How to become a free person? 7 steps to achieving complete freedom in life

  • July 6, 2019
  • Psychology of thinking
  • Ivan Gresko

Judging by the reviews, many people do not like being dependent and adapting to someone. On the contrary, almost all people want to be free, independent and do what they want. Therefore, many often wonder how to become free? This is not so easy to do. The fact is that it is difficult to change an already formed thinking stereotype. Nevertheless, this task, according to experts, is quite feasible. You will learn about how to become a free person from this article.

What is freedom?

The right to personally manage your own life is one of the core values. Judging by the reviews, some people believe that a person is free from his very birth. Some believe that an individual becomes free only upon reaching adulthood. There is also a category of people for whom freedom is a privilege only for a certain group. In this case, the division into free and dependent is carried out according to some characteristics, namely social, gender, etc. It is quite difficult to give a monosyllabic definition of the concept of “freedom”. This concept is considered from different positions. For example, social norms, ethics, morality, legislation and philosophy. In general, the concept is generalized and has many interpretations. Most often, freedom means the right of an individual to live and act as he wishes, to be completely independent of outside influence.

You watch a lot of TV

A clear sign that you are a slave is that you spend most of your daily life watching carefully planned, manipulative television channels.

TV is constantly trying to control your life by selling through advertising what you don't really need. Most often, advertising wants to convince you that you are not good or lucky enough, and that you should spend money on certain products to make your life better. In addition, television promotes so-called journalism, which brainwashes you through the use of fear, instilling any beliefs in your mind, without providing any hard evidence of their existence. TV attracts mindless shows to turn you into a lazy, passive person who doesn't move, think or react to all the negative things that happen in your life and in the world.

Television is gradually turning you into a zombie, and the sooner you give it up, the more you can live a free life, with less fear and superficial desires. Ask yourself questions while watching a show: What did you learn that was useful? What new things have you learned? Have you been enriched spiritually? What emotions does watching this or that show or television program give you?

Freedom from an Ethical Perspective

In this case, the individual has the opportunity to express his will. Of course, one should not discard the concept of morality, since by his expression of will he can infringe on the freedom of other people. Actions are limited by a sense of conscience and various moral and ethical nuances. Due to the fact that everyone is responsible to society, absolute freedom is considered a utopia. An individual is considered free if he freely performs actions that do not harm others. In general, if you don’t go to extremes, the right to express your will without obstacles is important for everyone. This explains why many are interested in how to become free. Of course, each of us lives in certain conditions and acts based on the circumstances. If you want, but don’t know, how to become an internally free person, use a few rules, more on which below.

You don't care what you eat

Food corporations have turned us into slaves to food, convincing us to buy their products no matter how healthy and environmentally friendly they are, making us believe they are good for our bodies and minds. But in reality there is no other reason than their economic benefit.

Poor quality food is harmful to health and makes the body weak. A person with an unhealthy and weak body has a weak mind, and the weaker the mind, the easier it can be manipulated. So choose healthy foods, ignore junk food ads, take care of your body.

Where to begin?

How to become free? What should you do first for this? Experts recommend analyzing the situation and determining why you cannot be free? There are several factors that make us addicted:

  • The presence of various fears and complexes. Most often, they make an individual insecure.
  • Dependence on other people's opinions. Often people live according to stereotypes that are accepted in society.
  • Financial well-being also plays a big role.
  • Lack of independence.
  • Avoiding the fight. As a result, a person cannot act decisively.

In addition, it is very important to always be yourself. Once the reasons that make us dependent have been identified, we should begin to work to eliminate them.

You feel forced to work

We humans have the technological ability to easily meet the needs of every person living on Earth, without the tedious work that we have to do today. However, in the economic system we have created, money is scarce, so almost every person must work and compete with other workers to get food and shelter, even if their work does not contribute anything useful to society.

If every day more than half of your waking time is spent by the corporation you work for, doing things you hate doing, taking orders to earn low wages that allow you to simply survive, then you have to wonder if you are truly free or just a slave.

Don't be afraid to take steps to change jobs. Think about your childhood dreams and aspirations, perhaps they will tell you where to direct your energy and help you earn money while enjoying it.

Become self-reliant

According to psychologists, this is the most important rule. The fact is that only that individual who is completely independent in different spheres of life can be internally free. Otherwise, such a person simply goes with the flow, shifting responsibility for his life to others. The reason for this behavior is ignorance. For example, an individual does not perfectly know the laws by which the world around him lives, and is not familiar with his rights and opportunities, which, according to experts, are effective means of gaining freedom. Therefore, you will need to constantly develop, master new skills and abilities.

