10 Steps to Create the Life You Really Want

Too many people live in conditions with which they are unhappy. They don't know that they can have the life they want. Some of them don't even think about what they really want. Having a vision of the life you want means you can create your reality and live a life that makes you happy.

Follow these 10 steps below to live the life you want:

Ask yourself what you want in all aspects of life

If you don't know what you're looking for in every area of ​​your life, you'll wake up every day and wonder why you're not getting what you wanted out of life. Before you can truly be happy and get what you want from this life, you must ask yourself what you really want.

Many people believe that it is impossible to live the life they dream of, but it is possible. You just have to decide what you want first. Take the time to sit down and write it. What you want your life to look like. Imagine your ideal world and write it down on paper.

What is the way out?

There are only two ways to change your dissatisfied state: simple and complex.

A simple way is to complain about life, blame someone for your own failures, criticize those who have succeeded. It becomes easier for a while, especially if there is an interlocutor who shares these views. But very quickly dissatisfaction returns again.

The hard way is to raise your own bar and achieve the results you want. But to do this, you need to learn to say “no” to yourself, forget about laziness and the search for motivation, and finally, you need to act!

What is “NO” to yourself?

“NO” to yourself is a skill of self-discipline. It fosters will and strength of character. You should say “NO” to your fears, weaknesses, dubious pleasures - everything that distances you from your deepest desires.

Make a plan and take action

This is where many people get stuck and don't update their vision and their goals. Once you have figured out what you want, you must make a plan and start working on it.

You must follow your plan. It may be difficult, but if you don't act on your plan to change your life, then you will simply remain a dreamer and a person who regrets not living the life he wants.

  • How to make a life plan in 7 steps, and why you need it

How to learn to organize yourself?

First you need to realize your own priorities, understand what is really important in life.

Let's consider four areas that, in the most general form, are of priority importance for the absolute majority (can be detailed depending on individual goals).

Physical state.



Financial condition.


Rank each area according to its importance to you in descending order.

Now rank in descending order of the time you spend in each direction.

If the value to you and the time spent are different, don't expect the results you want. This is a problem of competent self-organization.

Another paradox. You devote a significant part of your time (8 hours a day) to work in order to ensure some stable financial condition, and when you return home, you stand at the stove until the night to feed your household. BUT!!! The money is barely enough to reach the salary, and family relationships leave much to be desired...

There is a problem of self-management here, it is caused by the fact that most people, for various reasons, are not able to manage their own results. Many simply reproduce the behavior model of their parents, whose value system and living conditions were very different from today’s (living from paycheck to paycheck, with hope for the state’s care in providing an apartment, providing a pension, a full range of medical services and education). Many people frankly don’t want to change anything - laziness, lack of motivation. Some would be glad to escape from the circle of eternal problems, but the new life planned for Monday is always interrupted by a new temptation. There is no will to deny oneself small things, because there is no strategy for self-development, and with it, no understanding of the big result.

Stay focused

Creating the life you want requires sticking to your goals. It's so easy to lose your way when there are so many distractions in this world: social media, entertainment, buying unnecessary and pointless things to keep up with others.

We spend so much time distracted by the needs of others, by email, advertising, and other things that do not mean anything serious for life. If you can follow your agenda and focus on the things you want to do instead of responding to the needs of others, you will be on your way to achieving your goal.

Apply this system of rules to different areas of life


1. Get rid of the excess. When your desk is cluttered with papers and coffee cups, it's harder to concentrate. When your mail and task manager are a mess, it’s unclear what to do next. To prevent this from happening, regularly leave time for cleaning:

  • Before leaving, remove everything unnecessary from the table, close unnecessary tabs and programs on the computer. Then you will start the next day with a clean slate.
  • Set aside several periods of time during which you will sort through your mail.
  • At the end of your workday, take 10 minutes to make a to-do list for tomorrow. This way you will know exactly what to tackle in the morning.

