A man kisses a woman: meaning in relationships, advice from psychologists

  • September 18, 2019
  • Psychology of relationships
  • Tatyana Proskuryakova

Situations when a man kisses a woman are quite varied. In most cases, such manifestations of feelings indicate, at a minimum, a caring attitude. It is generally human nature to experience affection and sympathy. Everyone wants to feel needed and significant. Nowadays it is unlikely that anyone can be surprised even by a kiss between a man and a man. And most guys have a positive attitude towards the female sex.

It is necessary to understand the importance of kisses in a relationship. Advice from psychologists will be useful to those who want to achieve mutual understanding and learn to really hear their partner.

Meaning in relationships

When a man kisses a woman, he thereby expresses his feelings. It’s just that hardly anyone will do it. Sometimes girls wait for a long time for any signs of tenderness from guys and ultimately decide to take the first step themselves. This is also a possible development of events. It never hurts to be gentle and affectionate. If people avoid tactile contact, then the relationship will never become truly strong. Touch is of great importance and its role cannot be underestimated.

Showing weakness

The girls believe that all men are brave warriors who fearlessly enter into a duel with a wild beast, lead a ship in a force nine storm, and stand in defense of the world and humanity. But this is not true, they can also be weak. For example: a young man is nervous before a first date, he is afraid of doing something wrong.

And when it comes to kissing, he gives up. Psychologists explain this behavior as follows: in unusual situations a person is not predictable. Brave by nature, he can get confused at a crucial moment.

Advice! In the life of any man there are ups and downs, it is important to lend him a helping hand in difficult times. Don’t be nervous, but talk calmly about the situation. And then the young man will see that in front of him is not only a sexual partner, but also an understanding friend. Next time his kiss will be tender and sensual.

Expression of affection

If a man kisses a woman, it means that at least he is not indifferent to her. Expressing individual affection is a significant personality need that no one wants to ignore. Everyone wants to be loved and understood correctly. Accordingly, everyone strives to clearly identify their own emotions so as not to be in limbo.

Few people can be satisfied with an ambiguous position. To express affection, a guy kisses a girl. Sometimes he tends to do it spontaneously, so that there is no additional time to think about whether it is acceptable at the moment.

I don't like the smell

The sense of smell plays a huge role in everyone's life. It is associated with our emotions, impressions, protective functions, and sometimes unpredictable reactions of the body. Sometimes one single scent can bring dramatic changes to our lives, filling it with both positive and negative emotions. Research by scientists has shown that if a man avoids kissing, it means that he does not like the smell of his partner. The reason is inappropriate perfume smell, stale body odor or bad breath.

Note! The reason for refusing a kiss can be not only the girl’s irritating smell, but also the guy’s complexes. Maybe he thinks he has bad breath. In such a situation, you may be advised to monitor your diet more closely and, if possible, avoid alcohol, spices, and herbs. And also monitor the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Romantic feelings

Sincere admiration, admiration, a feeling of flight - all this is characteristic of falling in love. Romantic feelings are sometimes so inspiring that, under the influence of strong emotions, young people begin to write poetry. They often develop creative abilities. A young man inspired by love usually cannot restrain his sincere impulses. Whenever possible, a man kisses the woman he loves to show her that she is important and significant. Everyone, without a doubt, wants to count on reciprocity and feel truly happy.


Nine out of ten respondents of different genders said that they would not go on a second date if their partner is a bad kisser. They believe that a kiss can indicate sexual and emotional compatibility. But that's not true.

A couple will be comfortable with each other if they have the same life principles, similar levels of upbringing, education, and spirituality. Of course, sexual compatibility also plays a big role. But a positive partnership is not defined by a kiss. But if this happens, and the guy doesn’t want to kiss, then try to find the reason for his refusal and work through it together. And then your union will be perfect.


Physical attraction is a necessary component of a relationship between a guy and a girl. Some people attach great importance to passion and are very sad if it passes too quickly. When a man kisses a woman on the neck, it means that he is interested in her as a soul mate. Most likely, the guy is really in love and is not afraid to show his true feelings. Without passion, relationships lose their edge. As a result, many actions simply become a habit and no longer bring much pleasure.

What to do?

The actions taken by a woman depend on the reason why a man refuses kisses.

