11 hugs from a man that will tell you how he feels louder than words

You can communicate and understand each other through words. But sometimes they are not enough. And then, we touch the person to show our concern, good mood or the most tender feelings. Nonverbal methods of communication help in cases where we really want to express something more - intentionally or unconsciously. Then we most often resort to hugs.

We tell you what we learned about hugging and share a classification that will help you understand the feelings of other people and better understand body language. To become a relationship guru, one article will not be enough, so we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of useful books
on the topic.
Come on and practice!;) You can directly on invme.

You can communicate and understand each other through words. But sometimes they are not enough. And then, we touch the person to show our concern, good mood or the most tender feelings

Face to face hugs, foreheads touching

At a close distance, we cannot focus our gaze on the face of another person, which is why our attention is focused more “inward” - on intimacy, on spiritual connection and on trying to “feel” the other person. Such contact means a high degree of affection and trust; the person is not afraid to show you his sincere emotions. At the same time, he knows for sure that you will not hide the truth from him.

Such hugs indicate that the partner craves understanding, as he is ready to completely dissolve in you. And your attitude towards him is very important to him.

Why do we need hugs?

We melt with love, we shake with hatred, our cheeks burn when we talk to the offender... That is, our body reacts to all emotional reactions, we feel who we are with the help of our body. And each of us strives to create the best living conditions for our body: security, warmth, satisfaction. In order for the body (and the soul too) to feel comfortable, we simply need contact with other people. We want to be hugged by people dear to us, we want to experience their warmth and affection for us.

Body-oriented psychotherapy

There is a large branch of psychology called “body-oriented therapy.” Its founders and successors are confident that most psychological and somatic (bodily) problems can be solved if we allow the body to talk about its problems, because the body “remembers everything”, capturing our feelings, experiences, and negative life experiences. The psychology of the body, experts say, is the shortest road to the unconscious, and therefore to the origins of our problems. By hugging each other, we, without even realizing it, find the surest path to the heart of a person dear to us.

Hugs are pain killers

When we hug each other (naturally, the effect only works with people who are important and dear to us), endorphin is produced in the body - the hormone of happiness and pleasure. Oxytocin is also a calming hormone. After all, with hugs we show a person that you are not alone, I am protecting you. This means we satisfy the most important instinct of survival and safety. In response to this action, pleasure hormones are produced, which have a positive effect on a person’s psychological and physical health.

Hugs teach us to love

If a child is not hugged or touched, he is developmentally delayed, has health problems and does not know how to express his emotions. And this is a direct path to phobias, psychopathy, sociopathy, a tendency to antisocial behavior and pathological inability to live. Therefore, we can say that, thanks to hugs, we not only express our attitude, but also learn to love! If you hug a person who has fallen into depression, it has been proven that their level of cortisol (the stress hormone that makes our body work for wear and tear) decreases, which means that the person feels better.

By the neck

By hugging the neck, the guy asserts his own superiority and shows that the woman belongs to him. This gesture is used mainly by strong and powerful men, demonstrating their dominant role in the relationship.

A guy also hugs the neck when he doesn’t know how to express his feelings differently, or considers expressions of tenderness unacceptable for a representative of the stronger sex.

Sometimes the gesture is used by rude people brought up in Spartan conditions or by street kids who are unable or unwilling to show true emotions.

Hug from behind

If a man hugs a girl tightly from behind, then at least he is not indifferent to her, and most likely, he is crazy about his companion. After all, such hugs indicate a readiness to protect, support and protect your chosen one. A person thus denotes his role as a patron. By the way, even body language experts agree with this. An even more eloquent gesture is if the young man crosses his arms over the girl’s chest, as if covering her heart.

If a girl hugs a guy, then this is also a sign of the warmest relationship with the young man - do not be afraid to seem weak, because they are ready to understand and support you in difficult times. We wrote about other signs of a girl’s love here.

