How to meet a guy: 17 effective ways

You are a sweet pretty girl who has been dreaming of love and a handsome prince for months. And he’s still not there. Your friends have long since acquired boyfriends, gotten married, and you still sit by the window, sighing sadly. All the girlfriends scattered in pairs, in silence... so stop being sad! It's time to take the situation into your feminine and gentle hands. Stop waiting for the weather by the sea. You can build your own happiness. Don’t wait for Fate to introduce you to a suitable guy, but get to know an interesting person yourself. There are many ways to meet an interesting man. Take one of the options.

Method one: a friend of my friends

The easiest way to meet a guy is to involve your acquaintances, neighbors and girlfriends. Probably one of them has a good free man in mind. Spread the cry among your friends and relatives that you wish to find your soulmate. You will see what a flurry of suitors awaits you. Every friend or aunt through the third generation will begin to propose worthy candidates. Don't turn your nose up and talk to each person presented. Perhaps among the large number of applicants there will be someone who will win your heart.

Mistakes when meeting guys

There is an opinion that a woman should always remain mysterious and maintain intrigue, not take the first step, but only help the young man make an important decision, using hints and charm. However, practice shows that directness is much more effective. Not everyone is able to correctly interpret hints, so sometimes a frank conversation is the best option.

However, when meeting a guy, avoid being intrusive - don’t be overly proactive, don’t make new appointments too often, and don’t rush things.

If you meet a young man who loves liberated girls, then do not try to change yourself. Don't play the role of another person, don't make decisions that make you feel uncomfortable. You will find it difficult with a person who leads a lifestyle that is different from yours. If you are a shy person, then maintain your modesty because it is an asset, not a disadvantage.

Method two: dating site and social network2

Dating sites are aimed at enabling lonely hearts to find a life partner. Fill out the form on the websites, don’t forget to “paste” your successful photo. Describe more specifically what kind of relationship you want. Tell us more about yourself. Keep in mind that on such sites there are a huge number of married men seeking sexual adventures. Feel free to discard unwanted candidates. Pay attention to the sincerity and culture of the guys. If a man sends explicit photographs from the first days of your acquaintance and asks for nude photos of you, stop communicating with him immediately. Nothing good will come from such an acquaintance. Be active yourself. It is not hard. You will need to do the following:

  1. Find the guy you like.
  2. Study his profile carefully.
  3. Like a few photos.
  4. Write an interesting comment on the pictures.
  5. Write to the owner of the profile first.

There is nothing wrong with the last point. The worst thing that can happen is that the guy will ignore your activity. This is not a global catastrophe. So the guy is not your man. Continue your search further.

How to meet a guy on the Internet

After registering on a dating site or a thematic forum, you will find yourself inundated with messages from potential partners. You choose who to respond to and who to ignore. If you come across the profile of an interesting guy online, don’t waste time - write to him. Start an unobtrusive conversation by touching on the stranger's hobbies reflected in the profile. It's good if they match yours. Ask about your favorite books, films and music, but avoid questions about your personal life, earnings, or availability of living space.

Be the same on the Internet as you are in life. Do not lie to your interlocutor and do not create an image that does not correspond to reality. Emphasize your best qualities, but don't be shy about your shortcomings. If you manage to please a guy on the Internet, then in person he will be fascinated by you.

Method four: music connected us4

Bars and cafes or other entertainment venues become “meeting places” for single people. You can often visit there with a friend or by yourself. There is no need to go through many different places. Choose one cozy cafe where you feel comfortable and happy. Go there on weekends. Be sociable and friendly. Don’t be shy to start a conversation with strangers and answer questions. But at the same time, do not be an intrusive, boring or frivolous person. Be confident and dignified (not to be confused with arrogance!). Don’t sit through slow dancing alone and politely accept guys’ invitations. As an exception, you can pluck up the courage and invite a single, handsome man who you like. Perhaps the two of you will leave the cafe together.

Method five: lonely adventures5

Don't ignore lonely walks. Make it a habit to take a walk in the park or go for a run once a week. A pet can be a great help. You will have the opportunity to talk to dog owners. Don’t be shy about talking to interesting people yourself. Some guys like to spend their free time with a guitar. Come closer to listen to the song performed. Praise the musician. Your praise can serve as an impetus for further acquaintance.

Method six: love of literature 6

Some guys like girls who are well-read. Take your favorite volume of essays, sit on a bench and read. You will receive only bonuses: reading in the fresh air calms the nervous system, fills you with energy and peace, and helps you make new acquaintances. Go to cultural events alone. Someone from the crowd will definitely pay attention to an interesting person.

