Recommendations for mistresses: how to take a married man away from the family?

Usually, when entering into a romantic relationship, most women assume that their chosen one may later turn out to be their husband. However, some men do not at all believe that a romance should necessarily lead to an official marriage, or simply do not want to rush into a proposal. How can I change this?

Relationship with a married man: psychology

Since childhood, all girls and women have heard the phrase that “you can’t build happiness on someone else’s misfortune .

It is also no secret that you cannot take someone else’s property.

But life often develops in such a way that a woman becomes attracted to a married man. In such a situation, she decides that her own desires are more important than the well-being of her rival and her children .

From a psychological point of view, the initial situation in which the lover’s family finds itself is of great importance.

If he lives absolutely calmly and safely with his wife, loves his children and does not want to destroy his marriage, then the intentional actions of the homewrecker can only be assessed from a critical point of view.

For the sake of her happiness, she seeks to destroy a completely prosperous family. There is also a high probability that the man who has been taken away will very quickly begin to miss the comfort of family and children , which will lead to his return. In this case, all efforts will be in vain.

On the other hand, the behavior of a mistress can be quite justified if the person she meets is initially unhappy in marriage and simply cannot decide to take the last step.

This situation occurs when the following circumstances exist:

  1. A lover suffers with his long-unloved wife, with whom he constantly has scandals for any reason . The parties do not file a divorce solely because of children. This position is not correct, since in an atmosphere of general tension, children only receive emotional trauma. Happy parents living separately are better than the appearance of a family.
  2. The current wife does not hide the fact that she needs her husband solely to satisfy her material needs. At the same time, she does not show any care or attention, is not interested in his desires and plans.
  3. Spouses live with each other solely out of habit, like neighbors. This is especially true for couples who occupy a certain position in society and do not want to somehow change their existing status.
    The appearance of a woman who evokes certain emotions becomes a powerful incentive to change your life.

How to push a guy to take decisive action

I want him to propose

Try not to live in a civil marriage with a man, preferring meetings in neutral territories. Explain to your lover that you have always been opposed to cohabitation, and, despite your feelings for him, you are not ready to give up your beliefs. However, periodically spend a long time together so that he can see what a wonderful wife he can lose in you. For example, you can go on a trip for a couple of days, living together for this period, or go with friends for an overnight stay in nature - such situations will be a chance for you to demonstrate your skills in everyday life, show your best side and make the guy bored after the “departure” "

Also, the boyfriend should see that you are an excellent candidate for starting a family. Try not to show him the negative sides of your character and work to eradicate them - a good wife should not be grumpy, touchy, uncompromising, flighty or lacking initiative. Many guys from their youth dream about what their ideal wife will be like, and in these dreams, most often, she is well-groomed, beautiful, caring, passionate, thrifty, charming, passionate about interesting hobbies and attentive. Try to get closer to this ideal, and then not only your chosen one will want to see you in the status of his wife.

For a man to want a family

Many men live by prejudices or are based on their negative experiences - it seems to them that marriage does not promise any changes for the better, but only worsens the relationship. If in your close circle there is a happy married couple whose family you can call exemplary, then your companion should get to know these people. Meet in couples, invite them to visit - let the example of this successful family periodically flash before the eyes of your chosen one.

And, of course, a man should strive to spend as much time as possible with you personally. You can become an integral and most enjoyable part of his life, and the decision to subsequently marry will become completely natural and logical for him. To achieve this, take care of your chosen one, do not limit him in sex, do not provoke him into conflicts, do not throw hysterics, become his best friend and main support.

What should you keep in mind?

Initially, it is important to understand that not every man will leave the family, no matter how persistent his mistress is. Representatives of the stronger sex tend to engage in light affairs that are not of significant importance to them .

Divorce implies a change in the usual way of life, certain material losses, separation from children, etc.

To decide on all this, a man must have strong feelings for his chosen one or have problems in his marriage.

If there is neither one nor the other, then the likelihood of him leaving the family is very small .

When taking action, you need to be aware of the consequences of your behavior. If for a wife the departure of her husband from their family comes as a surprise, then the woman will suffer serious moral damage.

Often such a divorce becomes a real blow. The mistress must understand that she will be the culprit of the other woman’s suffering. If there are children in the marriage, then the degree of her guilt is significantly aggravated.

