Causes of human degradation in modern society

How to avoid personality degradation?

What does the word "degradation" mean? The word “degradation” comes up quite often. It is used when talking about the gradual deterioration, decline, loss of valuable qualities and properties observed in various areas of life - culture, society, art, environment. This term is also used in relation to physical, chemical and biological processes: degradation of soils, proteins, etc.

Psychologists use it when they talk about the destruction of personality - the narrowing and impoverishment of interests, feelings, talents and judgments, a decrease in mental activity and performance, up to complete indifference and loss of contact with the environment. Personality degradation is also called mental dullness. One of the severe forms of personality degradation is marasmus, or profound dementia. Personality degradation is an integral part of a deeper breakdown of the human psyche: dementia, or dementia.

What is degradation or disintegration of personality

Personality degradation is a collective term that implies the presence of psychological and physiological pathological processes that interfere with a person’s normal life and work.

Personality degradation in the definition refers to a decrease in activity and performance, personal regression as a result of mental imbalance and passivity. Degrading, a person loses socially significant qualities, his judgments and conclusions become primitive. He loses the ability to create something new, to generate ideas.

With a split personality, a person’s sphere of interests narrows, and he experiences difficulties in social adaptation. Mental processes malfunction, as a result of which a person becomes irritable. The characteristic features of the behavior of a degenerate are weakness of character, carelessness, insanity, and dementia. Gradually, a person loses contact with the world around him, the natural need for recognition and communication is replaced by indifference and a craving for loneliness. The pathological process also has a negative impact on a person’s professional activity.

Sloppy or living outside the rules?

As psychologist and existential psychotherapist Tatyana Zakhartsova , such a characteristic as “sloppiness” is very subjective.
“What is order for me may seem disorder to someone else. Sloppiness or “sloppiness” is information that is embedded in the rules and customs of society. Different societies have different ideas about sloppiness. Therefore, this is the part of character that is developed throughout life and copied from parents as a way of living,” says the expert. However, in addition to some basic cultural attitudes inherited from parents, a person may also have his own perception of order. It’s not for nothing that there is an expression “creative disorder” - this is the chaotic arrangement of things that we sometimes need for productive activity.

According to Tatyana Zakhartsova, sometimes the lack of need for order and cleanliness can be associated with some of our internal psychological processes and conflicts. “This characteristic can change over time - depending on our condition, external circumstances and internal priorities and values. For example, in situations of despair and pain, severe anxiety, it is difficult for a person to take care of himself, but this, as a rule, lasts no more than two to three weeks,” the specialist adds.

Stages of development of personality degradation

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In psychology, the pathological process of personal degradation includes several stages:

  1. Disappointment in loved ones as a result of conflict or quarrel. A person feels insulted and decides to become independent, to live for his own pleasure, regardless of the interests and needs of relatives and friends. A person is contemptuous of family and friendly ties, neglects the norms and rules of behavior established in society.

If attempts are not made to resolve the conflict situation, which served as a reason for disappointment, then the personal construct will continue to collapse, aggravated by such harmful feelings as anger, resentment and aggression. A person's character is rapidly changing for the worse. There are manifestations of cruelty and envy, the ability to admit one’s guilt and work on one’s shortcomings is lost.

  1. Spiritual degradation. As a result of anger towards loved ones and more successful people, a person becomes conflicted. He has clashes with work colleagues, conflicts with management, and is rude and insulting towards his loved ones. In the speech of a degrading personality, profanity appears, moral values ​​and moral foundations collapse.

Spiritual degradation

  1. Complete degradation. Signs of the onset of the last stage of degradation are alcohol or drug addiction, depraved behavior, and loss of friendships.

Attention! The degradation process can be stopped at any stage. In order to regain the taste of life and receive joy from communicating with loved ones, a person must learn to forgive and sincerely repent.

How to deal with degradation

If degradation is not stopped in time, you can smoothly sink to the bottom of life, from which it can be very difficult to get out. Once the degradation has barely begun, you can stop it on your own and start the reverse process. But you won’t be able to cope with advanced degradation, especially aggravated by chemical addictions, on your own. You need the help of loved ones and qualified treatment.

read books

The simplest and most universal way to stop degradation is reading. But only if it has not reached an advanced stage.

