40 Words for Feelings You've Had But Couldn't Explain

Hello my smiling ones! Can you always name what you feel? Did you guess that it depends on how developed your emotional intelligence (EI) is?

Its first level or layer (basic) is responsible for the release of adrenaline, rage, and fear. These reactions are necessary for the survival and self-preservation of the body. When a child cries and screams, this is how basic EI manifests itself.

As we grow older, the next layer forms: we begin to treat emotions consciously. There comes an understanding that this is an important part of our lives. The highest level is the ability to both recognize emotions and manage them.

And so that you can improve these abilities, I am opening a new section for you.

Dictionary of feelings and emotions

For each letter, I will select two words for you and tell you more about them. Why two? One with a positive feeling, the second with an unpleasant one. In my opinion, there are no negative ones - after all, everything is necessary for a reason. But since it’s usually clearer this way, let’s stick to this option for now.

Although feelings are a subjective category, and each person will have their own nuances in their sensation, I still propose to compile a dictionary of the meanings of feelings and emotions that denote the states and experiences that are best known.

For what? In my more than 20 years of practice, I have noticed that it is often difficult for people to name what they feel. And this vagueness in understanding one’s condition interferes with awareness and movement forward.

When we deal with emotions and feelings, a new vision of the situation appears and ways to solve it open up. And this is one of the components of emotional intelligence: understanding emotions.

Anger is an emotion or feeling. Psychological profile of anger

  • Anger is a reaction of disagreement with the situation in which we find ourselves, an internal protest against the course of events that do not correspond to our plans or expectations.
  • Formed as a result of an unmet need.
  • Those around him, as a rule, perceive male anger as something justified, something that is caused by external reasons. Women's anger is perceived as a manifestation of bad character. That is, men are usually expected to be firm and tough, and women are expected to be soft and merciful.
  • Bodily reactions - clenched jaw (fear of expressing anger in words), red face, spasm in the chest, rapid breathing, muscles of the mouth, legs (desire to run) and arms (desire to hit) tense.
  • Related concepts are anger, rage, irritation.
  • Opposite feelings are joy, happiness.
  • Psychosomatic diseases - possibly vaginitis, hemorrhoids, infections, weakened immunity, problems with the heart, liver and gall bladder, laryngitis.

So, the first letter is A!

We will consider two feelings: one with a “-” sign and the second with a “+” sign.


Excitement in the dictionary is defined as: strong passion, enthusiasm, excessive ardor, passion, zeal.

Excitement is an emotional state of a person, which is characterized by a special kind of excitement: it combines exciting interest in a certain action and an irresistible desire to continue what has been started, risk with anticipation of success (sometimes even contrary to reality).

Often excitement is associated with chance, play, or danger. And the person engulfed by it believes that he will cope with the development of the situation and achieve what he wants. “Either master or disappear!” The greater the feeling of omnipotence in the experience, the greater the departure from adequacy and the distortion of the assessment of consequences.


Apathy is a state of indifference and indifference to what is happening, suppressed emotions and a decrease or complete absence of interests and aspirations. In fact, it is quite difficult for a healthy person not to feel anything. Therefore, this happens rarely and does not last long.

A true state of indifference or apathy, when a person notices that he is indifferent to everything, is not interested in anything, does not care or is not happy, can be due to a disease, for example, endocrine pathology, traumatic brain injury, depression, or caused by psychological reasons.

And in this case, you need to contact specialists to find the cause and return the colors of life.


We present to you a dictionary of feelings, which classifies... emotions. The dictionary will be useful to those who are interested in their inner world, soul and seek to know themselves.

Let’s make a reservation right away that this dictionary is not some kind of standard or dogma, since we are all different and think, feel, experience differently. The dictionary is intended, first of all, to organize our feelings regarding this or that emotion, to help people understand themselves and their relationship to the world around them.


Gambling is a person’s experiences associated with his participation in any risky activity, game, or situation. In a gambling state, a person, as a rule, loses his sense of reality, which is fraught with sad consequences.


Apathy is indifference to everyone and everything, usually associated with a period of depression, fatigue or illness.


Antipathy is a strong, negative attitude towards another person: contempt, skepticism, hatred, anger... caused by his negative actions. 4. WORRY

Anxiety is a disturbance of mental balance, anxiety with or without reason, expressed in increased arousal of a person.


