Abilities: definition, classification, characteristics

Definition of the term “ability” in psychology

In psychology, abilities are properties of the human psyche, determined by the special development of functional organs and psychological structures, which allow him to master new knowledge, skills and abilities in a specific field of activity with particular speed and success.
For people who have certain abilities (in a specific field of activity), the speed of mastering new knowledge and skills is several times higher than the effectiveness of development in this area for those people who do not have such abilities.

For example, if a child has mathematical abilities (ease of arithmetic calculations, good memory, pronounced logical thinking), it is much easier for him to study mathematics and solve complex problems, unlike a child who does not have these abilities.

To successfully master and carry out different types of activities, different abilities are required. The speed and quality of acquiring new knowledge, skills and abilities in the relevant field of activity depends on them.

Inclinations are the natural basis of abilities

Abilities are, in psychology, personality traits that determine the speed and quality of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities. The initial form of future abilities are inclinations, which are hereditary anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body, which can manifest themselves in the form of the following properties of the nervous system:

The difference between inclinations and abilities is that they are not specific and cannot specifically relate to any one activity or to any particular ability. The same inclinations can be used in the formation of different abilities in different fields of activity.

For example, excellent eyesight and innate attentiveness can become part of the abilities of an artist or professional archer. Different types of activities require certain abilities, which in turn can be based on the inclinations they require.

The makings of the visual system can be used in activities that require good vision (fine arts, sports). The inclinations of the speech apparatus can be successfully used in a field that requires a high level of its development (oratory, linguistics).

Inclinations are the basic “bricks” on which a person’s abilities and all professional activities are built. They begin to appear in preschool and early school age. During this period, the functional development of areas of the brain responsible for the coordination of the organs of movement, the logic of thinking, as well as the improvement of various analyzers occurs:

  • vision;
  • hearing;
  • touch.

The discovered inclinations in the child must be developed in relation to the area of ​​activity that interests him. As a result, the formation of abilities will take place more effectively and meet the necessary requirements of this activity.

Origin of abilities and their structure

There are 2 theories of the origin of human abilities. The theory of the emergence of abilities through the transfer of genetic information from parent to child and the theory of the development of abilities as a result of training, upbringing and the influence of the external social environment on a person.

The genetic theory of the emergence of abilities is based on well-known facts, when the children of outstanding scientists or artists also became scientists or achieved success in the relevant field of art. For example, a very common occurrence was the discovery of appropriate musical abilities in children of musicians (Mozart, Haydn).

Another striking example is the emergence of a whole dynasty of musicians and composers among the descendants of the famous great composer Johann Sebastian Bach.

The theory of the emergence of abilities under the influence of training and factors of external social influence is based on a number of experiments that confirm the development of almost any abilities, in the case of correct and systematic training of a person by experienced teachers, as well as as a result of proper upbringing in early childhood, when the main anatomical and physiological components are formed child's psyche.

As a result of the coexistence of these theories, modern psychology accepts them equally. The formation of abilities is influenced by both heredity and environmental factors, which can compensate for the lack of any innate abilities or, on the contrary, suspend their development.

The basic structure of abilities (in a general sense) consists of the following parts:

  1. Information part (knowledge about the world and society, scientific knowledge, knowledge about ways to carry out certain actions in various types of activities).
  2. The psychophysical part (experience in carrying out certain actions in the field of activity being mastered, expressed in specific skills and abilities).
  3. The creative part (the ability and willingness to find new types of solutions to any problems, the ability to create more effective skills and abilities).
  4. The emotional part (the ability to form positive emotions in relation to the activity being carried out, the ability to use emotions to more effectively master skills).

The presence of the above elements in the structure of abilities allows a person to effectively develop his abilities in any field of activity.

The development of individual elements of the ability structure affects the overall progress of the development of the ability itself, which in turn leads to a further strengthening of the development of its individual parts. Thus, the development of an ability is a mutual cyclical process involving the ability itself and its individual parts.

The structure of the ability of any specific activity, in addition to the general structure, will include a number of additional qualities that a person performing this activity must have.

For example, the structure of abilities that a person engaged in musical activity must have includes such elements as a sense of rhythm, an ear for music, and musical memory.

With regard to literary activity, in addition to the general structure of abilities, it should include such additional elements as clear functioning of the speech apparatus, a developed sense of aesthetics, the need for self-expression and fantasy.

Each specific type of activity has its own structure of abilities. A person carrying out any type of activity must have the appropriate abilities.

Inclinations are the natural basis of abilities

Abilities have a complex structure. Among the qualities and properties of a person, which are united by the concept of “ability,” there are natural ones (congenital or hereditary). This natural basis of abilities is called inclinations. These include primarily psychophysiological and anatomical-physiological features.

  1. For example, the type of higher nervous activity or temperament - in a number of professions people with a sanguine temperament are more successful, and in others - phlegmatic or choleric people. And the sensitivity of a melancholic person can make him a great artist or poet.
  2. The inclinations also include innate features of the sensory system. For example, a person with a high sensitivity to color discrimination can become a good colorist, and a person with an ear for music can become a musician.
  3. In order to become a long-distance runner, you need a large lung capacity and endurance, and to play basketball, you need to be tall.

But the key word “can” determines the role of inclinations in a person’s life. Inclinations do not predetermine a person’s life path and may not develop into abilities, but remain “ballast”. On the other hand, the ability to perform certain activities can be developed even with weak natural prerequisites, if there is a desire. It will just take more effort and time, and not everyone needs it. For example, it has now been proven that with due persistence, anyone can learn to draw.

Inclinations are prerequisites, a kind of potential that still needs to be developed to the level of ability. And in this development, the main role is played by the social factor - the environment in which the personality is formed, the social environment, incentives and motives.

Social factor

Along with inclinations, abilities include a set of skills, abilities and knowledge related to specific activities. And only if they are present will the makings work. The formation of abilities includes a number of processes that are in one way or another related to the interaction of society and people.

