How do you figure out what you want to do? Test how to find your recognition?

The modern world provides a person with a huge number of opportunities to find his calling and make his deepest dreams come true. Another thing is how not to get confused and determine the right direction of activity from which you can receive both moral and material rewards?!

As one of the wisest said: “Find something you love, and you will never work a day in your life.” This mysterious phrase haunts many who have at least once wondered: “How to determine what I want from life?” The answer to this question may lie in plain sight. But a person goes so far into philosophical reflection and self-searching that he loses all the threads that lead to his own skills and desires.

How do you figure out who you want to become?

Today it is quite difficult for a person to determine what he really wants and to hear his inner voice. This is due to the influence of external factors, which are often intrusive in nature. Advertising, the media, public opinion - everyone is trying to convince that to be happy you need to buy the latest model of gadget, or become the owner of a luxury car, and then life will improve. And a person begins a race for material wealth, sometimes sacrificing the most valuable resource in his life - time. Where can I hear myself?!

But at one fine moment the cup of dissatisfaction overflows - a person comes to the conclusion that everything he does does not fill him. And the resulting emptiness cannot be satisfied with employment and material wealth. And all because when choosing a place of work, a person was guided not by his preferences and desires, but by social stereotypes and benefits. And no matter how much a person participates in the race called “money,” sooner or later he still comes to the need to find his place in life.

Thanks to the principles of psychology, which helps you understand what you want, there are a huge number of techniques that help you clearly hear your inner voice.

For example, the “Film” technique, which consists of the following:

  1. Sit back, close your eyes and imagine that you are in a cinema.
  2. Your imagination should clearly imagine a film about the most striking moments of your past life. Watch every frame carefully.
  3. Then imagine that you change the channel and watch another film where the events of your future life take place. Think about who you are, what do you do, what brings you pleasure?
  4. After you compare these two films, think about what you need to change to get what you want - gain the necessary knowledge, get rid of fears, become more decisive.

This test very clearly shows what areas of life you should pay attention to, what moments you are not happy with in life and require changes. Therefore, without delaying, it is worth taking the first step towards your dream, which you imagined when watching a film about the future.

Imagine yourself with a lot of money

Most often, people complain that they can't achieve anything because they don't have money. Now imagine that you have a lot of them, and you don’t need to limit yourself to anything. What would you do? Would you go traveling, invest in stocks, or open your own health food store?

Now go back to reality and see what is stopping you from doing all this in real life:

  • If you want to travel, consider working for a travel agency;
  • If you want to open a healthy food store, you can start working online - this will save money and time. And, if the business goes well, then transfer it to a regular format.
  • You can invest in securities even if you have a small amount. The main thing is to figure out how to do it and really do it.

How do you know who you want to work with?

There is no definite answer to this question, since receiving an education in a certain profile does not guarantee that you have found exactly what you were looking for. In order to understand whether this is your calling, you need to go through more than one path of trial and error. Often, school graduates enter higher education institutions not in order to develop existing abilities, but in order to realize the ambitions of their parents. Justifying their expectations with care, they look for a well-paid job, and in every possible way try to impose their opinion that this is what their offspring need. And at this moment a conflict of interest occurs. A mature child, after some time, notices that this is not what he dreamed of. He searches for himself, changing jobs one after another, and does not find what he enjoys. Maybe it's all about the approval and criticism that he has been accustomed to listening to all his life?!

If the influence of the parents was strong enough to limit the making of any decisions, the son or daughter will have to work hard on themselves in order to develop confidence and responsibility for their life. As trivial as it sounds, you need to make decisions about work on your own, not based on the opinions of loved ones, friends, or society. Having tried yourself in one place, you can safely look for another if you feel discomfort in performing your duties. If every morning you can hardly force yourself to leave the house, and your thoughts constantly repeat “because you have to,” you shouldn’t turn yourself into a martyr. There is a high probability that this will soon affect your psychological health and quality of life.

Don't be afraid to look for yourself! There is nothing wrong with saying “no” to a highly paid but uninteresting job and going traveling or starting to draw. Maybe over time this hobby will grow into something more, and will begin to generate income in the form of opening an art store or a travel blog! Who knows?!

