appropriate from the point of view of the person wishing it.

• The second position is love and “you”. A life position when the interests and needs of a loved one are initially taken into account. It appears in the forms of “love-responsiveness” or “love-care”. In the process, the individual as a person dissolves in his beloved, lives with the idea of ​​delivering maximum pleasure for his chosen one. Sometimes it develops into intrusive guardianship over a love subject.

• The third position is love and “we”. A more loyal and rich life position. Considers loving individuals as a couple, how each individual is ready for change, what contribution they bring to the relationship. People, as a union of two individuals, view themselves as one, ready to understand and create love.

• The fourth position is love and “life”. With this worldview, there are concepts of the future, past and present. The concepts of the existence of the world around a couple and people are considered. Subjects of love strive to see how capable they are of developing their feelings, in order to preserve themselves over the years and give something not only to themselves, but also to the world, thanks to this feeling.

• Fifth position – “angel”. The life position of an individual, allowing him to become a source of love, its manifestation. Implies wise control of behavior, adequate dedication in the form of care. Caring for a loving person brings pleasure and joy to an individual. With such a position in behavior, an individual is often the most self-realized person. He has everything he needs, now he only cares about what he is ready to offer to his lover.

Talents, profession, career

Choice of profession:

in her youth, Lyuba makes big plans, and she manages to realize many of them. She can work long and painstakingly on some scientific problem, business papers or creative problems. If Love was born in the summer and spring months, then it is possible that her character will be endowed with artistry and there will be freedom in communicating with people.

The meaning of the name Love determines the ability to be a wonderful actress or singer. At the same time, Lyubov has good teaching abilities. This girl can take over the leadership of an organization or a company. The girl is not afraid of persistent, painstaking work and can be a cosmetologist, archivist, pharmacist, accountant, cook, teacher, doctor, librarian.


A woman named Lyubov attaches great importance to financial independence, first from her parents, and then from her husband. And she succeeds. She is active and successful in business and affairs.

The girl’s mind is not broad, but her abilities can be revealed if she finds the only thing that Lyubov will like, but if this does not happen, then she will be a very mediocre worker, to whom bosses do not pay attention either in a positive or negative sense.

Ideas about love (concepts)

Representatives of a number of religious teachings and currents of ethical thought tried to define their attitude to the problem of love at different times. This kind of idea of ​​love can already be found in Confucius. The views of the Chinese thinker provide a rationale for the principle of ren

, actually equivalent to the concepts of “philanthropy”, “humaneness”, “humaneness”. A number of terms have a similar meaning in the early cultures of the peoples of the West and East, which indicates the typicality of this feeling that arises in relationships between people. The classical approach to the definition of love was formulated by Plato in his dialogue “The Symposium”. Here, for the first time, the idea of ​​the transformative and ordering power of love in relation to the chaos surrounding people is substantiated.

In Christianity, love takes on the characteristics of a universal principle that should determine human thoughts and actions. The New Testament proclaimed a moral ideal to which man should strive: “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:39). Representatives of Russian thought paid a lot of attention to the theme of love (F. M. Dostoevsky, Vl. Solovyov, V. V. Rozanov, etc.). Belief in the all-encompassing power of love that knows no exceptions is the essence of the ethics of nonviolence (L.N. Tolstoy, M. Gandhi, M.L. King). Love has a universal status, extending not only to a person, but also to any form of manifestation of life, in the ethics of reverence for the life of A. Schweitzer.

According to

from the point of view of moral philosophy, love is a complex phenomenon
the elements of which are
: 1)
prevailing in parental love
; 2)
which prevails in filial love and the religious love that follows from it
; 3)
a feeling of shame exclusively inherent in a person

, which,
in combination with the first two elements
pity and reverence - forms the human form of sexual or marital love

In the ordinary sense, love is the natural attachment of one person to another, with a subsequent desire to share all the delights, as well as the possible hardships of a joint situation. Love is the willingness to sacrifice everything, not excluding life itself, if this is necessary for the good of people close to a person. From love comes the dependence of a person’s virtues and mental strength, which direct his actions and actions in strict accordance with the requirements of the moral law. Love for one's neighbors serves as the source, the moral beginning of all good and kind endeavors for a person. Love is the moral foundation of human society. The strength of consistency and the strength of people’s actions and beliefs depend on the strength of love. Through love, peace, friendship and harmony between people are planted and maintained in society.

What do famous psychologists say about the definition of the word 'Love'?

Sternberg: The results of combining the components of love

Sternberg believed that this feeling can carry an objective load in three semantic components: attraction, passion and responsibility towards oneself and the other half.

Ideal love is one in which all these components merge together, feelings become strong and flammable!

Types of loveIntimacyPassionResponsibility
Imaginary feelings++
Blind feelings++
Perfect love+++

What does E. Fromm say about the definition of love?

He considers love to be a momentary feeling that appears in moments of great joy; the motivation of feelings can be fear of loneliness, and in rare manifestations - sadism.

Love, according to E. Fromm, is similar to a commercial transaction; to love is to take and give to the fullest, to open up, dedicate your secrets and let you into your innermost world of love and experiences. Be strong, don’t let feelings go by themselves, control the process, no matter how paradoxical it may sound.

The first violent outbursts of emotions are replaced by brave and strong feelings that help keep the raft of love afloat, and not allow it to break on the rocks of enmity, hatred, constant quarrels and scandals.

A.V. Petrovsky argues differently

He describes love as external manifestations of feeling, accessible to everyone . The way a person changes outwardly when a feeling of attachment to another appears, he renounces his previous life and begins to commit crazy actions. Love is conditioned by intimate attractions and presupposes sincerity and openness to each other.