Remember: if you listen to music on headphones or plug into your phone while in the park, not a single young man will approach you. He will decide that in this way you are protecting yourself from communicating with strangers.

Go travel

Airports have a unique atmosphere. People sitting in the waiting room are looking forward to a change of scenery, relaxation and new experiences.

This environment is conducive to making new acquaintances. While looking at the board while waiting for your flight, start talking to the handsome guy sitting next to you. You can chat on any topic, from weather conditions to the advantages of traveling without travel agents.

Don't like to fly? It's OK. Meet on the train, at the bus station or river port.

Method seven: beauty saves you from loneliness7

To attract the attention of the stronger sex, a girl must have a well-groomed and attractive appearance. It is very important. Whatever philosophers say about inner beauty, men first of all pay attention to appearance. Watch yourself. Dress with taste, in accordance with your figure parameters. For self-confidence, play sports. Men are more likely to pay attention to a fit woman than to a blurry “pig”. Don't forget about personal hygiene. Your chances of finding your soulmate are gone if your hair is shiny with grease and your breath smells like sour salad. Take care of these nuances. A confident girl who feels beautiful will definitely gain a crowd of fans.

Rule 9: Look for your zest

Honing your flirting skills takes time and observation. Notice how men react to certain photographs, jokes, and communication styles of yours. For example, they put a new photo on the site - pay attention to what type of men it attracted. Notice which role works best for you and interests the right men: the role of a fatal beauty or a house cat? Experiment with different interlocutors and note what appeals to them the most. Be different, look for many hypostases in yourself and show them. Men love it when a woman is different. They need drive. When everything is predictable and stable, it’s like a stagnant swamp that quickly gets boring.

Method eight: pleasant communication8

There is a popular paradox among girls. They dream of finding a boyfriend, but coldly reject attempts to meet new applicants. Or they talk to them, assuming the importance of the Snow Queen. Believing that a certain detachment and coolness attracts representatives of the stronger sex, girls make a mistake. Guys are drawn to more sociable and cheerful people with whom it is easy and simple to have a conversation. But don’t stoop to the level of a simpleton. Remain a mystery. You should not enthusiastically inform a new acquaintance about personal facts of your life, childhood and plans for the future. Be a little reserved and pleasant in communication. Be interested in the life and hobbies of your new acquaintance. Know how to laugh at a good joke, and don’t forget about your charming smile. The guys are crazy about her.

Method nine: a bold act9

Moderate initiative helps the fair sex find female happiness. Use a trick to meet a cute guy. While in a cafe with a friend, go up to the “victim” and, smiling, say that you lost your bet with your friend and should ask for his phone number. The guy will be amused by this situation. He will be happy to continue acquaintance if at the moment he does not have a spouse and a couple of children waiting for him at home. If you refuse, smile politely and return to your seat. This situation, in any case, will be an interesting adventure. And if luck smiles on you, a love date awaits you tomorrow.

Rule 3: Two steps forward, one step back" in correspondence

Men are hunters by nature. Therefore, a woman should always have some kind of mystery, unpredictability, so that they would be interested in you. Play catch-up with men. But he should catch up with you, and not the other way around. Show interest, respect, admiration, and then slow down and take a few steps back. Answer shorter than he does, write less often than he writes. But it is important to do this in such a way that the man does not take the cooling clearly personally. Then refer, for example, to poor health or problems at work. But most importantly, don’t overdo it! The hunter should feel as if his prey has slipped out of his hands and is teasing him again, rather than completely running away into the forest.

Method ten: ask for help10

A simple and easy way to talk to a guy is to ask him for help. Make up any reason. Let's say you get lost and can't find a certain street. Ask the young man to take you to the appointed point. Along the way you will have the opportunity to talk and get to know each other. Don't miss her. But if the guy is gloomy and uncommunicative, don’t insist. Perhaps he has no time for new communication. Look for another candidate.

There are other ways to ask a man for help:

  • give a ride;
  • push the car;
  • get an item from a high store shelf;
  • help carry heavy luggage;
  • to take you home in the evening from an entertainment establishment;
  • hold the doors.

Afterwards, be sure to thank the stranger and smile friendlyly. An interested guy will definitely respond with an offer to meet you.

Let's get acquainted

You can find a new young man in “passive” and “active” ways.

"Passive" method

A long time ago there was a rule that it is men who take the initiative in dating. Any girl should be happy about this. Can I sit at home and wait for my prince? Unfortunately, the knights are not informed of the exact addresses of residence of pretty lonely strangers.

