What are biorhythms and what role do they play in our lives?


Any educated person has heard or read about biorhythms at least once in their life. At the same time, not all people know reliably what biological rhythms of life are, linking this concept in their minds exclusively with sleep patterns.

In fact, biorhythms determine not only the camp of owls or larks, influencing a large number of processes occurring in the human body. General physical condition, performance, memory, reaction speed, metabolism - this is not a complete list of processes and conditions that depend on whether we live according to our biological clock or stray from the individual rhythm planned by nature.

General concept of biorhythm

If you read the definition of the term “biological rhythms” in scientific reference books, you will find out that this is the name given to cyclically repeating changes in any biological processes and phenomena. Today there is a whole science that deals with the deep study of biorhythms - biorhythmology, which, in turn, is a separate section or direction of chronobiology, which was formed back in the 60s of the last century.

One of the most important axioms of chronobiology in general and biorhythmology in particular is that all living organisms have a unique property - cyclicity. Almost all phenomena occurring in nature are cyclical, and the human body with the processes occurring in it is no exception.

We can say that natural biological rhythms are a unique and incredibly complex mechanism that directly regulates our lives. Most often, we do not think about such obvious things as waking up or falling asleep, the urge to eat at the same time of day, the decline and growth of brain/physical activity during the day. Meanwhile, all such processes and phenomena are subject to individual biological rhythms, which affect the slowdown and acceleration of the work of various systems, from the digestive and respiratory to the system of higher nervous activity.

In order to appreciate the full significance of what was written above, it is enough to remember what consequences a sharp deviation from the usual daily routine or nutritional schedule can lead to. At the same time, many people do not even realize how destructive a sudden failure of the biological clock can be for the body. However, we will talk about this later.

General information about biorhythms

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Everything around us obeys certain rhythms: it is according to them that people, the inhabitants of the animal and plant world, as well as the Earth and even Space, live.

We all have our own biological clock, thanks to which we live according to specific natural cycles. Day regularly gives way to night, all seasons of the year alternate, the Earth revolves around the Sun - all this refers to biological rhythms.

Moreover, all biorhythms have their own period, rhythm frequency, phase and amplitude. They differ in duration. A number of cycles can be distinguished, namely:

  • high-frequency – their duration does not exceed half an hour;
  • medium frequencies - vary from half an hour to a day, from 20 to 28 hours and from 29 hours to 6 days;
  • low frequencies - their frequency is 7 days, 20 days, 30 days and 1 year.

Physiological and environmental biorhythms

According to scientific theory, there are two main types of biological rhythms - environmental and physiological. Here are just a few examples of physiological natural rhythms:

  • work (beat) of the heart and pulse,
  • work of the respiratory organs (breathing process),
  • cyclic reactions occurring in absolutely any living cells,
  • blood pressure rhythms, etc.

Their main feature is the incredibly short duration of the cycle - the periods with which such processes occur in most cases do not exceed several minutes, and for most physiological rhythms they are equal to milliseconds. This also includes cyclical processes that are of a physiological nature and form the basis of the so-called “theory of three biorhythms.”

In turn, cyclical natural rhythms that are of an ecological nature are directly dependent on the environment and its processes. In terms of duration, environmental biorhythms coincide with the natural rhythm of a particular natural phenomenon. A striking example is the fall of animals into hibernation and timely awakening from it. Other examples are the seasonal migration of birds and periods of solar/lunar activity, which in turn affect many natural processes on our planet.

Types of biological rhythms

From birth, the human body is subject to the influence of three rhythms:

  • intellectual,
  • emotional,
  • physical.

A person’s intellectual biological rhythm determines his mental abilities. In addition, he is responsible for caution and rationality in behavior. Representatives of intellectual professions can most strongly feel the influence of this biorhythm: teachers, scientists, professors and financiers. The ability to concentrate and perceive information depends on intellectual biocycles.

The emotional biorhythm is responsible for a person’s mood. It affects perception and sensitivity, and can also transform the range of human sensations. It is because of this rhythm that people tend to change their mood throughout the day. It is responsible for creativity, intuition and the ability to empathize. Women and artistic people are more susceptible to this cycle. The emotional state caused by fluctuations in this rhythm affects family relationships, love, and sex.

Physical biorhythm is directly related to the functioning of the human body. It determines internal energy, endurance, reaction speed and metabolism. Reaching its peak, this biological rhythm increases the body's ability to recover. This is of particular importance for athletes and people whose activities involve physical activity.