Rabies is the violent, uncontrollable behavior of a person in a particular situation. But this concept is more of a vivid metaphor than an actual state. A person can live his whole life and never encounter such an emotion.


Powerlessness is the inability to do something. A state of powerlessness creates emotions such as sadness, rage, shame, anxiety. A person in a state of powerlessness feels his own weakness, insignificance, and inability to cope with the situation.


Helplessness is the feeling that no one will help you, and that you yourself cannot cope. Helplessness is often confused with impotence, but they are different feelings. Powerlessness comes from the inner state of a person’s soul. Helplessness is often triggered by external factors.


Hopelessness is a triad of powerlessness, helplessness and hopelessness, characterizing the experience of an unbearably difficult, hopeless situation that a person cannot and does not want to come to terms with.


Meaninglessness is a feeling of emptiness and/or the loss of something important in life. (Or what we ourselves consider important to ourselves).

10. Abandonment

Abandonment is a feeling of uselessness to anyone, expressed in experiences of rejection and loneliness.

11. HEALTHLESS (insecurity)

Vulnerability is a feeling of fatal vulnerability to external factors. For example, before war, terror, political instability in the country, and the like.


Gratitude is a response to the actions of another person or people who brought you pleasure or joy.


Excitement is a total or local set of bodily sensations: trembling, tension, warmth, internal itching, and the like. The feeling of excitement is provoked by: sex, fast driving, gambling and other active actions.


Excitement is very similar to a state of arousal. However, unlike excitement, excitement is caused not by internal (bodily) factors, but by external sources. (For example, worry about a child, parents, loss of a job, etc.)


Omnipotence is the experience of a sharp elation when a person seems to be able to do everything and even more! As a rule, people in a state of omnipotence have a distorted perception of reality.


Indignation is experiencing a situation as:

  • created by third parties or by humans;
  • unpleasant, impossible, unacceptable;
  • one that needs to be changed by someone else.


Admiration is a pronounced emotion of pleasure towards something or someone.


Delight is very similar to the feeling of admiration and is expressed in a bright surge of positive emotions in relation to a particular person, object or event.

19. LOVE

Falling in love is an acute need for the company of another person, caused by admiration, sometimes by idealization of the object of love and always by the desire for reciprocity.

20. LUST

Lust is a strong desire to obtain something that is, most often, beyond a person’s reach.

21. WINE

Guilt is the awareness that your actions have caused someone harm, grief, or trouble. At the same time, a person feels regret for what happened, remorse, empathy and, as a rule, wants to compensate the victim for his damage, no matter what this damage is expressed in.


Anger is a very strong feeling of anger and indignation, provoked by indignation or rejection of something or someone.


Pride is admiration for oneself, one’s actions and deeds. Pride is based on the joy of doing something that a person has done very well.

24. Grief

Grief is a strong seal, grief caused by negative events in life. Grief is accompanied by feelings of sadness, guilt, resentment, melancholy and can result in severe mental grief. 25. SAD

Sadness is the experience of completing the acceptance that something has happened that we would not like. A person has the strength to accept this experience. He understands that nothing can be changed and this makes him sad. 26. ANNOYANCE

Annoyance is anger, irritation at the fact of what happened, expressed in bitterness and rejection of a situation that is impossible (or extremely difficult) to change or prevent.


Trust is the formation of realistic expectations and awareness of one’s own limitations and capabilities. A rather complex and ambiguous concept, which has several degrees of importance, depending on each individual person.

28. PITY

Pity is a nagging feeling of pain, compassion, empathy that one person experiences for another, as well as for animals, birds and even flowers and some objects and events.

29. ENVY

Envy is the experience of a negative situation in which a person sees that another (others) have something or someone that they do not have. That object that a person really wants to have, but cannot have for various reasons.


Anger is a negative reaction to obstacles to meeting one’s needs. In this case, the source of activity is located within the person himself.

31. FEAR

Fright is a surge of emotions provoked by fear, i.e. – a reaction to the sudden appearance of a threatening object in close proximity to a person.


Interest is a feeling of mild curiosity about something or someone.


Curiosity is a person’s feeling of need for novelty, a desire to explore both the physical and spiritual world. Curiosity is often associated with bad vices (you and I know similar examples from literature). But curiosity itself, as a reflex that helps you navigate life, is very useful.

