Causes and signs of degradation of modern society

If you ask any average person what is currently the main resource of the economic system, one will answer that it is power, another will say that it is money, and a third will give preference to knowledge. Surprisingly, none of these answers are correct. The main resource of the modern economy is fools and degenerates!

Sounds strange, implausible and wild, doesn't it? But the advantage of fools and degenerates is that you can sell them absolutely everything! Obscurantism and ignorance are the engine of development of our society, the economic system, and global business. The degradation of modern society is an issue that no one is in a hurry to solve. And why deal with a problem that brings a lot of profit to interested parties? So it turns out that for many people the meaning of life lies in satisfying the needs imposed by marketers.

Why is society deteriorating? When did these destructive changes begin? What signs of societal degradation exist? In this article we will discuss these and other important issues relating to modern society and its degradation.

What is degradation?

It is generally accepted that human degradation is the gradual destruction of personality. We are social creatures and need the support of our own kind. At the same time, for the growth and development of personality, new knowledge, impressions, and events are needed. If we lose the opportunity to learn something new, we find ourselves in a limited world, and our needs are gradually narrowed to the most primitive. And aspirations and aspirations turn into a set of base instincts.

Personality is what distinguishes us from animals, and when it disappears, a person becomes a predator, a primitive mammal. He is only concerned about where to get food, but more often a dose, and sorts things out on an animal level.

The same applies to mating, sex becomes promiscuous, and partners become random. Control over actions is lost, the line between good and evil is erased. A person becomes capable of murder even without a reason.

Critical thinking disappears, as does the feeling of responsibility for one’s actions. A degraded person can be dangerous to others.

Sometimes degradation creeps up unnoticed and it can happen to anyone. It is so arranged by nature that acquiring new knowledge and skills also forms new neural connections in the brain, which contributes to its effective functioning. If interest in life is lost, due to apathy, depression or for another reason, there is a risk of becoming a degenerate. Of course, not like binge alcoholics and drug addicts, to a much lesser extent.

It has been noticed that even women who have been on maternity leave for a long time begin to degrade. Their interests are narrowed to the family circle, and new information concerns exclusively one area. If there is no diversity, we partially degrade as professionals in our field and lose valuable knowledge and skills. The same thing happens to pensioners. Leaving your job means unexpected freedom and time to occupy yourself with something. Production tasks are being replaced by TV series and alcohol.

In old age, the brain already loses some of its functions, and such “leisure” provokes its gradual decline. It has been noticed that people who are engaged in creativity and science (artists, designers, architects, scientists), even in extreme old age, maintain clarity of mind until the end of their lives and continue to develop, although according to the laws of nature it should happen differently. "Degradation" literally means moving backwards. There is no point of balance. We either move forward and develop, or we retreat and degrade.

The Degradation of Humanity (Part 1)

To perceive many alternative scientific theories, Vedic teachings, and the traditional worldview in general, it is first necessary to understand the Vedic scheme of perception of time, evolution and history, which is very different from the everyday positivist one.

From a modern positivist point of view, the entire natural and cultural world develops from simple forms to complex ones, from less developed species to more developed ones, from less advanced technologies to more advanced ones. That is, a positivist sees progress in the surrounding material world and accepts this progress as good.

A person of Tradition has a reverse perception of time and history. For him, evolution is a regression - a transition from more perfect creatures to less perfect ones. In the traditional perception, the World was created. Moreover, it was created by a perfect Being or Beings. Whatever comes from a perfect being must be perfect. This means that the world at its starting point was perfect.

This means that
this world had no other direction of development other than degradation
, the transition to a less perfect state. From here we get the well-known Greek and Indian teachings about four centuries (Hesiod) or yugas (Aryan Vedas), reflecting the stages of degradation of the World. Another feature of the traditional worldview is the awareness of the cyclical nature of time. In particular, the possibility of returning to the World of Perfection is allowed. This movement of the World towards perfection begins immediately after the maximum degradation has passed.

All traditional religions agree that the time in which we live is the maximum of degradation, the most profane era. In relation to humans, the evolutionary process looks like this: immortal gods turned into modern people, who in the future must regain their divine immortal status. In the Slavic worldview, gods are relatives and ancestors of people. Translating the language of mythological images into modern language produces the following picture.

When this World (planet Earth) was created, gods appeared in it. They appeared in it to revive and spiritualize the planet, to create life. That is, they acted as a kind of colonizers and at the same time creators of this World. But the parameters of this World were such that in order to adapt to it and further closely interact with it, it was necessary to slightly modify, transform, become denser, “degrade.” Perhaps it looked like the gods wearing dense (human, superhuman, proto-human, but not ape) bodies.

Man is a spirit who has taken upon himself the mission of transformation, spiritualization of the material Universe. At the moment of “colonization” by the gods of the Earth, certain dark forces appear on the scene, evil, lies, envy, and death appear. Moreover, evil emerges victorious in the battle with good. In Heaven, power is usurped by one of the immortal Brothers - Yahweh - and forces other disembodied Brothers - angels, archangels, etc. - to serve him. He declares his earthly brothers to be slaves, choosing among them the 12 tribes especially close to him to carry out his will among the “slaves.” He declares those disobedient ethereal Brothers (Perun, Veles, Dazhdbog, Tengri, etc.) to be demons and anarchists, successfully waging war with them for thousands of years. In this thousand-year Battle of the Gods, the forces of evil are victorious. Prometheus, Svyatogor, Serpent Gorynych, Koschey the Immortal and other last surviving warriors of Light are walled up underground (mountains) for a long time.

On Earth, at this time, an uncontrolled process of degradation began. Many people turned into animals. Almost all mammals (except elephants and whales) in the understanding of the Tradition are mutated people. Life expectancy began to decrease, needs began to increase, and mental and physical capabilities began to decrease from generation to generation. Archaeologists are finding on the planet the remains of many former civilizations that were forcibly destroyed. Moreover, a pattern is observed - the older the civilization, the higher its level of culture and technology.

Every victory of Yahweh, every next flood or other punishment was the next stage of degradation of man, his body and consciousness. According to traditional perception, the current era is the time of the Twilight of the Gods, the final loss of true values, the victory of Darkness. World civilization is no longer guided by the values ​​of the Family. But right now the seed of Light should be born in the World. Grandfather Svarog will not allow humanity to completely leave the path of Rule. The Last Battle is coming - the Battle of the Slavic-Russians and the Dark Gods. The battle for our will and immortality.

