How to overcome sadness and melancholy without pills and medications

Depression happens to everyone from time to time, and sometimes it’s even pleasant. Slight sadness, a melancholy mood as a result of temporary loneliness, in this state it is good to drink tea, look out the window and re-read the classics - this way the emotional sphere of a person is cleansed. But what to do if sadness is not light, and sadness suppresses and interferes with life?

Before you can understand how to get rid of sadness, you need to find out what causes it. Perhaps sadness was the result of chronic fatigue and high levels of stress - every resident of a metropolis sooner or later faces such a problem. There is nothing good about this, but at least you can fight such sadness using your own methods.

What causes sadness

Sadness often arises due to personal relationships. It is enough for a loved one to drop a careless phrase, and his partner is ready to cry from misunderstanding and inner loneliness. Most often, this occurs due to minor problems in relationships that accumulate and become causes of lovesickness. Of course, it is necessary to fight this - first of all, you should normalize your own condition, and only then analyze it.

Perhaps a loved one really said something offensive, but it’s worth thinking about what he really wanted. In any case, such situations should be resolved together, during a peaceful conversation, when both are in an almost equal state of mind.

Another “subtype” of sadness is due to one’s own failures. Are you not always able to achieve your goal? After counting his achievements, a person may find himself in sadness. However, you should not allow this emotional reaction to completely take over you.

There is also inexplicable melancholy. It would seem that there is nothing special - no love story that could unbalance, there is no feeling of loneliness or any failures. At first glance, everything goes smoothly, but from time to time a person feels sad. This may be due to chemical and hormonal imbalances.

If the scale is not too large, then you can cope with it using your own methods - they will not hurt in any case. And in case of serious disorders or disorders, it is better to consult a doctor to find out how to get rid of melancholy.

Medical point of view

The results of the study were published in a special periodical, Molecular Psychiatry.
According to data obtained by scientists, if a person periodically falls into sadness and sadness from any experiences or loneliness, his release of opioids is significantly reduced, which does not allow the brain to “adjust” the mood. Thus, the tendency towards depressive moods significantly reduces the production of opioids, and the person ends up in a vicious circle that ends in clinical depression or nervous breakdown. Neurologists and David Hsu, who led the study, recommend fighting depression before it becomes a reason to see a doctor.


What to do if you want to help a person who is sad? Well, of course, don’t leave him alone with his sadness. Try to get him to talk, find out the reason for his bad mood. Warm him with your warmth and attention. Any person needs attention, and a sad person even more so. Try to take his attention away from his problems. Ask him to help you with something. Then he will start thinking about how to help you and forget about his problem. And this is a sure way to drive away the blues.

Methods of dealing with melancholy

How to overcome melancholy and get into a normal state of mind? First of all, you need to allow the body to function correctly and well. According to experts, many sorrows are associated with low levels of endorphins, so it doesn’t hurt to raise this level by means available to every person. It doesn’t matter whether you are sad from loneliness or from fatigue - these recommendations will help everyone.

What raises endorphin levels:

  • physical exercise;
  • exposure to the sun and fresh air;
  • some food products;
  • laughter and fun;
  • music;
  • sexual act.


There is such a thing among people as the “hormone of sadness.” First, let's figure out at the chemical level which hormone is responsible for a person's emotional state. By and large, we can say that sadness is the absence of joy. And serotonin and dopamine are responsible for joy in our body. We will not delve into chemical processes, but simply determine for ourselves that the absence of these two hormones leads to a state of sadness. By raising the level of these hormones, we can improve our mood. And this is exactly what we want to achieve with this article. So where to start?

Physical exercise

Regular physical activity steadily increases the level of endorphins, but if a person is a little far from sports and gymnastics, then this method is unlikely to suit him. In this case, breathing exercises and yoga-style warm-ups will be much better and more effective. Yoga is essentially a unique practice that focuses on both internal balance and physical activity.

