How to make a girl kiss you passionately?

In this article I will tell you in detail how to seduce a variety of girls into kissing.

You'll know exactly what to say and what to do so you never get rejected!

I spend a lot of time researching in this area, meeting girls, communicating with successful men who share their experiences.

Thanks to this, I was able to compile my own collection of effective, practical tips that will help you act as quickly and efficiently as possible.


Before you know how to properly seduce a girl into kissing, you need to understand when is the best time to do it!

There are times when you simply must take advantage of the situation, but there are also times when it is better not to:

1. There is sexual tension between you.

You don't need to ask her about it, you can feel it.

And as soon as you see that she is excited enough and is looking at you with loving eyes - don’t be confused, kiss her.

She is ready for this and is waiting for your initiative.

2. She is drunk.

Of course, if you start kissing a girl while she's drunk, you'll probably succeed.

She won't even refuse you sex.

But the next day you will both feel like crap - she will be ashamed of her behavior, and you will be ashamed of taking advantage of her condition.

You don't want to be thought of as a rapist, do you?

But there may be an exception here: if you both wanted to kiss, but did not dare to do it, then you can drink a couple of glasses of wine for courage.

In any case, I would play it safe.

Never seduce a drunk girl into kissing, otherwise you won't be able to stop in time.

3. You're in the friend zone.

If you are in the friend zone and she treats you like her friend, then don’t even try to kiss her.

Nothing good will come of this.

She will push you away and you will feel like a complete idiot.

Remember: you became her friend only because she does not want to have any romantic relationship with you!

Three signals that a girl is ready for a kiss

It gives you the opportunity to get too close

If a girl allows you to approach her or whisper something in her ear, this is a good sign that she is ready for a kiss. So, when you stand too close to each other, observe her reaction and behavior.

The girl starts to flirt

Perhaps she is the first to take your hand, or is trying to flirt with you in some way. She may be in a good mood and act completely calm and natural. This means that the girl is happy near home, and she is probably ready for a kiss.

You are often alone

Perhaps this happens on its own, or one of you is the initiator of your being alone. But this is also a good sign that the girl is ready for a kiss, and she is not afraid to be alone.


If you directly ask a girl: “ Can I kiss you?” ", this is the same as asking: " Can I throw you a surprise party? »

You'll ruin everything.

But how to seduce a girl into a kiss in this case? Just give her a hint about it.

For example:

  • Ask her to close her eyes and promise not to kiss her. If she smiles, kiss her right away!
  • Look at her lips with desire, tell her that there is a trace of cream (chocolate, sugar, strawberries) on her lipstick, and offer to help. Take it away with your kiss!
  • Tell her, “I'll leave you for a minute,” as if you were about to leave, but turn around and kiss her.
  • Ask her a random question about yourself and while she's answering, cut her off with a kiss.
  • Tell her: “If only you knew how much I like your lips!” and slowly approach for a kiss.

And by the way, these examples create additional sexual tension, so you will get a nice bonus!

Hint with a glance

Psychologists say that when flirting, a person better perceives nonverbal communication (gesture language, facial expressions, etc.).
The most striking manifestation of interest in the opposite sex is your gaze. Practice different looks in front of the mirror. The motivation for a kiss can be a look, like at a magician's performance. This is a look of admiration and anticipation of magic.

Imagine that your date went well in the best traditions of romantic style. You are sitting in the zone of falling in love (according to psychologists, the distance between people of different sexes is less than 45 cm). Give your partner a light hug. If a person does not move away and does not throw off his hand, this indicates mutual sympathy.

Begin to gently stroke her neck with your fingers in the area between the roots of the hair and the vertebra.

At this moment, look into her eyes with that same look that expects a miracle. And quickly switch your gaze to her lips. You can lick yours a little or bite them. By doing this you will show your readiness to move on to kisses and caresses.


Remember one golden rule: girls never want you to doubt yourself.

Any hesitation is a sign of indecision and need.

While you are thinking about how you can seduce a girl into a kiss, she will lose interest in you.

