What is the difference between a dream and a goal: arguments, their meaning for people + examples from life

Hi all! I remember that the song “It’s not harmful to dream, but it’s harmful not to dream” was famous a long time ago. And after it the catchphrase “It’s not harmful to dream” appeared. It was even used a little ironically when someone said: “I want black caviar on bread and butter” → “It’s not harmful to dream!” Allegedly, talk and talk, that’s all that’s good... But we forgot that huge achievements grew from small dreams. From Henry Ford's dream came an automobile empire! But not all of our dreams are destined to come true. Why is this happening? For some, dreams became a goal, while others were lost with their imaginary picture? Let's talk to you about the difference between a dream and a goal and how these concepts define our lives.

How to turn a dream into a goal

You must understand that a dream is the basis of any goal. Often people have no idea what step to take to make their dreams come true. To do this, you need to be able to set goals correctly using the SMART method. This method consists of the following points:

  1. The goal you set must have a result. This is the only way you can expect a positive outcome.
  2. The results you want to achieve need to be supported by numbers or other parameters. For example: save 100,000 rubles.
  3. Set only achievable goals, do not chase the ideal image. For example, if you earn 50,000 rubles a month and this is your main source of income, then it is unlikely that in 2 months you will collect 100,000.
  4. The goal must be relevant. Look within yourself and try to understand whether you really need it, whether it will bring value to you when you implement it.
  5. Set a time frame within which you plan to achieve your goal. For example: accumulate 100,000 rubles before July 1.

Always try to write down your wishes on a piece of paper and place it in a visible place. It will remind you of the task and motivate you to achieve it.

Also remember that goals need to be written correctly. Detail them, set specific time frames. This is the only way to turn thoughts into completely achievable goals.

Harm to dreams

With all the variety of benefits from daydreaming, I note that dreaming can sometimes be harmful. Yes, yes, you spelled it correctly – it’s really harmful! This process can serve as a brake on your actions. Let's see the arguments why.

No action

There is another apt proverb that I really like: “Dreams don’t work until you work.” A person who spends all his time in an imaginary super world is wasting his time and doing nothing to have this super world.

Some people don’t know how to find a purpose in life when they don’t want to do anything, so they spend all their time in fantasies. But it's not right. Listen, this is how life will pass, and the person will still be in fantasy! Avoid this mistake.

To prevent this from happening, let’s agree with you: you spend a maximum of an hour on your dreams, and devote the rest of the time to making them come true. Agreed? Let's move on.

Escaping real life

It is clear that our real life does not always suit us. But this is not a reason to leave her. Now many “gadget” teenagers cannot show the will and overcome difficulties. They are not used to this. It’s easier for them to escape into the world of online games, social networks, isolate themselves, and communicate with imaginary friends. Therefore, the number of clients for psychologists and patients for psychiatrists has increased.

Imaginary pictures sometimes lead away from the realities of life. But don't give in to this temptation! On the contrary, overcome difficulties, work on yourself, achieve what you have fantasized about in real life.

Arguments against imaginary life

Inadequate self-esteem

If you've been daydreaming too much and in the clouds of your dreams you've become a superman saving all the disadvantaged of the planet, stop! Try to think and evaluate yourself adequately. For example, you dream of being a doctor, in your fantasies you have flown far overseas: you have a sea of ​​visitors, you save patients with a rare form of cancer... But at the sight of blood you lose consciousness and you hate biology...

Modesty and adequacy in fantasies are a useful thing; they prevent you from “flying away” to an unknown destination. Instead, focus on the end results you want and can achieve. Don't allow yourself to be too far ahead of others in your fantasies. Such narcissism in one's own glory will lead to a dead end.

Examples of the difference between dreams and goals

We've talked enough about dreams and goals. Here are a couple of simple examples that will help you clearly understand how a dream differs from a goal.

A dream has no end, it is abstract. For example, many of us dreamed from an early age of becoming doctors (or scientists, firefighters, engineers). However, only a few thought about a specific specialty - therapist, endocrinologist, plastic surgeon, etc.

Or, for example, we dreamed of having a little pony or monkey, but for objective reasons we understood that this would not happen.

What is a dream

A dream is an imaginary image of a desired reality. This is exactly the definition that can be found in the psychological dictionary. In simple words, this is what we most want, what we strive for, what we live for. What fills life with meaning and makes us change for the better.