Regular breathing exercises will help saturate the body with oxygen, which will not only make the blood move faster (and speed up metabolism), but will also help improve oxidation. You can use any set of breathing exercises - for example, Strelnikova’s gymnastics. Breathing exercises can be used daily; it improves health and helps fight negative feelings of any kind and even melancholy from loneliness.

Physical exercises in the form of joint gymnastics are reminiscent of effective stretching - everyone knows how pleasant it is to warm up and stretch. A few bends and squats, good stretching and back strengthening exercises will relieve fatigue and irritation.

You can also use dancing as a sports exercise - you can include some kind of dance lesson, or you can just fool around a little while listening to good music.

The Concept of Sadness: Covering Key Theories

Photo by Dellon Thomas: Pexels
Sadness is one of the negative emotions. And according to different theories, it is either basic or part of a basic emotion.

There are four main theories of fundamental models.

  • In Robert Plutchik's wheel of emotions, sadness goes in conjunction with sadness and grief. Unlike other theories, there is no division between basic emotions and those that are part of the key one.
  • According to Ekman's theory, sadness is part of such a fundamental emotion as sadness.
  • In the EQuator model, which consists of 4 classes of basic emotional states, sadness belongs to the sadness class.
  • Another authoritative theory: Izard’s classification of emotions shows that sadness is part of the emotion of sadness, since in this classification it is sadness that is designated as fundamental.


Musical works do wonders for a person - modern scientific research shows that music can not only improve your mood and relieve stress, but also significantly improve your health. Psychologists and specialists in spiritual practices advise not only listening to your favorite music (and, of course, dancing to it), but also from time to time listening to various mantras and spiritual chants - special verbal formulas sung in a choir accompanied by instrumental music help the brain tune into a positive mood.

Differences between sadness and sadness

The emphasis on different theories is not without reason: despite one connection, there is still a difference between sadness and sadness. And so that you can help yourself, it is very important to correctly interpret your state: to understand when you are sad and when you feel sad.

How to enjoy life?

Sadness is, first of all, a special mood: elegiac, located outside the acute phase. Sadness refers to an emotional state. That is, it has a more pronounced color of emotions and feelings, and also includes: care, regret and a number of other components.

The French writer Françoise Sagan has a famous novel: “Hello, Sadness!” It tells about the experiences of a young girl, Cecile. The epigraph begins with a lyric poem by Paul Eluard:

Goodbye sadness

And hello sadness

You are inscribed in the squares of the ceiling

You are inscribed in the eyes that I love

You're not quite a problem yet

There is something enveloping and peaceful about it. Sadness acts as a friend who will put you in a philosophical mood. It will help you take a break to rest and reboot. But this “guest” should not stay long.

Learn to let go of problems

Sometimes a state of sadness is a protective reaction of the body and is quite normal in a difficult life situation. This happens after dismissal from work, divorce, death of a loved one. Even after the greatest misfortune, you need to start a new life and open a blank page. You will not be able to rejoice as long as past problems weigh on you. Take action and new opportunities will open up for you. Try to remember the positive moments, forget the sad events and gradually feel a little happier.

Meditation and auto-training will help you overcome sadness. If you learn to relax your body, then over time peace will come to you.

Say yes to fresh air and exercise. The best healer for melancholy is Mother Nature. If you live in your own home, it will not be difficult to spend a long time in the fresh air. Sunlight is also very useful for improving mood. Try to recharge with solar energy for 20 minutes at least 2-3 times a day. This will prevent the level of serotonin in the body from falling. It’s great not just to walk, but also to try to capture the most important moments with your camera. In summer, walk barefoot through the dew; in winter, build a snowman or play in the snow. Try to take energy from tree trunks: don’t just touch their bark, but hug them for a few minutes and imagine yourself happy.

In summer, swimming in a river or sea will be a great entertainment. You shouldn’t take a vacation for too long a period so that you don’t get bored near the sea. The ski resort will also be able to completely switch your sad thoughts to the right way. There is not just fresh air, but also skiing, skating, and dog sledding. There are so many ways to stop being sad and enjoy life.