  1. Development of potential, which is only possible through activity. That is, to become a musician, you need to learn to play at least one musical instrument. To become a writer, you must not only be able to write, but also know the laws of style, composition, etc. But most importantly, you must engage in the activity for which you want to develop abilities. They just won’t fall like manna from heaven.
  2. Any ability is a complex and, in addition to inclinations, includes many personal qualities. Thus, for abilities in the field of artistic creativity, the development of imaginative thinking, imagination, and intuition is important, and for success in the exact sciences, abstract logical thinking is required.
  3. Mastering an activity is a prerequisite for developing abilities. This involves training in techniques, methods, and techniques of activity. If a person with good abilities as a swimmer does not learn to swim, then these abilities will never manifest themselves.

Thus, abilities are the result of the development of all spheres of personality. Moreover, it is possible to develop abilities and transform potential inclinations into real mastery at any age. Although it is best, of course, to begin the development process in childhood, when the psyche is more flexible, and perception is lively and vivid, and any activity is mastered in a playful form.

Proper upbringing and sensitivity to the needs and interests of a child are a guarantee that he will grow up to be a capable person. And you need to pay close attention to the kids. The fact is that there is one interesting mental phenomenon that can suggest the presence of inclinations and the possibility of developing abilities for a certain type of activity. These are inclinations.

What are tendencies?

We approach different types of activities differently - we categorically do not like something, we would like to do something, but there is not enough time, and we always find time for some activities even at the expense of our own rest or household chores.

  1. There are types of activities that a person has a penchant for, that is, a literally irresistible desire to engage in them. He strives for this, overcoming obstacles, making a lot of effort to master the activity he likes, enjoying the process itself. Psychologists believe that aptitudes are an indicator of a person’s potential abilities for an activity he or she likes. And if there are no inclinations, and the activities do not bring pleasure, and the result is uninteresting, then most likely it will not be possible to develop abilities.
  2. True, along with true inclinations there are also imaginary ones. They most often appear under the influence of a feeling of envy, when a person likes the result of the work of others so much that he also wants to learn the same thing, for example, to draw, or achieve success in sports, publish his own book, etc.

Imaginary inclinations can arise as a result of imitation. In childhood, it often happens that a child goes to a sports section or art school after his friend, without experiencing any interest in the activity itself. Or girls often want to become singers, imitating their favorite actress.

It is not difficult to distinguish imaginary inclinations from true ones. Mastering the activity in this case is not enjoyable, and the very first failures lead to loss of interest.

Is it possible to develop abilities?

As stated above, inclinations, before becoming the basis of abilities, must also go through a certain path of development. Initially, this is the physical formation of the body, when at a young age the coordination connections located in the cerebral cortex with the organs of movement are improved, which becomes the basis for the formation of abilities. In fact, specific abilities begin to develop during the period of assimilation of knowledge, especially in younger and middle ages. The formation is influenced by the acquired knowledge and work practice, games that encourage the development of creative, design, visual and organizational abilities. At school, a comprehensive approach to the simultaneous comprehension of several abilities is important. Children gain knowledge in lessons, improve their speech, and develop interpersonal relationships. Complexity is one of the most important conditions for the fact that not only the emergence of abilities occurs, but also their formation and development. But at the same time, certain conditions must be met: the activity must be based on learning something new, the level of difficulty should not exceed the possibility, there must be a desire to accomplish something, which must be accompanied by a positive attitude during the activity and after its completion.

When an activity contains elements of creativity, it becomes attractive.
If at the same time something new is created, and the child discovers new possibilities in himself, then these stimulate him to further actions and teach him to overcome difficulties. Of course, this generates self-confidence and a sense of satisfaction. When performing too simple actions, the already acquired abilities are realized; when performing complex ones, when the result is not achieved, motivation disappears, and new skills are not formed. It is important to maintain interest and stimulate progress during the activity. Developing abilities is learning something. The emotional mood brings great benefits. In the process of activity, failures are possible, but they must be followed by successes, and the more, the better. Human abilities was last modified: April 20, 2021 by Elena Pogodaeva

What do we call abilities?

This concept is not as clear as it seems, and therefore is explained by scientists in different ways.

Most precisely, this concept was formulated by B. M. Teplov, who proceeds from three ideas:

  • abilities are individual properties of a person and, from the point of view of psychology, are inherent in every person
  • but these are not all properties, but only those with the help of which success in life is achieved
  • Abilities do not include knowledge and skills that have already been accumulated by a person.

Abilities are manifested and preserved only in constant development, because, say, a musician ceases to practically maintain his form, his abilities are lost over time. A person develops and improves his abilities when he puts them into practice. It has been noted that to successfully complete a task, it is not enough to have any one ability; a combination of them is necessary, but it may happen that a less developed ability is compensated by another, more developed one.

Basic signs of abilities

The category of abilities is of quite great interest. The structure of the concept includes three main features:

  • individual characteristics of a psychological nature, which serve as a distinctive feature that sets an individual apart from other people;
  • the presence of abilities determines success in performing an activity of a certain type (in some cases, in order to perform actions at the proper level, the presence, or, on the contrary, the absence, of certain characteristics is required);
  • These are not direct skills and abilities, but individual characteristics that determine their acquisition.


There are a large number of abilities that differ from each other according to different criteria:

  • by origin: natural and social. The former are congenital or biological, the latter were acquired through the process of learning and socialization (what is it?);
  • by focus: general and special - having a wide scope of application or needed only for a specific type of activity or action, respectively;
  • according to the degree of development they distinguish: giftedness, talent, genius - from simple to complex;
  • according to development conditions: potential and actual. The first are those abilities that can develop under certain conditions. The second are available to the individual at the moment.

Special Abilities

These are opportunities for the development of individual mental processes and qualities of activity.

General Abilities

These are favorable opportunities for the development of human mental characteristics, which are equally important for many types of activities. Such general abilities are the ability to develop resourcefulness and intelligence in a person.

The totality of general special abilities characteristic of a particular person constitutes giftedness.

Types and structure

Abilities have a complex structure. Inclinations in psychology - anatomical, physiological, psychophysiological features. Characteristic:

  1. Temperament can become a predominant factor in choosing a profession. Phlegmatic people are successful in one area, sanguine people in another.
  2. The inclinations include the innate characteristics of the sensory system. If a person distinguishes colors and shades well, he can become an artist.