Classification of rhythms by cycle duration

Chronobiology and chronomedicine offer us another classification of biorhythms based on their cyclic duration. In particular, today scientists talk about infradian, ultradian and circadian biorhythms. The duration of the former exceeds a day and can reach several months, as is the case with the hibernation of animals already mentioned above. The latter last less than 24 hours - this may include drowsiness, the ability to concentrate attention on certain processes and tasks, an increase or decrease in brain activity during the day.

As for the third type - circadian natural rhythms - such cyclic processes last for one day. According to genetic scientists, such processes are inherent in us by nature from birth (that is, genetically predetermined) and are in no way related to the influence of the environment or any other external conditions. An example is the activity of certain hormones, as well as the daily level of glucose in the blood of humans or other living organisms. By the way, based on the theory of circadian rhythms, herbalists strongly advise collecting or preparing many medicinal plants at a strictly defined time of day.

Biorhythms of the brain

Now let's take a closer look at such a complex organ of the human body as the brain.

You probably know that the human brain uses electrical signals. It carries out an endless process of generating electrical impulses (that is, brain waves or brain rhythms). The frequency of these pulses is recorded in Hertz (abbreviated Hz) or cycles per second. And by the dominant frequency of brain rhythms, one can judge its state as a whole.

Why is it referred to as a “dominant” frequency? The human brain does not function at just one frequency. Accordingly, when, for example, beta waves are produced in one part of it, alpha or gamma waves may appear in another. And because of this, a person seems to be in a state of absolute calm, but in some part of the brain, obsessive thoughts about pressing difficulties and stress are spinning in the background.

Scientists identify only 6 main types of rhythms (waves) of brain activity. Let's look at all of them in more detail and find out why we need them.

Alpha rhythms

Their oscillation frequency varies from 8-13 Hertz per second. Alpha rhythms are present in 85 to 95 percent of healthy adults. Predominant in the back of the head.

The largest amplitude of these rhythms occurs in a state of quiet activity, especially if a person has his eyes closed and is in a dimly lit room. In this regard, they are often used in meditative practices and hypnosis.

And alpha rhythms are blocked or become weaker when attentiveness (especially visual) and mental activity increase. In most cases, alpha rhythms completely disappear with the opening of the eyes, when a person sees a real picture.

The alpha rhythm consists of the process of internal reproduction of mental images, when general attention is occupied with solving a specific intellectual problem.

People with clearly manifested alpha rhythms are prone to abstract thinking. But there are also those who completely lack the rhythms of this spectrum, even if they close their eyes. The latter easily operate with visual pictures, but have difficulty solving abstract problems.

Those lucky people who know how to analyze information when their brain is tuned to alpha rhythms successfully cope with large amounts of information, they are more likely to experience creative inspiration, and their sixth sense becomes stronger. Thanks to all this, they easily find the right (though often unexpected) solutions to difficulties.

When the brain works on alpha rhythms, a person’s ability to independently control his life increases. He realizes how to solve certain problems more correctly, learns to rebuild his psyche so that his goals are achieved and his dreams become real.

Interesting fact. When the brain is tuned to alpha rhythms, we fall into a shallow meditative state. The same applies when taking a hot bath or shower.

Beta rhythms

Their oscillation frequency varies from 14 to 40 Hertz per second. Registered in the area of ​​the anterior and central gyri, they can also reach the posterior central gyri.

The beta rhythm manifests itself in a state of activity. It becomes stronger when an unexpected stimulus arises, when a person must pay attention, work mentally, or be in a state of emotional arousal.

Being at the frequency of beta rhythms, the brain finds itself in the everyday routine of life, forced to solve various everyday difficulties, deal with stress factors, and actively concentrate on something. At the same time, all attention is directed to the outside world.

It was by using beta rhythms that people were able to come up with technical inventions: build megacities, create television, the Internet, fly into space, thanks to them medicine developed. The beta rhythm is associated with active creation, real life.

Gamma rhythms

Their oscillation frequency exceeds 30 Hertz per second and can reach up to 100 Hertz. Gamma rhythms are typical for solving complex tasks, when you need to completely focus your attention on the problem. According to a number of scientific theories, these rhythms have a connection with consciousness. Some experts believe that patients with schizophrenia have various disturbances in the activity of gamma rhythms.

