10 secrets on how to quickly learn to make funny jokes + video from Pavel Volya

Hello everyone, friends! Julia Kel is in touch. Do you want to learn the secrets of sparkling humor, like comedians from famous TV channels? So you've come to the right place. I'll show you how to learn to make funny jokes using 10 simple rules and exercises. To become the life of the party, you don’t need to be a born comedian, just hone your skill.

When you start building your jokes according to these recommendations, you will see the result - a positive reaction from the audience. And over time, your skill will become more advanced.


Developing a sense of humor

We have all heard the famous saying “laughter prolongs life.” Numerous studies have long confirmed its positive effect on the cardiovascular, digestive, immune systems, hormonal levels and the condition of the body as a whole. There is even the science of geotology, which studies the effect of laughter on human well-being and health.

It turns out that people with a good sense of humor not only help others endure troubles more easily and be more optimistic, but also make themselves and those around them healthier.

Think over the image.

A person’s appearance determines how others will treat him. If the eyebrows are frowned, the movements are constrained or feigned, then, despite the smile, it will become clear that the person does not know how to become funny, but really wants to seem like that.

In the image of a joker, everything is important - gait, clothes, manner of greeting, timbre of voice, facial expressions.

Our success depends on how we speak, gesture and look at our interlocutor. Making people laugh is an art in which every detail is important.

Is it possible to learn to joke?

The common assertion that a sense of humor is an innate trait and cannot be learned is incorrect. The main thing is the desire and readiness now, from today, to begin to perceive life in a different, brighter light.

A sense of humor is a very complex, multifaceted concept; it presupposes that both the comedian and his audience have imagination, associative thinking, ingenuity, logic and observation. Therefore, children do not develop an understanding of humor immediately, but as their thought processes become more complex.

To make a four-year-old child laugh, it is enough to say an obvious absurdity: “I cut the apple into three halves.” An adult, of course, will not laugh at this - his perception of what is funny is more complex. This proves that humor can be developed in the same way as memory or attention.

Read more: How to develop charisma: 7 tips

Become sociable.

Sociability is a trait without which it is difficult to be funny. Almost all heroes of box-office comedies have similar qualities: talkativeness, fussiness, optimism, cheerful disposition. There are many examples – from the donkey from the cartoon “Shrek” to the inimitable Jim Carrey in all his cinematic incarnations.

Communication skills are needed in order to sense the mood and feelings of others, how they perceive reality and the personality of the joker himself. In no case should he be divorced from reality, unless he deliberately chose such a style.

Patterns of humor

Meticulous scientists, studying a particular issue, certainly want to subject everything to measurements and find patterns. The same thing happened with a sense of humor. Researchers have been able to establish the mechanisms by which jokes are constructed. Let's look at the most common ones.


Implies a hidden meaning of a phrase, opposite to the explicit and obvious. For example, when they say “That was brilliant...” about a ridiculous action or decision.


A joke is made using a word that has two or more meanings. “We lit the stove all night, and by morning it sank.”

Substitution of expectation

The listener expects a logical development of the situation, but the story has a different, unexpected interpretation. For example: “We inform a person who has lost a gold watch in the cinema: half past six.”

Comparison of the incomparable

A vivid, unexpected comparison of concepts that are far from each other. “Life is like a piano: black, white, black, white, lid...”


When listing related concepts, add to them one from a completely different sphere. “In a relationship with a beloved man, romance, passion, and so that the husband does not find out anything are important.”

Humor and its targets

Whatever the laughter - cheerful, embarrassed, mocking or mysterious - it almost never turns out to be aimless. Agree that laughing alone is not interesting, and the point of a joke or witty remark is the ability to share them. This implies the social meaning of humor. It facilitates cooperation, helps express solidarity, establish contacts and defuse tensions, and can serve as reward or punishment.

A developed sense of humor is one of the most desirable qualities of a modern person. Our ability to respond to the funny and make jokes is tested at every step - when getting a job, joining a new team, communicating with friends and starting relationships with the opposite sex. Stock up on a couple of jokes for different contexts, and you can fill an awkward pause in an original way and make a favorable impression.

When and how to joke?

