Original answers to the question “How are you feeling?”

To the question “how are you feeling?” You can answer in a funny and original way, but not every interlocutor should write humorous phrases. It is necessary to take into account age, character and personal characteristics. Non-standard answers to the question “how are you feeling?” or “how are you?” can be like this: “You can’t wait, you’ll rejoice early”, “The prosecutor has business, and I’m a small person, so I’m just doing business”, “Things are stable and civilized”, “Everything is in a bunch like dill”, “Relatively bad or good , depending on which side you look at.”

What are the 12 secret words that can quickly make a man fall in love?

What is the secret of these words? Press the button and watch the video to the end.

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An article about a template phrase: like the mood. Or similar ones: why are you so gloomy, are you somehow sad, and so on.

Never tell a person that he is sad if you see that he is sad. If you want to help a person, which usually has nothing to do with these routine phrases, then you need to ask about his gloomy mood very carefully, coming from afar. Otherwise you will get an insincere answer.

Boost morale at work

If you periodically encounter such a problem as a breakdown in the workplace, then some tips will help you boost your morale.

Full lunch break.

If your lunch break lasts half an hour or more, try not to spend it at your workplace! Go to a coffee shop nearby, sit in the courtyard on a bench with a glass of your favorite drink, if possible, take a walk in the square or park. A periodic change of environment is very important, and if you get such a chance, then you should not neglect it.

Order in the workplace.

The cleaner and tidier it is around you, the easier it will be for you to “breathe,” even if you believe that this order does not affect your work in any way. If your table is littered with a pile of various papers, filled with cups and various garbage, then even subconsciously this will depress you. Put things in order around you, and you will see that your work will be much easier.

Plans for the day.

To avoid taking on a dozen things at once and ultimately not getting anything done, in the morning make a list of the tasks that you need to complete during the day. Immediately estimate how much time you will need for this or that task, and try to invest within the established deadlines, without being distracted by extraneous topics.

Plans for the evening.

Work will be more fun if you know that there is some reward waiting for you after it! This could be a meeting with a friend, a date, dinner with family, a walk in the park, shopping and much more. Try to always plan something for the evening. Even the point: “Buy a chocolate bar and watch a couple of episodes of your favorite TV series” is also a great plan!

Why shouldn't you ask how you're feeling?

A person can be in a bad mood or in a normal, calm mood. In both cases, he may not want to share his emotional state.

At a minimum, the question of how one is in a mood makes a person look inside himself and think about what kind of mood he is in.

And how to answer the question how are you feeling?

Suppose someone asked how you were feeling. Another thought and realized that, in general, there was nothing unusual, the mood was just a mood. Or even worse, he doesn't have the best one.

And the question presupposes an answer. And you will say:

- Yes, everything is fine, fine.

And if this is not true, the person who asked you such a question forced you to answer insincerely. And this dissonance annoys you. Or another person, if you asked the question.

You can’t always and want to answer in the style of:

- Yes, I’m in a bad mood!

Besides, it's not polite. You can also offend with this answer, and then regret it. Or be discouraged by such an answer and then the question will follow: “What’s so?” or “What happened?”

And you will have to tell. And you don’t want to go into details either to anyone or to everyone. And so you just tell the person: “It’s normal,” so that he doesn’t get into your soul.

What to ask instead of “how are you?”

  • How are you doing?
  • What's up?
  • Like at home?
  • How are things going, really?
  • What are you doing?
  • How was your day?
  • What happened at work (school)?
  • What did you do today?
  • What are your plans for the future?
  • How are you (yourself)?

All these questions also fall into the category of banal ones. They can be asked to any person, even a stranger. But if you want to show concern for someone, then you need to ask the person exactly what he is living with now. If you are studying, then ask a question regarding school, college, or institute. If you communicate with a young parent, then you need to ask how the child is. Conversations about babies can be truly endless. The only thing that can compete with this topic is a conversation about pets, because they are like children to us.

Passionate people have their own inexhaustible topics: theater, photography, literature, fine arts, dancing, electronics, cars, fishing, football... The main thing is to know what a person is passionate about, and to be at least a little in the subject. And then everything will work out!

You may have noticed that your friend has started to behave unusually, such as becoming silent and quiet. If you are worried about your friend, ask him directly if he is okay. However, choose an appropriate time to talk. Lead the conversation in the right way. Your friend should feel your support and help. If necessary, encourage your friend to seek professional help.

