Family. All about family. What is family? The importance of family in our life


A close circle has many properties:

  • The decision to marry and have children is made on a voluntary, relaxed basis.
  • The common things between spouses are: finances, housing, household, cars, valuables.
  • Joint offspring.
  • Following the law and properly observing all rights.
  • The presence of general morality, psychological component and morality.

Signs of a family

The family as a social unit is defined by several characteristics:

  • an officially concluded marriage (in the relevant government organizations);
  • financial generalization (jointly acquired material assets);
  • general life;
  • mandatory cohabitation.

Some also include in this list the presence of a child or several children, but in the modern model of a marital union this point is not mandatory or decisive.

Practicing psychologists and sociologists also consider the family as a small group. Let's look at the functions in the picture below from the point of view of a small group.

Signs of a small group

What is a modern family and what is its significance?

Unlike the times of the USSR, modern unions are autonomous and closed to society. Intervention in their affairs occurs only in extreme cases, when this cell becomes destructive. In Soviet times it was more open to the state. Supervisory authorities monitored the development of every officially formalized relationship between citizens. When conflicts and divorces arose, they intervened and tried to influence, took possible steps to resolve quarrels and save the marriage.

Distinctive features: the uniqueness of modern unions

Today, it is impossible to define a family unambiguously due to the different types - Swedish, adopted, open, and so on. The essence of relations between the sexes has long gone beyond the classical formula: one woman, one man and children. In the Russian Federation, same-sex and Swedish marriages are prohibited, but in some foreign countries they are recognized by law, and this phenomenon is considered the norm.

Let us note some features that characterize the unions of our country over the past 25 years:

  • Increase in the number of legal marriages. Young couples increasingly prefer to formalize their relationship at the registry office, although the institution of civil marriage still remains.
  • Increasing age of marriage. The average age of newlyweds is 22 years, while 30-40 years ago newlyweds barely reached the age of majority, and 50 years ago our grandparents got married even earlier: at 15-16 years old. The growing up of newlyweds is associated with the need to obtain higher education and the need to improve their everyday life. Modern youth in most cases think about a career and preparing the ground for marriage.
  • Later birth of children after the formalization of the relationship. According to statistics, the birth of the first child occurs in the 3-5th year of marriage.
  • The desire to live separately from parents. Since Tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union, several generations have lived in the same house. After the wedding, the newlyweds did not strive to separate and lived with the parents of the wife or husband, leading a common life and even a budget. Modern couples strive to start living separately as quickly as possible.
  • Showing interest in traditions. Modern youth are increasingly thinking about their roots, origins and ancestors. It has become popular to compile your own family tree, pedigree. This surge of interest is normal. At a certain period in the life of the country, it was not customary to talk about origin, especially to those whose ancestors were not peasants, but princes, landowners and merchants. You can preserve your traditions and strengthen your family ties by creating a family tree. The House of Genealogy will help with this. The company’s specialists will find information about ancestors and relatives in the archives and prepare a genealogical book, which can become not only a good gift, but also a real heirloom.

The state in the 21st century pays more attention to the development of the family institution, improving its quality, and developing spiritual values. Today, marriage is a sign of a person’s well-being, his support and support. Times change, but the basic principles of building relationships between a man and a woman remain unchanged: love, mutual respect, trust and care.

Why is family so important?

Family is the future of children.

The family is the only place where children study after school. At school, teachers teach different subjects that will help them find a good job in the future. But at home, the family teaches children habits and discipline that will not only help them find a job, but will also help them live an ideal life in the future. Therefore, family is very important for children.

When a child comes out of the mother's womb, he first sees his parents, and then spends most of his time with his family until he goes to kindergarten and then to school.

These 3 or 4 years are very important for children to learn some basic habits from their parents, sisters or brothers. In fact, during the first 3 years, your baby's brain triples in weight and makes about 1,000 trillion neural connections.

So during this period the child learns a lot from the family.

I believe that none of you are going to teach bad habits to your child. Parents should be careful what they do in front of their children because your child only learns habits and discipline from you. And this is one of the main reasons why family is an important part of our lives.

Family is with you in any situation.

This is one of the benefits of family that none of us ever realize right away. You may have many friends or relatives. They will definitely be with you in your happy times or any achievements. But, your parents or brothers or sisters are the only ones who will be with you during difficult periods of life.

Do you know that your parents are the only ones who understand you much more than any other person in the world?