Humor should not only be funny, but also be appropriate to the situation. It is known that the best joke is the one that came at the right moment. With its help, you can defuse a tense situation or support a person who is ready to give up. Therefore, you need to correctly assess the situation, because it happens that humor is completely inappropriate, and sometimes downright offensive.

You cannot laugh at injury or illness, at disasters, at the misfortunes of others, you should not offend people’s religious feelings or ridicule a weak person who cannot find a worthy answer.

The wonderful properties of humor are that it makes people better and encourages them to unite, and offensive jokes are just slander that speaks of a person’s callousness and his inability to understand others.

Read more: Developing creativity

A person trying to develop a sense of humor must be prepared for the fact that he himself will become the object of someone’s jokes. An integral feature of all comedians is the ability to laugh at themselves. In addition, you need to be able to appreciate not only your own jokes, but also those of others - this is the only way to fully learn the art of making others laugh.

A funny person in communication - how to become one: tips

Witty joke
Here are some more tips from humor experts that will definitely come in handy for those who want to become an ironic and funny person in communication:

  • Self-censor

You must produce only high-quality humor. After all, there is nothing worse than hackneyed, bearded jokes. If you have a choice - to say some kind of heresy or show off a joke from 70 years ago, then sometimes it is better to refrain from it. Also think about whether the joke is funny and appropriate.

  • Learn to let go and control the audience

You need to joke freely, having complete control over the audience. You need to develop confidence and artistry. After all, unconvincing wit can work against you.

  • Make jokes sincerely, don’t be pretentious

Indeed, in this case, the joke will not only not be funny. She will become disgusting.

  • Operate with surprise

The most successful jokes seem to people to be those whose outcome they cannot predict.

  • Don't repeat yourself

Otherwise, you risk becoming a person who jokes only about dogs or only about politicians. Sooner or later everyone will get tired of such a joker. Moreover, people will avoid him.

  • Don't forget the absurd

In some cases, it is appropriate to play on the “deliriousness” of a joke. That is, the more illogical the statement, the more success it will receive. However, it is important to know the limit between a witty person and a clown.

  • Give yourself a dressing down

Imagine that you are at a stand-up show, where the task of one competitor is to make fun of the other. In this case, there is only you and the mirror. In an ironic way, tell him what you think about him. It is important to get rid of the state of resentment that haunts the ridiculed person. What is it for? Quite often people respond to a joke with a joke. And it will be stupid if you successfully offend someone, but you yourself will be upset and offended by the fact that they made a joke at you in response.

  • Learn to rhyme

This is very helpful in those cases when all the jokes and anecdotes from the Internet are forgotten, but you need to somehow defuse the situation. You can come up with a funny rhyme for almost any word. How funny will she be? It all depends on your experience and talent. As they say: “a refrigerator is an alarm clock in the night, a food eater, smile on your smile.”

  • Get your jokes right

Imagine that you are off to a great start. People are having fun and interesting. The audience eagerly awaits the climax and denouement. But closer to the middle, your fuse wears off. You bravely “reach out” to the end and end up not funny at all. Even boring. It turns out that “you also need to be able to finish” (and this is another attempt at a joke). That is, the action should last so that the person is intrigued and waits for the outcome, and does not get bored in the middle and lose the thread of the conversation. Your joke should come as a flash of insight—not as an uninvited guest.

  • Ask someone to coach you

Let this person say the words that come to his mind. And you try to immediately try to joke about these topics. For example: the interlocutor says “Oleg Gazmanov”. You: “Small spool, but expensive,” “Grown boy,” etc. You can try to joke about his jumping and captain. Essentially, these are the same associations. Only not your personal ones, but spontaneous ones. Second example: “Olga Buzova” - “Past the notes, but a big mouth.” In this case, there are even 2 techniques: associations and rhyming. It’s also an exaggeration – after all, although Olga, of course, is not an academic singer, she’s not as good at everything as the joke claims.

  • Live surrounded by jokes

Take inspiration from your life. You have probably noticed that many famous humorists begin monologues in the form of a story about themselves: “I once went to the store,” “Before, when I was still in school,” “During the times of my stormy youth,” “I got married as "A school friend." This is no accident. First, people find it easier to understand jokes in story form. Secondly, they feel that real life will be described. Therefore, they can find analogies with their own past.