Do you feel like you have stopped developing lately? Pick up a book immediately. Reading not only fills our memory with new information, but also develops important parts of the brain.

You just need to approach the choice of literature with all responsibility. Second-rate pulp novels, meaningless detective stories, and memoirs of pop stars are unlikely to help stop the regression; rather, on the contrary.

Russian and foreign classics, scientific works on philosophy, ethics, history, biographies of great and successful people, encyclopedias, and self-development books are perfect.

Tidy up your appearance

Appearance is the first to suffer when degraded. Therefore, it is best to start crawling out of the hole with him. Here is a checklist that will help you tidy up your appearance, which has suffered during the regression:

  1. Maintain good hygiene. Shower - daily, brush your teeth - twice a day, wash your hair - when dirty.
  2. Throw away clothes and shoes that have lost their appearance. These are things with stubborn stains, stretched knees, faded patterns, and holes. And also shoes that can no longer be repaired.
  3. Put in order those things that are left. Get rid of pellets, wash off stains, iron thoroughly. Clean your shoes and treat them with special products.
  4. Watch your nails. Trim and remove dirt promptly.
  5. Don't slouch. A hunched back reveals you as a person crushed by life.

Learn to think positively

Pessimists are more susceptible to degradation than optimists. Emotional distress leads to psychological and then physical distress. Therefore, you need to literally pull yourself out of despondency by the scruff of the neck. There is no one else to do this.

Luckily, positive thinking is just a habit that anyone can develop. You need to start with spring cleaning in your own mind. Uproot all negative attitudes that, like weeds, prevent beneficial seeds from sprouting.

“I won’t succeed”, “I won’t achieve anything”, “Life is pain” - you need to get rid of all this garbage.

Then you have to learn to control your thought flow. It's not easy, but the result will pleasantly surprise you. Every time some unpleasant thought appears in your mind, immediately block it, not allowing it to grow like a snowball. Gradually, such thoughts will become less and less, and they will be replaced by positive and constructive ones.

Observe moral standards

Moral guidelines have been formed over thousands of years and are deeply imprinted in the collective consciousness. Even if you try to deny them, your brain knows on an unconscious level what is right and wrong, and judges your every action according to these criteria.

Many consider any norms to be a relic of the past and a useless framework that limits individual freedom. In fact, all these rules, on the contrary, are designed to strengthen the personality and make a person stronger.

If you become seriously interested in ethics, you will find that moral standards are the same in all developed cultures. You can turn to any religion and take the fundamental principles as a model. For example, the idea of ​​the seven deadly sins in Christianity.

Mind your manners

Move from ethics to etiquette. Start watching how and what you say, how you behave in public places. Get rid of swearing, filler words, jargon and other verbal garbage. Be polite, tactful, courteous, moderately restrained. Stop talking loudly and laughing, because this is a sign of bad taste.

Get rid of bad habits

Of course, if it was bad habits that led you to complete degradation, then this advice will be useless. But in cases where the degradation is not so advanced and you are able to control yourself, take a step towards a healthy lifestyle.

Give up cigarettes and alcohol, reduce your consumption of coffee and other stimulants. This will not only improve your health, but also increase your self-confidence. The realization that you yourself got rid of a destructive habit through an effort of will gives a tremendous boost to your self-esteem.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself

When a person realizes that he has seriously neglected his life, he wants to feel sorry for himself, so small, weak and defenseless. You shouldn't do this. Complaining will only make the problem worse. On the contrary, you need to gather all your strength into a fist and start doing at least something to pull yourself out of the swamp.

When we feel sorry for ourselves, we personally acknowledge our weakness and worthlessness. And change can only be done from a position of strength.

Seek help from specialists

In the most advanced cases, it will not be possible to stop the destruction of personality on your own. This is especially true for degradation caused by alcohol addiction. You need to recognize your limitations and seek help from a doctor or psychotherapist.

Possible reasons

Single people are more prone to personal disintegration than married or cohabiting people. Prolonged stay in depression leads to personal decline, sometimes to suicidal attempts.