You will have to live with such a moral burden. In addition, the man himself may have a hard time experiencing his betrayal, deteriorating relationships with children, or financial disputes with his ex-wife.

Subconsciously, he will blame his mistress for all these problems if leaving the family was accomplished mostly under her pressure.

Also, do not forget that a person who betrayed once can do it again. Often, after some time, mistresses are left with nothing, repeating the fate of their ex-wife.

Is it possible to get married after a civil marriage?

There is no clear opinion on this matter, so civil marriage has both its fans and its opponents. So, what are the pros and cons of cohabitation?


  • Living in a civil marriage, a woman subconsciously understands that the final choice has not been made, and it was not made by the person from their couple who delays the signature or declares that the stamp in the passport will not change anything.
  • Most men are quite easy about such marriages, and it is much easier for them to leave their common-law wife than to leave their official one.
  • Being a common-law wife, a woman may feel insecure about her life partner. In addition, in the company of married friends, she most often feels a little deprived, although she may not even admit it to herself.
  • It is also better for the couple's common children to be brought up in an official marriage rather than in a civil one - in the event of a separation of the spouses, they will be legally protected.
  • Society, most often, does not take civil marriages seriously, and even after several years of your life together, many mutual friends and relatives will not consider you a real family.
  • Separation in such marriages is also quite easy. A common-law husband can break off the relationship without going into unnecessary explanations. With an official marriage, this would not happen - the court divorces the spouses, and it also deals with the division of property.


  • Having not lived together before marriage, many people are subsequently forced to face unpleasant discoveries about their other half. It may turn out that the wife is completely unable to cope with basic household issues, and the man is accustomed to the woman taking on the main responsibilities of running the household. Of course, most often before marriage, couples try to discuss the main nuances of their future life together, but theory often diverges from practice. This is the main advantage of cohabitation. If you do not want such a development of the situation, but are against civil marriages, then try living together for a couple of weeks after the engagement.
  • Perhaps you yourself want to end the relationship abruptly - the absence of a stamp in your passport will help you avoid various legal vicissitudes.
  • If you have not lived with a man before, then in a civil marriage you gain experience of living together, which, even in the event of separation, will be useful to you in the future.

Why doesn't he make the first move?

The lack of activity on the partner’s side is explained by the following possible reasons:

  1. Not going anywhere. His promises to leave his wife may not have any basis in reality. A mistress is seen as a temporary hobby with no further plans for the future.
  2. Not sure about the right thing to do. A man may worry that he is making a fatal mistake. The question arises: is it worth giving up an established family life and starting all over again?
  3. Feels remorse. If the lover’s wife does not suspect anything, believes him and shows concern, then pangs of conscience on his part are inevitable.
    The absence of real grounds for breaking up with his wife leads a man to understand his own guilt. Having children only makes the situation worse. The reluctance to injure them may be stronger than feelings for your mistress.
  4. Takes a passive position. The lover simply waits for the situation to resolve itself. He does not want to make a fateful decision, to take responsibility. It’s easier for him to shift the problem onto the woman’s shoulders.

The main ways to lure a man

You can destroy one marriage and create another if you know the three steps that are required for this. The main rule to follow at all times is to listen and remain silent when necessary.

Main stages of the process:

  1. Attract attention. Almost all guys are similar to each other, so you can act with them using a general scheme, modifying it to suit the individual characteristics of the chosen one. It is important to attract the attention of a man, since now the center of his universe is his wife. He spends most of his free time with her, consulting with her when making important decisions. The mistress must draw attention to her person. To do this, you need to find out more about your legal spouse, exercising maximum caution. During a conversation with a man, discreetly insert signal phrases like “What does (spouse’s name) do?”, “How did you spend your weekend?” This shouldn't feel like an interrogation. Such interest will attract the attention of a man. After receiving an answer to the question asked, the second signal phrase should be used: “She was lucky. But here I am...” At the same time, the last words should not sound as if the woman is condemning. The conversation should proceed in the style of “what a great guy, he works and spends time with his family.”
  2. Tame and get used to it. After a young man decides to have an affair, he has mixed feelings. Now, in order to take a man away, it is important for the mistress to take the initiative so that his choice does not stop at the family. But by being obedient, you cannot become a free housekeeper and sex slave. Don't give up gifts completely. It is necessary to accept small gifts, refusing expensive things, so that the man does not decide that he is needed for selfish purposes. At the end, it is worth putting forward one demand and monitoring the reaction. If he fulfills it, then the lady has achieved her goal.
  3. Direct conversation . It is impossible to start it suddenly, without preparation. It is important to hint to your lover that marriage is causing him suffering, and that he himself has become a victim of his wife’s attitude. Using signal phrases will help here. You need to tell him how much the girl likes to look after him, and then subtly hint that it’s time to talk to his wife. You cannot stoop to meanness - calling home, blackmailing. This will have the opposite effect.