Learn to let go and live in the present.

The best way to distract yourself from bad thoughts is to do something you love. Physical activity has a good effect on a positive mood. Light jogging in the morning, fitness classes, aerobics or swimming are suitable for this. Many people like to tidy up the house, go hiking or walk in the park. Taking up your favorite hobby will help you sort out all your thoughts. Knitting, embroidery, and culinary skills are perfect for women. Men can craft and make crafts. Switching to your favorite activity will distract you from sad thoughts. Over time, negative emotions will go away and your state of mind will improve. Drawing, origami, and beadwork will relieve you of self-analysis and improve your state of mind.

A big plus for a good mood is the ability to live with today's events and not look ahead. Also try to leave the past alone, take only happy moments from it. Don't dwell on what could have been so you don't get caught up in emotional distress. Be happy with what you have. According to the advice of psychologists, you can resolve your mood in approximately the following way:

  • When you wake up, open the window, take a deep breath, and recharge with the positive energy of the surrounding landscape.
  • Smile, turn on some light music, dance or do exercises.
  • Brew delicious coffee and treat yourself to a cake.
  • Watch a relaxing comedy.
  • Take a walk in the park and do some shopping.
  • Chat or meet an interesting person.
  • At the end of the day, remember the most pleasant moments.
  • Mentally praise yourself for something.
  • Try to do everything today, don’t put it off.

Daily work brings great joy. You need to notice every pleasant little thing and add up all your positive emotions drop by drop.

Help others

Just think how many people in the world really need your participation. If you start thinking about this seriously, you will certainly find that you have something to occupy your thoughts. It will take a lot of patience and the ability to look at the situation from the outside. If you are truly sad, then find someone who is even worse. This way you can even out your emotional background. As a result of the comparison, it turns out that your problems are not as global as they seem at first glance. Most likely, you will perk up. If possible, start helping others. You don't have to do something big. All you can do is help, which won’t take up much of your time, but will make you feel a surge of strength.


Surely, in your surroundings - at work, among acquaintances, among colleagues, friends, neighbors - there are people for whom the definition of “energy vampire” is inappropriately suitable. They don’t seem to do or say anything bad, but after communicating with them an unpleasant aftertaste remains. Sometimes bad feelings remain even after a fleeting meeting. In this case, you need to analyze for yourself where most often and under what circumstances you meet these people - and try to reduce the likelihood of your meetings. If this is a person with whom you are forced to see every day, then when communicating with him, try to “disconnect”. You won’t be able to change him, but you can completely change your attitude towards him. Learn to control your emotions, in controversial situations, do not find out the relationship, remaining with your point of view. And under no circumstances take anything to heart.


It is no coincidence that animals become full members of the family. They are loved, cared for, gifts and treats are bought for them. Contrary to popular belief, not only those who suffer from loneliness have pets. It’s just that cats are great stress relievers, it’s not for nothing that they are called purring antidepressants. They are very pleasant to hold in your arms, the mood immediately levels out. It's nice to walk with a dog in good weather. In addition, such a pet disciplines, teaches order and creates a sense of responsibility. It’s not for nothing that they say that having an animal means acquiring a friend who is both devoted and affectionate.

How to get rid of despondency. 11 ways to wake up

Before listing the list of saving “straws” for getting rid of despondency, I want to say the following.

All the actions that will be recommended below can be used selectively or alternately.

However, it will be more effective to add the next and then the next to one perfect action until you yourself begin to come up with ways to get rid of despondency.

Interesting: How to accept yourself and love yourself. Find out what's stopping you from accepting

It is important to note that depression, apathy, despondency, melancholy, reluctance to do anything, reluctance to live - all these are signs of spiritual illness.

This is a sure sign that you do not have life goals. You don't know where to move next. Life is “like a fog.” Or you don’t live your life, you don’t want your desires, you don’t achieve your goals.