Do what you love

According to experts, free people try to make their favorite business bring them profit. To do this you just need to love your job. There can be no talk of inner freedom if you treat your work like hard labor. In addition, you are absolutely dependent on your boss or director, who determines the size of your salary.

Thus, while doing something you don’t like, you are financially and psychologically dependent on another person, who sets you the program by which you must live. Undoubtedly, money is very important in our world. However, chasing profit, the individual becomes their hostage. To improve the situation, you don’t have to become a hermit or throw your own financial well-being aside. If you don’t know how to become free and happy, find yourself an activity that would become your permanent source of income or additional income. The main thing is that you work in the area in which you are interested. As a result, you will be filled with only positive emotions.

How to find inner freedom?

The photo shows a still from the movie “Up in the Air.” Ryan Bingham managed to free himself from everything unnecessary in life and become happy, albeit without his beloved.

Inner freedom is a state when, under any circumstances, we choose what is good and suitable for us.
And the mirror of our freedom is relationships with other people. How to free your soul from negativity that limits inner freedom and learn to be happy? Let's talk about this today with Angela Kharitonova, a practical psychologist. I am a serious person, I work, I have a wife and son. In a day I manage to redo so much, change my mind, worry so much that I come home squeezed like a lemon. And here I need to check my son’s lessons, watch the news, I’m worried about everything that’s going on in our country and in the world, prepare for the next working day - my thoughts don’t let me go for a minute. Nowadays, many people talk about inner freedom, joy from life, about hobbies, travel... How can you flutter carelessly and enjoy life in our time, when you literally live according to a schedule, and only allocate 6 hours for sleep? What kind of freedom are we talking about?!

Peter, 43 years old, Tula.

We probably cannot be 100% independent of circumstances, living in society, having a job and a family, but our internal freedom can approach this figure. The question is how much a person needs this freedom. Many people enjoy being dependent on someone, on various circumstances, because then you don’t have to take responsibility for your life, you can complain, suffer, suffer - and life will seem full. But in this case it is filled with negative emotions, stereotypes and dogmas, as if a person is carrying a huge backpack with bricks and is afraid to throw them away because he considers it necessary. What kind of ease and freedom can we talk about here? Inner freedom is when we discard the beliefs that we created 10-20 years ago and live according to the call of our hearts. When we consciously choose emotions and states, do not judge ourselves or others, do not divide people and events into good and bad, when we stop thinking only about ourselves. Many live in a constant desire to “be”, “appear”, “fit in”, which makes them terribly unfree.

Why do we need freedom?

Many people associate freedom with permissiveness. Freedom is not needed for this, but to live your own (not someone else’s!) life, experience inspiration and live creatively, joyfully, in order to be happy and share happiness with others. Imagine the world as a single organism, where each person is a cell that receives nutrition from this large organism and serves it. The world cannot be ideal, but the world, like man, is fairly and correctly structured. If we are free, we can live in unison with this “organism”, take the energy of inspiration from it and do the right things. And feel satisfaction and happiness from this.

How to get rid of negative states

We should not assume that our reaction to events is predetermined and that we have no choice. For example, they tell us something unpleasant - we feel offended or angry, if we lose something - we inevitably worry. And few people know that we can choose our emotions and states, we can give up resentment, anger, etc. These reactions are just a habit. But you can get rid of any habit and form a new one. First, first find for yourself a few life beliefs that will help you relate to people and events differently. Any life events are always necessary for something, always reasonable, we just don’t immediately understand their meaning. Therefore, we should not be disappointed if something did not happen the way we wanted: the plans of the Universe are always wiser than ours. Second, just make a choice in any situation how to react. Even if you have already begun to experience negativity, you have the opportunity to change everything at any second. And when you learn to control your emotions, you will have a special taste for life. You will automatically choose joy, happiness, harmony, gratitude, love and will no longer be able to choose negativity. You will be free from a huge heavy burden.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts

Negative thoughts immediately drag negative emotions with them. If you thought something bad, your emotions automatically turned on. To prevent this from happening, learn not to take all thoughts seriously. There are important thoughts, there are empty ones, about everything and nothing, and there are harmful ones. Harmful ones usually arise when we put some labels on ourselves, people and events, divide everything into black and white and become unfree in our behavior. Try to be different, expand your range of behavior. Learn not to judge people. No way! It's none of our business, really. Treat events the same way. Any good thing can lead to something bad, and vice versa. Accept life as it comes. Life speaks to us in the language of events, and each one is needed for something. Observe events, study them, learn from them, but don’t judge. By learning to accept everything as it is, you will become even freer.