But gamma rhythms are not limited only to intellectual activity; they also correlate with the state of a person’s connection with his subconscious. For example, researchers studied Buddhist meditators and found that their brains operate at a frequency of 50 Hertz, which is equivalent to the so-called “enlightenment.”

Delta rhythms

Their frequency varies from 1 to 4 Hertz per second. The delta rhythm manifests itself in a state of deep natural sleep, as well as in a narcotic or coma state. Associated with recovery processes. In many neurological pathologies, there is a noticeable increase in delta waves.

Interesting fact. The delta rhythm is characteristic of a deep state of meditation (dhyana). This is not just relaxation, as at the alpha rhythm level, but something deeper.

Theta rhythms

The frequency varies from 4 to 8 Hertz. Theta rhythms are most pronounced in children in the age group from 2 to 5 years. Theta waves provide deep relaxation of the brain, excellent memory, the process of deeper and faster assimilation of information, and activation of creative abilities.

As a rule, children under 5 years of age are exposed to this brain biorhythm during the day. Thanks to this, they easily remember a huge amount of new information, which teenagers or adults cannot do.

As for adults, normally their theta rhythms arise only in the REM phase of sleep, in a state of half-asleep. And also during immersion in deep meditation-dhyana.

In the theta range, the brain has sufficient energy to process a large amount of information, as well as transfer knowledge to long-term memory. Mental activity is activated and the impact of stress is reduced. The brain is highly receptive.

Sigma rhythms

Their frequency varies from 10 to 16 Hertz, but, as a rule, equals 12-14 oscillations per second. Sigma rhythms are characterized by spontaneity and fusiform activity. They exhibit explosive or flash activity, which was recorded in a state of sleep, both natural and can appear under the influence of various drugs, for example, during surgical interventions.

Sigma rhythms typically occur during the initial stages of slow-wave sleep that precede drowsiness. But during sleep with the participation of delta waves, sigma rhythms practically do not appear. In humans, rhythms of this spectrum first appear at the age of 3 months; subsequently, the frequency of their changes remains unchanged.

Finally, watch the video on the topic:

Biological clock influences sleep

There are two main chronotypes - “owls” and “larks”. The former are traditionally active in the afternoon and evening (some owls are able to work enthusiastically all night). In turn, early awakening for people belonging to the owl chronotype is sheer torture. On the contrary, early risers are those who like to get up early, are able to work actively in the first half of the day and prefer to go to bed early. Sometimes a third, intermediate chronotype is identified - “pigeons”. Its representatives are credited with a tendency to get up in the morning a little later than larks and fall asleep in the evening around 11 p.m.

One of the processes inextricably linked with the topic under discussion is sleep. Indeed, biorhythms largely determine its quality, duration, and frequency. Thus, obeying the internal chronometer, larks easily wake up at dawn, demonstrate enviable activity in the first half of the day and fall asleep quite early. At the same time, typical owls live according to their own biorhythms, preferring to sleep until lunch and be nocturnal. It is very important to listen to your personal internal clock for such self-determination and selection of the optimal sleep and wakefulness mode.

Do you suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome and are familiar first-hand with problems such as apathy, lethargy, decreased memory and ability to work? If there are no objective reasons for this in the form of acute or chronic diseases, then, most likely, we are talking about a failure of the bioclock. In some cases, it is difficult to deal with it - for example, if you are forced to wake up and work at a clearly inappropriate time for you. In other situations, the daily routine can be easily adjusted, thereby getting rid of most of the ailments listed above. By the way, among the latter we can also mention a disorder of appetite (its absence or, on the contrary, excess in eating), which is also often caused by an incorrect regime and a disturbed sleep-wake ratio.

However, deviation from the internal natural clock is not the only reason why we sleep poorly or have difficulty falling asleep and waking up. Sometimes everything is explained by the banal inconvenience of a sleeping place. Are you sure you are sleeping on a comfortable mattress and a good pillow? Perhaps it makes sense to look for other causes of sleep disorders. Otherwise, we recommend that you think about purchasing an orthopedic mattress and an anatomical pillow, having first consulted with knowledgeable people and personally tested models of different rigidity and degrees of anatomy.

You should not underestimate such factors as overeating, restriction in physical activity (or, conversely, constant physical fatigue), abuse of alcohol, caffeine, and sleeping pills.

How to find out your biorhythms?

