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Love is a feeling characteristic of a person, which consists of many other feelings. Affection, sympathy, physical attraction and much more, but how to understand whether this feeling is true? To help you in this difficult matter, an online test to see if a guy really loves you, which you can take for free on this page.

It is believed that strong love comes over the years, or arises suddenly and immediately. It can be mutual or unrequited, both bringing reassurance and harm. In any case, whoever has not known love has not known life.

Questions for a guy about love and relationships

Before asking questions for a guy to understand whether he loves you or not, you need to develop your relationship with this person to a certain level. On the first date, during the so-called “candy-bouquet” period, they will sound ridiculous and can turn your chosen one away from you.

It is best to start “interviewing” a partner on the eve of serious changes in the relationship - before making a decision about living together, getting married, or having children. Ask questions about relationships, about love and joint plans for the future in a calm and relaxed atmosphere, leaving rush, tension, reproaches and other negative aspects for a while.

Dialogue is conducted when both partners are ready for it. Questions about a serious relationship can be annoying if asked in an inappropriate setting, so you need to choose the right moment.

If a man is tired at work, is worried about problems with his parents or friends, or has troubles in business, it is better not to pester him with questions, since you can get an inadequate reaction in the form of aggression and tension.

Question options

A man and a woman should be support and support for each other. However, in real life, it is quite rare to form harmonious unions in which partners feel comfortable next to their significant other. To avoid mistakes and put an end to obviously unsuccessful relationships, it’s worth asking your guy about the following topics:

  • What does a happy family life mean to you?

When the guy starts answering, it is important not only to listen to the text and the semantic load of his monologue. You need to pay attention to how he talks about an ideal family life. The presence of the phrases “We”, “I and You” is a good sign.

When he talks about ordinary things like drinking morning tea together or watching TV in the evening, it means that in the future he is counting on a long-term relationship with you.

If the story is limited to general phrases, and there are no joint plans for the future, then the union is practically doomed. The guy does not see a specific girl next to him in the future, and therefore cannot describe an ideal family life with her.

  • What character trait do you like in girls?

Again, in this case, it is important to monitor your emotions while answering. If a guy talks about a personality trait that you have, he definitely likes you.

If he tells a girl who is obsessed with sports and healthy dietary nutrition that he values ​​fidelity to culinary traditions and the ability to cook sweet pies in women, then it is likely that he is not on the same path with her.

  • Do you love me?

Direct questions require a certain amount of courage. However, if a girl wants to get an answer to the question of whether a man loves me, she needs to be bold and ask him directly.

It is best to do this in a one-on-one conversation, when there are no distractions or prying ears.

  • How to understand what a man loves?

To understand whether a young man loves you, you need not only to ask direct and leading questions, but also to monitor the emotional reactions of your interlocutor during answers.

Any attempts to move the conversation in a different direction, to laugh it off or move on to another topic should be treated with caution. Perhaps the partner has some secrets, is trying to hide his true intentions, or is playing a double game, manipulating his girlfriend’s feelings.

If the guy is open, sincere and willing to communicate, you can build a constructive dialogue with him. Such a partner is ready to compromise, therefore, walking down the aisle with him, the lady is unlikely to experience disappointment in the process of further life together.

He's in love and you're cold

Some girls, after a couple of meetings with a fan, realize that he is not suitable for them. And by that time the man had already fallen in love! How to tactfully tell him that nothing will work out? Use my proprietary PDA technique: compliment - program - compliment.

Say something like, “You are such a persistent and passionate man. And I am a girl who is ready to develop a relationship with a person with whom I am truly in love. I’m sure that today you will definitely meet the woman of your dreams.” After such a refusal, a man will not feel rejected and will not hold a grudge against you.

If he is indifferent and you are in love

You wanted to know if he loved me, but it turned out that he didn’t? In the section “Ideal love relationships” I advise: do not run after this man, even if he is damn charming and you like him. Having learned that a woman is “drying” for him, the guy will begin to take advantage of you. And having received what you need, it will disappear from your life.

In the “Secrets of Women’s Happiness” course, I help girls find their worth. It will be men who will run after you, and not vice versa. And if you are already convinced that the guy is in love and want to strengthen your feelings, then come to the “Basic Women’s Course No. 1”.

Girls, share how you can check if a guy loves you? Perhaps you have your own secrets?

Signs that a guy truly loves you

Signs of sincere, unfeigned love are the following details:

  • the guy does not hide you from his family and friends, he is happy to introduce you to the company, positioning you as his beloved girlfriend and faithful life partner;
  • the chosen one is not looking for excuses for meetings, he is looking forward to a good reason to invite him on a date or come over for tea;
  • a man does not set out to hide his past from you. On the contrary, he talks about his childhood, his parents, talks about how he would like to raise his children, what qualities he has to create an ideal family;
  • The guy doesn’t hide his feelings, but he doesn’t show them off either. He treats his girlfriend’s life with care - he takes care of her during illness, supports her during times of crisis at work;
  • in difficult moments, the partner does not disappear, but shows himself as a real gentleman, ready to defend the honor of his lady love;
  • His partner’s mood is important to him. He will not insist on anything if he sees that the girl is depressed, disappointed or upset. Instead, the guy will listen and support her, help her, both in word and deed, to overcome any barriers and survive difficult emotional upheavals.

What to do if he loves you?

