Everything you need to know to easily meet a woman on the street

Most men have a common and very common a problem that prevents you from meeting a woman on the street – the notorious fear of approach. Your legs become weak, your throat is sore, you sweat, all thoughts disappear from your head. To easily meet girls on the street, read our article to the end!

Surely this makes you jealous and desires to be as confident and liberated. If you want to master these skills in communicating with women, then you should work on yourself a little.

Basic rules for dating on the street

Before you give up the idea of ​​meeting people on the street, remember that not only men are looking for girlfriends or sex for one time. Girls also dream of meeting a good guy, but it’s more difficult for them to take the first step.

Statistics show that most successful acquaintances occur in the morning and on weekends.

This is due to the fact that people are in a hurry, they do not have time to talk for a long time, so they quickly exchange phone numbers in order to continue communication in a more relaxed environment.

Go outside and look around, there are a lot of beautiful girls around and your goal is to attract their attention.

Critically evaluate your appearance and manner of communication. Few people want to get acquainted with a sloppy, gloomy type.

In order for your dating to be successful, use a few basic rules:

  1. Always be ready to meet a new girl. Namely: when leaving the house, you must be sure that you look impeccable.
  2. Work on your own style, ALWAYS look clean and neat.
  3. No need to take friends with you. They won't help you much now, they'll just ruin everything with their presence and stupid comments.
  4. Visit places with large concentrations of women more often. This could be a college town, a dormitory, a pedestrian street, a shopping center, or an organization with a women's group.
  5. There is no need to start a conversation in a dark alley or on a deserted street. In such places, women are usually very tense and fearful.
  6. Pretend that you are not very interested in this acquaintance. No one wants to communicate with a man who pesters women on every corner with a worried look.
  7. Make eye contact with the girl you like.
  8. If she speeds up her pace and leaves, don’t run after her. There is also no need to disturb her telephone conversation or enter the office where she works.

First phrases for getting to know each other

Before approaching a beautiful stranger, it is important to understand what to say to her at the very beginning. There are several options for the development of events. Here are the main ones:

  1. Request for help. This is a fairly simple way of dating that does not require much originality. Just go up to the lady you like and ask her to help you find the right street, store, restaurant, bus stop. A guy can ask a girl to take him to the right place. For example, to a cafe, and there you can invite a lady for a cup of coffee and deepen your acquaintance.
  2. Creative approach. Here it will be more difficult. This method involves starting communication with an unusual phrase. This should be an original compliment for a girl. The difficulty is that the phrase should not be banal and hackneyed. Also, in an attempt to be creative, a guy can go overboard, and this will lead to the fact that he will look very stupid. Therefore, you need to make every effort to come up with an unusual phrase that will interest the girl.
  3. A tackle without tricks. In this case, there is no need to look for a reason to talk. You can say directly: “I really liked you, and I would like to meet you. Can you give me a couple of minutes?" Such a phrase can disarm a girl with its simplicity and straightforwardness.

However, there are phrases that will repel a girl. What statements should be avoided:

  1. Sheer stupidity. Phrases that do not carry any meaning can raise doubts about the adequacy of a guy.
  2. Too banal tackles. “Can you tell me what time it is?” or “Isn’t your father a gardener? Then where did he get such a flower?” or even worse - “Girl, doesn’t your mother need a son-in-law?” All these questions terribly irritate the fairer sex.

As mentioned above, vulgarity does not fit into any framework. Of course, there are different girls, and some of them make naughty jokes. However, this method is not suitable for starting communication.

After the acquaintance has taken place, you need to get her phone number or arrange a meeting. You shouldn’t put off your upcoming date; it’s better to make an appointment for the same evening or the next day.

How to use eye contact

The best way to quickly meet a girl on the street is to get her consent through eye contact.

When you see an attractive girl you want to approach, the first thing you should do is make eye contact.

As soon as your eyes meet, smile welcomingly. This will make a good impression on her and show her that you are a confident and friendly guy.

Now that she's interested in you, the girl will look in your direction or look away and then look at you again. Use this moment to approach. If you hesitate, she will lose interest and move on to something else. Don't wait for any other invitations, because sharing interested views is the most obvious call to action.