Factors in human personality development - what they include

In addition, regression of personal development is one of the symptoms of various mental illnesses and neurotic disorders. Thus, regression of intellectual and personal development can be observed in schizophrenia, epilepsy and traumatic brain injuries.

Most often, personality deformation is observed in those who suffer from alcohol or drug addiction. In this case, personal degradation will be accompanied by somatic symptoms and problems in the functioning of the nervous system.

Additional Information. Alcoholism can be both a cause of personal degradation and a bitter consequence of the collapse of a person’s psychological structure. The same goes for gambling addiction.

Alcoholism and degradation

Apathy and personality disintegration can occur when a person has experienced severe emotional stress: the death of a spouse, loss of a job. Some regression in personal growth is observed among people after retirement: they lose their usual connections with colleagues, fall out of business communication and “lag behind” the pace of life of working friends and relatives. In addition, carelessness and the absence of daily work responsibilities will relax the brain and help reduce the expression of socially significant personal qualities of a person.

Spiritual degradation is becoming an urgent problem in modern society. It occurs as a result of devaluation of love, lack of compassion, disregard for moral standards, and self-centeredness. Young people today are degrading, since reading fiction has ceased to be an interesting activity for them. Their jokes are flat, their topics of communication are banal, their judgments are superficial and frivolous. They tend to destroy themselves with electronic cigarettes and spice.

For your information. A rare visit to cultural events, theater, cinema, and concerts can provoke spiritual degradation.

Characteristic symptoms and signs

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The process of personal disintegration can be detected by the following symptoms and signs:

  • In character, such traits as deceit, anxiety, grumpiness, and stubbornness come to the fore.
  • Untidy appearance, neglect of personal hygiene rules.
  • Loss of faith in one's strength and importance. A person is convinced that everything is decided by the stronger. He believes that life depends on circumstances, and not on his own activity. It is useless to argue with fate; you should not try to change something.
  • Apathy and indifference. Human activity is aimed only at satisfying physiological needs.
  • A clear division of people into “us” and “strangers”. The circle of contacts is sharply narrowing.
  • Lack of tolerance for other people's opinions. The degenerate considers his point of view to be undeniably correct.
  • Limited vocabulary. A degrading person has difficulty in describing an object or phenomenon in detail. There are few adjectives in his speech. He has difficulty describing his emotional state and makes mistakes in understanding the expression of emotions and moods in other people.
  • Presence of alcohol, gaming or drug addiction.

Alcohol personality distortion

Important! Attentive attitude towards a person and a timely response to changes in his behavior can stop degradation.

General information

The concept of sloppiness is defined as a character trait that is manifested by a lack of neatness. A person does not feel the need for cleanliness and order. He may have a dirty workplace, lack of personal hygiene, and an unkempt appearance.

If there are slobs among your friends, then you have probably noticed more than once that such people are constantly late, forget about important assignments, do not get enough sleep, are absent from events, chaos reigns not only on their desktop, but also in their apartment, and also in the head.

Sloppy people often become outcasts from society, receive negative assessments from others, and lose their importance in the eyes of other people. It is difficult for such individuals to move up the career ladder and create relationships with members of the opposite sex.

Sloppiness is often a sign of incipient depression, lack of attention, and sometimes a symptom of a psychoneurological illness. If the latter case occurs, then consultation with a specialist is mandatory. If sloppiness is a sign of disorganization, then you can pull yourself together and cope on your own, but this will require considerable effort.

Personality degradation in alcoholism

The first signs of personal destruction in alcoholism become noticeable 6-8 years after the development of addiction. With alcoholism, personality destruction manifests itself in a gradual loss of self-control and a decrease in self-criticism. Increased irritability and aggressiveness are noted in those moments when there is no opportunity to drink. Such people are prone to causeless grievances and provoking scandals. An alcoholic’s thinking is superficial, intellectual processes are dulled, coordination of movements is weak, and criticality of perception sharply decreases.

In the later stages of alcoholism, personality disintegration manifests itself in the fading of social contacts. Severe ataxia is noted. A person becomes self-confident, rude, soulless, cynical, behaves tactlessly and incorrectly.