Let's return to the topic of the features of traditional time perception. It must be remembered that from a pagan point of view, time is not an objective property of the world, but a characteristic way, an instrument of human perception. The same applies to space. This is the fundamental difference between traditional thinking and positivist thinking. That is, we think and perceive (and therefore form) the World in the categories of time and space, and do not live in them as an external reality independent of us. The fact that all people’s perceptions of space and time generally coincide is a consequence of raising children under the conditions of a kind of “social contract.” Therefore, from the point of view of Tradition, the behavior and even the way of thinking of an individual person can change the spatio-temporal parameters of the “external” world.

Man is a part of the World, and that part that is the point of growth and development of the entire Universe. This is a huge human responsibility. Together with man, the World develops, and with him it degrades. But a person’s ability to change generally accepted space-time parameters is not given to him from birth. In its most general form, Tradition divides the path of human development into three stages: an ordinary person, a magician, and an immortal. Man differs from animals in his ability to foresight and predict future events. The magician is distinguished by the ability to consciously shape and correct future events. An immortal differs from a magician in his ability to change and correct the past. That is, one of the characteristic features of immortality is the ability to perfectly control one’s perception.

The life of people existing in modern profane, anti-traditional civilization has completely lost direction and meaning. To restore the meaning of life, we must restore basic traditional values ​​and live in accordance with them. Only this will give us a chance to get out alive from under the darkness of the Twilight of the Gods. It is necessary to understand that the values ​​of Tradition are very far from modern “humanistic” and “progressive” values, and the science of Tradition is opposed to modern positivist science on many issues. This concerns, for example, the theory of human origins. Neo-Darwinists believe that the age of humans as a species cannot be more than a million years. At the same time, the first people allegedly looked very much like monkeys, since they were their closest relatives.

Evidence of this is provided by numerous facts of paleontology, embryology, genetics, and comparative morphology. But if you look at this evidence more closely (the structure of DNA, the similarity of skeletons, embryos...), then they prove, at most, the common origin of many species of animals, but they do not in any way prove the origin of humans from some rodent-like animals, or, even cooler, from single-celled flagellates! Vedic science claims the origin of many chordates (vertebrates), or at least almost all mammals, from humans. The following considerations can lead to this conclusion. The phenomena of human aging are characterized by the fact that the bone skeleton is deformed, the back bends, the arms hang below the knees, hair growth occurs in most parts of the body, and the size of teeth and nails increases.

Old people become more “pussy” than children due to age-related growth of the facial part of the skull. Metabolic processes in the body slow down, the volume of the brain decreases, insanity appears, the body bends, the bones of the arms lengthen, acquiring monkey-like features. Flat feet appear. All these are signs of ape-likeness. Baby monkeys are very similar to humans. The entire bodily organization of a newborn monkey resembles that of a human: posture, length of fingers, large brain, skull and small facial part of the skull, pink bare skin. Based on these facts, Balck suggested that man did not descend from an adult monkey, but from its baby.

In reality, everything is different. A monkey is an old, overdeveloped person who has inherited these qualities. In embryonic and early infancy, the monkey briefly lives through the life of a human being in order to live like an ape in adulthood. This means that the ancestors of monkeys were humans. The same principle identified in human and monkey embryos, when a more perfect being appears at the stage of intrauterine development, is characteristic of all vertebrates.

Embryos of dogs, cats, rats, birds, reptiles, amphibians look more perfect and more human-like than adult animals: a large proportion of the brain in relation to the body is much smaller, the jaws are extended forward, less specialization of the body - all this is typical for all vertebrate embryos. Thanks to this, it can be argued that all vertebrates trace their ancestry to more advanced creatures than they themselves are. This is confirmed by paleontological data. For example, in Madagascar, the fossil remains of a pig-headed lemur (Megaladapis) are known, which had the head and teeth of a pig and, apparently, like a pig, dug up roots and nuts, but at the same time had a five-fingered hand with an opposable thumb and freely climbed trees, like and common primates. The pig lemur has a snout and a head, like an ordinary pig, but everything else - the hands, the arms themselves, the shoulder blades, the chest, the spine without a tail, the pelvis, legs and feet - are human, just like you and me.

The age of the find is respectable: the skeleton lay in the ground for tens of millions of years, and according to official views, homo sapiens appeared in Africa no earlier than one and a half million years ago. It is possible that this lemur was a transitional form from primates to pigs. There are also known forms of living and fossil primates whose dental apparatus is similar to the teeth of carnivores. Lemur Vari has, in addition to fangs, a sharp tooth, characteristic of canids. The slender body has saber-toothed fangs in the upper part of its jaw, similar to the fangs of saber-toothed cats. Dog-headed baboons live in savannas in open areas; their hunting method is reminiscent of the habits of canines. From paleontology it is known that the ancestors of horses and hippos lived in trees, ate leaves and had a five-fingered hand.

Many fossil primates have rodent-like dentition. Based on these and other facts, we came to the conclusion that all the diversity of mammals (except for whales and elephants), including those leading an aquatic lifestyle: dolphins, walruses, and so on, are specialized and overdeveloped forms of primates, whose ancestors were humans. Biologist Vladimir Vitaliev provides the following evidence of the primacy of the human body in relation to the body of animals. “All vertebrates from humans to amphibians have five-fingered limbs. It seems incredible that a lobe-finned fish would have a five-fingered limb for the first time. Only humans use the five fingers to their full potential.

The structure of the fingers is “designed” so that they optimally grasp objects. It is absolutely incomprehensible why reptiles, amphibians, and especially lobe-finned fish, need to acquire fingers in such a sequence: from the thumb to the little finger, equipped with joints and phalanges? Adaptation to what living conditions could have contributed to the emergence of the finger mechanism and its transmission without changes to humans through a wide variety of animal forms?! Meanwhile, the question is resolved simply: fingers were inherited by animals from humans. Animals do not use their fingers for their intended purpose; they no longer need this with the loss of the human way of life.

In many cases, fingers, and even limbs, become a burden and a hindrance, in these cases they become rudimentary (ungulates, birds, fish, snakes). Another common feature of the body of humans and mammals is the structure of the limbs. It is clearly visible that the arms and legs, bending in different directions at the knees and elbows, serve different functions. Human legs are “created” for walking, and hands are designed for carrying objects. For this purpose, the hands are facing the head with the palms, and the feet are facing the soles of the feet towards the ground. This arrangement of limbs is ideal for a vertical body position. But quadrupeds have a lot of problems with such a device. To run fast, quadrupeds need to form, instead of an arm with the elbow bent back, a semblance of a leg with the knee bent forward. And this is really happening.