2. Don't forget about deep work. Too often we fall into the trap of urgent tasks that leave no time for serious, focused activity. But it is she who helps move towards the goal. Set aside a few hours to work in-depth on the most important tasks, and then quietly do other things.

3. Try to maintain a balance of work and personal goals. Even if you love what you do and want to improve in your profession, you still need rest to avoid burnout:

  • Leave work on time, staying late only in emergencies.
  • On weekends, disconnect from work tasks and spend time with loved ones.
  • After work, try not to respond to messages from colleagues and do not look into work chats.
  • Be sure to take a vacation several times a year.


1. Create a routine of healthy habits. For example:

  • Make your bed immediately when you get up.
  • In the evening, wash all dishes so that they do not remain in the sink until the next day.
  • Put each item back in its place after use.
  • Do a big cleaning once a month.

For recurring events, use a task manager or calendar. Set reminders for household chores that need to be done every day, week, month, and so on.

2. Get rid of unnecessary things. Regularly look through the food in your refrigerator and kitchen cupboards. Use those that are about to expire first and throw away any that have gone bad. Donate clothes, gadgets, dishes, books and children's toys that you no longer use.

Health and sports

1. Make health your priority. Don't neglect your workouts and proper nutrition when you have a lot to do and worry about. Physical activity and healthy food will make you more energetic and happier in the long run.

Set aside a few hours on the weekend to prepare healthy meals for the week in advance. Put your workouts on your calendar and think of them as important appointments with yourself that you can't cancel.

2. Consider your inclinations. Don’t force yourself to blindly follow the rules of a fashionable diet or training system, listen to your body. Surely there will be healthy dishes and exercises that will bring you pleasure rather than suffering. So find your own approach. For example:

  • If you don't like going to the gym, try walking. This way you will be moving and enjoying the fresh air at the same time.
  • Don't force yourself to eat tasteless diet foods, look for healthy and tasty alternatives to your favorite foods.
  • If you can't work out in the morning, add short periods of physical activity throughout the day.

3. Don't strive for perfection. Try following the 80/20 rule in nutrition. Eat healthy food 80% of the time, and the remaining 20% ​​eat something tasty, but not entirely healthy. When training, don't always try to do your best and exercise every day. Give yourself a break. For example:

  • Monday - strength training, 60 minutes.
  • Tuesday - jogging, 45 minutes.
  • Wednesday - rest.
  • Thursday - yoga, 60 minutes.
  • Friday is rest.
  • Saturday - walking, 2 hours.
  • Sunday is rest.

4. Set goals and monitor progress towards them. This will help keep you motivated. For example, keep a training diary, wear a fitness bracelet, and record personal records.


1. Start making a budget for the month. Subtract regularly recurring expenses and the amount for paying off debts from your income, leave some for unexpected expenses and savings. Use apps so you don’t forget anything and always know your financial situation. Review your budget regularly to make sure you're staying within it and make changes if necessary.

2. Set aside some amount every month. It can go to an emergency fund or for a specific financial goal. Even if you can save very little at a time, the number will still gradually increase.

3. Set financial goals. For example, for a month, a year or five years. Let them be specific, for example, reduce entertainment expenses by 10% or save 100 thousand rubles in a year. Monitor your progress towards your goal and adjust course if necessary.

4. Automate processes. Let the app transfer funds to your savings account and automatically pay utility bills. You will save yourself from delays and unnecessary worries.

How to get everything done around the house: define a task list

Don't know how to keep up with everything around the house so that you still have time to fulfill marital and parental responsibilities? Determine the tasks you plan to complete within a certain time, for example:

  • clean out the closets;
  • clean the nursery;
  • wash winter clothes;
  • go grocery shopping;
  • cook dinner;
  • take children to clubs and sports sections.

List of tasks: Pixabay
Write a list on paper, indicating the exact or approximate time to complete this or that item. Once you’ve done it, cross it off and move on to the next thing.