Well, for those who are looking for a stable and interesting job, taking into account their desires and abilities, it is worth considering several important points and asking yourself the following questions:

  • What would I like to do?
  • What can I do?
  • Who needs the result of my work, and is it needed at all?

After conducting a written analysis, the situation will become a little clearer. At the very least, you will be able to determine for yourself the vector of the direction in which you need to move.

Remember your achievements

Look at your life in perspective; there must have been moments in it that you are proud of. It doesn’t matter how significant the event that occurred thanks to your efforts was. Brightness and significance are measured in comparison with other people, and comparing yourself with someone is not a good service for your well-being.

To make it easier for you to navigate, here is a list of possible achievements:

  • You graduated from school with a medal;
  • Made a report at a conference;
  • I worked with the child, as a result, thanks to his knowledge, he was able to enter a prestigious gymnasium or pass exams well;
  • Your dog won the competition;
  • You created a group on a social network that has gained several thousand followers.

The list can be huge. The main thing is that any achievement can show what you are good at. You may be educated as a programmer or accountant, but if you are good at teaching children, you might want to look into the field of education.

Test: how to understand who you want to work with

There are many ways to determine career guidance for those who find it difficult to decide on a profession. This question is especially relevant for graduates of educational institutions who are about to embark on an independent life journey. By answering a number of questions, you can, to some extent, coordinate your actions and learn interesting facts about yourself, which can certainly help in choosing the required specialty.

So, let's start the test. Next to each answer there is a number that must be written down separately on a sheet of paper. Then you need to sum all the numbers and find your result at the end of the test.

  1. Controlling the people around you is an incredibly boring task:
  • yes - 0
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 2
  1. I am closer to working with finance than working in the arts:
  • yes - 2
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 0
  1. I usually don’t calculate the time it takes to get to my destination:
  • yes - 0
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 2
  1. Prone to risky ventures:
  • yes - 0
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 2
  1. I don't like clutter in the room:
  • yes - 2
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 0
  1. I like to spend my free time reading books:
  • yes - 2
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 0
  1. I prefer disorganization and lack of order in notes:
  • yes - 0
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 2
  1. I tend to save money:
  • yes - 2
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 0
  1. My workplace is more often a creative mess than perfect cleanliness:
  • yes - 0
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 2
  1. I like to carry out clearly defined tasks:
  • yes - 2
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 0

  1. My things are neatly arranged in drawers and boxes:
  • yes - 2
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 0
  1. Thoughts about cleaning make me sad and irritated:
  • yes - 0
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 2
  1. I like to work on the computer, processing information:
  • yes - 2
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 0
  1. I carefully think through every step before making decisions:
  • yes - 2
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 0
  1. I like to work with information using graphics and tables:
  • yes - 2
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 0
  1. I prefer games in which you need to calculate every step and not make risky moves:
  • yes - 2
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 0
  1. When learning a foreign language, I focus on studying grammar, and only then improve my speaking:
  • yes - 2
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 0
  1. I try to carefully study the problem that has arisen through reading and consultations with professionals:
  • yes - 2
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 0
  1. When writing text it matters to me:
  • sequence -2
  • don't know - 1
  • artistry - 0
  1. To organize my thoughts and responsibilities, I keep a diary:
  • yes - 2
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 0

  1. Always up to date with political news and the economic situation in the country:
  • yes - 2
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 0
  1. In my work it is important for me:
  • new, bright sensations – 0
  • don't know - 1
  • feeling of satisfaction and peace - 2
  1. It’s common for me to put things off until later and do everything at the last moment:
  • yes - 0
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 2
  1. I immediately return the book I read to its place:
  • yes - 2
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 0
  1. Every evening I plan things for the next day:
  • yes - 2
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 0
  1. 26. Before making any decision, I weigh the pros and cons:
  • yes - 2
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 0
  1. When dealing with responsible and extensive work, I tend to plan every step:
  • yes - 2
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 0
  1. After guests arrive, I put off cleaning and washing dishes until tomorrow:
  • yes - 0
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 2
  1. I have a careful attitude towards health and lifestyle:
  • yes - 2
  • don't know - 1
  • no - 0
  1. At the slightest failure, I proceed as follows:
  • thinking about it and looking for a solution - 2
  • don't know - 1
  • I get nervous and lose control – 0.