Dreams are unique to humans. This is an attribute of higher nervous activity, the function of which is to model reality for subsequent transformations. Without it, we would not be able to set goals and plan our actions.

Dreams help you see a result that does not yet exist, but which will be available under certain conditions.

How do they arise? First, a person has a need, which is felt as a craving or strong desire for something. This happens at the level of feelings and instincts and does not affect consciousness. For example, you may look at photographs of a cozy country house and feel anxiety mixed with a desire to own it. If it is a strong need and not a fleeting desire, it will crystallize and rise higher into the level of consciousness.

You realize that you also want to live in your own home, decorate it, and take care of your garden. At this moment a dream arises. You begin to imagine happy pictures of life at home and feel pleasantly inspired. It is this inspiring feeling that will then serve as a motivator for transforming the desired image into a goal and achieving it.

Famous films about dreams and goals

There are many films in world cinema that talk about achieving a dream. We have compiled a list of the 6 most popular films on this topic.

Knockin 'on Heaven

A strong film in the genre of drama and comedy that will help you reconsider your views on many things and find the strength to truly live. The main characters of the film, Martin and Rudy, have cancer. They strive at all costs to fulfill their dream - to see the sea. As the film progresses, the characters also make a list of wishes that they would like to have time to fulfill.

Until I played in the box

The plot of the film is slightly similar to the previous one. One of the characters is a hot-tempered billionaire, the second is a car mechanic. They are neighbors in a hospital ward and have just heard the verdict from the doctors. The men decide to achieve everything they dreamed of. Look at the pyramids, drive rare cars, jump with a parachute and, finally, start enjoying life before it’s too late.

October sky

Mid-20th century. The USSR launched the Sputnik rocket into earth orbit. This made an incredible impression on a boy from a small town. Captivated by the idea, he decides to build his own rocket. A school teacher and three close friends help him in this.

There are many obstacles on the hero's path. But, no matter what, he will try to do everything to fulfill his desire.

Physician, student of Avicenna

For the sake of his dream - to learn to heal people - the main character of the picture did the impossible. He not only achieved recognition in his native London, but also went all the way to Persia for knowledge. The film also talks about the lives of Christians, Muslims, Jews and representatives of other faiths.

August Rush

The film tells the story of the life of a talented kid who had two dreams: to become a professional musician and to find his parents. To fulfill his wishes, the boy is ready to do a lot, even the impossible. A very kind and life-affirming film. He will talk about how important it is not only to dream, but also to strive for the fulfillment of desires.

The benefits of dreams for people

I don’t know about you, but some people simply charge me with their energy, enthusiasm and faith in the best. These are the ones that inspire you to achieve, the ones you want to repeat. And such people know how to dream - they can describe in colors what they want to achieve.

Imaginary pictures give us energy, replace dullness with brightness, and improve life. Look what kind of world we live in now? We use washing machines, diapers, cars with automatic transmissions! And it all started with small ideas: “Oh, if only I could do the laundry faster and not constantly bend over the river!”, “Oh, if only there weren’t so many diapers...”, “Oh-oh-oh, I wish I could drive a car without a clutch!”

I’ll tell you more: a dream is the engine of progress, a force for development. It helps to change, imagine and receive what is imagined.

There is such a sublime phrase: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” That is, there is still great benefit from this process of imagination. Let's see what's so secret about our dreams that they can almost move mountains?

Health effects

Our brain does not distinguish the imaginary from the real. Therefore, with great faith in one’s bright future, the biochemical structure of the brain changes. You haven't received the iPhone 12 yet, but your dreams of it are already bringing you joy; We haven’t gone to a ski resort yet, but pictures of ski tracks with snow inspire you to take this trip. Vivid pictures of dreams release a dose of the happiness hormone – endorphin – and that’s cool!

Development of creativity

Our brain has limitless possibilities. Although we use a little of its potential throughout our lives, our consciousness is not limited by boundaries unless we limit it ourselves. During his dreams, a person can see in his imagination everything that his imagination is capable of. At the same time, sometimes even incompatible things are combined in dreams, and in reality such compatibility is also visible.