  1. If it is obvious that he is insecure or has had bad experiences in past relationships, it is worth having a heart-to-heart talk with him. Not with reproaches and scandals, but calmly. You need to let him know that he is loved and desired; only with this approach will he be able to relax and trust his partner completely. If you start putting pressure on him and throwing tantrums, the situation will only get worse, which can lead to a complete break in the relationship. All you need to do is to unobtrusively ask the man what’s wrong and why he behaves this way. If everything is done correctly, he will share his experiences.
  2. If your partner is uncomfortable with kisses in general, including due to childhood “trauma,” you need to act consistently, accustoming him to caresses and tenderness gradually. Sharp attempts at kissing by a woman can traumatize his psyche even more, and he will remain “fear of kissing” for a long time. Things may get to the point where it will be impossible to cope without the help of a psychologist. All that is required from the partner is to start with simple kisses on the cheeks, forehead, then on the neck or chest. If everything is done correctly, he will understand that there is nothing wrong with it, and he will even want to experiment.
  3. Sometimes a woman has bad breath, which irritates a man. Therefore, he avoids kisses and other tenderness. It is almost impossible to smell the “aroma” on your own. But you can contact a good dentist, who will determine the cause of the phenomenon and prescribe treatment. It is possible that the smell is caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; in such a situation, you need to consult a gastroenterologist.
  4. If a woman feels that a man doesn’t love, you can put the question bluntly and ask: “what’s going on between us?” Let him answer honestly and openly. You may have to go in search of true love - the man of your dreams, who will not be embarrassed by kisses or other oral sex.
  5. If a man has health problems, you can stimulate his hormonal activity with good food - fresh vegetables and fruits. “Live” food gives you a boost of vigor and energy, and also saturates the body with vitamins.
  6. If a man not only does not kiss, but also does not caress a woman in other ways - hugging, stroking, this may indicate that he does not respect her and does not consider her as a candidate for marriage and family. Usually, if this is the reason for the lack of kisses, a woman can guess from various actions in which her chosen one does not show himself in the best way.


Now the answer to the question why a man doesn’t kiss and what to do about it is more or less clear. There are several ways to solve the problem. But you should understand that they do not always help. Therefore, it is easier to find a man who will kiss willingly than to try to correct the situation. All you need to do is learn to feel and understand your chosen one; only with this approach can you count on tender and pleasant kisses from your loved one.

Expression of confidence

Every kiss is a manifestation of a special relationship. People never do this just to fill their free time. Feelings force us to change, to reconsider some internal beliefs. If a man kisses a woman, then he wants to show special affection for her. Expressing trust often occurs through hugs. This is how a person begins to feel needed and significant.

Otherwise, people behave warily and constantly concentrate on existing fears. Doubts give rise to new dissatisfaction with yourself, your partner and the environment as a whole. Trust is a basic component, without which it is impossible to build full-fledged harmonious relationships.

The meaning of kisses for women

Women take kisses more seriously than the opposite sex and pay great attention to how fresh their partner’s breath is. It often happens that an unpleasant impression after the first kisses becomes the reason for refusal of sexual relations with a partner.

When a girl kisses her chosen one for the first time, she can already subconsciously evaluate his advantages and disadvantages.

Over time, girls use kisses to feel whether their loved one is cheating and how interested he really is in continuing the relationship. A kiss can be the basis for a long and strong relationship or the main factor in ending it.

Kiss for a man

Guys and girls do not have the same attitude towards manifestations of tenderness. Many people ask: what does a kiss mean to a man? A representative of the stronger sex may be more reserved in expressing feelings because he lacks some confidence. A kiss for a guy is like a confession. But not everyone agrees to openly reveal their best feelings. Most of them do not consider it necessary to show sympathy for friends and acquaintances in this way. It’s a rare guy who is so unusually affectionate that he will kiss everyone. Rather, he will make such decisions extremely selectively. This is what a kiss means to a man.

Why a man doesn't kiss: the most common reasons


There are several explanations why a young man does not kiss. The most common versions will be discussed below.

