Which guys do girls like best in appearance and character?

We've tackled quite a topic, haven't we? The difficulty is that all women are different, and therefore they have their own tastes. And you really can't argue with that. But the peculiarity of this topic is that almost any woman can be won over thanks to the right actions. But only on condition that you undergo “primary face control,” which is approximately the same for the vast majority of girls.

In this article we will talk about exactly this - about the basic characteristics of a worthy man who could appeal to most girls around. Everything else - type, character traits, voice timbre, etc. - is optional. Having the knowledge from this article and applying it in life, you will meet the basic requirements for men, which means you will be worthy competition for all the suitors of the girl you like.

The main qualities of male magnets for women

We've talked about types, now it's time to define what a guy should be like in order for a girl to like him. What we have written below applies to absolutely any type, and at the same time, the absence of these basic things can significantly reduce the likelihood of winning a girl’s sympathy. It’s not difficult to please the female sex - it’s enough to take into account just a couple of key things. We divided them into three categories:

  • appearance;
  • actions;
  • style.

There will be no template advice here that would encroach on your individuality. On the contrary, all recommendations apply to the widest possible range of men who want to attract girls. For example, here’s how a popular blogger answers a sacramental question:

How girls choose guys according to psychologists

What kind of men many women really like can be understood if you find out by what criteria they choose a partner. Every guy is good in his own way. Brunettes, blondes, bald and redheads. Girls are attracted to someone who can hook and leave a mark on her romantic and impressionable soul. Boys strive to win the attention of ladies, making a lot of efforts, which are not always successful. Trying in desperation to attract the lady they like, they rack their brains over which men modern women like the most.

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Girls choose boys based on both external criteria and internal qualities. Psychologists say that subconsciously a woman is drawn to a man who has some similarities with her father: height, hair color, manner of speaking, physique.

Ideally, every girl has a unique hero: persistent, daring, brave and strong, a kind of indomitable cowboy, conquered by the lady of his heart, and admiring his beloved.

Girls love bright and charming guys, gallant gentlemen who respect the weaker sex, but do not fawn on them.

Women absolutely do not like men who behave unceremoniously and selfishly, showing indifference and clumsiness in their actions.


We are all unique, and this is our advantage. To please a girl, a guy doesn’t have to look a certain way, because every female has her own taste. You just need to take into account a couple of important recommendations that will work in any case.

Be neat

Ironed and clean clothes, a pleasant smell, a well-groomed beard - all this is a must-have for a guy of any appearance. No matter what type of man a girl likes, she will definitely notice if you look unkempt, and this will not work in your favor. And vice versa - it’s always pleasant to be next to a clean and well-groomed man, which means your chances of success increase.

Watch your figure

Some people like handsome guys from TV series, others are delighted with bad men with piles of muscles. But, you must admit, in any case, it doesn’t hurt to squeeze the maximum out of your natural abilities. A fit figure will help increase your competitiveness, and the knowledge that you look great both in profile and from the front will definitely increase your confidence in communicating with women.

By the way, if you are dating online, try to regularly update your photos so that they match your current appearance. Expectation and reality are not always pleasing.

Pay attention to the little things

Sometimes a small detail in your appearance can make you better in the eyes of a girl, and sometimes the same little thing will turn you off for a long time. So that you are always in combat readiness and nothing stops you from winning beauties, we publish a list of things that girls always like in guys:

  • white teeth and fresh breath;
  • lips moisturized with balm;
  • timely trimmed nails;
  • lack of a “unibrow”
  • hands without roughness;
  • fresh haircut;
  • perfume;
  • ironed clothes and so on.

Important! Thin or plump, tall or short, blondes or brunettes, bald or with hair... The list of women's preferences can be listed endlessly. One thing is important: girls don’t like guys because of their appearance. More precisely, it is important, but only in the context of grooming. Girls look especially carefully at actions, which we will discuss below.

