Types of women by character: study so as not to get burned

Oh, these women! So different and so the same at the same time. How many times have men gotten into trouble when faced with a lady’s reaction in some unusual situation? Of course, the weaker sex is radically different from the representatives of the powerful. But the golden rule is: forewarned is forearmed! The types of women and what to expect from beauties require detailed study by men. You need to know the enemy by sight!

Girls are different

Back in the 2000s, the popular group “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” performed their hit about female diversity, in an exaggerated way, of course. But what they “want…. get confused” is an indisputable fact. Every woman is subconsciously in constant search of a partner.

Even if a girl claims that she doesn’t need anyone, and how wonderful it is to be alone, then... she’s lying. This doesn't happen! You can prove the opposite with foam at the mouth, but psychologists have long proven that people cannot move away from their instincts and muffle their primitive nature. And, as you know, a woman’s purpose in this world is to give birth and raise children.

It is not uncommon for a lady to refuse to have children and devote herself entirely to her career or her own business. The modern world dictates its strict conditions in the minds and opinions of people. Only certain types of women are prone to such decisions; most often, family comes first.

Despite women’s demands on themselves and others, sex and a permanent partner are very important. Emotional relief requires having someone next to you who can understand, support and, if necessary, console.

When choosing a life partner, a man must understand who exactly is right for him and what the lady of his heart should be like. The types of women described by psychologists reveal the essence of each lady, show ways to approach her and determine her aspirations in life. If the desires of both partners coincide, then bravo! A happy family life is no longer such an illusory mirage, but quite real if there is a person nearby who is moving towards the same goals.

There are several main types of women, but in their pure form they are not often found. Most representatives of the fairer sex combine several different traits.

Second type: “Because I’m a woman”

Many women have formed the opinion that since they are women, the weaker sex, men should yield to them. That is, it is not enough that they have achieved equality with men, but they must also be given advantage.

They very often take a pose, demanding that men try hard for them, always take care of them and be patient and enduring. On the one hand, I understand that this is just how they were raised, this is what was instilled in them from childhood. But men should not always condone this, thereby strengthening their belief that this is how it should be.

They are far from stupid. Only they can brainwash you so skillfully, confusing you with their cute little faces. Women feel permissiveness and argue this only by their “weaker” sex.

There are undeniable situations where women are given a head start. But any man will be infuriated if all delusional whims and ambiguous actions are justified by this “iron argument.”


A beauty, well-groomed and well dressed, always with a good manicure and fragrant aromas - this is the dream of any man. Such ladies are usually very young and do not do anything specific. The charming creature may well not have a job as such, live at the expense of her patron, or be under parental care. A characteristic feature of dolls is an innocent soul and an aura of fun and lightness. There is never a time to be bored with such a girl; she will always find something to amuse her chosen one. She is responsive and follows her master everywhere. Somewhat reminiscent of the lapdog prototype - cute, but useless.

Regarding household chores, you strive to please your man in many ways, but it is extremely rare to do anything correctly. It cannot be said that girls of this type are “club-armed” and unskilled. Rather, the point is that she treats everything somewhat dismissively or not even seriously.

This type is ideal for accomplished men with a high level of income. After all, the doll should remain the cutest and most beautiful, and this requires having a huge wardrobe and endless spending on its appearance.

In bed, a toy girl, contrary to the name of her type, tries with all her heart to please her partner. New positions, things from the sex shop and the most incredible erotic images can be tried with just such a woman. She will surprise you with her deep knowledge in the field of erotica and her willingness to experiment.

Mature men love cute pacifiers. Her simplicity and carefree nature makes their life easier, and the beauty’s external appearance increases their status.

It is unlikely that you will be able to have a highly intellectual conversation with a doll girl; there is simply nothing to “cover” her with. The interests of this cute creature rarely go beyond fashion magazines and training sessions on “How to please a man.”

To be fair, it is worth noting that the first type of women has a light, but slightly capricious character. Feeling the care of their patron, they try their best to make his life better and indulge their man in everything. The doll will be wary of family and children, because it’s a hassle. She will not make a good mother and housewife.

