How to overcome softness and become a tougher person?

Gentleness is a positive quality of a person’s character, which is manifested by the ability to Feel, act Wisely, and remain calm, both in ordinary and difficult life situations

Manifestations of Gentleness and what is a Soft Heart?

A soft heart, responsive to people, it sincerely empathizes with their feelings, is alien to condemnation and accusations. Everything that is vulnerable causes a response of gentleness - sympathy, support, approval, tenderness, caring and affection. In popular sayings there is such a thing - Meet and see off with a Soft heart. In our memory, this evokes certain images, usually very close ones, which left such a memorable image. These are usually women who have a soft heart and are always desired and loved.

What a soft girl she is

Gentleness is an innate feminine quality. Girls always surround themselves with fluffy toys, cashmere sweaters, and soft things. Most women like soft colors in the interior of apartments, soft fabrics of dresses, delicate soft skin of the face, we so like to curl up in any soft chair... We unconsciously strive for softness in our environment. External softness gives us a feeling of safety, security, comfort, warmth, care, a feeling that everything is fine and you can relax and warm up.

What happens to the softness inside?

Many women have abandoned their inner softness due to certain past traumas. To be soft for many means to be defenseless, weak, incapable. A tough woman can stand up for herself, right? She will not let herself be offended, she will defend her rights. What will a soft woman do? How will she cope with life?

A gentle woman will indeed not swear and prove, because if her gentleness comes from love and kindness towards people, then not a single living creature will want to harm her. And even if suddenly, due to karma, this happens, a hard man will definitely stand up for a soft woman.

Do not confuse inner softness from abundance with cowardice and mental weakness! If a man behaves like a freak, and a woman forgives him everything and says: “I’m so soft, I can’t tell him anything. He does this, but I still won’t leave, I have such a soft, compliant character,” this is not softness, this is cowardice. A gentle woman accepts that this is happening, but she also gently leaves in order to preserve her life and a happy mental state.

Why is gentleness beneficial in relationships?

When a woman consciously chooses to be soft, she awakens masculinity in a man, a desire to protect, care, and help. This way she transmits yin energy, which makes the man nearby become more yang and stronger. This is energy, it works flawlessly. Remember, when you meet a truly strong man in your life, be it an acquaintance, a passer-by, a boss or a friend, a feeling of gentleness, security, and carelessness automatically appears next to him. The energy of power emanating from such a man transforms even fighting and daring women, unexpectedly for them

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