Moral feelings: meaning definitions, concepts and types of feelings

In order to define the concept of “moral feelings”, we must first find out what feelings are in general. Often feelings go along with such concepts as perception, sensation, thinking. These categories are responsible for displaying events perceived by a person and indicate the person’s direct attitude to everything that happens in the world around him. Moral feelings and moral standards are closely interrelated.

Where do moral feelings come from?

First of all, under the influence of society and the surrounding reality. Any environment in which a person operates has its own limits of permitted behavior. What is normal for some may be completely unacceptable for others. It depends on the nationality, religion and even the country in which the person lives. Society sets standards of behavior, and a person lives in accordance with these accepted standards. It seems that everything is simple, society establishes that we follow, but what will happen if a particular individual refuses to live in accordance with the proposed moral standards?

Negative character traits (list)

  • Aggression, greed, apathy.
  • Lack of will, lack of spirituality, ruthlessness, insensitivity, irresponsibility, disgust, shamelessness.
  • Frivolity, lust for power, vulgarity, arrogance.
  • Anger, pride, rudeness.
  • Duplicity.
  • Snideness.
  • Greed, cruelty.
  • Envy, cockiness, rancor, anger.
  • Spoiledness, inertia, infantilism, hysteria.
  • Capriciousness, deceit, conflict.
  • Deceit, hypocrisy, flattery.
  • Cowardice, commercialism, suspiciousness, vindictiveness, gloominess.
  • Impudence, arrogance, ignorance, nervousness, untidiness, imbalance.
  • Touchiness, narrow-mindedness.
  • Tearfulness, superficiality, suspicion, tight-fistedness.
  • Indifference, depravity, irritability, jealousy.
  • Narcissism, grumpiness, quarrelsomeness.
  • Anxiety, vanity.
  • Boastfulness.
  • Callousness.
  • Selfishness.
  • Acuteness.

At the same time, some qualities are difficult to classify as good or bad, and they cannot be called neutral. So, any mother wants her daughter to be shy, silent and bashful, but is this beneficial for the girl?

Again, a dreamy person may be cute, but completely unlucky because he always has his head in the clouds. An assertive individual looks stubborn to some, but obnoxious and pushy to others.

Is it bad to be gambling and carefree? How far has cunning gone from wisdom and resourcefulness? Do ambition, ambition, and determination lead to success or to loneliness? It will probably depend on the situation and context.

And what you want to be, you decide for yourself!

What happens if you reject moral standards?

First of all, failure to comply with the norms and rules of behavior prescribed by morality causes negative emotions not only on the part of society, but also in a person in relation to himself. This manifests itself in remorse, feelings of guilt, shame and even jealousy and pity. If society did not exist, then individuals would have no idea what the rules of decency are, they would not distinguish between beauty and ugliness, the rightness and wrongness of actions, and so on. But the question remains open: “What are moral standards, how and by whom are they established?”

The relevance of moral education of children

The media is full of shocking reports: there, teenagers beat up a friend or teacher, they robbed a store, committed savage massacres of animals, set fire to a neighbor’s house out of revenge, staged a car accident for the sake of spectacular footage on the Internet... These wild acts are not always committed under the influence of alcohol or drugs .

Why is this happening? Neither parents nor schools teach to steal, maim, kill, or have fun at the expense of someone else's grief. Have moral ideals and guidelines changed? Has the educational influence of family and school weakened? Are there any amazing examples of moral selflessness?..

This is probably a topic for large-scale sociological research. It is obvious that today the problem of raising a highly moral person is extremely relevant; moral feelings are the product of an entire system of family and public education.

Morality and the modern world

Lately there have been heated discussions about what is good and what is bad. A reassessment of values ​​is taking place in society, the world around us is undergoing serious changes, and we are changing with it. It can be noted that what was once considered shameful and immoral is now perceived as normal by society. The most striking example is the sexual revolution. If previously the bride's groom was the first and only, and any deviation from this rule caused negative emotions in society, now everything is completely different.

Is it moral to harm another person? It is difficult to answer this question specifically; even the Criminal Code takes into account the circumstances of the crime, and we can talk about mitigating features. If the crime was committed in self-defense, can such an act be called immoral? Everyone gives the answer to themselves, based on their upbringing and personal principles.

That is why morality is a purely individual concept. However, the acceptance of the basics of morality is order in society. If man did not have moral principles, the world would return to primitive society. Morality is proof of the development of society.

Definition of Morality

Morality is a branch of philosophy that deals with the principles of behavior of an individual or group. This works as a guiding principle to decide what is good or bad. These are the standards that govern a person's life. Morality is also known as moral philosophy. Some moral principles:

  • Truthfulness
  • Honesty
  • Loyalty
  • Respect
  • Justice
  • Integrity

How do higher feelings arise?