34. LAZY

Laziness is a feeling of internal resistance when trying to force yourself to do something. May manifest as boredom, meaninglessness, lack of interest or desire.

35. LOVE

Love is a stable feeling of joy and tranquility from the fact that the object of love exists. By the way, it doesn’t matter at all in what manifestation. For example, love for God. But (!) should not be confused with love, momentary sympathy or sexual attraction.

36. HATE

Hatred is total indignation, anger, which relates not to a specific act of a certain person (people), but to the person (people) himself.


Indignation is a very strong degree of indignation. The essence of resentment is an aggressive attempt to influence another person in order to force him to change his behavior or correct some action.

38. HOPE

Hope is the patient expectation that the environment (state, people, bosses, spouse, etc.) will take actions as a result of which a person will get what he wants.


Tenderness is joy, tenderness, warmth and sincerity from the realization that there is a person in the world who is not indifferent to you.


Awkwardness is a feeling of oneself and one’s actions not corresponding to the situation, inappropriate, not meeting one’s own expectations or the expectations of other people, the experience of insufficient ability to control one’s motor sphere, to move in an optimal way.


Impatience is the experience of strong excitement due to the inability to immediately satisfy any need.


Bewilderment is the highest degree of surprise. To a pronounced degree, total bewilderment characterizes a severe degree of disturbance in the perception of reality, and is found in disorders of consciousness, in particular amentia.


Resentment is the experience of emotions of indignation, powerlessness, sadness, provoked by the negative actions of another person (people).


Despair is a set of feelings such as powerlessness, helplessness, hopelessness, expressed in the feeling of a dead end in the situation.


Grief is a huge mixture of feelings: hopelessness, sadness, sadness, anger, frustration, resentment, etc.

46. ​​EMPTY

Emptyness is the feeling that after completing some important and difficult task for us, we are left completely without strength. As they say: hands do not rise. The phenomenon is temporary and passes quickly - all you need to do is take a good rest.

47. REJECTION (rejection)

Rejection is the experience of total rejection (non-acceptance) of a subject by his family or reference group, or rejection of him subject to the continuation of a certain behavior (rejection of behavior).


Loneliness is associated with rejection. The feeling is very individual. Some people accept loneliness with joy and relief, while others cannot remain alone for a long time.


Contempt is a feeling of superiority over another person, experiencing him as inferior, communication with whom is unworthy of the subject, humiliates him.


Sadness is a persistent state of sadness and can often be used to refer to mild grief or suppressed grief.

51. JOY

Joy is a vivid feeling of excitement from an excessively satisfying contact. Those are when a person received much more than he expected.


Irritation is a feeling of a slight feeling of anger that has not reached its climax.


Jealousy is a complex situation involving relationships between three people and many different combinations.


Confusion is an experience that occurs when two or more alternatives to choosing an object or behavior suddenly arise.


Disappointment is the experience of unfulfilled hopes.

56. FEAR

Fear is a special internal state of a person, caused by awareness of impending danger.


Anxiety is a vague, unclear fear, a fear that has no apparent basis for fear or panic.


Horror is the highest degree of fear, often causing a person to become numb.


Humiliation is the experience of a decrease in social status, or a refusal to confirm the status for which a person claims.

60. RAGE

Rage is the highest level of anger. In a state of rage, a person acts spontaneously, destructively and is rarely able to make adequate decisions.

From the editor:

You can learn more about the characteristics of basic human emotions by reading A. V. Smirnov’s “Dictionary of Feelings” (2011).


Letter B

It turned out to be difficult to choose two words from the many options.


Hopelessness is a state where frustration has reached its peak. A person feels a whole range of feelings: powerlessness, helplessness and deep sadness - this is severe mental pain and it is difficult to distinguish between individual emotions.

With helplessness, it is understood that it is not humanly possible to change the situation, but there is a chance for chance or fate to intervene. With hopelessness, all expectations for change are lost.

Therefore, in such a difficult situation, it is important to seek help. When one person doesn't see a way out, maybe another can find one. Or it will help you accept something that seems impossible to come to terms with.


Gratitude is one of the most pleasant emotions that arises towards a person in response to his good deeds or gifts; it is joy along with pleasure and an expression of gratitude to the person.