If there is a lie, then this is not love, but the unscrupulous exploitation of someone else's trust, fraudulent actions, sometimes thoughtless. Feelings should be replaced by actions, but at the same time testify to the same thing. If I love, then it manifests itself in all relationships.

What is love

  • Love is when you get out of bed at night for the sake of your loved one to find out where this strange noise comes from.
  • Love is bacon. Bacon is love.
  • This is a primitive human construct.
  • It's a never-ending debate about where to eat.
  • Love is a battlefield.
  • This is a disease that can be cured by marriage.
  • This is when your soul understands that another part of it is in another person and recognizes it.
  • Love is like oxygen. If you get too much, you'll get drunk. If you don't have enough, you will die. In addition, it is highly flammable.
  • It's like a wonderful warm day - but that's just a myth!
  • This is something that people try to explain but don't really understand.
  • This is the ability to put up with a person when he is not in the best mood.
  • It is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.
  • This is a mystery that can only be solved the moment you discover it yourself.
  • This is your brain, flooded with serotonin.
  • It's like flowers waiting to fade.
  • It's a chemical reaction in the brain that turns people into idiots.
  • It's when you come home after a long day and your shoes and clothes are taken off.

Can there be happiness without love?

The concept of love is interpreted as something important for the existence of an individual in society. On the other hand, many disputes arise regarding life without this feeling. “The most important thing in life is love” - sounds from almost all media in any country. You can live without this important feeling. The question arises, what will such a life be like, like what? A subject deprived of love can exist like everyone else. At first glance, his life is no different: he goes for walks with friends, watches TV, goes to work, eats, sleeps. Having everything important that he dreamed of from early childhood, he still feels an insatiable feeling of loneliness. Love is a feeling that can change life, pushes to achieve feats, contributes to the self-improvement of each individual: people go in for sports, take care of their appearance, increase the level of self-education, everything to please their soulmate. Therefore, the main thing in life is love, which can rule the world and people.

Not every individual is capable of love. Sometimes, without meeting the same person or due to upbringing, a person is able to refuse the feeling of love, compensating with other emotions. It is common for people who have not met their soul mate to create families with people who show a sense of care and attention. Let it be so, not mutually, they create new cells of society, come to terms with it, live happily. Someone in this position is destined to fall in love with a partner unexpectedly. A small spark of brightly colored emotions will flare up and a person will learn about the benefits of mutual love and a family created in harmony. The inevitable option is that love will not come. There is a positive side - that crisis moment will not come when this feeling is destined to fade away and develop into a habit. Happiness exists without love; it is hidden in the spirituality and self-development of individuals who are able to form a prosperous family on the basis of this.

How are the concepts of fidelity and love related?

Based on the material presented above, it follows that love is a mutual, noble feeling, based on mutual understanding, mutual development, and mutual support. Does such a sublime feeling exist without fidelity?

A human quality that promotes the manifestation of perseverance in relation to a certain event or subject, based on personal choice and attitudes, is usually called loyalty. For a morally mature individual, love is a conscious choice. Only when both subjects create a common concept of existence, make a choice towards creating a common good, developing family values, and how they plan to live, a true feeling of love is formed. Accordingly, this is a conscious choice leading to maintaining fidelity.

Cheating is an action that implies not only an individual’s mistake, but mainly his immaturity and short-sightedness in creating relationships. But it happens that loyalty is maintained in a relationship not only because of feelings. This happens when one partner is comfortable living in such an environment. In a meaningful and healthy relationship, the presence of love involves a feeling of loyalty. Infidelity in a relationship where both partners do not value each other and do not want to develop together is regarded as betrayal.

Celebrities named Love

  1. Lyubov Petrova Orlova (1902-1975) - famous film actress, idol of the Russian public of the 1930-1950s.
  2. Lyubov Polishchuk - (1949-2006) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, starred in more than 80 films.
  3. Lyubov Egorova - (born 1966) famous Soviet and Russian skier, winner of six Olympic gold medals (1991,1994).
  4. Lyubov Wasserman, Lyube Vaserman - (1907-1975) Soviet Jewish poetess.
  5. Lyubov Khavkina - (1871-1949) Soviet theorist and organizer of library science.
  6. Lyubov Popova - (1889-1924) Russian and Soviet painter, painted in the avant-garde and graphic genres.
  7. Lyubov Voronkova - (1906-1976) Soviet children's writer, author of many children's books and a series of historical stories for children.
  8. Lyubov Capital - (1884-1934) nee - Ershova; Russian poetess, playwright.
  9. Lyubov Pustilnik - (d. 2012) Russian literary critic.
  10. Lyubov Dobzhanskaya - (1905/1908-1980) Russian and Soviet theater and film actress.
  11. Lyubov Gakkebusch - (1888-1947) Ukrainian Soviet theater actress, teacher and translator.
  12. Lyubov Sokolova - (1921-2001) Soviet and Russian actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1990).
  13. Lyubov Axelrod - (1868–1946) Russian and Soviet philosopher and literary critic.
  14. Lyubov Gurevich - (1866–1940) Russian writer, literary and theater critic, public figure.

The meaning of love in human life

The need for love - to love and be loved - is one of the basic ones, therefore all individuals strive to experience this feeling and find the person who is meant for them. Although many people, having experienced disappointment in a partner or mental anguish due to unrequited feelings, would prefer to never fall in love, so as never to suffer again.

But if this happens, then the meaning of all human existence, if not disappear, will be greatly modified. Indeed, at the basis of many phenomena of life lies precisely this feeling. It motivates people to improve themselves, promotes spiritual growth and human progress in general.

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