With personality degradation as a result of alcoholism, a person loses a sense of duty and responsibility, a sense of shame and guilt.

Attention! Alcoholism is a severe form of addiction that leads to complete personality degradation. The result of this process can be compared to the social death of the individual. That is why the timely reaction of loved ones to this problem and the adoption of urgent measures to help a degenerating person are so important.

Is it possible to fight your sloppiness?

According to Tatyana Zakhartsova, order in things can be restored only after the rubble of psychological “garbage” has been cleared away. “My experience proves that the external is nothing more than a reflection of the internal. When we pay attention to ourselves, recognize and understand our feelings, desires, needs, conflicts, priorities, motives, then clearing out internal rubble helps us deal with external problems,” she explains.

According to the expert, you can begin to deal with the chaos within yourself by contacting a qualified psychologist or psychotherapist. “When we tell another about our problems and feelings, a revision of the internal space occurs,” the specialist notes.

If you are not yet ready for psychological consultation, you should try to figure it out on your own. “For example, start with “morning pages”: every morning, as soon as you wake up, sit down and write everything that comes to your mind and worries you - this is a regular and long-term practice of awareness,” the expert recommends. You can also start keeping a “feelings diary”: regularly, at the same time, writing down the events of the day and the feelings associated with them.

If now it is difficult for you to begin deep internal work on yourself, you can first try to directly deal with the disorder in things. As Tatyana Zakhartsova emphasizes, sometimes getting rid of old, unnecessary things, putting items in their places can in themselves help to start “internal” cleaning. Try to start tackling one problem area, such as your desk, kitchen, or closet. Once local order is established, think: has your inner sense of self changed? How do you feel when things are in their place, the table is empty, etc.? What prevents you from maintaining this order? What are the needs? Such a consistent analysis of the external situation and your own feelings about this will also help you gradually come to a better understanding of yourself, your needs and psychological difficulties.

Is it possible to avoid personality degradation?

Personality destruction can be avoided. However, this will require effort. First of all, you need to take care of yourself and your appearance, observe the norms and rules of behavior in society, and eradicate bad habits. An excellent measure to prevent personal degradation is reading both fiction and scientific works, followed by discussing what you read with friends or loved ones. At the same time, you need to learn to express your opinion in a reasoned manner, defend your point of view, and at the same time be able to change it if the interlocutor’s arguments turn out to be convincing.


Turning to philosophy and thinking about the meaning of life can help a person set a goal and outline ways to achieve it. If you have a life guideline and active attempts to do everything possible to achieve your goal, personal degradation cannot happen.

Attention! Any manifestations of creativity are a guarantee against personal disintegration and regression in development.

The essence of the concept

Personality degradation is the gradual loss of human appearance. When irreversible changes occur for the worse in character, habits, inclinations and hobbies. The development of such traits as irritability, passivity, and then aggressiveness is manifested.

What does degradation include?

Signs of degradation

A degraded person does not come to his condition in one moment. Sometimes regression takes several decades to develop. The main distinguishing signs by which one can suspect a decline in personality include the following symptoms:

Gradual loss of the ability to think soberly and reason sensibly. The ability to concentrate on any one task/goal disappears. There is a attenuation of all feelings exhibited by a person in a normal state. One notices a gradual withdrawal into oneself, into one’s inner, artificially created world. Conversational and familiar speech becomes more primitive and incoherent. Busyness in business and work decreases sharply. The circle of human communication is also narrowing. An apathetic state occurs in which the person stops showing any care and attention to others.

A person, being in the developing stages of regression, eventually loses mental stability. All manifestations of activity and performance are stopped. They are replaced by nervousness, global disturbances of attention and memory. All interests disappear, giving way to lack of initiative, lack of will and carelessness.