Now we count the points indicated next to each answer and find the result.

49-60 points

Your motto is excellence in everything. You are characterized by attentiveness and hard work, which are in great demand in such areas as accounting, programming, economics and other areas where a balanced and diligent approach to business is required. People who score the highest level of points know how to organize work and can become excellent leaders.

37–48 points
You are a collected and punctual person who values ​​accuracy in everything. Such people are successful in law, statistics, and the computer field. Work with settlement documents is suitable for you - financier, economist, as well as text editing - journalist, proofreader, editor.

26-36 points

You are a great original, everything new is not alien to you. Logical thinking is developed. Keep a close eye on what's new in the business world. Big business is no stranger to you.

13-25 points

This category of people is distinguished by extraordinary thinking, impulsiveness and creative abilities. Working with documents will probably make you bored, and you will hardly be able to sit in one place. If you fall into this category, you should think about the field of design, journalism, and marketing.

0-12 points
The uniqueness of this group of people lies in their unusual approach to solving problems - they perform actions guided only by their own desires. They do not like obligations and time frames, which often limit their creative endeavors. Provided they develop consistency and perseverance, they can find themselves in such areas as photography, painting, acting and design.

Formulate your goals

Aimless pastime, chaotic activities destroy life, contribute to the loss of the inner core, desires, and sense of life. Therefore, the next task is to parse life into important parts (work, family, health) and formulate a goal for each of them.

Goals should not contradict each other. Rather, they should one day merge, complement each other, and contribute to the formation of a harmonious personality. It’s hard to imagine that you will be able to build a career as a manager of a large production, be a mother of 10 children and regularly lead a healthy lifestyle. In some of these areas the goal will be unattainable.

Another feature of the process of setting goals is regular checks of their implementation and adjustments.

How to unlock a person's inner potential

Determining individual abilities or potential is a great help for a person’s favorite activity. When working on yourself, it is very important to eliminate various obstacles in the form of fear of error or self-doubt, which were imposed by loved ones in distant childhood. But it's never too late to change your worldview, find yourself and share your talents with the world.

There are several methods for this:

  1. Meditation is an effective way to concentrate your energy and focus on your own feelings and desires. Thanks to this art, a person can develop his creative abilities, which will later turn into a favorite pastime. Being in a relaxed state, a person lets go of his thoughts, thereby learning to manage his own mental processes and concentrate on his abilities. In addition, meditators are less susceptible to fears, which often prevent them from identifying personal needs rather than those imposed by society.
  2. Keeping a diary will help you determine the maximum number of abilities and skills that you possess. In addition, this activity will help organize your thoughts and reduce anxiety, which can be a stumbling block on the path of your development. It is advisable to start work early in the morning (about 5-6 am), since it is at this time that our consciousness is open to an open dialogue with the subconscious, and can produce incredible things in the form of valuable thoughts and considerations. Write whatever you want - words of gratitude, motivating phrases, reflections, ideas, in general, about everything that comes to mind. Over time, your brain will gain extraordinary clarity and you will be able to hear yourself and your own thoughts more clearly.
  3. Reading useful literature helps not only broaden your horizons, but also find answers to questions that concern you and help you decide on the right direction in life. In addition, reading books helps to relax the psyche and reduce stress, which negatively affects a person’s abilities. Spiritual and motivational literature helps answer the question “How to separate the wheat from the chaff in order to understand yourself?” By regularly reading good books, a person receives more than just information; he begins to understand himself more deeply, thereby making changes in his living space.

Remember the people you admire

Probably, all people have a person who inspires respect and admiration. It’s not that they want to be like him, but they are looking for those qualities that make him successful and worthy of honor.

So, the next task is to remember about whom you at least once said that he could be an example for you, try to figure out why. List interesting personality traits and actions worthy of respect. Think about whether you can adopt something for yourself, learn something.

Among these people there may be famous personalities - scientists, artists, journalists, or just your friends.

What is human intuition, or how to learn to listen to yourself

The uniqueness of our brain lies not only in its limitless intellectual abilities, but also in the ability to send certain signals at the level of premonitions. This incredible ability of the subconscious, which every person possesses, is called intuition. It, like our other skills, can be improved with the help of special exercises and techniques.

