Questions of adolescence: how to become a cool girl

find yourself

Don't try to imitate, develop your own personality. It’s very good if you have an idol - your favorite singer or actress - and you want to be like her. But remember, by imitating someone, you can lose yourself. Choose your own style that you feel comfortable in and maintain it. And under no circumstances should you try to clone the wardrobe of a friend or classmate, even if her style seems very attractive to you. According to the unspoken rule of girls, only best friends can wear the same things and only by mutual agreement. So, most likely, she will not be delighted when she sees her favorite blouse on you. Want to know how to be a cool girl? The answer is simple: find yourself!

Deadly "coolness"

A considerable part of the “tough” guys and girls believe that coolness means dissolute behavior, aggression, and disrespect for others, but this is not true at all. I would like to give the main erroneous positions for schoolchildren who are wondering “how to become cooler.”

  1. You shouldn't try to bribe everyone in the class. Money spoils people, especially if they are not earned through their own labor.
  2. Disdainful attitude towards both classmates and elders (teachers, parents). Such behavior will only repel and turn against you.
  3. Unnatural, excessive praise of one's skills, strength or knowledge. A strong and intelligent person is recognized by those around him as cool, without the help of any low methods.


Every girl wants to look attractive, this is our essence. And no matter how much the sayings convince us that it is not clothes that make a person, but character, it is the visual image that people pay attention to first of all. So, if you don’t have beautiful things in your wardrobe, get ready to go shopping!

Now there are no specific fashion canons: a lace dress and ripped jeans will look equally attractive. So all you have to do is choose something to your taste. But don’t forget that when choosing clothes you should take into account your body shape and age. If you want to know how to be a cool girl at 8 years old, then forget about short skirts, makeup and heels. All this will happen, but in a few years. Don't try to look older, even if you think that's the only way to look cool. Each age has its own idea of ​​beauty, and at 8-10 years old the most attractive image is natural.

Humor: what is it?

Before you change yourself and your own behavior in any way, you need to decide what, in fact, is humor and what causes laughter? So, laughter is called a person’s manifestation of fun. Dictionaries interpret that a situation or event that, in a person’s opinion, cannot happen, becomes a reason for laughter. The designation is rather vague, since not everything in the fantasy category can be classified as humor. To more clearly understand the category of laughter, it is best to find sources with relevant examples. For example, movies or comedy programs, as well as printed and humorous publications.

Personal care

At the age of 11-13 years, pimples begin to appear on the face - the most unpleasant moment in growing up. This is due to changes in the body and hormonal imbalance.

How to become a cool girl at 11 years old if the skin on your face is prone to acne? Of course, this makes the task a little more difficult, but does not make it impossible. Your skin needs special care, which means you need to choose effective benzoyl-based products for topical use, wipe your face with antibacterial infusions and wash your face twice a day with soft gels.

Your hair also needs to be kept clean, because greasy locks with split ends are unlikely to add authority to you.

Also, during adolescence, profuse sweating begins, so be sure to use an antiperspirant so that the smell of sweat does not spoil the impression of your image.

No complexes!

The jeans your friend fit into are a little tight on you, and you already refuse dinner, lock yourself in your room and sob into your pillow. Remember, all complexes associated with appearance are far-fetched. We always admire someone and hate something about ourselves. Even Angelina Jolie probably finds some flaws in herself, and this despite the multimillion-dollar admiration for her beauty. The desire for self-improvement is a commendable trait. But don't overdo it.

In fact, figuring out how to become a cool girl is very simple. You need to love yourself the way you are. You will be surprised, but the attitude of others will also change. Stop turning up your nose at every pimple, complaining about your short height and complaining about dry hair. Nobody likes grumps. Smile and shrug off the flaws. You are beautiful! Even serious flaws in appearance can be turned into advantages, so you definitely don’t need to worry about a couple of extra pounds. Your body is still growing, your figure is just taking shape, and in a year or two you will see a completely different reflection in the mirror, and it will be beautiful. So don't have complexes about your appearance.

How to become a cool girl at 10 years old in school? Right. Love yourself, say goodbye to complexes and confidently step through all the troubles.

Humor without insults: how to learn this?

You can and should joke about yourself and others. But be sure to do it in such a way that no one will be offended by you later. Otherwise, instead of fame as an interesting and funny person, you will earn hidden hatred from people who have become objects of not particularly successful humor.