First of all, higher moral feelings arise in the mind of a person when he bases his behavior not on his desires, but on the demands put forward by society. In the process of upbringing, these requirements must become firmly entrenched in a person’s consciousness, so that in the future they become his own requirements for himself. Often these feelings appear in a person's mind based on a certain incident or event that happened in life. It may also only be a temporary experience. Often moral feelings arise after generalizing the perception of many phenomena of reality.

With the development of society, man acquired the skill to perceive what is happening around him not only on the basis of morality, but also on the basis of an assessment of these events. Here one of the components of morality appears - aesthetic feelings.

Moral feelings are an individual’s stable attitude towards society and himself. What are these feelings?

Formation and development of skills of moral behavior, thinking, moral choice of the individual.

Galina Kazakova

Formation and development of skills of moral behavior, thinking, moral choice of the individual.

The problem of moral education in the broad sense of the word is one of the problems posed by the entire course of human development . Any era, in accordance with its specific tasks of socio-economic and cultural development , dictates the need for moral education . Children are the pride of their parents. Everything about them is sweet and dear to them. But they didn’t always think about the fact that the attractiveness of a child is not only in the beauty of his appearance, the main thing is in something else - how does a growing child behave? How do you behave in public? What are his manners - facial expressions, gestures, movements, posture? It happens that even well-educated people do not always look well-mannered, because they have not developed elementary norms of cultural behavior , so the issues of moral education of children arise with the greatest urgency in our days. Is it necessary to list all the troubles that are caused by human indifference, cruelty, emptiness of the soul, indifference, deafness of the heart and mind. Society has already suffered enough from the loss of morality, conscience, arrogance and rudeness. Being cultured and educated is not the property of a select circle of people. Becoming a harmonious person , being able to behave with dignity in any environment is the right and responsibility of every person.

.Currently, people strive to create a legal society with a high culture of relations between people, which will be determined by social justice, conscience and discipline. Such a society necessitates moral education for everyone. Morality in society is supported by the power of public opinion, the expression of public assessment of the moral and immoral actions of an individual . Of great importance in the moral development of an individual is her own attitude to the actions and deeds performed, to compliance with the moral requirements established in society. It is necessary that the individual herself strives to be moral , so that she observes moral norms and rules due to her own internal attraction and deep understanding of their necessity. The rules of good manners must be introduced to children from an early age and continued throughout childhood. Based on the skills of cultural behavior (in the form of manifestations of politeness, attention and sympathy for peers and adults, basic skills in providing assistance , friendly forms of communication, etc. ), it is necessary to teach them to understand the meaning and significance of certain rules of ethical behavior of a person . and disclose them in an accessible form .

Questions about the decisive role of moral education in the development and formation of personality have been recognized and raised in pedagogy since ancient times. Its roots go back to Ancient Greece, where the ideal person was considered to be one who was physically and morally . Thus, the idealist philosopher Socrates (469 - 399 BC, believed that there are universal and unchanging moral concepts . The purpose of education, in his opinion, should not be the study of the nature of things, but self-knowledge, improvement morality .

L. N. Tolstoy valued moral education very highly and believed that of all the sciences that a person should know, the most important is the science of how to live, doing as little evil as possible and as much good as possible.

Education of moral behavior is the formation of moral actions and moral habits . An action characterizes a person’s attitude to the surrounding reality. In order to evoke moral actions , it is necessary to create appropriate conditions and organize the lives of students in a certain way. Moral habit is the need to perform moral actions . Habits can be simple when they are based on community rules, culture of behavior , discipline, and complex when the student develops a need and readiness to perform an activity that has a certain meaning. For successful habit formation, it is necessary that the motives by which children are encouraged to act are significant in their eyes, that children have an emotionally positive attitude towards performing actions, and that, if necessary, children are able to show certain efforts of will to achieve results.

The development of morality in the psychological aspect includes two sides. One side is the development of feelings and will , the other is that the child gradually begins to understand the world around him and realizes his place in it, which gives rise to new types of motives of behavior , under the influence of which the child performs certain actions. As a result of complex development , a person’s ideas about good and bad, about what should and should not be, and awareness of public and social norms, moral feelings are formed . Moral feelings are a person’s experiences of his attitude to reality and his own behavior . In the moral consciousness of the individual, these feelings are in organic unity with moral concepts and represent, as it were, an alloy of the moral , rational and sensual.

The importance of feelings in the moral formation of personality is extremely great. Feelings express a person’s desires and his emotional state. Feelings can be a form and way of assessing what is happening. Human behavior largely depends on the direction of moral .

During preschool childhood, special attention is paid to the education of children's feelings. Based on the emotional responsiveness of children, their impressionability, brightness of imagination, imitation, teachers cultivate in children the first kind, humane feelings: caring, attentiveness, goodwill. On this basis, feelings of friendship , camaraderie, and collectivism begin to form.