The shoulder blade becomes mobile and begins to play the role of a thigh. The shoulder begins to play the role of the knee, and the elbow begins to play the role of the heel. Thus, a functional similarity to a leg is formed from the arm. In this case, it is clearly seen that the arm of the erectus is primary in relation to the forelimb of the quadruped (this does not apply to elephants, unique mammals in which the forelimbs are represented by a second pair of legs with knees - S.S.). Confirms that quadrupeds descend from bipeds is the fact that, having stood on four legs, the animal inevitably lifts its heel off the ground.

In this case, the knee remains bent in any position. There is partial dysfunction of the limb (discrepancy between its structure and use). The heel of all mammals hangs above the ground (mammals are digitigrade, not plantigrade). And the knee of almost all four-legged animals does not fully extend, that is, it does not perform its intended function. In order to grab food with their mouths without the help of their hands, quadrupeds need jaws extended forward with large teeth and a powerful neck, which arises in them as an adaptation to the terrible but natural way of life that they lead.”

It is clear that all mammals, including modern humans, are products of the degeneration of more advanced forms, and no one guarantees that the processes of degradation have been stopped. Judging by the state of humanity, it’s more likely the opposite. Scientists, for example, cannot clearly guarantee that eating genetically modified foods, or using genetically modified drugs and implants in medicine will not create changes in the genes of germ cells and will not cause intense hereditary mutagenesis in several generations, as a result of which women will be born not people, but some new species of animals.

The worldwide spread of cellular communications can lead to the same result. Even if the harmful effects of each of these factors (radiation from transmitting devices and the fruits of genetic engineering) individually are insignificant, their combined effect on the genetic apparatus is clearly destructive. Scientists today have at their disposal a mass of facts that were not included in Darwin’s catechism of history. An example is the skeleton of an anatomically modern human discovered by workers during the construction of a church in a layer 4 million years old.

This find was made in 1850, 300 kilometers from Castenedolo in the city of Savona (Italy). A fossilized skull with very thick walls and exceptionally heavy brow ridges was found in the Lagoo Santa region of Brazil. It resembled the skull of Homo erectus, but the find was made in South America, and according to the official version, modern man appeared in America 30,000 years ago. As it turned out, this skull differs significantly from finds in the Old World in a number of important features. But under mysterious circumstances, the skull disappears from a Brazilian museum.

Also missing was a very important skeleton of Homo habilis, found by Hans Reck in the Olduvai Gorge (Africa), because of which it was necessary to revise the age of the appearance of the first people on Earth. There are a lot of finds made in many places on the planet, whose age ranges from 3 to 55 million years. Artifacts found only in America: a jaw from Miramar, a spine from Monte Hermoso, a skull from Calaveras and numerous tools of ancient people completely refute the Darwinian claim that modern man appeared on Earth no more than 40,000 years ago. The time of the appearance of the first person is a controversial and irrelevant question (first, scientific methods of obtaining dates need to be developed). In addition, the question must be posed completely differently: not when, but where did the first people appear, why did they appear, and how many were there?

Is a person developing or degenerating? Who comes from whom? Many ancient teachings are united in the statement that all living things have a single ancestor - man. Every living form on Earth is built according to the type of human body - this is an axiom that does not require proof. If a living creature, degrading, loses all or part of its human qualities, then in terms of species, the body shape of this living creature also changes to a more primitive one. The more human qualities a living being loses in the process of life, the more obvious is the degree of its biological involution. From this we can conclude that for most living beings, if not for all, life on Earth is a series of losses and losses: the species’ life expectancy is reduced, growth is reduced, the bodily shell loses some of the features inherent in it initially.

Several years ago, sensational reports flashed through the press: an unusual population of monkeys with a primitive language and speech was discovered in the Amazon jungle. How this can be, and what language the monkeys speak, the press did not report. They only cited a legend that had been preserved by local residents since ancient times about a tribe of people who, in ancient times, fleeing from warlike neighbors, went into the jungle and to this day live in a remote area of ​​the Amazon.

This raises the question; Is a tribe of monkeys discovered in the Amazon? How will a person behave if he finds himself in the jungle? There are frequent cases of the capture of wild people who got lost in the forest as children and were raised by animals. They run on four limbs no worse than animals, with agility not inferior to that of monkeys, climb trees, hunt and eat prey, like real animals - their fellow tribesmen. It is quite reasonable to assume that such human-animals, if they find themselves together, within a few generations will begin to give birth to children covered with fur, with a tail and from birth possessing animal inclinations. How would we classify these creatures from today's scientific perspective?

Shall we separate them into a separate class or call them “a hitherto unknown species of monkeys”? Such “monkey” communities are known to science. They are very different from their “relatives” in the monkey tribe, or from anyone else at all, except people - their distant ancestors. Darwinian scientists usually classify such “new” species into a special family within the suborder of apes or prosimians. This is what happened with lemurs, classified by scientists as prosimians; although lemurs and monkeys are completely different branches of human offspring. The so-called great apes, which lived 10-20 million years ago in Africa, Asia, Europe - from France to China, from Central Africa to Central Europe, are even more dissimilar to each other and to modern humans. For example, one of the supposed ancestors of man is “Rama’s monkey” - Ramapithecus (a creature the size of a medium-sized dog, weighing up to 12 kg), who lived exclusively in one of the regions of India (his remains were found there).

Ramapithecus is clearly not suitable for the role of the father of all humanity, and this is exactly the role Darwinists assign him! But Ramapithecus is quite suitable as a degenerate descendant of man: both its small stature and ability to move on two legs testify in favor of this. What about Neanderthals, Australopithecus, Rhodesians, Sinanthropus, Paleoanthropus, Neoanthropus and other ancient people? They are very different from each other, neither in brain volume nor body size.

They are not similar in the structure of the bones of the skull and skeleton, their way of living and feeding is not similar, their skills and habits are also not similar! Where do they get such a variety of species, given the rigid, constant localization of settlement? How to explain all this? An explanation can only be found from the position that in various regions of the World, for many millions of years, there has been local degradation of a previously unified, genetically related community of people, due to the isolated location of the continents. Over the past three million years, humanity has been rapidly losing its typological unity. As a result of this process, numerous races and nationalities with altered genotypes were formed. Living beings who abandoned civilization in general and even earlier gave preference to a wild existence underwent a more powerful involution.