Makings do not affect a person's life path. Peculiarities:

  1. Only with active activity can a subject develop potential and manifest it. If a person wants to become a musician, he practices playing musical instruments; to become an artist, the individual tries to create paintings.
  2. Mastering the activity. If a person has the inclination to work with wood, but he is not trained in various processing methods and working with hand tools, he will never become a carpenter.

The learning process must begin in childhood.


  1. There are types of activities for which a person shows a strong inclination. He wants to do them as much as possible, without paying attention to other important matters. Inclinations allow you to achieve results in a certain direction, since the individual will go through obstacles to achieve the desired result.
  2. In addition to real ones, there are imaginary inclinations. More often these are desires caused by feelings of envy.

In psychology, there are two types of abilities:

  1. General - intelligence, memory, attention. Their development is influenced by perseverance, independence, and determination.
  2. Special - associated with a specific type of activity. Develop quickly with practice.

Stages of development of inclinations:

  1. Reproductive - when learning, a person performs patterned actions. In this situation, a person can become a master in a field of interest to him, but his manipulations will be standard.
  2. Creative - with the development of inclinations, an individual moves away from imposed stereotypes and standards and comes up with his own scenario of actions. Such people reach great heights and are distinguished by extraordinary thinking.

Definition and characteristics

Abilities are the psychological properties of a person that allow him to be successful in a particular activity. This is what you do best.

Abilities develop from inclinations - personal innate characteristics. For example, you have good hearing - this is the makings of it. If you develop them, you can become a good musician.

Abilities and inclinations are closely related, but different in nature. The inclinations are innate, that is, they are present in a person regardless of his will and desire. They just are.

But to turn them into abilities, you will have to practice a lot, which requires effort and time. A newborn baby cannot walk. It will take at least a year, many attempts will be made to get on his feet, thousands of falls will be experienced before he learns to control his body.

Abilities can be characterized as follows:

  • it is something individual - something that distinguishes us from others;
  • the success of an activity is determined by the level of development of abilities: the more they are developed, the more effect a person gets from using them in his business;
  • they are not skills, but determine the ease of their acquisition;
  • they are not inherited and do not arise independently;
  • if you do not develop your abilities, then they will gradually fade away to the level of inclinations.


Abilities are specific properties of a person that determine his propensity to perform a particular type of activity. They are not innate. This category includes inclinations, the presence of which greatly facilitates the process of developing abilities. Also, this concept should not be confused with giftedness or talent.

Psychologists identify several features that characterize the structure of a person’s abilities. They distinguish people from each other, and also determine their achievement of success in a particular field of activity. It is a mistake to believe that abilities are hereditary; this can only be said about inclinations. In addition, they cannot arise independently if a person is not engaged in a certain kind of activity. If there is no development, then the abilities gradually weaken and disappear (but this does not mean that they cannot be restored).

Depending on the field of activity, abilities are of several types. Thus, mental ones allow you to quickly respond to changes in the situation, making meaningful and rational decisions. If we talk about musical abilities, then this is the presence of hearing and voice, perception of tempo-rhythm, as well as easy mastery of playing musical instruments. Literary ones are manifested in the ability to beautifully formulate one’s thoughts, and technical ones - in an understanding of the functional features of certain mechanisms. Speaking about physical abilities, it is worth noting endurance, as well as developed muscles. Educational ones make it possible to perceive and reproduce large amounts of information, and artistic ones make it possible to convey colors and proportions. This is a basic, but far from complete list of human abilities.

What abilities are there?

It is customary to consider abilities obtained from nature, based on biological data and specific, arising under the influence of socio-historical conditions. Natural ones include memory, perception, thinking - inherent in all people and some animals. These abilities are laid down from birth and are biologically determined. They are based on innate inclinations and are formed with the acquisition of life experience. But man is a social being and therefore he has specific abilities. People possess them, because no one except them has speech and logical thinking.

Some abilities are classified as general, and others as special. Possession of speech and precise movements of the arms and legs, for example, is common to all people. Specific abilities are those that are manifested in certain types of activities: mathematics, music, painting, sports, etc.

If a person has developed abstract thinking, then we have the right to talk about his abilities for theoretical activity. Anyone who likes to perform specific actions, to do something with their own hands, has practical abilities. A person is easily given knowledge, he quickly learns new material, in this case we are talking about his ability to study, and the one who likes to create objects of spiritual culture, strives to discover or invent something - he is characterized by creative abilities.

There is a category of people who are able to quickly establish relationships with people, even influence them. Such abilities are manifested through the possession of speech, and this has largely helped man become a social being. Almost from birth, a person develops a need for emotional communication. This makes it possible to build behavior depending on the situation, to guess the intentions of other people. Mastering social norms helps you quickly establish relationships with other people. There are people who know how to convince others. But it often happens that a person has several abilities, and this combination is called giftedness. Possessing one ability does not guarantee complete success in life. The interaction of abilities, their mutual complementation of each other, give a high result.

The Birth of Abilities

Biological abilities inherent from birth are supplemented by social ones, characteristic only of humans, namely: painting pictures, composing poetry, speaking several languages, etc. It is argued that these abilities do not have a biological origin and depend on:

-social - cultural environment in which a person exists;

-what a person does and the actions in which a person takes part;

-the presence of people around a person who have knowledge and are able to pass it on;

- the presence of restrictions in which a person can or is forced to be.

These conditions contribute to the transformation of man into a social being. It is the social and cultural environment that contributes to the development of abilities. Parents include their children in the process of developing their abilities, but already, as adults, they independently acquire and develop other abilities, feeling the need for them. Parents or other adults provide targeted acquisition of abilities with the help of educational tools and provide educational influence. His existing inclinations and social environment ensure his achievement of success in life.

What are the makings of a person?

A person is characterized by the possession of certain inclinations: a distinction is made between congenital and acquired. The development of a person’s abilities takes place in several stages, but only certain abilities reach a high level. To achieve it, you must have a certain initial level. The deposit becomes the basis from which further steps are taken. It also determines individual characteristics during the formation of special abilities. Individual abilities develop through the interaction of hereditary characteristics and the environment, and this manifests itself already at birth.