Cook better than your wife

It is unlikely that a man took a mistress because his legal wife does not know how to cook well. But this method is good in cases where the wife feeds semi-finished or inedible food. Everyone knows the saying: “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” In order to pamper a young man and steal someone else's husband, in addition to sexual art, it is worth mastering culinary skills.

Flawless appearance

Men love with their eyes. This is a reason to purchase a gym membership and regularly visit a beauty salon. The main tip for winning over another woman is to be on top. It is necessary to take care not only of beautiful makeup and style, but also of the body. It should evoke desire, not disgust. If a lady cannot lose extra pounds, then she should learn to be a sexy “plumpie”. Feminine charm allows you to win over any man, regardless of weight and appearance.

It is also important to work on your voice. It should be languid, soulful, but without pathos and pretense. It is necessary to visit theater clubs, where they will help you learn to speak beautifully. You can convey sexuality through your voice.

It should be remembered that debauchery and sexuality are two different things. A girl shouldn't be promiscuous. It is important for a man to understand that she is ready to be only his beloved, and not the property of other people’s husbands.

Don't ask for anything in return

In order to discourage a man from another woman, it is important for a mistress to be distinguished by her ability to be content with the minimum. You should let him know that the woman does not love him for his gifts. It is important for a man to know that he is the greatest value for a girl. She values ​​not a wallet or a luxury car, but the time he devotes to her. But you shouldn’t refuse gifts.


What to do if your lover is jealous of your husband

Only good mood

Girls who want to beat off their husbands need to provide him with complete peace of mind, without demanding anything in return. You should try to avoid getting into arguments with him, and not bother him with constant questions. The mistress should be in a good mood and greet the man with a sincere smile. This advice is especially effective if a constantly dissatisfied wife awaits your loved one at home, who makes scandals and grumbles about all sorts of little things.

Diversify your sex life

Problems in the marital bed during sex are a common reason that pushes men to cheat. The chances of getting him to leave the family will increase significantly if the girl lets him know that in her bed he will receive what he could not even dream of at home.

Sexy lingerie and the fact that your mistress doesn’t have a headache will help you win and steal a man from any woman. She does not refuse intimacy when her partner wants it, and often initiates sex herself. Willingness to experiment in bed will only elevate the lady in the eyes of her lover, especially if it is something that the spouse does not even want to hear about.

You should not rush to him at the first call; you must periodically refuse dates under a plausible pretext. Understanding that a man needs to make an effort to keep his mistress will be the best motivation for him to leave his wife.

Listen to a man's problems

Some women manage to take someone else's husband away from the family using a simple method - showing sincere interest in his everyday life and emerging problems. The wife may ignore some aspects of her husband’s life or considers his hobbies a waste of time, but the mistress must take into account every aspect. By supporting his every endeavor and listening to complaints about an evil boss, a woman will be able to take an important place in the life of her loved one.

Get ready for a tough war

Don’t think that getting your lover away from your wife is easy. A mistress who decides to do such an act should be prepared for condemnation and war with her spouse. It is unlikely that a wife who has given a man the best years of her life will simply allow family happiness to be taken away from her. It is quite possible that she will start calling and threatening. Some go so far as to begin to pursue their spouse’s new passion themselves, and also involve their family and friends in this. In addition, the deceived wife may tell everyone about the unseemly act or try to throw acid on her rival. A lady who decides to fight off a man should be prepared for anything.