You understood and figured out whether the guy loves you. How to proceed? Let him know that the feelings are mutual if you are also in love. This does not mean that you need to immediately drag the man to the registry office or jump into his bed.

What to do to make feelings manifest themselves brighter? Show slight interest! Yes, men do not like those who are easily accessible, but over time they also get tired of conquering snow queens. Keep him interested in you. Be different, surprise your admirer and build your own life so that there is a place for everything. Believe me, winning your attention will be an exciting quest for him.

How to understand that a guy has no feelings

You can also see that a man is indifferent by his answers. If a guy hides his plans for the future, answers reluctantly and carelessly, and rarely mentions a girl in his dreams, then he most likely does not have warm romantic feelings for her.

Perhaps this man thinks only about himself, has an affair, or is still worried about his breakup with his previous partner.

The following details in his behavior also indicate the guy’s dislike:

  • he hides his true feelings, is afraid to talk about love or affection;
  • secrecy is confirmed by actions - the guy does not make romantic surprises, deprives the lady of care, and is indifferent to her problems;
  • The lady’s opinion is also insignificant for him - the “macho man” does not care how the girl treats him.

Ask him yourself: questions for a guy to get to know him better

Compare means and ends. If your blue dream is Mendelssohn's march, don't ask about your attitude towards threesomes and blowjobs. At the same time, conducting an interrogation with bias on a topic that worries you, but is extremely narrow, is, at the very least, short-sighted. Take it generally and broadly – ​​about hobbies, goals, dreams. And casually drop something about family, children, betrayal. And most importantly, don’t push your erudition, even if you’re brilliant. A man should feel equality, or better yet, superiority. However, balance is needed here too. Sometimes pretending to be a fool is a good thing. Being a chronic fool is not an acquired taste. Here are the questions you should ask a guy to discern his inner world or simply fill an awkward pause in a conversation.

  • What is your ideal relationship?
  • Should a woman give in to a man?
  • What really annoys you about girls?
  • What sets you apart from other guys?
  • What title will you give to your book of life?
  • What do you dream about and what do you strive for?
  • What do you like most about yourself?
  • If you were making a film, what would it be about?
  • What movie role would you like to play?
  • The ideal woman - what is she like?
  • What do you especially value in people?
  • Would you like to live forever and why?
  • What are you most afraid of?
  • What can cheer you up?
  • If you win a million dollars, how will you spend it?
  • How do you feel about a healthy lifestyle?
  • Tell us about the brightest moment from your childhood?
  • What are your gastronomic preferences?
  • Tell us about yourself in a few sentences?
  • What would you take with you to a desert island?
  • Do you have hobbies/hobbies – what are they?
  • In the morning - tea, coffee or something else?
  • How do you prefer to relax?
  • How do you feel about romance?
  • Biggest achievement?
  • Does love have a short lifespan?

  • How do you see your family?
  • What can't money buy?
  • What books do you prefer to read?
  • What movie had a big influence on you?
  • Who is your authority figure?
  • Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
  • Do you make compromises or stick to your line?
  • Why might you break off a relationship with a girl?
  • If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?
  • If you could choose a historical era, which one would it be?
  • What do you think about the future of humanity and the planet?
  • Name three qualities that really irritate people?
  • Name the qualities of a girl that you couldn’t get along with?
  • What are you most addicted to?
  • What do you do when you're stressed?
  • Do you believe in strong family ties?
  • Can you forgive betrayal?
  • Tell us about your plans for the future?
  • Do you think people change?

Tips for girls

To understand whether love and a relationship with a specific man is possible, you can ask the questions given in the review earlier. However, they need to be asked in a certain way, following a number of tips:

  • Maintaining sensitivity

Some topics need to be discussed as sensitively as possible. These include sex life, the guy’s relationship with his parents or children, if any in previous relationships.

  • Lack of pressure

When talking about intimate love, excessive insistence is inappropriate. The dialogue should be pleasant for both participants, so you need to ask questions gently and subtly, feeling the changes in your partner’s mood and his manifested emotional reactions.

  • Correct interpretation of answers

Every girl should understand that few guys have oratorical talent and can eloquently talk about their feelings.

It is more important to evaluate their actions, rather than rack your brains over the interpretation of every word received from the chosen one as part of a delicate heart-to-heart dialogue. The girl’s task is to unravel her partner’s true intentions, which are hidden behind his words, promises and oaths.

Lists of questions for a guy by group

Sometimes a lady needs to get not a general idea of ​​her partner’s feelings, but to identify his opinions on specific topics. It will be convenient for her to search for suitable questions, sorted in this section by category:

Questions about feelings

As you know, guys don’t really like to talk about their emotional experiences. To help them open up, a girl can ask leading, peppery questions that will help the fire of passion between them flare up with renewed vigor:

  1. How did you feel when you first saw me?
  2. Were you impressed by our first kiss? What about the first night together?
  3. Do you think about me when we're apart?
  4. How often do you get bored and sad if I'm not around?
  5. What do you love most about my character?

Questions on intimate topics

Sex in a couple should be a source of pleasure for partners, otherwise a guy who does not experience satisfaction with his partner will look for love pleasures on the side. The following questions will help you understand his assessment of the sexual relationship between you:

  1. If I could make any wish come true in bed, what would it be?
  2. What doesn't suit you in our intimate life?
  3. What secret fantasies do you harbor?
  4. Do you like my body?
  5. What kind of caresses do you prefer?
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