Eighth type: “Feminists at heart”

Feminism is contrary to nature, to the usual social structure that has developed over centuries. It destroys the centuries-old order, brings chaos and discord into society, stimulates crime and leads to the extinction of society and people. Examples of laws of European dying states show a decrease in population, a decrease in the number of marriages and births of children. As an example, we need to cite family orders in Muslim countries, where there are not so many divorces and there are no abandoned children at all, and order reigns in families!

Matriarchy is the end of the development of society. All mutations and evolution of the species occur through men and their Y chromosome, as well as through the hormonal testosterone system. It is men who take risks, introduce new inventions, try new things, participate in natural selection, struggle, are capable of progress and are designed for chaos in the conditions of hostilities and exterminating wars. The absence of war is a fact of degradation of society or an entire species in hothouse conditions.

Selfishness is the opposite of Love! Giving, sharing, selflessness, desire to help, belief in justice, truthfulness of a person, faith in people, sincerity - these are the real values ​​in life!


The absolute opposite of a toy lady is a kind of feminine resemblance to a man. It sounds complicated, but it is precisely this formulation that fully reflects the essence of a girl friend.

She cannot be confused with anyone. Comfortable jeans, perhaps not even tapered, a wide jacket that hides the chest and comfortable sneakers - this is a brief description of the lady-gopnik.

She can handle a man's work; repairing a faucet or helping to sort out the suspension of a car will not be difficult for her. These are very useful women in the house. But not in the kitchen. She can only guess where the frying pan or vacuum cleaner is located in the apartment. It's always great to watch football with her or drink a couple of liters of beer after work. “Brother” pays little attention to her appearance and seeing her in a dress and heels is about the same as watching a solar eclipse. Rarely, but it happens.

Sex with such a lady will be high-quality and frank. She will be happy to do it anywhere and anytime, like a man. He always follows his desires and does not try to pretend, hiding his true nature.

Living with such a woman is easy and simple, unless, of course, the man is willing to eat takeout and tolerate a mess in the house. The girl perceives caring for children as a challenge and tries to fulfill her duties as a mother well. Needless to say, the child will not look neat. After all, she can fix the iron, but she doesn’t think about why she should use it.

Why does a woman “play”

It should be noted right away that almost all women manipulate men only for good purposes. In any case, this is what most of the fair sex thinks. But why do they do this, why is it necessary? Unlike representatives of the stronger half, any normal woman thinks about the family nest. And wherever she goes, she will immediately begin to create comfort and warmth. It's in her subconscious. Why? It's simple, people's psychology was created against the background of circumstances.

In ancient times, when a man went hunting, She stayed at home and prepared food for him, keeping the fire warm for warmth. And so it began - she made his bed from the wool of a killed mammoth, made dishes from stones, and cooked food. What is he? The head of the “family” might not return, because even then there were much fewer men than women. A dangerous method of obtaining food and necessary household items often turned into a battle for life and death. Wild animals and natural conditions led to the fact that miners often died.

Due to the “shortage” of the stronger sex, there was a struggle, because on the way he could go to another hut, then to a third, and choose with whom he felt better. Then there were no institutions of marriage, and no one could claim their rights to the breadwinner or sue him. And left alone, the physically weak woman could not feed herself normally.

The fear of death shaped her thinking into ways in which she could keep her breadwinner and protector close to her. And so the housebuilding began - she obeyed him in everything, tried to cook deliciously, create maximum comfort, surrounded the man with care. In those days, women also “played”, because otherwise you couldn’t hold on. And so it happened.

Despite colossal evolutionary achievements, at the subconscious level, women continue to put on “masks.” And this is not surprising, because there is still a shortage of men. If in the middle of the last century they sang in the song “Because for ten girls, according to statistics, there are nine guys...”, but now the arithmetic has changed. For 10 girls there is a maximum of 6 guys. What is the reason, because he does not need to go into the dense jungle to get food.