People don't become witty in one day. It's long and hard work. That is why you should not set yourself the goal of becoming “the best joker in the world.” It's better to slowly but surely improve your sense of humor and watch your progress. Jokes more, don’t be afraid, train with your family and friends, so that later you can confidently show off your humor “on the big stage” and in front of strangers. Good luck!

Useful tips for developing a sharp mind and sense of humor

  1. Learn to start the day in a good mood and with a smile, then there will be a humorous side to any problem.
  2. Be interested in humorous programs and films, read the latest jokes, communicate with funny people.
  3. Be confident. Adequate self-esteem helps you joke about yourself and not be offended by witticisms addressed to you.
  4. Take part in creative events or personal trainings - they help overcome self-doubt, if you need to speak in front of an audience, they will reveal your inner creative potential.
  5. Choose a few individuals whose sense of humor you particularly admire. Watch their performances and analyze their jokes.
  6. Write down the jokes that you especially liked. Create your own joke journal and then use them to create new ones.

How to develop wit: tips

Witty joke
Wit is a very important quality in life. Therefore, you should be patient and develop the ability to be ironic, funny and self-ironic. Otherwise, there may be difficulties in communicating with people. How to do this? How to develop wit? Here are the tips:

  • Read more

Learn from famous satirists - try not only to “master” the works of Zoshchenko, Ilf and Petrov, Bernard Shaw and other authors. Also learn to extract “grains of wit” from works. Use everything you can get your hands on: books, the World Wide Web, TV shows. The main thing is to learn to understand when a joke is appropriate and when it is not. Moreover, different jokes are possible in different social circles.

  • Don't be afraid to hone your skills

Many people don't even try to be witty. Sometime in the past, they told one bad joke or made a joke at the wrong time. And those around them instilled in them the realization that “they don’t know how to joke.” But you shouldn't get hung up on this point. To become an interesting and witty person, it is not enough to know the theory - you need to be able to apply it. Make jokes where you can make jokes. Gauge human reactions. This way you will understand what is better to say and how to behave when doing so.

  • Learn to laugh at yourself

This is an important quality. All great comedians were able to make fun of their own shortcomings or the ridiculous situations they found themselves in. Self-irony will help not only to become interesting to others, but also to gain self-confidence.

  • Learn to react faster

A joke, like a pie, is good “in the heat of the moment.” Even a very strong joke may turn out to be “off topic” if it is said 2 minutes later than it should be. A witty person should be able to instantly adapt to the situation. Moreover, you should improvise on the fly, and not just memorize well-known, banal jokes. You should also learn to respond ironically to jokes and barbs addressed to you - of course, also witty and quick.

  • Live Positively

A person loaded with problems can hardly be considered a witty person. When you learn to see the funny in every aspect of life, you will become a much nicer person to people. After all, no one likes whiners.

  • Add something of your own

Many people think that they are already witty if they have learned to remember bearded jokes. No! In fact, you should come up with jokes yourself. At first, you can rely on sources, but then you yourself will feel that this is not enough and that the public prefers the author’s content rather than repeating phrases of Zadornov or Galkin, which everyone already remembers by heart.

  • Develop artistry

A joke is not a joke if it is presented sadly and uncertainly. You must have at least basic acting skills (not to be confused with acting) to present your unique one-liner in a winning and interesting way.

  • Don't try to copy someone

Nikulin, Vitsin and Morgunov were already in this world. Find your highlight. And even if you quote someone’s monologue, add your own unique touch to it. In other words, you must have your own charisma.

  • Don't get your hopes up

Many people think that after one successful joke the world will turn upside down: they will become the life of the party and the favorites of the fair sex. No! To be known as a witty person, you must always be “in shape.” Jokers don't have weekends or holidays. On the contrary, a holiday for them is a working day. Because the demand for jokes and witticisms is much higher. People simply demand them!

Have a few jokes in your head

  • Have a few jokes up your sleeve

Let's imagine the situation. You joked. This was your best joke, the one you had been thinking about all night before. But for some reason she “didn’t come in”. There was an awkward pause. You should definitely have a few extra jokes to “shut up” this silence. Who knows? What if they turn out to be successful?

