First day at work: how to behave? Psychologist's advice

So, the process of searching for a job, creating a resume, preparing for an interview and successfully passing it is over. Congratulations, you got the job! But what to do in the first days at a new job? Well, certainly don’t relax and dreamily dream about a brilliant career in a new company, about unprecedented success and universal admiration. Better get down to real business. An activity that will help you become a successful and valuable employee, make friends with the team and establish positive contact with management.

Start preparing in advance

If, based on the results of the interview, you were hired, you should not immediately run away, showered with gratitude, and rush to celebrate your victory with friends and family. Take a deep breath, pull yourself together, and ask your manager some important questions. To make your first day on the job as easy as possible, please check the following information:

  • who you will meet, who will supervise your work and who you can turn to for help and advice;
  • specify the work schedule;
  • be sure to ask if the organization has a dress code;
  • make a list of documents that you need to have with you for registration;
  • find out what software products you will have to work with so that you can study them properly at home;
  • Be sure to write down all the information in a notebook so you don’t forget anything.

It never hurts to additionally browse the official website of the organization you are going to work for. There you can find additional information, as well as consolidate information already received in your memory.

Behaved unnaturally

Often beginners are afraid to show their weaker sides.

If you don’t perceive information well by ear, ask it to be repeated and write it down.

If you find it difficult to communicate with strangers, keep communication to a minimum. Don't forget, you'll have to maintain your image later.

Remember: you came to work. The main thing is that you are respected as a professional.

Of course, you shouldn’t shy away from communication. Behave as usual, but don't be too categorical - it's always scary.

What to do the day before

The first day at a new job is definitely stressful. To minimize worries, you should carefully prepare the day before. It is best to spend this day for your own pleasure - go to the movies with friends or go outdoors with your family. You should get maximum positive emotions so as not to leave any room for anxiety. Be sure to go to bed early. In order not to forget anything in a hurry, you need to do the following in the evening:

  • decide on your work wardrobe and prepare all your things so that in the morning all you have to do is get dressed;
  • make a list of necessary documents and immediately put them in your bag;
  • draw up a scenario of actions for the morning so as not to get confused;
  • plan how you will get to work, taking into account all unforeseen circumstances, to avoid being late.

Never put off getting ready until the morning. Believe me, you won't have time for this. It’s better to sleep an extra half hour, cook a delicious breakfast and spend time doing your hair or makeup.

Try to be social – at least a little

I know it doesn't sound very good. And yet, I strongly recommend that you step towards fear and invite colleagues to lunch or offer them help in something everyday. If your colleagues invite you somewhere, agree too. While you are eating or erasing notes from the board together, the conversation starts by itself - and now you have already forgotten why it was awkward in the first place. Here we make a small reservation: choose neutral topics and do not rush to tell how bad it was at your last job. It's better to discuss something safe like movies or pets.

First day at work - advice from a psychologist

Everything new is stressful, especially when it comes to work. You will have to get comfortable in an unfamiliar team and quickly understand your responsibilities. Naturally, an unprepared person may become confused or even lose his temper. That is why it is worth taking an extremely responsible approach to such an event as the first day at work. Psychologists will tell you how to behave:

  • Throw aside unnecessary worries. Everyone goes through a difficult process of personnel adaptation. Tune in to the fact that every day it will become easier for you.
  • Treat your colleagues as politely as possible. At the same time, your face should radiate friendliness. This way you will quickly establish contact with employees and find friends.
  • Be involved. Empathy for failures and joy for the successes of colleagues is an important point in networking. Nevertheless, you should not be intrusive.
  • You should not make your problems and troubles public. In addition, do not under any circumstances demonstrate personal hostility towards colleagues.
  • Under no circumstances should you take charge of someone else’s workplace. Even if it’s common practice at a company to use someone’s phone, stapler or printer, you shouldn’t do this on your first day of work.
  • Don't talk too much about yourself or brag about your skills and talents. First of all, you should show interest in the job.
  • Dedicate your first day at work to observations. This applies not only to the work process, but also to the behavior of colleagues. Knowing their character traits, it will be easier for you to adapt to the team.
  • Don't wait for your boss to call you in to make a reprimand. At first, it is better to independently report to management in order to monitor the correctness of the work.
  • Drive away negativity and despondency. Imagine what success you can achieve today, in a week, in a month, in a year. Thoughts are material, and therefore they must be positive and bright.
  • Take advantage of your newbie status and don't try to be great right away. First, try to understand the details of the work more deeply.