Determining on what day your biorhythms work at their best and when they require rest is not so difficult. The formula for calculating biorhythms is used everywhere: B = (sin (2pi*t/P))*100%, where P = {23,28,33} for the phase of physical, emotional, intellectual biorhythm. pi is the number pi (3.14). t is the number of days from the date of birth. Loss of biological rhythms can lead to many problems.

To create a unique schedule of biological rhythms, you can use one of the many programs on the Internet. For example this one. They will all provide a table or diagram that will show when your body is ready for mental work, when for physical work, and when for creative work.

The initial data is your date of birth. After which the program applies a certain formula. Print the resulting graph and monitor your biological rhythms. By studying the schedule, you can understand when it is worth starting to solve complex problems, and when it is better to abandon them.

Causes of jet lag. How to recover, create a personal work and rest schedule

A serious disruption occurs when the daily routine is disrupted. If you feel: malaise, loss of ability to work, mental disorders, incomprehensible fatigue, drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia, loss of appetite or an excessive desire to eat everything that catches your eye, urgently check your condition with your internal clock and start repairing the mechanism.

First of all, you should restore your usual daily routine. It must be compiled taking into account individual characteristics. Before setting up your body to work properly, calculate your biorhythms. Only then start creating your personal work and rest schedule.

Take control of your body into your own hands. It is possible to change his condition only if he correctly distributes tasks according to individual characteristics. Night discos are contraindicated for larks, and morning jogging is contraindicated for owls. Physical activity must be carried out according to your biological rhythms.

A shift is more likely to occur if you have to change time zones. Having visited a country where there is a big time difference, you will certainly feel that your internal clock has gone wrong. When traveling, you should try not to disrupt your eating, sleeping, and waking schedule.


Biorhythms are the cyclical nature of processes in a living organism. The main external rhythms that influence human biocycles are natural (Sun, Moon...) and social (work week...). The leading internal chronometers of the human body are located: in the head (epiphysis, hypothalamus) and in the heart. Biorhythms can change, synchronizing with external rhythms - light cycles (change of day and night, light).

From the day of birth, a person is in three biological rhythms - physical, emotional and intellectual:

The 23-day rhythm is a physical rhythm, it determines a person’s health, strength and endurance; The 28-day rhythm is an emotional rhythm, it affects the state of the nervous system, mood, love, optimism, etc.; The 33-day rhythm is a mental rhythm. It determines the creative abilities of an individual. Favorable days of the 33-day rhythmic cycle are characterized by creative activity, and a person is accompanied by luck and success. On unfavorable days there is a creative decline.

Each of the three long-term rhythmic cycles begins with the birth of a person. Its further development can be depicted as a sinusoid (graph). The higher the curve rises, the higher the ability corresponding to this mark. The lower it falls, the lower the corresponding energy. Periodic days are considered critical when the curve is at the intersection of the scale. This is an unfavorable time.

Thus, calculating biorhythms is not at all difficult. Starting from the exact date of your birth, count how many days you have lived. To do this, multiply 365 days a year by the number of years lived, and multiply the number of leap years by 366 days. Leap years were: 1920, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980,1984, 1988, 1992, 1996 , 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 , 2021.

Calculate the total number of days lived. Now you know how many days you have already lived in this world. Divide this number by the number of days of the biorhythm you want to calculate: 23, 28, 33. The remainder will show you where you are currently on the curve. For example, if the remainder is 12, then it is day 12 of the biorhythm that you are counting. This is the first half of the cycle and is usually favorable. If the cycle is at zero on the chart, then it is a bad day. In addition, the days when the biorhythm lines cross the horizontal line in the center of the graph are the so-called critical days, when your abilities are completely unpredictable. On such days a person feels a loss of strength and lack of energy.

Each biorhythm has 3 periods: a period of high energy, a period of low energy and critical days of the biorhythm. Let's take a closer look:

23 day rhythm

High energy (0-11 days): good physical well-being, resistance to stress, illness and high vitality, strong sex drive, danger of overestimating one’s strength. Low energy (days 12-23): increased fatigue, during this time it is recommended to rest more and conserve energy. Critical days (11, 12, 23 days): reduced resistance to disease, tendency to erroneous actions.

28 day rhythm

High energy (days 0-14): intense emotional and spiritual life, favorable time for friendship and love, increased creativity and interest in new things, tendency to be highly emotional. Low energy (days 14-28): lack of self-confidence, passivity, underestimation of one’s capabilities. Critical days (14, 28 days): tendency to mental conflicts, decreased resistance to disease.

