How to manage people - developing a skill for all occasions

Everyone strives to achieve goals, which can be completely different and depend on many factors that determine a person’s life and his personality. In the same way, the methods of their implementation may differ. One person can achieve them only on his own, guided by principles that are ethical in relation to others, with an understanding of which methods of achieving results are appropriate and which ones cross the boundaries of what is acceptable. Another can exert a psychological influence on people and use them for personal gain.

This is called manipulation. It does not always carry a negative connotation, but it is necessary to know what it is, how it is carried out, and what manipulation techniques there are. Firstly, this will help you protect yourself from the psychological influence of others, and secondly, you yourself will learn to use manipulation, because, one way or another, there are situations when it is quite acceptable, which you can learn about in our program “Profiling: Understanding human psychology."

What is “manipulation” and where is it taught?

Let's first figure out what it means to manipulate people. In psychology, manipulation is understood as the process of socio-psychological influence on a person in order to influence his behavior or change his worldview.

This influence is usually hidden. A person, as a rule, does not understand that he performs some actions not of his own free will, but at the will of the manipulator. For example, we are daily influenced by social standards, advertising, political propaganda and agitation, and criticism. Under their influence, most people make appropriate decisions and behave in the way that manipulators need.

The victim of manipulation does not suspect that she is being influenced. She commits actions against her own will and desire. The goal of the manipulator is always to obtain the desired result.

However, these goals are not always bad or selfish. For example, using hypnosis, psychologists help people cope with difficult psychological conditions. Parents influence the child for educational purposes, the teacher applies manipulations to the students so that they learn their lessons.

The art of managing people will help you not only achieve your goals, but also avoid conflicts, recognize the tricks of manipulators and protect yourself from them. Where can you learn this skill? There are 2 ways:

  • trainings;
  • books.

On the Internet you can find a huge number of trainings that promise to teach you the art of managing people and how to protect yourself from manipulation. Such trainings, of course, are not free. But they will give you unique knowledge and techniques that other trainers do not have. And hurry up! After all, there is only one place left (either registration closes in 2 days, or the 40% discount is valid until tomorrow)!

Most often, this kind of manipulation is used in advertising training that is designed to teach you how to protect yourself from manipulation. How this works is that the user is told the unique value of the knowledge that he will receive in the course, and then he is limited in time to think and make a decision. You're already interested and, of course, you don't want to miss out on the last spot or day or discount.

As a result, you make a purchase. The manipulator achieved his goal. But whether you will get the cherished and promised result is not a fact!

Information on managing people is also contained in special books. Some books can be read for free online. Others will have to be looked for on the shelves in a store or library. Here are examples of such books:

  • Sigmund Freud “Analysis of the Human Self and Psychology of the Masses”;
  • V. V. Shlakhter, S. Yu. Kholnov “The Art of Dominance”;
  • V. P. “The art of managing people”;
  • Henrik Fexeus “How to read and control other people’s thoughts”;
  • R.V. Levin “Mechanisms of manipulation. Protection from foreign influence.”

Is only theoretical knowledge enough to successfully apply it in practice and psychologically influence others? Or does the manipulator still have to possess a certain set of qualities?

Business qualities

When studying how to properly manage a team, special attention should be paid to the business characteristics of a person’s character. Some of them are able to compensate for even rather modest work experience or lack of specialized education. Important personal qualities of a leader, first of all, are the ability to organize the work of subordinates and quickly solve emerging difficulties.

At the same time, the effectiveness of management decisions depends on a systematic approach to work. Every successful leader must perceive the organization as a collection of interconnected elements. Each component (people, technology, tasks, organizational structure) is aimed at achieving different goals. Therefore, the key skills of a manager include the ability to organize work in such a way that all elements work harmoniously.

In addition, you need to remember the need to develop the following qualities:

  • the desire to maintain a leadership position in all situations;
  • ambition and ability to defend one’s opinion;
  • Also, the effectiveness of management decisions largely depends on the ability to win over and convince interlocutors;
  • enterprise;
  • flexibility in solving work problems;
  • strict self-control and restraint;
  • the personality of the manager requires the ability to correctly distribute work processes between subordinates;
  • lack of fear of innovation.

Characteristics of the manipulator

Among public figures, manipulators to one degree or another include politicians, public figures, famous bloggers, and pop stars. Each of them pursues their own goals (to achieve victory in the elections, to gather a full house, etc.).

Many achieve success by influencing others. All manipulators have the following qualities.