All you have to do is run to the nearest supermarket or place an order online. The hard everyday life of the primitive comrades was replaced by others:

  1. Bad habits. Drug addiction, alcoholism, substance abuse are the scourge of our time. And, as a rule, there are more men addicted to bad habits than women. They are by nature more “risky” individuals and are not afraid to subject the body to severe tests. In any case, they become dependent more frivolously than the weaker sex.
  2. Gifts of civilization. We all know that a person lives thanks to movement. But modern realities contribute to the fact that a person is inactive, and this directly affects his health and life expectancy. Robots do everything for us; we don’t walk, we drive. Plus, we eat a lot of chemicals - hormones, antibiotics, dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives and other food ingredients are also harmful to our body. And men by nature do not think about their health, which is something women are more successful at.
  3. Accidents, disasters. It so happened that men are more involved in driving cars, airplanes, ships, in heavy industries - in mines, mines and other industries. And such places are always associated with danger to life. We can continue to list the factors due to which the number of men will always be less than women. This must include one more, very important point, due to which the number of the stronger sex always decreases - these are wars. The main and favorite toy of men is a woman, but there is another constant fun - creating weapons, shooting from them, wrestling, fighting, etc. Those who serve in the army are the stronger sex, those who protect the borders of the state and participate in conflicts are, of course, men.

In the soul of every girl there is a glimmer of hope to find personal happiness, and she is looking for someone who will provide her with such an opportunity. And as soon as she finds him, she immediately begins to “hunt” him, knowing that she will have to hone his features for a long time in order to bring him to an ideal state.

What about men? They are fundamentally different from women by nature. At heart, all representatives of the stronger sex are wanderers, free beings who do not want to be under someone’s control. They are like those cats that “walk by themselves.” But ladies do not give up trying to “tame” a member of the opposite sex. But how to do that. After all, any living creature will not meet you halfway if it is not lured with something. How you can attract men, the list is quite simple and banal:

  • kindness;
  • beauty, excellent figure;
  • excellent health;
  • active lifestyle;
  • affection and tenderness;
  • trust and understanding;
  • the ability to control oneself;
  • wisdom;
  • sense of humor;
  • thriftiness;
  • the ability not to limit the freedom of the spouse;
  • the ability to listen and hear;
  • the ability to cook well;
  • talent to create cleanliness and comfort in the house.

In addition, the other half must be able to behave in public and create the most comfortable atmosphere for their spouse. What do you think - is there at least one woman in the world who would possess all these characteristic features? It’s unlikely - ideal people do not exist, this is an axiom that does not require proof. But in order for a man to fall into her “trap”, she will play the role of an ideal woman so talentedly that he won’t even have time to come to his senses.

And, based on all of the above, one can understand why women fight for the heart of the man she has chosen for subsequent life. Yes Yes! It is she who chooses the companion, not he. It just seems that the guy slays her the first time with his incredible beauty and wit. If she doesn't like you, you can forget about her.

No matter what you do, you will not be able to achieve it. Someone wants to boast that they were able to win the hand of their beloved, although at first she didn’t even want to look at you? Don't flatter yourself! She liked you right away, she just manipulated you in order to draw you even more into her network. Now let’s move on to studying feminine tricks that the stronger sex shouldn’t fall for.

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Crazy Empress4

A type of woman characterized by a hot temper and a constant desire to stand out. It’s hard not to notice such a person, and even harder to silence her.

An eccentric, scandalous and very bright personality attracts calm and balanced men. Such a counterbalance to the hot-tempered character of the young lady.

“Empress” women consider themselves mistresses of their partners, their relatives and friends. They are always aware of all the events in the life of the close circle of their chosen one. In general, it is difficult to imagine an area of ​​a man’s life where a girl would not be noticed.

She is always the soul of the party and the instigator of disputes and conflicts. If the store refuses to issue a return for your purchase, then you can safely take your beloved scandalist with you. She can bring anyone to moral exhaustion, including her boyfriend.

We must pay tribute, she does not deprive her husband or children of attention. A delicious lunch, a clean apartment and an ironed shirt are guaranteed with such a girl. But she also loves to walk no worse than Empress Allegrova. And it’s more likely not a matter of changing partners, but of the broad Russian soul, so that with songs, dances and always with a fight or a fight of dishes.

