Why do you want sweets and how to replace sugar? Useful Alternatives

The harm of sugar consumed in large quantities has been known for a long time. Doctors insist that this product is unnecessary in our diet and ask us to replace it with healthier alternatives. It is recommended to avoid sweets first of all if you care about your figure and lose extra pounds, want to improve your skin condition, have diabetes or have allergies. However, this will not hurt those who do not fit into any of the categories. Consumption of white sugar increases blood pressure and contributes to heart disease and strokes.

It is not surprising that as soon as we are forced to remove foods with a high concentration of sugar from the menu, the body begins to stubbornly resist. Moreover, it seems that thoughts about this product become even more intrusive than before, when we allowed ourselves to eat it. There are a number of reasons why the need for sweets becomes overwhelming.

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Under severe stress, cravings for sweets can be explained quite simply. When we consume sugar, the body begins to produce serotonin, a hormone that regulates anxiety, joy and is responsible for mood. It is with the release of serotonin that stress is relieved and anxiety goes away. In addition, chocolate additionally contains magnesium, which has a calming effect. Therefore, do not be alarmed if, in a difficult life situation or with a busy work schedule, you want to eat something sweet.

A nutritionist explains what lies behind the craving for sweets.

An irresistible craving for sweets can be not only a harbinger, but also a symptom of serious diseases. Inna Kononenko, a St. Petersburg nutritionist and candidate of medical sciences, told a Rosbalt correspondent about this.

“If you crave sweets several times a day, you probably develop insulin resistance - a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism. It looks like this: we eat some kind of carbohydrate chocolate bar, our blood sugar level rises, in response to this the pancreas secretes the hormone insulin. Normally, this insulin connects to the receptor on the cells - they fit together like a key to a lock. The cell door opens and glucose enters, turning into energy,” says the nutritionist.

However, if a person has insulin resistance, the receptors break down and glucose cannot enter the cell and become a source of energy. Then the body constantly experiences energy hunger and asks for a sweet bun.

“In the first stages, with each candy eaten, the level of glucose in the blood does not jump much - insulin lowers it. But the higher the glucose level, the closer we are to diabetes,” warns the nutritionist.

Another reason for cravings for sweets can be dysbiosis in the intestines. If “good” bacteria love fiber and fiber, then “bad” microflora predominantly feeds on glucose. For example, Candida mushrooms simply love sugar. By checking with a doctor and determining who you are actually feeding sugar, you can get rid of sugar cravings.

“But we get glucose not only from sweets, but also from cereals, vegetables and fruits,” says Inna Kononenko. — There is another myth - that until 13.00 you can eat as many buns and chocolates as you like. But in fact, in the morning, by indulging ourselves with sweets, we accustom the body to glucose, and throughout the day we will swing on the “glucose swing” - we will crave sugar both for lunch and for dinner. That is why it is better to prepare a protein-fat breakfast - buckwheat with meat or scrambled eggs - this will saturate the body and prevent further sugar crashes.

According to the nutritionist, fruits will help you get off the “sugar needle”. But not all: for example, berries, citrus fruits, kiwi, which contain less glucose, can be eaten up to 300 grams per day. But apples, pears, persimmons and bananas - only 100 grams. Moreover, the snack should be made not exclusively of fruit, but with the addition of proteins and fats: berries with nuts or banana with cottage cheese.

By reducing the amount of sugar consumed, after a few weeks you can completely get rid of cravings for sweets, which lead to excess weight, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Insulin addiction

Excessive consumption of sweets causes increased insulin production. At this moment we may experience a surge of vitality and energy. But, as with any other addiction, the effect is short-lived: soon the person strives to get a new portion of sugar-containing products.

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As we see, sometimes the body needs sweets quite reasonably, that is, not just like that, but when it really lacks something. Therefore, to satisfy the need, you need to take care of the following things.

  • Stimulate serotonin production with healthy foods. Meat, milk, mushrooms, legumes, potatoes and grains can help with this.
  • Replenish chromium deficiency. In addition to individual dietary supplements, it is contained in fish, seafood, eggs and broccoli.
  • Monitor the intake of healthy carbohydrates into the body.