It is better to act in a more courageous and courageous manner:

  • Place one hand on her neck, run your fingers through her hair, and with the other hand press her to your waist. This will cause your lips to meet involuntarily.
  • Press her against the wall and kiss her. Most girls love to be pushed against the wall. This works best in public places, such as an elevator, because the fear of being caught increases.
  • Run your fingers along her chin, holding her head with your other hand, and kiss.

I know that some guys (maybe you too) are too worried and worried that they cannot take the initiative, especially next to a sexy girl with perfect lips.

But you remember that she only needs a completely confident guy.

How to kiss a girl and not worry

Sometimes it happens that a guy wants to kiss a girl and is no longer looking for an opportune moment and is not trying to lead her to this in some cunning ways, but he is still worried, and anxiety does not allow him to take a decisive step.

In such cases, it is useful to use willpower. Just decide for yourself that you will kiss her when you count to three or finish saying the sentence you started.

It is important that you definitely do what you decide. Crooked, askew, but I did it! Only by acting in this way will you become effective at seducing women.

Understand that the faster you move towards sex, the better. Girls are tired of guys who sit quietly next to them and torment them with intelligent conversations. She didn't come to talk to you! The dream of every girl is to meet passionate love, which will develop quickly and rapidly. So don’t be shy and act decisively, and your courage will definitely be rewarded.


Being the bad guy is a lot of fun.

You can sleep with different women every week and you don't even have to support them!

But there is something seductive about being a gentleman.

You can be polite and sexy at the same time, as long as you have a high level of confidence.

How to quickly seduce a girl into a kiss so that it looks like a gentleman?

There is a certain algorithm here:

  • Hug her tenderly.
  • Look into her eyes with passion.
  • Gently caress her hands
  • Smile warmly.

Then, before you kiss, say:

  • [Her name], this is the perfect moment for a kiss.
  • You want me to kiss you now, right?
  • [Whisper in her ear] I just can't wait any longer. I need to kiss you.
  • Your lips look too dry, I'll fix that now.
  • I know you really want to kiss me.
  • I think that now you need to kiss me.
  • Your lips look virginally unkissed. Let's fix this.
  • I need your lips right now.
  • Sorry, I can't help myself.
  • I know that you love me.

Kiss then tell (this will work for both the gentleman and the bad guy):

  • Wow.
  • Damn, your lips are amazing.
  • I feel much better now.
  • Now I have a boner, what are we going to do about it?
  • I'm not done with you yet [take her to the bedroom].
  • Ten out of ten.
  • I've been waiting for this for so long.
  • You are doing great.
  • [Put index finger to her lips] That's enough for today.
  • You have the perfect body.
  • I want you right now [take her to your bedroom].
  • [If it's time for you to leave] Remember this place where we left off, we'll continue tomorrow.

It sounds corny, but most girls will love it.

What can't you do?

Many decent guys mistakenly think that before kissing you need to ask permission, otherwise the girl will be offended or consider the guy rude. Such a gallant act, at first glance, directly contradicts the laws of nature! In the eyes of a woman, a man should appear as a confident and powerful male. This concept does not include tactlessness, brutality or lack of culture. Everything can happen very beautifully and civilized, but in such a way that a woman has a desire to submit. If you pretend to be a timid good boy, the girl will get the impression that the guy is stupid and insignificant. A kiss should arise naturally, as a harmonious continuation of communication. And the question “can I kiss you?” perceived as asking for a favor.

Subconsciously, the girl is afraid of seeming frivolous and accessible, so such questions put her in an awkward position. She is uncomfortable saying both “no” and “yes.” It’s easier for her when a man takes the first steps himself. Even if she really wants a kiss, she will hide it in every possible way.

It happens that when trying to kiss a girl turns away and lowers her head. Nothing wrong with that. You need to hug her tighter, stroke her hair, kiss her neck or ear first. Under no circumstances should you make claims like “what’s wrong with you?” or “why don’t you want to?” Women find it difficult to explain in words what they feel, so interrogating them is pointless.

The first kiss should not be too aggressive, but not timid either. To make a girl fall in love with you, you need to make her feel her strength and masculinity, as well as the ability to give affection and pleasure.

A big mistake men make is to try to win over a girl by spending money, promising to take her somewhere or buy something. It’s better to just take a walk or visit a cultural institution first.