With the expansion of moral experience and the development of moral the moral feelings of children expand and deepen . It is in preschool age that complex social feelings to form

In older preschool age, much attention is paid to the development and enrichment of children’s feelings, and the formation of the ability to manage them. At this age, moral feelings that determine children’s attitude towards people around them, towards work, towards nature, and towards important social events.

Attitude towards adults is expressed in an emerging sense of respect . In older preschool age, it becomes more conscious and is based on an understanding of the significance of the social role of adults’ work activities and their high moral qualities . There is a further development of positive feelings towards peers. The task is to develop the foundations of a sense of collectivism and humanity in the interactions of children. In the development of collectivism, an important role is played by the initial forms of a sense of duty and responsibility, which are formed in the work and play of children. The formation of high moral feelings continues : love for the Motherland, a sense of camaraderie, respect for people of other nationalities. The basis for the development of these feelings are vivid impressions of the phenomena of social life, emotionally rich knowledge about their country, about the life of their people, which children receive, for example, in classes when familiarizing themselves with fiction.

The development of feelings and will occurs in constant interaction. The essential features characterizing volitional behavior are “overcoming obstacles,” a state of tension, and a moment of volitional effort. Thus, B. M. Teplov emphasized that volitional actions in the proper sense of the word are actions that are associated with overcoming internal or external obstacles.

In the development of volitional actions of an older preschooler, three interrelated aspects can be distinguished: firstly, the development of purposefulness of actions, secondly, the establishment of a relationship between the purpose of actions and their motive, and thirdly, the increase in the regulatory role of speech in the performance of actions.

The development of the child’s will is closely related to the changes in behavioral and the formation of subordination of motives. It is the emergence of a certain focus, the highlighting of a group of motives that become the most important for the child, that leads to the child consciously achieving his goal, without succumbing to the distracting influence of motives associated with other less significant motives

Motive is the reason that motivates action.

In order for motives to be realized in actions, you need to master the corresponding correct methods and forms of behavior . Otherwise, even with the best motives, behavior may be unacceptable.

Of particular importance in the development of behavioral motives are moral motives that express the child’s attitude towards other people. In older preschool age, the moral behavior of children begins to spread to a wide range of people who do not have a direct connection with the child. This is due to children’s awareness of moral forms and rules , understanding of their universal obligatory nature, and the real meaning of their actions for other people.

Among the moral motives of behavior, social motives occupy a large place - the desire to do something for other people, to benefit them.

The most important role in the moral development of older preschool children is played by the emerging ability to subordinate the motives of behavior . Under conditions of proper upbringing, children aged 6-7 years develop the ability to be guided in their behavior by moral motives , which leads to the formation of the foundations of the moral orientation of the individual . In this process, developing moral feelings , which in older preschool age become richer in content. At the same time, the ability to consciously manage their feelings is quite difficult for older preschoolers, so the behavior of children requires constant attention from the teacher.

Moral education is effectively carried out only as a holistic process of pedagogical, corresponding to the norms of universal morality, organization of the entire life of a child, taking into account their age and individual characteristics. The result of the holistic process is the formation of a morally integral personality in the unity of its consciousness, moral feelings , conscience, moral will , skills , habits, and socially valuable behavior .

The fundamental basic category of moral education , according to B. T. Likhachev, is the concept of moral feeling - a constant emotional sensation, experience, real moral relations and interactions. Moral norms are transformed into subjective morality only through their sensory assimilation by the child.

Assessing moral feeling as a fundamental principle does not mean neglecting moral consciousness . The development of moral consciousness presupposes knowledge of moral principles, norms and, at the same time, constant awareness and comprehension of one’s moral position in society, moral state, sensation, sense of moral consciousness - an active process of the child reflecting his moral attitudes and states. The subjective driving force for the development of moral consciousness is moral thinking - the process of constant accumulation and comprehension of moral facts , relationships, situations, their analysis, evaluation, making moral decisions , and making responsible choices .

Moral feelings , consciousness and thinking are the basis and incentive for the manifestation of moral will . Outside of moral will and an effectively practical attitude towards the world, there is no real morality of the individual . The moral behavior of an individual has the following sequence: life situation - experience - understanding of the situation and motives - choice and decision-making - stimulus - action.

Children are often not inclined to deeply comprehend the situation, which leads them to make random decisions. Their choice of behavior is carried out under the influence of crowd psychology, random external influences, mass hobbies, and impulsive stimuli. The instability of motives is determined by the strength of the feelings accompanying the situation, for example, fear, which deprives the child of the opportunity to make a conscious choice and implement volitional action. The point of educating children with free moral will is to teach them self-control, to help them gain inner freedom, the determination to act unwaveringly in accordance with moral feelings and convictions, and to affirm moral standards in relationships with people. morality is manifested in conscious adherence to moral principles and in habitual forms of moral behavior . Education helps the child achieve internally meaningful behavior , self-regulation and self-government, conditioned by worldview, moral sense and consciousness Throughout this journey, the child is at different levels of managing his own behavior .

