The unconscious is all mental processes, phenomena that are not realized by the subject and are not controlled
Remember Pavlov's series of experiments to study conditioned reflex reactions associated with the functioning of the digestive system? Ivan
Impairments in intelligence, memory and other higher mental functions are a symptom of many neurological diseases. Similar
Previously, back during the USSR, we were told that not giving a damn is bad. And what
Intelligence is a whole set of characterological, mental and social qualities of an individual that contribute to meeting expectations
Misanthropy is a persistent rejection of people, the habit of seeing only their shortcomings in them. Personality
September 9, 2018 Psychology of communication Raisa Bogacheva Most of humanity tries to tell the truth, but
Hello, dear readers! Can you call yourself a truly happy person? Here, right, put it
September 20, 2018 Personality psychology Yulia Shishkina Good work, wealth and prosperity are,
Snowball This is one of the most popular psychological dating games. Any person getting