Psychotypes of women by character

The characters of women are very different.
An unofficial but fairly common classification includes the following types :

  1. Mother hen. It is important for them to show all their love and care as clearly as possible. This usually takes the form of direct help, such as cleaning the house or washing dishes, even while visiting.
  2. Doll. Positive, infectious with their optimism and activity, dolls always strive for entertainment and relaxation. They cannot cope with complex work, so they should be kept away from it.
  3. Simpleton. Such girls practically do not take care of themselves. They show activity, which can sometimes be mistaken for tactlessness.
  4. Boy-baby. Strong, psychologically prepared women, literally capable of feats. We are used to getting our way at any cost. The main difference is crazy energy, which, together with an innate sense of purpose, allows you to move forward, entering “a burning hut.”
  5. Intellectual. Such girls do not like household chores too much and prefer to devote time to self-education and self-development. In some cases, they can become ardent careerists.
  6. Harmonious personality. The rarest. Such women have traits of all of the above types and can switch between them depending on the situation.

Such psychotypes can manifest themselves both in relationships with men and when communicating with girlfriends.

Encyclopedia Girl5

“The Teflon coating of a frying pan has a harmful effect on the digestive system, you need to choose cast iron kitchen utensils” or “A banana for breakfast provides a boost of energy for the whole day, much better than coffee.” These are typical know-it-all comments. She reads encyclopedias, watches Malysheva’s TV shows and subscribes to all popular science channels on YouTube.

The encyclopedia lady will eat up the bald spot on her man’s head with all sorts of useful knowledge and creations. At the same time, everyday situations are beyond her strength. Of course, she’s a theorist! It’s better not to let her into the kitchen at all, she’ll definitely burn her hand or ruin the dinner.

In general, encyclopedia girls are not particularly practical. The desire to use new knowledge, as a rule, ends in failure.

As a wife and mother, a woman is completely harmless. She will surround her children with care and will strive to pass on her knowledge to them as much as possible. This does not include a blowjob and her chosen one; the man will have to learn the intricacies of tea ceremonies and understand the totem animals of African tribes.

Seventh type: “Stubbornness and Ignorance”

Stubbornness and ignorance are not the best qualities in life. Agree that you have gained rubbish knowledge on the Internet. Instead of normal, correct answers to emerging questions, are you looking for knowledge in the trash heap and forums (often sick people) on the Internet? Moreover, having accepted this knowledge, you have become covered with a thick, impenetrable crust of your personal faith and obstinacy that this knowledge is CORRECT!

Therefore, open your brains, let new attitudes and professional knowledge freely penetrate your head. This will save you as a person. You will make open and decent friends who are like you. You will talk and smile together about life. Love must be taught! This is a trainable personality quality. You need to learn this yourself. This can and should be taught to children! The power of love depends on how often we communicate with the object and how valuable it is, how much time and effort we have invested in it. Love, kindness, sharing and giving are the same thing. Love for a loved one is, by definition, higher than for a stranger.

Fatal lady6

Coquettes and vamp women are a separate podcast for representatives of the fairer sex. Men go crazy over such beauties, commit rash acts and do everything to be at the feet of their seductresses.

Life with such a lady will give you many bright moments; as a rule, such girls are skilled lovers. Secretly, every man wants to possess a woman who fascinates competitors with her beauty and demeanor. Such a “noble cat” is a desired trophy for even the most successful businessmen and politicians.

You should be very careful with a vamp lady, because one wrong step and another will take the place of her gentleman. A relationship with a heartbreaker is like playing catch-up. She will always run ahead, showing her inaccessibility and close to divine origin.

An alliance with a bitch can only be called successful if the man manages to truly tie her to himself. A beauty in love can be close to her chosen one without trying to run away to a more successful man. Of course, this requires a lot of work! Your career should rise rapidly, your business should develop, and your fortune should grow.

2Mistress Incredulity

She has trust issues. Chances are she has been lied to too many times or has seen other people in her life lie constantly. At first, she will not trust even the most ordinary words from your lips, she will want to check your phone, she will want to go with you absolutely everywhere. She will even have the courage to make friends with your colleagues so that she can always know what you are doing.