  1. Knows how to convince . The manipulator is firmly confident in his position and can easily convince other people. Or, knowingly deceiving the “victim,” he will use all his acting skills and again convince her that he is right. If you want to become a leader, develop the gift of persuasion.
  2. Charismatic . This is the ability to create a positive atmosphere around yourself, win people over, conduct a conversation correctly and ultimately get what you want. It's great if you are a naturally charismatic person. If not, don't be upset. We have already prepared an article for you on how to develop charisma.
  3. Eloquent . Most famous speakers are manipulators. Watch their performances and pay attention to how they address the audience, how they behave on stage, and how the performance itself is structured. One way or another, every speaker strives to “sell himself,” his product or service, using various psychological techniques.
  4. Well versed in human psychology . The manipulator, first of all, evaluates the potential victim from the psychological side. He studies her strengths and weaknesses and assesses her emotional state. Having found a weak spot, he will hit it exactly there to achieve the desired result. At the same time, the manipulator will not risk getting involved with a strong, self-sufficient, harmonious and psychologically stable person.

As you can see, before you start studying methods of managing people, you must first study yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, work on charisma, eloquence and improve your knowledge in the field of human psychology.

Image creation

When forming the personality of a leader, many aspects need to be taken into account. One of them is the image of a business person. Its main components include:

  1. Health, the preservation of which many businessmen forget, but a sick person evokes only compassion or pity from those around him.
  2. Appearance, as well as the ability to select high-quality and stylish clothes.
  3. When considering what every leader should be like, one cannot fail to mention good manners. Neither teamwork nor negotiations can be done without them.
  4. Ability to present information clearly and professionally.
  5. The internal world also influences the effectiveness of management decisions. To achieve success, clear civic and moral positions are important, as well as the right attitude towards one’s place in the world.

Image is a combination of appearance, actions and manners. By emphasizing a respectful, correct attitude towards your interlocutor, you form a stable positive attitude towards yourself.

The personality of a leader is expressed in the ability to treat subordinates, neighbors, or even saleswomen as if they were his best business partners. At the same time, it is very important to permanently remove slang words and common expressions from your speech. If accidentally thrown out during a business conversation, such phrases can seriously damage a manager’s reputation and devalue other personal qualities.

Methods of psychological influence

There are a large number of methods of influencing human consciousness. They can all be combined into 3 groups.

  1. Suggestion.
  2. Influence on emotions and points of influence.
  3. Techniques of intellectual influence.


Hypnosis is the most effective method that has a direct effect on the human psyche. The specialist introduces a person into a narrowed state of consciousness, when it is possible to easily control his behavior and instill some thought or attitude.

This method helps to cope with human psycho-emotional disorders. Only professionals with extensive experience should use this technique solely to help a person, instill in him the correct attitudes and bring him out of hypnosis without harm to the psyche.

Another interesting method of influencing consciousness is neurolinguistic programming (NLP). It allows you to manipulate people using words, gestures and facial expressions. NLP is based on knowledge from the field of psychotherapy, linguistics, and programming.

Despite the fact that the scientific community criticizes this method of influence, such techniques are successfully used and allow one to achieve the desired result. In particular, make a sale, successfully negotiate, obtain secret information from an intractable person, get a promotion at work, win over other people, etc.

Impact on emotions and points of influence

The psychology of managing people in general is based on managing a person’s emotions and physiological needs. In this case, it is enough to simply evoke a certain emotion in a person, which will push him to take the action you want. I will describe the basic emotions that are usually influenced by a manipulator.

  1. Fear . Many manipulators use this convenient emotion. They simply intimidate people. They convince him that he will either be punished or lose something dear if he does not do what is required of him. For example, many parents often threaten their child by putting him in a corner or taking away his favorite toy if he does not obey them. Or another example - the manager intimidates employees by saying that he will not give them a bonus if they do not fulfill the plan. This is a rather primitive method of influence, as a result of which the victim will hate the manipulator.
  2. Greed . In this case, no special talent of influence is needed. The manipulator simply convinces the victim that she will receive something very desirable, something she has long dreamed of, if she performs a certain act. Many managers use this at work. In particular, they promise employees a double bonus for exceeding the sales plan.
  3. Vanity . Self-confident and vain people are practically helpless in the face of flattery, praise, and the approval of others. Simply praising them is enough, and they are ready to make a rash purchase or an illogical act.
  4. Envy . Many people are affected by this vice. Activating this emotion is quite easy. The manipulator several times points out to the victim something good that the other person has, but the victim herself does not. And now she compares herself with that other person and begins to think in the direction the manipulator needs.

In addition to these basic emotions, each of us has certain points of influence.

  1. Needs . We all strive to satisfy our basic needs in physiology, safety, and we also have ambitions, which are expressed in the desire for career growth and monetary income. Marketers skillfully use this when creating advertising. It is their tricks and correct presentation of information that encourages most people to buy advertised goods and services.
  2. Weaknesses . It is rare to meet a person without flaws, addictions and shortcomings. Therefore, manipulators love to play on human weaknesses. For example, excitement, excessive curiosity, self-doubt, superstition and others.
  3. Guilt . A person who cannot get rid of feelings of guilt is the favorite victim of many manipulators. Feeling guilty, the victim agrees to everything that the “puppeteer” offers her. For example, some older people blame their adult children for completely forgetting about them. Although children call every day to inquire about the health of their parents, and always visit them on weekends. Unjustified feelings of guilt can prompt the victim (in this case, children) to move in with their parents. But, as a rule, this does not make it any easier for the manipulator. He begins to look for other reasons to blame the victim.

