There is happiness: signs of people who are completely and completely satisfied with their lives

Surprisingly, you won’t find a definition of the word happiness in the dictionary. And do you know why? Because each person is individual, and everyone has their own happy moments in life. And from vanity, problems and worries, we often lose these wonderful happy feelings. And sometimes we are even surprised when we see a cheerful, smiling face. Medoboz offers to “get to know” a truly happy person. It has some very characteristic features!

After all, the opinions of others are not the main thing!

True happiness, like armor, protects from negativity, from caustic remarks, gossip, ridicule and, in general, from the opinions of not so happy people (after all, see point one - what a happy person notices). Therefore, he is ready to give his goodness in return even to such people, following the wise words of King Solomon: “I have learned that there is nothing better for a person than to rejoice and do good in life...”

They adapt well

Happy people know how to enjoy the little things. They find joy in details that are invisible to everyone else. At the same time, minor troubles do not spoil their lives. They know what is worthy of attention and what is not. They approach life rationally. This leads to a positive outlook on the situation and allows you to transform any problem into a new opportunity.

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Good deeds

Not only good deeds, even a kind tone in the voice is louder than any “beautiful” but empty words; and this also does not go unnoticed; it is very pleasant to communicate with such a person. “The one who tries to make others happy is truly happy!” - this is not just a catchphrase, it is the main motive in all the affairs of a truly happy person. When communicating with him, you will feel his sincere attention and participation, his positive attitude will certainly be transmitted to you. Your joy will become joy for him, and he will be ready to share your misfortune with you and, of course, will willingly help. After all, happy people find pleasure in doing things for the benefit of others.

They are honest

A happy life does not come with lies. Those who lie to themselves also lie to others, creating unhealthy relationships. Honesty begins with recognizing yourself. Happy people understand who they are and are not afraid to show it. They are always themselves, they do not need to wear masks and pretend to be someone else. Life can be much less complicated if you allow yourself that freedom. Forgetting about lies, happy people become an inspiring example for others.

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Positive in everything

The belief that no matter what happens, everything happened for the better is also a sure sign of a happy person. Even in serious trials, he remains optimistic, will find an explanation for what happened, and will learn a lesson from the tragedy and draw the right conclusions that will help him cope with the situation now and not fall into it again. And this really makes them even happier in life. If others think that life is a zebra (and try to walk along the white stripe), then the happy ones see life with all its wonderful, so bright and colorful shades!

Fill your mind

Alice Hampson/Unsplash

Stay Organized

If you can organize your day correctly, then you yourself will feel calmer and more confident. Good advice: start the most difficult and time-consuming tasks in the morning. If you leave them for later, you will feel this burden on yourself all day, and this will not make anyone happier.

Work on your skills and acquire new ones

There is no better place and time for this than here and now. Don't wait for a special, perfect day to learn to play the guitar or speak Spanish. Take the first step: buy a guitar or sign up for a foreign language course. This will give you more motivation to do what you’ve been dreaming about for years.

Make deals with friends

If right now you don’t have money for a musical instrument or registration for courses starts only in a month, don’t use this as an excuse for doing nothing. Surely one of your friends has a guitar lying around at home, idle. Or someone you know knows a foreign language very well. Reach out to them for help and offer to do something for them in return.

Read, read and read again

Read books, no matter what genre. Read as much as you can. Books help broaden your horizons, make you think, and give you experiences that you are unlikely to have in real life. If you don't know where to start, try books by Nobel or Booker Prize winners.

“You shall not covet anything that is your neighbor’s”

- says one of the 10 commandments. In other words, a happy person simply has no reason to envy anyone or anything, because he is happy with what he has, and, of course, sincerely rejoices at the happiness and achievements of others. This is also an invariable sign and the very essence of happy people; this is what protects them from the “poison” of envy. And life proves that an unenvious person is always rewarded for his selflessness and his sincerity. People who are satisfied with their lives very rarely complain or grumble. And since their modest desires do not exceed, but coincide with their capabilities, they suffer less from anxiety and stress.

They manage their own lives

It is almost impossible to offend a happy person because he does not allow his opponent or ill-wisher to control his mood so easily. He does not complain about external circumstances and does not allow them to destroy his personal inner world order. He also listens to family, friends and authorities, but makes important decisions on his own: it is he who lives in marriage with the partner he chooses, and it is he who makes money in the field that he likes, and not the grandmother who dreamed of a grandson-surveyor, and not to friends, for whom the choice of a happy person is not always clear. It's his choice because it's his life.