The main feature of the manifestation of intuition is internal sensations that prompt the right decision. Due to the inability to listen to the inner voice, a person often misses the opportunity to make the right decision for him, which can radically change his life.

In order to learn to trust your own intuition and develop it sufficiently, it is worth practicing by doing some exercises.

  1. To begin to feel the inner voice, you need to reduce the influence of consciousness on it. For this purpose, sports are the best choice, as a result of which physical activity increases and mental activity decreases. The person becomes calmer and more balanced, which improves the conditions for the development of this brain ability.
  2. By giving your intuition freedom, you allow it to act without the control of your mind. This means it can be developed anywhere and at any time of the day. For example, predict who a message came from or an incoming call without looking at the gadget screen. Or listen carefully to yourself and guess what the friend you are going to meet is wearing.
  3. An equally interesting way to improve your abilities is to observe the signs that surround us everywhere. It is very important to put aside logical thinking and take advantage of the unconscious gift of our brain. For example, the answer to a correctly asked question can be found in a book open on any page. It is also worth paying attention to the various signs that fate gives us, thereby preventing us from a bad turn of events. This could be phrases heard unintentionally, information on signs, spilled coffee, and even dreams, which can both contribute to decision-making and warn against what is planned.

“Know yourself, and you will know the whole world,” said the great Socrates, and he was absolutely right. This means that all the necessary resources for a full existence and development of individual abilities are within us. Ephemeral happiness in the form of material wealth is unlikely to ever bring moral satisfaction. But studying one’s own “I” and developing innate talents will certainly bring harmony and understanding of one’s own purpose into everyone’s life.

What causes rejection

Hatred, rejection, discomfort - work often causes these unpleasant feelings. Because of this, you cannot go to the office or communicate normally with colleagues and relatives. An activity you don’t like doesn’t let you relax and prevents you from realizing yourself. Perhaps you look with envy at happier colleagues who enjoy their work.

When analyzing what you don't like, it's worth considering more than just work. Pay attention to what you have to do at home - carefully planting seedlings or puttingty on a wall. Perhaps you are frustrated by having to care for a pet that your children secretly got and now refuse to care for. It happens that communicating with people is annoying, and you prefer to spend your free time alone.

Based on the negative surrounding world, you receive another hint. In life you will not be able to avoid discomfort and negative emotions, but when choosing an activity you like, try to have fewer moments in it that cause you a sharply negative reaction. If you cannot do something for a long time and very carefully, avoid being a dispatcher or accountant. If the smell of animals irritates you, exclude working in a pet store from your activities.

How to understand which business is yours?


How to determine what to do in life if there are no thoughts in your head at all? We must “absorb” literature.

Do I need to explain the benefits of reading? Unfortunately, nowadays, yes. Here's what reading books does:

  • Increased creativity.
  • Expanding your horizons.
  • Improving fantasy and imagination.
  • Erudition, and hence - self-confidence.
  • Increasing literacy, expanding vocabulary.
  • Improved attention.
  • Development of thinking and memory.
  • Improving communication and empathy skills.

A reading person has his own worldview, a deep view of the world, high values, principles and beliefs. Plus, some books are powerful motivators! Many people were inspired to self-realization by literature.

Let go of your imagination

Probably, each of us at least once throughout our lives has had thoughts of this kind: “I just want to understand why everything is not the way I want it to be.” But, as a rule, not many people will be able to voice their wish list without thinking. This exercise will help you plunge into your subconscious and understand what you really want.

To do this, you will need to ask yourself questions in writing and then answer them honestly. Questions may include: what do you want to own (real estate, clothing, vehicle, jewelry, etc.)? What is your relationship with your relatives and loved ones? Are there people you envy? If so, why? By asking yourself questions like these, you stimulate yourself to think further about life.

Refusal to copy

Another important point. How to find what you like? Stop living someone else's life and copying someone, start listening to your desires and thinking with your own head.

It's a classic, you might say. A person gets into a profession because it is popular or has prestigious status. He gets a job in one company or another because it is engaged in relevant activities. He is trying himself in a field that is now gaining momentum.

