How and where to find a girlfriend: a step-by-step plan from Anton Glomozda

Don't get hung up on one girl

My advice: you see a lovely stranger, try to attract her attention. Let your conversation end in nothing, but sooner or later your knees will stop shaking and your voice will stop trembling. And this is already a victory.

Use any place to meet people. Remember that there are girls on the street, in restaurants, nightclubs, and libraries. What does it mean? That's right, you can get to know them.

This is the only way you can develop your dating strategy and put your fears and complexes behind your belt. Believe me, it’s not scary to meet people and it’s not scary to accept refusals. It's just your attitude to the situation.

Look failures in the eye

What is your fear? The girl will refuse you. AND? What will happen? Will humanity die? Will your penis fall off? No, man. These are just words. You don’t faint when they tell you there’s no change.

Remember, you are not $100 to please everyone. So avoiding dating is a stupid tactic. Learn to overcome your fear with girls and you won't have to jerk off to porn anymore.

Just remember that when meeting you, you need to clearly define your position: “I like you, I want to invite you on a date,” because you may end up on the bench.

Stop making excuses and apologizing

Let's think: if you have to be in charge, how can you be afraid and doubtful? No, no need to say “I’m not like that!” A real man has no excuse to miss a girl he likes.

No one will hit you over the head if you compliment a beautiful girl, but you will get experience and a chance for a relationship. So stop protecting yourself from non-existent problems.


This is one of the most important nuances of life. You must be able to enjoy everything you do. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing a new collab or meeting another beauty. If you perceive life as hard work, nothing will happen.

Girls feel the mood well. When a man approaches them on shaking legs, you want to feel sorry for him and calm him down, not let him. Take this as an interesting stage in your life. Get high on it!

Let's call it the search stage. Enjoy the fact that every time you meet girls more confidently. And they always respond differently to your tackles. It's cool to come up with new strategies and moves.

Be yourself

I always say that a man should have an image. BUT it is based on a real person, and not a fictional character. The deeper you dig into bullshit about yourself, the harder it will be to maintain the role.

Moreover, the girl showed interest in this image and in the end she will love him. What will you do after 5, 10 years of relationship? Lie to her? Well, this is some kind of game.

British scientists have found that girls like “light” men. That is, those who do not dwell on failures, know how to take care of themselves and are quite intelligent.


The more people you know, the more likely you are to find the girl of your dreams. And for life, numerous acquaintances will not be superfluous.

Today you met a woman who works in a bank, but you don’t like her outwardly. You can just communicate with her, right? You see, when there are problems related to her field, she will at least help with information.

Think ahead. Do not disdain diverse acquaintances. Don’t sit at home, your schedule shouldn’t be like “home-work, work-home.” Find a hobby, go to the gym. Develop yourself, man, no one will be interested in you as long as you are boring and dull.

In the Internet

The most obvious option.
Modern life dictates that the easiest way to find a girl is on a dating site or in an application for them. However, not everything is so simple: people who meet there rarely create strong alliances. However, you shouldn’t discount the Internet as an option. Think about what you are interested in and go to relevant forums and various sites to discuss certain hobbies, be it paragliding or knitting (what if you are that weird guy who likes to knit?). This will at least increase the likelihood of meeting a soul mate and you will already have something to talk about on your first dates.

Where to look for a girl

Now that you have a clear idea about your future girlfriend, it will be much easier for you to find her. Let's get into it right now.

Among friends

First, take a closer look at your friends, perhaps among them there is the same one, you just haven’t considered it yet. Friendship quite often develops into love and, as a rule, such unions are the strongest and most durable. Communicate more often with friends of both sexes, spend time in large companies, go on trips together. This increases your chances of having a long and strong relationship.

Among classmates, fellow students, work colleagues

We spend most of our lives first at school and then at work. It's no surprise that many relationships begin there. Everyone wants to combine business with pleasure, especially since common activities always bring us closer together.

If you are studying, spend more time with classmates or classmates outside the walls of the educational institution. Walk together after school, go to a cafe or cinema in large groups, have parties, discos. Joint outings will allow you to move communication from purely formal to warmer.