It may happen that at the first meeting everything went fine, and the girl seemed to like the guy, but after that she stops communicating with him without explanation.

It is quite possible that it was just a game on her part, and the man is deceived. It happens that a lady behaved obediently due to her inability to refuse or showed momentary weakness. However, left alone with herself, she blames herself for this acquaintance. In any case, it is worth understanding the situation and deciding whether to continue courtship or not. But straightforward questions have never helped a man achieve a woman. She still won’t answer directly, and such conversations will simply lead to a dead end.


You've learned to ask permission like a gentleman and talk to her like an alpha male, but in my opinion, it's much more enjoyable to talk to her as an equal.

Only such relationships can become strong and lasting.

In my opinion it depends on:

1. If the circumstances are in your favor, you are in the right place at the right time for a passionate kiss, do it.

2. Whether you're kissing her goodnight or she's getting ready for work, a quick kiss on the cheek is ideal.

3. But if it's your first date and you suddenly kiss her passionately with your tongue, she'll freak out.

So on your first dates, kiss gently and carefully!

Final Thoughts

So, I hope I helped you figure out how to get a girl to kiss you. However, I want to give one more small tip, it is really important. If there is such a problem between you, and you don’t know how to kiss a girl, then you need to be more open with her, and establish a more serious relationship. When a girl feels your sincerity, she may kiss you first.

What do you think prevents a girl from kissing you?

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Replacing words with body language is one of the main signs of an alpha male.

Here are some simple examples:

  • Instead of saying yes or no, nod.
  • Instead of saying “come here,” beckon with your index finger or palm.
  • Instead of asking someone to shut up, put your index finger to your lips while looking straight into the person's eyes.
  • Sounds great! But deceiving girls for a kiss is a little more complicated than everyday actions. How can we do without words in this case?
  • While you are sitting on the couch together and talking, take a break and just look into her eyes with desire.
  • Signal her to come to you and lightly lick your lips.
  • Run your hands up and down her thighs, while looking into her eyes and smiling slightly.
  • Point your finger to your cheek (or lips) as if expecting a kiss.
  • Take her by the waist, hold her close, smile cheekily and say: I'm waiting.

Will this require self-confidence?

Of course, but girls like it.

What should the first kiss be like?

If for modern “advanced” guys kissing a stranger is an everyday thing, then for most beauties it is still a special romantic ritual. After watching enough melodramas, girls expect too much from him, and in the end they may be bitterly disappointed. But even if a representative of the fair sex has experienced a lot of kisses, she will still evaluate a new man based on his first impression. Therefore, if a guy is a bad kisser, then he has every chance of falling in the eyes of a more experienced girlfriend.

Of course, if you are timid all the time and afraid of putting yourself in a bad light, then you will never learn. But if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to familiarize yourself with the theory before doing so, find out from the relevant literature what kind of kisses there are and in what cases to use them. There is no need to practice all types at once, trying to show off your awesomeness. It's better to start with the simplest thing.

Many men love French kissing. It involves the contact of languages ​​and requires more skill than usual. At the same time, it is important that the saliva does not separate too quickly and does not fall into the partner’s mouth. You can move up to it gradually, and if the girl likes it, then do it more intensively. It’s better to stop once again and take a sip of saliva than to bring discomfort to your friend. A skillful French kiss can bewitch and excite a woman, but an inept one will push her away and instead of the image of Casanova, the man will appear like a clumsy schoolboy.

The first kiss is very memorable and the reason for this is a sharp release of hormones due to a strong emotional outburst. Let this moment be pleasant and unforgettable. You need to take this seriously and be fully prepared. Sometimes one wrong step and the matter is ruined. Girls can describe their first kiss in great detail, because for them it is a kind of transition to a new stage of life.

There is no need to delay the process too much - it may look like pestering. But there is no need to rush in this matter. You need to focus on the girl’s feelings. If she herself asks for continuation through her body language, you should not finish.


Sometimes flirting can work great. You don't always have to be direct and very bold.