When your lover left you - how to survive the breakup without losing face

Example of a letter of recognition

How to attract a married man? You can try writing him a letter about your feelings :

“Dear, I decided to write you a letter in which I will tell you everything that I am embarrassed to say in person.

For me, you are the best man in the world. You are kind, affectionate, generous and very smart.

And what is your sense of humor worth! It’s very hard for me to realize that you are not free. I understand that I am committing a vile act by communicating with a married man, but I can’t help myself.

Not a single person from my circle compares to you. If you choose me, you will become the happiest person on the planet. I promise to always be beautiful, cheerful and interesting to you.

With me you will forget about all everyday problems. I will not demand anything, constantly nag and criticize. I only want to be with you because I love you!”

Magic spells for a quick wedding

Some girls eventually despair of getting a marriage proposal from their lover, so they decide to turn to magical rituals. If you sincerely believe that rituals can provide you with a long-awaited marriage, then you can resort to this magical advice: after someone else’s wedding that you attend, try to immediately after the celebration get the shoes that the bride was wearing.

When washing these shoes on the street at night, say:

“Tread on your shoes, work for me so that I can get married as soon as possible. Keep your mouth shut, keep quiet about everything. Amen".

It is possible that this particular ritual will help you achieve your goal.

How to turn his head?

How to win the heart of a married man and make him constantly think about you? To charm and hook a lover, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • become a source of new sensations and changes;
  • always look well-groomed and stylish;
  • fulfill all his sexual desires;
  • do not demand anything;
  • do not criticize;
  • constantly demonstrate a positive mood;
  • show care and tenderness;
  • tasty food;
  • praise and encourage.

Don't try to change a person

Don't try to change another person's already formed character and don't expect him to ever change on his own. Miracles rarely happen, men are usually not inclined to change. Accept everything as it is, draw conclusions. Of course, minor shortcomings should be tolerated unless they really cause you much harm.

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How to get it?

It is possible to get a man only if he himself is ready to enter into a serious relationship with his mistress.

If a woman is viewed solely as a temporary partner for sex and nothing more, then she will not be able to drag her partner to the registry office with any tricks.

If there is interest on the part of the man, then the situation may end in favor of the mistress. First you need to find out the basis on which the current marriage rests .

Perhaps these are common material interests, children, habit, guilt, etc. Then you gradually need to collect information about the wife’s personality in order to compile her psychological portrait.

Having the necessary information, you can gradually begin to act. who is worried about children should make it clear that the new lover will not interfere with their meetings and will try to make friends with the children.

tired of scandals needs to create the most calm and comfortable environment possible. An insecure lover should be constantly praised, and a sexually unsatisfied lover should be satisfied.

It is important to remain patient and not put too much pressure on your partner. Men, as a rule, take a long time to mature enough to make serious decisions.

I can't bear to get married

Maria met Victor on a business trip. Then there were dates in the style of the candy-bouquet period. Vadim did not wear a ring and was in no hurry to confess. He was comfortable like that - in a state of love and romanticism. Everything opened up randomly, as it usually happens. Vadim did not invite Maria to his place because he allegedly lived with his mother. They met at Maria's apartment.

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His phone was lying on the bedside table and rang at the very moment when its owner was taking a shower. A bright flash of the phone in the night revealed the name of the caller. It turned out to be his wife. It was this inscription that Maria saw. The truth was not immediately revealed to her, but Vadim, caught by surprise, gave himself away. It's time for a serious conversation.

Of course, Vadim is not to blame for anything. Their relationship with his wife had long since gone wrong; the marriage was supported by debts to the child and the mortgage. By giving them away, Vadim did not deprive himself of the pleasure of building a personal life on the side. He swore that this was the love he had been waiting for all his life. And it is quite possible that it was so, or that his burning belief in it was stronger than his cold reason.

Where is the best place to meet?

You need to meet where your partner is comfortable and comfortable .

If he is afraid of being noticed by his friends, he should choose remote from his usual habitat .

Perhaps his mistress’s place of residence fully meets his requirements. Then solving the issue will not be difficult.

Wealthy and influential lovers often do not hide their partners, since their wives value their position and will not divorce because of their husband’s fleeting hobbies.

Such men can meet their mistress openly, appear with her in public places, and introduce her to business partners and friends.

