Secrets of family happiness that every woman needs to know

  • 958
  • 04-09-2019
  • Author: Mysekret Team
  • 1

Every woman dreams of having a family. I want to know that you belong to your husband and children, that you are loved and cared for. And even the number of divorces does not stop women from wanting to get married.

But a happy family is work. And in order to maintain a relationship for many years, you need to work on it. Secrets will help with this, knowing which, a woman will create the happiest family she could ever dream of.

Secrets that make a family happy

Let's start with the fact that by family we mean a man and a woman who decided to go through life next to each other.

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Family relationships are not a way to escape from hopelessness and despair, hoping that another person will fill your life with meaning. This is a mutual decision of two people to give a piece of themselves to the other in order to make the loved one happier.

But even with good intentions, it is not always possible to save a family. So, 9 secrets of psychologists that will make your family prosperous and happier.

Rules and boundaries: each of you knows that you are not allowed to go further

Of course, at first glance this seems harsh, strange, repulsive. But in practice it works. Both men and women know their partner’s personal boundaries that should not be crossed.

For example, a husband knows that raising his hand against his wife is not part of their general relationship rules. Otherwise, separation is inevitable.

Rules, frameworks and boundaries help to respect another person and not do what he doesn’t like. Boundaries will allow a woman not to dissolve in a man, but to remain herself. It is easier for both parties in such a relationship to show respect.

This may be why prenuptial agreements are becoming more common. A person knows this limit line, crossing which he will have to pay.

The ability to shut up in time

The golden rule of a happy family, according to psychologists, which is followed by a man and a woman. Sometimes, in a fit of anger and resentment, we say a lot. You will regret it later, but you will not take back what was said. You can hurt a loved one unconsciously, without wanting to offend.

The ability to shut up in time will help maintain a happy marriage for years. It’s easy to do this - go out and take a walk or make a promise to yourself that for 5 minutes you will be silent and not respond to insult with insult. This helps and it saves the relationship from breaking up.

A comfortable home is very important for a man

That's why men agree to start a family. The knowledge that you will return home in the evening to the woman you love makes you happy and gives you hope. She gives harmony, hope in a bright future, believes in it. The competition is there, outside the home.

Here he relaxes, receives the necessary support and gains strength to move on into a world where men are merciless to each other, where it is important to be competitive.

Plan - where you are heading as a family, where you are moving, goals

According to psychologists, it is important to share this before starting a family and discuss personal views on life.

Where are you going, do you have common goals and a desire to create a cozy home and raise children?

Further, already being married, the man and woman discuss these moments. Awareness of the integrity of the family and the presence of joint desires will help preserve the family.

A question of money

Money is a part of our life. A person has the attitude towards money that he wants. But when it comes to family, opinions may not coincide. And you already take into account not only your needs and desires, but also the needs of your partner.

Sit down, talk honestly and openly - what are your expectations from the financial component of the relationship, do you want your husband to support you, will you maintain a joint budget and other similar issues.

Everyone has “their own” time, in which the partner does not interfere

Psychologists advise giving this time to your significant other voluntarily. Every person in the family sometimes wants to breathe, so that no one stands over their soul. This time also helps you look at yourself separately from your partner and realize your personal preferences and aspirations. The result is strong relationships in the long term.

Spend your free time on self-development. Men do not stop educating themselves and do not give up their hobbies, even when they are married. Women, on the contrary, take care of the family, forgetting about themselves and their own interests. A husband becomes more interested in his wife when she has a favorite hobby. There will be new topics for conversation, it will be more interesting to open ourselves to each other.

My husband is my best friend

Play sports or go on a picnic with your loved one as friends. It is important that there is a feeling - what a wonderful person he is, and how lucky I am that today I am returning home with him.

Be able to ask for forgiveness and build a dialogue

We all make mistakes, but learning to ask for forgiveness can help restore relationships. It is important not to put off such conversations, but to be able to immediately talk and admit if you have made a mistake.

Over time, to build a happy relationship, it is important for a woman to be able to build a constructive dialogue with her husband. A person may misunderstand, and if misunderstandings are discussed immediately, unnecessary grievances will not accumulate.

Do you laugh together

You need to laugh not at people, but at situations. When you can look at life situations together with ease and laugh at them, then the family will be happy.

You may want to find something to do together that will bring positive emotions to both parties.

Problems in a modern family

Why do people decide to start a family? Taking into account the point of view

psychophysiology, all human actions are caused by certain needs.

It is they who turn into motives that direct his behavior in a specific direction.

What needs contribute to a person deciding to start a family?

Many modern experts have no doubt that the family is based on relationships, since a family without them becomes an ordinary group of people who do not have pure family traits.

Marriage, which involves formalizing the relationship at the legal level, is entered into to secure a career, improve status, and also for financial reasons.

In a family there must be mutual respect between parents and children. Then there will be order in the family, which is necessary for family relationships. Children should love and respect their parents.

Enemies of family relationships

Many things interfere with a woman’s family happiness. The enemies of family happiness are not only people. We ourselves prevent our family from becoming that warm and cozy place to which we want to return.

