How to break up with a man correctly so that he does not suffer? Advice from psychologists

Breaking up a love relationship is an unpleasant situation. When two people stay together for a long time, “play at love,” become attached, share joys and sorrows, it is always difficult to part. How to leave a man after a long, dizzying affair and what pushes her to take this step?

Women love relationships very much. Loneliness is worse than a bitter radish for them. They will tolerate a lot from the chosen one, exaggerate his merits, justify his shortcomings, as long as there is a man next to her. A stable partner means the status of a sought-after lady, regular sex and “a strong man’s shoulder nearby.” If a woman decides to break off a relationship, then there are serious reasons for this.

The exception is those situations when the young lady is offended and wants to teach the gentleman a lesson. Women's whims can drive the stronger sex crazy. Yesterday she pursed her lips, packed her things and went home, and today she bombards you with gentle messages or threats that she will scratch the eyes of every “chicken” she sees nearby.

But in some cases, a woman actually decides to break up with her partner.

There was love

The most compelling reason why girls break off relationships is a banal fading of feelings. Most often, love for one man is replaced by an outbreak of sympathy for another. In this case, the usual partner causes frustration, irritation, and depression.

The guy stops worrying, causing jealousy and interest. His caresses and hugs cause headaches, and the desire for sex causes the sudden appearance of menstrual periods. The girl seems to look at him with different eyes: where has his charm, charisma, sexuality gone? The man appears before her eyes as simple and boring, and his presence begins to depress her.

The woman catches herself thinking that she would like to spend this evening separately from him: reading Leo Tolstoy’s book “War and Peace”, monotonous knitting, walking the dog, gatherings with old neighbors - and with anyone, just not with him!

If the image of another guy has settled in your heart, your usual partner will irritate you even more. During sex, a desired image is born in a woman’s mind. She imagines how good she would be with another man. A careless partner begins to dream that her “other half” will become interested in another young lady in order to break off a relationship that is not pleasing. A thought is born and lives in her head: how to leave a man.

How to get over a breakup painlessly

Having a specific plan, as well as strictly following the advice of professionals in the field of psychology, will allow each person to normalize their state of mind. Moreover, practical recommendations will protect you from the onset of severe depression and complete apathy.

There are certain stages in order to survive a breakup and minimize subsequent experiences:

  • Allow yourself to cry, suffer and give vent to accumulated negative emotions.
  • Completely break off the previous connection (delete photos, correspondence on social networks and block your ex-partner).
  • Seek support from your family, friends and friends.
  • Make sure you look great in all circumstances. Change your wardrobe, expand your range of interests and engage in self-improvement.
  • Determine what exactly makes you happy right now. Go to the cinema, attend exciting events and actively meet new people.
  • Carefully rework old plans and aspirations. Now life has changed, so it is important to adjust your own goals and dreams.

Close together2

Courageous women make the decision to leave the man they love. Such a step is not easy, but most often unpleasant circumstances push it. It's hard to love a man who is an alcoholic, a despot, or a womanizer.

Each of the three nominations has a destructive effect on relationships. Women are patient creatures, but seeing a drunken, lumpy face every day is unbearable. It is also difficult to endure beatings and insults from a brutal dictator. And it’s terribly unpleasant when a loved one rushes after every passing skirt, like Kuzka after Murka in the March period.

Girls endure any adversity for a long time, but in the end they come to the decision to end a difficult relationship.

Useful video

From this video you will learn how to properly get out of a destructive relationship:

Parting is always difficult, but after it there always comes a moment of enlightenment . In psychology, this moment is called catharsis - healing through living a negative experience. This is an inevitable and necessary stage of human life.

At this moment, new perspectives and personal possibilities open up before a person, and he becomes convinced that his decision is correct . A person begins to pay attention to the “signs of fate”, to notice its signals and messages. The colors of the world are becoming brighter, and this means that the journey of life continues, and past relationships will remain only pleasant memories.

Mistakes when breaking up4

When a woman comes to the decision of how to leave a man, she feels responsibility and importance before such an important step. How to tell your partner about your decision? After all, he only looks strong and stern, but in reality he is a sensitive and suspicious man, like a child. So the young lady is racking her brains over how to wave goodbye to the guy.