By dreaming, we train our brain, become more flexible, imagine some non-standard situations and develop our creativity. In addition to imagination, we kill several birds with one stone - we develop thinking, memory, attention, perception. This all helps us communicate better, build relationships, think better, and do our jobs.

Improving motivation

There is nothing to say here: dreams paint the desired picture, emotions charge it. A little work with the correct setting of goals - and here it is, a picture, in your real life! Therefore, dream - it is a great motivator!

Knowing yourself

Dreams help us recognize ourselves: what we are striving for, what we want, what our capabilities are, whether we can turn the most daring of them into reality. Moreover, every idea that comes true works for our self-esteem and contributes to an increase in self-confidence.

What are dreams for?

In nature, nothing happens just like that. If some function was fixed in the process of evolution, it means that it contributed to the survival of the species. This principle also applies to human higher nervous activity. This means that the ability to dream was not given to us by chance. Let's figure out why exactly.

Changing reality

Dreams give energy and strength to transform the world. Without them, life has no meaning and seems gray and dull. If people were not able to imagine the desired result in bright colors, then, most likely, they would still live in caves. There would be no talk of any scientific or technological progress.

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Start developing

The ability to imagine in detail what we don’t yet have, but really want to get, is the driving force for the development of both an individual person and all of humanity. You just need to learn how to use this opportunity correctly. Don't try to escape from harsh reality into an imaginary world, but actively work to improve your life.

Increased motivation

Another important function is motivational. When we create an image of the desired result and charge it with emotions, the brain gives us energy to take action. Subjectively, this is felt as an emotional uplift, inspiration, euphoria. Literally my hands are itching to start doing something.

The more realistic and desirable this image is, the stronger the initial supply of motivation for its implementation. The main thing is not to waste it on creating a passive high. We'll talk about this a little later.

Feeling better

Active daydreaming changes brain chemistry. Can you imagine? The pictures are imaginary, but the physiological processes are real! By experiencing happiness in our imagination, we receive a dose of endorphins. Exactly the same ones that the brain releases in response to real happiness. This is real magic.

That's why it's so important to think about good things all the time. If you are depressed or tired, remember your dream and get inspired by it. You will feel better immediately. Strength and desire to live will appear.

Development of creativity and cognitive functions

Unlike objective reality, there are no restrictions in our consciousness. A person can imagine anything, any way and any time. By dreaming and fantasizing, we learn to see the unusual in ordinary things, establish new connections between objects and phenomena, and simulate non-standard situations. The mind as a whole becomes more flexible, and our horizons expand to limitless latitudes.

In addition, dreams are an excellent training for cognitive functions: perception, memory, attention. To synthesize the desired image in your head, you need to remember the details well, connect them together and keep them in focus for some time. It's not as simple as it seems. The more often you practice, the better you get.


Our unconscious communicates with us through pictures and images. The language of letters and numbers is inaccessible to him. Therefore, dreams are sometimes the only chance to reach your soul. With their help, we revive our inner child and establish a strong connection with him.

They also help to test the boundaries of your own capabilities. It’s always interesting how what you want will come true and whether it will come true at all. Each fulfilled dream works to increase self-esteem and build self-confidence.

Goals and plans: how to get to London in a year

In his book “Power is in Thought. How to fulfill your cherished desire in 30 days” Elizaveta Volkova writes that a good goal is always achieved through physical actions. Usually, when thinking about a new goal, you immediately understand how exactly you can achieve what you want. In the world of goals, the well-known laws of classical physics, mathematics and logic apply. A goal is your desire, the achievement of which is clear to you and does not raise difficult questions.

As an example, I offer the story of my friend, Catherine. Despite the lack of financial resources, she set herself the goal of going to England for a month, because she adores this country.

The UK is not a cheap country, so Katya wrote out an algorithm for her actions a year before the trip, clearly defining the terms and dates. To implement her plan, she:

  • took extra shifts at work, saving money each month for travel;
  • completely planned the route of her movements around Foggy Albion;
  • found plane tickets at the best price;
  • I pre-booked excursions, booked accommodation and even bought tickets for domestic trains and buses.

As a result, the goal was achieved: Catherine went to England and spent an unforgettable month there.