The main rule to follow when starting a new business is a positive mood. Come into the office with smiles and wishes for a successful working day. It is very important to do this sincerely. If you are not in the mood, then there is no need for forced grimaces. It is enough to limit yourself to a polite greeting.

What not to do

On the first day at work, many people make mistakes that can interfere with further adaptation to the team. To ensure that getting to know your colleagues goes smoothly, you should never do the following:

  • be late (even if it was not your fault, in the eyes of your colleagues and superiors you will be an unpunctual person);
  • forgetting names (it would seem that this is a trifle, but it can offend, so write it down if you are not confident in your memory);
  • flatter both superiors and employees;
  • brag (it is better to prove your superiority with excellent work);
  • talk about your previous work (your colleagues may listen to you with interest, but your boss may not like it);
  • establish your own rules in the office; take on too many responsibilities both in terms of work and in terms of personal relationships with colleagues;
  • insist on something if you do not understand the issue;
  • advertise friendship or relationship with superiors or high-ranking officials (especially if you received a position through their patronage);
  • immediately impose your friendship or closer relationship.

Of course, no one is immune from mistakes, but at first it is better to keep yourself under control. If you manage to establish yourself well and become a valuable employee, then over time you will be forgiven for some mistakes.


So, in the first days, I lower my demands on myself and do two things: observe my colleagues and digest information. That is, of course, I don’t eavesdrop and don’t look over my shoulder at other people’s monitors. I just look around, listen, and draw conclusions.

This way I learn a lot of important things. Is it customary to speak formally and to the point here, or can you throw in a couple of slang words and tell a story from your life? How is it customary to celebrate a birthday: bring a cake, invite everyone to a business lunch at the nearest cafe, or order pizza? Do they bring souvenirs from vacation, and if so, is it a couple of bottles of wine for everyone or a refrigerator magnet for everyone? Are there people in the company who are openly liked or disliked? For what?

Watch, and in a few days you will at least understand a little how everything works here. Knowledge of colleagues will be a bonus. You will understand who is a lover of order and who is an office rebel; distinguish talkers from silent ones, silent ones from bullies, and at the same time identify potential friends for yourself.

What you need to do on the first day

The first day at a new job is a big challenge. Nevertheless, you need to put aside panic and turn on rational thinking. To make your work easier in the future, on the first day you need to complete the following minimum program:

  • Take the initiative to get to know your colleagues. Remember that you are part of an already established team, and in order to occupy a certain niche in it, you need to make an effort.
  • Get started organizing your workspace right away. In the future, you may simply not have time for this. In addition, this way you can create the impression of an active and hardworking person.
  • Try to delve as deeply as possible into all the features of work in this team and understand its atmosphere. Be observant.
  • Understand the specifics of your work, as well as the features of the regime. Collect and study all documentation that contains information about your rights, responsibilities and other essential conditions.

If you are a department head

Sometimes it is much more difficult for a boss to adapt to a new workplace than for an ordinary employee. If you are the head of a department, then on your first day and in your future work you should be guided by the following rules:

  • Never criticize a subordinate in the presence of his colleagues;
  • keep your personal impression of the person to yourself - you have the right to talk only about his professional qualities;
  • express your thoughts clearly and specifically when giving instructions or making comments;
  • criticism should help improve performance, and not be a means of self-expression;
  • in informal communication with subordinates, be polite and friendly;
  • Be attentive to your employees - always inquire about their well-being, and also congratulate them on the holidays.

Work after vacation

The first day at work after vacation can be real torture. Even inveterate workaholics, by the end of a well-deserved rest, can become depressed from the need to begin their routine duties again. As psychologists assure, this condition is quite normal and passes over time. However, it is better to prepare for the end of your vacation in advance. Plan your vacation in such a way that the vacation ends 2-3 days before going to work. At this time, it is worth adjusting your sleep schedule - getting used to going to bed early and waking up early again. But you shouldn’t plunge headlong into everyday affairs, because you are still on legal vacation. It is worth noting that it is quite difficult to sustain a full work week after rest. That's why try to plan your vacation so that you can start your duties, for example, on Wednesday or Thursday. This way, you will have time to get into the working rhythm before the weekend and won’t have time to get too tired.