In conclusion. You are enough

Self-development is a very useful component of every man’s life, but you should not be tied to the achievement of the desired result.

If you think you need to develop some important masculine qualities to make girls like you, remind yourself: “You are already good enough to be liked by girls.”

Firstly, personal development has no limits, so there is a possibility of ending up in a state of eternal waiting.

Secondly, the awareness of achieving intermediate goals is already time to start taking action.

Thirdly, once you reach the finish line, you may realize that even without all this acquired tinsel, “You were already enough then.”


I think you already know that girls like guys who are responsible, strong, and reliable in character. Today we will not talk about such obvious things, because many have long ago learned the list of qualities inherent in a worthy man and a person in principle. It’s better to pay attention to what is not so often remembered - what girls like in a relationship with a guy, or, in other words, what actions raise men in women’s eyes.

Open the door for her

Letting a girl pass first would seem like a trifle, but it is from such seemingly insignificant situations that a general impression of a man is created. By doing this you will show that you know how to care and take care that the girl always feels comfortable and protected next to you.

Help her put on her outerwear

This is especially valuable if you are on a date in a cafe or restaurant, and the girl is wearing a dress or blouse. But even under other circumstances, such an act definitely falls into the category of those that girls like in guys. This speaks of you as a gentleman who pays attention to detail and takes care of his woman in any conditions.

Save the last piece of food

Now let's talk about real exploits. Joke. When you order something for two, like pizza or sushi, you can show your caring attitude towards the girl by leaving her the last piece. And even if she refuses, this moment will remain in her memory and add points to you.

Introduce her to your friends and family

Even if you are not in a relationship yet, introducing a girl to your circle will improve you in her eyes. By doing this you will show her that you take your communication seriously, and she herself occupies a certain place in your life. Of course, no one talks about family dinners before the start of a relationship, but introducing a girl you really like into your company will not hurt.

Making surprises for no reason

Guys rarely pay attention to cute gifts and surprises, but the ability to arrange them is one of those masculine traits that women definitely like. And we are not talking about huge bouquets or secret dates that require significant spending. The surprise can be anything - from a romantic note thrown into a bag to a couple of flowers collected from the field. Don’t be afraid to look ridiculous - if you present something with confidence and humor, it will always be received with a bang.

Repulsive Features

There are qualities that women really don't like . These include:

  1. Habit of complaining. There's nothing worse than whiners. And the more he complains about life, the less respect the woman feels.
  2. Lack of social circle. If a girl understands that no one except her communicates with the guy, this causes bewilderment. The woman begins to think that something is wrong with her companion. Therefore, you should expand your circle of communication.
  3. Arrogance and boastfulness. No one likes to be around a guy who is trying to prove that he is a “cool kid.” A confident person does not need to constantly mention his achievements in an attempt to impress his interlocutor. Successful people behave modestly and naturally.


Let's move on to the least priority, but still important point that attracts girls to guys in appearance - style. If you still think that attractive appearance is not a man's topic, you are very mistaken. It's the 21st century and everyone wants to see a neat, well-groomed, handsome person next to them. And here are a couple of tips on how to look more stylish, but at the same time courageous.

Determine your body type

To choose clothes wisely, you need to clearly understand your strengths and weaknesses. For example, to harmonize the image, tall and thin guys should choose an oversized top (it creates the effect of wide shoulders), and overweight men who want to look slimmer look great in things with large prints. And don't forget that girls like modern guys who know the basics about men's fashion.

Choose the right hairstyle

Men don't have many ways to improve their appearance - they don't use as many skincare treatments and decorative cosmetics as girls. One of the most effective ways to change your appearance is to choose a different hairstyle. And here it is important to choose the right one for your face type and individual characteristics. Take a look at our article “Men's haircuts with a parting: a review of current men's hairstyles”, where we talk about this in detail.