So, all this can be justified and profitable, but only if a person is drawn to all of the above! For desire is of great importance. And if a person acts on the principle “it’s just popular now,” then, of course, he will not feel like a fish out of water.

What we need to understand is that one person’s experience is not suitable for another. Views differ, and that's normal. Everyone has their own path. And you have to go through it yourself from beginning to end.

Ask your mentor for advice.

Finding a mentor for yourself (a person who has successful experience in a similar situation) is a good solution for those who are stuck at a crossroads in life with the rhetorical question: “What do I want, in the end?” It can be any congenial celebrity or admirable acquaintance. Advice, guidance, and support from such people help to cope with the surging confusion.

Mentoring or therapeutic assistance is also provided by good films and meaningful books, the characters of which become role models and mental mentors.

"Unpack" the dream

It is important to determine what is hidden behind your desire - what is the true need or value. This is determined by the method of sequential questions. For example, when we crave something sweet, we are likely experiencing a need to relax or please ourselves. And there are many ways how this can be done. When we “dream” about a wedding, perhaps we are simply trying to gain our mother’s approval, we need her acceptance and love.

Or – a common situation – a girl dreams of an iPhone (an expensive car/cool Instagram with beautiful photos), she doesn’t have enough money for it, but she still continues to desire it. Let's unpack her dream. What could this girl really want? Most likely, she imagines herself walking down the street with this phone and other people paying attention to her, how she “casually” shows it to her colleagues, attracts the attention of friends, and everyone thinks about how “cool” she is. What is her true desire? Attention. And you can get it in much “cheaper” ways. For example, choosing to communicate with people who are interested in you as a person. But for this you need to open up and show yourself as you are, with all your pros/cons and unique features. And this, of course, is dangerous because it puts our integrity at risk. Being a person, an individual, is more difficult than being a person who has a phone. But it's worth it.

Understanding ourselves

In order for life to find meaning, you need to understand yourself and understand what you want. To do this, you need to adhere to the following algorithm:

  • Accept yourself as you are. Don't be ashamed of your fears and negative thoughts. They visit everyone, but they must be fought. To find a way to solve a problem, you first need to soberly assess it.
  • Be honest with yourself. Self-deception is a defense mechanism of the psyche. Therefore, without noticing it, a person can embellish the story in his favor. But by deceiving yourself, you are hindering your personal growth.
  • Detail your problems. Sometimes a problem needs to be voiced or described, after which it will no longer seem so hopeless and scary.
  • Learn to let go of the past. Probably, many can remember incidents in life for which they had to blush. Such memories sometimes don’t let go and don’t allow you to live in peace. No matter how difficult the situation may be, reconstruct the events of the past step by step, then draw conclusions and close this topic once and for all. It is very important to be able to free yourself from unnecessary thoughts and internal anxieties that pull you down.


To capture feelings of happiness and clearly know your goals, first understand yourself and understand what you want. Self-analysis will help you delve into different corners of your soul and find out your true desires. All you need is a piece of paper, a pen and silence. Knowing yourself requires concentration, so it is important that there are no distractions.

This method is great for helping you organize your thoughts. A great way to visualize your desires is to use a mental map, which involves transferring your thoughts onto paper. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said a very important thought: “If you want to understand life, observe and feel, stop believing what they say and write.”


It is advisable to communicate with successful people. Why? Because a loser and a successful person have qualitative differences in their way of thinking. And that's it. When communicating with a loser, a person will plunge into pessimism and complaints about a bad life. Where does the desire to change something in your life for the better come from?

But a successful person, being a motivated, strong, purposeful person, radiates special energy and positivity. And he doesn’t complain, because it’s a pointless thing that doesn’t bring the slightest benefit.

A few minutes of communication with such a person is enough to recharge with optimism and the desire to act. In addition, you can learn from a successful person effective ways to interact with the world. And being next to him, you yourself want to develop.

Wish card

Imagine your dreams as often as possible, create in yourself the feeling that you already own what you want. When a person knows what he really wants, positive impulses emanate from him and thus he attracts what he wants into his life. The essence of the exercise is to create certain bright pictures that will constantly serve as a reminder of your dreams. It is worth considering that your goal must be truly desirable. Only in this case will the energy message be sufficient to bring it to life. You will find a more detailed description of this exercise in the video.

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