At work there are corporate events for such purposes. It’s not for nothing that they are discussed for another six months. Be sure to visit them and be in the center of events, do not sit modestly in a corner. You have a chance to meet colleagues from other departments and show yourself as an active, cheerful and sociable person.

Among like-minded women

By like-minded women we mean girls who share your interests. If you visit the gym or swimming pool, meet and chat with girls there. If you play mind games, there are probably beautiful and interesting ladies among your rivals. Basically, you just need to be outgoing and passionate about something. If you don’t have a hobby yet, start one immediately.

In interest clubs

The principle of “thematic” search extends to reality. If you are the lucky person who has time to pursue your hobbies and go to meetings of equally enthusiastic people, take a good look around there. Suddenly a lonely young lady is sitting next to you, but she is interested in the same thing as you!

Old school option: if you like good books and Turgenev's young ladies, go to the readings. They take place in libraries and bookstores, and the percentage of women present there is much higher than men. Then discuss the book - why not a date?

Actually, it is also possible and necessary to get acquainted with people in a bookstore without reading. It will be easier to understand what kind of person is in front of you by the books that he (in our case, she) is considering.

What to do so that the first date does not turn out to be the last

Your task is to make a stunning impression. Show your real self, but from the best side. Remember a few tips.

  1. First of all, pay attention to appearance. Clothing can be simple, but modern and perfectly clean and ironed. Hair should be styled, nails well-groomed, beard and mustache beautifully decorated.
  2. Be polite and gallant. Let the girl go ahead, open the door, pour her drinks into a glass. I hope no one needs to be taught this?
  3. Take an active interest in the girl’s life, listen enthusiastically, and keep the conversation going. Don't sit and expect her to entertain you.
  4. Don't brag. There is nothing worse than coming across as an upstart and arrogant.
  5. Walk the lady home after the date and thank her for a wonderful evening. You can immediately express your hope for the next meeting.
  6. Nobody forbids you to try to kiss a girl. If she doesn't object, you've hit the jackpot. If he refuses, don’t be upset. This doesn't necessarily mean she didn't like you. She may want to get to know you better first or is afraid of seeming too approachable. Courage and perseverance will still play into your hands - your chosen one will remember your attempt with excitement.

In the gyms

There is a whole army of girls who go to the gym just to meet each other. Seriously. They can be recognized by the presence of makeup and a neat hairstyle instead of a banal ponytail.

You can also get acquainted while jogging (although a puffing interlocutor is not very sexy), cycling, swimming - there are plenty of options.

By the way, winter is the time for dating at the skating rink. Girls are very inclined to this, because skating makes them feel touching and beautiful.

How to find a girl on VK: 5 steps to success

VKontakte is a popular Russian-language social network. You can also meet people here - hundreds of thousands of smart, beautiful and interesting girls are registered on the platform. An ideal choice for homebodies or for those who, alas, despair of meeting their fate in reality. There are five simple rules, following which you can attract the attention of one of the young ladies:

  • interesting and creative profile

This should be a live page with a real first and last name, real age, photographs - preferably without other girls. The profile must be impressive, otherwise the lady will not accept the friend request and will not respond to the message. Less selfies and mass photos, it is better to upload a couple of high-quality frames that demonstrate your hobbies.

  • non-trivial communication

No banality like “hi, how are you?” / “hi, what are you doing?” Nobody likes this. You can mention where you met or found the girl, why you decided to get to know her, write something original and with a bit of humor. More chances for inventive guys.

  • publics based on interests

The community of your favorite musical group or modern literature, a subscription to the topic of art or sports - among the group members it is easier to meet a girl who shares your hobbies. It will be easier to communicate with her on topics that interest you.

  • “looking for you” in your city

Scroll through the advertisements posted on the wall - at least one of them will certainly pique your interest. Like the post, write a comment, or follow the profile link (if listed).

  • make sure the girl is real

Alas, there are a lot of fakes on VK - people who live someone else’s virtual life, increase or decrease their age, attribute to themselves the appearance of a stranger, and even change their gender. Before you continue communication, copy the same avatar of the young lady and enter it into a search engine, if possible, make sure that the other data is plausible.