Learn to manage your energy

It will be very useful to know when and under what conditions you are able to work most productively. You may do better in the morning or when listening to calm music. Try to identify such patterns and subsequently use them to work more efficiently.

One good example of managing your energy and time is advice from Ryan Chartrand about the ideal routine of a remote developer. In the article he talks about the technique of constant movement and working in short “pulses” mode.

How to focus on a specific task or prepare for an important event?

  1. The night before, make a list of tasks for tomorrow
    . To start, choose only three things to do—doing more can overwhelm you and lead to procrastination. But be sure to complete everything you planned.
  2. Start with an easy task
    . This will give you more inspiration to start working productively. Or try a trick: write down the most difficult task on your to-do list first. Most likely, you will not want to take on it and you will prefer to complete all the other things on the list that seem easier.
  3. Focus on one task at a time
    . If you are interrupted, your brain will need more time to concentrate. Keep working on one thing until you finish. Don't be distracted by checking your email, turn off your phone, and don't open entertainment sites.

    If you have trouble focusing on your work on your own, try using an app like Rescue Time

    It helps set tasks, track their completion, visualize progress and motivate for further work. With its help, you see the time you spent on third-party entertainment resources, and in addition, it allows you to block interfering programs. The Anti-Social
    internet blocker may also be useful .

    And if you urgently need to complete your text, try the digital assistant FocusWriter

    : It will block everything except the text editor and you will have no choice but to work. Everything else, including the menu, will be hidden out of sight until you hover over it.

  4. Decide if cleaning will help you

    This item is individual. For some, order on the desktop is extremely important and helps to collect thoughts
    . If you agree with the saying, “A tidy desk is a tidy mind,” then it’s best to get rid of unnecessary things around you while you work. It is important not to overdo it and turn light cleaning into an act of procrastination that will last throughout the day.

    On the other hand, if you are a creative person and you are quite comfortable and productive working among scattered things and slight chaos

    , it’s not worth wasting time on cleaning.

  5. Take regular breaks

    . At first glance, the advice may seem counterintuitive, but short-term rest increases productivity. In addition, if you know that a break is coming, it will help you not to be distracted by extraneous factors like surfing the Internet or texting with friends.

    It is advisable to take a short – 5-10 minute – break every hour

    . Go outside, do some physical exercise, talk to a colleague. Try to get to work immediately after rest, without doing nothing in between. To make sure your break doesn't drag on, set a timer.

  6. Encourage yourself

    . Promise to buy delicious coffee or treat yourself to a snack at a cafe after finishing work. This will help you concentrate on the result and not get bogged down in the process.

    You can add an element of play to your work

    and try the Forest: Stay Focused app. Before you start, you plant a virtual tree, and it grows as long as you don't use third-party applications. If you work without being distracted by your phone, you will grow a virtual forest, but if not, the tree will dry up. The application is available for smartphones, and there is also an extension for Chrome.

  7. Make an effort
    The moment you feel like giving up, instead of giving in, start working with renewed vigor. Of course, this will require significant effort from you, so choose good motivation
    . For example, remember that doing things on time will allow you to enjoy life without interference and not experience remorse.
  8. Get rid of the garbage in your head, don't get stuck in your thoughts

    . This can be not only other tasks at work, but also any extraneous experiences that interfere with concentration. It is important to recognize their presence and ask yourself: are these useful ideas that need to be implemented, or just a feeling of anxiety?

    • If these are anxious thoughts, take a few minutes to calm down.
    • If these are important tasks, add them to your current to-do list.

  9. If it's an idea, write it down too, you can come back to it later.
  10. Such self-analysis will take only 5-15 minutes and will help you concentrate.