Be inspired by those around you

The famous creative personality, Austin Kleon, wrote the book “Steal Like an Artist,” in which he talked about the fact that real masterpieces are nothing more than elements spied on somewhere, connected together. According to statistics, a lot of successful products on the market today were created this way. Nothing stops you from analyzing how other guys dress and introducing their features into your images.

By the way, at the beginning of the article we told you what types of men girls like. Look through these paragraphs again to find the items that are right for you.


We live in an age of high technology, when gadgets replace face-to-face communication. We live in a constant rush and frantic pace of big cities, so there is not enough time for romance. And how often girls repeat that there are practically no romantic men left. Therefore, representatives of the fair sex appreciate romantic young people.

Some people understand romance as reading poetry, others when a man cooks delicious food or gives beautiful gifts. In general, a girl’s romance means a guy’s ability to express his feelings, show his experiences, strong emotions, and be unpredictable. If a young man does not know exactly how to show romance, then any girl will appreciate a pleasant surprise, and not necessarily expressed in material values.

Romance is a man’s ability to show feelings

What could ruin everything?

From now on, read more carefully, because this part of the article is almost more important than what was discussed above. The point is that you can implement all the “right” tips, but not take into account such fatal characteristics that can ruin everything and reduce your efforts to nothing. It is these things - the silent killers of women's sympathy - that we will talk about. If you are convinced that none of them have anything to do with you, success is practically in your hands.


Constant calls, messages, offers to go for a walk or keep company - all this tires girls terribly and instantly kills the beginnings of sympathy for you. What if the initiative, in theory, should come from a man?

First, learn to recognize subtext in women's words. “I can’t go for a walk” and “Damn, it won’t work out today, I promised to help my mom, maybe another time?” - these are two identical in form, but completely different in essence. And if you constantly come across the first option, stop taking the first steps towards this girl.

Secondly, play 50/50. Today you sent the message first, let her write tomorrow. If you see that a girl is playing silent and doesn’t show initiative, at least don’t do it too often. In any case, you should learn to feel the line between a man’s “taking everything into my own hands” and banal obsession.

“Sticky” look

Many girls will confirm that there is nothing worse than a lustful male gaze at the stage of beginning communication, when you just want to get to know him better, but he is already making plans for you with all his might and clearly makes this clear.

More often, ignore the fact that a girl is physically attractive to you and concentrate on her personal qualities. This is especially important if you are not interested in one-time meetings, but in a strong relationship with the one you like. This also includes vulgar jokes. It is also better to exclude them until the stage of closer communication.


No matter what anyone says, male stinginess is one of the most repulsive traits. And it’s not at all about how much money you have and what you can afford. Generosity is not expressed in the high cost of purchases, but in how much of what you can afford you are willing to give to the girl.

Let's discuss specific examples. A greedy man invites a girl on a date to a cafe, and then calculates how much she should give him for tea. Or he takes money from her for gas, even though he invited her to go for a ride himself. Let's act according to the rules of etiquette: whoever invites pays. If you weren’t counting on a cafe or a trip, just offer to meet where you will feel financially confident.

Advice! Don't talk about the commercialism of girls (especially to her). If you really care about this, perhaps you should change your surroundings, and not lump everyone with the same brush.

Complaints about life

Let's be honest: optimistic people attract everyone around them, while pessimists repel them. The girl is not your vest and a receiver of complaints about everyone around. Of course, if the relationship between you is already quite trusting and she shares her problems with you, you can also tell her about what upsets you. But if you're wondering what kind of guys girls like, the answer is simple: guys you can rely on. And this is not at all like a character who has been deceived everywhere, whose boss is a fool and is always short of money.

Show off

Girls always clearly recognize guys who want to show off their eyes. Before you accidentally flash an expensive phone or watch on a date, or mention your latest travel or success at work, think about the fact that real men prefer deeds over words.

Remember the main rich people of the world: the same Zuckerberg and Musk. These people definitely don’t need to prove anything to others. And what do they look like? That's it.