When is it okay to ask how is your mood?

It’s another thing when you’re at a party, everyone drinks and is happy. Here the question of how you are feeling is very appropriate. In most cases, the person will say something like:

- Actually fire! It's very cool here!

And with such a question, you will, on the contrary, encourage the person. He will begin to say that the mood is “super!” and from this it will improve even more. Yes, and you will feel this charge of lifting. Everyone wins.

That's how things are. It would seem that the question is the same. A matter of politeness, but in one case it brings benefit, and in another it causes harm.

About sad mood

If suddenly a girl is sad, then due to feminine nature, she may just want to talk it out. And it is appropriate to ask about her condition, but with other questions. For example:

- I noticed you are sad today. Did something happen to you?

And add after a pause:

- If you don't want to, don't answer.

This is a correct question, instead of the thoughtless “are you gloomy for some reason.” Although this is sometimes appropriate. It depends on who and when to ask. In general, ask questions wisely, correctly assessing the situation.

Video (click to play).


  1. Breslav, Gershon Psychology of emotions / Gershon Breslav. - Moscow: Mir, 2007. - 544 p.
  2. Gerhardsen, E. And don't fight anymore! How to avoid jealousy between children in a family / E. Gerhardsen. - M.: Alpina Publisher, 2021. - 205 p.

How to answer the question “how are you feeling”? How to answer in an original way?

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All data for the site has been collected and carefully processed in order to convey all the necessary information as accessible as possible. However, in order to apply everything described on the site, a MANDATORY consultation with professionals is always necessary.

Test results

Find out something new about your mood by which picture you like best.

Business lady

You are in a great working mood. You are collected, concentrated and determined to achieve results. With this message, today will be super productive. Perhaps an interesting business acquaintance, a bonus or a promotion awaits you.

Psychologist's advice. To make your day even better, make a to-do list first thing in the morning and plan at least one long-term goal. Break it down into small steps and start completing the first one today! Learn how to set goals correctly so you can always achieve them.

Are you in the mood for romance?

It’s immediately clear from your choice of clothing that you are focused on your emotions and inner world. Today you are super sexy and irresistible. Perhaps a new acquaintance awaits you. Get ready to receive compliments and gifts.

Psychologist's advice. To make this day even better, start it with affirmations for women. Spend no more than 5 minutes pronouncing attitudes about money, love and luck and tune in to the positive.

Test indicates mood swings

You haven’t decided yet how to spend this day. Whatever you choose to do, do it with pleasure and avoid things that spoil your mood or lower your self-esteem. Find out the list of the worst things you can do to start your morning, and don’t make the same mistakes again.

Psychologist's advice. Remember, you decide what your mood will be today. Be positive, smile at yourself in the mirror and go conquer the world.

Today is not the best day

Despite the fact that nothing particularly interesting has happened to you yet, you shouldn’t be upset. If you're feeling nervous, learn how to quickly calm down and relieve tension.

Sports training will help you cheer up and get into a working mood. How to force yourself to exercise even when you really don’t want to, read here.

Psychologist's advice. Plan to set aside some time and a small amount of money today to treat yourself. Think about what you would like and do it today.

Standard answers

  • “I’m in an amazing mood, and can you please me with the same answer?
    “In this way, you can continue the dialogue with your interlocutor.
  • “Normal.
    "is an absolutely neutral and unobtrusive phrase. The person makes it clear that he does not want to share his inner experiences;
  • "Badly
    », «

    Doesn't matter

    », «


    " People who need to share their experiences answer this question with these phrases. After such an answer, the interlocutor will definitely ask the following question: “

    What's happened?


Accordingly, each phrase depends on the person’s emotions and desire to continue the dialogue.

Snarky options

Etiquette is etiquette, but sometimes you just want to tease your interlocutor if you have the feeling that he is not sincerely interested in matters. And then you can answer like this:

  1. “I really didn’t want to upset you, but, alas, everything is fine!”
  2. “Poor, miserable me... I’m already tired of figuring out how to answer banal questions every day.”
  3. “Everything was fine until I met you.”
  4. “Better than some.”
  5. “I am simply ecstatic from your questions. Ask me how I spent my day, and I will be simply captivated.”
  6. “You are incomparably original in your questions.”
  7. "I don't think you're interested."
  8. “I haven’t lost enough weight yet to have a dialogue with you.”
  9. “Just like you asked, it immediately felt great, I missed it so much!”
  10. “Lately I’ve been training my pet to answer such questions.”