Advice : such a girl will get rid of her mistrust only with a man who really has nothing to hide and has no need to do it. In this case, show her all your correspondence, invite her to your events and get-togethers, introduce her to your friends, and after some time she will trust you more than herself!

Miss "Casserole"7

Every man has a little boy in him, and every girl has his second mother. Forgetting about herself and her needs, Miss “Saucepan” strives to feed the whole world in the person of her chosen one. She will clean the whole house, take out the trash, organize a joint vacation and draw up a precise plan of action for the whole week.

A woman-mother is an ideal option for lazy and sedentary men. There is no need to worry about anything, she did everything herself yesterday. Delicious home-cooked food, a well-kept apartment and a happy dog ​​- this is the world of “Kastryulka”.

This type of woman has absolute confidence that delicious cutlets and happy children are capable of keeping a man. Ladies often forget about their appearance, stop watching their diet and, as a result, gain a couple of dozen extra pounds. You should forget about sex with such a woman after the birth of your first child. Although no, sex will happen exactly as many times as she wants to have children.

Fourth type: with an attitude in the head - “If a man has money, then I can love him”

In fact, a woman’s desire to find a wealthy partner is quite natural, since money is one of the main attributes of the modern “alpha male”. But for some ladies, commercialism degenerates into a perverted pathology, replacing all other human feelings. Some time ago I met an eccentric woman who said an interesting thing: If a man has money, then I can love him. The true plans are to duplicitously infiltrate trust, through deeply thought-out plans to achieve marriage in order to take possession of only the material part of the man.


The standard for a girl is a combination of all types. A real woman is always able to carry on a conversation, have fun from the heart and never lose her face!

Being next to a real lady is a great success for a man. She is as beautiful and bright as a bitch, sweet and cheerful as a “doll”, knows how to organize herself and others no worse than a “brother”, cooks just as divinely as Miss “Casserole”, educated as a “walking encyclopedia” and. In a word - ideal.

Such a woman always feels the mood of her man and has the power to manipulate him. You should not assume that all women are selfish and only seek material wealth and sex. Most of the tricks work precisely for the benefit of the chosen one and the family.

Psychotypes of women in relationships with men

Here we should highlight several main psychotypes:

  1. Friend. Such women strive to support and help those whom they consider close people. They can carry on any conversation and it’s a pleasure to spend time with them. At the same time, they do an excellent job with housework and know how to be gentle when required. They can guide and inspire a man to new achievements.

  2. Predator. For such women, the main thing is money and social status. Nothing else matters. That's why they always hunt for men with high positions. Age and other little things are also discarded.
  3. Boss. Such women prefer to pursue a career. Household responsibilities are uninteresting and burdensome to them. Demanding behavior towards others is combined with stinginess of emotions.
  4. Tyrant. Such a woman desires to completely control her partner, all his thoughts and desires. She does not accept other people's opinions and strives to remake a person to suit her tastes, without paying any attention to his thoughts and character.

The given classification is average. Some types of women can have either very complex characters or simpler ones. At the same time, it is important to understand that they can combine several psychotypes at once and simply switch between them.

Second psychotype - sister

A very versatile type of woman. This could be the neighbor with whom you imitated the girls from Gossip Girl, the rocker who loves rock and is a fan of Till Lindemann, and the tomboy who knows what a carburetor is and how to set it. In general, the lady has many faces.

She's witty. She has a great sense of humor: she understands jokes and makes jokes herself. Easily charms everyone around. She looks different. Starting from torn jeans, frayed Converse and a bun on the head, ending with a trendy dress, stiletto heels and Hollywood curls.

Psychotypes of women in relationships

The most attractive thing about her is the feeling of freedom that she carries within herself. It seems that she is not attached to anything, she lets go easily and is always ready for change. Everything in her and around her breathes this freedom. It's easy with her. And many people want to feel the same lightness when they are nearby.

Who would suit such a woman? Someone who values ​​her freedom and also values ​​his own. Who respects personal space, shares interests and will always support. For whom equality is not empty words. Back to back, hand in hand. This is how we move towards a happy future together.

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