From childhood, a person is ingrained with such properties that with age can help or hinder the formation of specific abilities. At the same time, based on the research conducted, it has been proven that the human nervous system does not predetermine forms of behavior, and inclinations are not formed in it. A person’s nervous system determines his temperament; the choice of activity by each person depends on it.

The conducted research allows us to assert that inclinations are determined by the social environment. Training and upbringing fundamentally influence behavior and psychological state. Studies have been conducted to identify differences in abilities between men and women. In childhood, there was no significant difference in abilities. But with age, when life experience accumulates, when professional activity leaves its mark, the differences become more pronounced.

Men who engage in physical labor have more developed coordination of movements, they do not experience difficulties with orientation in space, etc. Women have better developed speech, faster speed of information perception, counting, etc. Thus, the social environment has a direct impact on the formation of abilities , complementing and developing biological ones.

Topic 13. Abilities

1. The concept of abilities. Types of abilities.

2. The nature of human abilities. Abilities and inclinations.

3. Individual differences in abilities.

4. Development of abilities.

1. The concept of abilities. Types of abilities . Any activity requires a person to possess specific qualities that determine his suitability for it and ensure a certain level of success in its implementation. In psychology, these individual psychological characteristics are called abilities

individuals, and only those abilities are singled out that, firstly, are of a psychological nature, and secondly, vary individually (for example, they are not abilities: upright walking is a non-psychological feature, mastering speech - common to all people - cannot be classified as abilities).

Capable people are distinguished from incapable people by more quickly mastering an activity and achieving greater efficiency in it. But abilities and activity are not identical to each other. A person may be well prepared and educated, but has little ability for any activity. For example, phenomenal calculators—people who do mental calculations very quickly—may have average math skills.

At the same time, if a person cannot cope with the difficulties that an activity presents, this does not mean a complete lack of abilities. This individual will simply need more time to master the knowledge of learning, and his teachers will need to make more efforts. V. Nemirovich-Danchenko believed that anyone can become a director, only one will need 3 years, another 30 years, and the third 300.

Abilities are not identical to knowledge, skills and abilities. Abilities only determine the possibility of their assimilation, and whether it becomes a reality depends on the appropriate conditions (special training, creative teachers, family opportunities, etc.). Abilities are manifested not in the skills themselves, but in the dynamics of their acquisition, in how successfully and quickly a person masters a specific activity.

B.N. Teplov identifies three main features of the concept “ability”.

1. Abilities are understood as individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another; no one will talk about abilities when we are talking about properties in respect of which all people are equal.

2. Abilities are not called all individual characteristics, but only those that are related to the success of performing any activity, or many types of activity.

3. The concept of “ability” is not limited to the knowledge, skills and abilities that have already been developed by a given person.”

Not every activity develops an individual’s abilities, but only those that are significant to him, those around which his capabilities are accumulated.

The main signs of having abilities:

1) the success of the activity;

2) originality of products and methods of activity;

3) dynamics of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, the price of success;

4) interest in the activity;

5) the ability to transfer knowledge, skills and abilities to a new area;

6) noise immunity.

Abilities classification:

1) are common

determine a person’s success in a wide variety of activities (mental abilities, developed memory, perfect speech);

2) special

determine success in specific types of activities; to implement them, a special kind of inclinations and their development are required (musical, artistic, linguistic abilities);

3) theoretical

determine a person’s propensity for abstract theoretical thinking;

4) practical

– to specific practical actions


practical ones
are combined only in gifted people)

5) educational

determine the success of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities, forming personality traits

6) creative

– creation of new ideas, inventions, objects of material and spiritual culture;

7) ability to communicate and interact with people

(the ability to come into contact with different people, to win them over, to easily adapt to different situations).


abilities - are not realized in a specific type of activity, but can be updated under certain conditions.
– implemented in certain types of activities.

The success of any activity does not depend on any one, but on a combination of different abilities, and this combination, which gives the same result, can be provided by different abilities. In the absence of the necessary inclinations for the development of some abilities, their deficiency can be compensated for by the stronger development of others. Thus, the ability to recognize the pitch of individual sounds can be developed in persons who do not have absolute pitch, relying on other abilities - relative or timbre hearing.

Individual abilities do not exist on their own and independently of each other. Each ability changes and acquires a qualitatively new character depending on the development of other abilities.

2. The nature of human abilities. Abilities and inclinations . The nature of human abilities still causes heated debate among scientists. One of the points of view, dating back to Plato, argues that abilities are completely biologically determined and inherited. Training and education can only change the speed of their manifestation, but they will always manifest themselves. The proof is individual differences that appeared in childhood, when the influence of training and upbringing had not yet affected. Musical talent manifested itself: in Mozart - at 3 years old, in Haydn - at 4 years old; artistic abilities: Raphael - at 8 years old, Van Dyck - at 10 years old.

Followers of this concept associate a person’s abilities with the mass of his brain (an adult has an average of 1400 g). Let's give examples: the mass of Turgenev's brain is 2012, Byron's is 1800 g, but A. France's is 1017 g, and the largest brain - more than 3000 g - was found in a mentally retarded person. This connection is very persistent in everyday consciousness: usually an individual with a large forehead is endowed with an outstanding mind and reasonable proposals are expected from him.

Developing the views of followers of this trend, F. Galton explained the inheritance of abilities based on the teachings of Darwin. Galton believed that the improvement of human nature is possible only by breeding, on the basis of the laws of heredity, a race of especially gifted, mentally and physically strong people.

Representatives of the other extreme point of view believe that the characteristics of the psyche are entirely determined by the quality of upbringing and training. In the 17th century, Helvetius: genius can be formed through education. Adherents of this concept have now created gifted children (from 4-5 years old). Parents are led to believe that their children have the mental potential of Einstein, Shakespeare, etc. The rational grain of this concept is that abilities are determined by the program of intellectual activity that is laid down in childhood: some individuals solved creative problems, others solved reproductive ones.

