How to understand that a girl is still interested in you after breaking up and ignoring her - signs

And now you will learn the main signs by which you can understand that the non-contact period or ignore is working.

I will tell you when you can start communicating with a girl or woman again.

What are some false signs and actions on the part of a girlfriend or wife that can confuse you?

And in the end, you will learn the most important sign, which allows you to clearly understand that the non-contact period or ignore really worked.

Moreover, many people do not even realize the existence of this sign, since it is not at all obvious.

Before we begin, let me remind you: the purpose for which you take a break from communicating with your ex-girlfriend or wife is to bring your condition back to normal and, if you broke up in a negative way, a pause in communication is needed so that the emotions and negativity subside gone.

During the non-contact period, you do not contact her in any way, do not look at her social networks, do not like her, do not try to find out from relatives how she is doing.

So, how do you know that your actions are bringing results? Think what could happen...

If a girl starts swearing when I ignore her

The first sign is that she sends you angry messages and tries to accuse you of all mortal sins.

Some men whom I counsel, having received such messages, often write to me, “Well, that’s it, now everything is definitely lost, she doesn’t love me at all, nothing will work out for us, she definitely won’t forgive me,” “if I don’t answer, then she will stop all communication with me.”

But I remind you that every man should have a developed sense of self-esteem! What's the point of communicating with a person who humiliates and insults you?

Therefore, we do not respond to such messages.

I had clients who couldn’t stand it and began to convince her to calm down, forget the negativity and start communicating in a friendly way.

But, as you understand, they heard even more accusations against them.

Many people think that this is bad, since she is negative and very offended.

They think: now nothing will definitely work out.

But such thoughts are dictated by the fear of losing her, the desire to please her.

But in fact, she writes you angry messages out of resentment, because she has lost control of the situation and can no longer control your emotions, you are no longer acting as a punching bag and a person who is ready to endure humiliation.

Her true goal: to regain power over you, to feel again that she is stronger than you.

And thanks to this, you will once again find confirmation of the correctness of your decision to break up.

And to do this you need to get emotional.

And the easiest way to do this is to start insulting you and trying to make you look guilty.

Why does the negativity coming from her benefit you? First of all, if she didn’t care about you, she wouldn’t write anything to you, she would enjoy her new life and wouldn’t even think about you.

Therefore, the manifestation of any emotions towards you indicates that she has not yet cooled down.

And since you do not react to her negative attacks, she does not control your condition.

Doesn't understand what's happening.

And you are already in control of the situation.

Consequently, there is nothing wrong with her angry messages and in the very near future she will calm down, feel guilty and get in touch again, but in a soft and submissive tone.

Loves or not - how to understand a girl?

Girls are treacherous creatures and it is often difficult to understand their true feelings. Many representatives of the fair sex develop a consumerist attitude towards guys - they don’t love them, but use them.

In their youth, beautiful but stupid girls pretend that a smart but unpopular boy is cute in order to copy his homework.

Gradually, beauties begin to pretend that they love wealthy, but not too young and handsome men, trying to get their money.

Victor looked more like a scientist than the owner of a large company: glasses with thick lenses, albeit expensive, but always ill-fitting suits, checkered shirts, confusion and uncertainty in communicating with girls. He stared at the beauties, afraid to approach them. At the same time, he didn’t even try to understand that his childhood friend had been in love with the guy for a long time, although she was pretending to be just a friend. And then a beautiful and sexy girl came to his company to get a job as a secretary. She was hired and, quickly assessing her boss’s potential as a groom, she began to take the initiative. Victor was delighted that such a beauty loved him. It was getting close to the wedding. I had to take the initiative into the hands of that same childhood friend. She simply recorded a conversation with her fiancée Vitya. The beauty ridiculed the groom, saying that he was disgusting to her, that she did not love him, but she would definitely marry him and make good money on this deal. Victor was crushed. The wedding was cancelled, but he finally began to take a closer look at his childhood friend, and finally began to realize who truly loved him.