Because they are your creators and the only ones traveling through life with you from the very beginning. Therefore, they understand your feelings and are always there for you, especially when you need someone's support. This is the power of family.

There are many people who can help you, but family will help you even when you are alone.

Family improves society.

An ideal family is an excellent example to the whole society. Dad, mom, children, they all must work to build an ideal family. If one of them fails, the whole family can collapse. This happens very often these days.

The good name of an entire family can be destroyed by one family member.

But if every family member works and builds an optimal family, then they will be a good example of this entire society.

Family influence is very strong in society and society has a very strong influence on the country. So the ideal country is not only the government, but also every member of the family. Therefore, every family is the main key of society.

This is why family is important in our life.

The family celebrates your happiness.

This is another good reason why family is important in our lives. Envy is the cheapest feeling that can be seen everywhere in this world. If you are richer, or more educated, or more beautiful, or get promoted, or buy an expensive car, or buy a house, people become jealous of you.

In short, if you are happy, then some people will envy you.

But family is different, and they are sincerely happy for you as you go through each stage. Plus, the family celebrates with you at every happy moment. Especially parents always look forward to your next steps. That's why family is important at every step.

What is a family for?

If you turn your attention to the cultural heritage of peoples from all over the world, you will notice that all ancestors had the value of family. It is worth noting that it was not the psychological or physiological attraction of a guy and a girl to each other that was the foundation for creating a family.

The foundation was the economic component.

Living alone, survival became extremely difficult. People needed each other to create a life, obtain food and reproduce. A large family had a more secure position among the population.

In addition, based on the universal human factor, the larger the family, the more respect it aroused among others. If a person refused to start a family, he was considered an outcast and often began to have an extremely negative attitude towards him.

Past and present

Today, the economic component has ceased to be the primary determining factor. In the 21st century, a person can live alone, just like raising a child. This position of people affects the decrease in motivation to start a family.

Due to the current situation, many “non-traditional” forms of cohabitation have emerged.

However, there are preserved values ​​- having a family. The family is necessary for the comprehensive normal upbringing of a child. People need to be together no matter what. You should not strive for loneliness in this world.

Marriage is a serious endeavor between two people.

You should always remember that in a family there are not only joys and relief in life for spouses, but there are also difficulties. It’s harder to climb a mountain alone than with two people, but in marriage you begin to bear responsibility not only for yourself, but also for your partner.

The role of family in human life and society

The family performs many important functions that ensure its functioning. Let's look at some of them:

  1. The first priority is reproductive. Pursues the implementation of social and individual tasks. The first is responsible for the reproduction of the population, the second is the satisfaction of the natural need for the birth of children.
  2. Educational. This is the socialization and education of children until they reach adulthood. Family traditions and values ​​are passed on to the baby, and moral principles are instilled.
  3. Economic. The family provides satisfaction of primary needs - shelter, food and drink, clothing. Members of a small community manage a joint household, acquire and accumulate material goods and values ​​with the aim of passing them on to the younger generation.
  4. Restorative. A person needs protection, love and care. Failure to satisfy these basic needs leads to problems associated with physical and psychological illnesses, resulting in depression, outbursts of aggression and nervous breakdowns both within the family and outside it. This entails the dissolution of the marriage, the children do not grow up in a full-fledged family. It all depends on the family members: if the common spirit is strong, loved ones respect, love each other, appreciate each other, make concessions, can organize leisure time and everyday life, their family ship will never crash on the reefs of problems.

A favorable emotional environment in a family is very important. Let's talk about it.


Consultation for parents

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“Family is the most important thing in every person’s life”

A happy family is a happy country. Happiness has never placed a person at such a height that he does not need loved ones. Seneca: “Family is the most important thing in the life of every person.” It influences you from a very early age, so it is very important that the atmosphere in the family is harmonious and happy. Happy children are born in a happy family, as love, support and understanding reign around them. People who have been brought up in a happy family since childhood have an idea of ​​happiness, which means that in the future they will also strive for this. And this is an inevitable process of life.

As Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy said: “All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” All happy families have one happiness, and this happiness is the love they share with each other. The love that reigns in a family is a special energy, very subtle and fragile, which must be appreciated and constantly protected. The presence of love in the family ensures not only spiritual well-being, but also material well-being. From time immemorial, the keeper of the hearth was a woman; only she could create a special atmosphere in the house, which can be called a space of love, and it is she who is responsible for this. The feminine energy that every girl is endowed with from birth is a waterfall of Grace. A woman’s mood affects the happiness of the family much more often and more strongly than it seems at first glance. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of a woman is to maintain her inner world in a harmonious and happy state. Make sure that there is no place for fears, uncertainty and doubts in her inner world. However, you cannot build happiness by shifting all responsibility onto the fragile shoulders of a woman. Each family member, be it a husband or a child, must make every effort to maintain family happiness.

The role of family in the life of every person

Since ancient times, starting a family has been the most important part of human life. As a rule, it began with the registration of a marriage union. Marriage and family were sanctified by religion, registered by the authorities, and their functioning was subject to state laws, as well as unwritten social rules. Why was so much attention given to this social structure?

Obviously, the reason was the all-round helplessness of man - before the forces of nature, social laws, and authorities. The shortage of basic resources (food, housing, etc.) forced people to unite in certain small groups; raising the younger generation also required joint efforts. With rare exceptions, a person could not live without a family at all. One consideration was joint farming; this was also the reason for the large number of children the spouses had: children were additional workers, and the more of them, the more prosperous the family. By the way, the concept of “child” initially did not exist at all; As soon as the little person acquired the ability to act independently, he was immediately assigned to work.

But times changed, and the importance of family relationships decreased. Currently, a person is quite capable of feeding and equipping himself on his own, alone, so a family is not something irreplaceable. Nowadays, it’s just a person’s choice: for some it’s easier to live in family ties, while for others it’s easier and better to live alone. In this case, a person is not left completely alone, since he can be part of other social groups: work in a large, crowded organization, communicate with friends, he can be a public person (politician, actor, teacher), play in a rock band...

In ancient times, family relationships were the only legal opportunity to realize one's sexual life. The sexual sphere of human life was strictly controlled, and there were sound reasons for this, in addition to the usual religious ignorance. After all, any sexual contact implied the birth of children. This created a lot of problems (for example, intercourse of close relatives led to the appearance of unhealthy and non-viable offspring). In our time, it has become clear to people that it is possible to lead a free sex life without the need to give birth and raise children, so the family union has lost its significance from this point of view.

But this does not mean that the family has become completely unnecessary. Moreover, many considerations have appeared for creating a family union in addition to the function of reproduction. Today, for example, it becomes clear that an indispensable condition for a strong and long marriage is a commonality of interests: spouses love the same music, equally prefer to spend their free time, have similar professions, vote for the same candidates in elections - and so on. Further. Some people start a family for the purpose of traveling together, others – to organize a family business. There are known musical groups consisting partially or entirely of members of the same family.

Modern attitude towards family

The hard times are over. And in our 21st century, the economic component of the family has faded into the background. Today it is much easier for a person to live alone and raise a child. On the one hand, this is good. But this state of affairs reduces people's motivation to start families. As a result, new “non-traditional” forms of cohabitation are emerging.

I don’t want to affect anyone’s interests right now. Of course, such “families” have a right to exist. But how “real” are they?

To raise a child properly, you need a traditional family. And people should be together, despite all life's difficulties. Loneliness for a person is not right.

Of course, marriage is not that simple. We must constantly work on ourselves and be responsible not only for ourselves, but also for our family members, to help them overcome difficulties. But, as they say: “a trouble divided in half becomes half as big.” And joy multiplied by two increases twice.”

In addition, when you do something together and achieve some success, your joint development occurs and the spiritual connection between family members is strengthened.

Family functions and their characteristics

Now the question arises: why does humanity need family unions at all?

It’s not for nothing that a family union is called a “unit of society.” This means that it is like a miniature model of a “big” society, and therefore its functionality is varied.

We inherited the most basic functions from our animal ancestors. These are childbearing and educational functions. With childbirth, everything is clear: the family union was originally created to organize reproduction. Education is a more complex function, primitive forms of which are found only in mammals, as well as birds and crocodiles that are evolutionarily close to them. Education involves preparing offspring for adult life: this, in particular, is protection, theoretical and practical training, introduction to work and social interactions.

Another function of the family community is the fulfillment of sexual needs. This view of marriage appeared in ancient civilizations when people were faced with the need to control sexual intercourse.

The next function of the family is household chores. Members of a family community run a common household and jointly satisfy each other’s material needs. Family work becomes more efficient and productive than single work.