Such people quickly degraded, lived and continue to live in a state of savagery for tens of millions of years. It was they who formed the so-called anthropoid forms of monkeys. Judging by the information contained in the myths and traditions of various peoples of the world, there were several civilizations on Earth similar to ours. Paleontological data allows us to assert that a civilization of many-armed demigods (described in the Vedas) or hundred-armed ones (in the myths of Ancient Greece) existed on the planet for a very long time. Arthropods (insects, spiders, crustaceans) are its degenerate descendants. The first fossils found - two-meter-long crustacean scorpions - are about 500 million years old. The claws of trilobites and crustaceans are a palm covered with a chiton, where the thumb is opposed to the rest. The next civilization is mentioned in the scriptures as the civilization of three-eyed giants. People - representatives of this line have a third eye in the forehead.

Indeed, all stegocephals - ancient amphibians, reptiles, including dinosaurs, had a third eye associated with the pineal gland - the pineal gland. A similar adaptation has been preserved by some species of living lizards and the New Zealand tuataria. Chronologically, after the three-eyed giants, the civilization of the titans arose. From them came large mammals: giant carnivores, ungulates, sloths, bears, elephants, whales. The civilization of modern people is much younger and traces its ancestry to the generation of Gods. The appearance of people was preceded by the battle of the Gods and the Titans. Insects provide the most material about their former civilization.

Insects are in no way a preparatory stage in the formation of man. Nor can they be considered a by-product of human evolution. On the contrary, in the structure of the body and its individual parts, insects exhibit forms that are more advanced than those of mammals or humans. Some forms of insect life exhibit phenomena that force us to recognize a very rich past for insects, and to consider their current forms as degenerate. This applies mainly to ants and bees. They inspire admiration for the amazing completeness and rationality of their organization. At the same time, they repel us with the absolute impossibility for an individual to free himself from the cycle of life of an anthill or a hive. One cannot help but be horrified by the thought that with each generation we become more and more like them. How could social insects appear as we know them?

Careful observations of their lives lead to the conclusion that the original organization of the hive and anthill in the distant past undoubtedly required reason and a powerful logical mind, although neither reason nor reason was required for their continued existence. This could happen for one reason: ants or bees, being intelligent and evolving creatures at different periods, lost their intelligence and ability to evolve, because their intelligence went against their own evolution. In other words, believing that they were promoting their evolution, they managed to somehow stop it. They probably organized their lives on the basis of a kind of “Marxism,” which seemed very precise and scientific to them. They implemented a socialist order of things, completely subordinating the individual to the interests of society.

Thus, they destroyed any possibility for the development of the individual, for his separation from the general mass. But it was precisely the development of individuals and their separation from the general mass that constituted the goal of nature, the goal of evolution. Neither the bees nor the ants wanted to admit it. They saw their goal in something else, they sought to conquer Nature. And to one degree or another they changed the plan of Nature and made its implementation impossible. It must be remembered that every living being is an expression of cosmic laws, a complex symbol or hieroglyph. Bees and ants, taken as individuals, broke their connection with the laws of Nature, ceased to express them individually and began to express them only collectively.

After a while their mental faculties, completely useless in a well-organized anthill or hive, atrophied; automatic habits began to be passed on from generation to generation. The reduction in the size of the once gigantic insects was Nature’s response to the violation of its laws, otherwise they would simply destroy the planet. Man became the point of growth for further evolution. In general, today so many unanswered questions have accumulated regarding Darwin’s theory of the origin of species from simple organisms to more complex ones as a result of the struggle for existence and natural selection that this theory has become completely inadequate to the level of accumulated knowledge. For example, it is not clear why and how Nature, as a result of evolution, moved from a very perfect and simple method of reproduction - cell division, to complex sexual reproduction.

Yes, sexual reproduction contributes to the mixing of genotypes, rearrangement of traits, and the emergence of individual differences, which serve as material for natural selection. But in this case, the equivalence of male and female individuals, the absence of sexual differences, would be reasonable. This would help the survival of small populations, where finding a mate is always a problem.

The very essence of neo-Darwinism is this: any individuality of an organism is consolidated in subsequent generations if the individual better adapts to living conditions thanks to this particular individuality. The environment itself produces selection, which is why it is called natural. A better adapted individual has a greater chance of surviving and leaving offspring. But the following example from the evolutionist Ernst Mayr shows the unclear relationship between an individual's fitness and his productivity. The order of his reasoning is as follows. Among people, the most adapted to the environment (social) is an intelligent, educated person, an intellectual.

It is known that intelligence is associated with genetic predisposition. However, according to statistics that are approximately the same for all countries, “people (usually with an above-average standard of living) whose occupations require high intelligence have, on average, fewer offspring and produce them at a later age than, say, unskilled workers.” whose work is not designed for any high intelligence. Those with greater intelligence contribute less to the gene pool of the next generation than those with below average intelligence.” So much for the mechanism of humanity's degradation.

And if in ancient cultures there was a practice of killing (at least castration) obviously defective babies, now, due to the spread of the infection of humanism, this preventive measure seems monstrous and is no longer practiced. But it is precisely the handicapped and mentally retarded who have increased fertility. All this has led to the fact that the share of clearly handicapped children has now increased to 10-15% (from 0.3% of the background share). That is, 30-40 times more than normal. “In general, in living nature, where the Darwinist sees remarkable harmony and adaptability of species, the exact opposite is striking: their amazing inadaptability. The predator dies in the midst of an abundance of fruits, the herbivore - in the presence of an abundance of meat; many fish go to spawn in strictly defined local places; Some species of fish, having spawned, die immediately. There is simply no need to talk about the inability of individual individuals. Hence what is called the amazing generosity of nature: thousands of frog eggs, millions of cod eggs, billions of poplar and dandelion fluffs...

But all this is a huge expense, an insane waste of DNA, energy, vitality! Is the sturgeon, say, with thirty million eggs, and some ungulate animal with a dozen or even fewer cubs in its entire life in an equal position with regard to natural selection, which protects uniquely successful specimens... It is clear that in all cases, before sexual maturity and On average, only two individuals survive the new reproduction, but choosing one pair out of millions of possible ones is not at all the same as choosing from a few individuals! In the first case, evolution would seem to rush forward “by leaps and bounds”... The Chukchi live above the Arctic Circle in the extreme northeast of Eurasia, the Hottentots live in southern Africa, in the Kalahari Desert. The former have obvious physiological adaptations to cold, the latter to heat. Random emergence of random traits and subsequent selection from generation to generation according to “tests” of frost and heat resistance? But is there enough time for this (hundreds, or even tens of generations) and aren’t these human populations too small (a few thousand people)?..