For a man to notice a woman, she needs:

  1. Go outside or go to an interesting place where men are.
  2. Smile at young people you like and give other signals of readiness to communicate. Exercises in front of a mirror will help in this matter. It is necessary to train your smile, assessing how natural it turns out.
  3. Be alone more often. A friend, especially a beautiful one, will interfere with finding a guy. But being alone does not mean being isolated. For example, wearing headphones and immersing yourself in music reduces the chances of an interesting meeting.

In theory, a young man who sees a pretty girl “making eyes” should come up and get acquainted. However, not everyone does this. I don’t want to say that men have become “shallow,” but modern young people have developed certain fears. It is difficult for them to take the first step and talk to a lady. This is often associated with the development of the Internet. Allegedly, men are used to meeting people on sites where they do it quite easily, but in the real world now everything is not easy.

However, it is not so important to understand why young people stopped approaching the girls they like. The main thing is to decide what to do about it. And there are only two options:

  1. More actively provoke acquaintance. For example: You need help with some issue. The simplest thing is to “accidentally” drop documents on the floor; pretend you can't start the car; faint or begin to drown at sea. The last two options are probably too much. But sometimes, you have to resort to the most unusual tricks and tricks to attract attention.
  2. Take the initiative into your own hands. Not to be some kind of “chess piece” that others move, but to lead the game yourself. It's more difficult, but for the sake of your own happiness you should try.

Only at first it seems difficult to start a conversation with a guy. Each approach is a lesson that gives experience. You just need to analyze your mistakes and make new attempts to get to know each other.

"Active methods"

Among them there are options that allow you to approach a guy in an original way, but there are also completely banal ones. They have one thing in common: they have all been tested in practice. Women are leaving new reviews indicating their effectiveness.

Let's get down to specifics:

  1. Ask a harmless question. It can be scary to start acquaintances by immediately hinting at some kind of relationship. But the pretext for communication can be a simple question that passers-by sometimes ask each other. The most typical example: “Where is such and such a university? What bus should I take to get there?” In this case, the girl can pretend that she came from another city and does not know how to get there or get to the desired object. A young man interested in meeting someone can not only give directions, he will offer to escort a beautiful stranger. Agree. You can pass the time on the road by telling a story about yourself. Before you say goodbye, you should leave your phone number. Although it is better for the man to ask him himself.
  2. Recourse. A similar way to start a dialogue with an unfamiliar young man has already been discussed above. Considering that not all guys are brave enough to approach a girl even to help, it is better to take the initiative into your own hands. You must not only show that you are in a difficult situation. It’s worth contacting the guys you like with a request to provide some assistance. The same example with a car: you need to stop, open the hood and look closely at it. If a handsome stranger appears on the horizon, you should run up to him and tell him about your trouble. The main thing is that the deception should not be revealed. When a person offers to drag the car to a service station, the mechanics will quickly understand that something is fishy. However, you need to act depending on the situation. Sometimes you can simply and openly explain to a guy that you wanted to get to know him.
  3. We give compliments. Every person in this world loves to be praised. A compliment is an interesting thing. On the one hand, when we say it, we are not hinting at anything, we are simply emphasizing the merits of a certain person. On the other hand, a compliment is an integral part of flirting. Such duality should have a positive effect on shy girls. It is necessary, as it were, to “deceive” yourself: to convince yourself that giving a compliment to an interesting man is normal and does not oblige you to anything. A young man is likely to perceive praise as a serious interest in his personality and will support communication.
  4. We play games. Sometimes people meet in very original ways. Pick-up artists—those who are fond of “picking up” individuals of the opposite sex—have achieved serious success in this. The philosophy of their teaching is based on the rule that you need to “break the pattern.” So, for example, girls are used to men meeting men in a trivial way, but not pick-up artists. The latter come up with funny and unusual phrases for dating. You can find many examples on the Internet. Let’s say: “Hello!.. Yes, me too... (here is the perplexed expression on the lady’s face) I’m also afraid to meet people on the street. Let's be afraid together! " As a result, as practitioners assure, the girl falls into a kind of stupor, while simultaneously receiving positive emotions. You can take a few funny examples of such dialogues into your collection and use them against men.
  5. Pretend to be an old friend. To implement this method, you must have a certain level of acting skills. Not big enough to successfully play in the theater, but still. The girl should pretend that she has met an old acquaintance, she is very pleased to see the man, she is glad to have the opportunity to communicate. The brave ones can hug the guy and kiss him on the cheek. Not all young people will react the same way. Most will immediately report an error. The girl will need to apologize and say: “Since you are so similar to my friend, maybe we can get to know each other?” Someone may ask the question: “Do we know each other?” A good answer is: “Yes, I saw you in my dreams.” The most resourceful young people will support the game. It will be easiest to communicate with them.
  6. Let's get to know each other without tricks. Sometimes it’s easier not to resort to deception, but to immediately declare your intentions. You can just walk up to a guy who turned heads with his appearance and say: “Hi! Let's get acquainted! I liked you so much that I would really like to meet you.” You can add something else to the phrase.
  7. "Casts". If you still have a fear of approaching guys, but you really want to meet them, you can stock up on business cards or notes with your phone number, etc. You can accidentally drop such “leaflets” in front of an interesting guy; quietly slip them into the pockets of handsome men; without words, hand it over.
  8. Her friends can also introduce a girl to a nice person. It all depends on the activity of each party.