Other functions of the family include spiritual (joint spiritual enrichment and leisure activities), recreational (joint restoration of physical and mental strength), social (socialization, social control, familiarization with culture and moral standards), emotional (satisfying the needs for understanding, recognition , protection, etc.).

It is clear that the family community in humans has a much deeper meaning than in animals. Small groups in mammals have evolved along with the species themselves. In various animals, even the rudiments of “higher functions” of the family union, which seem to be characteristic only of humans, are observed. Thus, in birds, the female and the male, after “marriage,” build a joint nest. Many animals have developed joint “economic activities”, including division of labor: the male hunts, and the female protects the cubs.

The emergence of the family as a social unit

The Russian concept of “family” is of Slavic (and, accordingly, Indo-European) origin. It goes back to the meaning of territorial community.

In the Old Church Slavonic and Old Russian languages ​​there was also the word “semiya”, denoting the family as a whole (this term included all members of the clan who live together), as well as servants, serfs, and household members.

The concept of “seven (seven) people like me” has long been found in Rus'

When exactly the first family union appeared is unknown. We can say for sure that at the dawn of evolution, man preferred to lead a solitary lifestyle. But when people realized that it was easier to survive in a group, the first cells began to appear - prototypes of the family.

Ancient women switched their attention from alpha males to male breadwinners, who, in addition to offspring, could also provide a safe life.

Before the Great Patriotic War, Russia was predominantly populated by patriarchal family unions. A man was recognized as the head of them, and all other members of the cell were subordinate to him.

After the war, the dominant role was taken by the child-centered family, for which children were the main value (hence the desire to preserve the marriage for the well-being of the children).

I.S. Cohn writes in his writings that Russian mothers and wives in pre-revolutionary Russia were strong personalities. In classical literature there are statements about a Russian woman: “She will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut.”

Relatively recently, a marital union arose in Russian society, in which equal relations are dominant. The stability of a marriage directly depends on the quality of the relationship between spouses, and the quality of these relationships depends on the desire and desire of the partners to work on them.

Connection with the word sprout - seed

Male needs

Now I will try to explain, does a man need a family? Of course, this is a circle that includes your closest and dearest people, an area where you can relax and replenish lost energy. What does a married man get from this:

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  • He receives a devoted adviser who organizes his vacation, takes care of him, and gives advice.
  • The ability to create a large family and raise children with good upbringing and character.
  • A man becomes a leader, takes responsibility for all concerns about his family, and protects his interests.
  • Creating a family budget.

Rights of family members

It is worth mentioning separately the legal features of family relationships:

  • absolute voluntariness of taking responsibility or decisions;
  • altruistic character;
  • a long period of relations within the union.

Relationships within the family are regulated by law and legal norms. In Russia, only a marriage that was concluded in the registry office is considered official; the dissolution of the union also takes place there or in court.

Family rights cannot be transferred to third parties (that is, everything is distributed in the subjective composition of the family: spouses, children, parents).

Olga Muravyova about who is in charge (quotes from famous people)

Value guidelines

Friendly and strong relationships are a small brick for building a strong and reliable foundation for a family community. Values ​​are traditions, foundations, moral and moral principles by which a person lives and never violates them, only in rare cases. I will list the main ones for you:

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  • Sincerity. Loyalty and honesty are a stable basis for relationships, without which it is impossible to build a strong and healthy union. To maintain such stability, it is necessary to accept criticism without hysterics and think sensibly. If you calmly respond to the truth and try to cope with your shortcomings, your loved one will always be sincere with you.
  • Compliance. Showing loyalty is a great way to avoid pointless arguments.
  • Cohesion. Each family member needs to have his own personal space and have his own area of ​​activity. But he must know that he has a family that he must not forget about, and periodically return to it, leaving behind problems at work. Uniting with loved ones is not difficult - just spend time together.
  • Mercy. Learn to forgive people and not be offended by little things. Let go of all adversity and misunderstandings, life is short, don’t waste it. Touchiness takes away time, energy, good mood and strength.
  • Generosity. It is important that spouses raise their child, attaching special importance to good nature. You should not instill in your child a sense of mutual benefit. Well-mannered individuals have the following qualities: tact, sincerity, empathy, humanity, kindness.
  • Traditional customs. They are different for every family. Some gather every year to celebrate a relative's birthday. Others host movie nights on Thursdays. It is necessary to teach children from childhood to honor their ancestors and follow traditions. Draw a tree of life together - this will help your child get to know his loved ones better.
  • Curiosity. Give your child the opportunity to study and understand the world, answer the endless questions of your why.
  • Sociality. It is necessary to talk about everything and always with your husband, child, close relative. Communication is the path to trust, which in turn maintains healthy relationships.
  • Responsibility. It develops with age, but it is necessary to educate children from infancy. First, make them clean up the toys scattered throughout the room, then entrust them with caring for the pets. Possessing this quality, it will be easy for the baby to follow the path of life.