You can get to know a guy better by asking questions!

All of these answer options will make it clear to the interlocutor that you have no intention of continuing the dialogue.


Part 1

Prepare for the conversation

  1. Talk to a friend alone.

    Choose an appropriate place to talk. If you start a conversation in front of other people, your friend will likely feel awkward and won't tell you honestly what's going on with them. For example, if you invite him to have a cup of coffee or lunch together, he may be reluctant to talk about his condition because you will be surrounded by other people, even strangers. If you want to talk to a friend about their condition, choose a time and place where you can be alone. Talk to a friend alone.

    • Talk in the car, while walking, or in another private place.
  2. Choose a time when nothing and no one will distract you.

    You should not start a conversation with a friend if he is busy with work, talking on the phone, communicating with someone, or thinking about something, for example, about an upcoming exam. Choose a time when no one or nothing can interrupt your conversation.

    • For example, if you go to a friend's house and his parents or siblings constantly interrupt your conversation, it is better to choose a quieter place where no one will distract you.
  3. Be prepared to talk.

    You must be willing to listen, express your point of view, and support your friend. Don't be distracted, devote all your time to your friend. Don't allow yourself to think about anything else, such as an upcoming call. Focus completely on the conversation with your friend. Your time should belong only to him.

    • Remember that you cannot solve a person's problems. If a person does not want or is not ready to talk about the problem, do not insist. It's his decision.
    • If you think you'll be nervous talking about something personal, write down a few points in advance that you want to discuss.

  4. Part 2

    Express your concerns

  5. Speak in a friendly manner.

    Show your interest. When talking to a friend, be cordial, open and polite. Show that you are concerned and want to help and support him. Talk to your friend as usual. Show that you care what happens to him.

    • Say, “I'm worried about you and want to know if you're okay.”
    • Nonverbal gestures can show your concern. Sit facing your friend and maintain eye contact while talking. If you think it's necessary, you can put your hand on your shoulder so that your friend feels your concern.

  6. Ask a friend how he is doing.

    When you're both ready to talk, start asking questions. You can start with a simple question: “Are you okay?” Please note that there are many ways to find out how your friend is doing. For example, you could ask, “How are you doing?” You can also ask the question: “How are you? Do you want to talk?"

    • Starting a conversation can be the most difficult part of your conversation. Ask a direct question and let the person answer it.
  7. Mention something specific.

    If there is something that worries you or affects you, say so. This is especially worth doing if your friend is surprised or defensive towards you. Tell him directly about your assumptions and how it affects you.

    • For example, say, “I've noticed that you've been spending a lot of time alone lately. Are you all right?"
    • You can also say: “You've been acting very secretive lately. Something happened?"

  8. Talk only about objective observations, do not make assumptions or accusations.
  9. Avoid conflicts.

    Pay close attention to your interlocutor's reaction. Notice any cues that indicate the person doesn't want to talk to you or is becoming defensive. Your goal is not to start a quarrel or conflict. If a person does not respond to your questions, you should not insist on your opinion. Repeat that you care deeply and are always ready to be there for him.

    • If the person becomes defensive, ask, “Would you like to talk to someone else?” or “I won’t insist on talking, but please, if you want to talk, don’t be shy, call me.”
    • Be prepared for the fact that it may take several conversations before the person tells you about their problem. Therefore, you should not try to find out everything during your first conversations with a person.

    • If a person is afraid to ask for help, encourage him to call the emergency psychological help hotline of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation 8-499-216-50-50 or use the services of a similar emergency service.
  10. After the call, encourage the person to see a psychotherapist or follow the instructions of the hotline operator.

Part 3

Respond to a person's problem

  1. Listen.

    It's not enough to simply ask a friend if he's okay. It is more important to show him that you are ready to listen and support him. Make sure you have enough time if the person is ready to vent. Lean towards your friend and try to maintain eye contact while talking. Nod your head and show the person that you are listening, for example by repeating, “Oh, yes,” or “I understand.” The person needs to see that you understand what he is talking about, as well as what emotions he is going through.

    • For example, you could say, “I'm really sorry you're feeling sad and irritable.”
    • Don't say you know how the person feels. It is best to be close to him and empathize with him in a difficult situation.