Is happiness in money or in quantity?

Often we hear how advertising convinces, and millions of people, believing it, work and exhaust themselves, trying to increase their well-being. But what do the facts say? According to the Journal of Happiness Studies, when a person's basic needs are met, increasing income has little effect on their level of happiness and peace of mind (Journal of Happiness Studies). And the problem, like happiness, is not in money or in its quantity... Here is a quote from the magazine “View on Psychology” - [namely] “the desire to get rich deprives a person of happiness” (Monitor on Psychology). And when hopes do not come true, disappointment arises because the thirst for more and more cannot be quenched. And most importantly, in the pursuit of money, people often sacrifice what real happiness depends on: precious time that they could give to their family and friends (and time is, in fact, priceless, it cannot be bought for any money )!

If I ask you right now, are you happy, what will you answer?

Many factors influence how we feel in our daily lives. Problems at work, stress, and difficult relationships can all take a toll on our happiness and well-being.

According to the latest World Happiness Report ( yes, there are such reports too ), the population of post-Soviet countries is now less happy than five years ago.

At the same time, as one scientific study , to be happy or not to be is to some extent our choice.

Happy means purposeful!

When a person has a goal in life, his life itself is interesting and he receives a lot of positive emotions during and after achieving it. And everyone, like happiness, has their own goals, inimitable and therefore beautiful! Even overcoming obstacles is more joyful and interesting than just going with the flow. And having the right guideline in life is the key to success!

Secrets of successful people

Many had to see from their own experience that determination and hard work are not enough to achieve their ideal of happiness. For some reason, some are happy in literally everything, while others try in vain, not moving forward. But the reason is simple: luck must be added to the efforts.

Every successful person has his own secrets in attracting luck, which opens all doors for him. What are the signs to distinguish the lucky ones from the unlucky ones? How can they use these common traits to achieve success in life?

Go to work like it's a holiday!

It is with this mood that happy people come to work and work all day. They simply can’t imagine how they can complain that their job is bad. Why? See the point above... once correctly set and, most importantly, achieved goals helped them devote themselves to a profession that provides both material rewards and emotional pleasure. And at the same time, such a person is happy, he always sees opportunities to improve, feels joy both in the process of his work and from its results.

Grow spiritually

Tim Foster / Unsplash

Set yourself goals

Now we are talking not only about work, although career achievements are also important. Start your day by thinking about how you can make yourself and your family happier today. What good can you bring to this world? Set goals to grow as a person.

Be grateful for what you have

There will always be things you want to have. It's important to follow your dreams and goals, but there's no point in being upset that you haven't achieved them yet. Remember about people who don't have what you have, but they are still happy. When you experience gratitude every day for what you have, you begin to appreciate your life and your choices more.

Do yoga

Even if you have no idea about yoga now, it’s worth a try. Yoga helps clear your mind and makes you stronger. Even the simplest poses bring positive effects. Start your day with yoga and everything will be fine.

Family is sacred!

No family or friendship without love can be called happy. After all, it is reasonable and logical that love is necessary for happiness and mental health. But love should be the kind that encourages a person to sincerely care about the interests of others, perhaps to the detriment of his own. It is based on high moral principles, but is not devoid of warm feelings. Therefore, relationships built on such love are strong and happy, despite the fact that people continue to make mistakes. Marriage is the most durable union; it can safely be called a sacred union for life. And the spouses, who remember that they are now one, try to strengthen their marriage. When difficulties arise, they are in no hurry to break off the relationship; their love is so strong and lasting that it can protect the marriage from betrayal. Such love helps to overcome difficulties and maintain harmony and peace in the family. And the selfless love of parents for each other and for their children is a priceless gift for every family member.

Work on your body

Curtis Mac Newton / Unsplash

Do exercises every day

The biggest mistake is to perceive this activity as something unpleasant and painful. You shouldn't beat yourself up and give yourself so much exercise that you can't get out of bed the next day. Perform the simplest exercises in moderation: squats, push-ups, stretching. The main thing is to do them every day. For example, on the first day go for a run, on the next day play tennis, on the third day do yoga. Think of classes as an interesting hobby, not an obligation. And in a couple of weeks, your attitude towards exercise will change for the better.