Finding a sweet and faithful girl on VKontakte is not easy, but it is possible.

At training master classes and courses

This is a whole unplowed field for searches. Cooking classes? Great. Call and ask who visits them more often: couples or singles. And if they are singles, then aren’t they divided into pairs and what is the contingent?

Dance master class? Wonderful. Doubles? Yes, they will tear you off arms and legs: there are always not enough partners. Yoga workshops? You will also become calmer.

Attention, life hack: if registration for master classes, open lessons and games is carried out on social networks, you will be able to study the lists of participants and their pages. This way you will come prepared and know who is married, who is heartbroken, and who is ready for a new relationship!


If two independent people enter into a relationship, it is always an equal and positive union. Firstly, no one will look up or down on anyone, and secondly, an independent woman does not need a man and does not regard him as a lifeline.

In addition, she is strong, confident and not afraid to be alone. Therefore, in an alliance with her, you will not have to deal with sudden attacks of jealousy or constant fears that you will lose interest in her.

Being emotionally dependent on each other is a very good thing.

At concerts

The advantage is that at a live performance of your favorite band, under the influence of the moment and emotions, acquaintances simply happen with a bang.

The downside is loud music. Yes, we remember that you came for her sake. If you can’t handle the guitar riffs to ask the name of a beautiful stranger, then, at worst, show your sympathy for the young lady by dancing. Although no, you might suddenly scare me. :)

It is possible to find the girl of your dreams at classical music concerts, but it is difficult. Firstly, the contingent there is specific, mostly highly spiritual. Secondly, you need to be silent there. As an option: for the entire three hours of the concert you turn your head, studying your surroundings, and at the end you run to get acquainted.

Neighborhood of your home

You can also make a pleasant acquaintance near your home by meeting a lonely girl walking with a dog or relaxing in a nearby park. The easiest way to start a conversation is if you occasionally bump into each other on your way to work or returning from the store.

However, if you realize that you are seeing her for the first time, use our detailed guide, where we told you how to meet girls on the street and what to talk to them about.

In shops

Oh, you are a cunning person if you chose “female territory” for dating, like a cosmetics or kitchenware store. Approach a pretty young lady and ask for advice, making an unhappy face: “It’s very difficult for a lonely man like me to make a choice, can you smell me? What do you think of this perfume? Let’s also choose some pots together, you do it so well.”

Every girl hides the need to help, save, feel sorry, and so on. It would be stupid not to play on this, and in such an innocent and sweet way.

The ideal girl - what is she like?

Before you start searching, you need to identify significant criteria. Ask yourself what kind of girl you would like to see next to you. Imagine her in different situations - how she looks, how she behaves, what she likes, what she doesn’t like, what she does, what qualities she has. Write down everything that comes to your mind.

Have you recorded it? Now let's figure it out.


Not all men have strict criteria for appearance - today they may like a petite blonde, and tomorrow a buxom brunette. If you are one of them, congratulations! One less headache.

If you have a clearly formed idea of ​​female beauty, it will be a little more difficult for you. You will have to bring your appearance in line with your ideal. Let me give you an example.

The guy likes girls with model appearance - tall, slender, fit. And he himself is a stooped, bespectacled man, and with a potbelly to boot. The poor fellow will have to seriously work on himself to charm such a girl. It’s much easier to look at yourself soberly in the mirror and lower your expectations.

Almost all men agree that no matter what the girl is - thin or curvy, fair-haired or red-haired, tall or short - she should be well-groomed. Nobody likes messy people, and I think you don’t either. So write this criterion down in your notebook if you haven’t already. My good girls, if you happen to be reading this too, take note!

Universal qualities

We will not dwell on this point in detail. It is already clear to everyone that positive qualities such as kindness, mercy, responsiveness, generosity, friendliness, sociability attract, and negative qualities - anger, causticity, greed, hysteria - repel. The main thing is to be able to consider them in time.

Every man dreams of a decent and faithful girl. Unfortunately, you cannot immediately discern these properties, and no one can ever guarantee them for you - situations in life are different.


