How to become an angry and aggressive person? Is it worth doing?

Few people are interested in the question of how to become evil. On the contrary, lately everyone has been interested in the opposite. Namely, how to become kinder, more tolerant, more loyal to others. Because many of us are surrounded by stress, which then leads to the release of negativity on those who are not to blame for anything at all. But no, some people want to become more aggressive. There are various reasons for this.

Anger and aggression: what's the difference?

According to the definition of psychologists, anger is a feeling that is oversaturated with various negative emotions. Anger is inherent in: anger, strong irritation, ill will and even rage. In this case, a negative emotion is positioned as a reaction to a particular situation, where the binding is a certain object.

Aggression is already a type of activity according to which other people can be harmed: morally and sometimes physically.

Ignore the beauty of the process, think only about the end result

Happy people say that life is a journey and that the destination is not that important. While this is certainly true for those who seek to experience life to the fullest, you may not have to believe this saying if you truly want to be miserable. On the contrary, remember to only think about your goals without enjoying the process of achieving them - focus solely on that future end that you want to achieve and it will surely prevent you from enjoying those beautiful moments that life can bring you.

What gives a person anger?

It would seem that what good can such feelings as anger and aggression bring? But you shouldn’t judge these emotions based only on their definition by psychologists. It often happens that a calm character, gentleness and kindness only create problems. The inability to get angry leads to the fact that a person will be rude, forced to do a lot of extra work, taking advantage of his reliability, they can make him guilty without guilt in various situations.

From the above it follows that a person needs a feeling of anger and aggression in order to be able to defend his interests. These feelings can tell the individual that a particular situation is not suitable or necessary for him, and also does not bring any benefit.

Only understanding this problem from the side of personal gain allows us to assert that anger, as a feeling, is sometimes simply necessary. But it is important to remember: you can only benefit from your own anger if you have complete control over yourself. To avoid problems, you should still observe the ethical side, and completely exclude harming other people through your anger.


For a good person to become evil, he needs compelling reasons. Of course, many people have sudden outbursts. So a person thinks: “That’s it, I’m tired, I won’t help anyone anymore and forgive nothing!” But then she somehow forgets about it and continues to be “Mother Teresa.”

Need motivation. How to become evil? Just remember the reasons that cause this “need”. You can even write them out: “Colleagues constantly leave all the “dirty” work to me. When they are having fun, I stay in the office late. I don’t get enough sleep, I can’t take care of my personal life. It's time to stop this. I still love myself." The principle is the same, even if it’s not about work. Here is an example regarding family: “I am 30 years old, but I still do what my mother wants. I can't resist her, she constantly tells me what I need to do. The situation needs to change - I don’t feel like a man and I can’t present myself as such in society.”

In general, in other words, a person must make a firm decision to change something. Plus, his confidence will be noticed by those around him who want to sit on his neck.

What can uncontrolled anger turn into?

Before getting an answer to the question “how to become angry?”, you need to clearly understand that this emotion must be used skillfully. Excessive anger and uncontrolled aggression can have the opposite effect: a person will lose the respect of others, good relationships with friends, they will begin to be avoided and feared. Instead of achieving goals, building partnerships, participating in discussions and defending their interests, a person alone will reap the fruits of his uncontrollable emotions.

How to become evil for your own benefit?

It is controlled anger that will help you take leadership positions among people and become a self-sufficient, self-confident person. Anger is a defense in difficult situations. Its use will be especially effective in cases where other methods have had no effect.

For some people, it is really important to know how to be an angry person so that they can use this knowledge to organize their personal lives. It is worth noting that anger gives self-confidence. This feeling helps, without fear of anything, to prove that one is right, to do things that a person was previously afraid to even think about.

You need to have some knowledge about how to become an evil and cruel person so as not to harm yourself or others. Anger is energy that, when released, manifests itself in different directions. It has been proven that a person who controls this feeling can achieve significant victories in the shortest possible period of time. This trend can be seen especially well in sports.

Sometimes anger can be used as a trigger for action. It forces a person to strive for a better result. The most effective way to arouse anger in yourself is to remember the situation that annoys you, and scroll through the current situation in your mind from the point of view of the victim.

Live according to others' expectations

Society has a lot of expectations from you, and if you don't fulfill them, you will be abandoned by those around you - this is exactly the story that most people believe from childhood. Result? Most of them are very sad and unhappy. To become like them, make sure you fit into the society you live in, follow the rules, follow orders and do what pleases society, even if it makes you miserable!