So, the 5 most common enemies of family happiness according to psychologists:

  • You expect your spouse to read your mind and do as you want. But not a single person has learned this yet. Exit - Voice your expectations, talk about what is painful.
  • The wife treats her husband conscientiously. A man doesn't like to be used. He also wants love and respect just like you. Solution - Don't take your husband for granted. Give thanks for what he did for you and for the family.
  • A woman manipulates sex - encourages, motivates, refuses sex if... her husband does what she demands of him. Men are sensitive in this matter. If his wife does not give him sexual satisfaction, then he will find one who will. Solution - Do not deny a man intimacy, be intimate with him as often as required.
  • Ignoring the problem distances it. You become like strangers to each other. The solution is to try to solve the problem. This brings you closer together and you will become a little closer to each other.
  • Everyday life - don’t let everyday problems kill your relationship. Way out - arrange holidays for yourself, with or without a reason. The holiday helps a woman and her man take a break from problems, change focus and understand that life is still worth living.

A year of strengthening family values

You can ask the children to talk about how they spent their summer holidays.

  • From all these stories you can understand that the holidays went well, you were well rested and gained strength.
  • Who was the most attentive when the others were talking about their own holidays and will be able to answer the question about what words the students used most often? (father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, sister, brother, uncle, aunt).
  • And who are they? (family members).
  • What is a family like (children can express their thoughts about this).

Playing family values ​​in class

  • There is a letter family that consists of “33 siblings.” What is the name of such a family? (alphabet)
  • What flower is considered by many to be a symbol of family? (chamomile)
  • What weather can't meteorologists predict? (weather in the house)
  • Which plant is at the same time the personification of an adopted and a natural relative? (coltsfoot)

Read further:

  • What is the basis of family values?
  • Why are family relationships necessary?
  • Relativity of values
  • Values ​​and attitudes
  • Where does happiness and beauty go?
  • The value of a person
  • Secrets of family life
  • They contradict democratic values

How to change everything right now - some tips from psychologists

Family happiness is work. And if a woman is not satisfied with everything in a relationship, then a lot can be changed right now. To do this, do the following:

✔ Make a spontaneous decision that your spouse does not expect. The goal is not to shock, but to pleasantly surprise your loved one.

✔ A week without criticism with politeness and care. Consciously give yourself a directive - not to criticize or make comments to your loved one for a week. Instead, say nice words and make your partner happy. Give a nice gift.

✔ Try to imagine that today is the last day you live. There will be no chance to fix the situation, ask for forgiveness or start over tomorrow. Exists only today. How would your behavior change?

These are the effective secrets that will help a woman keep her family happy. A single recipe for family happiness has not yet been invented. What is important is the desire of both partners to live together and happily. Well, the desire to work so that the husband/wife and children are happy.

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Let's look at what qualities a happy family has.

  1. Presence of family traditions . When people live together, they have common points of contact and habits. A tradition can be family dinners on weekends, trips to relatives for a holiday, a vacation at the dacha, or something else significant.
  2. Desire to share life experiences. The older generation passes on their knowledge to the younger ones, and children and grandchildren readily accept it.
  3. Communication with the older generation , closeness to them. Grandparents in a happy family are respected, accepted, they are part of the family.
  4. The ability to be grateful . This is not only the ability to say thank you, but also the internal state of the individual.
  5. Joint activities with children . If parents devote time to their child, this not only has a positive effect on his emotional and intellectual development, but also brings him closer together and develops trust.
  6. The ability to have fun and enjoy life.
  7. Self-sufficiency of each family member.
  8. Maintaining status , family hierarchy, comfortable for each family member.

A happy family will not sort things out in public, criticize the partner, or complain about the children or the older generation.

They act together , together, and this is what unites them even more strongly. There are no strong disagreements in it, because the goals are directed in one direction, and there is such a family as a single organism.

How to be a happy wife?

In order for a woman to become happy in family life, she must first choose the right man.

You need to work on your happiness. Relationships don't develop on their own.

If you get married, you take responsibility for maintaining harmony in the relationship. It is unacceptable to shift responsibility for your actions onto others.

Supporting loved ones in difficult times is one of the keys to family happiness.

Are there ideal unions?

It seems that a happy family is some kind of unattainable ideal .

You and your friends periodically conflict with loved ones, someone has financial difficulties, someone in other families gets sick.

And the question arises, are there really absolutely happy families? Yes, they are. This largely depends on the married people themselves, on their willingness to work on the relationship and maintain it.

There is probably no concept of absolute happiness, and it is not achievable. But everyone is capable of creating a good, friendly family. However, this is a lot of work, and first of all on yourself.

You cannot and do not have the right to force others to change , but you are capable of working on your attitude towards loved ones. And by changing your attitude, methods of influence, communication, you will begin to notice that family members began to behave differently.

Each person has his own concept of happiness, so it is impossible to derive a single formula, a recipe, following which you and your family will certainly be satisfied with your life together.

But if you try to bring harmony and joy to the world, then you can certainly achieve this. There are happy families, and they are made so by the people themselves, who are ready to fight for their happiness and build it.

What is important in family life?


Everyone has their own meaning of family life. Who wants to carry love through many years and share their life with a person who will always support and understand in any situation, for whom the main thing is to give birth to many children and raise them as worthy members of society. For some, marriage is simply a tribute to tradition.

However, all these people, in order to save their marriage and not turn it into “an intolerable obligation to each other,” should understand that the main thing in the family is harmony. Harmony in everything, from respect for the habits and character traits of your partner, mutual support in difficult life situations, and ending with the joint solution of everyday and other problems.

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