Perhaps the Chukchi and Hottentots adapted to climate conditions not from generation to generation, but somehow almost at once? In search of some new patterns, the very concept of “randomness” no longer satisfies us. When considering evolution, any accident is only a connection between phenomena unknown to us. A mutation is essentially analogous to a typing error. How many reprints are needed for the errors to be summarized into a somewhat coherent new text! Let us also take into account that the vast majority of mutations - errors in gene structure - are harmful or even fatal to an individual... There are as many incredible coincidences in living Nature as you like. The well-known lichen is a symbiosis of a fungus and algae; luminous bacteria that have settled in the special glands of deep-sea fish allow them to see in pitch darkness... And the widespread association of flowering plants and pollinating insects!..

How monstrously incredible the counter-evolution of groups that are not at all related to each other must look to coincide like this as a result of countless trials and errors, random mutations and accidents of subsequent selection! In one of the Brazilian orchids, nectar is placed at the bottom of a tube almost a third of a meter long. For a long time they could not believe that there was an insect with a proboscis of such incredible length. It turned out that it was coiled in a twilight sphinx butterfly...But how did such an incredible pairing arise in the course of evolution, while the most natural and simple way out was to simply shorten the nectar tube?” (M. S. Tartakovsky. “Is man the crown of evolution?”).

How can we explain the emergence of not only a function, but also an organ that is useful only in its final form? A clear example is the trunk of an elephant, suitable for grasping, defending, dousing, and all this only when it is already a trunk, and not just a big nose. That is, if the transitional form between the nose and the trunk is not a useful adaptation, then, according to the logic of Darwinists, this form should not be fixed in generations, much less progress into a real trunk. The famous evolutionist K. Zavadsky, anticipating this kind of objection, spoke of “pre-adaptations,” that is, mutations that “have already arisen as a ready-made adaptation.” But such an explanation would fundamentally contradict Darwin himself, and genetic logic too.

A radical mutation would distort the entire harmonious organism and come into conflict with other systems. In addition, an elephant with a trunk among its trunkless relatives would have to overcome a strong behavioral barrier associated with its appearance and find a partner for reproduction. In this regard, Skowron writes: “In order for a “monster with a future” to pass on its characteristics to the next generation, it must find an appropriate partner.

It seems completely incredible to us that at the same time and in the same place several individuals could arise through mutation, changed in the same way.” But the device can be not only as simple in appearance as an elephant trunk. The electrical systems of stingrays are much more complex than our artificial electric batteries and consist of a number of elements, each of which does not operate on its own. That is, one device is unthinkable without a synchronously arising second, third... nth one. Mimicry (for example, the external identity of a leaf and an insect) is still explained by Darwinists as the result of the survival of the fittest individuals. They claim that one of the insects may have been “accidentally” born with a greenish body.

Thanks to this, the insect and its descendants successfully hid among the leaves, better deceived enemies, and therefore increased the proportion of green insects in the population. After thousands of generations, one of the green insects “accidentally” turned out to be flatter than the others, and thus became even less noticeable among the leaves. Accordingly, his chances of leaving offspring increased.

After thousands of generations, one of the green and flat insects resembled a leaf in shape, received a greater chance of leaving offspring, etc. But if we take a closer look at the insect that imitates a green leaf or shoot, we will discover not three, not four, but thousands of features that make it look like a plant. According to Darwinian theory, each of these traits should be formed separately, independently of the others. It is obvious that Darwin’s explanation of mimicry, the emergence of an electrical circuit in a stingray and a trunk in an elephant, does not take into account the mathematical impossibility of such a series of “random” combinations and their repetitions in intermediate forms.

Continued here

Causes of personality degradation

The reasons why a person degrades are different:

✔️ Loss of loved ones and forced loneliness. Regression most often strikes lonely people. A possible reason that serves as a trigger for moving backward is the absence of friends and relatives due to discord in relationships or due to their death. A person does not have the opportunity to “pour out his soul” and share his experiences, impressions, thoughts, and reasoning. He feels useless, which develops into indifference. Against the backdrop of a lonely existence, suicidal thoughts and depression appear.

✔️ The reasons for human degradation also lie in forced isolation from society. Loss of a job, layoff, retirement, imprisonment. A person excluded from society feels superfluous, dropped out of active life. Everyday habits lose relevance - there is no need to get up, wash, go to work, complete tasks, communicate with colleagues. Group life creates a feeling of fullness, and loneliness gives the impression of being lost. There is no goal, no incentive for development.

✔️ Apathy and inertia. Sometimes regression occurs due to character traits. A person prone to laziness and apathy does not want to strain and make efforts. Self-withdrawal and unwillingness to take responsibility is a short path to regression. Anything that requires effort - cleaning, cooking, minor repairs, hygiene procedures - is unworthy of the attention of a lazy person. Spending time idle leads to degradation. Such people often gain excess weight, become obese, and their circle of interests narrows to the sofa with a bottle of beer. Relaxation, which is beneficial for the mind and body in reasonable quantities, becomes an addiction and turns into a bad habit.

✔️ Low self-esteem and feelings of guilt can cause degradation. It happens that failures at work and in your personal life significantly undermine your sense of self-worth. Some people are able to withstand adversity and defeat serves as a springboard for them, while others can only give up and wallow in feelings of guilt and worthlessness. This leads to the gradual destruction of personality.

Analysis of the concept

The word "degradation" has Latin roots. The prefix “de” – subtraction, gradus – step, step. Degradatio – reduction, deterioration of the characteristics of a phenomenon or object.

The term is widely used in the scientific field. In sociology, the degradation of society, characterized by the loss of social attitudes. Biology describes evolutionary atrophy as the loss of limbs that the body does not need. Psychology – spiritual degradation, deprivation of moral principles.

How it appears and who is susceptible

Where there is evolution, there is degradation. Nature has been testing its inhabitants for stress resistance for many years. Its weapons are biological, geological, and social factors of influence. From pathological microorganisms to natural disasters, it reveals the living world's ability to survive. If you save a life, you get a reward. Improving brain activity, increasing physical characteristics, developing communication skills - all these are signs of evolution. Then how does personality degradation appear? Inaction and weakness are punishable by deprivation of functionality. Reluctance to work for one's own benefit is punished by a decrease in the quality of life. Why does a cheetah need fast legs if it does not hunt fast antelopes? Or high intelligence for a person who is not interested in self-development?

Signs of human degradation

According to experts, there are the first signs of personality degradation:

1. Reluctance to take responsibility for yourself, for your actions and for your own life. The so-called “pawn” psychology.

2. There is no need to engage in spiritual growth and intellectual development. Needs are limited to physical needs.

3. For such a person, the world is divided strictly into black and white, people into good and bad, friends and strangers.

4. Increased feeling of guilt. Painful self-criticism and excessive feelings of guilt can be a sign of regression.

5. A strict set of life rules, beyond which it is not possible. (Often observed among prisoners and those who consider themselves to be part of the AUE community).