  2. Don't judge your interlocutor.

    Even if you disagree with a person, you should not immediately tell him about it, as this can lead to a quarrel. Don't blame your friend for what happened, even if you think that he himself is to blame for his problems. Remember, you only asked if he was okay. Regardless of how you feel about the situation, keep your opinions to yourself, at least during the first conversation.

    • For example, if your friend tells you that he uses drugs, don't reprimand him for it. Listen and help him understand that this is a serious problem.
  3. Recognize the depth of your friend's feelings.

    As you listen to your friend, understand the deep feelings and painful emotions he is experiencing. If your friend is having a hard time, pay attention to this. Show that you are ready to listen to him and have great empathy for him.

    • Just listen to your friend and sympathize with him before giving advice. You can ask, “What do you think you’ll do next?” By helping your friend formulate a solution to a problem, you make him feel responsible.
    • If you don't know what to say, try something like "It sounds like you're having a really hard time" or "Yes, it's a very difficult situation."

This article will talk about witty and universal ways to answer the banal question “how are you?”
In the modern world, communication is natural; not a single person can do without it. Every day the phrases “hello, how are you...”, “hello, how are you...” fly at us and often confuse us. To avoid standard, boring and primitive answers like “everything is fine”, check out the top most unexpected and original phrases. To compile this list, many sources were analyzed, everyone will find something useful for themselves and will use it for their own pleasure.

What is this question for: rules of etiquette

Why do people ask the question: “How are you?”

. These are the subtleties of etiquette. These include “What are you doing?”, “How are you?”, “How is life?”, “What are your hobbies?” and so on.

In most cases, the interlocutor is not interested in the real state of mind of the other person and is not ready to listen to long stories, this is just an excuse to start a dialogue.

The exception is relatives and friends. For example, if parents ask their child how he is, then they are most likely really worried about his state of mind. Just like close friends, you can tell them about everything that is on your soul down to the smallest detail.

You definitely need to ask a similar question in response. But there are people who should not be privy to such details, for example, a boss or a colleague. It is enough for them to respond with a simple phrase: “Everything is fine, I thank you.”

For relatives

Most of all, of course, you hear questions about how things are from those closest to you, for example, from parents. After all, no matter how old the son or daughter is, they will still continue to worry about the life of their child. For parents, it is worth preparing a warm answer, for example, “Everything is fine, because you are taking care of me,” “When I talk to you, everything is always fine with me.” A few words can bring joy and happiness, so why not take advantage of it. You need to find the right words for loved ones.

Read also: How to create and remove a table in Word

It turns out that in a simple question “How are you?” there is a lot of meaning behind it.

And your answer should depend on how much you trust your interlocutor and how long you plan to talk with him. In any case, you already have the preparations and even the most curious interlocutor will not be able to take you by surprise.

How to support your interlocutor if he answered that he was in a bad mood?

In this case, optimistic, humorous phrases will help. They should prompt a bored or worried person to the fact that everything is not as terrible as he imagines. So, how to support your interlocutor if he answered that he was in a bad mood? Here are suitable phrases:

  • But I'm in a good mood. Do you want me to share it with you? I do not mind.
  • I have a great one. Now I'll infect you with it.
  • It’s okay, now you’ll be in a wonderful mood! I will do my best for this.
  • Don't worry, I've already called the good wizard. Now he will come and make sure that the smile does not leave your face.
  • You're in a bad mood because I wasn't there. Now everything will change.
  • My cat also got into a bad mood when he saw the vacuum cleaner. And then nothing, I got involved.
  • Well, go ahead, smile!

Read the link in another article about how to beautifully respond to insults, rudeness, and awkward questions. You will find phrases and tips on the correct behavior in this case.

Of course, the answers to the question “how are you feeling?” vary greatly in different situations. If a boss or colleague asks, it is better to limit yourself to banal, restrained answers. And if the conversation takes place in a fun, informal atmosphere, then you can show off some jokes.

How do you usually answer such a question or have you heard some original answers? Write your answer in the comments below.


