How to make a man want you madly: follow these instructions

You should always look well-groomed

To attract a man's attention, you need to look neat and attractive. There is no need to try to hide the flaws in your appearance. Just turn them into your strengths. For example, highlight small breasts with clothes that have a V-neck or a thin sweater thrown on casually. In addition, do not forget to tidy up your hair and nails, and do your makeup. It is also highly recommended to use “delicious” perfumes, but in moderation. You should smell nice and not reek of perfume, remember this. All this will allow you to look very attractive in the eyes of your chosen one.

Types of Guys

All men are different, they have unique characteristics and character traits. But according to personality type and behavioral characteristics, they can be divided into categories. Knowing what type a guy is will open up more opportunities for seduction for a girl.

READ How to seduce a girl: classic and new ways


Such guys are distinguished by endurance and endurance, they are concerned about their appearance and are obsessed with sports. Regardless of whether it is a hobby or the main activity, for an athlete his passion will always come first. But there are ways that will make him break away from his studies and pay attention to the female gender. To seduce a representative of this type, a girl needs to take the following steps:

  • begin to admire his sports results and achievements;
  • support, believe in him;
  • share interests.

A harmonious relationship with a representative of the type develops in cases where the girl is also a sports fan. If this is not the case, there is a risk of remaining in the background, since for a passionate athlete his activities, competitions and team will always come first.

smart ass

Intellectuals are admired; there is always something to talk about with them. As a rule, these are enthusiastic men, immersed headlong in some kind of mental activity. They are often introverts, so it is important for a girl to understand the mental characteristics of this type.

But such guys have a significant drawback - they are difficult to approach and are markedly shy. As a rule, smart people have a lot of complexes, and every failure on the personal front leaves a deep mark on their souls. To interest an intellectual and make him desire love with a girl, you need to make special efforts:

  1. It is necessary to gradually move towards rapprochement, it is better to start with building friendship.
  2. It is important to admire his intellect and achievements in the field of mental activity.
  3. It is necessary to take the initiative into your own hands, since smart people rarely take the first steps, fearing that it is not mutual.

The main taboo in communicating with an intellectual is jokes about his hobbies or failures in life. In general, you need to be careful with humor, since any careless statement hurts your fragile inner world.

Bad guy

Typical macho, stealer of women's hearts. This type is especially attractive to young girls. He is brutal and confident. A bad guy is capable of conquering anyone with just his gaze and appearance, he knows this and therefore skillfully uses his qualities. To please such a man, you just need to be yourself, radiate sincerity and goodwill. If you connect the power of your sexuality and charm, he will want intimacy and building a romantic relationship.

READ The meaning of kisses: description of types and revelation of secret meaning

It is necessary to prepare for the fact that such relationships can quickly fall apart. A brutal guy does not tolerate stability - he is an adventurer, with whom a calm home girl will have a hard time. But in romantic relationships, representatives of the brutal type have no equal.

Be somewhat inaccessible

Girls who run after the men they like and call them 100 times a day will never be able to take their rightful place in the hearts of their chosen ones. But this does not mean that you need to go to the other extreme and become absolutely touchy. Representatives of the stronger sex also do not like such women. It’s better to choose the golden mean: only occasionally, and not every day, write him the first SMS, respond to his messages only after 4-8 hours, do not forget about your interests and goals for the sake of his whims. Be confident in yourself so that a man will be drawn to you like a magnet.

Don't forget to smile

A sincere smile is the main decoration of any person. But in order to seduce a man with her, you need to act subtly. If you watched the movie “Memoirs of a Geisha,” remember how these amazing women smile: every time before answering any question from their interlocutor, as a sign of gratitude. Moreover, the mysterious smile of Mono Lisa, and not Marilyn Monroe. By the way, if you start, following the example of the same geishas, ​​playing “shooting games” with a man with your eyes, the effect will be amazing.