33 day rhythm

High energy (0-16 days): ability to think clearly and logically, ability to concentrate, good memory, creative activity. Low energy (days 17-33): decreased interest in new ideas, slow reactions, creative decline. Critical days (16, 17, 33 days): inability to concentrate, inattention and distraction, tendency to erroneous actions (high probability of accidents).


Daily allowance


4-5 hours (in real, geographical time, as for acupuncture points) - the body is preparing to awaken.

By 5 a.m., melatonin production begins to decrease and body temperature rises.

Shortly before waking up, around 5:00 a.m. geographical, real local time, the body begins preparing for the upcoming wakefulness: the production of “activity hormones”—cortisol, adrenaline—increases. The content of hemoglobin and sugar in the blood increases, the pulse quickens, blood pressure (BP) rises, and breathing deepens. Body temperature begins to rise, the frequency of REM sleep phases increases, and the tone of the sympathetic nervous system increases. All these phenomena are enhanced by light, heat and noise.


By 7-8 o'clock, night owls have a peak release of cortisol (the main hormone of the adrenal glands) into the blood. For early risers - earlier, at 4-5 hours, for other chronotypes - about 5-6 hours.

From 7 to 9 a.m. - get up, exercise, breakfast.

9 hours - high performance, quick counting, short-term memory works well.

In the morning - assimilation of new information, with a fresh mind.

Two to three hours after waking up - take care of your heart.

9-10 am - time to make plans, “use your brain.” "The morning is wiser than the evening"

9-11 hours - immunity increases.

Medicines that enhance the body's resistance to disease are effective.


Until 11 o'clock - the body is in excellent shape.

12 - reduce physical activity.

Brain activity decreases. Blood rushes to the digestive organs. Gradually, blood pressure, pulse and muscle tone begin to decrease, respectively, but body temperature continues to rise.

13 ± 1 hour - lunch break

13-15 - midday and afternoon rest (lunch, quiet time, siesta)

After 14 hours - pain sensitivity is minimal, the effect of painkillers is most effective and lasting.

15 - long-term memory works. Time - to remember and remember well what is needed.

After 16 - increased performance.

15-18 hours is the time to go in for sports. Thirst, at this time, should be quenched abundantly and often with clean boiled water, hot or warm - in winter (to prevent colds, gastrointestinal diseases and kidney diseases). In summer you can have cold mineral water.

16-19 - high level of intellectual activity. Housework


19 ± 1 hour - dinner.

Carbohydrate foods (natural - honey, etc.) promote the production of a special hormone - serotonin, which promotes a good night's sleep. The brain is active.

After 19 hours - good reaction

After 20 hours, the mental state stabilizes, memory improves. After 21 hours, the number of white blood cells almost doubles (immunity increases), body temperature drops, and cell renewal continues.

From 20 to 21 - light physical exercise and walking in the fresh air are good for health.

After 21 hours - the body prepares for a night's rest, body temperature drops.

22 hours is time for sleep. The immune system is strengthened to protect the body during the night's rest.


In the first half of the night, when slow-wave sleep predominates, the maximum amount of somatotropic hormone is released, stimulating the processes of cell reproduction and growth. No wonder they say that in our sleep we grow. Regeneration and cleansing of body tissues occurs.

2 hours - those who do not sleep at this time may experience depression.

3-4 hours is the deepest sleep. Body temperature and cortisol levels are minimal, melatonin levels in the blood are maximum.

Biological rhythms in life

Flying by plane from east to west is easier than flying from west to east. To adapt, the body (young, healthy) needs approximately a day for each time zone, but not less than three to four days. The speed at which the biorhythms of the human body are captured by an external rhythm strongly depends on the difference in their phases. On average, it takes one and a half weeks for sufficient adaptation and acclimatization in new conditions. This does not depend on the position of the hands on the watch dial, but on the sun above your head. Local, local features of geomagnetic and other fields and radiations that differ from the usual ones also have a noticeable effect.

Human daily chronotype: morning (larks), afternoon (pigeons) and evening (owls). The nighttime activity of night owls affects their health - myocardial infarctions occur more often in them than in early risers, and their cardiovascular system burns out faster.

To increase productivity and labor efficiency, it is recommended to take into account the chronotype, individually for each employee, when drawing up a schedule, work schedule for personnel at enterprises and, especially, dispatchers and operators.