If you have difficulty choosing the optimal answer, the following recommendations will help you:

  1. To choose the optimal answer, decide how close your acquaintance is with the person to whom you are addressing your words - the closer your acquaintance, the wider the choice of phrases that you can afford. If you are choosing words for an unfamiliar, unfamiliar person, use neutral, formal phrases with positive and/or neutral content (without sarcasm, “dark” humor, ambiguity, hints, subtext).
  2. Also decide for yourself whether you want to continue/develop the conversation and what impression you want to leave with your interlocutor. If you plan to immediately stop the conversation and are not afraid to leave a negative impression of yourself forever (and/or you know for sure that this impression will not harm you in the future) - choose phrases after which the addressee (the one to whom you are addressing your words) will no longer have the desire to support you with your dialogue (this includes sarcastic, vulgar, ambiguous, rude, harsh phrases with negative connotations, ridicule and/or arrogant). If you plan to develop a conversation, choose neutral words and expressions, with good humor, without sarcasm, rudeness, or ambiguity. Say them calmly and kindly; at the end you can add a question (or immediately select a question phrase) - this will encourage the interlocutor to answer you, and the dialogue will not end up in a dead end (for example: “Thank you, not bad. How about you?”, “Excellent! You’ll enjoy it together.” with me?”, “What could it be like if profits/income/salaries increase by 30%?”, etc.).
  3. If you respond to a colleague, boss, manager, partner, choose neutral, formal, optimistic phrases (without sarcasm, ambiguity, vulgarity, negativity, etc.), pronounce them without pretensions in intonation, kindly (these include: “Thank you, quite cheerful!”, “Working!”, “Thank you, I’m fine!”, etc.). If your colleague/partner/manager is your friend, you can allow yourself a wider choice of phrases (with humor, hints, etc.). However, you should not use ambiguous phrases in cases where the recipient is surrounded by strangers/unfamiliar people or other colleagues/partners - this way you can avoid misunderstandings, do not earn a dubious reputation, and do not put yourself and those present in an awkward position.
  4. If you are responding to a friend, relative, person close (in spirit, in interests, in worldview, etc.), choose any phrases that you consider appropriate and that the interlocutor can understand, adequately perceive and demonstrate the reaction that you expect . The better the recipient knows you, the more he shares your views/interests/disposition/taste/humour, the more tolerant he will be towards the most ambiguous words.
  5. If you are making a new acquaintance, flirting (or planning to attempt flirting), use light phrases, with kind (and understandable) humor, with complimentary content, a good message, without sarcasm or harshness (for example: “Great, since I see you!” “It’s daring! I can share it with you!”, “I’ll treat you to something delicious, then I’ll cheer you up and take a little of your mood for myself... On loan! At interest!”, etc.). Even if you are in a low mood (state of sadness, melancholy, etc.), try not to start a new acquaintance by burdening and frightening your interlocutor with negativity; subsequently he may avoid communicating with you.
  6. When you choose a sarcastic, harsh, ambiguous phrase to answer, make sure that the interlocutor is balanced, in a state of emotional stability, able to adequately respond to such a format of dialogue and positively perceives ambiguous humor, hints, and ambiguity. It is better to address such phrases and expressions to people who prefer a communication style similar to yours - they will appreciate them, happily support them, and you will avoid misunderstandings/embarrassment/offenses.
  7. To get the intended effect from your words, it is important not only what you say, but also how you say it. Use a pleasant smile (not a grin), a friendly tone, lightness (speak without pressure), ironic intonations if you want to maintain a peaceful/calm course of further conversation and leave a pleasant impression. Use a dismissive tone, arrogance, a grin (if appropriate), a sad look, an unfriendly facial expression, hostile intonations in your voice if you want to alienate your interlocutor, stop all communication and leave an unpleasant impression. In the case of virtual communication/correspondence, when there is no way to support your words with facial expressions, gestures and intonation, use suitable “emoticons” (for the emotional coloring of what is written/printed, to improve mutual understanding). Try not to use “emoji” in business correspondence with management/partners/officials - the correspondence will look frivolous, and so will you, your reputation may suffer, and mutual understanding will deteriorate. However, if this is correspondence with a well-known manager/partner/official, and this format is welcomed (and you know this for sure, because it was discussed) - there is no need to avoid “emoticons”, because they make dry text more “human” and friendly , help you seem more friendly, and can soften criticism (if it is in the text). In such cases, try to place no more than 4 “emoticons” per 1 text (depending on the length of the text, but the main rule: they should not distract attention from the content of the text).
  8. In general, to choose the optimal phrase, it will be enough to: adequately assess the circumstances (in which you are), clearly understand with whom (how close and balanced) the person you are communicating, what state your interlocutor is in (at the time of the conversation), what the purpose of the dialogue is (just “chat about this and that,” joke and relax over a pleasant conversation, or is it a discussion of work issues, serious problems, etc.), and what impression do you want to leave about yourself (with your interlocutor).