Depending on value guidelines, a good climate, and moral principles, a healthy family image is formed.

Why do you need a strong family?

“I look out the window: a gray day, cold rain and the wind is tearing off the roofs of the houses, but the apartment is calm and warm, the kettle is boiling. The house is cozy and safe.” Family is a place where you love, support, accept, where you can share experiences, thoughts and hopes.

And even if there is bad weather outside, the family gives strength to live and hope that all difficulties can be overcome, everything will work out, and everything will be fine. Why do people start families? It is in the family that skills are formed and value guidelines are laid.

Parents teach their children humanity, politeness, and virtue. They teach by example. Every day, with every action. "Just when you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you feed a stray cat and I learned that it's good to be kind to animals."

They teach even when they think the children don't notice. “Just when you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you cook a dish and take it to a friend who was sick, and I learned that we all have a responsibility to help and care.” about each other."

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Through family, a person understands how the world around him works, how to behave in order to build relationships with other people.

At school they teach you math and writing, how to sing and draw correctly, but they don’t teach you how to build strong relationships. Even when getting married, many couples do not fully understand the full value of family relationships.

Marriage is not the end of the journey, but the beginning, and it is important that each spouse makes his or her contribution to the family and its development. Married couples, lacking the necessary experience and knowledge, face difficulties that often prove insurmountable.

There are enough reasons for family life to crack:

  • fading of feelings and betrayal;
  • excessive demands on a partner;
  • financial difficulties;
  • parental intervention in the lives of adult children;
  • housing problems.

But living life is not a field to cross, you need to learn to find compromises, negotiate, not shift all responsibilities to your partner, but try to solve difficulties together. It is worth learning not only to love each other, but to respect each other, create family traditions, and teach children to work and be patient.

It’s easy to give up, saying: “They lowered my husband’s salary, he doesn’t bring in any money, why do I need him then?” Or return the wife to her parents: “She doesn’t know how to cook, she’s not a housewife. They didn't teach me. Doesn't fit." Easily? It is more difficult to go through all the stages together, to help, to show understanding, to become truly close and dear people.

Let's find out the opinion of psychologists about why a person needs a family and what advantages it gives.

  1. Responsibility. It is not surprising that when applying for a job, you must indicate your marital status in the application form. A person who has a family shows greater responsibility in other matters. Now he is no longer alone, like the wind in a field, he values ​​​​his position and you can rely on him.
  2. Stability. A family man has clear goals and plans, he is not scattered, he is not stormy or tossed from side to side, he is emotionally stable.
  3. Financial situation. A person who knows that he has a partner and children will not allow himself to squander his salary in one day. He will strive to increase his financial capabilities, simply because he has someone to do it for.
  4. Communication. According to observations, people who have many children in their family are more successful in communication. They are able to find a common language with almost everyone. Family is a small group that also provides an opportunity to gain communication skills and resolve conflict situations in a constructive way.
  5. Happiness. Experts in human souls say that a family built on respect and trust is one of the factors of happiness. Following this statement, it can be assumed that family people are happier than those who are still searching or thinking.

Read Friendship between a man and a woman

Let's talk about family values

A strong and friendly family is a small brick of a reliable foundation of a large healthy society, therefore the role of the modern family in the life of each person individually and society as a whole is very great.

Values ​​are the walls of a small cell of society, these are the rules and moral principles, foundations, traditions by which it lives, which it tries not to violate. Judging by them, one can determine what importance family has in a person’s life.

Let's consider the main ones:

  • Truthfulness. Honesty in relationships is the basis of everything. Without it, it will not be possible to create a strong and reliable rear. It is necessary to honor any manifestation of it, to take criticism sensibly, because next time you will not hear the truth addressed to you.
  • Flexibility. It is very important to show loyalty to avoid unnecessary quarrels and infighting.
  • Cohesion. Family members need to have personal space and freedom for various activities. But everyone should clearly know that they have a strong family to which they can always return.