  11. You shouldn't strive for perfection
    . It is not always necessary to complete a task 100%; sometimes 80% is enough. Don't waste time polishing small details - your perfectionism will only slow you down. Complete the project completely first, and only then bring it to perfection if there is time left for this.
  12. Calculate the time
    . Let's say you decide to start going to the pool and taking art classes. Before signing up for classes, sit down with a calculator. Let's say you work in the office 8-9 hours a day, spend more than two hours on the road, you also need to take into account the time for getting ready and preparing food. In this case, you need to sleep at least 7–8 hours and find time to rest. If the grandiose plan for self-development you have in mind does not fit into 24 hours, it is better to sacrifice something in order to get everything done - for example, choose only drawing lessons.

How to get everything done: involve family members in homework

Both working women and housewives need help. Your household members are sure that housework is easy, and you relax by preparing dinner or putting your home in order. Entrust them with something to do: wash the dishes, help prepare food. The advantages of this are:

  1. Get the help you need.
  2. Your children and husband will understand the complexity of your daily activities.
  3. Working together will unite the family.

There is no need to pull everything on yourself, otherwise overwork is guaranteed.

New habits. Scheduling tasks

To achieve a big goal, you need to break it down into manageable tasks. Then schedule time to complete these tasks by creating new habits.

Developing New Habits

What is the connection between new habits and the chances of building a new life? It is clear that setting a goal brings changes to the order of your life.

And changing your routine the right way increases your chances of success. New behavior helps implement your plan.

An example for a blogger. “When I finish washing the dishes in the evening, I will spend 30 minutes writing a new article.”

By substituting a new habit - writing a new blog article - for a regular daily habit - washing the dishes, you will greatly increase your chances of achieving your goal.

Planning mini goals

So how do you go from a big, scary goal to creating new habits and actually taking action? The secret is to break down your goal into manageable tasks and then plan for them.

Also known as microgoals, these little beauties are the secret sauce of goal setting. You take a big goal and break it down into mini steps. They serve as mini milestones or daily tasks.

Micro goals are the most important tasks you need to complete to achieve your big goal. These actions will move you forward and turn your vision into reality.

Think about the specific tasks that will need to be completed to achieve your big goal. Work through all possible steps and be as detailed and specific as possible.

Each of these small steps is now a micro-goal that you can schedule on your calendar. Every time you complete a micro goal, you get a little closer to achieving your big goal.

Make time for your micro-goals

Planning these micro goals into your calendar is the key to learning how to crush and achieve big goals. Set aside specific time to work on mini-goals and commit to achieving them. And you will begin to gradually solve your big goal.

This is where new life habits come in handy! Think about when you want to schedule work time for your micro-goals. Then add new tasks, taking this new habit as an established one.

Have you found yourself struggling with a new task you set out to do? So it's very big! This is a sign that your next steps are not broken down into small enough chunks.

Break down your microgoals as specifically as you need. They should be crystal clear and simple.

Continue this process of breaking micro-goals into smaller steps based on established habits. Do this until you have successfully planned and completed every small step needed to achieve your big goal.

A bad to-do list will kill your big dreams.

You might be tempted to just write down a to-do list without scheduling them on your calendar.

Do not do that! Planning for each specific task is critical!

It doesn't matter if each step is defined correctly if there is no scheduled time to complete the work!

If something is important, you write it on your calendar. The specific tasks that need to be completed should be the focus every day!

Schedule time each day to pursue your big goals. Remember that even 10 minutes a day will lead to your goal. Additionally, by focusing on action on a daily basis, you continually reinforce the importance of the task.

Plan and review micro-goals daily that support your big dream!

Psychological attitude

To simplify your life, you must first change your thinking, and only then your habits and lifestyle. Let's start by working on the right attitude.

Set global goals

The more specific and desirable your goals in life are, the more effective and efficient your actions will be. Goals in life are the engine of progress and the source of motivation.

When your goals are desired and understood, and you make efforts to achieve them, then you stop thinking about what to do with yourself and how to spend the evening. Life is much easier without these tiresome thoughts. If you haven't set goals in life yet, you need to work on it.