How to answer with humor?

Surprisingly, one phrase can lift the mood of another person. If you want to achieve just such a result, then you should answer the question with humor.

  • You can answer in rhyme. For example: “Sheer awesomeness,” “Like a cat’s digestion,” “Like jam.” All these phrases do not carry a hidden meaning, but they all mean that everything is fine with the interlocutor;
  • Older people often answer this question “You won’t wait”;
  • “The mood is like a jewelry store window - I give people delight”;
  • “Like a sweet moment, but it won’t last long”;
  • “I’m in a great mood, because I’m a decent person.”

Before responding to a message or responding with a similar phrase, it is worth considering whether the interlocutor has a sense of humor. Not every person can react positively to such a joke.

Physical exercise

Exercise is another proven way to cheer yourself up if everything is bad. The easiest way to do this is at home. But even at work, if you wish, you can perform several simple exercises. The body's blood circulation will improve, and an influx of strength will be felt almost instantly. Physical activity increases the level of the happiness hormone in the blood, so it is worth devoting more time to this useful activity. According to statistics, people who go to the gym at least three times a week are more stress-resistant and cheerful. The reason lies in the production of the happiness hormone during muscle work.

How to improve your mood?

If the answer to the question “how are you feeling?” does not add optimism, you should immediately begin to improve it. It is not necessary to pour out your soul to the person asking. Most often, like the question “how are you?”, mood is asked out of decency. It's more important to be honest with yourself. An approximate algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Try to understand for yourself whether everything is okay;
  • Understand the causes of bad mood;
  • Eliminate factors that negatively affect the emotional background;
  • Switch to pleasant moments;
  • Get emotional recharge.

Now let's look at these steps separately.

Try to figure out for yourself if everything is okay.

As soon as the question “how are you feeling?” is asked, you should look at yourself from the outside and understand whether it is appropriately asked. Situations are different. For example, someone behaves like a comedian, and then suddenly tries to become a serious person. It will not be surprising if everyone around him seems to be in a bad mood. Although, in fact, this will be absolutely not the case. But sometimes the question “how are you feeling?” turns out to be spot on. Then it’s better to think about it and try to understand why the emotions are negative.

Understand the reasons for your bad mood.

The ability to analyze is one of the most important evolutionary adaptations that raised humans above other animals. Therefore, you need to apply this skill always and everywhere. He will give you tips on how to improve your mood.

There are many reasons for this phenomenon, from health problems to difficulties at work or in your personal life. It is enough to be honest with yourself and everything will fall into place.

Eliminate factors that negatively affect the emotional background.

Depending on the reasons that caused the sour mine, the methods of dealing with it may differ markedly. If a person becomes ill, he should consult a doctor. If the reason is fatigue, you need to rest and get enough sleep. When the mood deteriorates due to a quarrel, it is better to make peace. If you fail at work, you should either change your job or your attitude towards it. If your mood is lowered by communicating with a guy/girl, you can do the same as with work. The main thing to remember is that until the cause of your bad mood is eliminated, it will be much more difficult to improve it.

Switch to pleasant moments.

A reliable way to improve your mood is to learn to switch your attention. Let's say someone has a runny nose. The person felt bad and had negative emotions. He went to the pharmacy, bought drops, and put some drops on his nose. It seemed to feel better, but, as they say, “a sediment remained in my soul.” In order for your mood to improve as quickly as possible, it is advisable to switch to something else. Something that brings a surge of positive emotions. What exactly? Everyone has their own secret. We will consider the most universal methods below.

How to answer your lover or lover?

Couples in love can communicate all day long. To continue to arouse the interest of your significant other, you should give the most friendly answer to each question.


  • “With your arrival (appearance on the Internet), my mood immediately became excellent”;
  • “It’s very bad, because you’re not around right now”;
  • “It gets better as soon as I remember the moments spent with you”;
  • “Like Carlson - I always want sweets and fool around”;
  • “No need to ask, my mood is the same as yours, because we are two halves of one whole.”

The phrase “how are you?” in different languages ​​of the world

If you want, you can show off your knowledge and ask a question that interests you in a foreign language. It will be very original. You can even use a new language every day.

In English

  • How are you? [how a yu] - literally: how are you?


  • Comment vas tu? [komon wa chu] - literally: how are you doing?
  • comment allez vous? [komon talevu] - literally: how is it going with you?