Men, it is important for you to understand that:

  • any girl, even without acting skills, can pretend to love you - you don’t need much talent for this;
  • the fact that you have a beautiful appearance or a lot of money is not a guarantee that the girl really loves you;
  • the ability to determine the sincerity of a young lady’s feelings at the initial stage of a relationship will help to avoid many disappointments.

What does it mean if my girlfriend asked me to help her after breaking up?

The second sign that the contactless period is working: if she is the first to get in touch and ask for help.

She may ask for support in resolving some issue, she may ask if she forgot something of hers at your house, she may ask for help with your common child.

And many men fall for it, play Robin Hood.

They think that if you refuse to help her, then she will definitely think that you have lost interest in her and will never return.

But I remind you. When you are in a neurotic state, sleep for three hours, eat practically nothing, then nothing good will come of your communication.

And if she also said that you broke up, that she no longer loves you, then what kind of help can we talk about? Moreover, when entering the non-contact period, you tell her in black and white about your desire to understand yourself.

She asks you for help solely out of curiosity, to check whether you are still sitting on her leash or not.

Not because she needs help.

Yes, it happens when a situation with children requires some kind of emergency measures and they cannot do without you, but this happens very rarely.

And most requests for help are nothing more than a ping to check your condition.

If you fall for her provocations, then she will understand that you are still available to her, still love her and will lose interest, and a new cycle of suffering awaits you due to unrequited love.

Therefore, think first of all about yourself, and not about her.

Next, I will tell you when you can get in touch with her.

Don't waste your time on a girl who doesn't want to be with you

Don't waste your time on a girl who doesn't want to be with you. A person always lives in the desire to benefit from everything and everyone. Some people even do good things only because they want to gain respect or a positive attitude towards themselves. This is also a benefit that does not imply anything bad. We will call benefit not only something bad, but also something good, including the desires and goals that you want to achieve.

Don't waste time on those who don't want to spend it on you. You shouldn't store what you don't use. You should not waste your energy on something that does not give the desired results. In other words, don't waste something valuable that can't be returned or is hard to recover on something that just takes away but doesn't produce the results you expect.

You should not communicate with people who are uncomfortable communicating with you. You shouldn't keep things that you hate to throw away, but you don't use them. There is no need to do things that do not bring pleasure or at least material benefits. Don’t waste time worrying if at the end they won’t provide a solution to your problem, but will only take away your energy.

Very often a person wastes his time, which can never be returned, and his strength, which is difficult to restore, on something that does not bring him any benefit. You are not obligated to spend irreplaceable money on something that will not provide any benefit. You should not smile at people who are rude or simply unpleasant to you. You are not obliged to work where they pay meager wages. Who should you waste your time, suffer and suffer on? No one. Then why do you continue to waste time on things that do not give you pleasure?

Successful people are successful because they do not waste themselves, time and energy on things that will not bring them moral pleasure or will not bring them closer to the goals that they have set for themselves. They will not maintain constant contact with people just because it is customary or out of politeness. They will not work where they do not receive adequate compensation for their labors. They spend time and energy only on things that will lead them to achieving their goals. That's why they are successful. They do not waste their lives on empty talk and meaningless activities, because they act in a certain direction to achieve their goals.

Don't waste your time on things that don't benefit you. Not too much of it is given to every person anyway. Life is short, and it is better to live it for your own pleasure, and not spend it on satisfying the whims of others. Enjoy your life. And to do this, train yourself to spend time and energy only on what will realize your goals.

What does it mean when, after a temporary breakup, your ex-girlfriend is interested in you?

Third sign. If she asks through mutual friends how you are doing, this also indicates that the non-contact period is bearing fruit.

Yes, this may just be slight curiosity on her part, and it’s too early to talk about any love, but this is exactly how female interest arises.

At first, she becomes interested in you through mutual friends, and understands that you don’t miss her at all.

Thanks to this, interest in your person arises, and she herself gets in touch with you.