But if she doesn’t look in your direction, don’t worry, you still have many ways to approach a girl on the street.

Always be ready

At any moment you can meet the love of your life

Every time you go out, be fully prepared. Even to the point of memorizing a couple of jokes before going out - if you don’t make her laugh, then at least touch her with your sincere desire to impress.

Fragment of the video Uncle David, youtube.com

Don’t even think about telling dirty jokes, dirty jokes, or similar nonsense. Remember for the rest of your life - girls don’t like it, don’t understand such approaches and insult me ​​with it. Have in your arsenal a couple of simple, neutral jokes, preferably really funny ones.

Be vigilant

Pay attention to your surroundings: any conversation can be saved by a well-timed remark about the surroundings. And some situation that happened a meter away from you can give you an idea for a new topic of conversation.

Be friendly and confident

The secret to successful dating always comes down to the right body language. Therefore, when you approach a woman, keep your head raised, straighten your shoulders, as if you are reaching the top of your head towards the sky and smile. By exuding confidence and friendliness, you will endear yourself to others.

So, the best way to meet an unfamiliar girl on the street is to immediately approach her. Many guys are afraid of this and miss thousands of opportunities. They are afraid to approach, so they prefer to wait for the “right moment”, which never comes.

Additionally, many guys are afraid of appearing shy, awkward, or clingy. Girls feel this anxiety very well and instantly lose interest.

Instead of hesitantly marking time, act like this: follow the “two seconds” rule. As soon as you notice an attractive girl, approach her within two seconds, this will not leave you time for doubts and stupid thoughts.

Appearance of a young man

This is a very important aspect. You don't have to wear branded items. Clothes should be clean, neat, preferably chosen with taste. All this will give you self-confidence and increase the chance of a successful acquaintance. It is also worth paying attention to details:

  • shoes must be clean;
  • perfume - pleasant and unobtrusive.

We should not forget about hygiene procedures. If a guy stinks of sweat, it’s unlikely that a girl will communicate with him. It is better to go hunting after taking a shower.

Facial hair should not be overlooked. The beard or stubble should be neat and stylish. If you can’t achieve this yourself, you can contact a barbershop.

How to stop a girl on the street

It's much easier to meet people in a bar or club . People come there to drink, relax and find a partner for the evening. But if you know how to meet a woman on the street, then your chances of meeting a friend for a long-term relationship will significantly increase.

Many will say: “It will look strange if I immediately start pestering passers-by in broad daylight.”

Naturally, if you act brazenly and assertively , as happens in nightclubs, then it will really look strange. For street dating, completely different rules apply. How to meet a girl on the street in an original way:

  1. Walk towards her and “accidentally” touch her with your shoulder or elbow. After that, apologize, smile sweetly and offer to make amends by treating her to a cup of coffee.
  2. Overtake her a couple of meters, then slow down, turn around slightly and ask with a confused look if you are going to the library in the right way.
  3. Catch up with her from behind, call her by any female name, for convincing you can take her by the elbow. After she turns around, make an astonished face and say that you messed up. Then tell a convincing legend that she is like two peas in a pod like your second cousin, whom you have not seen for a long time.
  4. Buy a rose in advance, go up to a beautiful girl and tell her that in the morning you felt that something amazing would happen today and wanted to buy flowers. The premonition did not deceive.

If you have not yet decided how best to meet a girl on the street and are afraid of original approaches, then it is better to simplify everything to a minimum:

  1. Stand in front of her at a distance of one meter. This way you will stop her and not scare her.
  2. Look into her eyes warmly to attract her attention.
  3. Say “Hello” to her and start a conversation.

Clothes should reflect your personality

And if you put it in simple language, then “Dress normally, dude.”

Still from the sketch show “Give Youth”

1. If you're a slacker

, but put on
an expensive business suit
to specifically make some impression, then you are doomed to shame and failure. Don't underestimate girls: the gap between your real personality and the image you're trying to create will surface within a few minutes of conversation.