Note that the girl did not rely on luck or luck. She confidently, step by step, walked towards her goal throughout the year. For a whole year she was not interested in her own emotions and mood - after all, she had to work overtime, despite her fatigue. I know that for this purpose she more than once had to cancel meetings with friends, deny herself a new dress and trips to the beautician.

But the goal was above all. Having overcome her own discomfort, Katya achieved what she wanted, even through “I can’t” and “I don’t want.”

On topic: How to set goals for life

Now let's talk about dreams...

Let's pull the trigger

There are two ways to achieve your goals:

The first is a spontaneous movement from one goal to another depending on desire, conditions and opportunities. This is a chaotic option. This process can be quite enjoyable and is likely to be effective. Its disadvantage is that the achieved goals may bring little benefit; there is a high probability that the person will deviate greatly from the optimal path of self-realization.

The second method is more consistent. Each step is made based on an analysis of what has already been accomplished, existing opportunities and conditions. Its disadvantage is scrupulousness, monotony and the fact that additional effort is spent not only on work, but also on analysis and calculation. This option may not be suitable for creative people who love improvisation, but it is well suited for the pedantic and persistent. In many cases, this assessment helps to move towards the goal more successfully and efficiently.

Plan . You can't do without it at all. At least a minimum plan of actions and methods is the basis of any successful business. However, to achieve a goal it is not necessary to follow a strictly defined route; actions can be changed as long as the task is being completed. The person who has greater flexibility in behavior is in the best control of the situation.

Believe in yourself. Personal strength and confidence that the result is achievable are no less important than material investments.

Volume and duration. It is also necessary to assess the scale of the task - it must correspond to the deadline. And don’t forget about possible force majeure: a strategy, of course, can be thought out to the smallest detail, but there is always the possibility of emergency situations arising.

Patience and work . Persistence and self-discipline play a big role in whether a goal is achieved. It is better to do it little by little, but constantly, than in rare bursts.

How is a dream different from a goal?

A person exists in two worlds at once: internal and external. The outside world is objective and material; human influence on it is very limited. The inner world is thoughts, feelings, states, beliefs. Everything that is felt only by the subject himself. Dreams exist in the inner world of a person and are in no way connected with the outer world.

We can dream until we are blue in the face, but this will not affect objective reality in any way. In order for the desired to begin to materialize, you need to build a bridge between the internal and external universe, to connect them. This bridge serves precisely the purpose.

In simple words, goals are “mundane” dreams. It is not without reason that dreams in all cultures are associated with air, flight, and the sky, because they are torn off from the earth and incorporeal. And goals have a strong connection with reality and a strong foundation.

Each goal involves:

  • a sober assessment of the situation;
  • availability of resources to achieve what you want;
  • limited time frame;
  • urge to action or intention.

The dream has none of this. It is not limited by any boundaries, is not burdened with calculations and calculations, and is not overshadowed by criticism.

The goal is a guiding star that keeps you on course

A dream begins to work when it becomes a goal. Many do not see the difference between these concepts and often use them as synonyms. Let's clear up the confusion.

What distinguishes a goal from a dream?

  • Firstly, setting a goal involves achieving a particular result. Some researchers call a goal “the end result toward which a process is deliberately directed.”
  • Secondly, achieving this result involves making efforts and performing certain actions. The childish “I want” (well, want, want) characteristic of dreamers changes to “I strive,” or better yet, to “I will achieve.”
  • Thirdly, the goal also implies a specific path of implementation. You not only have to know what you want, but also how to achieve it. While you are simply floating in the clouds, there is a wide field of probabilities between you and the object of desire. Goal setting forces you to choose one route and focus on it. The words of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry fit well here: “A goal without a plan is just a dream.”

Conclusions TheDifference.ru

  1. A dream is something ephemeral, illusory, ideal, abstract. A goal is something real, concrete, defined, formulated, and supported by resources. When we dream, we stand still; as soon as a clear goal appears, we begin to move towards it. The goal motivates us, we know why we are going to it.
  2. The dream comes true as if by itself, a specific person comes to the goal, he achieves it. In a dream, we shift responsibility to others; on the way to the goal, we take responsibility on ourselves.
  3. The dream is usually vague and broad. The goal should have a clear time frame and, preferably, be written down on paper.
  4. The goal forces us to leave our comfort zone, change the situation, give up something familiar and familiar and go to the desired result, while, dreaming, we remain in peace: nothing changes around us, daydreaming does not require physical and mental stress strength The goal is active, the dream is passive.