Since a person is spirit, soul and body, work must be carried out on three levels.

Bodily assistance

Limit communication with people who drain your strength

Being depressed, a person, as a rule, does not have enough vitality. If you are surrounded by people who drain vitality, energy, and vampirize, then returning to a joyful life will be even more difficult.

On topic: Loss of strength. Where do strength and energy go?

Try to communicate only with pleasant people. Talk only to positive people and those who truly love you and wish you well.

Don't spread yourself thin, even if etiquette means being tactful and keeping the conversation going. Politely ask for forgiveness and boldly interrupt the useless dialogue, refuse devastating meetings.

Drink living water

Remember how in a fairy tale? There is dead water, which removes the bad, and there is living water, which fills.

It is living water that is indicated for depressing mental states. And in general when you feel unwell.

You need to drink purified water.

You can make melt water, you can infuse it with the help of stones, coal, silver, you can let it brew in the light of the sun and negotiate with the water so that it works for healing and filling with vitality.

Water is an excellent conductor. What information you put into it is what you will be filled with when you use it.

Go for a massage or touching

When you are depressed, your body craves more affection and care. Remember when you were a child? He fell and hurt his knee - and went straight to his mother. Mom will caress you, kiss you, and then, look, everything’s gone, your knee doesn’t hurt.

Childhood has passed, but the reflex remains. Hurt? Look for someone who will gently and thoughtfully pat you on the head.

Go for a massage or a touch-up! There the master will miraculously stroke you, knead you in every possible way, and maybe even beat you, lovingly. The body will receive its share of tactile sensations, the soul will calm down and be peaceful.

Go to the bathhouse

A more “extreme” way to shake the “Princess-Nesmeyana” out of yourself is to go to the bathhouse. Steaming until you break a sweat helps remarkably.

Ask them to beat you with a broom made of non-humidity herbs, such as wormwood and St. John's wort. You can use a thuja or juniper broom. And the smell is excellent, and the tingling in the body from the needles disperses the blood, and the melancholy.

Rub yourself with salt, smear yourself with honey, pamper yourself with aromatic oils. And you will be happy.

Play some sports

If you have no energy at all, force yourself to do some exercise. Sit down at least 5 times, do 7 bends, stand in the plank for 20 seconds, shake your abs.

It would be great to work in a sports group. It is known that in the gym there is much more dedication to sports than at home. There are clear class times, and the brain understands that people go to the gym not to sit on a bench, but to study.

If you are used to working out at home, you know any exercises, do them even if you “can’t”.

If you are used to running - run, if you can’t run - walk, if you can’t walk - crawl, you have no strength to crawl - lie down and lie in the direction you need to be happy. Just kidding, just kidding... In general, you understand.

Mental help

Ask for help and pray

Every person believes that he has someone “spiritual” who helps him in life. Guardian angel, gods or goddesses, saints, totem animals, patron ancestor or the Creator himself. Even an atheist, if he does not believe in God, then Whose existence does he deny?

In difficult times, it is the invisible helpers who come to the rescue. Finding yourself in a difficult situation, feeling that you don’t have enough strength to cope on your own, a person most often asks for help.

Read the prayers that you like. Contact the saint. Talk to God as to your Father. Ask for help and tips. Requests never go unanswered. Help comes, strength increases, miraculously, sadness and melancholy recedes. Appeals will certainly be heard.

Read interesting fiction books

Other people's stories are always fascinating. And if it’s also a well-written fiction book, then it’s just a pill for stress and despondency.

Books on self-analysis like the works of Sigmund Freud are not very suitable. Enough of his cockroaches and Westerners, which must be analyzed and released.

For example, success stories of great people can inspire. The same can be said about good films and musical compositions.

May you come across exactly that book or that film that will be vital on the path to salvation from melancholy. The main thing to remember is to filter the information and take care of your sad darling.