Remember that the stress in French is on the last syllable. Well, and the most informal phrase: ça va? [sa wa]

In German

  • Wie geht's? [vi gates]

In Spanish

  • What do you think? [como estas]

In Italian

  • Come stay? [kome stay]

In Polish

  • Jak sie masz? [yak shi mash]

In Vietnamese

  • bạn thế nào? [ban tae nao]

How to answer in an original way?

Below is a list of the most original answers

to this question:

  • “My mood is enchanting. Like a heroine from a children's fairy tale, I am in a hurry to help people and spread goodness! So you got in my way, so I want to make you happy”;
  • “I’m in a delightful mood, if you’re in a bad mood, then I can lend you a loan, but you’ll have to return it to me if I get bored”;
  • “I’m very sick, because I’m always in a great mood, do you want me to infect you too?”
  • “Mood is my decoration. How beautiful do you think I am?”
  • “Excellent, but, unfortunately, nothing in this life is permanent...”

It is also advisable to use these phrases only if a person is able to respond adequately to them.

In other cases, you should give the most neutral answer possible.

As it turns out, people ask the question: “How are you feeling?” for different purposes. How to answer this? It is necessary to select statements depending on the intentions and degree of familiarity with the interlocutor.


A person’s “mood” has a direct translation - mood.

People often ask whether it is possible to say verbatim in English: “What is your mood?” How are you?

The question itself is grammatically correct and has its place. But in life, in the context that we assume, native speakers themselves do not speak like that.

If you want to ask a person about his mood, first of all ask yourself a question: are you interested in how the person is in the mood in terms of “how is he doing and how are he doing in general,” or are you interested in his condition and how he feels for now? This is a very important nuance, because... in English, it all depends on the situation, context and set phrases that native speakers use in their everyday speech.

Here, I also wrote how to say “person of mood” in English and examples of answers on how to answer the question in English: “How are you? How are you?" At the end of the article there is a funny bourgeois video with subtitles, which will give more understanding on the topic of human mood.

So, if you need to find out how a person is in his mood in terms of how he is doing and how he is doing in general, use the standard phrase that foreigners themselves use:

How are you? How are you? How does it go? How is it?

How are you doing? How are you doing?

All these questions imply our Russian question: How are you feeling?

How to ask in English “How is your morning?”

This question also involves the question “how are you, how are you feeling?”

How's your morning going so far? How's your morning? How was your morning? What was your morning like?

But if you are interested in what state a person is in, it is better to ask differently. Check out the examples. For example, he experienced something bad: grief, hospital, divorce, financial failure, etc. Or you need to ask a pregnant girl how she feels.

David, how are you feeling today? How are you feeling today, David? How are you feeling? Is your mood Okay? How are you?

Did you need to talk? If you want, we can talk.

How to say in English: It will cheer you up

For example, you want to improve your friend's mood with a cute card or a funny video. Then you can add the following words:

This will cheer you up. It will lift your spirits. Maybe this will cheer you up. Maybe this will cheer you up.

It will make you feel better. It will lift your spirits.

How to say in English: “This movie made me feel good”

This movie made my day. This movie lifted my spirits. You make me feel good. You make my mood better.

Movies that make me feel better. Movies that lift your spirits.

The best answers to trivial questions

How to beautifully and funnyly answer your interlocutor’s question “how are you feeling?” or another similar one in a personal meeting or on a dating site:

QuestionsOriginal answer for girlHumorous answer for a guy
How are you?
  • I’m in an amazing mood, and I wish the same for you!
  • Complete stupefaction!
  • All in chocolate!
  • With an erotic strawberry-vanilla flavor.
  • Like in a jewelry boutique, I give delight to all people.
  • Excellent, because I’m decent and very pretty!
  • Fireworks and enchanting! I feel like the heroine of a fairy tale - I smell good and I help people, I will make everyone happy who gets in my way, so get ready.
  • Amazing. I can even lend it to you, but you will have to return it to me three times the amount with huge interest!
  • Best of all, you won't believe it!
  • Like a cat's digestion.
  • Everything is in order.
  • I catch a sweet moment, but it will soon end, because everything is perishable in this world...
  • Now I’m like Carlson - I always want to have fun and something sweet.
  • I'm sick and I can infect you... with my wonderful mood
How are you?
  • It’s trivial - I haven’t given birth yet, when I give birth I’ll write to you first.
  • Mom is not ashamed of me.
  • Why such an interest in my intimate details? They go regularly.
  • As usual, everything is strawberry!
  • Everything would be great, but I can’t sleep at night, I’m sliding off the mattress - the money no longer fits in it!
  • Like a sausage roll - angry, but fun
  • It’s like taking a taxi - the longer you drive, the more expensive it will be.
  • Fabulous and mysterious - the further you go, the scarier and more mysterious it becomes.
  • The prosecutor is filing it.
  • As black is white.
  • Okay, it's a pity that I missed it.
  • Everything is in a bunch, like parsley.
  • I'm not businesslike
What's up?
  • Nothing new, yesterday she received the Nobel Prize for her scientific contribution to the development of the study of rearing and grooming of a laboratory rat, and also for the discovery of nanotechnology that can help penguins avoid global warming or overcome it in the secret bunker of one very famous person.
  • So-so. If you compare it with Marx, it’s great, if you compare it with a billionaire, it’s not very good.
  • It's gushing. I am improving in all areas.
  • A pulling stomach, sudden mood swings, nerves like a string, and other symptoms of PMS. And you?
  • I’ve gone to nirvana, I won’t be back soon
  • The key hits him on the head every time.
  • With the letter X, but not good.
  • Okay, beautiful marquise, everything is fine (from a children's song).
  • I'm doing some soul-searching
What are you doing?
  • I’m answering the poll, guess whose!
  • I try to lift my nose, but it looks down with a hook.
  • I sit lying down and stand sitting.
  • If I tell you, you will be jealous, so suffer in ignorance.
  • I draw American presidents.
  • I cleanse the aura of my phone book from evil spirits and evil spirits.
  • I smell and bloom.
  • I'm getting younger every day.
  • I'm watching the first episode of Santa Barbara. I decided to rewatch all the seasons again.
  • Try to guess - I'll give you a cookie if you guess!
  • I'm thinking about how to enslave the Universe.
  • Enjoying a five-star… mood. You can also ask your interlocutor: “Do you want a bottle with a chic mood?”
  • I'm growing above myself
How is it on the personal front?
  • Calm, and complete...
  • On a personal level, everything is indifferent.
  • It's obscenely decent.
  • Everything is fine, as usual.
  • I'm holding the line.
  • I cover the rear so that the enemy does not slip through unnoticed.
  • They broke through the defense line and was captured.
  • A lot of you died
  • Deaf and quiet, like in a tank.
  • I love and am jealous, I panic and get high.
  • I'll go on the offensive soon.
  • The fighting is sluggish with occasional artillery shelling.
  • I'm breaking through, I'll soon win

Only those who have an extraordinary sense of humor and can respond positively to such phrases need to answer standard questions in an original way.

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Non-standard answers for men and girls

Neither a girl nor a man should be like the interlocutor with his banal, annoying question and greeting. You should not become rude, especially if you plan to continue your acquaintance. After all, if a guy or girl asks, then, most likely, they are really interested in your affairs and expect a sincere continuation of the conversation.

  • like a watermelon - the belly grows, but the tail dries out;
  • like in Antalya - yesterday there was Olga, today there are two Natalias;
  • I teach the cat to speak so that he can answer such questions for me;
  • confirm that you are not a robot, enter the captcha in the message field;
  • I was going to become a lark, and now I’m a sleep-deprived, angry owl;
  • so much has not been done, and so much remains to be done.

You can continue meeting a nice girl like this:

  • I plan to enslave the world;
  • one of these days I will surrender;
  • it would be better if you were with me (for the internet).

As for girls, they are lovers of all kinds of emoticons, and actively use them on social networks and various instant messengers. Communication in reality can be continued or ended with the following remarks:

  • many of you were killed;
  • everything is fine - it blooms even on waterless and rocky soil;
  • I didn’t give it to him / but I gave it to him / to whom I wanted, I gave it;
  • like a convertible – it’s gorgeous, but there’s no roof;
  • they say that everything is done through the bed - here I am lying, covered with a blanket, waiting for the borscht to be cooked and the floors to be washed;
  • I grow, bloom and smell;
  • I haven’t lost weight yet for a relationship with you;
  • not strong in conversations on such topics;
  • like at a buffet table - I don’t take what they offer, but I’m embarrassed to ask for what I want. I have to pretend that I’m not hungry.
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