In the course of such thoughts, women do a lot of stupid things when breaking up with a guy.

4/ The fourth commandment. Don't do anything for show and don't live out of spite

After breaking up with a person, minimize any contact. Delete his number in your phone book so you don’t accidentally stumble upon him. Delete all correspondence. Put all your joint photographs out of sight (at least to some very distant cloud, where you won’t look for other archives). Unfollow your ex on social media. Let nothing remind you of them. If you have a common company (or common children, which, of course, is more difficult), think about how you can minimize communication. If there is an opportunity to change the situation, to leave for a while, feel free to drop everything and leave. The main thing is, don’t do anything out of spite, for show, out of a desire to prove. All this takes energy. And now you need what gives you strength: healthy sleep and nutrition, daily routine, sports, art, communication with interesting people, work, self-care, family environment. These are the areas of life that any person can rely on. And this is what gives energy. Even just following a daily routine and getting good, regular sleep will help you a lot.

And stop doing it already

Letter from Tatiana5

Women are romantic in nature. They confess their love, their worries and their reluctance to communicate through eloquent messages. A long message on the phone, describing in bright colors her desire to leave, will in no way soften the decision. A letter in a pink envelope sent by carrier pigeon will not help either. The man will read the letters and remain completely confused: what’s wrong? Why?

Girls are big fans of surprises. They can write such a message at the moment when a man has packed his bags with the goal of moving in with his beloved and starting a family. Only in the evening they discussed how good and cozy they would be together, the next morning the guy, singing a cheerful song, rushes to her house, and suddenly: Tili-li, “there’s a message for you!” Darling, we need to part...

What to do if a guy won't let you go

How to cheer up a girl - what to say or write

What to do if the guy doesn’t want to let the girl go, uses blackmail, threats or even physical force? In this case, you shouldn’t waste time and hope that sooner or later he will let you go.

It is worth breaking off all contacts with such a person. If the obsessive stalking still continues, it is better to seek the help of friends and relatives. You cannot provoke a guy or say that there is already another person in a girl’s life. This can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Accusation of sins6

Some girls are lovers of melodrama and beautiful scenes. They don’t think for a long time about how to leave a man. They like to act out tragedies, sigh theatrically and wring their hands. This type of woman does not leave men secretly, but makes the breakup noisy, pompous, and memorable.

The main character prepares a list of accusations in advance, starting with grunting at the table, ending with dissatisfaction in bed, which is deafeningly exposed in front of an unsuspecting man. After charges are filed, at least one word from the accused is expected.

Some amazing representatives of the stronger sex manage to remain silent, but as soon as a man grunts, a storm begins. The woman is carried away, vomiting on emotions. Not only does she abandon the poor fellow, but she also seeks to destroy him, humiliate him, and wipe him off the face of the earth.

What not to do

How to break up with a guy or a man correctly, without making mistakes? Girls are emotional beings, so often breaking up relationships doesn’t go well.

What to avoid first:

  • Don't hold a grudge. If the breakup occurs during a period when the girl is angry, very upset or offended, this can lead to a mistake. Often the weaker sex, after it has cooled down, begins to realize its own stupidity;
  • You cannot use breakup as a method of manipulation. A simple example is when a girl starts to demonstratively pack her things and leave, knowing that the guy will stop. This will not always be the case; sooner or later his patience will run out;
  • Hysterics, tears, reproaches. If, before breaking up, you try to tell your partner everything that doesn’t suit you, this will lead to a deterioration in the relationship. Do not forget that both will also live in the same city, having mutual friends. It is possible that someone may need help from their ex;
  • You cannot take gifts unless you want to be branded as a petty person with an unstable psyche. Often men are guilty of this, but women, in a fit of emotion, can also demand this;
  • You shouldn’t immediately find a new man after a breakup, especially among mutual friends. This will not characterize the woman from the best side; further “good relations” with her ex will no longer be possible;
  • Refuse further correspondence and calls, at least until the passion subsides. If a couple and a child have separated, you can communicate and see each other only on business and in public places. It is possible that the girl will miss her boyfriend, but these emotions should also be kept under control;
  • A man can love and wait for his girlfriend for a long time, even if she left him. Therefore, returns, contacts and “innocent” flirting are completely excluded. You shouldn’t give the guy hope that you can still get it back and make him suffer.