It is important to understand that such free behavior speaks more about the man’s promiscuity, rather than the seriousness of his intentions.


If your parents criticized you for getting a B as a child and were wary of getting an A-minus, don’t be surprised why insatiable “achievement” becomes your main goal in life as an adult.

The desire to be appreciated is insatiable, as it gives rise to the illusion of happiness: I am loved not because I am, but because I can.

The race of perfectionism is like a squirrel wheel: the harder you spin, the less you notice what’s around you. Life flies by because you don’t know how to stop the moment in time, enjoy it and realize its value. Your illusion of happiness is in running, or eternal escape from yourself.

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No matter how much I wanted to lay all this out to the client after the first session, I couldn’t, because I signed up for a different goal: not to heal, but to further injure, not to stop the squirrel, but to drive it into sweat, spinning that same wheel of samsara until exhaustion.

This may seem strange to you and even contrary to the code of honor of a psychologist, but there is a common sense here. Sometimes we need to run even harder to stop. Perhaps twist your leg, or worse, break your neck - here everyone has their own psychosomatics.

Having analyzed this in those very “hidden benefits” at the next sessions with Maria, I realized that the client’s request was actually about this: “Stop me if you can.” A challenge to yourself and the world, which turned out to be not entirely friendly to the little girl. She just wanted parental love, and they demanded that she live up to the level. She just wanted to play with dolls, and they shoved textbooks and tutors under her nose. She wanted to be a child, she was grown up too early and was driven into a guilt complex.

Be that as it may, what was open and obvious to me was tightly closed to the client herself. How to structure a session so that it looks like it corresponds to that very plan, and not to personality therapy - that’s my headache throughout all our meetings. Not without pleasure, I watched the film several times on the topic: “The Hitch Method” starring Will Smith. And you know what I realized: you shouldn’t stop a client from his desire just because it seems unreasonable and untenable to you.

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We seriously planned dates, meetings, rehearsed skits and acted out dialogues in the style of theatrical productions. I sat on a chair in the role of the man of her dreams and listened to her monologues, I played the role of a lover and an unhappy person, without trying to convince her otherwise. Why? Yes, because this is an image that is imprinted in her brain, and not reality, because this is a life-long game. You need to play it to the climax, get your well-deserved applause and move on.

Take our test: Test - what psychological trauma did you experience as a child?

How to keep your lover: advice from a psychologist

How to tie a family man to you? Following the following recommendations from psychologists will help keep a married man:

  1. Provide him peace and comfort. If scandals often arise with your wife, then a calm atmosphere will become a real outlet.
  2. Minimum requirements. The wife probably asks you to do something around the house, take care of the children, buy groceries, etc. The mistress should not demand anything, demonstrating a complete lack of self-interest or other practical motives.
  3. Tasty food. Of course, this condition only works if the culinary abilities of the mistress significantly exceed the talents of the wife. Delicious homemade cutlets instead of store-bought dumplings are a powerful weapon.
  4. The joy of meeting. Each arrival of a lover should be accompanied by sincere delight, a manifestation of affection and care. A man’s vanity will be flattered by such attention, especially if he has an eternally dissatisfied and demanding wife waiting at home.
  5. Varied sex. Perhaps this is the main reason for men leaving the family. As soon as a woman appears who is completely sexually satisfying, the wife who is tired and less active in bed fades into the background.

From mistress to wife: 5 tips on how to change your status

Or rather, we will tell you what not to do. Using the example of popular advice that home-grown psychologists love to give to women.

Blackmail him with sex. He was with you for sex, but now he’s used to it, and you can take advantage of it.

Yes of course. Apparently, it is assumed that the man is an experimental hamster: he spun the wheel - he was given a cookie, he stopped spinning - he was shocked, and now he spins it day and night until he goes to his furry forefathers. In reality, of course, such men do exist, but you are unlikely to smile at the prospect of getting such a creature as your husband.

What to do: Never use sex as a means of manipulation. Because men actually most often have mistresses for sex. And that means his wife was already doing the same thing. And you yourself know what she achieved with this. Good sex is your trump card. But it is not good if you hide marked cards in your sleeve.