Gratitude strengthens any relationship when the balance between “taking and giving” is maintained. This wonderful power opens and enlivens the heart of the one who gives thanks and evokes reciprocal gratitude.

There is a recommendation in positive psychology: keep a gratitude diary. It helps you feel psychological comfort and satisfaction with life. At the end of the day, you need to write down who and what you can be grateful for today. It can be the simplest things: a sunny day, a delicious lunch, someone's smile.

When this is done regularly, you can pay attention to even unnoticed things around you and shift your focus to pleasant moments, which ultimately leads to a positive outlook and allows you to feel happier.

Feelings in a person's life


© walking photographer / Pexels

The sadness is that you will never know how the story will turn out.


A state of exhaustion caused by acts of senseless violence.


The desire to be a victim of a disaster - to survive a plane crash or to lose everything in a fire.


The tendency to refuse to talk about an experience because people are unable to understand it.


Frustration at how long it takes to get to know someone.


The feeling of returning home after an immersive trip, only to realize that it quickly fades from your consciousness.

Nodus Tollens

The realization that the scenario of your life no longer makes sense to you.


The frustration of being forced into one body that only occupies one place in time.

Imagine being in front of a flight departures screen at an airport, with strange names of places flashing on it, like people's passports, each representing something else you'll never see until you die, all because , as the arrows on the map indicate, you are here.


The desire to worry about various things as little as possible.

As we get older, we have to take on more and more responsibility. We want to loosen our grip on life so we can stop looking back every few steps.
At the same time, we want to play our own life like a volleyball, which we want to easily hold in the air with just a few touches.

Tired of the same problems you've always had, the same boring shortcomings and fears that have plagued you for years.


Awareness of the tinyness of your prospects.

How to describe how you feel?

I'm feeling... - I feel...

  • anxious – anxious, nervous

Covid and 2021 in general have made me so anxious about my health. I can't stop worrying. – Coronavirus and 2021 in general have made me so anxious. I can't stop worrying.

  • ashamed/embarrassed – shameful, awkward

Every time I go to bed I remember all the hurtful things I did and I feel so ashamed of my past self. – Every time I go to bed, I remember all the times I hurt someone, and I feel so ashamed of myself in the past.

  • depressed - depressed, terribly upset

Only after a few sessions with a therapist did I realize that I had been deeply depressed. – Only after several sessions with a psychologist did I realize that I was deeply depressed.

  • devastated – destroyed, devastated

I was devastated. This news just pulled the rug out from under me. – I was crushed. This news just knocked the rug out from under me.

  • distant – distant, aloof

You've been silent and distant lately. Has anything happened? “You’ve been kind of quiet lately.” And she moved away from me. Something happened?

  • empty – emotionally empty

This breakup left me so empty at first but now I'm fully recovered from it. “Immediately after this breakup, I felt so empty. But now I have fully recovered.

  • energetic - energetic

Swimming has completely changed my life. I'm much more energetic now! – Swimming has radically changed my life. I became so energetic!

  • joyful - joyful

I'm feeling so joyful after this conversation. We should talk more often! – I feel so joyful after our conversation. We should chat more often!

  • grateful - grateful

I found out that being grateful for what you have is the key to success. – I realized that being grateful for everything you have is the key to success.

  • passionate - passionate, passionate about what he does, passionate

I was so passionate about working in this company that I came to the office even before my first day just to see how things work there. – ​​I was so excited about working in this company that I came to the office even before my first day to see how everything worked there.

  • encouraged - inspired

I felt so encouraged to participate in this contest. Being a part of your team has always been a dream of mine. – I was so happy and inspired to take part in this competition. Becoming part of your team has always been my dream.

  • relieved - feel relieved

I'm so relieved you're not angry at me. I wasn't trying to hurt you. “It’s such a relief that you’re not mad at me.” I wasn't trying to offend you.

Dictionary of Positive Emotions

The coffee ran away, there was a stain on your dress, you got stuck in a traffic jam, you were late for a meeting... The day has not gone well since the very morning, and it seems that nothing good will happen. We offer ways from “a” to “z” on how to cheer yourself up.

A. Aromatic coffee. It almost acts like a drug. It’s good that law enforcement agencies do not regulate its circulation.

B. Blah blah blah (conversation with a friend). Talking it out is what you need now, sharing your sorrows; a friend will always cheer you up.