You can't use breakup as a way to manipulate

Sadistic phrases7

The next type of women is even more insidious than their predecessors. In appearance, they give the impression of calm, somewhat sad ladies who meekly and dramatically invite men to break up. Their phrases are not accusing, they are full of touching notes and gentle blasphemy, because their text is at odds with what is associated with the “break.”

The girl talks about the inevitability of separation, adding a sadistic phrase, the meaning of which, like a sharp knife, pierces the partner’s soul:

  • "We can stay friends!"
  • “You’re so wonderful, I’m not right for you!”
  • “I felt so good with you, I don’t know what came over me!”

  • “You are the best guy in the world and I will never have this again!”
  • “Perhaps someday we can be together, but not now!”

It seems to the woman that, having heard such a phrase, the guy will calm down and accept the separation with a light heart, but while she is being nice to him and collecting her things, a devil is born in his chest.

Gestalt as a concept

In psychology, the concept of gestalt includes an unresolved problem that has its origin in a past relationship. Gestalt appears in the subconscious as a collective image of a former partner and unprocessed psychological trauma associated with him due to separation. Perhaps the partner said a lot of unnecessary things, behaved inappropriately, committed actions and deeds that left a negative mark on the soul of the abandoned partner.

It is important to complete Gestalt in a timely manner, because the obsessive image of a partner and the unfavorable situation associated with him will constantly return to the person when he is alone, when he is immersed in his thoughts. If this continues for many years in a row, it will lead to long-term internal stress, which may result in an increase in problems in personal life and the need for psychotherapy due to depression.

It is very difficult to cope with gestalt alone , especially in protracted cases.
Only a specialist (psychologist) can determine its presence. Almost always, when breaking up, people who loved each other may experience a gestalt.

Therefore, visiting a psychologist is vital for some people , due to their weak psyche, for example, with suicidal tendencies and unlawful acts.

Only people with a strong will and a stable psyche can complete the gestalt on their own. Such people are passionate about entrepreneurship, some useful (developmental) activity or hobby, they work a lot, play active sports, travel, pay attention to loved ones and people around them, so they have no time left for personal worries.

Unfinished gestalts are unprocessed relationships that accompany a person’s life after suffering psychological trauma. The partner still lives in his head, and the former half tries to associate all the relationships that were with him with the new chosen one. For example, he looks for a person who is similar in appearance and tries to behave the same way with him. Or the image lives in a person’s subconscious constantly. A person cherishes the image of a loved one, falls asleep with him, and preserves the memory of him.

You can cope with the gestalt on your own only at the very beginning of the breakup. To do this you need :

  • get rid of all things that remind you of your ex-partner;
  • change your place of residence or make rearrangements (repairs) in the rooms;
  • change the social circle that connected you with the past;
  • block your ex's phone and social networks;
  • under no circumstances make contact with him;
  • solve general financial problems (mortgages, loans) faster;
  • agree with the children on the rules of behavior and conversations with dad or mom, in which the name of the second parent will not be mentioned;
  • reconsider your attitude to the situation;
  • start dating another person.

Closing the gestalt means re-experience the traumatic situation, live it and let go . Only specialized psychotherapy (immersion in hypnosis or therapeutic sleep) and work with a psychologist can help with this.

A well-developed gestalt will help improve a person’s quality of life and health, since prolonged internal stress can lead to depression, which will then need to be treated with medication.

We broke up for a while8

Sometimes a woman suggests taking a break in the relationship. On the one hand there is a gap, on the other hand there is a temporary separation. This decision is not always stupid and imprudent. A woman makes a complaint to a man, then a serious conversation follows and a verdict: a 1-2 month timeout in the relationship.