Ignoring works if she asks for moral support

Fourth sign. She may start texting you and complaining about some problems.

Such messages are nothing more than a need for attention in order to receive your care and support.

And as my extensive practice shows, when a man, still in an unstable emotional state, responds to these requests, begins to help her, takes on the role of a savior, after a few days the woman loses interest again.

Again, the reason is this: the woman gets everything she wanted, you are available to her again, she talked to you, calmed down.

I realized that you are still sitting on a short leash and she is losing interest again.

If she’s having a hard time mentally, she has friends, parents, a personal psychologist.

She can turn to them and just as easily receive moral support.

How to return love

If mistakes have already been made and their consequences have begun to appear, all is not lost. If you value your relationship and never want to lose your girlfriend, there are many ways you can follow to get her interested again. Here are just 9 of them:

  1. If the reason is one of the points mentioned above, it must be corrected immediately. It won't be possible to do this instantly, but by gradually rebuilding yourself, you can become the one she loves again.
  2. It is necessary to start resolving conflicts more measuredly. At this time, you cannot show your grievances or create scandals that end with a slam of the door. It is important to discuss problems, calmly listen and accept criticism and begin to correct the situation.
  3. If one of the manifestations of her cold attitude was the lack of physical contact, it is important to return it. Try to hug the girl more often, take her hand, kiss her, give her a massage. Such actions increase the release of oxytocin into the blood, which has calming properties and minimizes stress.
  4. Have heart-to-heart conversations more often. Close conversations should become a daily rule. Thanks to them, you will be able to get closer again, you will be able to find out what exactly she is worried about at the moment.
  5. It is necessary to give her much more attention, tenderness and care than before. You should often make various small surprises and gifts that will pleasantly surprise her.
  6. Share your goals and plans for the future with her. First, talking about your future will help you bond. Secondly, she will feel more confident and calm. At the same time, remember to actually take care of yourself, and not just talk about it. Start going to the gym, pursue a career and earn money.
  7. Increase your attractiveness. If you've forgotten when you updated your wardrobe, now is the time. A woman should not feel ashamed when she is around you or when introducing you to her friends.
  8. Try to find a common hobby that will be interesting to both the woman and you. Spending time and hobbies together will help you get closer and get to know each other from the other side.
  9. Save your own face, no matter how your future relationship turns out. If you influence her with blackmail, tears or self-deprecation, it will not bring results. Show your maturity. She must understand that you can solve any problem with dignity.

This is interesting: Any extreme activity will also help you get closer. Experiencing adventures together will not only help you break out of your daily work routine, but will also create many new experiences.

How to check the result of being ignored by a girl's appearance

If you finally snapped and decided to look at her social networks or tried to find out how she was doing through mutual friends, then pay attention to any serious changes in her behavior.

If she has lost a lot of weight, she has bags under her eyes, she posts sad statuses and photos on social networks.

This means her moral state has changed and it is quite possible that this is caused by your actions.

But it is important not to make mistakes in your analysis of the situation.

There are a lot of false signals.

If we take the same social networks.

She can view your stories or like you.

And you think: “Great, she definitely misses me.”

But think about it, what if she is an active user of social networks, watching and liking everything.

Then, naturally, this is not an interest in you, but just her typical behavior.

Or she's just wondering how you're doing, and she's doing this purely because she doesn't have much else to do.

Therefore, I specifically emphasize: it is the changes in her behavior that indicate that the non-contact period is working.

And the changes must be quite serious.

Likes on photos and views of your stories alone are not enough.

But if she regularly posts sad photos and writes how bad she feels, then that says a lot.

This proves that it is hard for her and she is suffering.

Misleading signs of an impending separation

Women's psychology is a very complex thing. Sometimes even women themselves cannot understand themselves. That’s why I don’t advise you to believe one hundred percent the list of signs of an upcoming separation.

Many of the symptoms are suitable for a girl who is about to leave you, but mostly they also appear in those who have not even thought about breaking up.