Excessive love for women

You are lucky if you can find a common language with women and quickly win them over. But if you show this to the girl you have your eye on, trouble will inevitably follow. All women are suspicious of those men who cannot control themselves and try to please everyone around them. Common people call these people “womanizers,” and girls who are looking for a serious relationship usually don’t trust them.


Smart men with powerful intellect and erudition are always held in high regard by women. But not when such men decide to take advantage of their advantage and endlessly educate and teach their beloved (or the women with whom they communicate). Understand, it all comes down to the same thing again: a confident man will not prove anything to anyone. And even if it seems to you that the girl is doing the wrong thing and you should open her eyes, do not give unsolicited advice. At a minimum, because you need to reach any wisdom on your own, and at a maximum, no one likes to feel like a guilty schoolgirl.

Binding to parents

You clearly understand what we're talking about. As a rule, attachment to the mother is perceived most negatively. “Mama’s boy” is a man who lives with his mother at the age of 30 or calls her several times a day to report on how he ate, whether he slept well and what he is doing. For such men, the mother is always aware of his exact geolocation and is ready to help out her son at any time, coming to his aid in any situation.

Naturally, this does not apply to adolescence. At least until the age of 18, the mother should be nearby and help adapt to life. But this should not be confused with overprotection.

According to surveys, the leading qualities in men that girls like are reliability, confidence, charisma, and responsibility. If you combine this with the list of main things that we gave above and make sure that you don’t have anything that can ruin everything, you’re already halfway to success. Such a guy has a chance to please any beautiful girl at any age - be it 16 or 40 years old. Good luck!

Preferences and zodiac sign

Women are looking for a life partner who meets the following criteria:

  • sexual;
  • smart;
  • loyal;
  • strong;
  • successful;
  • hardworking.

In search of a worthy candidate, young ladies look closely at their acquaintances, work colleagues, and look into the horoscope. The zodiac sign of a certain type of man meets the maximum requirements and preferences of girls. In order for a guy to turn out to be an interesting person and a temperamental lover, they choose a person belonging to the element of fire.

Wise and prudent gentlemen are under the element of air. Calm and affectionate gentlemen should be looked for among water signs. Hardworking and organized life partners are chosen from the earthly elements.

First of all, a woman chooses a man based on her own zodiac sign, temperament and taste preferences. It is worth noting that each of the representatives of the zodiac circle has a lot of advantages and disadvantages. The main thing is to find among them someone who will meet their expectations and preferences.


The Libra guy is the most gallant and polite representative of the stronger sex, among other signs. He is characterized by sophistication, tact, and a love of art and everything beautiful. Libras are excellent at maintaining a conversation and shine with intelligence and erudition. They are full of ideas and interesting proposals, very friendly and peaceful.

The Libra young man is very gallant and attentive with his lady. He has a sense of justice and equality, and will never allow a humiliating and disdainful attitude towards a woman.


Geminis are considered charming and sociable guys. Undoubtedly, they are considered the favorites of the female half. Such men are wonderful romantics and discouraged lovers. There's never a dull moment with them. Geminis look after women beautifully, full of charm and love fervor.

They know how to make money and are considered successful people. A sociable personality, the soul of a party, a conqueror of women's hearts - a set of qualities inherent in the sign of Gemini.


Aries is a self-sufficient man. A confident guy, an interesting personality and a passionate gentleman. He is very open, emotional and sociable. Having fallen in love with a lady, Aries will definitely take action and try with all his might to win her heart. He is very determined and passionate, he can be jealous, but he is ready to do anything for the woman he loves.


Loyalty is one of the most important qualities for girls. Moreover, loyalty also means a respectful attitude. This means that a guy should not flirt with other girls, discuss his other half with friends, and especially other girls. Loyalty is not only physical fidelity, but also a man’s willingness to always stand by the side of his family.

Girls value loyalty and honesty from men.

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