V. Jam. “Strawberry jam lifts our spirits. Instead of cabbage soup and semolina porridge, we will always eat it!” - is sung in a children's song. True words.

G. Horoscope. Positive forecasts set you in a positive mood and attract good luck.

D. Diary. Write without looking back, don't stop. Pour out all your suffering on paper.

E. Martial arts. Go in for sports and throw out the negativity in sparring or beat a punching bag to a pulp.

G. Pity (for yourself). This is not constructive. It is better to displace bad emotions with brighter ones. For example, take an extreme driving course. At the same time, you will deal with emergency situations on the road.

Z. Smell. Tireless British scientists have found that certain smells lift your spirits. You just need to know what to smell. Researchers insist on lemons, fresh bread and freshly laundered sheets.

I. Game. Remember the children's book "Polyanna" and play for joy. The rules are simple: in everything bad you need to find something good. Didn't make it to the meeting? But they were spared from this group nightmare.

J. Iodine and some other elements of the periodic table are needed by an organism weakened by stress.

K. Books. As Nadeja Jasminska says, “sometimes it’s very easy to be happy—you just have time to turn the pages.”

L. Love (for yourself). We have a lot of reasons to be happy: eye color, , a certain number of diplomas and certificates, a dozen cute skeletons in the closet...

M. Minus to minus. You may be surprised, but when we feel bad, we need to find someone who also needs help and support. Go to your old neighbor for tea, spend the day with the children from the orphanage. Their smiles of gratitude are real magic.

N. New hairstyle, or manicure, or massage, or cucumber mask. In any, even the most difficult, situation you need to remain beautiful.

A. You can find Olympic calm by doing art therapy. Without putting your hands, brushes and paints, paint whatever you want.

P. Travel. A change of scenery gives absolutely amazing experiences. And it doesn’t matter where you go: out of town for a picnic or to the ends of the world.

R. R-r-r (growl, roar, swear). By any means, pull yourself out of the swamp of despondency until you feel relief.

C. Event. Every day dozens of holidays are celebrated around the world. You can adopt a couple or create your own holiday dates: the twenty-fifth anniversary of the first kiss or Boxing Day for no reason.

T. Notebook. Write down everything that brings you joy (don't forget even the most trivial pleasures). In difficult moments, use the items from this list against a bad mood.

U. Unfortunately, we don’t always have to hope that someone will cheer us up. But we can do it ourselves. For example, on a rainy day, go outside in bright clothes with an umbrella of cheerful colors or release yellow and orange balloons into the sky - a symbol of the sun.

F. Flirting. Shoot with eyes, but take no prisoners. Feel beautiful, despite the unfortunate stain on your dress. Discovering that there was nothing to be upset about.

H. Hobby. Embroidery, knitting, skydiving or singing in the shower - all means are good in the fight for a positive mood.

C. Value. Appreciate every moment of your life and learn to enjoy the little things. If some trifle could ruin your mood, why can’t the same trifle lift it?

Ch. Man. Nothing calms you down like the touches and hugs of loved ones. Tactile contact with people dear to us - mother, loved one, child, friend - promotes the production of the hormone oxytocin, which reduces stress and anxiety. Sh. Pranks. The ability to retain a certain amount of childhood (where endorphins from eating chocolates usually accumulate) helps to easily endure “cloudy” days.

Click-click. Take photos of your loved ones whenever possible. And in moments of sadness, admire the photographs taken. By the way, photos of cats and pandas are already charged with the energy of positive emotions.

E. That's normal. This is the name of a well-known psychological technique. Repeat the phrase “This is normal” in the most unpleasant situations, which, of course, may not be normal at all. The world and we are not perfect, but this is not a reason to spoil your mood.

Yu. Humor. When your sense of humor and ability to laugh at an unpleasant situation fails, do not torment yourself, it is better to go to bed. Tomorrow will be a new day and a new phase in life. I am the happiest! Tell yourself this right now and smile at your reflection in the mirror. A smile suits everyone. Yes, just believe me.

E - on “e2” the reasons for joy are mostly unprintable. Also, the letters Y, ь and Ъ will not bring you a good mood. They are so “secret” that it is even difficult to hint at what they mean...

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