Don't worry about failures

Failure is always a valuable experience, a chance to correct mistakes and try again. And there is no point in worrying about them. If you fail, it means you are moving forward and not standing still. Remember - only those who do nothing make no mistakes.

Many famous people suffered many failures before achieving unprecedented success. Walt Disney was turned down by hundreds of studios before he was able to bring his ideas to life. He did not lose heart and did not give up. He understood that failure is not the end, and there is still a chance. You too understand.

Get rid of stress

Stress is the result of being in situations in which you feel uncomfortable. Every time you find yourself in a similar situation, ask yourself: “how can I avoid this in the future?” And take action. Gradually you will get rid of most stressful situations.

Of course, you won't be able to get rid of stress completely. But try to minimize it. And remember that difficulties are tests that strengthen you. Start treating difficulties as valuable lessons, and you will begin to experience less stress.

Don't try to please everyone

One of the biggest mistakes is trying to please everyone and please everyone. Don't strive for this. Make sure your friends and family love you, and stop paying attention to others.

Admit your shortcomings

Absolutely everyone has shortcomings. You can, of course, poison your life by asking the question: “Why do I need this?” Or you can finally understand that people don’t really care about your shortcomings, they are focused on their own. Try to approach your shortcomings with humor. Remember that the one who truly loves you will not notice them.

In addition, each has both disadvantages and advantages. Focus on your strengths, develop them and make your strengths even stronger.

How to make your workday easier

We spend about a quarter of our lives at work. And the overall level of your comfort will depend on how easy and pleasant it is for you to work.

Take short breaks

Scientists have proven that a person will work more efficiently if he rests at least 5 minutes every hour. At this time, it is best to break away from your workplace - go outside to breathe, or do eye exercises while standing by the window.

Working notebook

Work is not a place where you need to keep everything in your head. It is better to record work tasks in a convenient place where you will control them - a notepad or diary, so you will definitely not forget anything.

Order in the workplace

Maintaining order in the workplace is not at all difficult, but there are a lot of advantages. You will stop searching for documents for a long time and will work in comfort.

Leave early

Many people get so used to being late that they no longer imagine what it’s like to go out somewhere with time to spare. But this is an important element of emotional balance - to know that you are always on time. Make it a habit to always leave early.


Get rid of the habit of checking email all the time. Set aside special time for this, otherwise you will not be able to fully concentrate on completing any tasks.

What does your “someday” list look like?

  • Someday I will work for myself.
  • Someday I'll lose weight.
  • I'll definitely get a diploma someday.
  • Someday I will find time to travel.
  • Someday I (any dream).

Chances are, you have a few "someday" scenarios buried deep in your heart. And at the moment they are illusory.

It's time to prioritize your dreams. It's time to set goals to achieve them! Otherwise, you will look back and realize that you have accumulated far more regrets than success.

But let me tell you, there is a way to achieve the life you dream of? Will you believe me?

In fact, the biggest dream destroyer is not a lack of ability or talent, but a lack of persistence. The death of a dream is more often due to complacency than actual failure.

Achieve big goals by thinking about your biggest desires

Think about your procrastination list. What have you always wanted to do with your life?

Maybe you are not yet entirely clear about what you want from life. But you are already looking forward to something more than what you have now. You want to build a different life.

Build a life. Keep a diary

Spend some time journaling. Dream about your big life goal. Write, do not edit your thoughts and do not doubt their rationality. Write everything that comes to mind. Give yourself the freedom to step out of reality and look into the world of the possible.

Imagine your life

Imagine scenes from your future life: Where are you? What you are doing? Who is with you? What is your life like? What does the dream life look like? Be as specific as possible.

Imagine being given an empty notebook and a full bank account. What would you do? This is your big dream.

The biggest secret of those who actually achieve their goals and not just dream about them is that they see their success.