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and ergonomic requirements, work and rest schedules is a necessary condition for the operation of a modern enterprise.

Performance decreases sharply from thirty degrees Celsius, halving at an ambient temperature of +33-34°C.

Shift work schedule (for example, from night shift to day shift) - no more than once a month, taking into account the time required for adaptation (1-2 weeks).

Accidents at work and traffic accidents on the road more often occur at certain hours: - from 22 o'clock to 4 o'clock - a person has the lowest response speed. — between 1 and 3 p.m. — first, the general pre-lunch rush, after — “afternoon depression.”

To prevent “afternoon depression”, resting after lunch for 10-20 minutes or taking a “midday nap” can be effective, but not more than 1.5 hours, otherwise there will be the opposite effect.

Human performance is higher from 10 to 12 and from 17 to 19 hours.


“Specially conducted research and the practice of sports training show that the most favorable period for intensive training is from 9 to 18 hours and that it is undesirable to carry out large volume and intensity loads early in the morning and late in the evening” (N.A. Agadzhanyan et al., 1989 ).

Human biorhythms: Sleep

Try to always go to bed and get up at the same time. Otherwise - desynchronosis. The first 4-5 hours of normal, natural sleep (deep, without interruptions) are mandatory; this is a vital daily minimum for the human body.

For insomnia and to quickly fall asleep (normal - within 5-15 minutes): 1) lie down comfortably, close your eyes, don’t think about anything (reduce the bioelectrical activity of the brain); 2) focus your attention on the diaphragm (its movement during breathing) and on the inner ankles (ankles) of the legs.

In a sound sleeper, the main source of sensory information about the environment is the ears (“light sleeper”), therefore, in order not to wake up from noise, you need to ensure silence (including using anti-noise soft “earplugs” made of hypoallergenic polymer, having good SNR (noise reduction), at a level of 30 dB or more), taking into account the increased sensitivity of hearing at night - with eyes closed and during sleep (10-14 decibels better compared to daytime). Loud, sharp, frightening sounds can wake up a sleeping person for a long time and cause insomnia.

It is difficult to fall asleep on an empty stomach, therefore, dinner is around 18-20 hours or 2-3 hours before bedtime. Don't overeat at night. The usual duration of restful sleep is 7-9 hours. Not only its duration is important, but also its quality (continuity and depth of the first three mandatory cycles, 1.5 x 3 = 4.5 hours)

Poor, restless sleep, nightmares, with a recurring obsessive plot - can be a consequence of cardiovascular diseases (bradycardia - rare pulse, arrhythmias), symptoms of snoring and respiratory arrest disease (sleep apnea), lack of oxygen in the room. The aeroionic composition of the air in apartments, without ventilation or the use of an aeroionizer, also requires improvement.

Before waking up, you see a dream movie (its playback is a release of the ballast of nervous tension, unrealized ideas, unpleasant visual images that have accumulated over the past days, after processing and organizing the information received in the short-term and long-term memory of the brain, adaptation to difficult life situations). The more intense the eye movements during “rapid eye movement” sleep (REM phase), the better the dream reproduction. At the moment of falling asleep, a series of slides or pictures appears in the mind.

Laboratory studies have shown the necessity of the REM sleep phase for the survival of the body. A mouse deprived of this dream phase for 40 days died. In people, when blocking REM sleep with alcohol, there is a predisposition to hallucinations.

Dreams in the “rapid eye movement” phase (after slow-wave sleep and before waking up, to wake up or to “turn to the other side”) appear according to individual biorhythm - every 90-100 minutes. (in the morning - cycles are reduced to the first tens of minutes, see the graph in the picture), in accordance with the intraday cyclicity of changes (increases) in general body temperature and the redistribution of blood in the body (from its periphery, from the extremities to the center of the body, inward), the growth of blood pressure, increased respiratory rate and heart rate.

Short-term memory is involved in remembering dreams, therefore, up to 90% of the content of a dream is forgotten within the next half hour, after waking up, unless, in the process of remembering, emotional experience, ordering and comprehension, its plot is recorded in the long-term memory of the brain.

Human biorhythms: remembering sleep

According to reviews from enthusiastic researchers and practitioners at high levels, lucid dreaming (LU) is cooler than many modern computer games.

Many people see dreams, but not everyone tries to remember and remember them at the moment of waking up (especially during short awakenings between the first cycles, before returning back to slow-wave sleep).