The natural prerequisites for abilities cannot be denied. While denying the innateness of abilities, psychologists do not deny the innateness of the structural features of the brain, which may turn out to be conditions for the successful performance of certain activities. These innate anatomical and physiological features of the structure of the brain, sensory organs and movement, which form the natural basis for the development of abilities, are called inclinations

. Inclinations are a prerequisite for the development of abilities. Abilities are a consequence of the development of inclinations.

For example, the inclinations of intellectual abilities are manifested in the functional activity of the brain (excitability, mobility of nervous processes, speed of formation of temporary connections), i.e. in what Pavlov called the genotype (these are innate characteristics of the nervous system). The development of intellectual abilities is also associated with blood supply to the brain.

A person has two types of inclinations: innate (natural) and acquired (social). In order for an ability to rise to a higher level, it must be completed at the previous one. This previous level of development acts as a kind of social inclination for a higher one. So, in order to master higher mathematics, you need to master elementary mathematics.

The significance of inclinations for different abilities is not the same (for example, it is great for musical abilities). The development of inclinations is a socially determined process, and depends on the needs of society for certain professions and on the conditions created by society. The inclinations are not specific in relation to the specific content and forms of activity; they are multi-valued: on the basis of the same inclinations, various abilities can be developed (good hearing and a sense of rhythm allow one to become a conductor, singer, dancer, music critic, musician, composer). However, the characteristics of a particular analyzer (auditory) will affect the abilities that require the participation of this analyzer, i.e. inclinations are to some extent selective.

Research shows that sociocultural factors have a much greater influence on the development of abilities than biological factors.

3.Individual differences in abilities. Abilities can vary not only in focus, but also in their level and scale.

General abilities that provide relative ease in mastering knowledge in various types of activities are often called giftedness

. It can manifest itself in various types of activity (intellectual, creative, in the field of communication, etc.). Gifted people are distinguished by attentiveness, composure, constant readiness for activity, persistence in achieving goals, an indefatigable need to work, and high intelligence. Gifted people show tremendous persistence in their areas of interest. Giftedness is not the only factor of success in activity; in addition to it, a person must have the appropriate knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Specific differences in giftedness are found mainly in the direction of interests (mathematics, history, foreign languages, social work). Further development of abilities occurs in specific activities.

A particularly high level of manifestation of abilities is denoted by the concepts of “skill”, “talent”, “genius”.


– perfection in a specific type of activity requires a lot of hard work. To a greater extent connected with reproductive and production activities. However, this is not the sum of the relevant skills and abilities; mastery in any profession presupposes psychological readiness for creative problem solving. Mastery is when the “what” and “how” come together.

The word "talent" first appears in the New Testament. What mattered was the measure of silver that the lazy slave received from his master and buried in the ground, instead of putting it into circulation and making a profit (“burying his talent in the ground”). Under talent

understand the high level of development of special abilities. The activity of a talented person is distinguished by its fundamental novelty and originality of approach. The awakening of talents is socially conditioned and depends on the needs and tasks of society (in conditions of a flourishing state, musical and literary talents are awakened, and in wartime, military talents are awakened). Talent is a certain combination of abilities, their totality. One ability, even a highly developed one, cannot be called talent.

About genius

(the highest level of development of abilities) they say when a person’s creative inclinations constitute an era in the life of society, in the development of culture (no more than 400 people in the entire history of mankind). A high level of genius's talent is inevitably associated with excellence in various fields of activity (Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci). So the areas of interest of M.V. Lomonosov: chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, fine arts, literature, linguistics. However, each genius has his own “profile”; some abilities are more clearly manifested in his work.

There are many attempts to explain genius. One of them is the theory of the “pathology” of genius: genius is associated with mental disorders. Italian psychiatrist C. Lombroso believes that the feverish state of geniuses during creativity is similar to manic excitement, and the characteristic signs of paranoia (egocentrism, pride, desire for a goal, lack of remorse) are typical characteristics of a genius. Goethe and Byron compared those states when they devoted themselves to creativity with the dreams of sleepwalkers.

On the other hand, psychologists believe that among the 15 billion brain cells in a normal person, only 3-5% work; the human brain has huge reserves. Consequently, genius is not a deviation, not an anomaly of the human mind, but the highest completeness of its manifestation.

The opposite pole is a pathological decrease in abilities (oligophrenia). It has different degrees of severity of the defect: mild (moronicity), moderate (imbecility), deep (idiocy), depending on which programs are created in auxiliary schools.

The problem of determining abilities becomes particularly acute in connection with the differentiation of training during career guidance. Intelligence tests are used. Let's give examples of intelligence quotients (IQ) of famous people: Goethe - 200, Einstein - 180, Kasparov - 135.

4. Development of abilities. Any inclinations must go through a long development path before turning into abilities. For many human abilities, this path begins from the first days of life. The primary stage in the development of any ability is associated with the maturation of organic structures (formation of functional organs). It usually refers to preschool childhood (the work of all analyzers is improved, the areas of the cerebral cortex and movement organs develop and differentiate). This creates favorable conditions for the development of general abilities.

The formation of special abilities actively begins in preschool childhood and continues at an accelerated pace in school, especially in the lower and middle grades. At first, games help children develop their abilities, then educational and work activities. An important point in the development of abilities in children is complexity, i.e. simultaneous improvement of mutually complementary abilities (perfect command of speech is included in intellectual, creative, interpersonal abilities).

Basic requirements for activities that develop abilities: the creative nature of the activity, the optimal level of difficulty for the performer, proper motivation, a positive emotional mood during and after the completion of the activity. One of the important conditions in the formation of abilities is the formation of perseverance, the ability to exert maximum effort in achieving a goal. The child should be given greater freedom in choosing activities, in alternating tasks, in choosing ways of working. This freedom presupposes intelligent, unobtrusive help from adults. But there is no need to turn freedom into irresponsibility, and help into a hint. You cannot do for a child what he can do himself, think for him when he can think of it himself.


periods - periods of high sensitivity to mastering a particular type of activity (Figure skating, gymnastics - from 4-5 years). If the sensitive period is missed, then the development of the function is hampered (in adolescence it is difficult to teach speech).