It is not enough to write words on paper. Instead, connect these words with the vision in your mind.

Achieving goals - how the brain works

Recent brain research has led to new discoveries. How does our brain work when it comes to remembering and imagining?

There were striking similarities between remembering the past and simulating the future. There is something in common between memory and imagination.

When you imagine an action, the brain sends impulses to neurons to “make” the movement. When this happens, a new pathway is created in the brain. This new path encourages your body to align its actions with the vision.

You can use this brain research to your advantage. Do you want to achieve a certain result? You need to set your mind to achieve it by imagining the task completed.

Research shows that you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals when you write them down and review them regularly.

Don't put yourself in a box

It is generally accepted that organized people are extremely neat. However, this is more a myth than a reality. Live the way that suits you. In the event that you cannot imagine life without orderliness and your organization depends on it, keep everything around you in order. But, if you are a creative person and feel constrained in conditions of complete purity, then relax. Nothing bad will happen if things are out of place. But in comfortable conditions you can do much more.

Don't strive for perfection

It often happens that a perfect result is not required. It is enough just to perform your tasks well. But people who strive for perfectionism focus on details and small nuances. In the end, this only leads to wasted time and sometimes bad results. The secret of organization: complete your tasks well and know how not to waste your energy on trifles that are not worth it.

Good and successful businessmen say that many novice entrepreneurs cannot start their own business for a long time because they are afraid of making mistakes on some small detail, so even before launching they polish their product to a shine. However, this does not bear any fruit and only delays the launch and real problems and tasks for improving the product as a whole. Do it to the “3rd level”, and then, if necessary, bring the business/task/product to “4th level” - maximum! There is no limit to perfection.

Tips for a woman with a baby

Young mothers are especially concerned about the question of how to manage everything with an infant? A baby requires a lot of attention. To feed him, change clothes, and bathe him, you need to spend a lot of time and effort.

Mom with newborn baby: Pixabay

Tips that will help you manage your household without serious energy losses:

  1. Get enough sleep. Poor sleep and stress will lead to physical and mental exhaustion.
  2. Do housework while your baby is sleeping.
  3. Use appliances that make housework easier (washing machine, multicooker).
  4. Prepare simple meals to save time.
  5. Ask your husband, relatives, and older children to sit with the baby while you clean.

How to simplify your financial life

Money will not make us happier, but it is a tool for achieving goals. Of course, life is easier when they are. And for them to exist, you need to make efforts and study financial literacy.

Financial control

Make it a rule to keep track of your income and expenses. This will help you solve several problems at once. Firstly, you will always know where your money is going. Remember that feeling at the end of the month: “Where did the money go?” This issue will disappear once and for all. And secondly, by recording your expenses, you will see every ruble you spend, and this will motivate you to spend less.

Extra expenses

Once you start analyzing your expenses, within a month you will be able to see where your money is going, down to the ruble. Perhaps some item of expense will seem unnecessarily expensive to you - this is a reason to try to reduce costs. Perhaps you consider it necessary to exclude some expenses. Do it.

Put it off

The point is to start saving a small amount from each salary and other income. The most optimal is 10% of the amount received. This is approximately the figure that will be painless to save, but at the same time you will have capital quite quickly. How will this help make life easier? You may have sudden expenses at any time, and you should be prepared for them, without the need to take out a loan.

Optimize your purchases

Make a plan for your purchases in advance, buy everything you need for a week in advance and don’t go shopping every day. Yes, for this you will have to think through everything carefully, but how much time can be freed up! It is convenient to buy vegetables and fruits at the market once a week. A trip to the hypermarket with a list of groceries for the week ahead is not only a saving of time, but also money.

