How to kiss a girl correctly: 15 steps to send her into space

There are two kissing techniques. But I warn you right away - tomatoes and a hand will not help you train them. So take beautiful girls into circulation right away. This is how you will learn to meet each other and kiss. Cool, right?
  1. No tongue. When kissing, you can use more than just your tongue. Lips and teeth also perfectly excite the female fantasy. Don't make this process a simple salivary exchange. Bite, suck, caress so that the girl forgets that she wanted to resist.
  2. With tongue. It can be a gentle kiss or passionate French. The main thing to remember is less drool, more passion. You can lick your lips with your tongue and then gently bite them with your teeth. Believe me, the girl herself will suck you in after this!

How long should a first kiss last?

One of the confusing questions about most first kisses is how long should it last?

It's better to keep it short and sweet than to awkwardly linger with your lips pressed against hers or torment the girl with your swirling tongue. Remember that this should be pleasant, you should feel a little hot, your heart rate should increase.

If you like it, you can step away for a few seconds and then come back again. This allows you to take a break and make the kiss more sexual.

At the end you can say the magic phrase:

"I've wanted to kiss you for so long"

This statement works great and has a very positive effect on the girl.

You can touch, but you can’t kiss: what’s the catch?

Guys often encounter strange behavior when a girl allows herself to be touched, but does not kiss. Perplexed and unable to find an explanation for such an act, men begin to engage in introspection and ponder the correctness of their actions.

After all, if there is communication, it means there is mutual sympathy, otherwise attempts at touching would be immediately stopped.

Why do ladies behave this way? Sometimes the problem really lies in the man, but sometimes the reason lies in the women themselves. Let's look at 5 common explanations for strange behavior:

  • if a man does not know how to kiss, the lady will do her best to prevent contact with lips;
  • bad breath can repel not only a woman, but also anyone nearby;
  • the lady has a complex about her own unattractiveness, which is usually far-fetched and grafted on by someone else’s opinion;
  • afraid of infecting herpes, which appeared at the most inopportune moment;
  • the lady has strong feelings for the man, so she is shy and anxious so as not to fall in his eyes.

What should a guy do in this case? Wait a little, probably after a while everything will be resolved by itself. If a woman's behavior is unchanged, it may be better to talk to her and find out the real reason.

What is the perfect kiss?

Everyone wants their first kiss to be perfect. But what does ideal mean? In my opinion, the ideal kiss is one that occurs between two people who are in love and attracted to each other. And as long as the couple’s intentions are good, then the kiss will be good.

So don't worry if it doesn't go exactly like in the movies! By the way, even if you turn to them, you will notice that everyone kisses differently.

This is manifested in everything - the position of the hands, head, body, tilt towards the girl and distance, even the very “attachment” to the lips is different for each actor.

Therefore, you will have your own personal style. If she reaches out to you for another kiss, it means you are delightful, sweet, ideal for her.

Don't worry about technical details. Just make sure that when you suck on her lips, the pressure on them does not increase (don't turn into a vacuum cleaner). This should all happen delicately and affectionately.

My first kiss was terrible, yet I fell in love with this guy. He sucked my two lips at the same time and so hard that they then hurt for a very long time and severely. Then it seemed to me that this was the only correct option. Yeah, his wife won't be so lucky.

Warming up 3

No less a large class than asexuals, which, however, has a specific goal, clear from the name. Includes light and French kisses, as well as “hickey” kisses.

  1. Lungs. It should be noted here that they, in turn, are divided into several genera:
  • Sliding. Applied as if casually, teasing in some way, awakening desire. They are an excellent start to foreplay, acting as a “seed” for a man and the first sparks of passion for a woman. Their skillful integration at the beginning of a kiss “with the tongue” in the form of a complex of increasingly intensifying kisses on the corners of the mouth and separately on each lip ensures a rapid increase in the partner’s lust due to a miniature game of “limiting” the kiss.

  • Descending and Ascending. As is clear from the name, they are produced along a conventional line that maintains the general direction from top to bottom and vice versa. The former are optimal for the transition from the face to the torso and chest, the latter - from the hips to the groin and abdomen.

A classic downward line of kisses can be called a sequence starting from the earlobe, going down the neck to the spine, moving along the shoulder through the collarbone to the clavicular cavity, from there to the valley between the breasts.

In the same way, a traditional ascending line can be called a line starting from the knee or popliteal cavity, wrapping around the thigh through the outer side to the inner side and going “snake” to the groin.

  • With a bite. They are distinguished by the use of very weak, almost symbolic, bites, alternating with equally light kisses. The area of ​​application is quite narrow - chest, ears, lips.

It is important to note that, generally speaking, the use of bites is a matter of taste. On the one hand, a kiss followed by a light bite and vice versa creates a wonderful contrasting sensation. On the other hand, in a fit of passion, the force can be miscalculated and cause pain to the partner, which can be extremely unpleasant for him.

  • French. Used in the second half of foreplay and during coitus. Can be combined with bites (at the discretion of the partners and with the same precautions as light kisses with a bite). Notable for their very high level of sensuality through the use of language. Not recommended for use in cold weather due to its “humidity”. Your partners' lips won't freeze, but chapping those same lips is an easy task.
  • “Hickey.” One of the controversial types of kissing. Applicable when kissing the skin, they leave behind traces of varying degrees of visibility, depending on the strength and duration of the kiss - from redness for a couple of tens of minutes to a bruise for several days. The controversy stems precisely from the marks left behind - some take them calmly and even proudly wear the so-called “lover's mark” - a strong hickey on the neck, approximately halfway between the collarbone and jaw; others, on the contrary, consider them an unacceptable element of erotic games and react very negatively to attempts to leave a mark.

