Why don't you want to communicate with people?

Man is a social being, but not everyone and not always want to talk to people. If you avoid public places, new acquaintances, and try to spend time alone as much as possible, then this article is for you. Here you will find out why you don’t want to communicate with people and what to do about it.


If you have no desire to communicate with people , then it’s worth understanding the reasons, let’s look at the most common ones.

  • Constriction

There are many shy people who are simply embarrassed to communicate with people, especially strangers. They are not confident in themselves, so they are afraid that they will not like them, they are afraid of criticism and comments.

  • Unpleasant interlocutors

If there are no people around you whose intelligence and life principles are close to yours, then it is not surprising that you have no desire to communicate with people. Few people enjoy communicating with a person with completely different views on life.

  • Burnout

If you have to communicate a lot with people at work, sooner or later this leads to emotional burnout.

  • Introversion

Introverts are people who gain energy not from communicating with other people, but from being alone. They feel comfortable alone and have no need for communication. They are interested in thinking, dreaming, and their own inner world comes first.

  • Lack of social skills

Since childhood, we develop social skills when we begin to communicate with other people. But, if at an early age there were problems with socialization, then with a high probability they will continue into adulthood. And even if you are a confident and interesting person, you may simply not be able to carry on a conversation.

Signs of reluctance to communicate on the part of a man

Analyze the situation as soon as you notice that the man’s behavior and his attitude towards you have changed. Here are a few “symptoms” that will help you understand your partner’s behavior and understand that he doesn’t want to communicate anymore:

  • the man avoids any touching;
  • does not answer calls or return calls, ignores messages and comes up with reasons why he cannot meet;

  • flirts with other women in your presence, carries on correspondence, and quite frankly, without being embarrassed by you and not considering it something indecent;
  • does not explain why he came late, was late, or, God forbid, did not show up at all;
  • is rude, shows aggression or indifference;
  • in response to your requests to explain what is happening, he says that you have fooled yourself;
  • does not use the word “we” when discussing plans;
  • you noticed that a lot of offensive jokes or words are said to you;
  • intimate relationships became cool.

As soon as you feel that problems have appeared in the relationship, do not brush them aside and do not blindly believe the man that the matter is only in your rich imagination. If suddenly your partner is offended and does not want to communicate, this is the first “call” that the couple is not doing well. Usually, if a man values ​​his woman, he doesn't pout with her. A strong and self-sufficient person does not accumulate resentment, but engages in dialogue and tries to understand the situation. Insecure and weak people get offended.

What to do

If you don’t understand why you don’t want to communicate with people and leave the house , then you should understand whether you have apathy and depression. If, in addition to the lack of desire to communicate, you have no desire to do anything at all, then it is worth taking action. This condition can lead to real depression and suicidal thoughts.

If you have never been a sociable person, and you are comfortable being alone, then you should not try to change yourself. You probably have close people with whom you sometimes communicate, and if you feel so comfortable, then you shouldn’t make a problem out of it.

Also, don't worry if you don't want to interact with certain people. This is absolutely normal, and if you are unpleasant or not interested in a person, then you have every right not to communicate with him. If you don't want to communicate with relatives , then you need to know how to behave . It is problematic to completely cut off communication with loved ones, but it is worth minimizing it.

If you avoid communication, but this interferes with your life, and you would like to communicate and meet people, then it is worth taking action. If you realize that it is difficult for you to communicate with people, and you are hampered by embarrassment or lack of social skills, then you need to work on yourself.

The most important thing is practice. You must not miss the opportunity to communicate with someone. It must be remembered that to develop any skill, practice is necessary. At first it will be difficult for you, you will experience anxiety and fear, but over time you will become more and more confident in yourself.

You also need to become an interesting conversationalist in order to feel calmer and more confident. You need to read books, watch films, expand your horizons. This will help you carry on any conversation.


I don’t want to communicate with anyone... To figure out what the cause of this condition is, you can ask a psychologist for help or try to figure out the situation on your own. To do this, you need to answer a number of questions related to depression and consider its symptoms.

Why don&#39;t you want to communicate with people?</p>

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