Over the past period, the couple has the opportunity to weigh their feelings, problems that have arisen and take a break from each other. As a result, the partners either converge in the rapture of love, having missed each other and suffered a large number of days apart, or finally break up.

What not to do after a breakup

  1. You shouldn't try to remain friends with your ex - it won't lead to anything good. You can keep in touch, which is especially important if the couple has children together. But it is recommended to meet on neutral territory, call and talk only about business. Also, try to avoid flirting. Don’t tempt a person with false hopes and don’t torture yourself.
  2. Try not to look at your ex-partner's social media pages. This way, you will continue to live his life and it will be much harder to let him go.
  3. Some time after the breakup, there may come a time when you start to miss your partner and want to let him know. In such a situation, it is important not to call or write to him. If the desire to speak out is very strong, it is better to keep a diary and write in it everything that is in your thoughts. When the emotions let go, you realize that you did the right thing.
  4. You shouldn’t demonstratively try to prove to those around you, including your ex, how good everything is with you and how wonderful your life is. People sense inauthenticity, and you will likely find yourself at least in an awkward and, at most, in a miserable position.
  5. If your ex-man gets a new woman, the worst thing you can do is take revenge. Firstly, this will look extremely low in the eyes of others. Secondly, there is no point in such actions, since the decision to separate was conscious.

Breaking up is always difficult. It's hard not to give up. Not all advice is universal. Each couple's situation is individual. When young people who do not have children and may not have been married break up, everything often happens smoothly, and, having met a new love, a woman easily erases past relationships from her memory. The hardest thing is for women who get divorced while still having small children.

Therefore, before breaking up, it is important to weigh the pros and cons, evaluate all the nuances and think: perhaps everything can still be fixed and changed. Do you love your partner, are you ready to accept him as he is? If you love a person, you need to learn to trust him.

It doesn’t matter who we’re talking about – your ex-partner or your new man. In any case, you must respect him, and in fact, not every woman can do this. If you want to build a healthy relationship, you need to develop respect and trust for your other half. Trust and freedom are precisely the main factors on which true love is built.

If you have decided to break up with your current partner and want to build a new relationship that will be on a completely different level, then you must respect both him and yourself. In this case, you will not demand that he show feelings, you will not try to change him and bind him to you. These things are the main factors that kill relationships.

In the end, it’s worth summing up how to break up with your partner correctly and get through this difficult period easier:

  1. You must declare your decision to separate firmly and not hesitate. Before doing this, you should evaluate whether you really want it, be alone and analyze the pros and cons.
  2. It is important to maintain fairness, but avoid cruelty.
  3. Be prepared for negative reactions. If a man loves you, of course, he will not want to leave. The negativity on his part in response to such a proposal is quite understandable.
  4. It is important to set boundaries in future communication. It is recommended to minimize contact with your ex-partner.
  5. Think in advance about whether you have somewhere to go.
  6. Give yourself time. It may not be possible to get over a relationship that has ended right away. This is fine. It is important not to try to speed up this process, to live and feel the separation.
  7. Try to enjoy life as much as possible. Find a new hobby, change jobs. During this period, it is important to distract yourself and focus on something else. This will help you avoid getting bogged down in your own negative thoughts.
  8. Change the environment. If possible, you can go on a trip or simply change something around you. This will help you start a new life more quickly and painlessly.
  9. You shouldn’t look for a new partner immediately after a breakup. Without working through your old relationships and the mistakes you made in them, you risk repeating them again. New love is only possible when you are ready for it, and the period immediately after a breakup is clearly not the best for this.
  10. There is no need to be interested in your ex's life. Try not to visit his pages on social networks and do not ask mutual friends about him.

Preparing for a break9

How to leave a man if a woman has made a firm decision to end the love relationship and does not know what to do next?

To prevent the decision to break up from being painful for your partner, you can prepare it as much as possible. The woman is required to show as much indifference and coldness as possible towards the guy. No affectionate messages or favorite breakfast foods, complete aloofness and refusal of sex. The man will understand that serious problems have arisen in the relationship, and the lady’s decision to break up will not be a severe shock for him.