If you have very little time for rest, you can sleep from 10-11 pm to 3-4 am (“mandatory program” - the first three night cycles in a row, uninterruptedly, that is, the duration of sleep will be 4-5 hours). In this case, the following are restored, sequentially: the brain, body and physical strength, the emotional sphere.

The duration of night sleep required for the human body also depends on the season. In winter - it should be at least half an hour longer than in the summer.

A natural sleep aid is fatigue and/or certain moments in the 90-minute cycles of the body's individual biorhythm when body temperature drops.

A sufficient night's sleep promotes weight loss (if you are overweight, it normalizes it). In this case, have dinner no later than four hours before bedtime. Eating at night is excluded, you can only drink clean water, in small quantities (to flush the esophagus, prevent dehydration and to fall asleep as quickly as possible). The effect will be more noticeable - with high physical activity, during daylight hours.

Frequent lack of sleep causes the body to wear out and age faster. During the slow-wave stage of normal, deep sleep, a control scan by the brain of the digestive, respiratory system and heart (as having the most clear rhythm) occurs, and during the fast-wave stage - the cardiovascular and lymphatic, reproductive and nervous systems, as well as the liver, kidneys, muscles and tendons (i.e. organs that do not have an obvious short-period rhythm). After collecting and processing this information, a sequentially planned and coordinated restoration of the insides (visceral sphere - stomach, intestines, etc.) of the body is carried out. This process mainly involves the most powerful “computational processors”, for example, in the visual and motor areas of the cerebral cortex. In the case when you really want to sleep, but systematically there is no such opportunity, physical changes may occur in the internal organs and the risk of developing pathologies (stomach ulcers, etc.) significantly increases.

A sleep-deprived and very tired person who is drowsy while driving a car is just as risky to his health and dangerous to others as a driver who is intoxicated.

Scientists, and not only British ones, have found that it is possible to slow down the aging of the brain if you stabilize your biorhythms - by simply following a sleep schedule, this natural circadian (that is, cyclically repeating every day, every 24 hours) rhythm.

source https://doktorland.ru/

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Calculation of biorhythms by date of birth.

Why is this necessary? You will be able to make plans for the coming days and months. You will know the most productive period and time that is good for rest.

This calculation is made according to three types of biorhythms:

  • Physical – duration is 23 days. They will help you know when you are physically active and when you feel low. In the last days of such a cycle, it is better to refuse any physical activity.
  • Emotional – duration – 28 days. When there is an upswing in this cycle, you have a good mood, and when there is a downturn, you feel sad, aggressive, and dissatisfied.
  • Intellectual - the cycle lasts 33 days. When the recovery phase begins, favorable days come for work, creativity, and learning. When a recession occurs, the desire to work disappears, the reaction decreases, and information is absorbed less.

You can calculate by going to the website: https://lyna.info/biocalc

On the site you must enter your date of birth and your name, after which you will be presented with a table. With its help, you can create an organization of life activity that is adequate to biorhythms.

Biological rhythms of human internal organs

Not only the biological rhythms of the body, but also of individual parts are of particular importance for a person and his health. Each organ is an independent unit and works in its own rhythm, which also changes throughout the day.

The time from 1 to 3 am is considered the liver period. From 7 to 9 am the stomach works best. This is why tomorrow is called the most important meal of the day. From 11 to 13 o'clock in the afternoon is the most favorable time for the heart muscle, so training carried out at this time gives greater results. From 15 to 17 hours the urinary tract is most active. Some people note that they experience stronger and more frequent urges to pee during this period of time. Kidney time starts at 5 pm and ends at 7.

The functioning of your internal organs can be disrupted by poor nutrition, poor sleep patterns, and excessive physical and psychological stress.

Change of biorhythms during the day

The most noticeable changes in biological rhythms are observed throughout the day. They determine favorable hours for work, sleep, rest, learning new information, eating and playing sports. For example, the period from 7 to 8 am is the best time for breakfast, and the time from 16 to 18 o'clock is most suitable for intellectual work.

Human daily biorhythms easily and quickly adapt to time zones. The process of the human body resembles an internal clock. And, as in the case of the transition to winter time, when changing the belt, the body itself “turns the arrows” in the direction it needs.

Indicators of biological rhythms may fluctuate somewhat in favor of the individual characteristics of the human body. In addition, there are several chronotypes that have different circadian rhythms.

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