Focus on the man

Men love it when women listen to them carefully and understand. They also value the ability to carry on a conversation at the right time. But you shouldn't interrupt them during a conversation. If you don’t like the topic you started, just quietly move the conversation in a different direction. Also try to give compliments as often as possible, but without too much philosophizing. Simple words like “Well done”, “You are very smart”, “You did the right thing”, inserted between the phrases spoken by the interlocutor, will be quite enough. Remember one more thing: your intimate conversations with your chosen one should “happen” as often as possible. A man must get used to them. Even if he does not become your life partner, he will probably remain a good friend.

How to influence him so that he wants to give gifts and flowers

Remember which people you like to give gifts to, and which people you don’t. When you see that a person is delighted by every little thing you give, then you subconsciously want to please this person again. Noticing that a person indifferently turned your gift in his hands and soon forgot about it, you will clearly consider him ungrateful, and perhaps even be offended.


The young man experiences similar sensations. Be happy about every little thing he gives you. Even if you wanted to receive a completely different thing for your birthday or March 8, be able to hide your disappointment. If you radiate joy when receiving gifts from your lover, he will remember this emotion and subconsciously want to see it again. A young man gives you some clothes or jewelry - be sure to try this thing on, periodically wear it on dates with your lover.


Sometimes in conversations with your loved one, mention that you dream of buying some thing, specifying that you will do this when you receive a salary, find yourself in the area of ​​that store, etc. Let the guy know that you really want something, but for some reason you can’t afford it yet. It is possible that he himself will want to give you such a gift.


You can also show by example the importance of gifts and introduce such a tradition into your relationship. Give him surprises regularly - give him the necessary things and souvenirs for the holidays and for no special reason.


If you want to receive flowers as a gift more often, post photos of beautiful bouquets on social networks, admiring their beauty. Of course, you shouldn’t join a group dedicated specifically to flowers. Similar pictures are often found in public pages with quotes and many others.

Also, in order not to make the guy jealous and at the same time show your attitude towards flowers, meet him with a cute bouquet in your hands. Say that before the date you saw a friend who congratulated you on some important event (a salary increase, name day, completion of renovations, etc.). Throughout the date, periodically cast an admiring glance at your bouquet, handle it with care, and sometimes smell the flowers. Of course, this shouldn’t look theatrical or annoying - the guy will quickly notice how positively your friend’s gift affected you.

Try to make you jealous

When a man realizes that you somehow distinguish him from others, and he has significance in your eyes, it’s time to make him jealous by switching his attention to another person. But you need to do this very carefully so that he doesn’t even realize that you are doing this on purpose. Otherwise, his self-esteem may rise sharply, and your attractiveness in his eyes may drop to zero. If you do everything right, your chosen one will begin to think something like this: “Why did she switch her attention to someone else, she seemed to like me...”. Since men have a particularly strong sense of ownership, he will begin to persistently seek your attention. And this is exactly what you need. The method, of course, is not the cleanest, but it is effective.

How to achieve the desired intimate caresses

Of course, the easiest way to initiate a frank conversation is to choose the most appropriate time for this. Organize a romantic dinner and raise the topic of sex over a glass of wine. In a confidential tone, ask your chosen one if he would like to somehow diversify your intimate life, and what kind of experiments he would like. After his answer, you will also have the opportunity to voice your own desires.

Perhaps you are hesitant to tell a young man what exactly you want from him in bed, then you need to show it. When he begins to approach the “needed” area of ​​the body with his hands or kisses, begin to breathe more often and demonstrate in every possible way that you really like his actions.

You can invite the young man to watch some erotic film. When you see a scene that you would like to repeat with your lover, tell him that you found this moment in the plot very exciting and it would be nice to “recreate” it someday.

Make a man think about you

You can act in any way: do not respond to SMS; ignore; make it clear that you like the man and so on. You can also use the approach-distance method: first flirt, and then disappear for a week, or at least start acting cold. That is, pretend that right now you have no time for him. This will also make the person constantly remember you. However, do not forget about the rule of the golden mean. You need to act carefully, and not so that the man, offended, mentally sends you to hell.