Sign No. 1. She doesn't write 30 letters an hour

Previously, she constantly called, wrote romantic messages to you on VK, uploaded videos with cute cats and woke you up in the morning with her call? Has this really gone away after 3 months of your relationship?

You don't have to worry too much, because this is absolutely normal. The euphoria from a new relationship sooner or later passes and communication becomes habitual. Stormy passions are left behind, and calm romantic evenings become the norm. That is why she can gradually stop calling and texting you so often. Her mind will again be taken over by studies, some interests and everything that she loved before. You will simply become the most valuable addition to her life.

Anxiety: but if you call her, and her phone is often turned off or she simply doesn’t pick up for a long time, think about it. She constantly doesn’t have time to talk, she’s annoyed by your calls, and she practically doesn’t call or write - yes, this is where she wants to leave you.

But don’t panic - ask about the reasons for this behavior. Perhaps she is really busy or has some problems.

Sign No. 2. She doesn't want sex with you anymore

At first you just didn’t get out of bed, had a very active sex life, and now you can’t get her into bed? Does she have a constant headache, is she tired or something? Then things “smell fried.” This can be considered a sign that she is no longer physically interested in you and needs to look for a reason to meet...

But there is another side to the coin. Are you having sex, but not as often as you would like, and you suspect something? Put aside panic, because the reason for this may not only be the desire to break up.

She may not have wanted to have sex 8 times a night before, but at first she didn’t want to offend you or seem like a passive, unpassionate girl. That is why she easily made concessions to you, always agreed and was more proactive. And now, when you have become very close, began to trust each other and your relationship has moved to a new level, she simply stopped seeing the need for this pretense.

Over time, any relationship loses its ardor and passion.

Attention - false signs - don't be fooled

Another very interesting false signal is that she may confess her love to you and tell you how much she misses you.

But it’s one thing when she writes that she’s suffering and can’t live without you, it really says that the non-contact period is working.

It’s another thing when she writes that she just missed you.

She can write to her friend that she misses her and that she might miss her cat.

There are women who write phrases like: “I love you, I miss you” to all their friends.

Therefore, the context in which your ex-girlfriend or wife writes to you is very important.

The most important thing is not to wishful thinking.

The same goes for her photos on social networks.

If you saw that she published a photo from the park where you often walked together.

This does not mean that the photo is addressed specifically to you.

This means that she just turned out well in this photo and there is no need to look for a secret meaning in this.

The same goes for her statuses and captions for photos like: “My friend couldn’t meet me today, I’m sitting at home.”

How do some men react to this? They think: “This is definitely addressed to me.

She hints that she didn’t go anywhere today and is waiting for me to come.”

Nothing like this.

This status indicates that her friend was unable to meet her, so she is sad at home alone.

But this is not a hint; you are wishful thinking.

If she wants to hint at something, she will text you and let you know.

But he won’t come up with such complex schemes.

After all, it’s far from a fact that you are following her.

Therefore, there is no need to look for signs of her interest where there are none.

Calm and sober assessment

One of the main problems is that men are too susceptible to their feelings when they are trying to assess a girl’s reaction to them. And the very first thing they need to do is calm down and abstract themselves from feelings and experiences. Strong emotions can drown out the voice of reason, but it is precisely this that will help to discern and understand the girl’s true intentions. Although this sounds quite unusual, because usually it is not men, but women who appear in the role of those suffering from their emotions. But this does not mean that representatives of the stronger sex are never influenced by their feelings. On the contrary, this happens much more often than women and men themselves imagine.

You should not make any hasty decisions, as emotional people usually like to do. You need to calmly observe the girl, note her reaction, behavior, speech. Some people really like to make things worse. Often conflicts arise because they feel anger from not understanding what is happening. And this must be avoided in the first place. If a girl sees a guy’s emotional instability, she will distance herself from him, even if she initially felt sympathy for him. In this case, it will be much more difficult for a man to find out her true thoughts about him.

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