Here are some examples of playful kissing scams:

  • You are a very daring girl and you force me to kiss you.
  • I don't have time to stare at your perfect lips all evening. It's time to do something about it.
  • Why do you think your pretty face deserves my time?
  • You better apologize for hypnotizing me with your plump lips.
  • What else can you do except drive people crazy with your sexy lips?
  • If she's short, use one of these phrases:
  • Haha, your lips don't even reach my chin.
  • If your back were a little higher, you could kiss me easily, but otherwise you’ll have to jump.
  • Why can’t you grow at least a few more centimeters so that I don’t have to lean over to kiss you every time?
  • If you weren’t so little, we would already be kissing all over!

Speak confidently, but in a fun and friendly manner, and she will happily kiss you!

Kiss as a pleasant surprise

Wait for the right moment and kiss the girl without any hints.

Invite the girl to walk along the parapet of the embankment against the background of the sunset, holding her hand. And when she wants to come down, you can catch her in your arms, spin her around a little and finish the whole thing with a gentle kiss.

What if by chance your heads leaned towards each other in search of a spoon/book/earring that had fallen under the table. Why not a reason for a kiss?

There can be many moments for a kiss during one date. The main thing is to make sure that the girl also wants to move to a new level of intimacy. Nonverbal gestures and facial expressions can also tell about her readiness for kisses and other tenderness.


This may be your favorite way to hint at a girl for a kiss because it always gives her the opportunity to say no without making it awkward.

Here are some examples:

  • Tell her to stand on the bench without telling her why.
  • Ask her to stand up straight.
  • Tell her to lift herself up onto her fingertips because “you won’t be able to reach.”

In all of these examples, you should say it with a flirtatious smile and a slight wink to let her know that you have a little surprise in store for her.

How to behave before a kiss?

General rules.

Before the kiss, she probably wants to get a dose of romance. For a girl to kiss a guy means to trust him. She uses all the time up to the moment “X” to check whether the young man deserves her trust.

To meet her expectations, it is important to monitor your speech and behavior. This means no vulgarity, provocations and aggression, topics about exes or problems. Better instead:

  • be polite and courteous - offer a hand, help with outerwear, open the door in front of her, put a chair aside;
  • listen to her - she will enjoy spending time with an attentive gentleman. In addition, she may “casually” share her dreams of a kiss or relationship;
  • conduct the conversation in a positive direction , unobtrusively mentioning your strengths (without bragging);
  • make jokes - if she genuinely laughs at the jokes - congratulations, she will likely want to move on to the next step.


The most important thing in the art of pleasant words is sincerity. No matter how good an actor a young man is, his chosen one will certainly sense a lie.

Good compliments for a girl are always unambiguous and do not evoke “leftist” thoughts. And so that they are not banal, it is better to make them detailed. Not “You are beautiful”, but “You have a very graceful and feminine figure”, not “You have a cool perfume”, but “I like the sweet notes in your perfume. They match your character."

Eye contact.

When she addresses you directly or tells you something important, eye-to-eye contact will be necessary. But even without this, it is still advisable to cast at least rare glances at her. Otherwise, she will think that she is not interesting and then the chances of a first kiss will noticeably decrease.

If the couple finds a common topic and starts joking, then the “staring game” will no longer seem so difficult.

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Flying towards a girl with a bear hug as soon as she appears on the horizon, or constantly squeezing her around the waist, or even lower, is impossible. In proper approach, all movements are smooth and gradual. It is important to give your partner freedom so that she has a chance to accept some kind of touch or refuse it. What you can do :

  • While walking, I “accidentally” touched her hand a couple of times . If she doesn't object and doesn't move away or put her hand in her pocket, it's time to try to gently take her hand in yours;
  • invite her to take your hand . You can ask directly or simply stick out your bent elbow and smile;
  • tuck her unruly curl behind her ear, brush away an eyelash, wipe a spot on her face.

But just before you kiss your companion, you can openly take her hand and move closer. But even at this stage everything is done as smoothly as possible. Otherwise, she may get scared, feel awkward and recoil.

Avoid cliches

The first point that is worth fixing: get away from the movie cliche that your first kiss should happen strictly after breaking up. Agree, it’s strange - after a good and smooth date, you suddenly for some reason pounce on her and start kissing her furiously. Remember that this game is your rules. The kiss can happen in the middle of the date, at the end, or at any other time. Yes, you can walk her home and kiss her at the door, but remember that this is not at all necessary.

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