How to properly leave a relationship

If you are still in a relationship, it means it is not over. They are, rather, saltless, and everything that was at their beginning is no longer there. You increasingly think that previously your partner would not have acted as he does now. This suggests that the development of the relationship has ended and its disintegration has begun. Many women have gone through a similar moment and know that seeing feelings die is very offensive and painful.

Psychologists say that love is a verb, not a noun. At some point, partners stop taking their relationship to new levels. If the feelings have faded, it is probably the choice of one partner. In this case, this is the choice of a woman who has lost the desire to invest in a relationship. In fact, true feelings and harmonious relationships are a constant growth, associated with a number of difficulties and outbursts.

Operation: “Hysterical”10

When solving a difficult problem: “How to leave a man?”, a woman can act in different ways: honestly announce the breakup, or provoke her partner to break up.

Wanting to break up with her boyfriend, the girl experiences remorse and guilt. Somewhere in the depths of her soul, she wants to become abandoned and abandoned by him, just so as not to bring pain and worry to the person.

To force a man to make such an important decision as a breakup, a woman can do the following:

  • Throw tantrums every day with or without cause. For a woman to master such a science is not difficult. As popular wisdom says: “A woman can do three things out of nothing - a hairstyle, a salad and a scandal.”
  • Be jealous of everyone. Jealousy must be pathological in nature, starting from removing classmates from friends, to finding fault with a bread stall saleswoman.

  • No freedom. It is necessary to limit the young man’s personal space. He spends day and night only with his girlfriend. She accompanies him to work, meets him, and waits for him all day. What friends, fishing, football? All events are only in the company of your loved one!
  • Dissatisfaction with sex. A cruel point that is better to do without. However, it is worth noting: if the lady is not satisfied with her partner in bed, he will begin to assert himself on the side. And betrayal is a sufficient reason for breaking up with a person.
  • Lack of sex. Today the woman has a headache, tomorrow she has a pain in her lower back, and the day after tomorrow the cat falls ill, no time for that. Girls are very creative when they try to avoid sexual intercourse. Lack of sex will definitely send a partner down the “sinful path” of infidelity.
  • Money is tight. To push a man away, a woman doesn’t need to do much: criticize the subject himself and his financial income.

These methods will help a man in a short time to distance himself from a girl who longs to part with him.

You need to be able to communicate: advice from a psychologist

It is best to inform a person about a breakup in a personal conversation.
If contact is impossible (dominant, manipulative and domineering partner), you need to call or write a message. But this method should be used only in extreme cases.

For a direct conversation, it is advisable to choose a cafe or any public place - this way the message about the breakup will be perceived more adequately. After all, most individuals are embarrassed to sort things out loudly in public.

Read about how to properly report a breakup here.

How to properly inform a man about a breakup?

A woman should not offend a man’s dignity and pride. She must:

  1. Calmly explain the reason for leaving - wrong actions, change in attitude for the worse, lack of respect and help.
  2. Do not condemn and reproach for betrayal, but say that the accomplished fact is the final point in the relationship, due to lost trust.
  3. Restrain your emotions, criticism and do not make sarcastic comments.
  4. Behave coldly, but courteously and politely.
  5. Do not insult or humiliate, do not stoop to showdown and lower the personal self-esteem of your chosen one.
  6. Be as frank as possible and not give false hopes.

Clarity, conciseness, brevity and specificity are what men will correctly perceive. Therefore, a woman should think through her words in advance and mentally prepare herself for a difficult conversation.

To make the process of identifying your thoughts easier, you will need to write down the most negative points on paper and read them out loud several times . In the conversation, it is worth pointing out the positive aspects and advantages of the separation for the man himself.

What to say to a man when breaking up is discussed here.

How to tell a woman that you want to end the union?

By their nature, the female sex is more emotional, so a man can make the process less painful if he does not hurt the feelings of his chosen one. A man must:

  1. Explain in a calm, confident tone that there are no prospects for a future together, since he has lost feelings and desire for intimacy, despite respect for his partner.
  2. Report that he has met another woman for whom he is strongly attracted and in love.
  3. Explain that a woman’s bad habits and regular conflicts in the family worsen his quality of life and health, causing rejection.
  4. Warn that if the separation does not happen on good terms, then maintaining a normal relationship will become impossible.