What does personal degradation look like based on external signs:

6. Untidy appearance. Dirty hair, a body that has not been washed for a long time, a strong smell of sweat and dirt, unwashed and torn clothes are signs of the final stage. A person can wander the streets drunk, sleep on the road, without being ashamed of his appearance and repulsive behavior.

7. Loss of interest in life. Needs are narrowed down to food, drink and alcohol (drugs). The view of the world narrows to the size of a keyhole, nothing evokes emotions. The surroundings become insignificant, illusory and invisible.

8. The vocabulary is reduced to a few interjections, verbs and obscene language.

9. Shame and disgust are lost. Food from the trash becomes the norm, and the views of others, like those around them, do not exist.

10. Deterioration of memory and intelligence. Primitive reasoning.

11. Mental instability. Irritability, aggression, frivolity, tearfulness and other manifestations of unhealthy psychological reactions.

Signs of Kali Yuga.

Srimad-Bhagavatam gives a colorful description of the Age of Degradation - Kali Yuga (Kali - fall, degradation in this context, Yuga - era). Excerpts from this chapter were at the beginning (12.2).

Sukadeva Gosvami said: O king! Due to the powerful influence of the age of degradation, religion, truthfulness, purity, patience, mercy, longevity, physical strength and memory will weaken day by day.

In the Age of Degradation, wealth alone will be considered the defining sign of good birth, correct behavior and good qualities of a person, and law and justice will be established by those who are stronger.

Men and women will cohabit only because of momentary attraction, and success in business will depend on the ability to deceive. Femininity and masculinity will be defined only by sexuality, and a brahmana will be considered one who simply wears a thread.

A person’s spiritual position will be judged only by external attributes, and the transition from one spiritual structure to another will consist only in their change. A person will be trusted only if he earns enough, and the one who skillfully juggles words will be considered an outstanding scientist.

A person will be condemned if he does not have money, hypocrisy will become a virtue, and marriage will be entered into simply by verbal consent. People will stop decorating their bodies with signs and attributes, and in order to look decent, ablution will be enough.

A distant body of water will be regarded as a holy place, and beauty will be judged by one's hairstyle. Gluttony will become the goal of life, and arrogance will be mistaken for truthfulness. The ability to support a family will become a criterion of experience, and the principles of religion will be observed only to maintain reputation. As the land is overrun by ungodly populations, the strongest will take power, regardless of class.

Having lost their wives and property because of such greedy and unmerciful rulers who will behave no better than ordinary thieves, their subjects will flee to the mountains and forests.

Plagued by hunger and excessive taxes, people will eat leaves, roots, flesh, wild honey, fruits, flowers and seeds. Suffering from drought, they will reach complete exhaustion.

Subjects will suffer greatly from cold, wind, heat, rain and snow. In addition, they will be tormented by strife, hunger, thirst, disease and unbearable anxiety.

Srimad-Bhagavatam. 12.2.1-10

How does personality degradation occur?

The process of personality degradation does not occur immediately. This takes time, sometimes years, and sometimes just months, depending on living conditions and the presence of the disease. The exception is those cases when, due to mechanical injury, a person loses part of the brain. Then personality degradation can occur simultaneously, along with memory loss and loss of some mental functions. This article is not about these cases; we are looking at the gradual loss of human appearance for various reasons.

Types of human degradation are usually divided into three types:

  • Spiritual degradation;
  • Moral;
  • Mental regression of personality.

Spiritual degradation of personality

A spiritually degrading person is not necessarily a monk who has left the monastery, although some people think so. The spiritual world of a person should be rich and diverse. For some, religion becomes a support in life, for others, science. In any case, they fill life with experiences, impressions and provoke development. Even books, movies and sports fill the spiritual world of people. Any hobby aimed at gaining new knowledge contributes to progress.

When a person neglects to fill the inner world, it becomes impoverished and a gradual process of moving back to a primitive existence begins. Lack of hobbies, reluctance to think, inability to occupy oneself with something other than satisfying base needs leads to the disintegration of personality. It becomes primitive, thinking becomes flat, interest in life is lost.

Moral degradation of personality

The disease of all humanity in all ages is degradation in the moral sense. The decline of morals and licentiousness affect society as a whole and each person individually. When an individual crosses the boundary of what is permitted, he steps onto a shaky bridge leading to the animal world and even below.

Animals have no moral norms and rules; only one law works there - the desire to survive. People have certain moral principles and rules that allow human civilization to exist. Some of them are set out in stone tablets, religious Talmuds and other sources. Everything else is collected in the constitution of any country.

In everyday life, moral degradation is manifested by promiscuous behavior, promiscuity, and disregard for the feelings of others. On a large scale, it is more sophisticated in nature - people with power equate themselves to gods and easily transgress moral laws.

Although outwardly they look quite presentable and cause envy among ordinary people, the mechanism of degradation has already been launched in many of them. Power corrupts just like big money, if there is no inner core.

Mental degradation of personality

Occurs when a person loses mental stability. First, professional skills fade, then creativity suffers, and at the end of the path there is asocialization and loss of vital activity.

Irritability, loss of concentration on a specific task, partial memory loss can be warning signs of impending degradation.

At the same time, lack of will, carelessness and various kinds of dependence are intensifying. This disease affects people of different ages and social status.

Corruption as a factor of personality degradation

Organized crime, hiding under the guise of officials, is a powerful factor in personality distortion. It affects both those who give bribes and those who accept them. Unspoken rules that exist parallel to official legislation give rise to double standards and create the illusion of lawlessness, because any issue can be resolved with the help of money and the “right” connections.

From this state of affairs, moral principles suffer and social degradation occurs. People who give bribes gradually lose their sense of the boundaries of what is permitted, and those who accept such rewards for services become dependent. This is a kind of doping that affects the breakdown of personality in the same way as gambling, alcohol and drug addiction.

Personality degradation in alcoholism and drug addiction

Alcoholic personality degradation is the most common form of regression. It begins with a “harmless” passion for your favorite alcoholic drink, the taste of which causes pleasure. Then more and more reasons to drink appear, including minor, absurd and fictitious ones. Over time, addiction intensifies and becomes chronic.

Personality degradation in drug addiction develops in the form of the following manifestations:

▪️Decreased self-control;

▪️Increased irritability, aggression;

▪️Superficial thinking dominates;

▪️Fine and large motor skills are disrupted;

▪️A person loses social connections with his former environment;

▪️There is complete degradation of personality.

So why did society not begin to live more cheerfully, but began to degrade?