Instead of junk food, eat your favorite vegetables and fruits

Yes, you've heard this advice a thousand times already, and it's not at all original, but that doesn't make it any less important. Food can either benefit your body or harm it. And when you get used to eating fruits instead of chips, you will notice the difference.

Attend group classes

For example, fitness. A fit and energetic instructor plus a group of like-minded people is the best motivation to exercise. If you can convince a friend to take classes with you, even better. Together, you will shirk less from classes and, if something happens, you will be able to support each other.

Drink water

The more water you drink, the less fatigue affects you, your internal organs and digestion work better, your weight normalizes... There are many benefits. Water is healthier than soda or coffee and quenches thirst better.

“Whoever knows how to be happy in everyday life is truly a happy person!”

If, amid the hustle and bustle and routine, you have not ceased to be sincerely and kindly surprised by something, then you are a happy person. Again, everyone has their own moments that bring happiness, but they exist, they are noticed, they are enjoyed, they are appreciated and they try to share them with others.

“If you want to be happy, just be it!” - I would like to sum it up with this motto. Happiness is a process, not a final stop, not the achievement of a goal itself, but a path to that goal. This is an attitude towards life itself (when we have the problems we face, and when we know how to rejoice at the successes of others, and sincere support and care for those who need it so much, and much more).

Don’t be deceived, because the rich and beautiful cry too, and it’s not a fact that they are truly happy just because they have a lot of money or an attractive appearance. Quite often, this is precisely what prevents them from being sincere: in the appearance of their emotions, feelings, in selfless love, in understanding someone else’s misfortune and the ability to support in a timely manner; or even more so in the joy of the successes of others.

We hope that you were able to see at least one of the listed signs in yourself, and if there are more, we are sincerely happy for you and wish you to see happiness where it is, and it can be found in everything! And we tried very hard to help you with this!

Tags: relationships, emotions, life, psychology, love, interesting, family, person, feelings, happiness

Knows how to enjoy moments of happiness

Finally, a happy person is distinguished by the ability to enjoy moments of happiness, notice them in the bustle of days and appreciate them. Moreover, the moment of happiness is not only a victory over oneself, the birth of a child or the defense of a Ph.D. dissertation.

A moment of happiness is a friendly ray of light that greets you in the morning, a call from a close friend who decided to inquire about your health, or a delicious lunch prepared by the caring hands of a loved one.

There are many moments of true happiness in our lives, we just don’t see them all and we don’t always see them, and not everyone is able to appreciate them. Happiness lies in sincere emotions, in love, in care, in understanding and mutual support.

They don't hang out with losers

Losers are not those whose careers or personal relationships suddenly no longer work out; a loser is a way of thinking. People who always complain drag those around them down to the bottom of their emotional lives. Happy people are ready to support their friends in trouble, help them out and give advice, but among their friends there are none who are inactively frozen in eternal despondency. The vital energy of people who value themselves and everything that happens to them is not wasted on the endless role of a vest; moreover, they attract equally strong and happy people to themselves, carefully bypassing those who cannot cope with the hurricane of troubles.


The lucky ones sleep soundly at night

Happy people sleep peacefully at night because they do not doubt their actions, are not upset by mistakes, draw conclusions and move on. They don't care what other people think of them. They live according to their ideals, do not imitate anyone and do not try to meet other people's expectations. As a result, even if the lucky ones experience setbacks, such people quickly return to normal life. They enjoy health, relationships with family, friends, colleagues and relatives. They live in their own world, are not workaholics, and can relax and “turn off their brain” at any time.

They take responsibility for their actions

Those who are happy and satisfied with what happens to them are responsible for themselves. They, just like other people, make mistakes, do not find the strength to make important decisions, are lazy, miss opportunities and rashly throw out the wrong words that help resolve conflicts. Unlike everyone else, a person who is satisfied with everything in his own life and in himself is ready to take responsibility for his mistakes. He apologizes, fixes what is broken, or, if necessary, starts from scratch, admitting his mistakes.

They love to be with people and love to be alone

Being surrounded by like-minded people and friends is pleasant and necessary. A company with which you can not only have a fun Friday, but also discuss really serious things, helps you not to fall into despair in difficult life moments, but you can’t build a happy life on this alone. People who are satisfied with themselves are ready to spend time alone, finding their charms in it. Solitude is both a form of relaxation and an opportunity to look at things in a new way. A person who is bored with himself can hardly be called satisfied with everything that happens in the world around him and in his own soul.

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