Manipulation - good or bad

From an ethical point of view, manipulation is a violent tactic that aims to subjugate and control. By definition, it involves foul play, lies, ulterior motives, and the pursuit of one person's desires at the expense of another. One remains a winner, while the other feels cheated.

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The dark side of manipulation is its characteristic for many people with mental disorders, who are constantly looking for new victims for their influence. Canadian professor Robert Hair, who specializes in the psychology of criminals, calls such manipulators psychopaths.

But despite all this, manipulating a person is not always negative and causes harm. For example, one pulmonologist began sending his smoker patients with many years of experience to the oncology center. As he explained to them, this was required for additional examinations. Seeing how patients at this center were dying from lung cancer, many patients voluntarily decided to quit smoking. This is what the pulmonologist was actually aiming for.

Was this manipulation through pressure? Without a doubt. But if the doctor simply used persuasion, the results are unlikely to be successful.

Psychology admits that manipulation can be neutral and harmless, but only if certain conditions are met:

  1. If it is not forced and does not harm the interests of the person to whom it is directed.
  2. Respects a person's right to accept or reject influence.

As in the case of smoking patients, the doctor did not force them to give up their bad habit, but gave them the right to choose.

Thus, psychological manipulation can be compared to a kitchen knife. You can use it to cut cheese, or you can harm a person or injure yourself. It all depends on the purpose of use.

Techniques of psychological influence

I have selected several techniques and techniques for managing people that are quite easy to master. Many manipulators use them unconsciously. So, by studying these techniques, you will not only learn how to influence others, but you will also be able to protect yourself from provocations and manipulation by other people.

Limiting selection

Do you want to force a person to make a choice in your favor? Then offer him a limited number of options (for example, 2 or 3), each of which will be beneficial to you. Man by nature is designed in such a way that he does not like to complicate his life. Therefore, he will not come up with anything himself, but will choose one of the proposed options.

Showing gratitude

To motivate someone to do you a favor or share valuable information, you need strong motivation.

A gift or a compliment perfectly fulfills her role. Many of us have been familiar with this control technique since childhood, when we heard from our parents: “Come on, you put away the toys, and I’ll give you candy.” And since in my childhood sweets were rare and were given out only on holidays, I rushed to put things in order at the speed of a cheetah, just to receive the promised sweet gift. For adults, such “candy” is bonuses, getting the desired position, etc.

Demanding more

To use this technique, first ask the person for much more than you actually need. Or, for example, ask him to do something very unusual, which he will definitely enjoy.

After a little time, contact him again with a request. But this time, ask for what you really need. This time the “victim” will agree, because the person will be embarrassed to refuse you 2 times in a row, and your second request will seem much easier to him than the first.

State of stress or absent-mindedness

Managing a person who is under stress is very easy. In such an unstable emotional state (depression, fear, depression, despondency, prostration), it is easy to suggest anything to a person. It doesn't matter to him what to believe, he needs hope. Unfortunately, many scammers take advantage of this. In particular, gypsies love to manipulate people who are not in the best frame of mind.

If you want to get a positive response from a person, but you understand that in a calm environment he is unlikely to agree with you, then create special conditions. In noisy places, in crowded places, or when a person is in a hurry, he makes decisions very quickly, without having time to weigh them and think carefully about them. In such conditions, you are more likely to achieve your goal.


Do you want to please another person? Then carefully copy his gestures, facial expressions, and manner of speech. Psychologists have proven that this technique works on a subconscious level and is effective in most cases. People are subconsciously drawn to those who are similar to them.

To continue learning techniques for managing people, I recommend that you watch the following video.

How are self-control and influence on others related?

Manipulation requires strong willpower and the ability to control your emotions. When directing another person, a leader must be in control of the situation. Otherwise, the object will seize the initiative and you will not be able to influence it.

When self-control has been mastered at a sufficient level, you need to start working on your reputation. It is important to evoke the right impression, trust, and establish an emotional connection.

At first, you need to take the position of an observer: learn to evaluate people from afar, try to guess what they are thinking about. In dialogue, take the position of an active listener: do not impose an opinion, agree with the interlocutor. And only when it opens can you move on to suggestion.

An experienced manipulator can assess at first glance how he should behave with an object. It will take years of continuous training to develop this level of skill. To understand how to manage yourself and people, build relationships, influence the situation from the outside and from the inside, you need to study at least the basics of human psychology.