Present yourself like an expensive prize. A man must conquer you, only then will he appreciate you

I’m not like that, I’m waiting for the tram, of course, of course. Is it okay that you are already together and, presumably, not for the first day? And he has already conquered you, otherwise what is he doing in your life?

What to do: in fact, there is some truth in this advice, but you just need to dig it out. This is what it really looks like: your relationship is a protracted candy-bouquet period, and that’s why they are valuable. For both of you. You must understand that sooner or later they will end. Either in your favor or not. And in order not to bring their end closer in favor of your wife, do not try to change them artificially. Theatrical pathos will ruin everything instantly.

Find out why he is unhappy in his marriage. Try to find out as much as possible about his wife's strengths and weaknesses, but don't try to compete with her. Become the complete opposite of his wife.

And then - what? Then he will crawl to you on his knees with a wedding ring in his teeth? Why on earth? You either look like his wife because he prefers a certain type of woman, or you don't look like him because he was looking for someone completely different. That's it, there are no other options. How can you stop being who you are? And are you really going to seriously ask him for details of his life with his wife? That's disgusting.

What to do: Oddly enough, yes, find out why he is unhappy in his marriage. But for this you don’t need to ask him about his wife. To do this, you just need to be more attentive to the person who is next to you. You don't need to know what he's missing at home. You need to understand what exactly connects him to you. And, if it’s not “just sex,” then rely on this connection. And don’t try to saw through Hymen’s rusty chains. You'll get tired of sawing.

Date other men. Let him see that you are a woman who is interesting to others. This way you will make him jealous, and he will try to keep you. At any cost.

The maximum you can achieve by doing this is to let him know that you are completely satisfied with the current state of affairs: you are together, but everyone has their own personal life. Great story! Now he is sure that everything is fine with you. Although, of course, he will be upset when you marry someone else. Sadness!

What to do: if you are ready to date other men, you are reading this article in vain, fact. Because a young lady who dreams of marrying her beloved is usually not able to look at other men as men. But sitting at home, as if in a mansion, waiting for a visit from your lover, is also the wrong tactic. It's very simple: not a single man has ever married out of jealousy; everyone marries only out of love. It is equally difficult to love a woman who does not value you and plans to change you for someone more interesting, and a woman who sees you as a light in the window and the only connecting thread with life. Just live and take care of yourself.

Become his personal psychologist. Family problems are what brought him to you. Always greet him with joy, listen and encourage him. And then he will understand that he can no longer live without you.

Well, yes, you weren’t sad enough that he was married, now listen to how he feels bad with this very wife, and feels good with you. Great advice! If you start doing this, your self-esteem will plummet to the bottom. Because if you're so good and she's so bad, why the hell is he still married to her and not you?

What to do: understand that serious and long-term relationships are not built on sex. And they are not built on love either: what we take for love is actually love, which will either develop into a deep feeling or not, and you won’t know. Relationships, oddly enough, are built on friendship. Do you remember the quote from the most important women's novel? “For a marriage to be happy, husband and wife must be cut from the same cloth.” We can add more platitudes: “Happy people do not look at each other, but in one direction.” In fact, all this is true. And all you have to do is be friends with your man. But friendship does not happen one way. A friend will not hurt you by telling you what is unpleasant to you. Do you see what we're getting at? You don't need to be his personal psychologist. By doing this you will only injure yourself and achieve nothing.

So what should you do? Where is the very advice that will help you guaranteed to take a man away from your family and marry yourself? We answer: every question already contains an answer. And this answer is this: you cannot take a man away from the family and marry him. You can only become for him the woman with whom he wants to spend the rest of his days. We have written what you need to do for this and what you don’t need to do. And then everything depends on you. And not from what you will or will not do. And how soon you understand why you need this married man at all. And is it necessary?

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How to marry him to yourself?

Here it is important to take into account the man’s temperament and the influence of external circumstances. If a lover has a doubtful, phlegmatic character, then force him to make a decision .

A woman must be given a condition - either you leave the family and marry me, or we break up. Otherwise, an indecisive partner may lead a double life for years.

With an active and independent man, you should act differently. It is important to emphasize your own self-sufficiency and fuel his interest with jealousy.

The understanding that his mistress will not be content with a secondary role for long and will easily find a replacement for him will prompt the man to take a decisive step.