Pay without leaving home

Almost all banks offer their customers a mobile application that allows them to make financial transactions - “Mobile Bank”. To make financial management as easy as possible, install this application on your phone. Transfers between accounts, replenishing your balance, paying utilities - all this can be done without leaving your home

Always keep your to-do list handy

It's not enough to just organize your tasks. They need to be fulfilled. Therefore, the list should always be with you. Today there are many special mobile applications that will save you from notepads and pieces of paper. For example, Wunderlist is an excellent service that allows you to make a list of tasks, highlight the most important ones, set deadlines, and mark completed ones. An equally worthy and well-known application is RememberTheMilk. It is very simple and understandable. It has many settings that can be selected individually and ultimately get an indispensable assistant.

Techniques for increasing organization

There are several interesting techniques on how to improve organization and prioritize. Here are some examples.

4D method

The essence of the method is the following sequence of actions:

  • Delete or Drop
    (delete or drop),
  • Delegate
  • Defer
    (put aside),
  • Do

The main idea of ​​this method is to free up as much time as possible for the most important things.

, and for this, before moving on to doing the work, you first need to deal with unnecessary tasks: cross out unnecessary ones and delegate something to others, if possible. Let's look at the points in more detail.

  1. Get rid
    of things that are not useful or important (even if they are urgent). For example, you wanted to go to the store to check if the curtains you had been dreaming of purchasing for a long time were on sale. In conditions of time shortage, it is better to sacrifice this task in favor of a more important one, especially since your old curtains are still successfully performing their main function.
  2. Delegate
    non-essential tasks. Your employer has asked you to complete a very important project that will take you all day and possibly evening. And tomorrow you are expecting guests, before whose arrival it would be nice to clean up. You will have neither energy nor time left for cleaning, and it is unprofitable to abandon the project. In such a situation, it is easier to call a cleaning service at home to save energy.
  3. Postpone
    tasks that can wait to be completed. To avoid making mistakes when setting priorities, read about the Eisenhower matrix.
  4. Finally, once you've gotten rid of the unimportant tasks, start doing
    the really important things.

Time boxing

This technique, which allows you to cope with perfectionism and procrastination, is based on choosing specific periods of time for tasks.

. You set aside an hour or two during which you work and do nothing extraneous. If you need to write an article, you just sit down at your desk, open a document and write strictly from 11:00 to 12:00, without being distracted by anything. As soon as noon comes, you quit your work without finishing or correcting it.

Time boxing gives good results because you will achieve maximum motivation, efficiency and concentration as you try to complete everything on time. This way, the task will turn from a boring action that can be stretched out, interrupted, or endlessly redone into a fast-paced and exciting race.

How to build a life. Create SMART goals

So you've divided your highest life vision into specific goals. Have identified habits or activities that waste your time. Now it's time to get more specific about what you want to achieve.

You've probably heard of SMART goals, and for good reason. It's a powerful tool that will help you develop specific, actionable steps. If you're not familiar with SMART goals, here's a breakdown of them:

  1. Specifics. Your goal must be specific in its outcome. The general goal “I want to be an entrepreneur” is not specific enough to provide a clear direction. “I want to be a full-time blogger and content creator” is more specific.
  2. Grade. How will you measure success? If you want to become a full-time blogger, what will determine your success? Leaving work? Do you earn enough money to meet your family's basic needs? Can you replace your current salary?
  3. Reachability. If your big dream seems too big, take courage. Break a big goal into small steps. When you see the daily or weekly steps, you will begin to understand the path to achieving your dreams. So for now, just focus on your next best move. What specific steps will you take to achieve your goal?
  4. Correspondence. Ask yourself questions and answer them. Why does your big goal matter? Why is this important to you? How will you benefit the world when you achieve this?
  5. Lead time. Setting a deadline on time is one of the best ways to push yourself to achieve your goals. The pressure of a deadline will increase your level of focus.

Get up an hour earlier

Each of us faces the problem of lack of time. It can be very difficult to combine work, everyday life, and also pay attention to family and friends.