Clear yourself of grievances and fears

Most often, being in despondency, a person begins to feel sorry for himself and cry, saying, “he/she doesn’t love me,” “Oh, I’m poor, unhappy,” “no one needs me,” “life is pain,” etc. Many grievances and claims emerge against loved ones and relatives, as well as against oneself.

Baptism methods are very popular in our school. We provide these techniques for working through grievances and fears, claims and negative memories. You can write down negative feelings on paper and then burn everything you wrote. Express pain and grievances about flowing water. For example, by opening the tap, or even better, by opening the toilet. You can speak into the fire, leaving the candle to burn out until the end.

Work with forgiveness through the “Prayer of Transfiguration” by V. Sinelnikov, listen to the Deva Premal mantras, meditate. Do everything to forgive yourself and your loved ones. Work hard.

Spiritual help

Re-learn yourself

In a state of apathy, a person loses desires, wants nothing, nothing pleases him. Familiar things become “sweetening”, and the imagination for new desires insolently sleeps.

It's time to start creating desires anew.

Remember the movie “Runaway Bride”? There is a moment when Julia Roberts cooked eggs in different ways to figure out which ones she liked.

Every time she got married, she decided that she liked fried eggs or soft-boiled eggs because her husband liked them that way. She simply took the man’s desire and “put it on” herself. As a result, the crisis...

If all your desires have disappeared, you don’t know what you like, what brings you joy, then try and learn everything again, what you like.

Do I like to draw? Don't know. I'll go and draw... Oh, yes. Perhaps this makes me happy!

And so with all matters. Study as if you were born again, what will be interesting, become a little child who wants to stick his fingers everywhere and taste everything.

The main task is to “trick” the brain and make it want. Not just want, but want to try again and again. Want to live!

Find your goals

Lack of desires implies that there are no future plans or goals. Therefore, take a pile of blank sheets or a new notebook and sit down to write, answering the questions: “What do I want to achieve?”, “What are my goals for six months / next year / five years?”, “What are my goals for life?”

You can put all this in the form of a list. Number your goals in order of importance.

Make plans based on your goals for the month, six months/year, five years, life.

Find meaning in life

If you have worked hard on points one and two, it’s time to look for the meaning of life.

Just as every object has a use, so a person has a meaning in life - a purpose given by God.

The spirit is the link with God. Something that helps us remember why we were born, what task we must solve.

For thought: Why you lose interest in life with age and how to get it back. Find out!

Take time to reflect: what is the meaning in my life, why am I living, what is my purpose.

You can use the help of your relatives. Ask their opinion about your talents and skills. So get a hint about why you were born and what tools you have to fulfill your destiny.

Look for reasons to live. Seek and find.

Pity - not for yourself

And, an important rule - do not feel sorry for yourself. Under no circumstances should you feel sorry for yourself. Self-pity will melt the “ice” in you even more and you will plunge even more into dreary thoughts about how great I am, and how bad everything is with me... But don’t forget to feel sorry for those around you. Better think about what it’s like to lose an arm because of a drunk driver, or to wander the streets with the hope of finding a job and earning bread, or to be left without a home due to the negligence of neighbors who forgot soup on the stove. There are many of these or many. But the fact remains that these people have it much worse.

How to get rid of despondency

Who is to blame, or what to do?

It’s good for those, you say, dear readers, who know the laws of nature and live according to these laws. Like, to cleanse yourself in winter...

What if you already have it? If a dragonfly sang red all summer, and then winter came? If such an unearthly melancholy has attacked you that you don’t want to do anything, and the good light is not nice, things are not a joy, and your desires have completely disappeared somewhere! What to do in this case?

The answer is simple. You can, of course, close yourself within four walls, sob like Princess Nesmeyana, do nothing, feel sorry for yourself and slowly but surely move towards the end of such a joyless and unhappy life.

And then be reborn and... uh-hey-hey! Our song is good, start over! And again it’s fun to walk the same path in life with unsolved and often aggravated tasks from a past life, and it’s all fun, or not fun, to unravel.