Of course, you can also use the time-tested technique of “unexpectedly” getting pregnant. But this option, firstly, is a deception, and secondly, it is very risky.

If a man has children in his first marriage, then it is not at all necessary that he will leave the first child for the second.

As a result, a woman may be left alone while pregnant.

Also, mistresses often resort to outright tricks - they create “random” conditions under which the wife finds out about the betrayal.

This option is most likely doomed to failure, since the man may suspect something is wrong. In addition , the wife does not necessarily decide to divorce , but she can give an ultimatum and force her to break off the relationship on the other side.

Signs that he cares about you that will make it easier for you to marry a guy

No matter what beautiful words a guy says about love, actions will say it best. Before you marry a guy, make sure that you are not a temporary toy, but an important person in his life.

You will definitely notice that he:

  • listens to your opinion and fulfills any requests, even if he doesn’t really like it;
  • gives gifts and flowers for reasons or just because;
  • after meeting you, I began to dress stylishly, received a promotion, and took up self-development;
  • often gives compliments, notices the slightest changes in appearance, and looks after her beautifully;
  • shows tenderness and affection towards you;
  • makes joint plans for a life together.

The guy will show that you are dear to him

Love spell on a thing

If you have any clothes with you that belong to your beloved man, then they can be used to carry out a conspiracy. Take a thread of the same color as the clothing and sew it into the lining so that the seam is invisible. During the sewing process they say:

The thread is not cut, but bitten off or torn off. The clothes must be given to your lover within up to 3 days. And a man should wear it at least once.

Rules for conducting rituals

For conspiracies aimed at attracting a married man to be effective, they must be carried out taking into account the following rules:

  1. For the ritual, an odd day is chosen, which is most suitable for destructive magical actions.
  2. The conspiracy is carried out on any men's day - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. It is strictly forbidden to practice love spells on Sunday, as well as on a church holiday.
  3. When starting a ritual of black magic, they remove the cross from the body, since the planned actions are offensive to the Higher Powers.
  4. They fast for several days before and after the conspiracy.
  5. Before the ceremony begins, the hair is unraveled, belts, watches and other accessories that block the flow of energy are removed. Wear loose clothing.
  6. When pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, they use church names, that is, given at baptism.

Magic to help

Whether to influence the situation with the involvement of otherworldly forces or not is a difficult question.

Sometimes fate turns out differently than you want. Having been rejected by what seemed to be her man, a woman after some time meets the one truly destined for her.

By interfering with witchcraft rituals in the course of actions , not everyone finds happiness. But if your heart tells you that the path is right, it’s worth a try. The success of rituals depends on the strength of desire and the personal energy invested.

Plot 1. Flower

By interfering with witchcraft rituals in the course of actions, not everyone finds happiness.
For the ritual you need to prepare:

  • natural essential jasmine oil;
  • a new needle;
  • candle;
  • the chosen one's mummy (nails, hair, blood, sperm, saliva - whatever, the ingredient does not affect the result);
  • pot with soil and seedling.

The names of the couple are written on the candle with a needle, jasmine oil is applied on top, the candle is placed in a candlestick, set on fire with the words: “Names are intertwined, fate is united. Fire, water, earth merged into one, bonded by my deeds. We got married under the sky and were never separated by anyone.”

You need to wait until it burns completely , collect the wax, and roll the mummy into a ball. The cocoon is placed in the depths of the pot, and the plant is planted on top. Every time you water it, you need to repeat the spell words. As the flower grows, the bonds of love will strengthen.

Plot 2. Amulet

Helps make a decision about divorce, stimulates the erotic side of relationships. To carry out the ceremony, two identical circles are cut out of paper, the third is made of foil.

The names of lovers are written on paper forms, stacked with inscriptions side by side, placing a piece of foil between them.

The center of the circles is pierced with a needle threaded with a red wool thread with the words: “I unite souls, bodies, thoughts, feelings, forever uniting them into one.” The thread is tied into knots, the amulet is hidden away from prying eyes, and they do not tell anyone about what has been done.

If he endures it, will he fall in love?

Try to get the man you like. In principle, there is nothing wrong with them, with the possible exception of “forced” pregnancy. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to drive yourself into a corner. So, is it bad to be an understanding, accommodating wife, a passionate lover, to be able to cook well and get along with your mother-in-law? All these are wonderful qualities that will come in handy in family life.