  • Learn to “fight back”

If you have ventured into the field of irony and risk making humorous, cutting remarks to others, be prepared that people will answer you in kind. Think in advance about funny responses if someone starts mentioning your shortcomings in a humorous manner. Otherwise, you will lose in this satirical battle.

  • Stop being touchy

It’s stupid enough to joke at someone’s expense and to be offended by jokes directed at yourself. You must learn to accept humor normally. Of course, there are things that are simply unethical to joke about. But even if your opponent’s sharpness is unpleasant to you, do not show it. Make it a joke.

  • Stay up to date with trends and famous personalities

In other words, you must be “on the wave”, in step with the times. For example, now everyone jokes about Morgenstern. Therefore, jokes about Brezhnev in the company of young people 18-25 years old will not be of any use to you. But you should listen to Morgenstern: to understand what everyone is laughing at. This also applies to everything else. Jokes should not only be aimed at a specific audience - they should be topical.

  • Go to concerts of famous comedians more often

This will give you the opportunity to understand how to behave at the moment when you are making a joke. Gestures, facial expressions, intonation - all this matters.

  • Make fun of those who make fun of others

By doing this, you show that you are even wittier than the person who fancies himself “the joker of the year.”

  • Don't be afraid to joke

This is also very important. Even with humor gurus, not every joke is successful. You just have to get used to it and not make a tragedy out of the fact that your joke “missed” the audience.

Of course, not everyone succeeds in this the first time. It takes years to hone your skills. You also need to get rid of complexes and self-doubt. A witty person is not afraid to spout witticisms because he feels comfortable and relaxed in society.

For beginners it is recommended:

  • Memorize as many funny phrases and jokes as possible.
  • Learn associations - not all expressions of this kind are equally funny. But, for example, if you can immediately come up with something like: “I swim like an ax and dance like a pig on an energy drink ,” then this means that all is not lost and you can try to work on these abilities.
  • Don’t let negative emotions control you - in order to be witty and exude positivity, you should wean yourself from worrying, worrying, and getting upset in public.
  • Always be the first to laugh - it is believed that this effect is contagious. Even if the joke doesn't go well, sincere fun can smooth out the situation.

An important point: you need to learn to joke, but you should not sprinkle jokes every word. Firstly, moderation is important in everything. Secondly, not every life situation requires witticisms.

You must learn to independently determine when to joke and when to remain serious.

How to learn to joke - 10 exercises

People with a good sense of humor are able to look at things and situations from different angles. To do this you need to have a good imagination and associative thinking.

These exercises will help develop the necessary qualities

"Words starting with one letter"

Choose any letter of the alphabet and make a long common sentence using words starting with that letter. This exercise not only replenishes vocabulary, but also develops flexibility of thinking.


Develop the habit of quickly selecting at least five associations for any word. The more unexpected and interesting they are, the better.


Try to select several words for each word that will be completely far from it in meaning. This will develop associative thinking.

Read further: Where to start self-development?


Think about how many meanings the words you use in everyday speech have. Remember not only their usual use, but also slang or figurative meanings. Strive to ensure that your brain does this quickly and, subsequently, automatically.

"New words"

Choose a well-known word ending or prefix (“-ness”, “counter-“, “super-“) and come up with new words and terms with them. Give them a dictionary definition and make a few sentences with them.

"Unreal Definition"

Give a well-known word an unknown definition that does not correspond to the meaning. Don't limit your imagination. The definition can also be given by consonance or similarity of words.

“How to use the item?”

Choose a common item, such as a cardboard box. Think of at least twenty ways you can use it.

"Search for similarities"

Choose two objects or concepts that have very little in common. For example, “crow” and “table”. Find as many similarities between them as possible.


While watching a comedy program, try to classify the jokes made in it: is it irony, double meaning or comparison, or perhaps hyperbole?


Find ten photographs online or in a magazine. Imagine that you are a journalist and you need to come up with a caption for each of them. It’s good if the caption does not reflect the real picture of events and turns out funny.

Look for funny things everywhere.

