What is the joy of life - what to do to experience it

Hello, dear friends! Today I want to talk about what joy is and what significance it has in the life of every person. This question seems quite logical to me, especially after becoming familiar with such concepts as internal attitudes and beliefs, conscience and inspiration of a person.

In my opinion, it is joy that is that inner state of a person, that catalyst that can unite and tune into a single wave of creation and development all the best properties and qualities of an ordinary person.

I apologize in advance for the somewhat unusual and even unusual style of presentation for me, perhaps characterized by excessive pathos, since this issue simply does not allow me to remain in my usual frame of mind and requires precisely this approach to its consideration.

To be honest, I already feel a certain uplift of energy and a noticeable surge of strength simply from the fact that I have the opportunity to reflect a little on the meaning and influence of joy in my own life. In addition, the experience gained in the course of working on this article is very valuable and may well be useful to any interested person.

Joy as an emotion

From a physiological point of view, joy is a state associated with the activation of a set of brain structures called the reward system. The changes that occur in it under the influence of external stimuli cause a feeling of pleasure.

This mechanism has evolved to increase the likelihood of behavior that is potentially beneficial to humans. Emotions outpace thoughts, allowing you to make quick decisions . This is beneficial, for example, in moments of danger.

In our time, when human needs have become “more elevated” than thousands of years ago, and decision-making circumstances have become extremely complex, focusing solely on emotions does not always bring the desired results.

Nevertheless, emotions remain an understandable and reliable “compass” that makes it easier to navigate the sea of ​​possibilities and recognize your true needs.

Joy is an emotional state that appears in circumstances that are positive for the individual—situations that are useful, safe, and pleasant. Decisions made with joy are accompanied by a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment. They give energy and self-confidence.

How to learn to enjoy life and be positive

Anyone interested in learning how to enjoy life should pay attention to children. It is children who know how to rejoice every day, to notice the positive in literally everything, in every little thing. Their sincere and ringing laughter charges their parents and other people with positive energy. They have fun when the first snow falls, when a picnic is planned, etc. The child is simply a model for someone who wants to be a happy, positive optimist.

A child always shows his joy sincerely. Adults should learn this from children. They also recommend turning to memories of your childhood and what could have made you happy then.

When a person begins to feel the emotion of joy, the neurons of his brain produce happiness hormones (endorphins). Their level can be increased:

  • chocolate;
  • listening to pleasant music, watching a good movie;
  • refusal or minimization of communication with pessimists, stopping the perception of bad news;
  • creative activity;
  • comedy videos, funny stories from life;
  • remembering moments filled with joy;
  • planning a pleasant pastime, a fun holiday, etc.

Only strong personalities manage to be cheerful and please other people, no matter what, even in difficult situations. It’s possible to become like this, but it’s very difficult.

When we are filled with joy, we work and devote ourselves to the maximum, and are also able to “infect” other people with this state. But without effort and self-development it is impossible to achieve a state of cheerfulness. It’s a huge job to carry within yourself all your life and give others joy, kindness, and happiness.

What is the joy of life

Joy, which initially served to increase the chances of survival, over time became an end in itself for people. A person, when making a choice, is not always guided by what gives him pleasure, but his highest goal in life, most often, is to achieve happiness, which is closely related to the feeling of joy from life.

Paradoxically, joy from life is not a state in which there is a correspondence between reality and the stated needs and goals of the individual. Some people are able to experience joy regardless of variables that are not always favorable to them . Many, however, do not enjoy life, even if they achieve their goals and satisfy their desires.

The joy of life is a much more complex state than a constant feeling of pleasure in connection with the successes achieved. For a modern person, compassion is a skill - it can be learned, but also lost.

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Joys of life and experiences from childhood

The ability to experience pleasure is an innate quality and common to all mentally healthy people. A child's joy manifests itself naturally and he knows how to enjoy little things. This is a reliable mechanism in which the reward system responds to pleasant and rewarding situations that coincide with the desires of the individual.

However, during the process of socialization, spontaneous reactions are limited as a result of learning, which dictates rational thinking. In some cases, they are more adaptive and allow you to achieve certain advantages (for example, without being emotional , you can negotiate trade negotiations more effectively).