To be one, you need to spend leisure time together and meet with relatives.

  • Forgiveness. You need to be able to forgive and not be offended over trifles. Life is too short to waste it on unnecessary quarrels that waste energy, time and effort.
  • Generosity. From childhood we need to teach children to give without demanding anything in return. This is the foundation of such valuable qualities as empathy, sensitivity, tact, compassion, humanity, and so on.

After all, if this is not given to the baby at the beginning of his life’s journey, he will not fill the emptiness of his soul later.

  • Traditions. Let's talk about what family traditions are. Each one is different. Some visit the graves of their grandfathers every year, gathering with relatives from all over the world. Others traditionally celebrate their son’s birthday outdoors with tents. Still others organize a home theater with popcorn every Friday.

It is important to instill an interest in ancestors from childhood, teach them to honor and remember them. You can create a tree of life together - you need to know your ancestors, your roots.

  • Curiosity. It is necessary to notice and satisfy the baby’s curiosity in time, to help him explore the world.
  • Communication. A very important value in every family. You should always talk about everything. Communication builds trust on which everything rests.
  • Responsibility. It appears with age, but it is necessary to instill it in a child from childhood. Starting from cleaning up toys, keeping the room tidy, caring for a pet and so on.

It will be easy for a child to go through life, possessing this invaluable quality.

Depending on existing family values, a favorable climate, established moral principles and foundations, an image of a family is formed that will become the face of a cohesive social group.

A strong rear will ensure the healthy emotional and physical development of each family member: wife, child, spouse.

What does family mean for children?

“Have you thought about the children?” I would like to ask parents who are making the decision to divorce.

The importance of a full-fledged family in the life of a little person is difficult to overestimate. What is laid down from childhood will then serve either as a support in adulthood, or will become a trauma that will have to be endlessly treated and hidden.

If a child is loved, then he will be confident that he is worthy of love; if the parents find time for the child, then as an adult he will know that he is worthy of the attention of other people. Loving, respectful parents lay down the value of the child, form in him the confidence that the world is interesting, and all difficulties are surmountable.

Unfortunately, the story about the boy who wanted to buy an hour of his time from his father remains relevant today. And, perhaps, especially now, when parents, in pursuit of material values, forget that no less than sweets and toys, children need to be talked to, joked with, and played with.

Time tends to end. And what was missed in childhood cannot be returned later by any efforts or material benefits.

It’s not for nothing that in their adult lives, when faced with difficult situations, people often mentally return to their childhood, remembering what their parents would have done in their place, what advice their father or mother would have given.

What is the secret of a strong family? The fact is that she should always come first, because the most important thing in life is family.

Practical tips:

  • Family always comes first. It is necessary to spend time together as often as possible. These are family holidays, dinners, breakfasts, because children see and adopt the tenderness of feelings that close and dear ones show to each other.
  • Don't neglect respect. You need to start with yourself. If you do not respect your family, strangers, or your children, in the end they will treat everyone the same way, and this is scary.
  • Create family traditions together.
  • Involve your children in homework and be sure to praise them for it.
  • Show your love for them. Hug, kiss, say kind words more often.
  • Demonstrate to your sons the ideal of a family man so that he can take advantage of this model of behavior and create his own strong and reliable family in the future.

Children should be raised in healthy families, then they will be emotionally stable and stronger, more balanced, and more self-confident.

Having such baggage behind them, they will never become socially dangerous people and will benefit society, respect themselves, family, the society in which they live, and existing laws, rules and foundations.

Several aspects of human values

What is the concept of value for people and for each individual?
Family value is what we hold dear. Something without which we cannot imagine our existence or something without which it will be difficult for us or not entirely “comfortable” to live, work, love, etc. When talking about human values, for convenience and better understanding we divide them into several aspects .

For example, moral (spiritual) values ​​are identified with the concepts of friendship, love and goodness.

We include work, labor and the team itself as social values

The law of God, God, rituals, traditions for us take the form of religious values.

We call beauty, style and image aesthetic values.

Political values ​​for us will undoubtedly be our rights and freedoms. Law and state.

It is clear to everyone that material assets have always been money, real estate and various things - from jewelry to cars.

But still, among the huge list of values, we highlight in a special, main, first line the most vital, so-called vital values ​​- this is life itself, health and Family.