There is another option. Just understand that there is no escape from life’s programs. You will still have to solve problems. Not in this life, but in the next. Therefore, it is better to quickly resolve everything, stop moping and continue to live in good health and excellent spirits.

Jokes aside. But when despondency sets in, you constantly want to cry and your soul is torn from pain and suffering, your whole gut screams “I can’t do this anymore,” then there is very little strength left to cope on your own.

At such moments, it is important and vital to tell your family and friends about how you feel , what you are thinking and ask them for help.

If you see a small, even tiny straw that you can grab onto in order to heal from despondency and depression, then gather all your will into a fist and... grab it decisively!

Communication with people

You should never forget about those around you. When you feel sad, you just want to curl up, lie down on the sofa and cover your head with a blanket. However, you can rest a little. But you shouldn’t isolate yourself from the outside world. Communication with people is the factor that brings you out of a state of depression and despondency. It’s enough to make a few friends to avoid feeling lonely. Interaction reveals inner potential, gives energy that previously there was simply nowhere to get. It is imperative to be in contact with the outside world. After all, if you isolate yourself from it, you will not be able to experience joy.

The Bible Says Almost Nothing About Discouragement

What is despondency from a biblical point of view? Alas, Holy Scripture says almost nothing on this topic. Obviously, God did not consider despondency such an important topic in his message to people. The word itself is mentioned rarely and in passing:

(Isaiah 19:8)

“And those who set nets in the water will become disheartened”

(Luke 21:25)

“And on earth there is despondency of the nations and bewilderment”

(Judph 7:19)

"because they became disheartened"

There is an opinion that the Apostle Paul calls despondency “worldly sorrow”:

(2 Corinthians 7:10)

“For Godly sorrow produces repentance that leads to salvation, but worldly sorrow produces death.”

But it is impossible to draw any fundamental conclusions about the role of despondency in human life on the basis of Scripture.

The Apostle Paul could call despondency “worldly sadness”

Tea-tea, help me out

For many, autumn seems like a dull period when one gives up and is overcome by sadness. On such days, some experience the blues, which can be attributed to a mild form of depression and apathy. In this state, it is as if the vital engine is turned off. The emotional background also changes quickly when it is gray, damp and slush outside, daylight hours are shortened, and the air temperature drops. So how can you help yourself get out of this state?

Experts advise not to give up bright and rich colors when choosing clothes in the autumn. The need for this is realized at the level of neural connections.

Good shades of yellow, orange and green. Add items filled with color resources to your interior. Don't forget about accessories. Irina Frolova


During the first stormy days of autumn, the expert recommends excluding cold foods from your diet. The menu should include more hot soups and warming drinks. In order to start the day with a joyful and cheerful awakening, it is better to brew tea in the morning with the addition of citrus notes. You can put a little ginger in the drink or simply pour boiling water over berries, such as sea buckthorn. Such a ritual will not only warm you from the inside, but will also give you an excellent energy mood for the day.

In the meantime, while your morning tea is infusing, you can go to the shower, taking with you pure essential oil of bergamot, orange, lemon or tangerine. You need to pour 2-3 drops of oil on the floor of the shower stall or on the bottom of the bathtub and take a shower, inhaling the aromas. After such a procedure you will definitely be in a good mood.

Striving for certain goals is real happiness

Most often, people impose certain difficulties, problems and fears on themselves. How to stop being sad and start living in such a situation? Happiness, like health, can be regulated by the person himself. One of the components of a good mood is setting and striving for certain goals. First, determine what factors prevent you from enjoying every day. What makes others see the world positively?

So, everyone who is sad, stop! Learn to set goals for yourself that you want to achieve in life. For some it is pleasant travel to various places, for others it is a successful career, for others it is a happy family life. If you can't decide on a big goal, set small goals first. If problems arise along the way, concentrate on completing the assigned tasks. Unnecessary experiences will not bring you any benefit. With your thinking you create the world around you. Striving for a positive result will distract you from negative thoughts and save you from hopelessness.

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