The easiest way is to try on all the jokes on yourself. Before you speak, think: if they joked about you like that, how would you take it? And, of course, humor should not touch on such topics:

  • a person's appearance,
  • disability, if any,
  • religious beliefs,
  • race.

If you know that the topic of conversation is extremely important for a person, then making jokes about this would also not be the best idea. And, of course, humor should never be turned into bullying. Everyone knows what it is from school. In almost all classes there were students who were considered outsiders by the entire class. And they most often turned into targets for jokes and banter, and even outright bullying. This is unforgivable even for children, and it is absolutely forbidden to repeat this as an adult.

First love

If you fall head over heels in love with a boy, and he is in no hurry to reciprocate your feelings, do not rush to shed tears. Maybe he likes you too, he just doesn't know how to express it. Sometimes boys are too timid to take the first step. They are much more afraid of failure than girls. So hint to him about your feelings: smile, ask for help with a task, try to find common topics with him. If he is interested in you, he will be happy to help you with your homework and keep the conversation going. And if not, then it’s not a disaster. Life is just beginning! Just imagine how many loves you still have ahead of you!

Simple things make them happy

They can be serious when necessary, but they are easy to make laugh. In general, they take life very lightly - that’s why it’s so pleasant to be in their company.

We literally want to surround ourselves with such people - get in touch with them, call them, invite them somewhere. We feel good with them - all because they also like our company.

How to become one of these people? As Oscar Wilde said: “Be yourself - all the other places are already taken.” And yet, knowing what qualities we especially like in others, we can at least try to cultivate them in ourselves.

Peer interaction

As teenagers, we are driven by the desire to surpass our peers, and all we dream about is how to become a cool girl. At the age of 9, an unspoken war for popularity at school begins. In fact, this is a very important stage, because the winner receives recognition of his authority, attention and voting rights, and in the future, the most popular guy in the school. Not bad, right? Who is “Miss School”?

To become popular, you need to be not only attractive, but also interesting. Even if you are super-duper beautiful, but you cannot combine two words into one sentence, no one will communicate with you. Read more, not only VKontakte statuses, but also modern fiction. Watch the latest movies, take an interest in different musical styles, sign up for dancing or an acting class, and you will definitely have something to talk about in the company. Practice your wit. The ability to insert a funny phrase at the right time can make you the life of the party.

Spend more time in groups, make new acquaintances, winning over more and more peers with your charm and wit. Attend important school events, take the initiative in organizing them - and consider success in your hands!

How to become confident and popular at school and in life, where to start?

Circle of friends

You almost certainly have useless girlfriends from whom you can learn nothing. When you come from an average family, study in high school, you are surrounded by the same people, it is unrealistic to learn anything useful from them. All your current girlfriends will become losers in the future, and so will you, if you attach importance to communicating with them. It's painful and hard, but you have to give up everyone around you, except your parents.

Don’t tell anyone anything about your plans, continue to communicate as necessary, but understand and decide for yourself - all of them are not an example or authority for me.

Do you want a better life? Gather a new social circle from whom you can follow an example! You need to communicate with the best you can reach. Start with social networks.

Delete all old pages - this is your past life, you need to get rid of it forever! After this, create new pages, but make sure that none of your classmates and ex-girlfriends can find you, they have no place in your new life, they are a temporary phenomenon in your reality, and the time will come your paths will completely diverge.

You need to find role models - successful girls and men. They should be better than you in everything. Choose those who are older, smarter, more beautiful, richer. Watch them and at the same time study all the material on creating a personal brand on social networks. The Internet is full of publicly available articles and videos on page design and personal brand development.

Your goal is to create an ideal image on social networks and reach for it in reality. Most people think that celebrities, businessmen and politicians are unreachable. This is not true, if you are confident, prudent and wise, a month after opening a new page you will be able to make virtual friendships with many successful people.

Create an ideal image, take an active position, communicate with everyone on topics that interest them. Thanks to this, you can gradually make friends with politicians, businessmen and simply successful bloggers.

Start with successful men, they are interested in communicating with a smart schoolgirl, because this is such a rarity. New communication will give you confidence, you will be able to make acquaintances with successful fashion bloggers. Just don't pay attention to Russian-speaking bloggers. Start communicating with bloggers from the USA and Europe. Thanks to friendship with foreign celebrities, it will then be easy to meet ours, this will happen almost automatically.

At the same time, gain subscribers in every way, the more, the better. Every thousand will give you confidence. When you reach 100K, you will be able to earn some money, and then everything will come easier and faster.

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