Thanks to the above actions, we will satisfy the unconscious need for sugar, normalizing the balance of nutrients. But are there any harmless products that can replace sweets to taste and bring not only benefits, but also aesthetic pleasure? The answer is simple: of course there is.

Why you always want sweets - reasons

There are two types of reasons for constantly craving sweets: physiological and psychological. Let's look at them in detail.

Physiological reasons

The main physiological reason why you want sweets is an unhealthy diet, skipping important meals, poor nutrition, and endless snacking. If you are used to not eating anything in the morning or limiting yourself to a cup of tea with a small sandwich, then after a few hours you will feel the need for sweets.

What other factors may influence the desire to eat cake or candy:

  • regular lack of sleep, chronic fatigue;
  • lack of B vitamins, carbon, chromium;
  • mental overwork (the brain does not have enough glucose, and if you are constantly engaged in mental work, then this shortage will be regular);
  • lack of slow carbohydrates, low-calorie diets;
  • changes in physical activity;
  • taking medications;
  • abuse of alcohol, cigarettes or coffee;
  • sudden withdrawal from nicotine;

Psychological reasons

Most often it comes from childhood. When something doesn’t work out for a child, he is offended, sad or upset, those around him try to console him with chocolate, cake or other sweets. A strong cause-and-effect relationship is formed, strengthening over the years.

As an adult, a person subconsciously craves sweets in the following cases:

  • low self-esteem;
  • tension, stressful situations, anxiety;
  • lack of attention;
  • feeling undervalued;
  • lack of positive events, pleasure from life;
  • subconscious or explicit desire to reward oneself;

Fruits and berries

They are a natural sugar substitute and contain essential vitamins, dietary fiber and minerals. And fructose is unlikely to harm the body in the quantities in which fresh fruits contain it. The only caveat: in case of complications or a strict diet, doctors do not recommend including bananas and grapes in the diet, as they contain the most sugar.

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This is 5-hydroxytryptophan: a form of tryptophan. This is a natural amino acid that effectively relieves depression and anxiety, and improves sleep. Contained in turkey, tuna, mushrooms, oats, nuts.

The secret of its effectiveness is that it is able to influence biochemical processes in the brain. This amino acid increases the production of serotonin in the brain, the main calming hormone that creates a feeling of emotional well-being. Tryptophan is also effective in cases of irritability, aggressiveness and hostility, especially during PMS. They also successfully treat eating disorders (gluttony, bulimia) - just what we need so as not to break down and eat everything indiscriminately.

Fructose and excess weight

Fructose is now considered the main culprit in the spread of obesity in children and adults. Moreover, fructose contributes to excess weight gain in several ways.

  1. Fructose leads to leptin resistance. Leptin is a hormone in adipose tissue that blocks the feeling of hunger. Against the background of significant consumption of fructose, the human body becomes immune to leptin. That is, he wants to eat all the time and usually eats, which leads to weight gain.
  2. The second way in which excess weight gains occurs and which is associated with fructose is the development of insulin resistance, which first results in fatty liver, and then in general obesity.
  3. The third mechanism is due to the fact that fructose causes a reduction in the body's energy production. There is less energy, both in the liver and in the muscles. And it is precisely this that is associated with the lack of physical activity that is observed in most people these days.

People move little and reluctantly not because they are lazy, because they watch TV or play on the computer. Not at all. People (including children) move less and less because they lack energy. And every movement is given to them with great difficulty.

Physical inactivity, in turn, leads to the fact that body weight increases and movement becomes more and more difficult.

However, lack of energy affects weight gain not only due to physical inactivity. We must remember why energy becomes scarce. And it becomes scarce because fructose prevents the oxidation of fats. And if fats are not oxidized, they accumulate and energy is not produced. Fat deposits grow and do not burn.

How much fructose can you eat?

