Rules for success in life and business: 12 secrets of successful people

  • What is success?
  • The role of success in human life
  • Success Factors
  • Psychological preparation: new attitudes

Success is the main section of the road that leads to a beautiful, well-fed and comfortable life. Successful people shine on TV screens and smile from advertising posters. They are satisfied with themselves, surrounded by luxury, and do not need anything. Well-being is synonymous with happiness. Inventive cunning people on the Internet offer to reveal the secrets of success and present a universal formula for creating capital. Public pages on social networks are full of advice and revelations from the lucky ones who are among the wealthy. World has gone mad.

Against the backdrop of general madness and the pursuit of success, the life of an ordinary person seems pitiful and incomplete. Trying to fix the situation undermines self-confidence. “Effective formulas for success” do not work, and smiling faces from photographs, which previously aroused delight, irritate with their intrusiveness and deceit.

Where to look for well-being? Are there real success factors? Is it possible to find a universal map of advancement or can only the “chosen ones” conquer the Everest of success? Let's go in search of the truth.

What is success?

Money, fame, high position or career advancement do not make a person successful. These are external attributes, not a cause, but a consequence, a candy wrapper without candy. What is the value of the wrapper without the contents? Success does not happen out of nowhere and depends on your goals.

A person receives instructions from the surrounding world and the subconscious. They are connected with the natural program. Despite its baseness, the satisfaction of biological needs opens the borders to higher goals. This is the foundation of a successful person, the necessary minimum that will allow you to move forward. If we turn to biology, then the successful person is the one who is well-fed, lives in warmth, comfort and safety, leaving strong offspring.

Psychological success is a person’s ability to set goals and achieve them. Goal-oriented people are results-oriented. They know what they want from life and soberly assess their abilities.

If a person has an apartment, a car, a wife and children, but is tormented by dissatisfaction, the program has failed. An incorrectly set goal leads to unsatisfactory results. Success is not synonymous with wealth. You can build a car business by burying your passion for drawing, and then suffer from unfulfillment and feel out of place.

People's desires are very different from each other. Everyone has an individual set of abilities and inclinations.

Formulating goals correctly

An example from life! We all go shopping, we clearly know what we need to buy, or we have a shopping list. We compile the list based on what is needed and important right now. Yes, if the list consisted of what you want, you would not have enough strength or money to make purchases. Why not solve the question of how to achieve success in life in the same way - by making a list for the day, month, year?

Let’s say you already have a priority scale, you’ve already noticed that “I want” doesn’t correspond to your actions, let’s say you even realized and changed your habits, what to do next? Where to get the strength for success? How to continue on the path to success?

The technology is simple! Make a promise, just not to yourself; it’s always easy to come to an agreement with yourself in case of turns. A promise must be made to loved ones who are interested in your achievements, and at the same time, you must determine the deadline for fulfillment.

A promise, of course, does not provide guarantees, but it does provide an opportunity to keep your word. Moreover, there will be a chance to learn to keep your word. All relationships are built on how a person keeps his word.

The role of success in human life

Success reveals new facets in a person's life. The ability to move forward with the support and support of past achievements strengthens self-confidence. Success is not a static state. It is not limited by boundaries. Small results add up to big achievements.

A successful person does not suffer from feelings of dissatisfaction and internal complexes. He reveals himself and helps others to open up. Purposefulness leaves no time for self-flagellation.

Successful people are happy and satisfied with life. They know what they live for.

Success Factors

The key factors for a person’s success are a set of internal qualities and external circumstances that influence a person’s self-realization. They are individual. The formula for success consists of positive and negative terms. It is impossible to list all the variants of the equation. Different combinations of qualities give the same amount.

Success factors are internal and external:


Personal qualities do not always depend on the person. Part is given by nature, another is laid by parents, the third is born under the influence of external factors and internal experiences. The psychological portrait influences a person’s success. What does it consist of?

Temperament and character

A person acquires temperament at birth. It affects the worldview, psychological reactions, defense mechanisms, and level of communication. Character is formed from internal predispositions under the influence of the external environment. If a person is distracted, sensitive and indecisive, it will be difficult for him to achieve his goal. The gentleness of character does not mean that it is not realized in life. Working on yourself helps you achieve unexpected results.

Mental endurance

To achieve your goals, you need to be able to cope with psychological pressure. If the first difficulties force a person to return to his comfort zone, he will not be able to move on. Psychological endurance affects the ability to adapt, makes people more sociable and mobile.

Leadership skills

What distinguishes a leader from other people? Determination and charisma. If your goal is to earn a fortune or climb the career ladder, then you will have to build business relationships with others. If people trust you and are willing to follow you, your chances of success double.

Strong-willed qualities

Will is power over oneself, the power that allows one to control one’s actions. A strong-willed person sets goals and organizes activities in such a way as to complete tasks on time. If you put off important things on the back burner, cannot fulfill the promise you made to yourself for years, are unable to get off the couch for a bright future, then you need to work on yourself.