Degradation can also follow the spiritual path

Human degradation and Abraham Maslow

A medical psychologist who lived in America last century, he devoted his life to the study of human nature. A psychiatrist has compiled a hierarchy of personal needs. The world-famous scientist noted the main qualities that manifested themselves in all people walking along the road of degradation. According to the psychologist, people with regression tend to have the following perceptions:

  1. The degenerate considers himself to be a “pawn.” That is, I am sure that his actions, as a conscious individual, depend entirely on someone: other people or external forces. This phenomenon is called “learned helplessness.”
  2. The priority of degraded people becomes survival, only the desire to achieve all the needs necessary for the functioning of the body. Food, sleep, natural needs.
  3. The regressed personality divides the entire society into two camps: bad/strangers and good/our own.
  4. He is fully confident that his opinion is not subject to any discussion/criticism and is the only correct one.
  5. The brain of such a person stops expending active efforts on the implementation of verbal functions. Therefore, those who are degraded will have a poorer vocabulary.

Methods to combat personality destruction

There are many ways to combat personal destruction. In the early stages of degradation, to prevent it, a person’s personal efforts will be sufficient, subject to the obligatory support of loved ones. If a person is in a state of deep decay, it is necessary to seek the help of specialists.

Self-medication or professional help

“What should I do if I am deteriorating as a person?” - the man, who realized the problem, racks his brains. Before taking measures to combat degradation, you need to understand its causes. Self-medication lies in the desire to constantly learn something new, to master new types of creativity. You can resort to auto-training or sign up for personal growth courses. Making new acquaintances and communicating with different people enriches the spiritual and social experience of the individual.

The main thing in self-medication is that a person should feel needed and significant for loved ones, find something worth living for. By expanding his horizons of possibilities, learning new things, the individual heals.

However, if, in addition to personal degradation, there is one or another type of dependent behavior, then you cannot do without the help of specialists. If the case is severe, hospitalization and inpatient treatment may be necessary.

No matter what happens, no matter how neglected the case may seem, you should not give up. Support, attentive attitude and participation of loved ones, personal positive example are the ladder along which a person who has once stumbled can again get on the right path in life.

Coped with degradation

How to help a degraded person

It is very difficult for people to watch their loved ones deteriorate. I want to help, but it’s not clear how. Indeed, in such a situation it is very easy to cause harm and aggravate the situation. Let's look at a strategy for how to behave if a loved one is falling into a hole.

Stop babying him

Very often, loved ones try to “treat” a person with care and patronage. They see, for example, that a person lives in dirt, and come to the rescue with buckets and rags. It seems like a noble impulse to help, but the effect is the opposite.

A person becomes convinced that being weak is beneficial, and degradation begins to gain momentum. If earlier he simply did nothing and decayed, then after regular help from compassionate relatives he begins to believe that everyone owes him for his inferiority.

Don't read notations

A degraded person already knows very well that he is living wrong. Simply inertia, lack of motivation and fear do not allow him to move forward. If you remind him of this every day in an edifying tone, it will only cause rejection and protest. Or maybe even drive you deeper into depression.

Encourage any useful activity

A person who has realized his degradation faces a serious problem. He wants to return to normal life and take the path of development, but he does not have enough internal resources. Energy is at zero, knowledge and skills are lost, he does not know what to take on and how to act.

This is where the help of loved ones will come in handy. If you see that a person has really come to his senses and reconsidered his way of life, help him take the first steps on this path.

Advise him on what training courses to take, how to organize his daily routine, what to change in himself to be more productive. Moderate material assistance can also be provided, preferably not with money, but with targeted payment for some goods and services for self-development.

Be an inspiration

In almost every article about self-development, I advise people to communicate with those who are smarter, more successful, and more motivated than them. Having a positive example before your eyes helps you achieve results faster, gain motivation, learn from invaluable experience and put it into practice. You too can become such an example for your loved one.

Demonstrate activity, energy, and determination around him. Try to involve him in various activities that you yourself enjoy, take him out of the house more often. He will see that living an interesting and rich life is cool.

Provide psychological support

All degraded people are deeply unhappy and depressed. They may even have thoughts of suicide. Sometimes they just need someone to talk to without fear of receiving a portion of condemnation in return. Give him this opportunity sometimes.

During the conversation, listen carefully and encourage him. But don't regret it under any circumstances. And don't let him wallow in self-pity.

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