The listed methods are mostly unobtrusive and suitable for different places, any men.

Still, women are advised to decide in advance on the type of young man they want to find.

Whether it is worth doing this must be decided individually. Many ladies act on the principle: if only we could find someone, we’ll figure it out later.

But within the framework of the article, it’s worth talking about certain dating places and certain types of guys.

Method eleven: office romance11

Turn the heat on your work colleagues. There may be an interesting bachelor among them. Take a closer look at the man and try to talk to him. There are several simple options:

  • sit at one table during lunch break;
  • ask for a seat on the work bus;
  • ask for advice on work issues;
  • complain about the lack of a companion and two extra tickets to some movie, and invite a colleague;
  • Say hello every morning and briefly inquire about the employee’s affairs once in a while.

Rule 7: Emotions are the main fuel of relationships

Don't be shy about talking about your feelings to your man. No, this does not mean that you should confess your love to him. Express emotions while texting. Did your interlocutor surprise, delight, or intrigue you? Let him know about it! Use emoticons, exclamation marks, dots... Be flirtatious, lure your hunter, but without vulgarity. Enjoy life and share your impressions with him emotionally! Men love it when a woman has a lot of energy, when she's like a girl! Look at the world with your eyes wide open and let your man feel it. It is not necessary to tell your online counterpart that you are now going to the shower and will think about him there. But to say that an actor in a romantic comedy you recently watched reminded you of him is very nice.

Strike the right balance between mystery and openness. Overdo it with the first one - you will scare him away, with the second one - he will quickly lose interest in you. Be sincere in everything that concerns your personality, do not lie about your preferences and views on the world. Play mysterious when expressing your feelings for him. He must be sure that you like him, but to what extent - leave a little understatement in this.

Method twelve: goddess of cooking12

In the film “The Most Charming and Attractive,” Susanochka taught her friend how to approach men. She really gave a lot of practical advice. One of them involved "magical cooking". Pies will help you win a man. Or another delicious dish. Get into the habit of treating your “desired object” to something tasty. Be it a colleague or a young single neighbor. If you hear compliments and enthusiastic praise addressed to you, it means you are halfway to success. Perhaps soon a man will invite you for a cup of coffee. You can take risks and take the initiative. If a guy is interested in you, he will take advantage of the invitation.

Pay attention to appearance

Blogger and personal trainer Mila Levchuk believes that it is easier to attract a guy’s attention if a girl takes care of her appearance. Pay attention to hair, makeup and clothes. Be a girl: dress up, wear dresses and skirts. This way you will stand out from the crowd of women dressed in T-shirts and jeans.

Demonstrate your desire to get to know each other:

  1. Walk with a leisurely and regal gait, take your time. Even if you interest a guy passing by, he won’t run after you to get to know you. If you are afraid of being late, leave early.
  2. Don't pay all your attention to gadgets. If you are carried away by the music playing in your headphones, there is little chance of hearing a compliment from a handsome guy passing by.
  3. Smile. Exude confidence and positivity. Be convinced of your attractiveness, and this sentiment will rub off on the men you meet.
  4. Prepare a few stock phrases in case the guy calls you out and, for example, makes a compliment.
  5. Don't burden yourself with expectations, don't expect to meet someone every time you leave the house. This will not lead to familiarity, but to disappointment.

Method fourteen: posing for the camera14

Girls love to be photographed. Plus, this is an excellent way to start a conversation with a stranger. Stop your desired subject and ask him to click a couple of frames. Feel free to pose in front of the camera, smile, ask for advice on the best way. Be sure to praise the photos, thank them for their help, and ask where you can contact such a professional photographer next time?

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