Unfavorable conditions for the development of abilities can be of various natures:

1) lack of appropriate impressions, impoverished environment;

2) unfavorable upbringing conditions, frequent mental trauma (the child’s energy is wasted on unconstructive experiences);

3) improper handling of motivation (excessive coercion can extinguish the child’s activity and corresponding abilities).

So, abilities must be developed comprehensively and at three levels: psychophysiological, psychological and socio-psychological.

Degrees of development of abilities

Let's take a closer look at the abilities of different levels of development:

  1. Inclinations are not yet abilities, but their most initial level, which says that they exist at all. They represent a person's inclination towards a particular type of activity. For example, if you see that your child draws more often and better than other children, then perhaps this is a sign of artistic (creative) abilities.
  2. Giftedness is the highest form of development of inclinations. For example, you are an excellent cook, but you are not a culinary professional.
  3. Talent is a personal characteristic expressed in the ability to create something unique.
  4. Genius is the “ceiling” of the development of the first three categories. “Brilliant people are brilliant in everything” - a person can easily perform any action.

Typology of people, depending on abilities

The structure of abilities largely determines the qualities of an individual, as well as his inclination to perform activities of a certain kind. Thus, it is customary to distinguish people of artistic and thinking types. If we talk about the first, then its representatives react very sharply to what is happening around them, which is accompanied by a surge of emotions and impressions. This often leads to the creation of something new. As for the thinking type, such people are more practical and less susceptible to external influences. They construct their reasoning logically and are also prone to constructing clear logical chains. It is worth noting that being an artistic type does not mean that a person definitely has creative abilities. The structure of abilities allows him to acquire certain skills, as well as to easily perform similar work. In addition, people of the artistic type do not lack mental resources at all, but they are not dominant. The division of personalities into artistic and thinking types is due to the fact that different people have more developed hemispheres. So, if the left predominates, then a person thinks symbolically, and if the right - figuratively.

Natural gift from birth

Based on the opinion of psychologists, we can safely say that abilities and inclinations are closely related to each other. But in order to say more about the interaction of these personal qualities, it is necessary to understand what inclinations are and define the concept of “ability.”

  1. An ability is a person’s personal predisposition that allows him to achieve certain successes and heights in his life. These are the personal qualities that we have been able to discover in ourselves with little to no effort, and we always get satisfaction from them.
  2. Inclinations are those traits of our personality thanks to which we can develop our abilities. These skills are directly related to the nervous system and often have prerequisites in the anatomical or physiological properties of a person.

Now that the definition has been given, it is immediately clear that inclinations are the main guide in personality development. In addition, inclinations are responsible for the development of abilities in general, and under favorable conditions people reach a certain level in their lives. Moreover, these properties are acquired throughout a person’s life, regardless of whether he wanted to achieve a certain success.

Scientists are still debating whether the inclinations have innate roots or are acquired. However, although the anatomical roots of inclinations have not been proven, scientists argue that with the right approach in early childhood, competent upbringing and favorable living conditions, it is much easier for a person to adapt on the path to successful life.

If in childhood there are no conditions for development and parents do not help to discover the interests that the child shows, then most likely this person will not be able to find himself and develop a certain talent. Such an erroneous approach to education is often observed.

Parents ignore their child's natural inclinations, imposing their own unrealized dreams on him. Simply put, the child is forced to live the life of his parents, which they were unable to live. At the same time, he does not have the opportunity to realize his natural inclinations.

Concept and meaning

Abilities are:

  1. Mental formations that continue to develop into old age. You cannot compare abilities with knowledge or compare these concepts, but they cannot exist without each other.
  2. A system of mental properties, and not just the formation of the work of consciousness. The prerequisites for the emergence of abilities are the hereditary, physiological, and natural characteristics of the body. Conditions for development - education, training, influence of society. The dominant factors influencing the speed of skill development are personal interests, societal demands, and social values.
  3. A complex of properties that no longer manifests itself in knowledge, skills or abilities, but in the speed of their acquisition and further development.

Thanks to evolution and the development of society, people have learned to compensate for the lack of some abilities with the high development of others.

There are no incapable people, each person has a number of talents and inclinations and capabilities that set him apart from the general crowd, but often a person is not aware of his hidden capabilities. Many teachers approach teaching children in a formulaic way, not taking into account that each child is individual. Because of this, many children feel like “black sheep” and try not to show their uniqueness, fearing condemnation from classmates and teachers. This leads to late identification of abilities.

Thanks to evolution and the development of society, people have learned to compensate for the lack of some abilities with the high development of others.


You can get information using tests. They can be general or highly specialized.

First, the individual must pass general tests so that the researcher understands which properties predominate in him. Testing requirements:

  • standardization - the procedure must be uniform in order for the results to be reliable;
  • reliability - questions must be tested in practice;
  • unbiased attitude towards the subject on the part of the researcher.

The results obtained are announced, and other tests are compiled on their basis.

When determining creative inclinations, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of creativity:

  • semantic flexibility;
  • creative thinking;
  • originality of associations.

Types of abilities, examples

People's abilities come in different types, which differ from each other in the nature of the activity associated with them and its content.

Creative abilities of the individual

Creative abilities include those human abilities that allow him to create something new, both in the material and social spheres of society.

Thanks to the presence of these abilities in an individual, he has the opportunity to find previously unknown, more effective solutions to existing problems, create new ideas and achieve his goals using ingenuity and extraordinary thinking.

Creativity may include the following elements:

AbilityAdvanced Feature
Ability to find the cause of a problemIn the process of studying any issue or problem, be able to find and analyze information that goes beyond the scope of this issue or problem.
Ability to generate new ideasApply new ideas in the process of professional activity.
Think original and flexibleWhen solving assigned problems, use information from different classes of phenomena and sources.
Ability to improve already known methods of ongoing activitiesCombine different methods to solve problems more effectively.
Ability to critically evaluate one's actionsAnalyze the results of the work and find shortcomings yourself.

The creative abilities of the individual are used in almost all areas of activity (music, painting, science).