How to choose the right moment for a kiss

To kiss the girl you like, the first thing you need is to find a secluded place. This is very important, especially for the first kiss. People who are nearby can distract and ruin the moment.

I don’t recommend kissing during the movie, especially the first kiss.

The second thing you should pay attention to is the right moment.

When to do this? If you're on a date, kissing usually happens towards the end, especially the first time. As for the number of meetings, there are no clear dates. Some teenagers can date for a month and never kiss, but girls aged 26-30 are ready to kiss on their first date.

By the way, read How to ask a girl out on a date: simple ways (opens in a new tab).

In general, the best time is when you want it. If you feel that the atmosphere is conducive and the moment has come, then act!

Any hesitation will make you look like an indecisive person. Or the girl will think that she is not interested in you and will no longer want to continue such a “sterile” relationship, in her opinion.

Ubiquitous 4

Kisses, actively used both during foreplay and during sex. In fact, they combine all kisses with sexual overtones, but, however, can be divided as follows.

  • Head and shoulders. Kisses covering the relevant area. The most applicable are ears, cheeks, lips, chin, neck, collarbones and clavicular cavity, shoulders. The nose, eyes, forehead are involved either in a fit of insane joy, when the whole face is covered with a huge number of light kisses.
  • Chest and arms. Mostly, light kisses, bites and hickeys are used with the consent of both partners or in a fit of reckless passion.
  • Belly and lower back. Similar to the previous ones, but in addition, a tongue is used, which can be used to slide along the main lines of the body, interspersed with kisses: along the spine or lumbar hollows, along the abdomen or across the upper part of the groin area.
  • Groin, buttocks and thighs. It is actively used in preparation for oral sex, as well as as part of the completion of foreplay and the transitional stage to sex. The main directions run along the thighs from the outer to the inner surface, or along a spiral encircling the thigh along an ascending trajectory - from the knee to the groin.
  • Shins and feet. Places that get surprisingly little kissing outside of BDSM play and the foot fetish community. However, the basic directions are similar to the hip movement.

How to kiss a girl correctly if you're nervous

It's normal to be a little tense before kissing someone. Moreover, this does not depend on age; some people did not have their first kiss even at 25 years old.

If you or your girlfriend are very shy and have never kissed before, then the best solution is to take it slow. Don't be pushy or pushy, let everything happen naturally. Let's say you planned this moment, and then it didn't happen - no big deal. After some time, you will come back to this again and do it.

If kissing on the lips is too revealing for you, you can first gently kiss her hand (just bring it up and press it to your lips, slightly opening them), or in the same way gently kiss her on the cheek.

Any of these options can develop into a real kiss on the lips now or a little later.

Experiments and empirical knowledge 7

Despite such a diverse set of kisses, it is important to understand one thing - like any component of not only social, but also sexual relationships, they remain an extremely subjective act. You need to be aware of the preferences of both partners, analyze and share new impressions, combine methods and types of kisses, try to add fresh ideas even to such a seemingly insignificant process.

All this, over time, will be compiled as a large database, which will remain with both partners, and will disperse from them to others. Some people enjoy kissing a smoking partner, some like the taste of cucumber-flavored chewing gum, some enjoy biting each other’s lips almost to the point of bruising, and some go crazy over barely perceptible kisses on the lips. Strictly speaking, the situation here is the same as with any other subjective aspect of life - as many people as there are, so many opinions.

And another piece of advice - at the beginning of a relationship, as soon as it comes to the first kiss - you should not bring down the full power of habits on your partner, because it is much better to limit yourself to an average and ordinary kiss. You shouldn’t give up the initiative, but you shouldn’t break the resistance of your newfound potential soul mate. Like the first attempts in any other business, the optimal solution would be to stay on the golden mean, without rushing to extremes.

All precautions of this kind are intended only to “test the waters” - the analysis of the partner’s behavior during a kiss will be left for later, when it will be possible to analyze all the important aspects in a calm atmosphere - how actively he showed initiative and pressure, how aggressive or gentle his style was. This data will create a convenient “field for further maneuvers,” which in turn will allow you to start carefully figuring out where to kiss your partner on your next dates so that he gets the most satisfaction.

How to kiss if you have braces

  • If a girl has braces, just don't focus on them. Kiss your lips lightly and gently, then everything will go smoothly.
  • When you have braces, it is very important to brush your teeth and avoid problematic foods that might get stuck in them before kissing.
  • If you kiss a girl with braces, be careful with the back of them - that's where the sharpest parts are.
  • In case you both have braces, don't worry, your braces won't interlock! It's just a myth.


The fingertips have a huge concentration of nerve endings, making them sensitive to everything from short, staccato kisses to sucking and biting.

When you lick her fingers, she gets an idea of ​​your oral skills and pictures of what it might be like when you lick and kiss her more intimate areas.

Useful tips

Kissing is an art; to achieve heights in it you need to practice regularly.

To learn how to kiss a girl, you can summarize a couple of useful tips that will help in this matter:

  • do not push if the girl is not ready;
  • do not overdo it with the pace - this may frighten your partner;
  • the kiss must be sincere to lure your beloved;
  • light touches are necessary, but you can’t openly let your hands go; it will end, at a minimum, in the end of the relationship.

The kiss should always be clean and light at the beginning. And then you yourself will understand what is best for you and how it is done.

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