Personal story: how to simultaneously achieve a goal and make a dream come true

During the spring pandemic of 2021, I, like many at that time, dreamed of finding an interesting job online. First, I set a goal: to find suitable courses, complete training and start working.

My first education was as a linguist-translator, so I chose an online course in copywriting (text writing). I liked writing, and I saw great prospects for myself.

After training, I took one-time orders, but they did not bring much pleasure. Boring topics, texts based on the customer’s template - all this really limited me. I dreamed of how I would write on a regular basis about what was really interesting to me, how I would be able to express my own thoughts, reason, and share my experiences with readers.

And suddenly I saw a vacancy for an article writer for Elizaveta Volkova’s project “POWER IN THOUGHT.” I’ve been following Lisa for several years now and took her course—I simply couldn’t find a topic closer to my heart! In addition, over the past couple of years I have read and listened to many authors on the topic of wish fulfillment, materialization of thoughts and the psychology of relationships. I re-realized a lot for myself personally and incredibly expanded the boundaries of my thinking. I really wanted to share my own thoughts on these topics!

I realized that I wanted this job with all my heart. I was asked to write a test article. I liked the article, and for several months now I have been writing for my favorite blog, freely sharing my opinion and experience with you, while simultaneously receiving a lot of insights for myself personally.

On the subject: Attracting your dream job with the power of thought

How to build castles in the air correctly

In an article about the psychology of wealth, I wrote about how important it is to learn to dream and desire.

- Eva! - the reader will exclaim. - Yes, anyone can dream!

That's right. The thing is that people dream differently. For some, a beautiful picture in their head is enough to get emotional satisfaction. This is escapism - an escape from reality.

For others, the positive that comes from mentally constructing images of what they want is not enough. They want to get in reality what they dream about. For these people, “dreams are not an escape from reality, but a means of getting closer to it,” as the English writer William Somerset Maugham wrote.

It should be noted that from time to time escapist dreams visit each of us. Films and books stimulate the imagination. You read something interesting and imagine yourself as an orc conqueror surrounded by beautiful elves... It is impossible to completely get rid of such a “movie in your head”, and there is no need to do this. Another thing is important: does your whole life consist of such a “cinematograph” or do you have much more realistic dreams?

— What if I watched “The Wolf of Wall Street” and imagine myself as a billionaire trader throwing cool parties throwing money from a helicopter? Is it like a realistic dream or not?

Great question. The line between escapism and dreams that can come true is sometimes quite thin. If it is unlikely that you will be able to find the ring of omnipotence in our universe, then you can still become a billionaire trader. And it depends only on you whether the images drawn in your imagination will become an emotional drug or will motivate you to take specific actions.

If in the first case our brain builds images according to the principle “if I were a sultan” (trader, president, owner of a Ferrari), then in the second case a desire-request is formed: “I want to become/receive” (become a trader or president, get "Ferrari") The brain begins to look for solutions. Motivation kicks in.

All? No, this is just the beginning. If you stop at this stage and wait until it “dreams itself,” then even mundane desires will remain at the same level of realization as dreams of the crown of the Far Far Away Kingdom. This, by the way, is the answer to the question why visualization works for some and not for others. You will lie stupidly on the sofa and “visualize” - even a little room in Louisiana will remain a castle in the air. An unattainable dream.

Therefore, we move on to the next stage - we begin to act. As the writer and philosopher Henry David Thoreau wrote, “If you have built castles in the air, this does not mean that your work was in vain: this is exactly what real castles should look like. All that remains is to lay the foundation for them.”


In Ozhegov’s dictionary, a goal is designated as a certain object of aspiration, something that needs to be accomplished. Before the goal, a certain desire appears that drives a person. First a desire appears, followed by a goal. To fulfill a desire, a goal is necessary, this is a prerequisite.

The goal must be realistic and achievable. And to achieve it, a clear plan must be drawn up, consisting of smaller tasks, each of which should bring us closer to the final result - the goal. This is how a goal differs from a dream.

The left hemisphere of the brain and logical thinking are responsible for setting goals in humans. Therefore, we can safely say that setting goals and striving for their implementation sets man apart from the entire diversity of the animal world.

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