The conversation should take place calmly, delicately, while the man should thank the woman and emphasize how much he appreciates everything she has done (or sacrificed) for him.

Neither a man nor a woman needs to succumb to the manipulation of pity, threats, or agree to the last meeting or sexual relationship. This is just a reason to delay time, and a reason to return the chosen one.

Read more about what to say to a girl when breaking up here.

A humane way to break up with a man11

When a woman breaks up with her ex, she experiences a lot of claims, hateful and contemptuous feelings and violent emotions towards him. He is considered to be the culprit for everything: the fact that love has disappeared, youth has passed, the best years have disappeared and gray hair has appeared.

In rare cases, the girl comes to the conclusion that she was to blame for the breakup. This is surprising, but such young ladies treat their practically “former” partners in a friendly, gentle manner, wishing them with all their hearts to find happiness with another woman.

How to break up correctly and maintain confidence

The stronger a woman’s energy, the more she will feel her own importance. She will be able not only to give her love and energy, but also to receive it in return. When breaking up, it is important to avoid negative phrases and tell your partner that you gave him your best years. It is likely that the answer to this will be “I might not give it away.” Attempts to blame a person are a direct indication that you cannot exchange energy, and this is always a direct path to powerlessness. Those who don't know how to give only lose.

Phrases about being taken advantage of by your partner for a long time are the result of an unhealthy relationship. The feeling that you were taken advantage of should not remain, because, being in such a moral state, you will not be able to build new healthy relationships. Already with other men, you will still feel that you were taken advantage of. Keep in mind that no man wants to build a relationship with a woman with whom he is uncomfortable.

The task of a woman who has decided to end a relationship is to preserve maximum energy during the breakup, so that she can then enter into a new life with her.

Analysis of feelings12

In order to properly break up with a man, without causing men’s hysterics, angry tirades and crocodile tears, a woman needs to listen to the advice of psychologists: “How to leave a man.” The first thing she should do is sort out her feelings and understand whether she really doesn’t need him anymore.

Let her imagine him with another woman, and imagine her own world without his presence? If your heart does not bleed and does not clench into a fist, then you should move on to the second step. And if your ex has confessed his love and is ready to take a step toward reconciliation, you should listen carefully to your heart.

What to write to dump him via SMS

If you have decided to leave a young man via SMS, it is important to choose the right words for this. It is best to compose the text of the message in such a way that the man understands that it’s not about him, he is good and caring, but together you cannot have a strong relationship, or you simply stopped loving him and are not ready to continue the relationship. There is no need to use harsh words and try to hurt or offend the young man - it is always better to part on a good note.

You can start by writing words of gratitude for the time spent together and for the pleasant moments. Then you need to mention that you wish the young man happiness and that he meets a girl with whom he will definitely have a strong alliance. And it is definitely important to indicate the reason for the breakup, so that the young man can understand your actions: have you stopped loving him, do you want to try your luck with someone else, do you have other reasons for the breakup.

Serious conversation13

Men can’t stand a woman’s phrase: “We need to talk,” especially when it emanates a mournful spirit. But it’s also not worth announcing a breakup with a smile on your face full of optimism. A breakup is sad and unpleasant; you need to accept this fact and present it to your partner with dignity.

When it comes to separation, don't blame your partner. In unsuccessful relationships, both are always to blame. Let the woman admit that she is not satisfied with the relationship, softening some details so that her words do not sound too painful. After that, she can say: “It’s a pity that this happened.”

How to talk to a man correctly

It is recommended to ask for forgiveness, say thank you and say goodbye to a woman not over the phone, but in person, in person. You can express what does not suit you, share with your partner what you have realized. If you talk after a certain time, and you can talk on any topic, it means that the binding that we mentioned is gradually weakening. However, if you feel pain during the conversation, this indicates that the addiction still exists, and the possibility of reconciliation exists.