Often, however, young people lose the ability to rejoice as a result of traumatic experiences, mistakes in the upbringing of their guardians, or the lack of a suitable example (when loved ones themselves do not know how to enjoy life). Not only family models, but also cultural ones come to the fore. As a result, people cannot enjoy life even in situations where they have the prerequisites for this.

How to find your reasons for happiness?


First of all, you need to understand that only you are responsible for your well-being. And no one else has to figure out how to please you. Yes, even parents and family partners. If only because no person can guess what you want at the moment, especially if he is deprived of extrasensory abilities. So you need to make an effort on your own and try to figure it out, constantly listening to yourself and your desires.


Distribute some unimportant but pleasant tasks for each day. No matter how busy your everyday life is, you simply must find time for yourself, your relaxation. So take a calendar and plan, let it be a trip to the cinema on the 1st, and a visit to the massage therapist on the 2nd, come up with it yourself, but everything should be clear in the diary.

Take action

If people, every time they came up with some worthwhile ideas, turned them into reality, there would be a lot fewer unhappy, unsuccessful and depressed individuals in the world. Therefore, learn not just to dream, but to immediately take some steps towards realizing what you want.


Make your own list of pleasures. Let them be simple, for example, like the smell of a just lit match, or a crack in the asphalt in the shape of a heart near a house, but they are quite real and easily achievable.

Listen to your heart

That is, you should not be guided by the tastes and preferences of other people, even significant ones, do what you like. Value your life, so don’t tolerate and pretend, but allow this luxury of being yourself. So go on this great journey of self-discovery and exploration. Try different foods, listen to different styles of music, look for what will delight you, and if you find such things, moments, take care of them.


There must be moderation in everything. If you eat your favorite red caviar every day, the hour will come when you will begin to feel sick at the sight of it. So you need to control the dosage, and to make it easier, you need to have a large number of pleasant little things in stock.


You know, it is important to be able not only to discover small joys, but also not to devalue them, especially when they cease to surprise and give pleasure. To get more information on how to achieve harmony on your own, you can read the article “14 tips to live happily and enjoy life.”

How to bring back the joy of life

The joy of life can be learned. Fancy guides to happiness and success (via visual aids or cards with happy quotes in your home) can be helpful, but not necessarily effective.

Building joy in life does not mean avoiding difficult situations and the unpleasant emotions associated with them. On the contrary, you cannot fully experience happiness without experiencing the opposite feelings. But we should strengthen and develop what brings joy.

You can do this via:

  • life choices that are compatible with your beliefs and values, and not with generally accepted patterns or environmental expectations
  • the practice of mindfulness or focusing on present events without looking back or worrying about the future
  • a change in the perception of reality, based on an assessment of what has already been achieved or received from fate, and the rejection of excessive ambitions
  • reserving time for small pleasures, gifts (it is best to make a list of things that are fun and therefore “bring joy”)
  • caring for relatives, time off from work, physical activity (the latter causes the secretion of neurotransmitters associated with positive well-being)

The simple joys of life: 170 reasons to rejoice

  1. Take a deep breath of spring air.
  2. Immerse yourself in the sounds of your favorite music.
  3. Daydream for a few minutes before falling into deep sleep.
  4. Allow yourself to eat several servings of your favorite ice cream.
  5. When promoting ideas and projects, look for new ways to do this.
  6. Celebrate an insignificant, but such a pleasant victory.

    We so rarely notice small joys

  7. There is always a reason for joy, for example, to experience satisfaction from a job well done.
  8. What a joy in life it is to simply sit on the seashore and look into the distance.
  9. Find a forgotten anti-stress coloring book and immerse yourself in it.
  10. To experience the joy of life is to purchase a new book by your favorite author.
  11. Find time to watch a series that you have been wanting to watch for a long time.
  12. The joy of pets greeting you from work.
  13. A special feeling of comfort when it’s raining outside.
  14. Fluffy soft snow that you look at from the window of a warm room.
  15. The infinity of space that stretches under your feet when you stand on the top of a mountain.
  16. Minutes spent with loved ones.
  17. A feeling of peace and harmony in the soul.
  18. Discovering a new place.
  19. Brightly glowing squares of high-rise building windows when you return home in the dark.
  20. Meet and communicate with like-minded people.
  21. Discover a new blog on a topic that interests you.
  22. Indicate the plan for the day point by point and cross out those completed.
  23. Experience the joy of life by celebrating your progress.
  24. A leisurely cup of morning coffee.
  25. Create your own Internet project and watch its success.
  26. A sudden insight when looking for a way to solve a problem.
  27. Throw away unnecessary things.
  28. Beauty and joy in people's lives - to observe sunrise.