Individual abilities of the individual

There are types of abilities that distinguish some people from others. Individual abilities can be of varying degrees of severity. The ability to combine multiple abilities and perform complex activities as efficiently as possible is called giftedness.

The ability to create something new, original and easily solve problems of increased difficulty is called talent. If the result of activity is masterpieces of world significance, then in this case there is a genius of the individual.

Social abilities of the individual

As a result of communication with people, an individual develops abilities that meet the rules of behavior and certain social norms. Social abilities include the ability to work in a team, the ability to manage people, and the ability to resolve various social conflicts.

In the process of social education, an individual develops such social qualities as:

  • leadership;
  • altruism;
  • honesty;
  • discipline;
  • respect for people and society.

Professional abilities of the individual

Professional abilities are divided into two types: general and special. General professional abilities are those properties of an individual that are necessary to perform a certain type of activity and are determined by the subject of work in the profession:

  • Human;
  • nature;
  • technique;
  • artistic image.

Special professional abilities are determined by a specific profession, the narrow specialization of which requires special professional skills.

Personal communication abilities

A person’s communication skills help him interact correctly and effectively with people. If these abilities are well developed, it is easy for a person to find a common language with people around him, as well as achieve success in business relationships and business.

Intellectual abilities of the individual

Depending on how rich a person’s accumulated experience of intellectual and professional activity is, the degree of his intellectual abilities is determined.

The development of these abilities occurs due to the expansion of a person’s horizons and the acquisition of experience in various types of activities. Thanks to these abilities, a person can think and reason abstractly and logically, use spatial imagination, and also effectively use knowledge from various fields of activity in solving assigned problems.

By developing his abilities, a person can improve the quality of his life, as well as influence the state of the external social environment and the living conditions of other people. Knowledge about the organization and capabilities of these properties in psychology allows people to consciously and purposefully develop and enrich their knowledge, which is one of the main criteria for achieving success in life and the development of society as a whole.

Author: workenter

Development methods

Development of abilities in children:

  1. A game. You need to play with the child so that he tries on the roles. In the future, he himself will begin to choose the characters whose roles he wants to play.
  2. Individuality. The teacher helps the child choose a club that interests him, and enroll in a sports section if there is an urge. Parents should approve of his intentions and not interfere with the development of individuality.
  3. Height. The child must take part in competitions, competitions, and performances related to his favorite activity. This way the baby will be able to feel the first notes of glory, the taste of victory, and the bitterness of defeat.
  4. Mastery. It comes after training and knowledge of the sphere. If a child does not stop in the face of failures and difficulties, he can achieve great heights.

When identifying a direction of interest, it is necessary to regularly practice, try to acquire new knowledge and skills, so that the development is active and bears fruit.

What are tendencies?

When a person develops an interest in a particular type of activity, and he strives to develop his inclinations in this direction, then this initial orientation of the individual is called an inclination.

In the process of mastering the chosen direction of development, an inclination can develop into an ability. If a person changes his interests in the process of mastering the chosen direction, then other inclinations may appear, which can be further developed to the corresponding abilities or remain without further development.

Features of specific human abilities

In turn, specific human abilities are divided into general and special.

General specific abilities can be determined by a person’s success in a wide variety of activities and communication (level of intelligence, level of development of memory and speech, mental abilities).

Special specific abilities characterize success in specific types of activities and communication. Such types of activities require a special kind of inclinations and their development (literary and linguistic abilities, mathematical, artistic and creative, technical, sports abilities).

Characteristic signs

There are a number of characteristic signs of abilities that will help distinguish them from inclinations, inclinations and talents:

  • willingness to overcome problems and obstacles on the way to the intended result;
  • high learning speed;
  • a unique approach to doing things;
  • obtaining original results;
  • motivation for the chosen activity;
  • a large reserve of energy to complete assigned tasks - an enthusiastic person does not feel tired.

Personal communication abilities

In the success of an individual, the determining factor is relationships and interaction with surrounding entities. Namely, communication skills. The success of the subject in professional activities and in other areas of life depends on the degree of their development. The development of such abilities in an individual begins almost from birth. The sooner a baby can learn to speak, the easier it will be for him to interact with others. The communicative abilities of subjects are formed individually for each person. The determining factor in the early development of these abilities is parents and relationships with them; later, peers become influencing factors, and even later, colleagues and one’s own role in society.

If in early childhood an individual does not receive the necessary support from parents and other relatives, then he will not be able to acquire the necessary communication skills in the future. Such a child may grow up insecure and withdrawn. Consequently, his communication abilities will be at a low level of development. The way out of this situation can be the development of communication skills in society.

Communication abilities have a certain structure. They include the following abilities: information-communicative, affective-communicative and regulatory-communicative.

The ability to start and maintain a conversation, complete it competently, attract the interest of the interlocutor, and use non-verbal and verbal means for communication are called information and communication abilities.

The ability to perceive the emotional state of a communication partner, respond correctly to such a state, and demonstrate responsiveness and respect for the interlocutor is an affective-communicative ability.

The ability to help the interlocutor in the process of communication and to accept support and help from others, the ability to resolve conflicts using adequate methods is called regulatory-communicative abilities.

Creative abilities of the individual

Many people mistakenly believe that creative abilities include only drawing, writing and music. However, this is absolutely false. Since the development of an individual’s creative abilities is closely interconnected with the individual’s perception of the world as a whole and his sense of himself in it.

The highest function of the psyche, reflecting reality, is creativity. With the help of such abilities, an image of an object that does not exist at that moment or that never existed at all is developed. At an early age, the foundations of creativity are laid in a child, which can manifest themselves in the formation of the ability to conceive and implement it, in the ability to combine their ideas and knowledge, in the sincerity of conveying feelings. The development of children's creative abilities occurs in the process of various activities, for example, games, drawing, modeling, etc.

The individual characteristics of a subject that determine the individual’s success in performing any creative activity are called creative abilities. They represent a combination of many qualities.

Many famous scientific figures in psychology combine creativity with thinking characteristics. Guilford (an American psychologist) believes that creative individuals are characterized by divergent thinking.