2. Leave these romantic stories about how you can’t judge a person’s personality by his appearance for the lower grades of a church school. In reality, if you go out into the street in a dirty shirt/jacket/pants, then you are either lazy or unkempt, and you are most likely unkempt in everything.

3. Million dollar secret: a woman most of the time looks at her shoes. So, if you have any money, it's better to buy a new pair.

Where to start the conversation

The trick to successfully meeting a girl is to keep your first conversation light, fun and positive. This can be done in different ways, such as starting with playful banter.

If you are embarrassed to joke right away, then just say the first thing that comes to your mind. You can introduce yourself and compliment her.

Many guys think that they need to immediately impress a woman with their wit and unusual opening phrase. But such wits often scare off girls because they look like crazy people.

How to meet a girl on the street, phrases that are best to start a conversation with:

  1. If you are standing in front of a cafe, you can say: “The fresh buns smell so delicious. Please keep me company because I don’t know how to eat breakfast alone.”
  2. Give her a compliment. Say: “Cool hat, it suits you very well” or “Your hair color is amazing, it looks like the sun's rays are caught in it.”

Continue the conversation only if she shows interest.

Invasion of personal space

Any contact with a stranger in the middle of the street will almost always be unwelcome. A girl may be in a hurry about her business, her thoughts may be busy with her own problems, she may not be in the mood for making acquaintances. Moreover, some girls are even afraid of this type of dating.

It is important to understand that trying to talk to her will be an invasion of personal space and will cause an automatic negative reaction. Even if the guy is cute, the girl will still answer him “No” if he rudely bursts into her inner world.

In order for the conversation to start successfully, this violation of the boundaries of a person’s personal space should be smoothed out as much as possible. Simple naturalness and ease in communication help with this.

You need to realize that there are no universal phrases, techniques, actions and gestures that guarantee success. Such “ready-made solutions” are a product of “pick-up artists”, which they sell either to not the smartest or to very desperate men. They have never worked and are unlikely to earn money.

How to win a girl with your attitude towards her

In fact, what you say to a girl when you meet her doesn't really matter. Most likely, in a couple of hours she will forget everything you told her and what phrase you started with. The only thing she won’t forget is the emotions and feelings you evoked in her. And words have nothing to do with this, only your actions.

Many guys fall victim to the stereotype that love is a spark that immediately jumps out and you don’t need to do anything for it. “I hope that she will love me for who I am” or “Maybe I can get her phone number.” Guys who depend on other people's opinions, wait for the approval of others and are focused only on results begin to feel insecure. Girls are alarmed and repulsed by this.

Instead of thinking about the result, it is better to enjoy the process itself. Create a warm, positive communication atmosphere. Whenever you feel insecure, immediately remind yourself that you are awesome.

Cheerful, carefree communication is very contagious. If a girl feels at ease and comfortable in your company, then she will definitely want to repeat this meeting. And good luck with your dating!

Tips and tricks

to charm a girl within a few minutes . You need to tell something about yourself, your work and hobbies. It also wouldn’t hurt to ask the girl about her hobbies or work.

Do not forget that you need to behave very carefully with a representative of the fair sex. A positive attitude, a smile, emotions - all this is necessary to attract attention. But rudely grabbing a lady is under no circumstances allowed. She may take such a young man as an inadequate person.

What to do if the girl you like is not alone, but in the company of a friend? In this situation, you can politely say: “Can I talk to your friend for a couple of minutes?” If no one objects, you can proceed according to the chosen plan.

And one more piece of advice for insecure guys. Sports and self-development will help develop self-confidence. Reading books, increasing your level of education - all this makes communication with a guy interesting. It will be difficult to refuse a well-read, witty guy.

And finally, don’t worry about being rejected. There is no need to withdraw into yourself and stop trying. After all, the most important thing in this matter is practice.

Stage two - approach the girl (7 rules)

When contact has already been established and you are ready for action, it is important to even consider how you will approach the lady.

Maniac's gait

Girls feel uncomfortable when an acquaintance moves towards them along their same trajectory. Therefore, do not go straight at your lady - she will be scared.