In the late 60s and early 70s of the last century, humanity, distinguished by its progressiveness, faced a serious problem. The fact is that the basic needs of most people living in the United States and other leading capitalist countries have been met. Previously, people lived so well only in Paradise! After being expelled from Paradise, man had to constantly work hard to satisfy his rational and natural needs.

But in the 70s of the 20th century, average families not only did not lack healthy and tasty food, beautiful and high-quality clothing for the season, spacious, cozy and comfortable housing, but also acquired such luxury items as a car, household appliances, etc. d.

But just 10-20 years ago, all this was the American dream! Why a dream? Because all this was not available to the average person! In order to satisfy basic needs, a person who lived in the 50s and 60s had to work hard, endure all sorts of inconveniences and step on the throat of his own selfishness.

America 70s

And there is nothing strange about this, because in an ordinary English mining town in the late 50s there was only one bathroom. All other residents were forced to go to a public bathhouse, relieve themselves in street latrines during the day, and go to the toilet in chamber pots at night, the contents of which were covered with an ice crust by morning. Women washed clothes in a trough, ate fruit on major holidays, and bought flowers only for funerals.

In the 70s, two-thirds of the population of England and any other decently developed capitalist country gained access to security and everyday comfort. If earlier ordinary mortals, regardless of their country of residence, were forced to constantly struggle with hunger, cold and other signs of poverty, now the struggle for a piece of bread has faded into oblivion. Don’t believe that ordinary mortal people lived like this just recently? Then you definitely need to get acquainted with the works of Dickens, Remarque, Moravia, Hugo, Dreiser and their contemporaries!

Yesterday's poor man, forced to constantly scour for a piece of bread for himself and his family, overnight turned into a completely decent average person who eats well, dresses fashionably, has good housing, equipped with household appliances, and a personal vehicle. Elderly Europeans recall that after the end of World War II, many of them dreamed of simply eating normally and dressing normally. But after 10-20 years, the same Europeans noticed with surprise that they “no longer lacked anything.” A person who has nothing missing has eaten well, pushed the plate away from him, left the table and asked himself a reasonable question: “I’ve eaten to my heart’s content!” What next?”

The model of social development, based on satisfying basic needs with money earned by people, has exhausted itself. Not only did people not have any growth in cash or their needs, but they did not foresee any growth in the future. Only population growth could affect business growth, but in developed countries, population growth somehow did not work out.

Personality degradation: examples from life

✔️ Examples of personality degradation can be observed quite often, and one of them is my neighbor across the wall. At one time, he was a boy from a not very prosperous, but still complete family that lived an ordinary life. An inquisitive and kind child strived for knowledge and tried to learn and develop. As a teenager, he came under the influence of his older brother, who had recently been released from prison.

From that moment on, the death sentence was signed, so to speak. He lost interest in studying and tried to follow the example of the authorities of the underworld. Parents died, they lived alone with their brother. As a result, the young man received his first sentence of 19 years, and upon returning home, six months later he closed himself off from the whole world. The eldest received a new sentence, and this young man found himself without funds, without electricity, water, but in his own apartment.

He has cut off contacts with his remaining relatives and acquaintances, and any attempt to help is met with aggression. He drives away the girl who was waiting for him and loved him. He eats from the trash heap and hates the whole world. At the same time, he makes no attempt to improve his life, although he is only 20 years old. In just a couple of years, he lost his human appearance and turned into a primitive primate, from which passersby shy away.

✔️ Another example is a retired friend who has always been distinguished by a heightened sense of responsibility. A specialist in his field, he worked extremely hard and was under constant stress. After work, I would drink a can or two of beer to relax. This happened for several years. After he decided to go on vacation, life lost its meaning.

Neither grandchildren, nor children, nor household chores caused a rush of adrenaline; everything except addiction lost its meaning and meaning. The lack of former responsibility led to the fact that the doses of alcohol began to increase. And he began to gradually descend. Domestic alcoholism had a detrimental effect on his personality. A serious illness saved the man from complete degradation. He had to abruptly stop his addiction, which also had a bad effect on his health. Now he is recovering as a person, but his health is irrevocably undermined.

Degradation of society: where did it all start?

The maximum scientific and technical power was achieved by humanity in the 60s of the last century. One cannot but agree that after this no radical discoveries occurred either in technology or in science. The nuclear missile race at this stage of social development has become a kind of engine. It was thanks to this race that man's flight into space symbolized everything that humanity had been striving for and dreaming about for so long!

Therefore, it is not surprising that in the 50-60s of the last century the most prestigious, fashionable and sought-after profession was that of a mathematician, engineer, and nuclear physicist. Smart men in funny sweaters and long beards became heroes of films, TV series, songs and books. What girl hasn't dreamed of marrying an engineer and becoming the wife of a true hero? Those guys who were not lucky enough to take part in the nuclear missile race imitated the public's favorites and did everything possible to make a couple of nuclear friends!

All children dreamed of becoming astronauts. In the 60s of the twentieth century, the most fashionable and popular were those children who developed their mental abilities, were particularly kind and courageous, strived for victories in Olympiads and dreamed of studying at some MIPT or MEPhI after school.

In the 70s of the last century, the situation changed most dramatically. The nuclear missile race is no longer a priority. The nuclear superpowers, which previously were truly afraid of each other and did everything possible to protect themselves from the destructive actions of the enemy, switched their attention to solving completely different issues.

Previously, the real fear of becoming a victim of a nuclear attack turned into a common threat, which in America congressmen habitually used to scare their voters, and in the USSR they called it “the insidious machinations of capitalists and imperialists.” The arms race has not stopped completely, because a big business is characterized by great inertia. But it no longer caused panic attacks and hysterics among either Soviet or American citizens.

The nuclear missile race has turned from a combat matter into a bureaucratic matter. Governments no longer make demands on the scientific community at the same level as they previously did. And if earlier Comrade Beria promised to tear off Comrade Korolev’s head if the necessary thing at the nuclear test site did not explode, now political leaders began to treat scientists more calmly and loyally. Why create a panic and spoil the nervous system of both yourself and other people, if it is clear to even a schoolchild that there will be no nuclear war? Logical? Logical!

Therefore, in the 70s of the 20th century, the scientific profession had not yet lost its former prestige, but was already becoming a common profession. The prestige scale has already begun to change in the opposite direction! This change was symbolized by the famous Détente. Almost no one believed in a military threat anymore, so not a single sane comrade stood in line for gas masks or was engaged in the construction of a compact bunker on the territory of his summer cottage. Supporters of Détente shouted at every corner that this event could rightfully be called not only the true end of the Second World War, but also the true transition from war to peaceful coexistence. Many citizens of the USA and the USSR felt exactly this way, because everyone was already tired of experiencing uncertainty and emotional stress.