How to hug a girl in a movie

If a guy has far-reaching plans and wants to hug a girl at the cinema, then you shouldn’t take chips, Coca-Cola and popcorn to the movie. To establish physical contact, you just need to take the lady of your heart by the hand while watching a movie. If the girl does not resist such a gesture and does not pull her back, after a while you can try to hug her slightly. To do this, you should choose the right moment - in any picture there are melodramatic and tense scenes.

View of the Kama Sutra

In the oldest work on physical love, they write about touching: “The first caress is the touching of her body with your hand. If a young man puts his hand on the girl’s shoulder that is closer to him, this caress is called approaching. If a young man puts his hand on the girl’s shoulder, which is further from him, this caress is called a declaration of love. If a young man takes a girl by the hand above the elbow, this is a request to stay with him. If he only touches your hand, it’s a request to be more friendly. If a young man puts his hand on the side of a girl that is farther from him, this caress is called the language of intimacy.”

Hugs and pats

The gesture more often hints at warm friendly or even family feelings, where at least one of the participants is always ready to help the other, listen to him or give advice. There is no romance in such hugs, at least not yet.

If you have a love for a person, do not put an end to your relationship. First of all, friendship is a great start to love. Secondly, this is not an uncompromising rule, like all the interpretations listed in the article. It is possible that the person has something more than friendly feelings for you, but he was unable to hug in another way due to awkwardness.

By the way, don’t be alarmed if your boyfriend hugs you goodbye and when you meet him. When your partner doesn't do this as often as you'd like, it's not a cause for concern—it might just not be his love language .

Well, if you don’t have a hug partner at all, then we urge you not to despair. In the end, loneliness also has its advantages, and there are quite a few of them! We dedicated an entire article to this phenomenon, check out the link and don’t be upset: https://invme.com/ru/blogs/content/plusi-i-minusi-odinochestva

And here

we talked about how to find new acquaintances on invme - in the “About yourself” section you can safely indicate “hugs”, you will definitely find like-minded people!

Face to face hugs

You stand facing each other, your partner's hands are on the back, neck or closer to the waist. At the same time, the distance between the faces is sufficient to maintain eye contact without any problems.

More often, such hugs indicate warm feelings, but sometimes they also indicate that your significant other now needs support and protection, but is probably afraid to tell you about it.

To find out if this is the case, look carefully at your partner's face. Perhaps he is peaceful or obviously happy? Then there is no reason to worry - they want to provide you with warmth and care. But if there is melancholy in the eyes, then the partner himself wants to be supported now. Especially if he doesn’t hug you around the waist, but strokes your back.

To find out if this is the case, look carefully at your partner's face. Perhaps he is peaceful or obviously happy?

Why do women hug?

Psychologists say that different sexes have different “goals” in hugs and touches. So, what women like most is that they make you feel loved, give you a feeling of emotional closeness and security. And women also say that hugs heal – both from physical and mental pain; give a feeling of warmth, allow you to share feelings.

Hugs i

Hugs are different: friendly, greeting, farewell, family and love. And if with the first ones everything is clear, then with love ones it’s more complicated. This is especially true for the very first, timid touches.

Surprisingly, men are much worse at hugging techniques than women. Apparently, the problem lies in the very essence of the emotional component of men. Very often, namely on the first date, hugging turns into stupid pawing. This is a fiasco. You can immediately run off into the sunset and never appear on the horizon again. Or you can do everything so that the girl herself will stick, like a stuck fish.

Hugs are an integral part of communication. They are able to make you fall in love and irritate, instill a sense of confidence and provide support, comfort and cheer. In general, this is a universal way to say a lot without words.

How to hug a girl when meeting

Greeting hugs, if the couple is not meeting, should not last longer than 2-3 seconds. Movements should be measured, delicate, unobtrusive. It is also not right to hug a girl too much when meeting her, as it may be unpleasant for her.

When parting, contact may be longer than when meeting. This gesture should be accompanied by words appropriate to the situation.

How does a girl feel when a guy hugs her?

When a guy hugs a girl, she feels safe. In addition, she appreciates in a man those tactile touches that do not lead to intimacy. She is consoled by the thought that her lover really cares about her. He shows attention and care, without hoping to get her into bed in this way.

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