To make your first day at work after vacation easy and calm, follow these recommendations:

  • reward yourself for a job well done (for example, a delicious dinner or a trip to the cinema);
  • To make the return to the previous rhythm painless, start with the most interesting things and leave the routine for later;
  • take short breaks every 30-40 minutes to avoid overexertion (at this time you can review photos from your vacation or share your impressions with colleagues);
  • immediately start keeping a diary in which deadlines for the most important things will be set;
  • Be sure to have snacks throughout the day (bananas and dark chocolate can stimulate brain function and ensure a good mood).

Signs and superstitions

For many people, the phrase “I’m starting my first day at a new job!” is both desirable and scary. Signs and superstitions are widespread not only in everyday life, but also in offices. Sometimes, wanting to gain the favor of their superiors or a salary increase, employees of reputable companies can resort to the help of psychics, fortune-tellers, and even perform magical rituals.

Of course, it’s not worth brewing miracle potions or making or making a director’s voodoo doll. To ensure your first day at a new job brings you good luck, remember some office signs:

  • Place coins in the corners of your office to attract a salary increase or bonus;
  • to prevent computers from freezing and the printer from chewing paper, communicate with the equipment politely and kindly, thank them for their work (if you are embarrassed in front of your colleagues, then do it mentally);
  • try not to start work on the 13th;
  • on the first day, you should not leave the office until the end of the working day, either for personal or official matters (this will lead to dismissal);
  • do not keep the office door open, otherwise you will receive a lot of instructions;
  • On the very first day, do not order business cards, badges or signs for the door, otherwise there is a risk that you will not last long at this job.

Technique VIII Burning Hand of Yanlovan

Rage! Be mad. Hit the keyboard. Yell in anger. But only during work hours. It helps. Seriously. This way you will stay in good shape and at the same time stand out among colleagues who are not even able to open their eyes. Put all the pain of your condition into screaming at the hanging Excel.

The problem with this method is that it is one-time and stressful. If you practice this often, you will very quickly gain a reputation as a person with whom no one rides in the elevator.

Features of the adaptation process

Working in a new team certainly begins with the adaptation process. Moreover, it is important to understand that this applies not only to beginners. The team must also get used to the emergence of a new link and in every possible way help him integrate into the work process. There are four successive stages that make up adaptation:

  • To begin with, the new employee is assessed in terms of professional and social skills. Based on the data obtained, an adaptation program can be drawn up. It is worth noting that the easiest way to join a new team is for those employees who have experience in a similar position. Nevertheless, even such a person does not immediately get used to new conditions and daily routine.
  • Orientation involves familiarizing the newcomer with his job responsibilities, as well as the list of requirements that are put forward for both his professional and personal qualities. For this purpose, conversations, special lectures or preparatory courses can be held.
  • Effective adaptation occurs at the moment when the employee begins to join the team. He can express himself both in work and in communication. We can say that during this period the employee puts into practice the acquired knowledge.
  • The functioning stage implies a transition to stable performance of job duties in accordance with the established schedule. Depending on how work is organized at the enterprise, this stage can last from several months to a year and a half.

Technique V Porcelain crane shaking its head

The Yixing clay crane never says no. He always shakes his head - rhythmically and a little doomedly. Take the example of this ancient toy and shake your head affirmatively every time you are called to the smoking room, or drink coffee, or finish the salad. Even if you don't smoke, you hate caffeine and salads.

Some call it a “positive outlook on life,” but we prefer the term “hangover submissiveness.”


The first day at work brings a lot of worries and new impressions. In a short time, you need to have time not only to understand the work, but also to get to know the employees and win their sympathy. The main thing is not to panic if difficulties arise and to perceive criticism objectively. It is worth noting that the first day of work for a new employee is a turning point, but far from a decisive moment. Even if everything went smoothly, you still have a long adjustment period ahead of you.

It is worth noting that in Western practice the probationary period lasts about six months. During this time, you need not only to demonstrate your knowledge and skills, but also to adapt to the new team. At domestic enterprises, a newcomer is given no more than two weeks (in rare cases, a month), and therefore needs to prepare for the first working day in advance. Try to find out as much as possible about the organization, and also read the recommendations of leading psychologists. To give yourself additional confidence, follow folk signs.

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