That is, we define the most significant value of our life as family. It is family values ​​that dominate the list of human values.

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Definition of “family values”

As we have already understood, we put a spiritual rather than a material meaning into the concept of family values.

If, speaking about human values, we mean everything that is dear to us in life. Then, when speaking about family values, we mean a certain “set” of important traditions , customs and habits that are “rooted” precisely within our house-building.

For example: the simplest family values

For example, our whole family loves waking up to rhythmic music and doing exercises together.

Or we perform a certain “ritual” in the kitchen and have breakfast together, while wishing everyone a good day and positivity.

Or maybe we go on Wednesdays and Fridays to our favorite park, where in the open air everyone talks about their impressions of the past days.

This is interesting: "The happiest people!
Who are they? So many interesting things happen to us, and it is important that the main thing for us always remains our own family.

Wikipedia calls family values ​​nothing more than a set of ideas about family in the mind of a particular person. Depending on what kind of family a person wants to create, certain family values ​​are created that are necessary to achieve specific goals.

There is no doubt that family values ​​are the property and merit of adult family members. This is pride and an expression of devotion to loved ones. This is a memory of the history of the family and its habits.

Why are family, marriage and healthy lifestyle being popularized now?

Family and healthy lifestyle
The unshakable rule “live fast, die young” was relevant, most likely in the 90s . Today, a healthy lifestyle and conservative family values ​​are back in fashion. And there is a fairly simple explanation for this. After a long orientation of society towards the West, with its freedom and disorderly connections, that very “peak” has arrived. As a result, people were fed up with permissiveness and again realized how pleasant and beautiful a correct, decent and law-abiding life can be. Why are family, marriage and healthy lifestyle ?

  • Although, of course, not all people are suited for family relationships. Some people are better off being single their entire lives. However, more than 90% of people sooner or later realize the value of family and feel the need to get married.
  • Moreover, both women and men feel the need to create a social unit.
  • But a strong family union is not just 2 people who were attracted to each other, and now decided to live a sexual life “legally.”

It is worth noting that now there is a popularization of not only marriage, but a healthy lifestyle - healthy lifestyle . This is because only healthy people, without addictions, will be able to create happy families and give birth to healthy children for the benefit of the country and society. Nowadays a fairly simple principle applies: “those who don’t have bad habits will live longer . Every person wants to exist in this world for many years. Moreover, if a person lives for the sake of his family, he wants to stay among close people for as long as possible, to be needed by them.

And since the bad habits of a husband or wife can be a source of problems in the family and even separations, when deciding to get married, it is better to minimize your addictions or completely abandon them for the sake of your own health, the health of future children and a long life.

  • A family is a kind of state in which special rules and laws live.
  • Relatives not only live together and dine at the same table. They fully share all the joys and sorrows and participate in each other’s fate.

This is where the first reason a person starts a family comes from. It is impossible to live alone in this world. We need someone who will listen, give advice, and help. Of course, the well-known saying about the “glass of water in old age” that future children will bring is exaggerated. But the fact remains a fact. Family is close people who will always be there and support you in difficult times.

What is a person’s happiness: is family happiness?

It is believed that each person has his own understanding of happiness. Some people experience elation from the fact that they are fulfilled in their creativity and don’t need “baby diapers”; others are happy about moving up the career ladder and, apart from money, love no one and nothing. But, one way or another, the vast majority of people agree that a complete and happy family is also a very important, if not the dominant factor. So, what is human happiness?

  • Family is happiness

Surely many have heard the phrase “happiness is when you are understood . Ideally, family members should have mutual understanding and love for each other. Being part of a social unit, a person does not feel lonely or deprived. Moreover, in the person of a wife or husband we get a person of the opposite sex, for whom we always “come first.” And this can also be a source of happiness.

  • Happiness is seeing new life

Or rather, to be involved in its origin and development. Despite their radically different characters, a large percentage of people have maternal and paternal instincts, a craving for procreation. Sooner or later it manifests itself. And then a person feels happiness: from the fact that he loves and is loved on a constant basis, from the fact that a person has appeared who sincerely adores him, from the fact that a new member of society has been born.

In other words, the family realizes several aspects of human happiness at once - this is the need:

  • To be loved and needed by someone
  • In continuation of the family
  • In constant body contact
  • In understanding and support
  • In the division of duties, etc.

That is why in 99% of cases people are firmly convinced that family is happiness.

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