The subconscious strives for consistency. It protects you from unpleasant actions that can destroy your sense of comfort. But unconscious power does not take into account the benefits of unpleasant actions. Lying on the couch is undoubtedly more pleasant than watching an English video lesson, which will require thoughtfulness, time and effort. Knowing a foreign language provides clear advantages, in contrast to mindlessly spending hours in front of the TV.


Mental abilities are not measured by the amount of knowledge. They are tested by the ability to apply information in practice. Mind is understanding. The more a person realizes, the more accurately he sets goals and better navigates his life. A smart person adapts to change more easily and has a greater chance of success.

External data

People receive most of their information through vision. A person's appearance speaks more about his inner essence than words. This is not about assessing “bad” or “good”, but about deeper manifestations of character. Looking at the person, listen to yourself. You draw conclusions in the first seconds of communication, glancing over the figure of a new acquaintance with your eyes. This is how you are judged.

Appearance speaks about a person’s level of confidence, reliability, attitude to life, temperament, and habits. In the subconscious, a portrait is created with lightning speed and determines the general decision to “like” or “dislike.”

Those with a pleasant appearance that inspires trust find it easier to establish dialogue and build connections with others. They save time and effort, encounter fewer difficulties and move towards their goals faster.


Motivating yourself to action is one thing, but organizing work is another. Discipline is revealed in the accuracy and rationality of actions. She teaches you to count time and spend it profitably. An organized person plans actions and accomplishes more than a proponent of spontaneous actions.


Doubt and timidity are the enemies of a successful person. The determined and courageous achieve success. Even if you dream of a quiet life in the countryside, you will need the confidence to assert your desire and make it come true.


50% of success depends on the environment and external influence. In the early stages of life it is impossible to control it. But in adulthood, it is useful to realize how external factors influence one’s position in society and success.

Family and education

Education lays down an individual set of values ​​and personal qualities. Character and outlook on the world are formed in the family. Think about how many attitudes from childhood you have carried into adulthood! Parents want the best, but their actions do not always lead to a positive result. And vice versa, skillful upbringing helps to open up, recognize your strengths and weaknesses, and determine your abilities and inclinations.

The level of education

Don't equate education with paper. The skills, knowledge and abilities acquired by a person during his studies affect his life. Finding a good job without special education is almost impossible. Studying strengthens and teaches you to think. The ability to think distinguishes a person from a machine. In times of technological progress, we need smart personnel, not robotic workers. The better your education, the more effectively you can think and have more opportunities to realize yourself.

Place of birth and residence

The terrain leaves its mark on a person. Compare your chances and the chances of success of a poor boy from Ethiopia. Economic benefits in the world are distributed unevenly. It is easier to become a surgeon in Russia than in Nigeria. In Europe it is easier for a woman to get a driver's license than in Saudi Arabia. Even within the same country, living conditions can vary greatly. It is easier for a native Muscovite to enroll in Moscow State University than for a resident of another city, village or village, because he does not have to go anywhere.

Psychological preparation: new attitudes

To achieve success, learn to set clear goals. A person without a goal will not become successful. He doesn't know where to move and what to strive for. Listen to your heart. Until you decide on your true desires, you will not be able to choose a direction and set goals.

Develop strong-willed qualities and discipline. It can be difficult to overcome yourself. To achieve a goal you need to make an effort. Stop procrastinating. If you have a lot of work ahead and you're avoiding it, set a timer for 25 minutes right now. Surely you can spend a quarter of an hour concentrating on the task at hand? Rest and then get back to work for 25 minutes. By gradually increasing your work time, you will learn to concentrate, and moving towards your goal will become more confident and faster.

If you want to work in Spain, study the language. Have you dreamed of a career as a designer? Sign up for suitable courses or select educational material from the Internet.

Understand that you are not the center of the universe. Society is a single organism, and you are a tiny part of it. To achieve your goals, learn to be observant. Pay close attention to the changes around you. Listen to the people around you, establish communication. If a person has found his place in society, where he is needed, important and valuable, his success is guaranteed.

Psychology of Achievement

The psychology of human success in all endeavors includes a very important component - responsibility. To achieve what you want, you need to clearly understand that:

Your life depends only on you.

What decisions do you make, actions and are you able to bear the consequences. You can read the article “Real success stories of world-famous big businesses and how they started,” and then you will see that all the leaders at the beginning of their journey, and now they are already millionaires and billionaires, did not place their hopes on the government, relatives, connections or inheritance.

They understood that in order to achieve something, it is important to be able to rely only on themselves and not expect anyone to lighten their burden. The most valuable thing is the inner knowledge that no one owes you anything or is obliged to help you. Otherwise, there will be a temptation to blame others for your failures, to look for excuses and justifications. A person who is successful in life and business is always responsible for any consequences, and knows how to learn from failure and appreciate it.

And the greater it is, the greater the risks and burden, so try to gradually increase the volume of tasks, giving the body the opportunity to adapt to increasing stress and the cost of internal resources.

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