Be strict but fair

A serious leader can joke appropriately and remain friendly. A sense of humor makes him approachable and allows his subordinates to see him not only as a boss, but as a person.

Allow yourself to rest and relax, read motivational books and watch funny shows to keep conversations going beyond business and find ways to defuse the situation.

Organize a monthly informal team dinner to maintain friendly relations with employees and energize them to complete assigned tasks. Publicly praise those who deserve it.

Every manager has a personal list of team management secrets. This is determined by who exactly you work with, what experience and tasks you have. Use the proposed principles and build your team management style on their basis.

Original article:


How do you combat staff turnover in your warehouse?

Warehouse personnel turnover is one of the pressing problems of the logistics business. The turnover rate is especially high when there are several warehouse complexes owned by different companies in the same area. In this case, people try to find a place where the salary is higher, and often run in circles.

To combat turnover, you need to maintain comfortable working conditions . Now we are talking not just about the Labor Code, but about truly comfortable working conditions.

We work with class A warehouses and warehouses certified according to LEED (Noginsk) and BREEAM (Domodedovo) standards. These are environmental building standards indicating a high level of energy and environmental efficiency of buildings.

Our company provides employees with additional conditions: delivery to work and back to the metro or railway station, since warehouses are located outside of Moscow, in the Moscow region. Employees receive financial assistance for the birth of children, New Year gifts, food subsidies, and insurance.

An important point for effective management is the adaptation of newcomers and mentoring . The company has a whole mentoring program. Each new employee is assigned a mentor who will support him throughout the probationary period. This allows the newcomer to smoothly integrate into the team. A new employee knows who to contact with any question.

How to improve work comfort?

The lean manufacturing tools used in our company also improve work comfort. For example, arranging a workplace in accordance with 5S rules.

5S is a system for organizing and rationalizing the workplace (workspace), one of the tools of lean manufacturing. Developed in post-war Japan. There are five steps:

  • sorting (necessary-unnecessary) - a clear division of things into necessary and unnecessary and getting rid of the latter;
  • maintaining order (neatness) - orderly and precise arrangement and storage of necessary things, which allows you to quickly find them and use them;
  • keeping clean (cleaning) - keeping the workplace clean and tidy;
  • standardization (establishment of norms and rules) is a necessary condition for fulfilling the first three rules;
  • improvement (literal translation - education) - nurturing the habit of accurately following established rules, procedures and technological operations.

The goals of 5S are to reduce the number of accidents, improve product quality and reduce the number of defects, create a comfortable psychological climate and stimulate the desire to work, increase labor productivity by reducing time for searching for objects within the workspace.

If the workplace is orderly and standardized, it is easier for a newcomer to understand the processes.

Learn to say no

A leader must not only motivate and inspire, but also be able to refuse. This is important when dealing with manipulators who may be found among employees and partners.

Learn to say the word “no”. A categorical refusal that you are sure of should never be accompanied by explanations or, especially, justifications. Don't feel guilty about it. People feel the inner mood, and if you hesitate, you may be forced to comment and even persuaded.

Organize your workflow wisely

An experienced leader always has a clear plan of what needs to be done. During planning it is important:

  1. Set long and short term goals.
  2. Outline intermediate results and ways to evaluate them.
  3. Communicate expectations to subordinates.
  4. Get feedback from the people you manage.

Remember the rules for setting goals. The goals should be:

  • specific and measurable;
  • achievable and realistic;
  • timely, ethical and meaningful.

At the same time, do not forget that nothing is impossible. The main factors are time and resources.


How to unite the management team?

What kind of team is it if it needs to be united? What makes us a team are common goals and objectives, or rather, joint work to achieve these goals and objectives.

When colleagues in our company stopped relying only on my knowledge and experience, I realized that we had reached a certain level of maturity and our team had become a real team.

I am sure that by this time the employees already felt my trust in them and my willingness to accept constructive criticism.

I have never been a supporter of corporate games, especially in relation to the management team.

What should a manager know about his subordinates?

A leader must know what his subordinates really think about him. To achieve this, very open and trusting relationships must be built between employees and management. I believe the first step is to reduce unnecessary stress on sales managers and then hold them to the plan.

How to instill team spirit among specialists?

You can call a shaman or business coach, who will charge you a good amount of money for joint gaming and ritual practices. Or you can set the tone for your “orchestra” with your own gestures, behavior and support.

The team will follow you if they feel supported by you, and copy your behavior model in communicating with their subordinates. Do you want team spirit in your team? Then show empathy and trust to the team.

And what motivation is better to use?

The team is diversity! A variety of personalities, and each has its own motivators, ambitions and experiences. Moreover, personality is a dynamic concept, and your employee’s motivators may change over time.

Balance and moderation are needed in everything, and in motivating a team, one should find a middle ground between external and internal motivation.

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