If you are looking for a girl to love and live together, and even more so to start a family, you need to choose one who will be your faithful friend and ally. It is advisable that your interests coincide or at least intersect. If you are obsessed with sports, look for someone like you, you like to travel, which means the girl should be easy-going, if you are a movie buff, great, let the lady of your heart also share your passion.

This approach will help solve several problems at once. Firstly, it will be easier for you to make acquaintances if you move in common circles. Secondly, you and your lover will always have something to talk about and do. You can learn from each other, develop and grow together.


It’s great when a person has some principles, values, moral guidelines - this is what makes him a person. But their discrepancy in a couple very often leads to conflicts and contradictions. If you have your own views on life, which you will never compromise, before starting a relationship, make sure that your chosen one shares them or at least does not object to them.

This may concern religion, political views, attitudes towards marriage and children. Ask the girl what she thinks about the areas of life that are important to you, but do not try to impose your point of view on her. In case of irreconcilable differences, it is better to limit yourself to friendship.

There are, of course, situations when love is stronger than everything else, and people are ready to seek a compromise. But, as a rule, after the end of the candy-bouquet period, when the riot of hormones subsides, a person discovers a strange, and sometimes even hostile, creature next to him and does not know what to do about it.

The ability to stand up for yourself

Now we don’t mean fierce fights with frying pans in our hands and rolling pins on our belts. Family life is family life, so that its participants shine with joy and happiness. However, conflicts between two people who live together are sometimes inevitable, and in these conflicts, disputes should be conducted on equal terms.

So if your girlfriend doesn't allow anyone to insult her (especially you), talk to her in an aggressive tone, or don't let others act like her opinion doesn't matter, that's a very good thing. If she can also put you down properly, then take a closer look, perhaps this is your future wife.

  • Author: Dmitry Petrosyants

Thematic groups4

The social network Vkontakte has a large number of groups associated with specific cities. In addition to the fact that you can get in touch with people who don’t mind spending a couple of evenings in the company of nice people.

Or, immediately turn to the search for groups for sex dating on VKontakte. Of course, there is a high probability of ending up on the pages of fake accounts that are trying to extract information from you for personal purposes, or will try to scam you out of small sums.

How to develop a serious relationship?

It is not enough to just find the ideal and faithful girl; a man needs to cultivate in himself all the qualities and character traits without which it is impossible to build a serious relationship. You need to develop relationships with the person you like based on several principles:

  • decisiveness - ladies choose men who are able to protect them, make decisions, and show courage under any circumstances;
  • caring - it is important for a woman to show care, sympathy and empathy on the part of her chosen one;
  • a sense of humor is a kind of male charisma that makes any conversation lively, interesting and relaxed;
  • romance - any girl cannot resist someone who is capable of beautiful words and deeds;
  • fidelity and honesty - relationships are based on truth and fidelity, and betrayal and betrayal destroy even the strongest families;
  • generosity - if a man is ready to spend his money on a girl, it means he has serious plans for her;
  • willingness to compromise - without the willingness to give in to each other and make sacrifices, relationships are a priori impossible.

If a man wants to find a pure, immaculate girl and build a serious relationship with her, first he needs to develop the above character traits. Otherwise, the relationship will not be long-term without prospects for the future.

How to attract attention?

The next question after the question of where you can find a girl will be the problem of how a man can attract her attention and make her fall in love with him. This stage seems incredibly difficult to many men, although in practice everything happens quite easily and simply. To attract the attention of the person you like, you need to follow several rules:

  • you need to show attention and admiration for the girl, without looking at other representatives of the fair sex;
  • during the conversation you need to ask questions about her life, hobbies, priorities, commenting on what she said;
  • It is imperative to maintain contact at a distance, write SMS, call and support in any difficulties;
  • periodically the girl needs to be given flowers and small gifts to congratulate her on the holidays, remembering important dates in the relationship with her;
  • show gallantry by offering your hand when entering from a vehicle, opening the door for her, giving compliments, etc.;
  • maintain unobtrusive but regular tactile contact, holding her hand or hugging her.

Advice! Under no circumstances should you discuss your past relationships and former passions in front of a girl. All the attention of a man should be directed only to her. During the conversation, most of the dialogue should be given to the girl, since they are more talkative and appreciate interest in their direction.

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