But! As worldly wisdom says, getting married is not a bad thing - if you are married, you won’t get lost. It's one thing to push a man a little towards marriage (sometimes they are so indecisive). It’s quite another to force him to marry. If he is not ready to throw in his lot with you, then do you need it? Our expert will explain what this can lead to.

Ritual with a comb

If you have a married lover’s comb with you, then it can be used for a conspiracy. Several male hairs are removed from the teeth and wrapped in a wax ball. This ball is kept with oneself as a love amulet, and the comb is returned to the man, having previously whispered into it:

The plot will remain in effect as long as the man uses the comb.

On the blood

A powerful conspiracy against a married man should be read carefully at home, following all the rules, as it relates to the rituals of black magic.

To plot against a married man, prepare:

  • a piece of black fabric;
  • 5 candles;
  • knife;
  • chalk;
  • aroma lamp;
  • your beads;
  • photograph of a lover;
  • tablecloth;
  • salt.

After waiting until midnight, they spread a tablecloth and a black linen on top. Light the aroma lamp. A pentagram is drawn on the canvas. Candles are placed on its tops and lit. A protective circle of salt is made around the pentagram. Beads and photos are placed inside the pentagram.

Having pierced your finger with a knife, they say:

Having called the spirits, they express their requests and wishes to them loudly and clearly. A bloody finger is pressed against a photograph. Use your fingers to extinguish candles. All attributes, in addition to the photograph, are wrapped in linen. The bundle is taken out of the house, placed in a pre-dug hole, set on fire, and the ashes are buried.

Give the man the palm

No, this is not a call to suddenly move to complete patriarchy, if suddenly you had equality in your relationship. Just value male freedom and let your chosen one make his own decisions.

Don’t be the first to talk about marriage, and especially never resort to blackmail or threats. Pregnancy and calling for responsibility are also not the best way to resolve the situation. Let the man take this step himself, and don’t force him or starve him out. Believe me, such a proposal will be much more pleasant for you, and in this case you will be sure that the desire to get married is mutual and not dictated by some external circumstances.

Dog ritual for fornication of a rival

It is much easier to beat a married man away from a rival if she commits fornication and discredits herself. In order for a man to get tired of his current family relationship and decide to break it off, they carry out the so-called bitch conspiracy.

During the period of estrus, a bitch is cut off a piece of fur, and the liquid is taken from under the tail with a piece of cloth. They light 9 candles, place a dampened cloth on the table to their right, a tuft of wool to their left, and a photo of their opponent directly in front of them. Looking at the photo, they say 7 times:

A little honey is dripped onto the photograph and rubbed over the image with the middle finger of the right hand, following the movement of the arrow. They glue wool on top and say:

They cover the photo with a cloth and say:

When the candles burn out on their own, the photograph is placed in a secret place. After the conspiracy, a ransom of 9 coins is brought to the crossroads.

Why does a woman force a man to propose to her? Psychological reasons

This is not a simple question, but a whole problem. When it comes to an ordinary situation in a relationship between a man and a woman, the lady puts pressure on the gentleman and pushes him to change his marital status. Men resist out of habit. If they object too much, then the girls doubt whether he loves her and whether she should marry. Why does the dilemma arise: “either a wedding or a breakup” in the female mind? The reasons are known:

The biological and social clock of the fair sex is ticking. Their noise is very depressing. The optimal age for the birth of a first child for a woman, from a physiological point of view, is 24 years. Girls from the age of eighteen are afraid of not meeting “the one” and being left alone. Upbringing. A man is exposed to the entire spectrum of professional fulfillment (from a miner to a writer), while society still prepares a woman to be, first and foremost, a mother and a wife.

For men it’s the opposite:

Read also: What is self-regulation in psychology

They think about loneliness in middle age (when nothing has really worked out). A man can conceive a child even at an advanced age, the main thing is to keep himself in shape.

These factors lead to the fact that a woman forces a man to get married as soon as possible. She insists unconsciously, because she is interested in a speedy victory over her fears.

Girls are not all neurotic, and some people successfully resist social stereotypes and one-sided upbringing.

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