Just imagine: an unfamiliar, strong man purposefully walks towards her and almost blocks her path. "Who is he? What does he want? Maybe he wants to take my purse or harm me” - this is how girls feel the moment you walk right at them.

How to go:

  1. Walk confidently, slowly and calmly.
  2. Keep your shoulders and back straight.
  3. If you are walking towards each other, stay to the side of the lady and when you are almost on the same level, tactfully stop her.
  4. If you are moving in the same direction, catch up with the girl, overtake her one or two steps, turn to her and say your first words. Just say “Hello” to her with an appropriate smile.
  5. Take one level: if she is sitting at a bus stop, sit next to her.
  6. When starting a conversation, position yourself at arm's length without violating her personal space.
  7. Stand at an angle of 45 cm in relation to the lady - this is the position that is considered the most successful when contacting strangers.

"Touch her everywhere"

Many websites insist that dating requires tactile contact and increased persistence. One example: “Stop the girl with your hands, literally. Grab her hands, touch her more. Show that you are on top, not her.” So, following this guide, you are more likely to be taken away by the police than you are to get an adequate girl.

“Say the word I want more”

It makes sense, but don't force her to do anything. Show her your courage and even some perseverance, but without aggression in your eyes or high notes in your voice. Say: “I WANT to treat you to a cup of coffee,” “I WANT to get to know you and make friends, because you are simply charming.” This is how you use the word “want”.

I met. What's next?

Say directly that you liked the girl and you want to see her again. And to make an appointment, you need her phone number. Girls are often afraid to give out their number because they worry that the man will be too persistent and start calling or constantly texting. Therefore, immediately indicate that you are a busy person and will call her only tomorrow.

There are 5 rules for how to quickly and easily get a girl’s phone number. Read about them in this analysis article.

And good luck with your dating, friend!

Look like you have something to do

(In addition to the desire to meet girls).

Video by David Lewandowski, youtube.com

From those characters who call themselves pick-up artists and periodically take to the streets to “hunt females,” apparently confusing themselves with representatives of the animal world, it is always clear that this is their real goal for the day.

This will immediately turn off any self-respecting girl, you can be sure. Therefore, create at least the appearance that you were walking and walking about your urgent matters, and, literally risking your career, stopped to get to know her. There are a couple of lifehacks:

God! You're lost...

Poor, poor man! You were on your way to Starbucks, you know that it’s somewhere nearby, but your phone is dead, and anyway, you’re from the Stone Age and don’t know the word “navigator.” Ask the girl you want to meet how to get to this coffee shop.

After all, you are not deliberately located five minutes from her, but she, the infection, seems to have deliberately disappeared from view. Only a girl can save you.

Invite her with you

If the girl with whom you started the dialogue is predisposed towards you, then invite her to go with you to where you were going. To the grocery store, to the shopping center, to the coffee shop - the main thing is that you go there yourself, and on your way (sort of) meet her.

This is sincere, does not oblige you to anything, and should not frighten her: you are without a car, you look normal and you don’t seem to have any special ambitions.

Fear of rejection: where it comes from and what to do about it

All men are afraid to approach girls. And the more beautiful the young lady in front of us, the stronger the fear. Fear is normal, it helps us survive. But it is worth separating: rational fear and irrational fear.

Fear of rejection is completely irrational and it is extremely important to rationalize it.

  1. Write down in writing why you are so afraid to hit on a girl. For the life of me, you can clearly formulate the reason. Let me help: she may refuse. And what?
  2. Then write out what will happen when you take your balls in your hands and meet her. For example, there will be a date, emotions, sex. Cool, right?
  3. And finish it all off with an analysis of what will happen if you don’t approach her. There will be no date, no emotions, no sex. And there will also be severe self-disappointment.

Now look at everything you wrote and admit to yourself: is it better to come up and get high or get scared and be left alone?

Signs that indicate you need to leave a girl behind:

1. As we have already said, even if the girl looked back at you, but then moved on, this is a sign that she does not want to get to know you;

2. She quickened her pace;

3. She took out the phone and started calling someone;

4. She took out the phone and simply lowered her head to the screen, turning on something;

5. Don’t follow her, and even more so, don’t go where she goes;

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