The initial level, practically internally uncontrolled, is characterized by the dependence of behavior on unconscious impulses and external influences. Gradually, through the emotional subconscious sphere of the psyche, habits and habitual forms of behavior are formed . At this level of development , the possibility of some self-control over behavior arises thanks to habits and strengthening of habitual actions. On the basis of habitual behavior , under the influence of targeted pedagogical influence, the child develops moral thinking . Together with him and with his help, on the basis of moral feelings , consciousness and will, morality , honesty, truthfulness, justice, hard work, discipline, and collectivism are formed. These properties and qualities of the individual represent mental transformations that arise as a result of the child’s active interaction with the world in the system of social relations. They are consistently manifested by the child in these relationships, recognized, fixed in character traits, personality , habits and habitual forms of behavior . The highest level of moral behavior is conscious self-control, maintaining firmness and fidelity to moral convictions , especially in crisis and extreme situations. For children, such situations constantly arise in the course of life.

The success of moral education of children largely depends on the nature of the subjective moral space in which they live. This reveals the moral climate in the team. The teacher minimizes spontaneous influences in the moral

space and interaction. The emergence of contradictions in the life relationships of children and the outside world and among themselves gives rise to tension in experiences, which manifests itself in counteractions, resistance to education, in hidden and open conflicts. It is a mistake to consider inconsistency in the behavior and consciousness of older preschoolers as an accidental phenomenon or only as a result of shortcomings in education. In overcoming external and internal contradictions by a child lies the very essence of the moral development of the individual . In the endless stream of moral choices between desire and duty, good and evil, compassion and cruelty, love and hatred, truth and lies, selfishness and collectivism, and moral qualities are formed . Moral education is not the memorization of moral norms and the thoughtless practice of behavioral . It is an active life process of relationships, interactions, activities, communication and overcoming contradictions. It is a process of constant and systematic decisions, choices of volitional efforts in favor of moral norms, a process of self-determination and self-government in accordance with them. Thus, the pedagogical process of moral education is the organization of children to overcome and resolve life’s contradictions, problems, choices , conflicts and clashes. The efforts of the educator should focus on skillfully resolving contradictions together with the children and developing their moral sense , consciousness, habits, and moral behavior .

Moral education has its own specific goals. They are determined by prevailing social relations and spiritual values. The goal of education is the formation of a morally stable, integral personality . This determines the direction and organization of the entire process of moral education .

The specificity of the process of moral education is also determined by its content - public morality, the need to introduce the norms of public moral consciousness into the individual consciousness and behavior of each child . The complexity of the process of moral education is that its organization is at the same time the organization of the entire life of children, all their activities and relationships; it is accomplished and deepened in the process of their moral conscious implementation.

The process of moral education is effective only when the teacher has feedback about the effectiveness of educational influences and takes this information at each new stage of his teaching activity. such information only from life, from everyday study of the practice of relationships and activities among those being educated. A scientifically based attitude to the process of moral education consists of the ability to see, emphasize and effectively use the moral aspect of any type of children’s activity, any life relationship. In this case, the teacher receives a real opportunity to effectively manage moral education , making it an organic part of the holistic process of raising children.

Thus, considering the theoretical aspects of moral education and the formation of a culture of behavior , we came to the conclusion that the problem of the moral development of personality has existed for a very long time and many discoveries have been made in this area. The process of moral education has its own specifics and difficulties in organization, however, having mastered the necessary psychological and pedagogical knowledge, an adult is able to influence the child and purposefully form moral ideas and a culture of behavior .

Aesthetic feelings

This category is responsible for the feeling of beauty, for the love of beauty, which arises in connection with phenomena and events that cause aesthetic pleasure and delight. These feelings are responsible for a person’s attitude towards objects and phenomena. For example, a person wants to learn to draw because this activity generates aesthetic feelings.

Every human activity is based on the attraction to beauty. Therefore, aesthetic feelings are realized in virtually any field of activity.

Feeling comic

This category is recognized as one of the most difficult, as it combines three main aspects - morality, aesthetics, and intellectuality. The feeling of the funny can be expressed in completely different forms. For example, a friendly attitude and sympathy turns into a sense of humor. The opposite of humor is satire, a feeling that is thoroughly saturated with anger. We have all heard more than once that the best medicine is laughter; it is the one that fights the negative emotions that arise in the human mind.

A sense of humor can simultaneously be aesthetic, intellectual, and moral. Therefore, psychologically, these feelings are not so easy to distinguish.

These feelings are called higher only because they unite all the diversity of a person’s emotional relationships with society and himself.

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