Do erotic massage

You shouldn’t stop there even if your relationship has moved to a new level. Give your man an erotic massage using essential oils or sweet perfumes. Touch his body with light and exciting movements of your fingers, without sudden pressure. All this will allow him to relax. At this moment, you can make your partner think how good he feels with you by making light touches with the tip of your tongue. The man will be completely in your power!

— The Power of Intentions and the Law of Attraction


As already mentioned, this technique triggers the Law of Attraction in your life. Because a strong desire expressed out loud can only mean one thing: “I want exactly THIS to happen in my life now! "

It is very important to remember the accuracy of the wording. You should not evaluate your condition (How tired I am). You express a desire for action for a certain result (Now I'll have a good rest!).

Each of your desires initially has a mechanism for its fulfillment. The power of intention can put this mechanism into action. Desire itself is weak, because it cannot remain stable for long enough.

All changes in life are carried out using two principles: Attention and Intention. The first attracts energy, the second transforms it. If you think about something and focus your attention on it, then in reality it gains strength. Everything that is deprived of attention withers, disintegrates and disappears.

It is intention that enhances the action of this mechanism; it is an organizing force. Of course, the technique is much more complicated than the simple exercises that were given at the beginning of the article. We must learn to focus our attention on one single object. As a result, such unshakable determination is achieved that no interference simply can distract you and scatter your attention. All obstacles seem to disappear from consciousness.

Having learned to subjugate this power, you can create whatever you want. You may also be interested in Esther Hicks' article, The Law of Attraction.


Relax completely in bed

When talking about how to make a man want you crazy, we can’t help but mention “games” in bed. Under no circumstances lie like a log. Try to guess the desires of your chosen one not even from a half-word, but from a half-gesture, and fulfill his every whim. No restrictions! Only later, after the wedding, you can talk about your headache and reluctance to do anything. And now everything that is not prohibited is allowed! The main thing is that you both feel good. If you can become an amazing lover for your man, he will never even look at another.

How to convince him to quit bad habits

A person who is addicted to smoking, drinking alcohol and gambling often harms not only himself, but also those close to him.

Make a guy quit smoking

Arm yourself with simple and understandable articles about how smoking harms the health of your boyfriend and the people around him. As a rule, everyone knows that this habit is harmful, but rarely does anyone go into the smallest details. Tell the young man what prospects await him in a few years. If you are planning to have children, then tell your man that his smoking may cause problems for the unborn child. There are many visual articles on this subject on the Internet.

Let your lover know that you do not like the smell that comes from him after smoking. Point out to him that cigarettes are causing his teeth to darken. Avoid kissing if the man has just smoked a cigarette. Tell him more often that he is good to everyone, “if only he didn’t smoke yet...”.

Pay the smoker's attention to how much his harmful hobby costs him - surely, for the same money, having given up smoking for a year, he could buy the desired thing for which he always felt sorry for the financial resources.

What to do to get a man to eliminate alcohol from his life

If you understand that a person is clearly abusing alcohol, then it makes sense to convince him to seek medical help. Most likely, at first the man will be hostile to such a proposal, so he will have to look for other ways to influence him.

Expand his range of interests. Offer to go on a hike or go on an exciting trip where you can control his cravings. Tell him that when he is intoxicated, he behaves unbearably - you love him very much, but it is unpleasant for you to be with him when he drinks.

Most likely, he drinks not himself, but with certain people. Try to find a way to end his relationship with these individuals.

If he is in the initial stages of alcoholism, then ultimatums may still have an effect on him. Firmly tell him that you cannot live with a person who is unable to overcome his addiction.

Gambling addiction - my boyfriend's addiction, how to deal with it

Does the guy spend almost all his free time playing computer games? If this started recently, then ultimatums may affect him, but if he has been passionate about this kind of pastime for a long time, and ultimatums do not bother him, then he will have to behave differently.

It is necessary to occupy his free time with something else. You can go on an exciting tour where he will not have the opportunity to sit in front of the computer. Involve his friends - go to some interesting events together, go on trips, etc.

You can also invite the guy to sign up for a gym or go there together, noting that an overly persistent fan is trying to get to know you there.

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