To learn to joke, you need to look for the funny side in everything. You should definitely find something funny about any event or situation, especially one that happens to yourself. How to learn to joke in 7 days? Come up with an unusual challenge for yourself - don’t emit negativity for a week, don’t be indignant, experience only positive emotions, don’t feel sorry for yourself, and be constantly looking for a reason for a joke.

At first, not everything may work out, because it’s easy to joke when everything is good in life, but laughing in the face of difficulties is already a real skill.

Under what circumstances should you definitely not joke?

Much of the effect of a joke depends on the circumstances in which it was voiced. You should not use your sense of humor when tragedies or disasters occur nearby. An obvious desire to emphasize one's superiority or to cause offense through humor is a bad idea.

Attempts to make jokes on religious or political topics also have questionable success. They can only make the audience laugh if everyone present is clearly united by the same interests.

When trying to defuse the situation with a comic digression, always calmly and carefully assess the situation and the participants in the conversation. Be careful when making jokes in front of managers or older people. Don't forget about subordination.

Complement and develop someone else's joke.

In KVN, the “Warm-up” competition is structured in this way, where teams come up with a funny ending or beginning of a pre-prepared phrase.

The answer to the question “How to learn to joke” is stored in the jokes of friends or acquaintances. Let them think for us what is interesting to say, and we will come up with our own based on their phrase.

For example:

- He gives her the last shirt.

– What do you think she should do with an old sweaty size 52 shirt?

Take the self-esteem test

Exercises from the school of wit from scratch

Three methods for constructing jokes:

Method nameDescriptionConstruction examples
1"Word Replacement"Take a phrase and replace the word“Russia has two problems: fools and terrain”
2"Direct meaning"Think about it: how much nonsense we say that hurts the ears of foreigners. Just remember them in conversation, turning the essence of the words over To you: “You’re late again! And what is it called? You: “I give up. I don’t know, I haven’t heard this riddle before.” To you: “What are your plans for the future”? Lots of options: room for imagination! “I want to take over the world and enslave the Jews.” “I decided to grow my hair.” “I’ll take a shower and shave my armpits.”
3HyperbolaHyperbole is an artistic exaggeration. Lie from the heart, to the fullest “Seryoga got it so bad that the skeleton crumbled into his pants.” “I was so scared that even the hair on my legs turned gray.”


Without experience, it’s difficult to even cook dumplings. And if we talk about how to become funny, then you definitely won’t get away with just a few attempts at a joke.

Trying to appear in a new role requires training in a company and in front of a mirror, attempts to joke in different forms must be crowned with success and fail. Only trial and error can achieve good results.

Practical exercises for training:

  • Write a sarcastic commentary on current news.
  • Make up a story to make it look funny.
  • Come up with a joke “with the trinity”: once a wolf, a boar and a fox got together...
  • Make up a few jokes about yourself based on traits that are known to everyone. Make a loved one laugh by coming up with an interesting joke about him.

Refresh your vocabulary.

They pay more attention to jokes with special, unusual words. For example, the word “zenoyam”, which must be read backwards, sounds funnier than “mayonnaise”. You can say the usual phrase: “I’m going to bed,” but it sounds funnier: “I’m going to listen to the noise of submarines.”

American comedian Gilbert Gottfried joked on one of his comedy programs: “If a girl has a hairy back, there is no need to be upset. You can close your eyes and imagine that she is wearing an alpaca jacket.” In this joke, the word “alpaca” played a punchline role, showing the absurdity of the situation.

Specific sounds add comedy to the stories. For example, showman Eddie Driscoll, speaking on intimate topics, creates a sound that simulates the opening of a zipper on his fly.

Take a sense of humor test

To risk.

There is no formula that uniquely answers the question “How to become funny.” Some people can reach the peak of humor in a week, while others may need a month or more. The main thing is not to lose the opportunity to practice. And nothing will work out without risk. If there is the slightest chance to make a joke, you need to take risks.

The worst that can happen is that the joke turns out to be unsuccessful, but over time everyone will forget it. Even the most famous comedians admit that they never know which joke will work. Deep down, they are afraid of hearing dead silence in response to their miniatures. But they know that there is no risk in this matter.

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