100 tips for all occasions for luck, development, prospects: list


The next three recommendations affect love, family, friendships and business relationships. They are more strategic than the previous three rules, and to begin to apply them you may have to think and analyze where and in what situations they can be used by you. Or it’s possible that you are already guided by them:

  1. Take it or leave it. In a love relationship, it is useless to change someone's fundamental characteristics. Remember how difficult it is to change yourself or eradicate some of your weak traits, and even more so to change someone else. If the feedback is clearly not enough for your partner or friend to begin to change something in themselves, then it is better to accept this weakness. Or leave.
  2. Spend time with those who are a little better than you. Let these people be a little better than you, and no matter what exactly. They may be smarter, kinder, more diligent, more musical or athletic than you, or better at something else, but not by much. In any case, by interacting and communicating with them, you will learn something from them and rise to their level. At the same time, be careful with those who are much superior to you - next to them you may feel uncomfortable, and this is unlikely to help you improve.
  3. Appeal to inner motivation. The advice applies to both leaders and parents. If you are able to force another to change behavior, then more sustainable and reliable results are possible only due to the person’s internal interest in this. Nemko suggests comparing two approaches that appeal to different types of motivation.

First example: You can tell a subordinate: “I see that you have great potential, and I know that you would like to provide some value to people. I also know that you can become someone you can be proud of” instead of “If you do better, you can get a promotion.” Then you will influence the person's internal motivation, rather than relying on external incentives.

Second example: When talking to your child, you can try saying something like: “You are wonderful, and I know you want to behave well. Would you like to try to be home on time?” This approach will enable motivation mechanisms better than “If you come home late, you won’t go out for a week.”

(You can learn more about intrinsic motivation and self-motivation from the article “Motivation and Self-Motivation: A Guide to Development”).

We learned practical methods in the field of relationships with people. Now let's look at such a large and important layer of our life as work and career.

Useful psychology for stress resistance

Every person is subject to negative influences, so there is no one who is absolutely stress-resistant. Some people are so affected by their problems that it is difficult for them to continue their lives at their usual pace. However, once you start, the result will not be long in coming, and psychological tips will help with this:

  1. It's best to always listen to your body. Observing his behavior in stressful situations will help in the future to avoid disruptions in normal functioning.
  2. Vitamin D will help you deal with difficult life moments more easily.
  3. Forgiveness is the key to peace. You should not hold a grudge, even if it is very strong.
  4. Sport is an excellent cure for stress. Physical activity is a distraction and provides overall benefits to the body.
  5. It is recommended to replace spending time with gadgets with spending time listening to calm music or meditation. This will help you come to harmony with yourself.

The above psychological tips for every day will help you withstand the hardest blows of life with dignity.

How to learn to enjoy life: advice from a psychologist

Not everyone is able to enjoy what is happening around them, because this is often prevented by poor condition, a feeling of fatigue, depression or resentment. Often in such states, the world around us becomes boring, uninteresting and gray. To prevent this from happening, you need to take into account a number of psychological tips:

  • smile more often;
  • play sports;
  • update yourself (haircut, coloring, shopping);
  • dream;
  • look for the positive in small things, travel;
  • bring goodness to those around you.

These easy-to-follow tips from psychologists will help you move from a negative point and bring joy and positivity into your life. If nothing helps, don’t hesitate and contact a specialist, for example, psychologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

Enjoy life - advice from a psychologist

The following advice from psychologists can help cope with this condition:

  • start smiling more often;
  • go in for sports;
  • update your image periodically;
  • fantasize and dream more often;
  • try to find positivity even in small things;
  • start traveling;
  • bring goodness to the world around you.

How to become more sociable

To cope with this problem and behave more relaxed, most psychologists advise:

  • To avoid constant hitches in your speech, you should not analyze each phrase for a long time. Even if your statement is not perfect, you will still be understood;
  • do not take the critical remarks of your interlocutors to heart, this is just a conversation;
  • find pleasant and positive aspects in every conversation;
  • Be the first to start a conversation more often;
  • make more new acquaintances.

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