How to get rid of limiting beliefs

Often limiting beliefs begin with the words “I (shouldn’t)”, “I never/I always”, “I can’t/can’t”, “right/wrong”. Watch your thoughts. Perhaps some of your beliefs are no longer relevant to you for a long time, but you still follow them. Write down your beliefs on paper and analyze them. Replace the word “should” with the word “want”; if that doesn’t work, then it’s time to change your belief! Ask yourself questions: “Is this really true?”, “Always?”, “Could it have been different?”, “When did I have this belief?”, “Is it relevant now?” Re-evaluate your beliefs. And the more beliefs you soften or completely abandon them, the better. This does not mean that you will become irresponsible, just that you will be able to act appropriately to the circumstances. Let me give you an example. A frequently ill child, for whom his parents were worried, hung the label “I have poor health” on himself. And now he is 40 years old, except for acute respiratory infections and flu, he has not suffered from anything, but he is still convinced of his poor health and panics at the slightest runny nose. Or - a guy in adolescence formed the belief “girls don’t like me.” “The guy” is already 35, he is a courageous, handsome man, he has a good job, but his personal life has still not worked out - low self-esteem and distrust of women played a role.

If you give up negative thoughts and emotions and limiting beliefs, you are free! And, believe me, they will definitely be replaced by joy, happiness, inspiration, and love of life.

Free your thoughts

An internally free person differs from an unfree person in his thinking. Such an individual is able to easily control his own thoughts and emotions. If you are a dependent person, but this state of affairs does not suit you at all, start thinking like a free person. To do this, you will definitely need to pay attention to improving your personality. Of course, this internal work requires significant moral effort, and the result will not be visible as quickly as we would like. However, you should not stop there, but move forward. Eventually you will be able to control your mind.

You use medications thoughtlessly

Are you sad? Take this pill and you will feel good. Are you tense? Don't worry, use this medicine and you will be free from worries. Can't sleep peacefully at night? Just take this medicine and you will sleep like a baby.

Medicine can be good if taken carefully and treat diseases, but when it comes to getting rid of the root cause of diseases, this is usually not achieved, especially when psychosomatic problems play a role.

Always remember that healthcare companies are profit machines that don't really care about your health. They - and many brainwashed doctors - want you to stay sick so you can continue to fill their pockets.

Overcoming internal barriers

According to experts, many people, to one degree or another, have various fears and complexes. The reason for their appearance is past failures. It is noteworthy that they can be both personal and failures that are passed on “inherited”. For example, if your parents did not succeed in something, most likely this insecurity will be passed on to you. Thus, you will already be programmed for failure. Of course, you can leave everything as is. However, this will only be your first barrier on the path to inner freedom and independence. Therefore, it is better to leave the negative experience behind and try to improve the situation.

You blindly follow religion

Another clear sign of slavery is when you blindly follow the beliefs and dogmas of a religious organization, without allowing even the slightest doubt, for fear of rebelling against, sinning and ending up in hell.

Most religions do have important spiritual lessons and teach us a lot, but following them blindly without giving them critical attention does nothing to improve the quality of your life - on the contrary, it overwhelms you and fills you with a psychological burden that can only make you you to suffer.

Think about it, why do you need religion? It is your desire to follow religion, or it was imposed on you by your parents from early childhood, and you take it for granted, as an unbreakable tradition. Think about how applicable the religious dogmas of ancient people are to the realities of modern life. Does religion really make you a better person, or does it make you suffer? Or maybe other people suffer because of it?

Be honest with yourself

Undoubtedly, it will not be superfluous to sometimes listen to the opinions of other people. However, this must be done consciously. Even though you will receive good advice from your parents and friends, do not forget that you have your own life, and therefore you have the right to manage it at your own discretion. This is where your freedom as an individual will manifest itself. Before you become free and begin to defend your personal opinion, you need to first develop it. Otherwise, your rebellious spirit will look ridiculous.

The true path.

Ask yourself why is this really so important to you? Realize what she will give you? What kind of freedom do you really need? Many people confuse material well-being with freedom. Very often, having the first, you remain a prisoner of someone or something. Learn to separate these things, think about your life, its values ​​and move on.

Know that your own path of freedom ends where another person’s path begins, remember this, but do not get personal and offended. Forewarned is forearmed. Having the will of choice in relationships, the absence of pressure from the opposite side, we gain psychological breadth. This can happen in any situation: with your boss, mother, friends. Be equal in everything, we are all individuals and deserve to be treated appropriately.

Be free socially. A person chooses his path based on his interests in life. You are independent, choose work and education based on your inner motivations.

You should live in pleasure. A person following the true path always has such an opportunity.

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