Signs of destructive (neurotic) and normal relationships

In a normal relationship there is neither a victim nor a manipulator. A partner who loves you will not use you for his own purposes. The manipulator directly needs your tension, your attention, your experiences, your concentration on him. Love is not a game, don’t let anyone play with you and your feelings.

You might be wondering: what difference does it make how you throw? We have zero in common and will never see each other again. No matter what they say to each other at the end, nothing will change.

BUT before you burn bridges...

Give thanks

No matter how difficult your relationship may be at this stage, find the courage to say “thank you” to the person. You should be grateful for all the good things that happened between you. Perhaps your current partner has helped you understand what kind of person you really need. This also happens sometimes. Gratitude is a great power. It will help you avoid negative feelings during the breakup process and maintain a positive attitude.

Make sure it's over

Very often people run away from a relationship after the first fight. But in fact, many simply do not understand how to behave in life together.

If you are accustomed to beggars and conquerors, then the behavior of a normal man will be incomprehensible to you. Because he:

  • will not meticulously pursue;
  • he doesn’t have time for endless courtship;
  • he is bothered by the behavior of the woman-mother;
  • he talks less and does more.

It’s easier with carers and beggars. They are soft, guess the mood and adapt to it, and most importantly, they love to run after a woman with a bouquet and a teddy bear.

And in 5-10 years you will provide for your family and wonder why Irka gets a fur coat and you get tights.

If the relationship clearly cannot be restored, the scenario is different.

What will happen in this case?

Most likely, you will return to the same lesson over and over again until you get the hang of it. If the relationship is not fully worked out, the situation will repeat itself in different forms.

To let a person go completely, you need to completely FORGIVE him, which means becoming grateful for the experience gained.

And most importantly: they are not afraid of separation. They are as inevitable in our lives as new meetings.

Let them live surrounded by happy people who live with those they truly love. And remember the main thing: always do as your best self would do. This is the fastest way to become the woman you want to be.

With faith in you, Yaroslav Samoilov.

What to do if he initiated the breakup

Your premonitions were confirmed, and your beloved man confronted you with the fact that the time had come to leave. What to do in such a situation, how to break up with your beloved man and survive it, will be suggested by the advice of a psychologist.

To find the strength to survive this misfortune, engage in psychoanalysis.

  • Look for the reason within yourself to avoid similar situations in the future. He is not satisfied with your manners, character, tastes or intimacy? Or maybe he’s just not ready for a serious relationship and the whole root of evil is in him. Having understood these points, it will be much easier for you to cope with the breakup.
  • Look for flaws in your lover. In fact, he is not the ideal that you made up in your imagination. Having looked at it critically, take a blank sheet of paper and, dividing it into 2 columns, write down all its advantages and disadvantages. After analyzing what was written, you will understand that you have idealized your lover too much. Or, on the contrary, you will understand that you can come to terms with some shortcomings and get used to them, because... the advantages, even if there are not many of them, outweigh.

  • Set yourself a time period for missing your loved one, during which you allow yourself to cry. When the time comes to an end, hide his gifts, photographs and things that remind him of him as far from view as possible.
  • Share your grief in a mirror or in a journal. This way you can remove the burden of grievances, obsessive thoughts and memories. You can write about your experiences in a diary. Psychologists say that feelings and emotions set out on paper become the past, cease to be a mental burden and are released.
  • Cry “in your vest” to a loved one, mom or best friend. Just talk it out - it will ease your soul.
  • Release your emotions in a deserted place - scream loudly, cry at the top of your voice. Your grief will become less severe.
  • Get involved in a business or career. Sports training, improvement of your apartment or new projects at work will distract you, and the success achieved will give you self-confidence and increase your attractiveness to men.
  • Break up your everyday life with holidays. Let it be meetings with friends, parties, travel, visits to museums and concerts, picnics in nature. Allow yourself to buy a new dress or jewelry, get a new hairstyle.
  • Accept the end of the love affair. Remove from your head thoughts that begin with the word “if only...” Everything that is not done is for the better!

Time will heal the wounds caused by the rupture. Remember that you are a beautiful, confident, wise woman who will definitely meet a worthy man with whom you will certainly be happy.

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