  1. Childhood "trauma". Boys during puberty often watch “adult films.” And the “adult” kisses that are shown in them may be perceived by them as something unpleasant and disgusting. They feel that they are overly deep and inappropriately vulgar. It is very difficult to convince a man, even if he has already passed that age and become an adult; not every woman succeeds in this.
  2. Dislike of kisses in general. Many men believe that “real” kissing involves a lot of saliva, the obligatory grinding of teeth and intertwining of tongues. This is partly true, but there are a huge number of types of kisses that bring pleasure, not disappointment.
  3. Dislike for a specific woman. Carelessly applied lipstick or lip gloss, the appearance of white stripes from them, yellow plaque on the teeth and bad breath - all this can cause the chosen one not to want any kisses, even if the girl is otherwise pretty.
  4. Negative first experience. Yes, it often happens that a man does not kiss because he has already been “burnt” and does not want to “step on the same rake” anymore. For example, if the first kiss did not bring the desired pleasure, or his partner began to tease him that he does not know how to kiss. This is almost the same case as childhood “trauma”, only even more serious and neglected. It may not be easy to cope without working with a psychologist.
  5. Diffidence. Some representatives of the stronger sex are not confident in themselves and worry that kissing them will not meet the woman’s expectations and will disappoint her. According to statistics, more than 50% of men believe that they do not know how to kiss at all and do it solely at the request of their partner, without much enthusiasm.
  6. Giving kisses too much meaning and importance. There are men who consider kissing to be an intimate process, just like sex, and even more so. Therefore, if such a macho man is dating a woman recently or is doing it solely for the sake of sexual intimacy, it is likely that he does not trust her enough to kiss.
  7. Lack of love. With one woman, a man can literally drown in hugs and kisses, but with another, he can avoid such intimacy. Probably the fact is that he loves the first young lady, but not the second, so he can’t help himself.
  8. Health problems. A man's lack of passion may be a consequence of hormonal imbalance or metabolic disorders. Such men are weak in bed - they are poorly aroused and show almost no activity. As a rule, they are overweight and get tired quickly.

Contact of lips of opposite sexes is a common phenomenon in our reality, but not every man goes for it. And there are only two reasons - he either doesn’t want to (for personal or psychological reasons), or he doesn’t love his chosen one.

Kiss for a woman

Most representatives of the fair sex love displays of tenderness. They really need affection and understanding. If no one hugs a girl for a long time, then she may even doubt her external attractiveness. When a man kisses a woman on the lips, he makes her feel needed. In this case, the lady will feel happiness and peace of mind. Kisses certainly have a lot of meaning for girls.

It is easier for a woman to express her feelings than a man, and she is more in need of appropriate emotions being shown towards her. In most cases, in relationships, it is the ladies who bear the emotional burden. They are able to understand certain mood changes in their other half and try to be useful in some way.

Extremely serious

Kissing is one of the oldest human activities. It is an expression of affection, sympathy or love for another person. But why don't men like to kiss? Psychologists believe that the reason why a man rejects a kiss is deep childhood trauma.

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Numerous studies prove that this is indeed the case. If from childhood a boy was taught that a man should carefully consider his actions, and not cut from the shoulder. He will grow up to be a serious person.

As a result, a cold, unemotional man will enter life, rarely showing tenderness to a woman. Of course, you will have to wait a long time for a kiss from this. A serious man is in no hurry with hugs and kisses, and when it comes to them, he kisses him dryly on the lips. Such restrained “tactics” speaks either of his indifference or of serious intentions towards the girl. Obviously, one thing is that he does not need non-binding flirting. It won't be easy to melt the heart of such a guy.

Advice! If a girl is sincere and gentle with him, then he will change. He will transform from an extremely serious guy into a strong, passionate lover who is a great kisser.

Rare kisses

Not everyone has the ability to freely express their feelings. Someone is shy, afraid of seeming weak and weak-willed. Many girls are interested: why doesn’t a man kiss a woman? There are several reasons. Rare kisses are most often due to the fact that a person is embarrassed to express sincere emotions. To be weak in our society is not only not honorable, but even shameful. If a man refuses to kiss you, you should think twice. Perhaps he will be embarrassed to do this in public.

There are especially shy guys who find it very difficult to pronounce the most natural words. Much depends on upbringing, on already developed feelings that reign within relationships. If kisses are really rare, then you need to strive to show your significant other that you lack tenderness, affection and attention.

Too timid

Psychology considers an innate “social sense” to be the basis of a character trait. It's no secret that in our society women are mainly involved in raising boys. Mothers and nannies work with children up to three years old, in kindergartens there are female educators, in schools there are female teachers.

As a result, the boy’s character becomes “girlish”. Yes, he is, of course, gentle and obedient, but very timid. Lack of communication creates a feeling of dissatisfaction with life, and stupor from fear often leads to uncomfortable situations. For example, dating girls. A timid guy will not be able to decide on the first kiss for a long time, and the “young lady” will think that there is something wrong with her.

Advice! In such a situation, the girl should take the initiative and kiss him first. And in the future, if she wants to build a strong relationship, she needs to praise this guy. Tell him how loved, strong, courageous, and purposeful he is. Artificially create situations where he can prove himself a daredevil. And in the end she will have a gentle, loving, attentive guy who kisses sensually.

Tenderness and affection

Some people, for some unknown reason, want to get more attention in their direction, but at the same time do not want to do anything themselves. It is impossible to achieve anything through selfish aspirations alone. This would be unfair to your partner. In a relationship, there is always an equal amount of giving and receiving. This is the only way to achieve the necessary balance. Tenderness and affection cannot spoil a relationship, but can only strengthen it. You need to try to be more attentive to your other half. All grievances often occur because we do not know how to listen, we are not able to notice the slightest changes in the mood of our chosen one. People are sometimes quite selfish and don’t understand that they are harming relationships. You need to be a strong enough person to admit your mistakes and try to correct them.