Science, technology, the scientific way of thinking and everything connected with them gradually ceased to be fashionable and in demand. If you think carefully, there is nothing strange in this, because science is not a “thing in itself.” All the problems it solves are always posed from the outside. Previously, scientists, satisfying their own curiosity at public expense, were engaged in improving various military equipment. When the arms race slowed down, the need to improve military equipment disappeared by itself.

The scientific way of thinking in the 70s of the 20th century began to give way to Eastern teachings, mystical movements and esotericism. Positivism and rationalism, characteristic of the scientific way of thinking, have lost their priority. People have become much more interested in organizing spiritualistic seances, studying esotericism and mysticism. The official ban only fueled public interest in these “miracles from overseas.” Over the hill, at that time, it was fashionable to become a Buddhist, practice yoga and study other teachings with mystical overtones, which are very far from a scientific and rational approach to the reality around us.

How not to fall yourself

There are a few simple tips that will help you prevent falling into the social ranks:

  • Constantly develop yourself. Remember that one of the levels of degradation is skills. Therefore, constantly upgrade your abilities to be useful to people. This is where we need to start. If you do not consciously develop, then the likelihood of degradation increases significantly.

  • Train your willpower. Meditation helps very well in this matter, since it teaches you to direct attention to what is needed.
  • Develop good habits. A strong will is good, but a person gets tired from putting in too much effort. Therefore, cultivate habits that will then automatically develop you: read, communicate with interesting people, work, spend free time with loved ones, eat right, play sports, think positively. It seems trivial, but try to do it systematically. After a while, you won’t be able to live without it, and besides everything else, your standard of living will increase significantly, as well as your authority in the eyes of others.

It all starts with willful efforts, but they must be used wisely. Scientists have found that self-control is a resource, the reserves of which also need to be restored from time to time. So use it well by forming good habits.

Methods to combat personality destruction

Any therapy is aimed at eliminating the etiology of the disease. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the resulting degradation. Laziness, apathy, routine - a person can get rid of everything on his own. The main helpers in this are willpower and fortitude.

Psychologists have discovered an interesting phenomenon of “comparison”. A person begins to act and get rid of routine if he sees motivation. And he can be motivated by people who have achieved success in one area or another. Fortunately, in the age of modern technology, everyone has the opportunity to open Youtube and watch motivational videos. Having plunged into the world of bodybuilding, trading, parkour, a person asks the question: “Why am I worse? I can do that too". The stimulus gives rise to the goal. The target removes the shackles of degradation from him.

Self-medication or professional help

There are situations when willpower alone is not enough. We are talking about drug and alcohol addiction. Victims suffer from a variety of pathologies. The most destructive thing is personality degradation.

Psychiatrists and narcologists note difficulties in treating this disease. It is necessary to convey to the patient that he is deteriorating and needs to be treated. Therapy at the first stage comes down to psychological effects. The doctor tries to instill in the patient a desire to be healthy. If this does not bring results, then hypnosis is used. Medications are used only in extreme cases.

The developed dependence, which does not allow the personality to develop, is suppressed by psychotropic drugs. Going into battle:

  • Antidepressants - to relieve attacks of apathy and indifference.
  • Neuroleptics as drugs that eliminate schizophrenia.
  • Sleeping pills – normalize sleep and restore the body.
  • Nootropics – improve metabolic processes in the brain.

Drug therapy is intended for short-term treatment. The drugs negatively affect other organs and form drug dependence. Professional help comes down to self-medication.

Alarming signs of personality decline

The degradation process occurs gradually and is accompanied by symptoms that may not be immediately noticed. A person becomes less trainable, he loses the desire to learn about the world around him. Cognitive abilities decrease, the range of interests narrows.

Behavioral changes

Signs of human degradation are noticeable long before the complete destruction of the individual. The first symptom is a limitation in the range of interests. Human:

  • stops attending social events;
  • does not read books or articles;
  • cares only about biological needs (drink, food, sleep, intimacy);
  • has difficulty fulfilling his duties at work;
  • does not manifest itself in the professional sphere at all.

Behavior becomes more cheeky, the feeling of shame and disgust disappears.

Mental changes

If you don’t know how to understand that a person is deteriorating, watch his speech. The following manifestations indicate a decrease in intelligence:

  • reduction in vocabulary;
  • abundance of swear words;
  • memory impairment (forgets what he said, what he agreed on);
  • primitive speech without emotionally charged expressions.

A person becomes prone to categorical judgments, that is, he divides the world into “black and white.” In a conversation, he talks only about himself, not paying attention to the condition and needs of his interlocutor. The circle of contacts is changing and shrinking. Among your friends there appear people with the same signs of degradation.

Emotional changes

The inability to control oneself is a clear sign of degradation. Hot temper, irritability and anxiety interfere not only with the person himself, but also with those around him. He also tends to be prejudiced and think negatively. Other features:

  • deceit;
  • moodiness, grumbling;
  • impermanence;
  • discontent.

A person believes that nothing depends on him and blames external circumstances for his problems. He does not know how to admit his own mistakes, let alone accept someone else's point of view.

External manifestations

By reducing the feeling of shame, the individual stops worrying about what other people think. The appearance becomes sloppy and sloppy. A person neglects the rules of personal hygiene in general (especially in advanced stages).

It all starts with little things, for example, refusing to get a manicure or a haircut. A person can wear dirty clothes and does not care about his appearance. Often these are overweight or extremely thin people who do not engage in physical activity.

Here I note that completeness is only in some cases a sign of degradation. The point is how a person feels about his body. There are people around me who are overweight. But they either try to change this, or accept themselves as they are and pay attention to other areas of life. A degrading personality does not think about this at all.

On the importance of strong willful efforts

In fact, it is easy not to become a degenerate. Just volitional efforts must be feasible. It wouldn’t occur to you to lift 100 kilograms in the gym when you yourself weigh 50, right? You need to take a feasible weight. It is much easier to implement a small habit than a large one. And when it already becomes a part of you, then it can be cultivated. The main thing is to plant the seed and constantly water it . And then it will become a huge tree that will bear very tasty fruits. And remember - willpower is a muscle that can and should be trained.

In the world, a huge number of people die due to lack of self-control (they drink themselves to death, commit suicide, die from a heart attack due to eating food rich in cholesterol), do not repeat their example. Indeed, the body will not thank you if you abuse anything. This is precisely the first symptom of degradation.

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