How to become angry and strong: secrets of psychologists

An important rule: never accumulate anger within yourself. Feel free to express your emotions as soon as you feel yourself starting to get angry. To avoid uncontrollable manifestations of anger, you should not accumulate it in yourself.

How to become evil and achieve your goal? Dissatisfaction and anger from not fully getting what you wanted are the feelings that motivate action. If a person does not feel satisfied with what he has, he will constantly strive for something better. In this case, the main thing is to have specific tasks in front of you, to clearly understand and review the final goal. Your great success should definitely be appreciated.

How to become angry and cruel to achieve a goal, to realize the desire to change something in your life? Try to combine your desire with hatred and anger. For example, if you dream of becoming more beautiful and slimmer, you need to hate your extra pounds. Only this anger should set you up for a certain result, and not lower your self-esteem.

Who needs it?

The question of how to become evil is usually preoccupied by very pleasant and tactful people, whose kindness is blatantly taken advantage of by others. At one point, their tolerance ends and they long to change the situation.

A person sets himself a very difficult task - to become the opposite of himself. Naturally, this cannot be done without difficulties. You won't be able to become very angry right away. It is as difficult as it is for an aggressive, irritable person to turn into a kind person.

By the way, you don’t have to become exactly evil. Many people confuse the concepts. It's better to just get tougher. And in this matter, the most important thing is to start saying “no”. It is difficult to refuse, especially when a person always said “yes”, agreeing to help, help out, save a comrade.

When a colleague once again comes up with a request that sounds like this: “Replace me tomorrow, my child has a matinee,” you just need to refuse. And to the surprise: “But you always agree?” - answer without smiling: “Actually, I have a day off, which I have already planned.” This will cause confusion for the person asking. Perhaps he will even whisper in someone’s ear: “He’s somehow angry today,” but he’s unlikely to come up with such a request again.

How to channel anger in the right direction?

Knowing how to become angry, you need to understand how to extinguish this emotion in case of loss of control over the situation.

  1. If you find yourself filled with anger and this is preventing you from adequately perceiving the situation, use the tips below to regain your sense of balance and master inner peace.
  2. Relax through deep and slow breathing. As you exhale, mentally repeat the phrase: “I am calm and in control of the situation.”
  3. Listen to music. To find peace, the following technique will be effective: start with slow compositions, gradually moving to songs with a faster tempo.
  4. Do a set of strength exercises.
  5. Give vent to your anger by simply beating a pillow and throwing out your negativity on an inanimate object.
  6. Write an angry letter where, without mincing words, describe all your negative feelings. Burn the letter and imagine that your problems disappear along with the burning paper.

Look at the game as a waste of time

Time is money and entertainment is pointless because it doesn't make you any money, right? When we were children, we found joy in games, having fun and laughing with our friends who were doing what we loved to do. But now that you are an adult trying to be miserable like most of the adults around you, you have to stop acting like a child.

Dismiss the game as a foolish act, become desensitized to humor, put on a serious face, and rest assured that your unhappiness levels will be greatly increased!

How to show your anger correctly?

Anger needs to be shown to other people so that they understand why you are angry, see your mistakes and realize why this is so important to you. Try to explain to your opponent what consequences the problem you are considering may lead to. No need to shout! The best argument will be stern, clear and fairly loud intonations.

Sometimes it is better to talk, to let your anger out, than to remain silent, because communication is a real chance to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Knowledge of how to become evil will be useful in life, because without anger it is impossible to feel full joy. Don't be afraid to express this feeling, but use it skillfully. Remember, these emotions will only be beneficial if you learn to control them and use them not for evil, but to realize your plans.

Become selfish

All bad guys are selfish. This means you need to think first, and sometimes only about yourself. Why are girls attracted to such selfish individuals? Because often girls grow up in families where they must attract attention to themselves in order to receive love and care. There are girls who are brought up in the spirit of competition. In other words, in order to get something, you need to earn it. Therefore, give such girls guys who initially do not give them anything, so that they can try for them and like them, which will allow them to receive at least a little love and warmth from them.

Moreover, you can often encounter a situation of ingratitude when you do everything for other people, but they give you nothing in return. This happens to everyone. However, selfish people take the position that they will never give anything to others, so as not to face ingratitude.

Girls like guys who are selfish because they often seem successful. What is their success? The fact is that they do everything for themselves. And if such a selfish guy falls in love with a girl, then everything he has will become available to her.

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