People with divergent thinking, when searching for a solution to a problem, do not focus all their efforts on establishing a single correct answer, but look for various solutions in accordance with all possible directions and consider many options. The basis of creative thinking is divergent thinking. Creative thinking is characterized by speed, flexibility, originality and completeness.

A. Luk identifies several types of creative abilities: finding a problem where others do not notice it; collapsing mental activity, while transforming several concepts into one; using the skills that have been acquired in finding solutions from one problem to another; perception of reality as a whole, and not splitting it into parts; ease of finding associations with distant concepts, as well as the ability to provide the necessary information at a certain moment; choose one of the alternative solutions to the problem before checking it; show flexibility of thinking; introduce new information into an existing knowledge system; see things and objects as they really are; highlight what is noticed from what the interpretation offers; creative imagination; easy to generate ideas; refining specific details to optimize and improve the original idea.

Sinelnikov and Kudryavtsev identified two universal creative abilities that developed in the process of historical development of society: realism of imagination and the ability to see the integrity of a picture before its component parts. Imaginative, objective grasping of some significant, general pattern or tendency for the formation of an integral object, before the individual has a clear idea of ​​it and can introduce it into a system of clear categories of logic, is called realism of the imagination.

The creative abilities of an individual are a set of character traits and properties that characterize the level of their compliance with certain requirements of any type of educational and creative activity, which determine the degree of effectiveness of such activity.

Abilities must necessarily find support in natural personality qualities (skills). They are present in the process of constant personal improvement. Creativity alone cannot guarantee creative achievement. To achieve, you need a kind of “engine” that can put mental mechanisms into action. Creative success requires will, desire and motivation. Therefore, eight components of the creative abilities of subjects are distinguished: personality orientation and creative motivational activity; intellectual and logical abilities; intuitive abilities; ideological properties of the psyche, moral qualities that contribute to successful creative and educational activities; aesthetic qualities; communication skills; the individual’s ability to self-manage his educational and creative activities.

Individual abilities of the individual

Individual abilities of a person are general abilities that ensure the success of mastering general knowledge and implementing various types of activities.

Each individual has a different “set” of individual abilities. Their combination is formed throughout life and determines the originality and uniqueness of the individual. Also, the success of any type of activity is ensured by the presence of various combinations of individual abilities that work towards the result of such activity.

In the process of activity, some abilities have the opportunity to be replaced by others, similar in properties and manifestations, but having differences in their origin. The success of similar types of activities can be ensured by different abilities, so the absence of any ability is compensated by another or a set of such abilities. Therefore, the subjectivity of a complex or combination of certain abilities that ensure the successful performance of work is called an individual style of activity.

Now modern psychologists identify such a concept as competence, which means integrative abilities aimed at achieving results. In other words, this is a necessary set of qualities that employers need.

Today, individual abilities of a person are considered in 2 aspects. One is based on the unity of activity and consciousness, which was formulated by Rubinstein. The second considers individual properties as the genesis of natural abilities, which are associated with the inclinations and typological and individual characteristics of the subject. Despite the existing differences in these approaches, they are connected by the fact that individual characteristics are discovered and formed in the real, practical social activity of the individual. Such skills are manifested in the subject’s performance, activity, and self-regulation of mental activity.

Activity is a parameter of individual characteristics; it is based on the speed of prognostic processes and the variability of the speed of mental processes. So, in turn, self-regulation is described by the influence of a combination of three circumstances: sensitivity, a specific rhythm of installation and plasticity.

Golubeva connects various types of activity with the predominance of one of the brain hemispheres. People with a dominant right hemisphere are characterized by high lability and activity of the nervous system, the formation of non-verbal cognitive processes. Such individuals study more successfully, solve assigned tasks well under conditions of lack of time, and prefer intensive forms of training. People with a predominant left hemisphere are characterized by weakness and inertia of the nervous system, they master humanitarian subjects more successfully, they can plan activities more successfully, and they have a more developed self-regulatory voluntary sphere. From this we can conclude that a person’s individual abilities have a relationship with his temperament. In addition to temperament, there is a certain relationship between the abilities and orientation of a person, his character.

Shadrikov believed that ability is a functional feature that manifests itself in the process of interaction and functioning of systems. For example, a knife can cut. It follows that the abilities themselves, as properties of an object, are determined by its structure and the properties of individual elements of the structure. In other words, individual mental ability is a property of the nervous system in which the function of reflecting the objective world is carried out. These include: the ability to perceive, feel, think, etc.

This approach of Shadrikov made it possible to find the correct relationship between abilities and inclinations. Since abilities are some properties of functional systems, therefore, the elements of such systems will be neural circuits and individual neurons that specialize according to their purpose. Those. properties of circuits and individual neurons are special inclinations.

Social abilities of the individual

Social abilities of an individual are those properties of an individual that are acquired in the process of his development and meet the requirements of significant social activity. They change in the process of education and in accordance with existing social norms.

In the process of social communication, social properties are more expressed in conjunction with the cultural environment. One cannot be excluded from the other. Since it is socio-cultural qualities that play the main role in the formation of the subject as an individual.

In the processes of interpersonal interaction, socio-cultural value is lost, and social abilities cannot be fully demonstrated. The use of social abilities by an individual allows him to enrich his socio-cultural development and improve the culture of communication. Also, their use significantly affects the socialization of the subject.

So, the social abilities of an individual are the individual psychological characteristics of an individual that can allow him to live in society, among people, and are subjective circumstances of successful communicative interaction and relationships with them in any type of activity. They have a complex structure. The basis of such a structure is: communicative, social-moral, social-perceptual properties and ways of their manifestation in society.

Social-perceptual abilities are the individual psychological properties of an individual that arise in the process of his interaction and relationships with other individuals, providing an adequate reflection of their characteristics, behavior, states and relationships. This type of ability also includes emotional and perceptual ones.

Social-perceptual abilities constitute a complex set of communication abilities of an individual. Because it is communication properties that allow subjects to understand and feel another, to establish relationships and contacts, without which effective and complete interaction, communication and teamwork is impossible.

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