If you already suffer from insulin and leptin resistance, you should not eat more than 25 grams of fructose per day. Better yet, no more than 15.

Understanding that you have resistance to these two hormones is quite simple. Anyone who is overweight, has high blood pressure, diabetes or a pre-diabetic condition has it.

However, according to some experts, insulin and leptin resistance occurs in 4 out of 5 adults living in Western society. So, limiting your fructose intake to 25 grams per day will be good for almost everyone.

Which sugar is the most dangerous? Fructose!

Fructose is present in a huge number of food products, even in those considered absolutely healthy, such as honey, fruit juice, and dried fruits.

It is precisely the effect of fructose on the liver that is similar to the effect of alcohol on it. And the main harm of sweets to the body is the harm that comes from fructose.

Unlike glucose, which is used by all cells in the body, fructose is metabolized only by the liver. And if too much fructose enters the body, it damages the liver in the same way that alcohol damages it. And just like alcohol, fructose is converted by the liver into fat, and not into energy, like glucose.

Dr. Robert Lustig calls fructose a “chronic, dose-dependent liver toxin.” And it's clear why.

  1. Both alcohol and fructose become substrates in the liver for converting all dietary carbohydrates into fats. This leads to the development of insulin resistance, dyslipidemia (abnormally high levels of fats in the blood) and fatty liver disease.
  2. In the liver, fructose undergoes a Maillard reaction with amino acids. This results in the formation of superoxide free radicals, which cause liver inflammation similar to that caused by alcohol products.

The way to get rid of sweet addiction

Many nutritionists agree that it is quite possible to overcome sugar addiction; to do this, you need to clearly define your motivation and be patient. It is quite possible that the first time will be difficult, since giving up sweets can manifest itself in decreased performance, irritability and drowsiness. However, if you follow certain rules, the result will not take long to arrive.

  1. First you need to determine the reasons for this phenomenon. In this case, you can contact a specialist who will help identify possible deficiencies of vitamins, minerals, and other disorders in the body and offer the necessary way out of the situation.
  2. Adjust your diet. It should include three full meals a day with small portions that include healthy fats, proteins and carbohydrates. To replenish the missing chromium, you need to eat more beets, broccoli, fish and liver; if you lack magnesium, you can include sea fish, nuts, seeds, cabbage, greens and avocados. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can take vitamin and mineral complexes.
  3. Increase physical activity to reduce stress hormone levels and increase serotonin. This is perfect for a vacation with family or friends, sports, a massage, or just a walk in the fresh air. It is necessary to establish a sleep schedule and, if possible, diversify your leisure time.

Important! If you really want sweets, you need to remember that this, first of all, indicates a lack of energy in the body. You can replenish energy by eating the right foods, giving preference to nutritious foods rich in proteins and slow carbohydrates.

African mango

African mango (Irvingia Gabon) resembles a regular mango in its taste, but differs from other varieties in its smaller size, green color and the presence of seeds.

It is from these seeds that irvingia gabonensis extract is made, which is actively used for weight loss. It effectively fights excess weight, suppresses hunger and controls leptin levels. Low levels of this hormone activate the feeling of hunger. Mango seeds increase leptin levels, which helps reduce appetite.

In addition, the seeds of this fruit slow down the process of assimilation of food, which thus takes longer to be digested by the body. African mango helps reduce bad cholesterol. Plus significantly improves metabolism, regulates the amount of sugar in the blood, and increases the oxidation of existing fats.

African mango has another super quality: its seeds have a targeted effect on fat deposits, especially those concentrated in the hips and waist. This process of burning unnecessary fat occurs due to the natural activation of metabolism. Due to its high content of ascorbic acid, mango also strengthens the immune system. In a word, a multi-station operator!

Is dessert required?

Have you ever noticed the desire to end any meal with candy or a piece of cake?

Most likely, it is worth increasing the number of calories through rational consumption of meat, fish, cereals, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and wholemeal bread.

And also relax more, be in nature more often.


The body compensates for the deficiency of proteins and fats with carbohydrates.

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