What do kisses on different parts of the body mean?

There are many types of caresses. There are several main categories:

  1. "Smooth ". Lovers caress each other with their lips without using tongue or teeth.
  2. "Smooth"/"suction ". A gentle type of caresses when a guy tries to touch his lips with his tongue, gently sucking them.
  3. "Fight of mouths ". The partner tries to “win” the other half. It is important to do every movement gently. There is a risk of hurting your partner in a fit of passion.

What does a kiss on the forehead mean?

If a guy kisses his beloved on the forehead, then this is a sincere demonstration of humility, care for his partner, a manifestation of tenderness and respect.

Such caresses in most cases do not have sexual overtones and are a symbol of support in any situation. Subconsciously, they are connected with how a mother protects her child in childhood.

What does a kiss on the neck, shoulder mean?

The neck is one of the most erogenous and caress-sensitive areas on a woman’s body.

The neck is one of the most erogenous and caress-sensitive areas on a woman’s body.

Many representatives of the fair sex like such caresses more than ordinary caresses on the lips. By finding the most sensitive points on his beloved’s neck, a guy can give her real pleasure and pleasure.

Caressing the neck symbolizes passion, the desire to possess a partner and make love, but men do not like it when a girl touches her neck. Such pleasures are popular with couples whose relationships last for a long time. Newly married couples rarely use such caresses.

If a guy caresses a girl's shoulder, this is a symbol of hidden passion. The guy really wants his beloved, but for now he hides his feelings.

The meaning of a kiss on the ear

An intimate kiss on the ear speaks of passionate feelings. If during the process of caressing the beloved bites or sucks the earlobe, then he is simply crazy about his chosen one, burning with desire.

If at the beginning of communication a guy prefers such caresses, this symbolizes his desire to move on to an intimate relationship.

What does a kiss on the nose mean?

In most cases, this gesture does not have a hidden sexual desire. The type of caresses is more typical for those who have a strong spiritual connection. Such an expression of feelings lifts the partner’s mood, makes him happy, demonstrates tenderness, care, and a desire to protect.

Refusal of reproaches

To improve your relationship, you need to stop blaming your other half for anything. Any destructive actions reflect the position of a weak person, incapable of making meaningful decisions. Refusal of reproaches implies some wisdom, acceptance of a certain responsibility. When we stop expecting our partner to make us happy, some problems resolve themselves.

Spouses stop depending on the mood of their partner. People sometimes don't understand how much they offend each other. You can become happy only by giving up illusions. By blaming each other, it is impossible to discover the truth and come to a satisfactory agreement. Only a strong person is able to admit his mistakes and come to a new understanding of the situation. This step is very valuable.

Showing Understanding

Sometimes, in order to overcome the destructive effects of conflict, you need to work very seriously on yourself. Everything happens for a reason. By accumulating the necessary experience, people gain certain knowledge in order to be able to move on. Understanding another person means giving up the idea of ​​adapting him to yourself and your needs. You need to stop blaming your other half for anything. If something doesn’t suit you in a relationship, you need to talk it out and find out everything honestly. When we strive to show understanding for any oddities of our partner, we show how dear and valuable he is to us.

You can try to kiss him more often, this will make it easier for a person to feel needed. The degree of understanding depends on how much the individual is willing to invest in the relationship. It is required not only to be responsible and faithful, but to be able to accurately sense the situation. no matter what happens, be able to look at the problem from a different angle. Sometimes this helps to identify the necessary warmth. If you can determine when your partner will need help and participation, then there is a chance to take the relationship to the next level. Nothing stands still, everything is constantly undergoing change.

How to understand what the reason is?

There are several measures that can be taken when a man refuses to kiss. They depend on the reason why this happens. Since not every man is able to admit his beliefs on this matter, it is problematic for a woman to guess what is going on in his head. The only clue that can lead a partner to specific thoughts and conclusions is his behavior:

  • if a young man avoids kisses shyly and timidly, he is probably unsure of himself or has a negative experience;
  • when he walks away from reciprocal caresses with an indifferent look or with slight disdain, perhaps he has childhood “trauma” or a dislike of kisses in general;
  • if, in response to a woman’s kiss, he twists his face or turns away, she has problems with oral hygiene, that is, we are talking about dislike for a specific representative of the fairer sex, although, perhaps, the matter is in a negative first experience that left typos for the rest of her life;
  • if, when a woman tries to kiss him, a man grins or openly laughs, perhaps he simply does not love her;
  • health problems are indicated by a man’s apathy not only in terms of kisses, but also in his intimate life - he does not want not only kisses, but also intimacy;
  • Attaching too much importance to kisses can be indicated by a woman’s sharp jerking back after each attempt to kiss, even during sexual intercourse (sometimes in such cases, the man believes that the woman is not worthy of affection from him).