How to learn to do everything? If you are sorely short of time, especially in the morning, there is only one way out - to wake up an hour earlier. In these 60 minutes you will have time to:

  • Lounge in a warm bed for a few minutes instead of jumping at the first sound of the alarm clock.
  • Take a shower, wash your face, brush your teeth without haste.
  • Prepare breakfast for the family.
  • Drink a cup of coffee, tea or a glass of juice.

In just an hour you will be able to complete important household chores without stress and fuss. Getting up early has helped many people achieve success. Thus, Mike Tyson believed that by getting up at four in the morning, he had an advantage over his opponent, who was sleeping at that time.

How quickly do you develop the skills of self-organization and managing your own achievements?

Not quickly and under two mandatory conditions.

The first condition is to consciously build a strategy for achieving results. Behind the complex formulation is a clear understanding of what you want and how it can be achieved.

The second condition is constant regular actions aimed at obtaining the planned result.

It is not enough to dream and want; you must constantly allocate resources to achieve your goals. Let at the beginning of the journey these be resources within the current capabilities; over time, the capabilities will expand.

Find time for yourself

Family, work, everyday life - it’s all very tiring and exhausting. Sometimes you want to escape to a place where there are no problems, endless cooking, ironing, and cleaning. Do not panic. Do this:

  1. Set aside half an hour in your work schedule for yourself. Not for eating or going to the toilet, but for proper rest. Make yourself a cup of tea, turn on some music and just sit or read your favorite book/magazine.
  2. Spend time with your friends. Dedicate one day a month to going with your friends to the cinema, theater or shopping. Let the husband do all the housework on this day.

It’s rare that anyone manages to get everything done. The hardest thing is for a woman who combines work and caring for her family. Plan your time correctly, don’t get distracted, accept help from loved ones and you will be able to achieve success in all your endeavors.

Original article: https://www.nur.kz/household/cleaning/1620967-kak-vse-uspevat-po-domu/

What is the reason for the lack of composure?

Sometimes it seems that for some lucky people everything comes easy and they cope with many daily tasks with enviable dexterity, managing to go to the gym in the morning, run around the shopping center during the lunch break and choose a gift for a family member, and spend time learning a foreign language in the evening.
At the same time, others do not even have time to rest during the week. If you want to become more focused and organized, stop being distracted and get things done, first try to identify why you are currently not living up to your ideal. What do organization and composure depend on and what to do if you lack them?

Here are some common reasons.


It is believed that by the age of 16 a person’s character is completely formed and it is very difficult to change it in the future. In fact, this is not so - our character changes throughout our lives. True, in order to form the desired habits, you need to make a lot of effort, so time and good motivation are needed. In any case, working on your weaknesses is possible and necessary.


Inability to navigate in time

This trait is inherent in some people - it is difficult for them to calculate time correctly, especially when they need to go somewhere or complete a large task. This is more typical of psychasthenics than others. In this case, you can try to trick your brain and move the clock forward 15-20 minutes


Reluctance to perform a specific task

If you don't like a task or task, you can subconsciously sabotage its completion.

Likewise, if you don’t like the fact that you are basically forced to do something or it’s done by a person you don’t like very much. Sometimes realizing this helps you overcome the barrier
and get to work.


We often procrastinate on tasks that seem overwhelming or that have previously failed. We are simply afraid of not being able to cope
and therefore we do everything except the main work, which is fraught with a serious loss of time. But if you overcome fear, it will have a great positive effect.

one-minute rule helps with procrastination.

: step over negative emotions and do work for exactly 60 seconds. After time has passed, you will most likely feel inspired and continue to work. Check out these other tips to beat procrastination.

Learn to relax

Many people work and live in a state of constant stress. Determine for yourself the most effective ways to relieve stress. Feel free to let go of your business. It doesn’t matter whether you relax as passively as possible, play sports or spend time with your family. What's important is that you know how to cope with stress and fatigue without compromising your health and productivity.

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