    Appreciate moments of happiness

  29. The light turned on after there was no power.
  30. Vigor given by morning freshness and coolness.
  31. Wander thoughtlessly through the sand, wetted by the sea waves.
  32. A light breath of warm breeze in your face.
  33. The feeling of love and tenderness that filled you.
  34. Ringing silence and clear sky above.
  35. The noise of city streets.
  36. The sounds of morning bird trills.
  37. The arrival of a new idea and the desire to implement it immediately.
  38. Get all your thoughts out of your head and play solitaire.
  39. Discover a new interesting computer game.
  40. Listen to the sound of wheels while lying on the berth of a night train.
  41. Add a detail to the interior that will transform it.
  42. Think about future goals.
  43. Understand that everything planned for the current day has been completed.

    Feel the happiness

  44. Discover an unfamiliar place in your hometown.
  45. Sit on the open terrace of a summer cafe.
  46. The feeling when you have an epiphany.
  47. Dance for yourself according to your mood.
  48. Good and cheerful well-being of parents.
  49. Command executed by a pet.
  50. To be alone when you don't want to see anyone.
  51. A day, every moment of which is filled with emotions and events.
  52. Ride a bike.
  53. See unusual nuances in ordinary things.
  54. Meet a like-minded person , a person close in spirit and intellect.
  55. Going out into nature not for a barbecue or a picnic, but just to lie on the grass.
  56. When you have time to look at the stars and their winks.
  57. A cup of freshly brewed tea with your favorite aroma.
  58. When you wake up in the morning and realize that you have no obligatory tasks to do that day.
  59. Spit on all worries and give yourself a rest.

    Vacation is wonderful

  60. The taste of the first real, not greenhouse, vegetables and fruits.
  61. Find something dear to you that you thought was lost.
  62. Admire the spring blossoms of an apple or cherry tree.
  63. Walk with your loved one by the hand.
  64. When cold, take a hot shower.
  65. Discover that you look great in photographs.
  66. When people like your work and celebrate it.
  67. Hug a child or loved one.
  68. Allow pleasant changes to turn your life around.
  69. Joy is in the little things in life, such as watching an exciting dream to the end.
  70. Experience a new emotion that was previously unknown.
  71. Feel confident in your abilities.
  72. The release of a new song by your favorite artist.
  73. Warm welcome in unfamiliar company.
  74. Receive messages on social networks from people you care about.
  75. Forgetting about respectability, jump on a shopping cart and ride it around the sales floor.
  76. Feel the smell of rain on hot asphalt.
  77. Run your fingers along the ends of hair cut at the hairdresser.
  78. Park correctly the first time.
  79. Listening to foreign speech, understand the meaning of what is said.
  80. Racing along the highway, see oncoming cars flashing at you, and have time to reduce the speed to the permissible speed.

    Race along the track

  81. Open the refrigerator after the holiday and discover that you don’t have to cook anything.
  82. Be scared when you wake up that you are late for work, and then realize that today is a day off.
  83. Finish a job that you really didn’t want to do.
  84. When the minibus you need is already waiting for you at the stop.
  85. Walk through the first snow and hear its crunch.
  86. Press the elevator button and see the doors swing open at the same second.
  87. Be the first to reach an open cash register.
  88. Feel like someone covered you with a blanket.
  89. Feeling pleasantly tired and sore muscles after working out in the gym.
  90. The arrival of guests, to whom you don’t have to make a fuss.
  91. Throw a piece of wood into the trash can and get hit.
  92. Put on a new thing that you have been wanting to buy for a long time.
  93. Have time to get on the train when the doors are already closing.
  94. Enjoy the aroma of fresh baked goods.