Based on these clues, a woman will be able to guess what is going on and what she should do to reach a new level of relationship.

True aspirations

Building relationships is a long process and, as a rule, takes some time. Everything never works out at once. No matter how much you would like to solve all problems in one fell swoop, you should be patient. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort to understand this. Often a person begins to realize his true aspirations while already in a couple. When something has to be sacrificed, people begin to experience irritation and general dissatisfaction. So misunderstanding grows even more, as a result the situation worsens. Any relationship changes over time, you just need to work on it correctly. You need to decide on your true aspirations. If you want to make communication with your other half more sincere and vibrant, then you need to not skimp on kisses. Tactile contact is very important: this is how people intuitively realize that they need each other. Feeling significant and loved is the most important condition for happiness.

How to understand that a guy wants a kiss?

You are already exhausted with impatience, you smile languidly, constantly make tactile contact, but the guy doesn’t seem to see your hints. “How can you tell if a man wants to kiss you?” – this question causes insomnia for many girls. Don't worry and stop beating yourself up. Perhaps right now your boyfriend is asking another search query on the Internet “how to understand that a girl wants to kiss you?”, because he does not know whether you are ready to let him into your comfort zone. The following signs indicate a young man’s desire to merge with you in a passionate kiss:

  1. He tends to be alone with you or linger while saying goodbye. You want to go out with friends, and he suggests going to the cinema. You choose a crowded place to meet, but he would like to retire with you in a cozy park. In parting, he doesn’t let go of your hands for a long time and looks into your eyes, as if something important is going to happen this very minute. Such situations may indicate a guy's desire to find an opportune moment to finally kiss you. Notice such nuances in your communication, because it is difficult for a young man to directly say about his desires. So he has to spin like a frying pan in order to achieve privacy with you. Do it wisely: go on a date with your boyfriend where it’s just the two of you. For example, go to the park and find a secluded bench under the canopy of a tree to sit. And when saying goodbye, do not rush to run into the entrance and give your gentleman a couple of eloquent glances.
  2. Established tactile contact. Perhaps your boyfriend doesn't know how to understand that a girl wants a kiss. Therefore, he moves slowly but surely towards his goal and for now he simply hugs you, as if accidentally touching your hair, arms and knees. In this way, he is testing the waters: will you pull his hand away, will you make a remark about his impudence. Caution in love affairs is the prerogative of real gentlemen, so do not judge your chosen one harshly and give him time to prepare for a decisive step. Do not stop the young man’s attempts to get closer, encourage his tactile contact and reciprocate. Then things will start to move, and soon you will feel the taste of his lips.
  3. Constantly turned in your direction and approaching your lips. If a man turns to a lady, then he is clearly attracted to her. He does this subconsciously, giving her a non-verbal signal to get closer, that is, to kiss. And, conversely, an averted posture indicates a man’s lack of readiness for romance - wait a little longer. Also pay attention to how far the chosen one is from your face. If he constantly pretends to listen and leans close to your lips, then he is clearly in the mood for kisses. It can also show a funny video from the Internet, and at this time be a few centimeters from your mouth. Common situation? Any day now he will decide to kiss.
  4. Looks at your lips. It’s not for nothing that men are said to be contemplative. Have you noticed that the gentleman lingers his gaze on your lips? Perhaps he even compliments: “What a beautiful smile you have” or “You smile in a special way today.” This means that the guy admires your lips and imagines that soon he will not only look at them, but also kiss them. Most likely, he is delaying the sweet moment in order to receive even greater pleasure later.
  5. Talks directly or hints about kissing. In this case, there is nothing to worry about: everything will happen soon. How exactly can a guy verbally express his desire to connect with his lips? He tells you, “I love kissing so much. What about you?”, “Your lips are amazing, so tender and alluring,” “I want to kiss you, but I’m afraid you’ll think I’m too impatient.” When you hear such playful phrases, flirt back, and if you can’t wait anymore, take the initiative yourself. You have nothing to fear, because the man has made it clear that he wants to kiss.

Now you don’t have to wonder “how to understand that a guy already wants to kiss you,” but check the elements of his behavior with our list. If you have found at least one of the points, then you can breathe out calmly - the kiss will soon happen.

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