    Incredible aroma

  95. When getting to the right place, get into the current of the “green wave”.
  96. Gently and without pain, peel off the dried crust on the wound.
  97. Wake up and, looking at the clock, realize that you can sleep for a long time.
  98. I rack my brains for a long time, remembering, and finally remember the right word or name.
  99. The feeling when the water that has entered there finally flows out of the ear.
  100. In the evening, take off the tight shoes in which you had to walk all day.
  101. Suddenly hear a smell coming from somewhere, reminiscent of childhood.
  102. When you take a small line, and then other clients begin to line up behind you, one after another.
  103. Driving in a car with the window open and your hand stuck out.
  104. When a seemingly empty tube contains enough toothpaste to still brush your teeth.
  105. Hear the clicking of heels outside the window and realize that spring has come.
  106. Fly away by plane from winter to warm summer.

    Fly away to summer

  107. Accidentally hear your favorite song or melody.
  108. When the boss leaves work early.
  109. Quickly peel the egg when the salad should be on the table in five minutes.
  110. Finding a second sock just when you were about to throw out the first.
  111. Sit on the pier with your feet in the water and dangle them.
  112. Buy a ticket and wait for the concert of your favorite artist.
  113. Reading a thick, interesting book and realizing that there is still a long way to go until the end.
  114. Wake up on a summer night under the open sky and see the stars.
  115. Slip in icy conditions and stay on your feet.
  116. Predict what the presenter or commentator will say.
  117. Drive along the road at night , without any traffic jams.
  118. Blooming flower in a pot on the windowsill.
  119. The long-awaited SMS rang on the phone.
  120. Wake up sweating and realize that the nightmare was only a dream.
  121. Guess which side of the baked goods has more filling and start there.
  122. Pizza delivery ordered by phone is carried out within 10-15 minutes.
  123. Slam the mosquito itching above your ear.
  124. A vacation in which you stop focusing on days and hours.
  125. When the traffic jam finally clears up.
  126. Discover a hidden option in a familiar device.
  127. Be able to do what your colleagues couldn’t.
  128. Finally get the annoying thorn out of my finger.
  129. When the film takes place in places that are familiar to you.
  130. Walking past a sale and seeing something you've been dreaming about for a long time.
  131. Accidentally discover a forgotten stash in the pocket of a winter coat or jacket.
  132. Pass the exam (finish a coursework, project, report, etc.) and remove everything that reminds you of it from your desk.
  133. When someone warms up your bed before you have to crawl under the covers.
  134. When the headache goes away or the runny nose stops.
  135. Don't make a mistake when entering a password that you haven't used for a long time.
  136. When pulling out a weed , feel how smoothly the root emerges from the ground.
  137. Clear your spam folder by adding plenty of free space to your disk.
  138. Discover that you have lost weight , although you did not make any effort for this.
  139. Open the cap on the bottle the first time.
  140. Buy air balloons just.

    Buy balls

  141. Blow soap bubbles.
  142. Wander through fallen autumn leaves.
  143. Listen to the infectious laughter of children.
  144. Watch how melted cheese separates when you break into a hot sandwich.
  145. Peace after crying to your heart's content.
  146. Poke the yolk into the fried egg and watch it flow out.
  147. Drop an effervescent tablet and watch it dissolve, releasing bubbles.
  148. Offer your back to be scratched.
  149. Pop bubbles on bubble wrap.
  150. Unfasten the belt or zipper on your pants after you have eaten too much.
  151. A sip of water when you are thirsty.
  152. Cover the callus that has been bothering you all day.
  153. Take a successful selfie the first time.
  154. Buy periodicals and smell the smell of fresh printing ink.
  155. When the first pancake turns out not to be lumpy.
  156. Sledding down a hill.
  157. Drive your own car for the first time.
  158. Feel the warmth of the first spring sun on your cheek.
  159. Rush home, knowing that they are waiting for you there.
  160. Feel the arrival of the New Year holidays by inhaling the smell of tangerines.
  161. Exchange a smile with a stranger.
  162. After doing the general cleaning, plop down in a chair and look around at the perfect order created around you.
  163. When suddenly our jeans start falling off.
  164. The anticipation of relaxation when you pack your suitcase before a trip to the sea.
  165. Close your eyes and relax in a warm bubble bath.


  166. When your salary was unexpectedly given earlier than usual.
  167. Finally, use a toothpick to pick out a piece of food stuck between your teeth.
  168. Lay down fresh linen and go to bed.
  169. Walking barefoot on the grass.
  170. Sneeze to your heart's content after several unsuccessful attempts.

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